What is a hexagon jungler?

288: Unexpected layout!

On the day of the match, Gu Xing sat on the bus and was still looking through the EDG materials issued by Redmi.

Guodian is their old enemy.

It can be said that no one knows EDG better than Gu Xing!

The opponent is a very traditional double-C team, a pure abandoner in the top lane, and two tools, the jungler and the support, are responsible for team initiation and protection.

Lacking a variety of tactics, EDG has a single way to win the game. It has not changed for many years, and it is still the most familiar Guodian flavor.

How many people have been changed every session, and the soup is not changed!

Gu Xing had defeated them more than once, and was familiar with Guodian's style of play.

But he didn't let his guard down.

Because last night, EDG changed the starting roster.

The top laner Koro1 replaced Mouse.

You know, in EDG's six-to-four match against NB the day before yesterday, Mouse performed well and helped the team sweep the Xiangsong duo!

With such an outstanding performance, the team still chose to change him to the bench to watch the water cooler.

what does that mean?

Definitely come prepared, to pull up the cards to enlarge the move!

Naturally, Gu Xing would not take it lightly.

Now there is no resurrection armor mechanism.

Although VG's 16-game winning streak is firmly at the top of the group, they do not have any privileges except for the priority right to choose sides in today's semi-finals.

If they lose any BO5, VG will end their spring season just like the second team that failed a few days ago!

Before his teammates got in the car, Gu Xing simply read the content of the version patch again, trying not to miss any details.

Previously, Xiang Guo used the experience catch-up mechanism of a year ago to overshadow him, and now he has some symptoms of PTSD.

For fear of jumping into the pit Ming Kai dug again.

As a fan of the factory manager, Gu Xing is very aware of the insidiousness and cunning of Guijiaoqi. No one in the LPL league can match him. He is a typical ideological player!

After all, with Ming Kai's hand speed, it's unrealistic to play fancy operations, and he can only rely on his brain to make up for it.

From a certain point of view, it is indeed possible for the factory manager to engage in big actions to disgust Gu Xing.

"In the jungle, it is mainly the double weakening of the male gun and the poodle..."

Gu Xing had already seen the patch at the version seminar of the VG training department a few days ago, and now he is just reviewing it again.

Riot designers have always been tinkering. When encountering any outrageous heroes that cannot be solved, they will cut them in half, and call back when they are indecisive.

Heroes who are more popular in the arena cannot escape the fate of weakening.

The pure man of the male gun no longer provides magic resistance passively, which is a slash on the main artery.

Originally, Graves was able to run rampant in the jungle because the strength of E [Quick Draw] was too exaggerated!

After the leopard girl was cut so that she couldn't play, the male gun was not afraid of any heroes invading in the wild.

A pure man with a full stack of E at the first level has 40 points of dual resistance, and he is almost invincible in singles!

As for Rengar, the damage of Q [Cruel and Merciless] was slashed, changing from the original vicious poodle to a silly and cute version of Tigger.

Xie Tunan has collected samples from the five major leagues and qualifying matches, and gave detailed data references.

Version 7.7 has been installed for some time, and the data team has enough samples for analysis and judgment.

Poodle is currently a usable, but not particularly strong hero, and has been reduced to a T2 choice among junglers.

The situation of male guns is even worse.

Because the game environment has changed.

"Qinggangying was chopped off, and the top laner murlocs and wine barrels became sweet pastries." Gu Xing quickly flipped through the information and sorted out the relevant logic, "The jungle spiders are getting stronger and stronger, and the damage to spells in the game is increasing. Guns don't work..."

Camille has been getting nerfed and never buffed since joining the alliance.

It is enough to prove how outrageous the strength of Qinggangying was at that time.

This time the point of the knife is on W and R-the outer edge of the former tactical sweep no longer provides recovery when hitting wild monsters and minions, and the latter's Hex ultimatum is a reduction in duration.

After the continuous use of knives, Qinggangying has a tendency to enter the sewer, and is no longer as majestic as the original 100% BP rate.

Then came the top lane murlocs and wine barrels.

The murloc has been changed before, and the marking time of W [Sea Stone Trident] is increased by two seconds.

Its own short-handed characteristics are not popular in the middle lane. At most, it was able to play in the era when cards were flying all over the sky, so Ximen Ye said that such a unique skill brother should work hard all the time.

But on the road where the per capita Tyrannosaurus rex is short-handed, the disadvantages of the little murlocs no longer stand out!

After the seastone trident is strengthened, its ability to consume and exchange blood has increased by several levels compared to before!

A certain ghost took the lead in developing the little murloc top laner, and the equipment plan uses three-phase/ice fist + sun flame and other frank equipment. The gameplay is similar to last year's Meat Ike.

The disadvantage is that there is little control and fault tolerance, and the advantage is that it is more flexible and more threatening to the back row.

Because the little murloc doesn't really need to flash, and can bring an ignition to disgust the back row, the function of the shit stirrer is not reduced at all.

The top order wine barrel is a new option that emerged in the first two versions. The passive [Happy Hour] battery life increase doubles his ability to rely on the line, which is very suitable for being the front row of the top order.

After a group of top laners were cut off, the tepid Beerman quietly entered the first echelon of the top lane.

The same goes for spiders in the jungle.

Characters such as the poodle and male gun are all weakened, so the strength of the spiders that have not been stabbed will naturally increase.

The rise of multiple magic-injured characters intensifies the speed of the male gun's fall in disguise!

After the pure men no longer provide magic resistance, Graves must make the Great Drinking Magic Knife in advance if he wants to stand firm to the end in the team battle, and the conditions are quite harsh.

As a result, no one cares about male guns now.

Characters such as spiders and blind monks are the overlords of the wild area.

"It's a bit like the S6 World Championship," Gu Xing recalled the experience of the 7.7 version of the training match, and felt that it was quite similar to last year's global finals. "The difference is that there is no Leopard Girl and Olaf."

Olaf disappeared in the jungle because of the reduced refresh rate of wild monsters. His strength last year was mostly due to the fact that the jungle resets every 100 seconds. If you spawn quickly, you will have the opportunity to do more.

In addition, it is not the damage overflow + pulling version of last year, and the jungler needs the rhythm in the early stage or the ability to start a team in the middle and late stages.

Olaf didn't fit the bill.

In addition, the troll jungler that Gu Xing used in the previous battle against RNG also played a role in fueling the flames to a certain extent.

This thing can be said to be Olaf's absolute ter, as long as the troll is still there, it will be difficult for him to play.

"What are you thinking about, old Gu? He's just talking about it." Jack got into the car with his bag on his back, and asked confusedly.

Gu Xing looked up and saw that Yu Wenbo had a meat bun in his mouth, which looked more like a dog.

"Study the version," Gu Xinghuang shook the bound data collection in his hand, "so as not to be caught off guard by EDG when we play later."

Smeb thinks so.

"It's true that we should study it more," he nodded in agreement. "Sometimes the regular season championship is not a good thing, and it may not be able to adapt to a good version."

Song Jinghao has a say in this matter.

During the two years with the Tigers, he participated in a total of four leagues, three of which won the regular season championship.

However, it only managed to win the trophy once in total.

Netizens often say that the Tigers are the monsters in the regular season and the soft-footed shrimp in the playoffs, which is not unreasonable.

Of course, Smeb couldn't possibly attribute the problem to himself.

He thought it was the fault of the competition system.

The LCK is the first to play in the finals in the regular season. The advantage is that it can wait for work and sit back and watch the tigers fight.

The disadvantage is that there is no chance to catch the version.

Seminars, training matches, and replays of other teams' games are not as good as going to the stage to fight with real swords and guns.

Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth.

Without playing a game, it is impossible to get a real version experience just by guessing and imagining.

Song Jinghao felt that it was because the Tigers always took the first place in the regular season and didn't have a chance to figure out the version. They played in the finals when they came up, so they often lost to SKT.

"LPL is okay, we can play one more round of semi-finals, and the intensity will not be too great," he said here, a little relieved, "Let's be cautious, the chances of winning are still quite high."

The last Redmi to get in the car thought so too.

"Let's choose a decent lineup to play today, and first feel the trend of the version." Homme has already made plans.

The bus started slowly and drove towards Zhengda Plaza in the city center.

"Traveling..." Jack stretched his waist and groaned a few times, "It's just that my buddy is not awake, so I will give you a small dish at the beginning!"

Xiao Duan laughed at the side, "Choose Lu Xian for Yu Wenbo, he will die with an embarrassing face!"

"By the way, where is the Spring Festival this year?" Brother Long asked curiously.

The second team is now entering the offseason, and he plans to watch the games of his old teammates before returning to his hometown in Changsha.

"Nanjing," Gu Xing remembered his girlfriend saying before the end of the internship, "it seems to be the Olympic Sports Center?"

For things like the final venue, the venue has always been reserved in advance, and it is necessary to design the stage lighting and lay the scene to contact the fire department.

Before the end of the winter vacation, the last task of Shen Guanshan and Gu Pan was to follow up the layout of the director room for the final venue.

"Then we must travel with public funds this spring!" Jin Wenhyuk couldn't wait.

Ding Jun, the boss who disappeared for a long time, also followed the car to Zhengda Plaza to watch the game today.

He has always been willing to spend money heavily for the team's performance, and his willingness to spend money became even stronger after VG won the championship, vowing to make the club the number one team in the LPL.

Originally, Ding Jun paid more attention to the Dota2 division, but the results can only be counted as the first echelon, not the top.

As the saying goes, there is no light in the east and light in the west. Since the League of Legends branch can produce results, Ding Jun will naturally make good use of it.

"As long as you can win the championship, I invite you to play in Nanjing for a week!" He made a promise with a big wave of his hand.

Cheers erupted in the bus instantly.

Arriving at Zhengda Plaza, Gu Xing felt the tense atmosphere of the playoffs as soon as he stepped into the stadium.

The auditorium was empty, and now only four of the 12 team flags that hung on the dome were left.

VG, EDG, RNG and WE.

It looked very lonely.

The tones of the lighting special effects that have not been fully turned on are also deeper and more solemn, and this year's playoff promotional video is still playing on the big screen at the scene.

In the process of queuing up and waiting for the sign-in and security check to enter the venue, Gu Xing directly watched the promotional video.

Shiquan claims to have organized professionals to participate in the filming this year.

But the effect didn't improve much.

It is to select the leading stars of each playoff team and their respective representative heroes, and piece them together to make a video.

Gu Xing could see the eternal hunting twins in the back of his fixed makeup photo. Yang Ling's slender and graceful figure was very agile, but against the background, the wolf spirit was extremely ferocious.

"Speaking of which, when will our champion skin be launched?" Brother Long was looking forward to it.

He has nothing else to pursue now.

After retiring, he just wanted to quickly see his own skin and the huge skin bonus.

"Vincent said it will be released after the spring game." Gu Xing was also excited when he thought of the champion's skin, "I don't know what Qian Jue will look like..."

Just as he was thinking about it, Lord Hou who had been staring at the screen seldom let out an exclamation.

"Wow, what a handsome Galio!"

Gu Xing looked around.

The live big screen switched to the introduction video of the new version of Galio's redo.

As the Riot headquarters designer said after winning the championship last year.

They completed the rework of Gargoyle Galio at the end of the spring split.

It should now be called the Colossus of Justice.

Compared with the previous ugly gargoyle, the current Demacia patron saint formed from the forbidden magic stone is particularly majestic.

In terms of skill sets, it also gets rid of the previous shortcomings of being bulky and relying too much on flash.

R is no longer a group taunt, but a large-scale assistance skill.

Just like the title of "Colossus of Justice" after Galio's rework, it seems to be full of security.

It's just that no team has yet researched specific tactics related to the new version of Galio.

When it comes to the playoffs, everyone is pursuing stability.

Almost no team will try to use an unstable lineup in the playoffs.

It is estimated that Galio will not have much playing space in the near future.

"Damn it, isn't the Marquis earning blood money?" After a short period of time, he reacted, "Galio just released the champion skin after the rework, and the sales will definitely increase!"

"It still depends on how the qualifying matches are used." Li Zhixun lowered his psychological expectations despite being excited. "Once the gameplay is not interesting, it is estimated that it will not sell many copies."

The four members of the winning team are all looking forward to the upcoming champion skin.

They chattered and discussed for a long time, and did not end the topic until they signed in and took their work documents to enter the venue.

In the aisle, there are also standing human figures of today's semi-finalists, arranged on the left and right according to their order of alignment.

The staff took a marker pen and asked Gu Xing and others to sign on it, as a souvenir.

After completing the preparatory work such as makeup and debugging the machine, the VG members have to prepare for the stage after a short rest.

The host Ren Dong is full of emotions and has a passionate voice.

"First of all, let's welcome Vig!" He drew out his voice and swung his arms sideways.

The dome lights flickered.

The staff worked very hard and deliberately changed the color of the light to a silver-white color that matches the VG team logo.

Bathed in the warm lighting, Gu Xing strode onto the stage.

It has only been an hour since the last entry, and now the venue is full of seats.

Countless VG supporters waved the aid items they received from the club to cheer for the team.

It wasn't until Ren Dong introduced the EDG players into the arena that the deafening restlessness stopped for a while.

The black and red light hit the side of the EDG player bench, making them look like villains.

There is a black light above Ming Kai's head, and a pair of unique dead fish eyes are dull, as if he is about to enter the "blackened" mode.

Kou Rou beside him was equally expressionless.

After breaking up with EDG management over the issue of salary increase, Koro1 was frozen.

If it weren't for the accident at Mouse's family during the World Championship last year, Kourou probably wouldn't have had the chance to play.

After covering it for a year, he also figured it out.

The result of being frozen will affect one's worth.

In order to find a good job after leaving EDG, Kou Rou has to do his best.

The team let him play, so they were naturally prepared.

The strings of the whole EDG team are tense.

The relationship between the ten players and the coaching staff is good, but they all know that in the semi-finals that will begin soon, one team is doomed to miss the spring finals and MSI.

Therefore, the attitude is very correct, and I don't type when I sit down.

The custom room was silent, except for sporadic notifications from the director OB and the backstage referee when they entered.

The commentary desk is much more lively.

The doll seemed to have drunk fake wine, and she was extremely excited at the beginning of today.

"The first match of the semi-finals is VG vs. EDG, the focus of the strong dialogue..." He started to shout after reading the sponsor's podcast, "It's a repeat of last year's summer final, but both teams have changed. Few members!"

"Facts have proved that EDG's reconstruction work is going smoothly," remembering to be much calmer, "Iboy is currently able to shoulder the burden and has become a leader in the new generation of ADC. He reached the semi-finals in his first season of debut, and his overall performance can be called It's remarkable!"

"However, his opponent Jackey played even better today." I remember that I am very optimistic about Jack at the moment. "In the first full season after Imp left, JackeyLove won the gold-rich honor of the regular season injury king!"

The director took advantage of the situation to give specific data.

Jack topped the list with an average output of 711 points. His young face was so tender that water could be squeezed out, and his fingers were pointed upwards in a gun posture.

The second-ranked shooter has less than 700 points of damage.

It seems to form a fault leading!

There were endless exclamations from the audience.

For the teenager, this report card is definitely worthy of praise.

Even though he often dies violently and gives away people's heads, the discipline is not yet full.

But after all, he is a rookie, and VG fans didn't expect Jack to switch to Saiyan form in just one season.

It's pretty good now.

"It's worth mentioning that there seems to be a strange top laner in Yishui's shooter," Wawa Bengbu paused, "Smeb ranks 10th!"

VG has no shortage of damage.

Song Jinghao's damage output ability is extremely terrifying. Even if he often uses a single-band hero, he still cripples the opponent's player before advancing, and it is not a problem to do some damage.

In fact, there is another very conspicuous existence in the damage data.


In the second half, Song Yijin continued to start the familiar journey of the dean, dragging the team forward with difficulty.

In the LPL version where the middle and auxiliary swings are prevalent, Song Yijin dare not play Karma Lulu, and conscientiously chooses two goals and one Ji to try to gain a laning advantage.

The final score averaged 680 damage, ranking third in all positions and first in mid-units.

Anyone who comes here has to praise the mighty dean.

It's just that IG fell on the road of six to four and was happily sent away by RNG.

"Next, I will give you a comparison between the two sides' junglers..." I remembered reading the information in advance, but when I saw the specific data again, I still hissed softly, "Brother Xing, this is too exaggerated!"

The average damage per game, the average economic lead per game, the proportion of team injuries, the battle loss ratio, the first blood rate, and the success rate of raids are all ranked first in the same position!

As soon as the specific data came out, the live broadcast room of the event was boiling instantly, and the barrage filled the screen non-stop!

[Turtle, what is a hexagon jungler? 】

[Hey, I am Buddha, is this the strength of FMVP?]

[It can only be said that the dominance is too strong, Brother Xing is simply a god in the meat-eating jungle version! 】

[VG won a total of 32 rounds, Brother Xing has 14 MVPs? How much is outrageous? 】

[Compared to last year's summer split, it's still a bit worse. At that time, Smeb was not there. As long as you win the game, the MVP will be Xing Ge's]

Ming Kai on the other side is much poorer.

As a herbivorous jungler, his superficial statistics are indeed not very bright.

Gu Xing stole the limelight from the only KDA that was available!

The director took advantage of the situation to give the best lineup selection for the regular season of the spring season.

At this time, the regular season MVP and the first, second and third teams have not been set, and only one player in each position is selected for the best team.

The fixed-makeup photos of the five team members appeared on the big screen, and immediately aroused bursts of hustle and bustle in the venue!

Top laner Smeb, jungler Virtue, mid laner Xiye, bottom laner Mystic, support.

As the top team in Group A with 16 consecutive victories, VG is understandably selected as three players.

WE is the first place in Group B. The double Cs performed well, and their tactical status in the team is obviously higher than that of VG. It is not a big deal to join the best team.

It's just that this kind of lineup selection will eventually become a paradise for Chuanzi.

In the barrage, someone is already fighting for Uzi.

[Uzi can't even be selected for the top spot? Rubbish selection has no gold content! 】

[Uzi took the lead in matchup economy in the first 15 minutes, and the team record is not bad, so why not choose Brother Wuji]

[Why don't you choose the best lineup based on the Solo match? Brother-in-law, can you beat Uzi single-handedly? 】

[Don't mess with the ball! 】

【It's so low energy, I want to laugh】

Fortunately, Uzi's current traffic is not very high, and the overall public opinion environment is more black than pink.

The LPL has not won the league championship for four years after its establishment, which is really a flaw.

At least in front of the two junglers in this game, the popularity is not enough.

When the sonorous and powerful metal crisp sounds surround the venue, the rhythm of the barrage is easily brushed away!

"VG has the priority to choose the side and get the blue side, they come up and press down the barrel first!"

Baby's voice was high-pitched, "This is currently the most capable lane-mixing character on the top lane, replacing the previously weakened Dashu!"

VG is not yet clear what the purpose of the buckle meat is.

But Redmi knew that EDG could not be allowed to go on the road.

It is impossible to release a barrel with too strong battery life and line clearing efficiency.

Nofe is very familiar with VG's middle and upper levels, and has spent two years with him to understand their hero pool.

Without hesitation, he blocked Karma according to the pre-match preparations.

The God of Redmi is here, and since they plan to play the first game with the most secure lineup, BP naturally asks for stability, and second-hand bans the enchantress of the elementary school boy.

"EDG blocked Lulu..." I remember the reaction was quick, "They are very targeted, and they specifically focus on the characters with the swing ability of the middle assistant to ban!"

This is equivalent to blocking the hero pool of VG Zhongfu at the same time.

It ensures that Kuro cannot choose a strong lane right role, and also reduces the pressure on the bottom lane in a disguised way.

Red Rice showed approval.

As he thought before the game, Nofe will not waste a lot of Ban positions on Gu Xing.

That doesn't make any sense.

It is the smartest choice to restrain the middle assistant and keep the EDG wild area with the advantage of line power!

Redmi wanted to understand the opponent's BP thinking, and made a small temporary adjustment.

"Ban Shen, let's try not to let the opponent's top laner start the rhythm during the laning period."

As one of the few top laners with strong support capabilities, Shen will follow the jungler and put a terrible pressure on the enemy's sideline once he gets the lane.

Nofe is not surprised by this.

During this year, he has made many appointments with VG, and he is also an old acquaintance with Hongmi.

The opponent's ability has long been widely recognized in coaching circles.

Although BP is the weak point of Redmi, it is still quite trustworthy most of the time, but it occasionally does scientific research.

"Finally, the grasshopper will be banned, and we won't give the opponent a single swing position!" Nofe made up his mind.

Hongmi thought for a while, and unconsciously stroked the black notebook with her fingers.

"Let's grab Braum first."

His voice is calm.

Bron is an important component of the ruble combination, and the first grab can deter the opponent.

If EDG does not take Lu Xian in the first and second hand, VG is likely to form a powerful bottom lane combination!

Remember to rave about it.

"Now the support options outside are all banned by EDG. There are not many strong supports left. Don't worry about the weak lineup if you play Braum first!"

Braum is most afraid of the long-handed consumption monster.

However, EDG banned three mid and auxiliary swing positions in a row, which has almost destroyed the ecological environment of the bottom lane.

Redmi showed Bron first, and EDG had nothing to do.

Wawa also interrupted and added, "Even if EDG snatches Lucian, they don't have enough support to partner with. Besides, without Lu Xian, VG can still choose Hanbing to form a Freljord combination!"

Last summer, the bot lane duo of Ice + Bron was all the rage, with almost full deceleration stickiness and functionality.

Now with a wave of minor weakening of Verus, Han Bing has successfully climbed to the top of the ADC hot list with the help of the warm wind of war. It is definitely a match made in heaven to be selected as Da Bron.

Nofe chose to grab the ice, and then got the top laner murloc.

Both characters are the most powerful heroes in the current version, and Nofe has received enough benefits in exchange.

"Get Lucian in the second and third picks of VG, and then match the jungler with a Spider Queen!" Waowa's eyes lit up, "Brother Xing grabbed the spider, so there are not many roles left for the factory manager..."

Now the only one who can wrestle with spiders in the jungle is blind monk.

But Ming Kai's blind monk has something to say.

Baby sees VG's plan, it is sure that the factory director can't play Li Qing, and deliberately chooses the spider first!

Ming Kai rubbed his palms, pursed his lips and said nothing.

"EDG chose Syndra for Scout as the final choice in the first round to ensure that the middle lane right can be stably controlled!"

In the second round of BP, Nofe stared at Kuro.

The Dragon King and Ryze were cut badly, but the characters who still have the possibility of playing are not reserved for the old subordinates.

Seeing this scene, Li Ruixing couldn't help but smile helplessly.

"Oh, what are you doing..." He is still quite fluent in common Chinese, and his accent is not obvious, "Are you playing or not? Jiang Zi is targeting me?"

Without further ado, Redmi disabled Meiko's Tam and Thresh.

As a result, EDG's fourth pick directly got an unexpected role.

"Lady Gun?" I remember being amazed, "Haven't seen her in a while!"

After Zyra's strength dropped by the designer, the female gun as a ter naturally had no chance to play.

Today Meiko decisively used it in the semi-finals!

The director gives the latest patch content in due course.

"The female gun ushered in a wave of small enhancements in version 7.6. The damage of Q [Double Arrow] has been increased, and the back-swing of E [Guns and Bullets] has been corrected... a proper enhancement!" Doll beamed with joy, "It seems that EDG plans to Get something new!"

Seeing the opponent's first four-handed lineup, Hongmi turned to look at Smeb.

"Jing Hao, how do you choose Rambo?"

Smeb hesitated for a moment, "No problem, but Pingude came to help me relieve the pressure, it's not easy to beat the little murlocs."

Rambo is afraid that the half-meat hero will force his face, he will enter a skill vacuum period after finishing a set of skills, and will have to be slaughtered by others!

Seeing that Gu Xing agreed, Hongmi asked Jack to help lock the character.

There is one mid laner left, and Kuro has been banned for five roles, so there is really nothing to use.

After pondering for a long time, he gave his own advice.

"Crag Sparrow, I should be able to hold on."

Red rice is quite guilty.

Due to BP priority issues, the mid laner can only be sacrificed.

Rock Sparrow suffered the biggest weakening before the World Championship last year, and the extra damage to minions was cut off with a knife.

Although the follow-up ushered in two enhancements, the intensity is still not as good as before.

You can choose to choose, but the roaming effect during the laning period will not be very good.

"The jungler position of EDG is left, let's see what role the factory manager wants to choose..." I remember still guessing, "I think it's okay to take out the poodle to play, and try to sneak attack on the military training Rambo."

As soon as he finished speaking, EDG's fifth hero selection box lit up!

"blind monk?!"

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