What is a hexagon jungler?

274: Operation Gap!

When the Kandi blind monk was about to make a move on his own blue BUFF.

Gu Xing left the bushes where he was, and took a step towards the blue zone of WE.

Then he jumped out suddenly, over the wall and pounced on the blue BUFF!

This move immediately detonated countless exclamations at the scene!

"Oh my god..." Ze Yuan couldn't close his mouth in surprise, "Can you actually jump over this?"

He looked carefully.

The grass where Gu Xing is hiding is far away from the blue buff, and it can be determined by naked eye observation that it has exceeded the limit range of the poodle's passive jumping.

But Gu Xing was able to jump onto the blue BUFF!

Zeyuan didn't have time to think about it, so he quickly stared at the screen, not wanting to give up every detail that happened in the canyon.

"Poodle Q [Cruel and Merciless] stabs forward and comes in front of Kandi, handing over all EW dual skills, triggering thunder to lower the blood volume of the blind monk!"

When Kandi saw the poodle suddenly appearing in his blue BUFF camp, he was shocked and at a loss for a while.

He didn't even want to understand how Gu Xing jumped over.

There is not much time left to think for yourself.

Kandi's warrior jungle knife has not yet been synthesized, but Gu Xing already has a big one.

There is not a small gap in the combat effectiveness of the two sides!

There is no way to fight head-on!

Kandi quickly kicked Gu Xing away, and waited for an opportunity to escape.

However Lee Sin's Ultra Kick has just been cast.

Rengar raised his head and let out a roar.

W [War Roar]!

Gu Xing's brutality value has been fully stacked, and War Roar can directly release the control!

The poodle was hit by a raptor's tail, and his figure barely moved!

"Brother Xing's hands are ridiculously fast!" Ze Yuanzhang yelled, "Kang Di is in trouble!"

The director's lens is given to the middle and lower lines.

The first time Xiye saw Gu Xing rushing into his blue BUFF camp, he went offline to the wild area.

But even if the grasshopper, whose flashing ult is cooling down, rushes to the battlefield, he can't save his teammates!

And Lulu, who was going down the road, was trotting all the way holding Dazui, but the two moved slowly, and it took 10 seconds to go to the wild area without talking!

Rengar's golden lion eyes shone with murderous intent.

Raise the claw blade in your hand, and cut down the blood volume of the blind monk with one slash!

Kandi ran away with his head in his arms, W [Golden Bell Cover] touched his eyes and wanted to distance himself.

"There is a bush next to the blue BUFF camp, brother Xing jumped forward again!"

The current version of the jungler is generally not fleshy, and there is no [Force of Time] to provide health.

This caused Kandi to face the powerful offensive of the poodle, unable to withstand the damage at all!

"Kandi handed in Blink in a panic, but Brother Xing still hasn't handed in his ultimate move!"

R [Hunting Rhythm] is turned on, and the poodle's restless heartbeat echoes in the ear like a drumbeat.

When the blind monk ran to the grasshopper, Rengar ruthlessly jumped on it.

The last Q [Cruel and Merciless] stabbed, clearing the blood bar of the blind monk!


Xiye's Malzaha watched Dajun die in front of him!

He flew into a rage.

All the skills on his body were thrown at Gu Xing's face.

But the disadvantages of grasshoppers are obvious.

In the case of losing R [Grasp of Hades], he does not have any ability to retain people.

Even if there is silence that prevents the opponent from casting spells, Gu Xing only needs to run to the middle with his head sullen and meet Kuro!

"Xiye can only let Brother Xing escape..." I remembered that I had a strong sense of substitution, and immediately blushed and said, "I'm aggrieved!"

Seeing the jungler die but being powerless, he felt insulted!

Xiye's steamed bun face was about the trend of publicization, and he was full of anger and had nowhere to vent, so he had to bite his nails twice to vent his anger.

Amidst the cheers of the audience, the director immediately replayed the battle when he saw the end of the battle.

Zeyuan was finally able to see again how Gu Xing jumped directly from the wall in the grass near the lower river on the red side to the blue area.

Still he couldn't figure it out.

"Is the poodle's passivity so outrageous now?" Ze Yuan muttered to himself.

Not only him, the bullet screen in the live broadcast room was full of scrolling question marks.

【Brother Xing is a god among gods! Another solo kill]

[Isn't there a hook? 】

[The distance is at least 800 yards, can a poodle jump so far? Don't lie to me if I play less! 】

[It can only be said that the designers are just a bunch of jerks, can they change the poodle to be so strong? 】

Remember to shine in your eyes.

Unlike Zeyuan, who mainly plays Eddie, he is currently hanging out in the jungle from time to time.

After the poodle was reworked, I remember playing a few games, and I have a certain understanding of the hero mechanism.

It was precisely because of this that he realized how exaggerated this scene was.

The old version of Rengar's passive jump distance was only 600 yards, but after the rework, this range has increased by a full 125 yards!

After the distance is extended, there are many places that could not be directly reached by passive jumping before, but now all of them can be achieved!

And the poodle's own unique mechanism allows him to jump the moment he leaves the grass.

Taking advantage of these two points, Gu Xing successfully completed a long-distance leap over 800 yards!

From the perspective of God, this scene is particularly incredible!

Jack, who was going down the road to replenish troops, cut the screen to see the whole process of Gu Xing crouching and assassinating Kandi, and immediately shouted excitedly.

"Old Gu, you have something, I really didn't know that a poodle can jump over here!"

Kuro is also making rainbow farts, "I'm tired of hurting Xiao Gu, the jungler on the opposite side is like a younger brother in front of you!"

Duan Deliang, who is usually introverted, echoed a few words.

Song Jinghao was busy laning on the road, and didn't see what kind of plane Gu Xing was doing, but the system notification sound of the solo kill result had already resounded through the canyon, and he also yelled a few times Nice passionately.

Gu Xing smiled very modestly.

"It's okay...we also stole this jumping point!"

It didn't take long for the poodle's passive range to change.

Except for the unique skill brother, it is difficult for even junglers to understand all the jumping positions that are meaningful for sneak attacks.

But it just so happens that one of the initial members of the Ionian Seven Wolves has a ready-made unique skill brother.

Little follower.

The resources are there, so Gu Xing naturally has no reason to waste them, so he often goes to ask for advice.

Although in terms of absolute strength, his top jungler in the professional arena is stronger than the live broadcaster.

But in terms of the poodle's proficiency alone, I don't know how much better than Gu Xing, who only plays a single hero every day!

This trick looks outrageous grass jumping, which he learned from his followers when he was young.

After a brief celebration, Gu Xing quickly turned his attention back to the arena.

"Ruixing get ready, let's go up after pushing the line!"

Relying on the large number of people, he and Kuro can easily push the central line of troops into the Xiye Tower and win a wave of roaming opportunities!

And Gu Xing's goal is to hit the road 957 who has been trained by him twice before!

Kuro repeatedly agreed, gave up the three ranged soldiers to Gu Xing, and moved up first.

After entering the upper river, he turned on R [Curved Path].

When Gu Xing arrived, he just got into the car.

The two teleported to the vicinity of the Red BUFF camp in Ueno District of WE.

There is a bursting cone here, with its complete movement, it passed the wall and successfully came to the grass behind the side of the first tower on WE!

"957 realizes that there are people behind, but it's too late for him to leave now!" Zeyuan's voice is loud and clear, "Qinggangying took the lead in opening the tower, hooking the rope to the wall and kicking in the face of Titan!"

Titan threw out the anchor Q [clear the channel] to interrupt it.

But the EW of Ryze in the rear fixed him in place, and 957 couldn't move for an instant!

Gu Xing's damage was unreserved, and it was all poured into Tai Tan's body!

Smeb finally used the unselectable state of the big move [Hex Ultimatum] to evade the hatred of the defense tower, still shouting, "The head gave me the ball!"

There was a battle between heaven and man in Gu Xing's heart, and finally he controlled the sharp claws that were about to move, and gave the head to his own order.

Kuro reprimanded with a stern face, "Song Jinghao, why are you so ignorant? Gu Gu came all the way here, so he must be charged for his hard work?"

To make sure Smeb can understand, he specially used Korean.

Song Jinghao doesn't care about it now, and has completely entered the state of shark madness. He can't wait to get everyone's head and let the other party taste the pain of preselecting Thain in front of him!

Otherwise, in the future, if anyone dares to ride on top of his head, how can he be a big brother in the future?

But it is true that some compensation should be given to the teammates, so that Gu Xing can taste the sweetness, so that he can come on the road more often in the future.

"One blood tower!" Smeb marked the turret with half of the remaining blood, and said in a very generous tone, "Everyone share!"

Compared to VG, which is already struggling with resource allocation issues.

What WE faces is the difficulty of how to make a comeback next.

957's elegant and easy-going fair face was full of displeasure.

After the opponent succeeded the first two times, he made it clear that he wanted to use himself as a cash machine!

He was naturally not in a good mood after being trained in the military in turn.

With three heads, one blood tower, and a large number of Bin Xuan's leads, Smeb Qinggangying's economic advantage over him is close to 2,000 gold coins!

Kandy's demeanor was somewhat muddled.

Just now in the lower half of the area, Gu Xing came to a wave of outrageous solo kills, and di was running all the way in the direction of unconsciousness.

My brain is like a mess, and I have no idea how to implement my follow-up strategy.

Players are not AI, so being beaten twice in a row will inevitably doubt their own abilities and produce a series of negative emotions.

Fortunately, Xiye was able to carry the banner.

"Let's go to the bottom lane, change to the next tower on the opposite side, and get a little dragon by the way!"

WE's tactical strategy is to keep the top and support the bottom.

Now it is no longer feasible to guarantee the order, and we can only let 957 to fend for itself.

Then Mystic's big mouth must be raised.

This is the absolute core of the WE team battle lineup.

The helpless Kandi obeyed Xiye's words, and hurriedly moved down with his mid laner who had pushed the line.

"But WE's mid-field action was a step too late. The VG duo retreated to a safe position and returned to the city, ready to start the lane change period!"

Zeyuan said loudly, "All they can earn is a defensive tower. Fortunately, there is an earth dragon, otherwise WE will lose money and explode!"

Remember to add next to it, "Jack's big move is thrown towards Xiaolongkeng...does he still want to snatch it?"

Having said that, he showed doubts, "But the calculation of the blood volume is too bad!"

It wasn't long before Candi helped push down the tower.

The WE duo is still cleaning up the pawn line in the bottom lane. Without the damage of Dazui Lulu, it is obvious that the middle and field alone will not finish the earth dragon at such a fast speed.

This information is exposed in the VG field of view.

So remember being baffled by Jack's actions.

Logically speaking, if Ezreal wants to grab the earth dragon, it is impossible to cast R [Precise Barrage] at this time!

The director gave Golden Crescent Comes Waves, the world focused on your treatment, and followed it all the way to Xiaolongkeng.

Sweeping over the body of the earth dragon, by the way also lowered the blood volume of WE Nakano.

The next moment, the screen cut to the road!

"Eh?" Zeyuan realized something was wrong, "VG Ueno and Ueno have pushed a tower and haven't retreated yet!"

After Qing Gangying and Shigou cleaned up the pawn line, they crouched in the self-closing grass in front of the second tower on WE, and put a real eye under their feet to ensure that there is no enemy's vision here.

Zeyuan, who stood in the perspective of God, finally understood VG's strategy.

"Jack, he doesn't want to grab the dragon, but to determine the position of WE's middle field!" He couldn't help raising his voice.

The middle field position is locked, and the bottom duo is clearly exposed in the field of vision.

"Only 957 is alone in the upper half of WE!"

Because WE's action on the bottom lane was too late, when the Titan was resurrected, the next tower had not yet been destroyed.

At this time, Smeb has already pushed the top pawn line over, and there is no reason for 957 not to defend the second tower, and to rub some pawn lines by the way.

And Gu Xingka's is this time difference!

He's going to squat Titan again!

I remember watching Tai Tan step by step towards the second tower, feeling anxious in my heart, "957 run!"

The WE fans in the audience were also anxious, screaming from their throats, wanting to remind 957 to leave quickly.

It's a pity that the players couldn't hear what the commentary and the audience were shouting.

After 957 came to the tower, he immediately started to clear the line of soldiers, and handed over E [Undercurrent Surge] to make up for the remaining blood soldiers.

The moment he handed over his E skill, the system notification that WE Nakano took down Xiaolong echoed in the canyon.

In the next second, the VG Ueno duo in the autistic grass officially attacked.

Gu Xing's poodle jumped over to fight the tower first, and put a lasso on Tai Tan to slow him down.

Then Smeb hit the wall next to the autistic grass, and the second wall kicked back to 957!

Titan also wants to interrupt with Q [clear the channel].

But Gu Xing was very insidious, and kept his position in front of 957 - so that even if the titan took the hook, he would not hit Qinggangying!

After Qinggang Shadow Wall returned to stun Titan, Gu Xing just handed over Q [Cruel and Ruthless], stabbed forward for a certain distance, and came behind 957!

"Brother Xing's card position is absolutely perfect!" Ze Yuan couldn't help but admire again and again, "957 is even difficult to escape now!"

The poodle's move to firmly seal the back of Titan made 957 feel ashamed.

He knew that it would be difficult for him to survive the back and forth attacks of VG Ueno.

After being killed three times in a row, the only thing on Titan's body was the cloth armor shoes, the red crystal, and the initial corruption potion.

The equipment is simply poor to the extreme!

Under the fierce offensive of the two VGs, the Titans are almost like paper!

"957 gave up escaping and chose to clean up the minions under the second tower... Smeb took the head again!" I remember shaking my head, "In just over ten minutes, Qinggangying came to 4/0, what should WE do?"

Zeyuan's evaluation was very pertinent, "The top laner laning can't go on at all. Unless Smeb sends a few waves in a row, he can use his face to output unscrupulously for the rest of the game!"

If it weren't for 957's usual self-cultivation, and he was in the professional arena again, he would have died a long time ago.

For the rest of the players, who were targeted several times in a row for 10 minutes, their mentality may have already collapsed and they started to play badly. If their teammates don’t come to help, they dare to die to show them.

Now 957 has no choice but to hold back his breath, wanting to drag his petty development until the team battle period, relying on Titan's lock advantage to gain an advantage for the team and turn defeat into victory!

But with such a big disadvantage, it is not that he can succeed if he wants to delay.

Everything is Smeb's business.

After the start of the line transfer period, it was only with the power of three phases and Tiamat's blue steel shadow that 957 realized what fear is.

"Smeb brought the line of troops to the bottom tower, directly blatantly trying to jump the tower to consume!"

Basic attack and Q [Precise Etiquette] hit the Titan, first hit a wave of three-phase burst.

When 957 also used a general attack to catch him and set him under the tower, Smeb didn't panic at all, and returned with a W tactical sweep.

The triggered passive adaptive shield helps cancel out all the Titan's magic damage.

Only the output of the turret can threaten him.

After Smeb regained his freedom, he first handed over his E skill to the outer wall of the tower.

Before the hook line hit the wall, he surrendered another ace pull!

The three-phase power that had been cooled down took effect again, and the real damage directly reduced the Titan's blood volume to only half!

957 wanted to fight back, but Smeb had already returned out of range with the hook and the second wall!

At the same time, there was thunderous applause from the audience!

"This exchange of blood is simply picturesque!" Ze Yuan sighed in admiration, "Qinggangying only resisted two towers in the whole process, and lost only 1/4 of his blood volume, while 957 relied on the shield of [Courage of the Colossus], and his life value was all the same. Lost half of it!"

"If 957 still stays under the tower, when Qing Gangying's next set of skills improves, it is very likely that he will be greeted by a solo tower jump!"

Beads of sweat dripped from 957's forehead.

The whole person was almost overwhelmed with tension.

Facing the aggressive Smeb, he had no choice but to save his life, retreat to the rear and return to the city to replenish his blood.

For this reason, what 957 has to give up is a large wave of troops under the tower!

"Can you put some pressure on the middle lane?" 957 finally couldn't help but said, "Don't let Qing Gangying play like this!"

He also holds the upper hand in the last game, so he can't be so rampant.

Why can Smeb?

957 felt extremely aggrieved.

People are more popular than people!

"We're working hard, but Ruiz on the other side is too disgusting!" Xi Ye said in a hurry.

Because the two sides had swapped the upper and lower defensive towers before, and Smeb's Qinggang Shadow was developed really well.

So the transition period directly transitions to the final stage.

Lulu led Dazui to occupy the center line, and wanted to let the dominant duo take the line.

It can put pressure on the bottom lane in disguise.

Song Jinghao couldn't play the single belt as he wanted because of re-engraving the VG on the previous version.

But the team's pawn line operation gap is too big!

Kuro, who occupies the top lane, is now double E plus Q [overload] to clean up the pawn line, and then immediately disappear on the line.

Instead, he put pressure on the WE duo in the middle.

WE has previously seen the horror of VG's use of poodle + Ryze in the middle and wild.

Double big moves, directly send Rengar who has entered the hunting state to the opponent's face!

Therefore, my brother-in-law did not dare to push too far, for fear of being caught by Kuro and Gu Xing.

Xiye wanted to push the tower.

But he is also afraid.

The last tower of my house has been destroyed.

If Xiye's line is too deep, threaten the enemy to go up a tower.

Gu Xing might drive the car over to find him!

At that time, Malzaha's short legs will only have a dead end!

VG passed the upper belt, and then used the deadlocked line right in the middle to ensure the single advance of Smeb in the bottom lane!

The duo with WE's advantage couldn't expand the snowball to other lanes at all, and they were all terrified!

This is the operational gap!

"We must catch the poodle's movement!" Kandi also slowly adjusted after the decadence, and now he is actively thinking about countermeasures, "As long as I can see the opposite jungler's position, I dare to take the rhythm!"

It's easy to say.

But if you think about it carefully, WE's lineup is really difficult to do.

Needless to say, the Titan in the bottom lane couldn't get out of the lane, and 957 didn't even dare to enter the wild area. If Qing Gangying caught him, he would die.

The same is true for jungler Kandy.

Gu Xing's solo kill in WE Blue BUFF directly changed the situation in the field!

He didn't dare to enter the wild area, the threat of the poodle was too scary.

Xiye, who was on the road, had limited eyesight, and was on the sidewalk, so it was inconvenient to spread out his eyesight.

For the rest of the duo, Lulu, as a soft assistant, can't do the eyeball alone, and her body is too fragile, which can easily cause the assistant to do the eyeshadowing and has yet to return.

You have to pull your big mouth to walk together, the target is too conspicuous, Gu Xing avoids its possible eye position to ensure that he will not be discovered!

How to find the poodle in the wild area has become a problem that WE needs to solve urgently!

"The upper and middle lanes are at a stalemate. Brother Xing squats in the jungle and doesn't show his face easily. Smeb in the bottom lane can play solo!"

Accompanied by Zeyuan's sonorous and powerful commentary, the next tower of WE collapsed!

"Keep going, no one can care about Qinggangying!" I remember frowning.

At this point, compared with the previous game, anyone with a discerning eye can detect the operational gap between the two teams that is visible to the naked eye.

WE's single belt can't be played at all.

On the other hand, VG is just short of letting Smeb take the lead!

"WE seems to be losing their composure, Kandi goes to the road to cooperate with Xiye and wants to attack Kuro again!"

Kuro is an old wretch.

After coming to LPL for three months, everyone generally treats him as a persimmon, and they come to arrest him when they have nothing to do.

Mainly because of Kuro's too strong spirit of sacrifice, during the laning phase, he frequently gave up the line of troops to the jungler and unconditionally supported his teammates, which often made him fall behind in the matchup equipment.

The other is the inherent impression.

The personal strength of top laner Smeb and jungler Gu Xing is too strong.

There are two people in the bottom lane, and the current version is all soft assistants, with few control skills. As long as you have enough summoner skills, it is difficult to grasp in theory.

In contrast, mid laner Kuro does seem to be the better way to break through.

"Xi Ye flashed forward, R [Grasp of Hades] held Ryze, Kandi cut in from the side, and sent Kuro away with a smooth combo!"

It was originally good news.

But WE fans couldn't laugh at all.

From the perspective of watching the game, they can control more information than the players on the field.

When the blind monk showed up on the road, the poodle had already activated his ultimate move.

It's just that Gu Xing's goal this time is not to go down the road.

But in the middle!

The logo of the golden lion pupil appeared above the heads of the WE duo.

Zero hastily pulled his big mouth and retreated.

But he was worried that the other party would make a move, so he had to keep W [wonderful idea].

In this way, Lulu Dazui's four short legs couldn't run fast at all!

"Brother Xing relied on acceleration to get close to him quickly, and bit Dazui on him!"

Remember to start to increase the speed of speech step by step, "Zero gave a big move when the poodle jumped on the brother-in-law's face... Brother Xing made an eye in the back, and the teleportation light turned on!"

"It's Smeb's Qing Gang Ying! VG wants to come out with a wave of four packs and two packs!"

As soon as 957 returned to the second tower, before he had time to make up the knife, he saw that his teammate in the middle lane was in trouble.

Without saying a word, he immediately handed over the teleportation aid!

However, the next moment, Qinggangying canceled the teleportation!

Now it's 957's turn to ride the tiger!

Is he going to land or not?

As long as you go to the middle, the next tower is destined to be flattened by Smeb.

Qinggangying's tower-destroying ability is not as good as Man Yixin's tower-stealing trio, but it's definitely not bad either!

If you don't go, your teammates might really die!

957 has not been canceled for the time being.

As long as 4.5 seconds of guidance time, he still wants to observe the battle situation again.

"Prince Duan's Bron flashes forward, W [step forward] comes to the side of the poodle, and directly smashes the basic attack on Da Zui!"

Mystic flashed and ran back.

But unable to avoid the general attack, Bron's passive still hangs on him.

"Zero gave the sheep-changing technique, and Brother Xi's brutal W came in handy again, directly release the control and continue output!"

Casting a Brutal skill also grants an additional movement speed bonus.

Gu Xing chased and slashed all the way.

In the end, a knife flashed to passively stack Braum, stunned Big Mouth in place!

"Prince Duan's big move supplements control, knocking my brother-in-law into the air!"

Zero knew that the pet was going to die, so he had to fly separately in the face of disaster, flashing over the wall to his own raptor camp.

Even with the shield given by Lulu on Da Zui's body, he couldn't withstand the poodle's damage!

Just when Gu Xing was about to accept the head.

A golden crescent suddenly shot from behind!

Precise barrage!

EZ's big move clears Dazui's health!

"WDNMD!" Gu Xing subconsciously shouted, turning his head to look at Yu Wenbo, his tone very dissatisfied, "Oh... what are you doing?"

"My buddy just wanted to get an assist," Jack was also very wronged, "I really didn't think about K at this end!"

He plays unselfishly most of the time.

Yu Wenbo couldn't do such a thing that he knew he was under pressure but still had to knuckle.

Gu Xing also knew that there was a high probability that Jack didn't do it on purpose, and he couldn't say anything, so he could only comfort himself by sharing assists with multiple people and maximizing the team's economy.

However, the scene where he crossed Kuro's sideways eyes at Jack just now was still recorded by the camera.

The director also specially gave a replay, which caused the audience to laugh again and again.

"957 didn't teleport to the ground in the end, he continued to defend Smeb in the lower tower, and VG went to the field to demolish the WE middle tower!"

If the titan comes down, it is impossible to defend the middle tower if he joins forces with a Lulu who is not big or flashing.

In this case, it is better to make an exchange and let WE Nakano remove the upper tower of VG.

"If you change it like this, WE will lose money!" I remember feeling sad, "The value of the middle tower is obviously higher than that of the side tower, and it also sacrificed the life of the team's core Dazui!"

In his opinion, killing Kuro once is nothing.

Ryze was not the strategic focus of VG.

But if the development of Dazui is poor, the power of WE grouping will drop significantly!

"And there is another point," Zeyuan put forward his point of view, "957 has used the teleporter, and for the next few minutes, he can only stay in the bottom lane and play single tape with Smeb!"

Before the teleportation improves, Titan simply does not have the ability to support the rest of his teammates!

As long as he dares to rush to the battlefield on foot, Smeb can directly lead him all the way to the high ground!

"VG played a good move!" Zeyuan was filled with emotion, "Brother Xing's move is really ruthless, and Xiye's big flash move has already been handed in. WE doesn't have the double team of Titan and Grasshopper, and it is impossible to fight in the frontal battle. Put pressure on VG!"

This is Gu Xing's real intention.

He tried his best to create space for Qing Gangying's single belt on the side!

Next, is the best time to torture WE!

-----Off Topic-----

There are about half a chapter left in this set, the main reason is that I watched too few games yesterday, otherwise I should finish this set today.

7100 words, 20.28W

Find the status and update the 4D tomorrow.

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