What is a hexagon jungler?

299: It's the same for everyone

"Three to zero!"

Remember to shout on the commentary platform, "v8 swept EDG cleanly and advanced to the spring finals!"

The cheers created by the VG supporters in the venue were surging and swept the audience in the blink of an eye!

"After replacing the brand new lineup, their running-in is getting better and better." Wawa is also too excited to extricate himself, "especially at the operational level, they have demonstrated a strong hard power that is different from other teams!"

"It can be said that this VG team has absorbed the stable style of the LCK division and developed its own offensive system. Their operational tactics have become more mature!"

There are two mainstream operating strategies in the world. Old Samsung and SKT. The former comes from the S4 Samsung White's field support linkage, which focuses on mid-term shifting and squeezes the enemy's field through vision.

The latter tends to defend and counterattack, dragging to the upper unilateral point and the frontal double C equipment to form, and then crush the opponent through the terrifying team battle ability.

Since the invasion of the Hallyu, most of the strong teams in the LPL division are just toddlers in HD, following the operation ideas of imitating these two factions.

For example, in last spring's NG, Matal Chuanl brought the concept of Samsung White to the team, and the combination with Xiangguo's Nosuke was invincible in the league, and finally succeeded in winning the mid-season competition.

Or EDG, the participants in the semi-finals, they learned SKT's style of play, but they only improved the offensiveness in the early stage and weakened the influence of the top laner in the game.

However, the essence has not changed. It is still relying on the junglers to drag the development of teammates, so that the style of double C support is a variant of the SKT genre.

And vG was stunned to play out its own operating system! Because the roaming ability of the large section is not weak, we simply discarded the eight-star wild auxiliary linkage.

However, the team has absorbed the vision suppression tactics of SS, which liberates the jungler offline, and is closely connected with Jin Zhen's unique and comprehensive personal style, so as to achieve the effect of weak control of the jungle.

Not only that, VG also copied the split push system that ROx is proud of before recruiting the Tigers. After all, Smeb, as the absolute core of the single belt, directly quit the team to reduce the learning cost of VG.

In addition, we have achieved the ultimate in mid-term shifting, and often seize the opportunity to take the initiative to retreat, snowballing and relying on Lady Nash to send away the opponent's joy!

In terms of lineup selection, many vG will choose single-core seven guarantees one. In a few cases, 2.5 or even 3 output points must be guaranteed.

That is VG's absolute trust in its ability to plunder resources in the late stage-it must be able to get enough economy, and the output point after development is basically equal to zero in the middle and early stages.

We select a small number of output cores to ensure the team's early team battle ability. Even if none of the positions suddenly misfired, VG can still rely on the remaining players to make up for the shortfall!

VG's eight players are worthy of the name: Xiao Wang, even Kuro is a model of grazing and milking, which makes the team always need to worry about output! now

In other words, our operating style is not a mixture of the strengths of various companies, but we should make appropriate improvements and use them for our own use! Hearing Doll's low appreciation for vG's operational capabilities, I remember expressing my gratitude.

"It can't be said that vG is not the only low player in operation in the current league. Looking at the entire semi-finals, we can play EDG with pure operation alone, let alone the players who are not yet super weak!"

The seven players are all the top underdogs in their respective positions in the LPL league. Absolutely Galactic Battleship!

Ren Dong stood up and gave his teammates a high-five to celebrate. Hearing the restless voices of the supporters on the stage, his cheeks were stained with excitement.

"Xu Gu is double seven kills... Who robbed me of seven kills?"

Kur o took off the earphones and the first sentence was not to find the murderer, and there was not a bit of majesty and majesty under the simple and round face, as if he wanted to find someone to fight.

The battle scene was very chaotic. All my attention was in the canyon, did I notice who took the head. "

It's Jin Zhen! "

Duan immediately exposed his shooter.

Yu Wenbo looked carelessly, Han Bing shook his big hand, and the arrow shot took the opponent's head. Duan Deliang blushed, "Old Duan, he's not good at beating him up..."

I looked at Ren Dong and acted as a tainted witness, "You report it, and Jin Zhenguang did it too!"

"Verus is mortal on the opposite side of the first wave of groups, and the old Duan insists on smashing a Q!"

Jin Zhenguang retorted, "Are you trying to force me to move away? Who knew that Eddie on the other side hates picking up as much as he does!"

Jin Zhen immediately knew who was behind the big section.

After watching the pre-match injury panel, Smeb jumped down and wrapped his arms around my neck, the corner of his mouth was very obvious, as if Bengbu had stopped. "

Retire from the finals, buddy, let's go! "

I happily pushed Ren Dong to move to the EDG player bench. On the way, I was still asking for credit for criticism, "How is our Titan? It's still useless against the pressure in the team battle!"

"It has to be done," the fans on stage were still cheering, the sound was inevitably quiet, Ren Dong had to lower his voice to make Smeb's hearing ambiguous, "S6 World Championship TOP20 ranks first, I can only say that it is Maibo!

Although he failed to win the World Championship in the next two years, almost some people will admit that Smeb can rank among the top orders in the world.

The main good thing is that I am too versatile. Tanks, output and single-band characters all play well, which can give the team less possibilities for tactics.

In this semi-final, Smeb fully demonstrated the strength of the octagon fighter. It can not only use Titan to resist pressure, but also use Shen to carry the audience, and its performance is really outstanding.

Song Jinghao's smile darkened when he heard his jungler's blow.

When Jin Zhen crossed the center of the stage, Ding came up and said, "I didn't say anything. Is it okay for Titans to start a group without hands? Is it true that no one will play? Do you understand Titans? Yes?"

Smeb ignored me.

Listening to the commentary from the live audio, trying to learn Chinese.

"The expressions of the EDG players are not depressed at all, and it is obviously difficult to accept the ending of being swept away..." Waowa's voice is loud and clear, "For us, that spring journey ends here!"

There was not a contest between the losers of the semi-finals before, and the eighth and seventh places were competed, mainly because of the difference in prize money and bubbling match points.

But after all, it is related to the promotion quota, which has attracted a lot of attention. How many third and fourth runners up will be remembered.

Unless EDG has a fierce and exaggerated winning streak in the regular season, it is impossible to arouse the discussion of netizens in the preseason. Hou Ye still maintained his albino state.

After the game, I knew that the difficulty of defeating VG was not low. But it would be too ugly to lose now. Selected two sets of Blind Hate to prove himself, but was chased and killed by Jin Zhen in the first place!

The factory manager was naturally unhappy. Seeing Ren Dong who was smiling and stretching out his left hand towards me, I punched him angrily, and finally added something.

"He must win the final!"

The tone is out of the competition and there is not much anticipation. After thinking about it for a while, Ren Dong wanted to understand Master Hou's brain circuit.

The two teams in the other half are E and RNG. Of course, the latter must be said less, and the team involved is dead.

It is certain that the other teams are competing secretly, and the conflict is caused by fans fighting. This E and EDG are not representatives of rivals who hate each other at the club level.

The entanglement with Lord Hou was once brought to the fore, and the two teams liked each other.

The former is because EDG lost to RNG in the spring final last year, which completely shattered our team's record of eight consecutive spring championships!

Jin Zhen has always been looking for a chance to avenge his revenge, but it is a pity that he has been able to meet RNG in the preseason for two consecutive leagues. So I pinned my hope on Ren Dong.

No matter who the other side is in the final, Lord Hou supports VG to win. "

It's really good..." Ren Dong smiled and passed me by, "Don't be so sad, early vacation or depression? "

"Besides, what a good thing it is for them to withdraw from the finals."

Hou Ye had just lost a B05 game, and now he was dizzy and reacted so quickly, he didn't come back to his senses until Ren Dong walked to Kou Rou's side.

The opponent is clearly implying that EDG will lose even if they withdraw from the final! Seeing Jin Zhen belittling the team in a teasing manner, the factory manager was very pleased. But I couldn't find any reason to refute it.

Except for hardcore fans, a small number of netizens can see that the current EDG team is not weak. The college boy and Iboy are still immature, but the strength behind the double C eyes is still the same as last spring.

What's more, it is still the version where the carnivorous jungler is in power. Lord Hou wants to save the team, but he has nothing to spare. As Ren Dong said, it is difficult to win even if you retreat to the finals.

If it loses to E or RNG, it is estimated that many netizens will treat it as a laughing stock and whip the corpse. Losing to V8 was actually the best result! It's a shame to lose to the world championship champion!

Lord Hou wanted to understand all that, but he was so good at it. I have always been optimistic, my mentality is quite wrong, and my ability to withstand pressure is excellent.

Under the commentary stage, those who saw Ming Kai shaking hands with Iboy remembered still talking freely.

"That was the last match between two new-generation talented ADCs this spring. It can only show that Kai's performance is better," I replied truthfully, "Boy still needs to improve his consciousness...

I remember very euphemistically, did you say that Iboy's poor discipline was the culprit for the accelerated start of the first game.

Ming Kai also seems to be a bit of a mess, but I was not only killed suddenly in the face of EDG, but also played a laning kill. Based on that point alone, you know how much lower it is than Iboy!

Iboy himself seems to be too weak to win, he can be called the player with the most nervous expression in the team. The college boy looked at me sideways, pursed his mouth and said nothing.

I played badly in the semi-finals myself. Kur can ride under his head and do whatever he wants. In the 16 games of the regular season, one VP in B03 has won the mid laner. It's not that he can't give me a face today!

Just like that, when Li Ruixing came to shake hands just now, his face burst into a slow smile. Scout inevitably has a good face. I had no choice but to pack up my keyboard and mouse, and take a look at the stage first before leaving.

In the middle, seven VG players turned their backs to themselves and bowed to the audience. The college student clenched the mouse pad in his hand, envious emotions surged down from the bottom of his heart, and there was a little bit of willingness in it.

Ren Dong knew what the loser was thinking, and he was still chatting and laughing with Ming Kai. As soon as he got on the stage and walked out of the entrance channel, he saw the members of the coaching staff and management team rushing down.

Redmi's face was full of red light, and his speech speed was much slower than usual when he spoke. The joy was beyond words, and he was obviously very satisfied with the team's operational ability displayed today.

I have always believed that operations are the foundation of a professional team. The player's state may not fluctuate, and the operation may also slip. But as long as you fully understand the operating philosophy, the upper limit of the team will not be guaranteed!

Redmi thinks that the requirements are strict, but VG's performance is still to blame. "

Good job Da Gu! "

Feeling relieved, Ding Jun brushed his palms on top of Ren Dong's head to show his intimacy.

My pressure this year is quite: small. The 3000M lineup is undoubtedly a big gamble.

Few events in the e-sports industry rely on bonuses for their livelihoods, so the salary that clubs need to pay is generally small.

But the League of Legends is an example. The low-level professional league mechanism makes players less dependent on club wages and traffic advertisements and live broadcasts.

It is no exaggeration to say that the combined salary of all VG branches is less than that of the next LOL family!

It is also a heavy burden for Ding Jun who has no financial ability. When signing the contract with money, he must muster up his courage to make a decision. So I bet right, VG will soar into the sky!

If the team's performance is good, Ding Jun estimates that in the next few years, he will have to maintain a high investment to recover blood. Fortunately, now that VG's results are gratifying, I can feel at ease.

"It's done, old Ding," Jin Zhen said half-jokingly, "Get ready, please: I'm going to play in Nanjing for a week."

Ding Jun showed his face and laughed, "Remember, if you win the spring championship, let them play well, and you will cover all the expenses!"

After 30 million yuan for public travel, it is worth mentioning. If you can win the championship, you can play around with the training department and ask questions.

"Da Gu will not be interviewing on the main stage for a while!"

Jin Wenhyuk received the information from the Shiquan staff, and hurried over to find his jungler. Ren Dong handed the inside set to Gu Xing beside him.

Li Zhixun was stabbed twice, took over the keyboard and mouse with his head turned back, and was still chatting with Kuro. The two Koreans hadn't gotten used to communicating in Chinese, "Why are you a cow? The yellow chicken on the other side beat The law is under control!"

Li Ruixing was completely convinced by this. "

Too weak and hot, this wave of Scout who pushes back the line card is about to die! "

I laughed a little.

With the help of the sun disc, Kur0 created this wave of pushback lines, which really disgusted the college students.

At the very beginning, Scout couldn't bear the fact that he had two or eight minutes to send the ointment, so he pulled Hou Ye to the next lane to untie the line, but Ren Dong squatted down and sent a double kill, bringing EDG into the abyss!

Jin Zhen ran all the way to find the host Jack. The two chatted without one another,

Jack felt that some of the interview questions were too appropriate, and was about to turn around to find a table to modify the card in his hand, when he turned around and was startled, "Spit, is it true?"

Ren Dong's attention was attracted, and he couldn't help raising his eyebrows. The TV screen in front of him is showing the pre-match injuries of this game.

I remembered the subtle expression on Smeb's face when he stood up before winning the match, and I instantly understood why the other party reacted in this way. Outside the damage histogram, the junglers of the two sides are like a world apart!

After 25 minutes of the game, Hou Ye only scored 3619 points of output! On the other hand, Ren Dong suffered a full 17650 damage! There is no more than seven times the difference between the two!

In the end, a column chart was presented. Ren Dong's one-column towered over the sky. Compared with Jin Zhen's damage column, which ranked the bottom of the ten players, it was nothing short of amazing!

"You have to go and see the reaction in the live broadcast room!"

Jack is also a melon eater, so he quickly clicked on the game live broadcast room while he was still off stage to collect his mobile phone.

I also took the initiative to invite Ren Dong to watch the barrage together. "

Ai Ya, that's good..." Ren Dong waved his hand. As a result, Jack went directly to my side and moved the phone to my side twice.

Seeing that the other party was so cold, Jin Zhen agreed.

The game just happened, and there were still not many netizens outside the live broadcast room. Before seeing the damage figures, they immediately expressed their feelings in the chat channel, and Ren Dong was dazzled by the white barrage.

【3619? Is that the damage that abnormal players can deal in 25 minutes? 】【Zhe B Congratulations to the factory director for setting a new personal output record! 】

[The output of the factory manager playing Peanut can reach 4396. Facts have proved that Brother Xing is still better than Big Peanut] [You are really a Buddha, you dare to be selected in the semi-finals after playing like this? 】

[After the World Championship last year, no one joked that Lord Hou was the weakest post-level supporter, just like Sun Yeyou was the weakest support after the post-level. Now it seems like a pure school belle! 】

When Ren Dong saw the first one, he couldn't help laughing out loud. The results of the VP player selection for the last round have not been broadcast off the screen. I saw my makeup photo appear in it.

The director was very suitable for the occasion, and specially selected a photo of Ren Dong holding up his finger to compare it to the muzzle of a gun, which complemented the bearded Graves holding a shotgun in front of him.

Jin Zhen aimed at the data he cared more about. The average output is 706, the damage conversion rate is 124. 4%, the counterpoint economy leads +8220lVP times 16 (2)

"Excellent, Brother Xing," Jack congratulated me sincerely, "The economic difference between the two positions is really exaggerated!"

It's the Grip of Destruction's time to preside over the game is considered short, but it has never seen such outrageous statistics.

Jin Zhen also said a few words modestly, "I don't have 1/3 of the credit for the teammates outside, so we gave you the extra troops."

The economic gap can be so exaggerated, and it has nothing to do with the first two waves of team battles.

I got 2,000 gold coins for the double seven kills, and then slowly retreated all the way to narrow the economic gap to a terrifying 8,000+!

The results of the NVP selection came to an end. When the low-light moments of both sides of the game were played on the front stage, Jack received the notice from the director and took Ren Dong to the stage.

"Welcome to the pre-match interview session..." Jack's voice was as loud as a bell, and the basic skills of hosting were in place.

Ren Dong introduced himself complicatedly amid the cheers of the audience on stage, and then he heard the first routine question. "

After defeating EDG and retreating to the finals, how do you feel now? "

I held the microphone in my hand, "It's very wrong, because you can play directly from the semi-finals, and the adaptation to the 7.7 version is still average. At the end, I thought that the game would be more difficult, but I thought it was actually quite good. nervous."

At first, Redmi was prepared for a protracted tug-of-war. After all, no matter how weak the team is, it is hard to beat the version. If the direction of the updated content is accurate, it is likely to be attacked by the opponent!

Ren Dong thinks about it now, and feels that he and his teammates have learned a lot outside of B05 in this game. Jack immediately asked the previous question.

"Today's eighth game, at the beginning, we couldn't see that the team was obviously not arranged, and successfully deceived the opponent's blind hatred into the top lane, while Brother Xing cooperated with his teammates to catch the first blood and completed the anti-wilderment, successfully pulling away

The gap between the jungler and the jungler, how did the team communicate at that time? "

The sound of Kou Kou's testicles sounded on the stage. The problem was a little less in-depth than after that, and few audiences were motivated.

It is too late to read the content of the interview. Ren Dong has not acquiesced that there is no need to modify that part, so it is not a taboo.

"... You invaded at the beginning of the game and saw the opening route of the opponent's jungler, so you thought of using a strategy to deceive Jin Zhen. Brother Duan said that I can get stuck, so he created the illusion for EDG that you are going to catch the top lane. Get back on the road."

"If the plan is successful, you will succeed in getting a small enough late-game advantage."

Add a group of camps in one blood. It seems to be less.

But once the economic snowball starts to roll, the subsequent continuous reaction will be beyond imagination!

Ren Dong eloquently said, "The most important thing in the game is not the lack of information, and the vision in the later stage is not a very important factor. Sometimes it is easy to deceive by saying that the opponent is too small, but we only know the enemy.

, it is difficult to distinguish true from false. "

Due to the frequent use of cover-ups to disgust opponents, few junglers are now unprepared. But this is based on whether there is enough information security to analyze Ren Dong's movements.

Hou Ye was close to a state of blindness at the time, and he knew everything about the vG field! I really don't understand whether Ren Dong really wants to catch him, or whether he wants to make a surprise attack on the lower half of the area!

"I also have to thank your coaching staff for choosing a lineup that allows you to gain an advantage at the beginning of level 1," Ren Dong said frankly, "If this eye was inserted during the invasion, the situation in the later stage will be so bad It's really easy to say."

From the time I set foot on my career path, the host of the pre-match interview asked questions in the same way, which was both in-depth and nutritious.

The main reason is that few hosts themselves have a low level of understanding of the event, and the questions they ask are related to pain. Of course, it has nothing to do with the domestic LOL e-sports public opinion environment.

Often when the host asks a little bit more, no fans will go to Weibo and other media to leave a message saying that the team's tactics have been exposed and will be studied by the opponent.

After coming and going, it made the host himself want to do that kind of thing again, messing around with routine questions, at least asking some trifles outside of life. Anyway, the salary will be more for every penny.

But in fact, the vast majority of problems have basically reached the level of 'leakage tactics'.

Just like the doubts raised by Jack, as long as no coaching staff is willing to study the video, VG's tricks will be exposed.

That's not difficult to understand, even some coaches sold in some full-time spots can understand why. The hard part is whether you can make a reasonable response!

Therefore, Jin Zhen simply gave a brief explanation to the audience directly, and a little taste would have no negative impact on the team.

I have personally experienced the transformation from an e-sports spectator to a professional player. When I first came into contact with the e-sports circle, I was so confused that I knew everything. I had to ask Shi Senming and others who were delayed in becoming a professional player to get confused.

Ren Dong feels that there is always a sad and thick barrier between the professional team and the audience. As a result, netizens have a basic understanding of professional e-sports.

It's not that VG now releases some player-oriented video content in order to attract fans and stabilize traffic, so that supporters have less awareness of professional e-sports.

Otherwise, fans might even know what the club looks like, let alone match training! Ren Dong believes that properly disclosing the content of the professional arena in the pre-match interview is beneficial but harmful.

What information will the opponent get, and the audience will cut out of the live broadcast room after seeing the pre-match interview. The less netizens know about professional e-sports, the weaker their sense of experience watching the game will be.

I eat that bowl of rice, and the more prosperous the competition is, the less income Jin Zhen can get, so why not? Jack was extremely satisfied with my answer, and his words revealed even more indifference.

"Last weekend, VG will compete peacefully in the final at the Nanjing Olympic Sports Center. The opponent is the winner of RNG and Acridine E. Who do you want to meet more?"

Jin Zhen was thinking falsely.

"As far as I'm concerned, it doesn't matter who the opponent is... Anyway, you all win."

The number of vCs outside the auditorium was small. Hearing Zhen Zhen's words at this moment, he immediately waved the support object in his hand, and still whispered Ren Dong's ID.

At the same time, the whole story outside the live broadcast room of the event was full of 'crazy'. Ren Dong smiled brightly, waved goodbye to the supporters, and then went to the stage and handed the microphone back to Jack.

It is the Grip of Destroyer who is very close to me now, pulling me to chat for a long time, until the door of the VG lounge, he reluctantly left.

When Ren Dong returned to the room, he saw Ming Kai was still surfing with his mobile phone, so he went over to see if there was nothing interesting.

"Old Gu, post a post first..." Duan Deliang hissed and tapped his fingers under the screen.

My hand speed is slow, and an anti-bar post was born when I was young [How to evaluate VG. JackeyLove's first B05 performance in his career? ] And Qian Jinzhen himself replied on the top post.

[The host thinks that JackeyLove is mediocre and strange. Is there anything worthy of praise? It's just a hug: the bastard with calves is far more eye-catching than Iboy! ] Jin Zhen rarely fell silent.

Rao thought that he knew the rhythm of the Internet very well, but he also thought that there was no such way of playing. "

Yu handled that piece very well. "

Ren Dong sighed quietly.

"Wow, Kaka, take a look at Lao Gu, the post is getting colder!"

Jin Zhenguang was overjoyed.

Jin Zhen knew Ming Kai's way of exchanging traffic with himself, so he simply went back to his seat and looked at the post bar. Two: In the semi-finals of the small traffic team, the degree of discussion is bound to be high.

Posts are flying everywhere outside the anti-bar. Ren Dong ignored Ming Kai's message and looked up. [Baby maggots, what do you think of Brother Xing's eighth female gun? It might be too heavy to handle]

[In 25 minutes, the counterpoint leads to 8000+ economy, and it is a proper Tongtian generation! 】【It's really ruthless, look at the statistics before the game, Brother Xing led 144 in matchups... Can the jungler get that kind of stats? 】

[Ghost feet enter the army as soon as possible, don't occupy the latrine as a shit]

[If you think about EDG, you have to find a suitable jungler. You can always let Ai Loli come down: The guy performed like asking to brush the wild and was killed by the red BUFF, right? 】

Outside the post bar, S Xiaoshao is discussing the junglers of both sides. Jin Zhen also felt that his hands seemed to be quite heavy.

Moreover, Hou Ye and I are traffic monsters, and the coldness among the junglers in the LPL ranks among the bottom seven.

Before the huge match-up gap was made, the outside of the anti-bar naturally ended a vigorous pig-killing meeting, specifically arresting the piglets.

However, thanks to the blitz in Poland, the number of wild piglets exposed in the first half of the spring split is increasing. It is even rarer to resist outside the bar.

Netizens saw that the arrest of piglets was a success, and they used the remaining coldness to make a living.

Ren Dong saw it vaguely, knowing which ghost had intercepted a picture during the live broadcast - Kou Rou glanced in the direction of Lord Hou when he left the table in the pre-match packing.

I think Koro1 should be mixed with any emotion, and it is estimated that there is no movement on the other side to attract attention. It's hard to believe that no one deliberately took advantage of it.

[Bucket: In the seventh set, choose a Rambo to let labor and management be trained by the military, right? I really don't have him, ghost foot one]

[In the S5 World Championship, the order was changed and the line was changed to follow the development of the jungler. Hou Ye even gave a wild monster to the meat. The classic animation is still stored outside your mobile phone. The kind of player who takes the order as a person Did he expect to suddenly become enlightened? 】

[Strawberry, AJ: Well said! 】

[Knowing that I ordered a Rambo, I was stunned for a moment, and I was under a little pressure. I went to vG, watching Brother Xing crazily grabbing meat, raising a little dad, Shen came out, frankly, I was going to die standing behind Anti-seven, it is true that the brain circuit is clear]

Here, Ren Dong also saw that many netizens made the screenshots into white and white, and added funny Chinese and English subtitles.

I kept smiling the whole time, pointing and stopping, and put all those pictures into my inventory.

When he went out to eat Cantonese cuisine with his teammates in the evening, Ren Dong was still watching the preview post of tomorrow's semi-final match with the roast goose in his sandwich.

"Few people feel that RNG will win," I roughly estimated the number of supporters on both sides of the network, "and the lead is still large."

Ming Kai specially picks crispy chicken to eat, "It's unusual. After a fight, whoever looks good offline depends on popularity. RNG's coldness is high."

RNG is suspected to be the smallest beneficiary of the all-China class gimmick.

Back then when OMG was engaged in Planetary Light, there was such a small amount of traffic. S5 recruited Uzi and played himself to death. Now the royal family managed to eat that piece of cake.

I don’t have time to think about it, but it’s ironic. The royal family of the S4 World Championship recruited South Korea’s Nosuke, and personally sent away the two all-China teams of OMG and EDG in the knockout stage, opening a vigorous era of Korean aid. .

What is Jin Zhen's opinion on Quan Shi Quan Hua?

You can eat as much as you want in the traffic area. I really want to compete for the championship of the international competition. The difficulty is really too low. If you want to form a weak pure Chinese sub-team, unless you train your own youth training, the cost is really too low.

The accounts of top players are too valuable.

Let’s talk about whether the country can find seven Chinese players who are not capable of competing for the championship. Even if they don’t, the cost of buying them all is estimated to be less than VG’s 3000 acridine!

"Who are they looking at?"

Jin Zhen was busy with other things to do, so he wanted to do something new, "Whoever loses will have one less club video!"


Duan bulging mouth is very full.

My kind of introverted player is okay to compete in the high-profile competition. If I want to work hard in front of the camera, I will be willing to do it out of the bottom of my heart.

But Yu Wenbo saw the active participation of his teammates, so he simply guessed ME. "

why? "

Ren Dong was very puzzled, "Brother Duan, does he have a good relationship with Uzi?"

Jin Zhen looked at the silence as a thing: Little, I still forgot to tease my mouth full of oil, "Old Gu, he understands, there is only one truth... This is not the breakup of the top road group!"

Yu Wenbo answered after organizing the language, "It's good that you have a good relationship with Dagou, so you bet on E. If E really wins, you will use it to shoot videos. If RNG wins, you will feel distressed for your friends..."

"Win-win, right?"

Ren Dong understood.

Gu Xing didn't bother to dwell on the weird win-win definition in his own jungler's mouth, but gave a completely different point of view, "Why is it a double-lose? On the other hand, if you ask a long section, he will be sad for a while.

Yu Wenbo gritted his teeth, "So why do they have to make that bet?"

Ren Dong held back a smile and asked Hongmi.

"You think... E, E will win."

Homme drank seven taels of Moutai, and now his face is slightly tipsy, not a little bit drunk. "

Can you give me a reason? "

Ren Dong asked curiously.

Red rice seriously talked about the reason with me for a long time. Whether there are any shortcomings in the construction of the E lineup, and after a year of running-in, there is a tacit linkage between the players.

"The team can only have one wooden barrel. The matter of winning the championship depends on whether the most powerful board in his team is long enough, and it also depends on the weakest board..." Hongmi was very angry when he was drunk. Little, and even brought Gu Xing over to translate.

"Any championship team has a bastard, at least in this level of competition we participate in, it is definitely a bastard!"

My eyes were blurred, "He looks like a fool, people say that he must bear the resource sacrifice point."

"From the end of the BP, I have been taken care of. All my teammates have come, and even the eye positions are helped. I can only wait for the development and work as a county worker in team battles. Naturally, I seem to have a sense of presence."

"Under the short board, E is obviously weaker than RNG!"

Hongmi swears, "He will wait and see, you think the next road will become a breakthrough."

Seeing that the topic was slowly being diverted, Ding Jun seemed to come up and pull me to continue drinking. It turned out that Redmi was right.

In the seventh semi-final of the next day, did the E Eighth Army expose any fatal loopholes! In contrast, RNG seems to be faltering.

White Crescent played against Bo Xiao in the first game, and put out the opponent's good system to test the waters. However, RNG had a small advantage in the later stage, and it was a bit of a sigh of relief when the game ended.

Xiaolong was able to be turned over by E relying on the more unfamiliar team battle cooperation! White Crescent's BP strategy is not prepared for slapstick.

I think RNG has won the unique system, and the pressure on BP has dropped immediately! Immediately started to retreat and disassemble, and continued to let the opponent take the good lineup, but slightly adjusted some points.

The lineup RNG got was even worse, but they could only bite the bullet and play. The team still got the worry in the late stage. But in the middle and early stages, the taste is right again.

Letme used Qing Gangying to play single belt on the top road. Seeing that E's seven players, except Shinzhiri, ran to the Xiaolongkeng, they also shook the big tiger to try to kill 957 who was guarding the low ground.

As long as it can be sent away, RNG will easily destroy the low ground all the way, even approaching the ME main crystal! But the two of RNG's middle and middle school are holding the low ground tower, so they can kill Shen!

Instead, 957 succeeded in delaying the time. First, he relied on his father to fight back and kill one person, and then waited for his teammates to come back to help, and then beheaded the other person on the horse!

In the middle and early stages, RNG's mid-bot laner died suddenly, which dealt a fatal blow to the team.

E took advantage of the nearly 70 seconds of the enemy's resurrection to nervously get the neutral resources missing from the map, and organized an eight-way army to launch a counterattack!

The ghosts of the unfamiliar early-stage diarrhea rhythm are scattered, shrouding RNG's head. Developed to a small early stage, E relied on team battles to go to the next level! After losing two games in a row, the expressions of the RNG players are not quite right yet.

Ren Dong, who was watching the live broadcast, saw the scene outside the base and knew that the victory had been decided. In the eighth set, E, under the leadership of the white crescent, continued to uphold the drag formula! Procrastinate, just procrastinate.

As long as you get to the early stage, it's not E's heaven! We can always reverse the situation by relying on weak team battles! RNG knew that it was too much E in the early stage, so they could only put all their eggs in one basket and bet their fate in the later stage.

But another victory. Every time before getting the economic lead, the team does not lack the ability to turn the advantage into a victory! Eight to zero, another sweep.

The finale of the Spring Split of the S7 season will be played between VG and E!

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