What is a hexagon jungler?

284: Operation details at the crushing level!

Xiangguo has no knowledge of VG's upcoming plan.

He stuck to the wall of Dalongkeng and broke into the opponent's red zone.

The nearby exploding cones will not be refreshed until around six minutes. It is too early to eat the fruit.

Originally, the poodle can also jump directly over the wall to the stone beetle camp from the grass next to the red zone.

But Gu Xing didn't know why, and pulled the wild monster out, just outside the passive jumping range of the poodle.

Xiangguo had no choice but to circle around and walk directly to the stone beetle camp, ready to act as a cruel supervisor.

He planned to harass Gu Xing while he continued to swipe wild, to disgust him to death.

Follow the trail so the trolls can't find any rhythm!

If you want to drag the incense pot, drag it hard.

Wait until the teammate's equipment takes shape in the mid-term, and then rely on RNG's team fighting skills to win a victory from VG!

However, to his surprise.

When you appear in the field of vision of the troll.

Gu Xing's first reaction was not to pull away in a hurry, but to chase after him with a big stick!

The incense pot was stunned for a moment.

Is not, where is the problem?

Shouldn't I be chasing you?

Why did our roles switch? !

At this moment, he finally realized that something was wrong.

Just now Gu Xing pulled the stone beetle out of the camp.

Now the troll is chasing him and leaving the wild monster's attack range directly.

The stone beetle entered a state of out-of-combat, and its patience value dropped rapidly.

Until they quickly recover their blood volume, they quickly leave the troll and return to their camp.

So far, Xiangguo's plan has completely failed!

In his conception, he should take advantage of the opportunity when the opponent is clearing the jungle and play a set of output first.

With the cooperation of wild monsters, Liu Shiyu can form a short-term attack with more hits, successfully reducing the troll's health.

In this way, even after the troll pulls away the hatred of wild monsters or cleans up the camp, he still has the advantage in blood volume!

At that time, Gu Xing can only be chased and beaten by him!

This is how the Shangpan incense pot is played.

But now, the troll deliberately made a design to keep himself on the edge of the range of wild monster hatred.

Now it is even easier to pull the stone beetle away, turning the situation into a 1v1 conflict between the two junglers!

"It's broken..." Xiangguo felt a chill in his heart.

How does your own poodle fight the troll?

Originally, the hero's fighting ability has certain disadvantages.

What's more, Gu Xing still has the economy provided by first-blood assists, and the equipment has a certain leading edge!

In the case that the difference in blood volume between the two sides is not big, Xiangguo's heads-up odds are infinitely close to zero!

The troll turns on W [Frozen Field] to increase the movement speed and keep getting closer to the poodle!

The meeting between the two junglers made the commentator's tone a little nervous.

"Xiang Guo threw a lasso to try to slow down brother, but the effect is negligible!"

The poodle lasso lasts only 1.75 seconds, and the deceleration effect is only 30%!

And the total duration of the troll's frozen field is 8 seconds!

During these 8 seconds, as long as Gu Xing stepped on the field, his movement speed would increase!

Seeing that the troll was about to come in front of him, Xiangguo began to think about the escape route in desperation.

Exploding cones in the VG red zone still haven't spawned.

The only wild monsters around were stone beetles, and the family had returned to the camp to recuperate after being out of attack.

When he came to the grass next to the Red BUFF camp, he could jump over the wall and throw off the troll!

Xiangguo thought about the escape route, acted immediately, and handed over the Q skill to make a small displacement.

"The troll has already stuck to the face of the poodle, and swung a stick to hit the opponent's head!"

Amid the anxious voice that I remember, Gu Xing's simple AQA three times reduced the poodle's blood volume by a large margin!

Xiangguo didn't care.

As long as he can jump over the wall with the help of the stone beetle, the trolls who don't flash can't catch up to him no matter what!

The loss of blood is nothing at all!

But at the moment when he was about to step into the grass.

A thunderbolt descended from the sky, hitting the boulder beetle right on the spot!

The enraged family of wild monsters attacked again, wanting to find out who offended their sweet dreams.

The incense pot people are stupid.

The memory on the commentary stand reacted immediately.

"The stone beetle was led out of the camp by Brother Xing with punishment, and now the incense pot can't find a place to jump!"

Wall smite is difficult to complete in most camps.

But the stone beetle camp is undoubtedly an exception.

Xiang Guo immediately realized that the problem was a bit serious.

The wild monsters will not return to the camp leisurely until the hatred value disappears.

The whole process takes at least seven or eight seconds!

If the incense pot stayed in the grass during this time, Gu Xing would probably knock it back into the spring with a big stick!

He could only give up the idea of ​​using the stone beetle as a springboard to escape.

After cooling down, Q [Cruel and Merciless] hit the troll and rushed forward again, calling people in the voice midway.

"Teammates, teammates, save me!"

Letme has been paying attention to the situation in the wild area after pushing the pawn line to the VG tower.

Seeing that Xiangguo, who was about to play the tail game, was entangled by Gu Xing, he was surprised and did not forget to go to help.

Now Yan Junze has passed through the triangular grass and is about to arrive at the battlefield.

"Can kill trolls, he didn't dodge!"

Xiangguo shouted loudly, and handed over W [War Roaring Filial Piety] to restore the blood volume to full of brutality, and the E lasso successfully imprisoned the troll in place.

His eyes were firmly locked on Trundle, wanting to get rid of it and then hurry up.

Letme doesn't really want to fight, but just wants to come over to meet his teammates.

But since the people in the team had said everything, he had no choice but to do it.

The hook line was attached to the jungle wall, ready to kill the immobile troll.

However, when the hook rope pulled Qinggang Ying towards the wall.

An Optimus Prime drilled out of the ground, directly breaking Letme's displacement!

Not only that.

Surviving him, he got stuck between the wall and the icicles.

Now it's Letme's turn to be immobile!

Yan Junze frowned, and frantically clicked the mouse on the floor, trying to get out of the narrow gap.

But Qinggangying kept turning back and forth, left and right, but his body still couldn't get out of trouble!

There were screams in the venue one after another, and the audience was obviously surprised by the effect of the icicles!

"What kind of operation is this?!" Doll yelled in surprise on the spot, "Letme's hero model is actually stuck!"

I remember that he explained the situation like a cannonball, "The troll is in excellent condition, he recovered from the state of confinement, and continued to beat the poodle!"

"The HP gap between the two junglers is getting bigger and bigger!"

The pilot shot is slightly offset upwards.

"Smeb has cleared the line of troops under the tower, and is on his way!"

Gu Xing procrastinated in the wild for a long time.

Song Jinghao successfully cleared the army line and raised it to level 5, so he hurried to the battlefield to help.

Q [Breakthrough Slash] Pass through the wall and hit the opening on Qing Gangying's body.

Letme triggers an automatic attack, and turning around A Sword Girl triggers an adaptive shield.

"Smeb didn't care about the Qinggang shadow by the wall, but went straight to the poodle aggressively!"

Song Jinghao is very smart.

Qing Gangying's blood volume is almost full now, and with the blessing of a shield, it is obviously unrealistic to kill him.

In contrast, the poodle is an easier target.

He used Qinggang Shadow as a springboard, and with the help of the increased movement speed obtained by breaking the flaws, he quickly approached the opponent to send out a fencing invitation!

"The mid laners on both sides are also approaching the battlefield... the upper half of the canyon is in chaos!"

Since the middle lane has not been patronized by the jungler since the beginning of the game.

Therefore, the line weight depends entirely on the line-up ability of both sides.

Syndra vs. Lulu is almost a level contest.

Ball girl's explosive ability is strong, but Lulu is not weak, and the ability to exchange blood under the blessing of Thunder is one of the best.

It is difficult to distinguish between Kuro and Xiaohu.

But the battlefield is after all a VG wild area, so Li Ruixing will naturally rush there first.

Xiangguo finally thought of quitting.

After Qinggangying's hook rope got stuck, RNG had lost all the conditions to kill Gu Xing.

If they drag it on, they will definitely lose!

Against Jian Ji's stabbing, the incense pot flashed over the wall and entered the dragon pit.

"But Smeb's next Q has turned for the better, he followed up the dragon pit and kept chasing after him!"

Poodle WE's recovery and control skills are on cooldown.

Xiangguo was in a hurry.

At present, only Lulu can save her!

He just wanted to meet Xiaohu.

I saw a golden light flashing.

Syndra handed over her flash, and played stickers with Lulu face to face!

What followed was E [The Weak Retreat]!

The surging dark power pushed Lulu out, and then a dark magic ball emerged from the ground!

EQ two consecutive!

After the knockback effect of the weak retreating, it was a powerful stun that lasted for 1.5 seconds!

"Beautiful!" I remember shouting excitedly immediately, "Kuro flashed EQ to prevent Lulu from providing shelter for the poodle!"

Li Yuanhao had pressed his fingers on the flashing button just now.

But before he could press it out, the whole person was stunned in place.

Kuro's combo is ridiculously fast!

What's more, Xiaohu's attention was mostly on Xiangguo with residual blood, and he didn't expect the other party, Syndra, to be so decisive!

"Jian Ji's last A-to-E killing streak successfully emptied the health bar of the incense pot!" I remember just wanting to take a breath, but saw the director's camera focus on Qing Gangying again, and hurriedly followed up to add, "Letme seems Also in a dilemma!"

Jian Ji has already left the Dragon Pit by virtue of the acceleration effect after attacking the flaw, and is circling upwards, preparing to seal Qing Gang Ying's retreat, and together with Gu Xing's troll, surrounded Letme in a double-sided manner!

Yan Junze panicked.

Gu Xing's pillar is really too evil.

It is unrealistic to escape without displacement skills, you can only wait for the icicles to disappear!

And the troll's icicle lasts up to 6 seconds!

It is foreseeable that when the icicles disappear, VG will complete the encirclement!

Yan Junze was forced to have no choice but to hand over the flash and enter the dragon pit to escape, and he survived.

"Stealing chickens from Xiangguo won't cost you money, but this wave of hunger strikes has actually killed you!" Waowa concluded in a loud voice, "Handing over the flash will eventually lead to death!"

"I have to say, Brother Xing's operations are extremely detailed!"

The director quickly played back.

Remember that you can't wait to repeat the details of Gu Xing's entire operation.

"First, pull the stone beetle to the limit of the hatred value, so that the poodle can't jump directly in front of him..." He suddenly realized when he said this, "Brother Xing wanted to lure the enemy in, and deliberately tricked the incense pot into killing him!"

Remember to be able to see a lot of information that was missed during the live broadcast from the playback, and then analyze the player's operating intentions.

"After seeing the poodle appear, Brother Xing immediately threw off the wild monsters and started a one-on-one fight. After gaining the advantage, he used the punishment wall to pull the stone beetle out, so that Xiangguo could not use the grass to jump over the wall!"

"In the end, I directly used the icicle to interrupt Qing Gangying's displacement, and firmly stuck the opponent!"

I remember being filled with emotion, "This troll has really played tricks!"

Just repeating Gu Xing's operation, feels like a powerful and unconstrained style.

He didn't know how the other party handled all the details to the extreme without any negligence.

There is no doubt that the mastery of the wild area and the hero itself is extremely demanding!

In the live broadcast room, the words "彳 Yu" were written all over the screen, praising Gu Xing in a unique way.

[Oh, really awesome, there are such pillars? 】

[Think about Little Peanut who was stuck in an icicle last year and doubted his life, Brother Xing, this troll has a bit of program effect]

[It's so delicate, Xiangguo is probably going to be dizzy now! 】

[Brother Xing’s hero pool is really top-middle-top, you don’t need trolls for half a year, you can carry it out]

"Nice!" Gu Xing smiled complacently, "Well done, brothers!"

Song Jinghao got the head, and under him was the booty that was looted from the poodle - the blue BUFF, and now he was beaming.

"Sales Gu, your operation is absolutely perfect!"

Kuro also joined the army of asking for credit, "How can I hang or not? It's very important to push Lulu dizzy, isn't it?"

"Niu Niu Niu, it's too spicy!" Gu Xing wanted to give him a thumbs up.

In this encirclement and suppression battle, the three of Ue Nakano are indispensable.

If you let Xiaohu flash to get close to the incense pot, give a shield and supplement it with sheep or slow down to control Smeb.

The consequences could be disastrous!

Remember to hold the same opinion.

"It can only be said that the integration of the two new players in VG is getting better and better," he did not forget to give a high evaluation. "Now the cooperation between the players is getting more and more tacit, and the upper limit of the lineup can also be brought into full play!"

There are no self-centered unibi and autistic kids in the VG team.

Tactics run in quite quickly.

Previously, it was because of language communication problems that the integration progress of Korean aid was slowed down.

Now, as the two become more fluent in Chinese, the communication in the game has become more frequent, and the upper limit of the team has risen visibly to the naked eye.

The director screen paused for a while on the smiling VG players, then switched to the RNG player seats.

Xiangguo's face was flushed with anger, and his irritability could be seen through the camera.

He knew that Gu Xing was very strong.

In terms of personal strength alone, I don't know how much higher than myself.

But I didn't expect it to be so strong!

Are you still human?

Xiang Guo recalled the feeling of powerlessness when he occasionally encountered top Korean teams in training games in previous years.

It's exactly the same as now!

The opponent can always use unimaginable operations and ideas to crush himself ruthlessly!

I don't feel like a player of the same level at all...

It's as if the king of the game is running to play the diamond trumpet, the opponent's operation is very easy, and all kinds of outrageous operations are easy to come by.

The operating level of the incense pot is not bad, it can even be said to be quite strong.

After all, he was also a wild core player before, and he is currently considered a top jungler in the LPL league.

However, looking at the major leagues around the world, it is inevitable that it is not enough.

He couldn't even beat Xiao Hei, the youth version limited to S6, let alone the three wild kings who ruled the World Championship.

Gu Xing, Jankos, and Peanut, one of them is an operation monster!

Their operational talents have almost reached the ceiling level, and there is a fault gap with other current junglers!

When the strength leads to a certain level, it is easy to have misjudgments and cognitive gaps.

Xiangguo thought that this wave of him entering the VG wild area would be able to fight casually.

But in Gu Xing's view, if Liu Shiyu dared to come in, he was giving away his head!

"Really..." Letme muttered to himself.

He was still a little unconscious.

Gu Xingyizhu was dizzy and at a loss for Yan Junze.

Xiaohu saw that the mentality of his teammates in the wild was a little bit broken, and he still offered to calm his emotions.

"Liu Shiyu, you swiped to level six and hit it directly. Syndra didn't dodge, so we will kill you two!"

After listening to his teammates' suggestions, Xiangguo knew that this was the most reasonable choice, so he agreed in a muffled voice.

This death didn't cost him much experience.

The stone beetle near his home was still intact.

Liu Shiyu can use the experience catch-up mechanism to grab 300 experience points to make up for his losses.

But what he didn't know was.

The whole process of stepping into the RNG stone beetle camp was under the supervision of VG.

In the short section, Bron just saw his teammates fighting fiercely in the upper half, and they were also moving up the river.

But in the middle of the journey, I found that the outcome of the battle had been divided, and I was annoyed that my wandering consciousness was still not outstanding.

He planned to do something with the mentality of 'everyone is here'.

In the end, Duan Deliang placed eye positions on both the stone beetle and the raptor in the lower half of RNG to see the trend of Xiangguo.

Now comes in handy!

Gu Xing took advantage of the gap, crossed the river neatly, and headed for the opponent's F6 camp.

"Come here, Ruixing, I'll give you all these birds!"

He was very sympathetic, and used a giant stick to clean up the big bird, and planned to give up the remaining small birds to his teammates.

It's not realistic either.

Gu Xing didn't make Tiamat in this dish, but directly added [Bambi's Slag] for functionality.

Area damage is still a little less.

If you can't deal with all the wild monsters before the incense pot arrives, then things will be troublesome.

Kuro didn't expect such a good thing.

He has always been the one who makes others economical, but today the two poles are reversed?

As he moved towards the Raptor camp, he still modestly shied away, "Five? This isn't going to work..."

That being said, the Kuro doesn't have a lake at all in its hands.

Facing the keyboard, all three skills of QWE were released, and the Raptor camp was cleaned up!

When the stone beetle came to F6 after the incense pot was brushed, it only saw an empty camp!

Liu Shiyu's seven orifices produce smoke.

"I can't stop him..." Li Yuanhao's tone was full of apology.

The impact of the melee in the upper half has not yet disappeared.

Although Xiaohu had a flash lead in the matchup.

But Kuro's EQ second company really hit Lulu at that time, cutting down a lot of life points!

At the point when both mid laners are about to reach level six, he must be cautious.

In case Kuro suddenly rises to level 6 and fills a set of damage first, it is very likely to kill himself directly!

It was with a steady mind that Xiaohu gave up the right to the middle lane.

Kuro was able to enter the RNG wild area unscrupulously to steal wild!

Xiangguo presses the scoreboard and finds that the mid laner on the opposite side has 5 extra hits out of thin air, so he guesses that Syndra is the main force in the counter-jungle.

This made Xiangguo firm in his determination to be promoted to level six.

But problems lie ahead.

After losing the Raptor, his level-up speed will definitely be affected!

If the level cannot keep up with the average level, it means that the hunger strike flow has completely failed!

He is really going to be forced to start another form of hunger strike like last year's Wild King of the Optimistic Team!

Thinking of this, Xiangguo finally figured out how VG should deal with its hunger strike style in this game.

First trick yourself into the VG wild area, and then kill yourself with powerful coordination and operation ability to break a wave of rhythm; then counter-attack the stone beetle or razor-beaked bird to maximize the efficiency of his level-up!

The two-step plan was all successful.

Xiangguo has to admire VG's execution.

However, the opponent's strong response aroused Liu Shiyu's desire to win.

He desperately wanted to win the game.

Until 8 minutes and 17 seconds.

After Xiangguo helped Lulu get the blue BUFF, he went to wipe out the magic marsh frog by himself, and finally rose to level six.

He went to the middle without stopping, and turned on R [Hunting Rhythm] on the way.

Pretend to move forward, avoid Kuro's fake eyes on the upper river, and pounce on Syndra!

I remember seeing this scene, the voice suddenly became passionate and powerful.

"Lulu gave R [Wild Wild Growth] to help the poodle knock the opponent into the air, giving further control!"

The next moment is the sheep-changing technique.

Then there is E [Lasso Strike] with the full poodle's brutal value.

Kuro is controlled one after another and has no free movement ability for up to 5 seconds!

"Lulu took the head off with the last shot of the shining spear!"

As soon as the baby's voice fell, the director's camera switch was completed.

The battle broke out synchronously on the bottom lane.

Gu Xing ejected the exploding cones in the RNG red zone to the grass behind the opponent's next tower.

Turn on the acceleration effect of the frozen field and take two steps forward, the E icicle gets stuck on Xiao Ming's heel, pushing it towards the VG duo!

"Jack throws out W [Zest Bomb] and then baptizes with the ultimate move Holy Gun!"

When Yu Wenbo shot the holy silver bullet, he was still dubbing, making a strange sound of Dududu.

The effect of this trick is outstanding.

The icicle slowed down, and Lucian W accelerated himself.

According to the canyon theory of relativity, Xiao Ming is imprisoned!

Shi Senming put on the acceleration and shield of E [Encouragement] on himself, trying to get rid of Lucian's holy gun baptism.

But this does not fundamentally solve the problem.

Jack slid to the side, followed Xiao Ming's trajectory, and successfully swiped the entire area!

"Xiao Ming's blood volume is running low, he has to go back to the city to replenish..." Wa Wa noticed the strangeness of the small map, "Someone handed in the teleportation!"

The director's response is also very fast.

Immediately cut the camera to where Gu Xing was.

The troll just inserted an eye in the center of the first and second towers of RNG's lower lane, and now there is a scarlet teleportation light echoing on it!

"Sword Fairy wants to come to the bottom lane to join the battle!" I remember judging by intuition that the big one was coming, and immediately raised my voice.

"Letme didn't hesitate, and also handed over the transmission!"

Yan Junze knows that VG likes to sneak attack the bottom lane during the laning phase, and use the absolute number of four to five players to take the lead to kill and pull out towers.

So make preparations in advance, keep the teleportation in your hand, and wait for VG to do it!

"However..." Remember to think a little and make a judgment at the critical moment, "The combat power of the two sides is not equal!"

The four of VG are almost at full capacity.

On the other hand, RNG, Xiao Ming's Karma is already a residual blood.

Uzi's Yin Zerai has a goddess tear on his body, which cannot provide much combat power for the time being.

Qinggangying alone is obviously unable to compare with the four of VG!

"What RNG can do is rely on the defensive tower to deal with the opponent, and wait for the middle and wild to arrive!"

Remember to come up with reasonable countermeasures.

The picture is given to the middle.

After RNG Nakano killed Kuro, he rushed towards the bottom lane, trying to rescue his teammates.

As long as the teammates arrive, VG's tower jumping plan cannot be successful!

But the difficulty lies in how to delay the time?

VG will not give a chance.

Gu Xing didn't even wait for the top laners from both sides to land, so he gave the order to jump over the tower and attack, trying to make a quick decision.

"Bron held the anti-theft door forward, Q dodged forward and tried to hit Xiao Ming, but was dodged by the opponent with a flash...but he still held the big move in his hand!"

Duan Deliang flashed towards Shi Senming and smashed R [Glacier Fissure].

Xiao Ming only had time to use R [Sanskrit Mantra] to strengthen the W spirit chain and tie it to Bron to obtain the effect of restoring health.

But after being smashed into the air, the increase in blood volume was not enough!

Even with Uzi's healing skills, it still can't withstand the high output of VG!

"Jack's two-shot basic attack received the holy light from the body and took the head off. Uzi is still outputting the anti-tower Braum, but the effect is not ideal!"

The anti-theft door is an insurmountable natural moat for Yin Zerai.

Gu Xing took the opportunity to approach from behind, and AQ hit Uzi, reducing its attack power.

Now the EZ, whose output is not high enough, pours all the damage on Braum, and the reduced blood volume is quite shabby, all relying on the defense tower to deal output!

"Lu Xian puts a healing spell on Bron, and even wants to put a passive on top of the opponent's head!"

There is also the speed bump of R [Glacier Fissure] next to it, and Uzi has no way to move.

He had to pay E [Arcane Leap] to move sideways to distance himself.

At this time, Jian Ji landed on the ground.

Smeb handed over Q [Breakthrough Slash] and stabbed Uzi's body, and then AE stabbed at the opponent twice to apply the slowing effect!

"Uzi was struggling, so he had to flash over the wall and get rid of the opponent's pursuit..." Remember to take a deep breath, "But in this way, Letme will be sold!"

Qinggangying landed a moment slower than Jianji.

As a result, as soon as he came to the defensive tower in the bottom lane, he was given a passive [Shock Slam] by a small section of Bloom's basic attack.

Keep up with the key weakness and reduce Qinggangying's combat power!

"Brother Xing also activated the big move and took a sip, Letme's body is full of debuff effects!"

Yan Junze cursed secretly in his heart.

VG kept a bunch of skills in his hands, and he made it clear that he wanted to mess with himself!

More importantly, when he landed, Uzi, who was the target of protection, just escaped!

At present, next to RNG's next tower, I am the only one facing the attack of VG's four people alone!

He surrendered the hook and tried to escape.

As a result, there were enemy heroes on all sides, and the position firmly stuck him to death.

R [Hex Ultimatum] didn't have much effect. After a short period of unselectable status, Yan Junze was still full of Bron passives!

"Lu Xi'an and Jian Ji's war enthusiasm effect has been fully stacked, and the output is quite terrifying!"

Gu Xing's R [power comes first] disgustingly steals a lot of dual resistance and life points from Qinggangying.

Cause Letme is as crisp as a piece of paper!

"Get someone's head!" Gu Xing was still urging his teammates in the voice, "Give it to Mai Bo!"

Jack was already satisfied with accepting Shi Senming, and he didn't complain at all when he heard the command's order. He beat Qinggang Ying to blood and prepared to run away.

Smeb was not polite, and took Qing Gangying's life with two swords!

"Uzi and Nakano joined together, but they arrived too late to save the lives of their teammates!"

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