What is a hexagon jungler?

Chapter 303 303: It seems that I did nothing wrong, but I just sent it

Ten heroes were born in the spring, and the signal sounded continuously, densely arranged along the river.

Wawa attached great importance to the last match of this spring competition, and immediately mobilized her emotions, speaking with a passionate and powerful voice.

"The first game of the final has officially begun. Both sides are rushing to the river, but it seems that there is no intention of fighting, and they are just defending in a long snake formation!"

The stable control of the first-level regiments of both sides is very little. If a control chain cannot be formed, it is almost unrealistic to kill the opponent in seconds.

If a conflict really breaks out, there is a high probability that the two sides will fight each other to make the shooter with a longer attack distance hurt for nothing.

In the end, it is estimated that it is difficult to produce kills. Everyone's blood volume is low, and they must either return to the city to replenish or return to the line.

Obviously not getting enough of it.

WE seems to be sitting on a top level 1 bottom lane combination of female police + Karma. With the blessing of range damage, the overall output ability can be fully maximized.

But VG has a prince!

Level 1 Jarvan IV has no control and can't deal a lot of damage.

However, E [Debon Flag] Level 1 can increase the attack speed of nearby teammates by 15%.

The buff aura lasts for 8 seconds, and the effect radius is a full 1000 yards!

If you really want to fight against a level 1 team, the five VG players are equivalent to an extra dagger per person.

WE has no chance of winning at all!

VG also didn't want to take risks. Gu Xing planned to make a big move and didn't want any accidents to interfere with his plan.

Therefore, the two sides reached a tacit agreement on the opening plan, building a line of defense along the river, man-to-man to prevent the opponent from entering the wild area to set up vision or change the field to invade.

Gu Xing zoomed in on the scroll wheel to take a closer look at the details of the hero model.

He chose the prince's FNC champion skin, which is like the manatee skin of the plane, somewhat rascal.

The weapon is big and chunky and feels great to tap.

And the skin design is very weird.

As we all know, the skin will not affect the value, and the prince's EQ forward time is the same regardless of any outfit.

Available skins will change with animation.

A normal prince's EQ is to throw the military flag from behind, and then stab it with a halberd.

The animation of the FNC prince throwing the flag into the sky is very short, replaced by a short moment of rigidity on the spot.

This leads to visual effects, FNC prince's EQ looks faster!

The skin was once banned by Riot in the professional arena, and it was released after a little restoration of balance, but the speed of casting combos is still a bit faster in appearance.

Now that dressing up is not banned, Gu Xing naturally wants to choose it to try.

At this time, he waved a halberd in the lower river to show Kandy's skin on the opposite bank, and also flashed a dog tag to show his friendship.

The red and white WE team logo also appeared above the blind monk's head.

The two junglers seem to have a very harmonious relationship.

However, at 1 minute and 30 seconds into the game, both sides saw that their opponents had no intention of invading, so they retreated and prepared to start the match. Kandy immediately felt bad.

"Zero Dan, take Mystic to push the line quickly," he arranged in an orderly manner, "The second wave of soldiers enter the tower to push back, and I will open the field from above and swipe down!"

Zero's Chinese level is very good. After hearing Kandi's arrangement, he knew what his jungler wanted to do.

As long as WE can quickly push the line in the bottom lane, when the artillery line arrives, the minion handover position will continue to advance in the direction of its own defense tower.

At that time, the VG duo will inevitably leave the turret shelter in order to make up the knife.

Kandi quickly went to the bottom lane, and there was a high probability that he would be able to arrest the opponent directly!

Even if they don't have overly stable control, at least they will depress the state of the VG duo and force out the enemy's summoner skills!

Ling Dan agreed very happily, and took his brother-in-law to move down the route, set up eye positions in the line grass near the VG defense tower, and prepared to push the line to grab the second.

Condy made the long trek, running from the lower river to the upper half.

In his view, his actions were extremely deceptive.

Being able to hit VG by surprise!

Gu Xing was not easy to get along with, he withdrew from the river and returned to his wild area, immediately moved down against the wall of Xiaolongkeng, and placed his first ornament eye in the triangular grass on the bottom road.

The director gave the eye position a close-up shot.

"Huh?" Baby made a confused nasal sound, "Brother Xing's eye position is not right..."

If you do wards at the beginning, it can also be said to prevent invasion.

Now that both sides are about to start laning, what does it mean to put your eyes in the triangular grass?

"Could it be to beware of crouching here before the WE duo goes online?" Miller tried to find a relatively reasonable explanation.

The combination of WE policewoman + Karma, if you get stuck in the triangular grass and wait for VG to go online, you can get a health advantage at the beginning of the laning phase!

As for the blue side, after helping the jungler, the fastest way to go online is through the triangular grass. Miller thought that Gu Xing wanted to ensure that his duo could reach the online line as soon as possible and safely.

Little Peanut, who was watching the live broadcast, leaned forward slightly, watching his eyes carefully.

"Yes, meaning..." There was a hint of understanding in his eyes.

Gu Xing chose to start from the red BUFF in the lower half of his side.

Jack and Xiao Duan clicked the general attack five times each, then turned and left the wild monster camp.

As Miller expected, the WE duo squatted near the triangular grass, trying to launch a sneak attack when the opponent passed by!

"What is Jack doing?" Wawa didn't know why, "Brother Xing has already seen WE's bottom lane combination, and he still wants to charge forward with Xiaoduan?"

When Zero Egg's Karma threw RQ Inner Flame, Jack did not dodge or dodge.

Seeing this, the policewoman did not hesitate to shoot Q [Peace Messenger] piercing bomb!

The skills of the two shot out from the triangular grass!

Even if Xiao Duan gave E [Help, Pixar] the shield in time, Jack lost nearly 1/3 of his HP.

Moreover, the enhanced version of Inner Flame still leaves a ring of fire on the narrow terrain, which will burst out and cause damage after a short delay.

Yu Wenbo stepped on it, and his movement speed was greatly reduced.

He shot W [Thousands of Arrows], and successfully slowed down to the enemy's duo who had just withdrawn from the triangular grass, moved forward and shot out another basic attack.

The next moment, before WE counterattacked, Jack got into the grass and blocked the opponent's vision!

My brother-in-law didn't expect this person to play like a mad dog.

When a normal ADC sees that his blood volume has dropped, he retreats first to calm down.

As a result, Jack drew his bow and came looking for him!

The key is that he can't run yet!

The ice arrow has a slowing effect, if it is stuck, the opponent will start the pursuit mode!

Mystic was originally a calm person, but Yu Wenbo also made him feel angry.

You like cupping, don't you?

He poked an eye into the triangular grass, inserted the ice inside, raised his hand and shot a bullet at the opposite side's head, trying to use damage to wake up the other side.

The strategy was successful.

The VG duo saw that their plan to get stuck in the grass vision was shattered, and immediately left the triangle grass to prepare to go online safely.

"This wave of ice has lost a lot of blood," Miller didn't understand Jack's approach. "He has no need to fight against WE!"

"Lulu doesn't have the ability to regenerate blood. Han Bing's cornerstone talent is also the enthusiasm for war. She lacks the means to replenish her health. During the laning phase, she will definitely be hit by the policewoman and Karma!"

The voice just fell.

The director cut the camera to the lower wild area.

After Gu Xing was promoted to level 2, he did not go to the rest of the camps, but instead entered the lower river with the EQ 2nd company above Xiaolongkeng!

"Brother Xing, this is..." Wawa hissed lightly, showing a look full of expectation, "He wants to catch it at level 2?!"

The prince carried the halberd on his shoulders and walked along the river to the grass connected to the lower road, quietly waiting for the opportunity to come.

"It seems that there is a real chance," Miller immediately realized the seriousness of the problem, "The WE duo didn't notice Brother Xing's movements at all!"

At the beginning, I didn't do wards in the VG wild area.

They knew nothing about Gu Xing's whereabouts!

The more than 10,000 spectators in the stands on all sides hung their hearts.

Some 60E couldn't help screaming, as if they wanted to remind the players they supported in this way.

The Olympic Sports Center did not build a soundproof booth.

But the volume gathered in the stands was far from enough for the ten contestants on the stage to hear clearly.

However, my brother-in-law's laning style is indeed very stable.

After pushing the first wave of soldiers, he didn't wait with Zero Dan to consume them before going down the tower.

Instead, they moved in groups to the river.

At present, the lower river is completely dark, which always makes people feel unsafe.

Although the prince hasn't appeared on the stage for a long time, normal people know that this hero can be captured at level 2.

There is no problem for the WE duo to step back in time to explore the field of vision after pushing the line.

Besides, the timing of their card is perfect-just push the pawn line under the VG tower and come to the river.

Jack and Duan Deliang were trapped in the army line, and they were too far apart to support them. If they rushed forward, they would undoubtedly startle the enemy. WE can retreat after handing in the summoner skills in the next lane!

VG can't do it now!

"Brother Xing withdrew to Xiaolongkeng..." Miller guessed, "Are you planning to give up Gank and go back to the jungle?"

The prince's basic movement speed is here, and he can run faster than the WE duo on foot.

Gu Xing, who had been forewarned in advance, hid near Xiaolongkeng when the WE duo entered the bushes connecting the lower road and the river, and hid in the corner as soon as they turned.

He seemed to know that the director's camera was on him, enjoying the treatment of "the world focuses on you", danced on the spot and lit up the VG team logo.

The VG supporters, who breathed a sigh of relief because Gu Xing hadn't been discovered, erupted in cheers from the auditorium.

The WE duo entered the river, and saw that there was nothing here, and the river crabs hadn't been refreshed yet!

Heroes have a vision range of 1350 yards, which does not allow them to see too far away.

As for the corner of Xiaolongkeng, it was blocked by the wall and completely in the blind spot of vision.

The prince completely hid his figure!

The brother-in-law didn't find Gu Xing, so he relaxed his vigilance, and went back to the bottom lane with Lingdan to continue fighting.

He was going to speed up and push the second wave of short lines into the VG tower, creating a wave of back push lines, waiting for Kandi to help him catch people.

Little did they know that the moment they returned to the line, Gu Xing started a new round of actions!

"The prince shot back!" Miller blurted out, "Brother Xing didn't go to his own wild area to continue cleaning up the camp, but chose to walk and went to the grass where the lower road and the lower river are connected!"

He couldn't hide the shock in his tone.

"Back and forth for half a minute, brother Xing is so sure that he will not be discovered? He is simply playing a big gamble!"

When Miller saw that the prince did not achieve his goal, he vowed not to give up. For a moment, he wondered whether Gu Xing had been taken away by Mala Xiangguo's off-site login, and his gambling was outrageous.

But from Gu Xing's point of view, he will definitely reap huge benefits from this attack.

There is no possibility of loss!

Because Gu Xing had enough information.

When Xiao Duan first went online, he tried to hide in the grass to avoid the consumption of the WE duo, and hide to deter opponents by the way.

But the headshots accumulated by the policewoman still hit Duan Deliang in the grass.

So far, it has been confirmed in the short section that there is an accessory eye inserted by WE in the grass!

And just now when the two teams were facing each other, the brother-in-law lost his eyes on the triangular grass again.

3 minutes ago, the eye positions on WE's bottom lane all entered the cooling state!

They have no way to find out where the prince is!

It was precisely this that Gu Xing had calculated correctly that he dared to run back and forth between the bushes and Xiaolongkeng on the lower road, vowing to make a surprise attack.

The WE duo took a look in the river, that's all.

Without the guarantee of eye position, the opponent would not be able to see Gu Xing's intentions in advance!

"The duo on both sides is still fighting the game at the center line, trying to get to the second level..."

WE's hero combination has an advantage.

At the beginning, squatting in the triangular grass took the lead in blood volume.

Coupled with the guarantee of the line grass eye position, it is inevitable to grab the second!

However, the eldest brother-in-law and Lingdan didn't know that, in the grass not far away, the prince was eyeing them and included them in the hunting list!

WE fans were still cheering loudly when they saw their duo use their powerful blood exchange skills to seize the line at the beginning of the game.

Now, in just half a minute, 60E came to Namikawa and changed his face.

They even wished that WE would lose the line right and the ability to grab the second in the bot lane, so that the two players could stand a little later!

Seeing that the duo was still trying to push forward, 60E felt ashamed.

"Brother Xing has done it!"

At 2 minutes and 25 seconds, Gu Xing came out of the grass with a halberd on his shoulder and appeared behind the WE duo!

The uncle was dumbfounded.

He couldn't understand why Gu Xing appeared here.

But one thing is for sure.

You must run away quickly, or you will die!

The duo in the bottom lane must finish the first three melee soldiers in the second wave of short lines to grab the second.

Now, there are still two small soldiers with more than half of their health left to reach this goal!

It is simply unrealistic to upgrade to level 2 and retreat to escape!

The prince dressed as the FNC champion raised his hand to mark the German military flag, reaching behind the policewoman!

Then there is Q [Dragon Impact]!

"What a fast EQ!" Doll praised.

The prince's halberd kills the policewoman!

The eldest brother-in-law remained calm in the face of danger, and when the halberd was about to hit him, he resolutely handed over the EQ second company that flashed to avoid the prince!

Yet another golden light shone!

The prince appeared next to the policewoman, and the halberd that had not been recovered lifted her into the air!

"EQ Flash!" Miller yelled, "Brother Xing and Flash knocked my brother-in-law into the air. Although the output cannot be caused due to the skill mechanism, it is enough to provide control. The VG duo will follow the damage!"

Gu Xing slapped the policewoman hard, and the passive [War Rhythm] caused an additional output based on the percentage of the current health value, which lowered Caitlin's health by a large amount!

Jack's ten thousand arrows were fired together, giving the opponent the slowing effect of ice arrows, and kept moving forward.

Lingdan couldn't do anything about it, and he hadn't reached level 2, so he had to hand over Q [Spiritual Flame] not far away, and then put a weakness on the ice to slow down the opponent's pursuit speed.

Complete all the work that I can do, and prove that it is because I am not capable enough, so I retreated quickly.

The attack speed bonus of the German military flag allowed Gu Xing to hit another tie A after his brother-in-law landed.

Thunder damage triggers.

Because the brother-in-law spent a lot of time with VG when he was robbing the lane, he was not full of blood, but was smashed down by the prince's head-to-head combo, and the blood bar was like a candle in the wind in an instant!

"My brother-in-law is carrying a purification, without healing, he doesn't even have the ability to save himself!"

The weakening of Zero Egg hanging on Jack is also a castrated version, and the restrictions on ADC without reducing attack speed are very limited.

Accompanied by the hasty voice of the commentator, the ice shooter took the head of the policewoman with a general attack!

Blood broke out!

The cheers in the Olympic Sports Center burst into the sky in an instant!

The VCs vigorously waved the support objects in their hands, praising Gu Xing for his courage and sophistication!

"Brother Xing wandered around the lower half of the area for half a minute, and finally let him succeed!" Wawa couldn't believe her eyes.

The live broadcast room of the event was even more crowded, and the barrage quickly swiped past the screen.

【walk slowly! I drop Superman! 】

[Teacher under the factory manager is arrested at the second level, right? 】

[Isn't this a combination of incense pot + Guijiaoqi? The second-level dead squatting down the road, and will never leave until you get the head]

【Prince is playing like a ghost, the truth is to scare WE! 】

[I am really convinced, the prince is too ruthless to play, my brother-in-law probably never dreamed that Brother Xing would come! 】

"To be honest, my brother-in-law tried his best. He and his assistant went for a walk around the river, but the prince played hide-and-seek to fool them." Miller was full of helplessness. people!"

Mystic flicked her bangs to hide her shock.

He didn't think he made any mistakes.

However, Gu Xing was able to catch himself in every possible way!

how can that be possible?

The eldest brother-in-law fell into deep thought as he looked at the prince's solitary make-up in the data panel.

Really squatting on the road?

Candy was even more dumbfounded.

When he encountered Gu Xing Gank in the bottom lane, he had already finished his double BUFF and was farming the Demon Swamp Frog.

He was already thinking about how he would go to the disgusting VG duo in the bottom lane when he was promoted to third.

Who would have thought that Gu Xingtie, who only wanted to clean up a group of wild monsters, was so determined to gank around the bottom lane, and successfully sent his nephew brother-in-law back to the spring!

Now Kandi's plan is completely in vain!

The bot line didn't push forward, where did the push back come from?

The most hateful thing is that it is very difficult for me to fight against the wild!

He was in the lower half of the area with the prince, even though Gu Xing's flash was still cooling down.

But how can the VG wild area be so easy to advance?

In the middle, Kuro Syndra played clockwork and undoubtedly had the initiative in the laning period.

The bottom lane is still under the control of VG because the brother-in-law has not returned to the line after his death.

Kandi felt that if he went to fight against the wild, as long as he was caught by the opponent, he would have to peel off his skin if he didn't die!

For a while, Condi didn't know what to do.

Little Peanut praised Gu Xing's overall arrangement.

"The eye of the triangular grass is well done!" He nodded again and again, "It completely kept WE in the dark!"

Shu Wang also echoed Peanut's opinion.

He is playing the bottom lane, so he can naturally see the deep meaning hidden in Gu Xing's actions.

The ward that Gu Xing inserted in the triangular grass in the bottom lane before he opened the field was indeed to let the VG duo have an early warning of WE's crouching action.

But it's more than that.

Jack saw the WE duo squatting in the grass, but he just pretended that he didn't know it, and tried his best to cover up the existence of the eye position, causing the opponent to make a misjudgment.

When the conflict broke out between the two sides, Yu Wenbo showed his fierce nature again, bullying forward to suppress the opponent, and also tried to enter the triangular grass to block the opponent's general attack.

Everything is to deceive the eye of my brother-in-law!

Before the start of the duo, there are a total of two jewelry eye positions before 3 minutes.

If Mystic puts one of his eyes in the triangular grass in order to gain an advantage in exchange, then Gu Xing's plan will come true.

Because if the WE duo wants to successfully grab the second place, they have to make another ward in the grass to ensure that they will not be consumed by the opponent hiding in the grass when pushing the line.

In this way, WE's bottom lane will have no extra eye positions to prevent Gank.

Gu Xing was able to play hide-and-seek around the lower river and Xiaolongkeng just like before, and finally seized the vacancy in WE's field of vision and killed it!

"If WE doesn't care about it, continue to fight, and the prince who will pay punishment and forcibly drop the red BUFF in seconds to rise to level 2 will be chased and beaten by VG, and the policewoman will also lose money. Half a tube of blood..."

Pray simulated the possibility, taking a comprehensive inventory of the results that each of WE's coping strategies would lead to.

In the end, he found that unless the WE duo chooses to give up and crouch in the triangular grass to consume the opponent.

Otherwise, WE will lose no matter what!

"It's really scary," Mouse King exclaimed, "I didn't even know that the heart of a jungler is so dirty!"

Little Peanut was also full of admiration, and he didn't forget to glance at Pray, "Just for fun, this is Brother Xing, how can the idea be understood by an insect like you?"

He has a very good relationship with Shu Wang, and he speaks without any scruples, a little bit neither big nor small.

Pray wasn't angry, instead, he put himself in Mystic's shoes and thought about how to deal with the bot lane matchup.

My brother-in-law witnessed VG go down the field and push the pawn line into the tower, just in time to reach the cannon line on the line at 2 minutes and 47 seconds.

Gu Xing was not polite at all, the dragon rammed and stabbed the minions, and then knocked passive damage on the top of each minion, helping Jack push all the minions into the WE defense tower, creating a perfect return to the city supply node for the VG duo!

The resurrected policewoman returned to the line just in time to catch the artillery soldier.

If the brother-in-law uses all his skills to clean up Xiaobin, with the help of Zero Egg Karma, he will definitely have the means to clean up all the soldiers under the tower before the fourth wave of small soldiers arrives.

But in that way, the handover position of the pawn line will be reset to the central area.

The policewoman can only leave the defense tower to protect and make up the knife to develop forward.

If caught by VG, the brother-in-law will be in a very dangerous situation!

After thinking about it, he decided to use a tail knife to clean up the minions under the tower.

The efficiency of clearing the line will be much worse. The handover point of the fourth wave of minions is still located in the WE tower, which will definitely form a pushback line.

At that time, a large number of WE soldiers will be hoarded and pushed to the VG tower.

My brother-in-law planned to wait until Kandi was shaken over to help protect him, and then he would go back to the city to replenish his equipment with the hoarded forward push line, trying to bring the equipment of both shooters back to the same level.

In this way, the stop loss can be achieved to the extreme!

Gu Xing did not return to the city.

He's on his way to the top half.

Song Jinghao was very interesting just now. When the battle broke out in the bottom lane, he pulled away and went to the middle of the blue BUFF and the magic marsh frog camp in the upper half of his home to take a look.

Gu Xing didn't know Kandi's open field route.

However, judging from the information provided by the eye position, the opponent did not counter his wild monsters anyway.

He just wanted to go to the upper half of the area to finish brushing the wild monsters to make up for his development.

After wandering in the bottom lane for a full half a minute, even if they got an assist, it would not be much economical for the three to split evenly.

Gu Xingdan's development is not particularly good.

Yu Wenbo was quite excited, and was still immersed in the deadly gank that Gu Xing performed on the bottom lane.

"Old Gu Ni is too hot," he babbled on and on, "The EQ flash is absolutely amazing!"

"That's it!" Gu Xing found no one to take care of him when he was in the wild, and he could chat with Jack when he was relaxed, "We have studied with Duan San, and our level is absolutely guaranteed!"

In the S4 World Championship, the prince used EQ flash for the first time on the stage of an international competition.

The creator is Dandy!

Gu Xing and Dusan have a good relationship, and sometimes they go to the base of the Optimistic team to eat, and ask for some jungler tips and unpopular gameplay.

As one of the signature skills, Prince EQ Flash is of course also within the scope of Gu Xing's advice.

Jack felt happy when he got the first-blood economy, and let Gu Xing boast about himself, and occasionally added a few words of praise, trying to coax the jungler daddy well, so that Gu Xing will continue to come next time.

He rejoiced and took out two long swords and went out to continue the line.

It is worth mentioning that the current configuration scheme of Han Bing has changed.

During the World Championships last year, they were all sucking blue knives.

This year, with the rise of War Fervor and the changes to Ruin, Ice has become popular as the build of Ruin Hurricane.

The advantage is that the damage will usher in the peak period when the two-piece set is used, and the output will be spread to more people through the arrows of the hurricane!

When Jack hurried back to the line, he saw that the policewoman of his brother-in-law was still slowly tidying up and pushing the line.

He suspected that the opponent's jungler was nearby, otherwise the policewoman who hadn't flashed wouldn't dare to play like this.

Immediately after reaching the third level, learn E [Eagle Strikes the Sky], and send out drones to explore the enemy's wild areas.

Sure enough, Kandy was caught in the lower river!

Jack quickly reminded his teammates.

At this time, the uncle saw that Kandi was discovered, so he stopped pretending and went straight to the showdown.

Swaggeringly hoarding troops and pushing towards VG, and then retreating into the fog of war.

Mystic is comfortable. After pushing this wave of soldiers and returning to the city, he can replenish equipment, which is not much inferior to Jack.

Unfortunately, it became Kandy!

When his whereabouts were discovered, Gu Xing had no reason to give up the great opportunity. He immediately chose to go to the Ueno area of ​​WE to fight against the wild!

Miller stood in the perspective of God, trying not to let go of any small details.

"Kandi also wants to invade and replace wild monster resources, but my brother-in-law has already returned to the city to supply equipment, and Zero is left alone to help him... Prince Duan is very vigilant. !"

Lulu's damage is very impressive in the early stage, E [Help, Pixar] hits the target, and then uses Q [Sparkling Spear] to successfully slow down and keep the opponent.

Pix helped Purple Garlic keep reducing the blood of the blind monk.

"Kandi is going to be hammered by wild monsters, and he doesn't have much HP left. The punishment will kill the boulder beetle to recover his health," the baby shouted anxiously, "There is not much time left for Kandi. Jack is about to finish clearing the minion line under the tower!"

The army line pushed by the brother-in-law did not have cannons, and Yu Wenbo was not slow to clean it up.

If the ice of the double long swords is released and they turn around to help the stone beetle camp, they may not even have a chance to escape!

Ling Dan understood the situation, he wanted to retreat quickly to save his own life first.

But Yu Wenbo's decisiveness was beyond his imagination!

There were two bins left under the tower, so Jack simply abandoned them.

Blink moved to the stone beetle camp, W [Thousand Arrows] successfully slowed down to Karma!

"Syndra is coming!"

Miller has sharp eyes, and immediately noticed that Kuro in the middle lane was moving towards the bottom lane.

The right to route in VG is in full play at this moment!

In this case, the slowing effect of the ice is particularly important!

Once stuck, Zero Egg will be unable to fly when Syndra rushes to the battlefield!

"Zero handed over the flash to escape, and Kandi had to give up the half-hit wild monster, W [golden bell cover] touched his teammate!"

Miller frowned, "This wave of VG replaced the auxiliary flash with the shooter's flash, but Kandi really suffered a blood loss. He only wiped out two stone beetles in total, and he didn't gain much development at all!"

Kandi's rank is not low.

He couldn't trigger the experience catch-up mechanism, and he handed over the punishment when cleaning up the stone beetle, and running back and forth wasted a lot of time.

My scalp is numb!

Candy pursed his lips and had nothing to say.

The message from 957 came through the voice - Gu Xing had already countered all the stone beetles in WE. Due to Smeb's interference, he couldn't stop it, so he just used Q [Rolling Wine Barrel] to grab two small wild monsters.

One side only spawned two wild monsters, and the other side only missed two small stone beetles.

Condi just finds it ironic.

But this is the difference in tactics between the two teams.

WE is a traditional double-C team. Even if the core engine of the rhythm in the early stage is the jungler, in the face of the development of the double-C, we still have to make concessions and sacrifices!

Therefore, the uncle can choose to return to the city after dealing with the slow push line.

In WE's mind, the development of Mystic is crucial!

In contrast to VG, the double Cs are all pseudo-nuclei.

Gu Xing is their absolute core!

The three roads serve Gu Xing unconditionally during the laning period, and they are properly and absolutely emperor!

If the roles of the two parties were reversed, Jack would face the situation of his brother-in-law. He would never choose to return to the city after pushing the line, but would accompany Gu Xing to fight against the wild.

I would rather get stuck in a wave of economy and return to the city late, dragging down the fighting power of the bottom lane, but also protect the development of the jungler!

It can only be said that junglers and junglers cannot be generalized.

Kandi dared not go to the VG Raptor camp anymore.

It's too close to the middle lane.

If Kuro catches him, Gu Xing might join in the fun!

Kandi knows that before the sixth level, WE Nakano can't get any cheap in front of VG.

He simply went back to develop with peace of mind, guarded his F6, and raised his level first.

"After the VG duo drove away WE Nosuke, he took over the remaining stone beetles himself. Kuro even ran over to collect some tolls, and used Q [Dark Ball] to kill three mobs!"

Wawa focused her gaze on Gu Xing.

"Brother Xing cleared out all the upper half of his area, and went back to the city to take out the green jungle knife and red crystal..." He was quite surprised, "Don't Brother Xing be a warrior jungle knife?"

Miller gave a reasonable explanation, "I feel that VG is not short of damage. Brother Xing is responsible for the team start point and the injury position in this game, and the rest is left to the teammates."

Redmi emphasized during BP that the team lacks the front row.

The top lane murloc is a fake tank.

Gu Xing simply came out with the meat himself.

Coincidentally, the strengthening direction of Prince W [Golden Shield] is to guide heroes to take on the front row functions.

He planned to make the slag hunting knife first.

Go out and go straight to Shimono District, ready to give my brother-in-law a set meal.

"The flashes of the WE duo are cooling down, Brother Xing really has a chance to go down the road," Waowa took a panoramic view of the combat power arrangement of the two sides on the small map, "But Kandi is also doing back squats behind!"

Gu Xing can also guess that the opponent's jungler is most likely to be in the bottom lane - after all, the camp in the WE lower jungle area is about to be refreshed, and the policewoman is the core of the team, so it is only natural that Kandy is nearby to protect.

He knew what Kandi was doing, but he decided to do it.

Because it is impossible for VG to lose against each other!

"Jack's ice gives the slow speed of thousands of arrows from a long distance, while Prince Duan uses the shining spear to slow down, and Brother Xing's EQ is aimed directly at Karma!"

The zero egg that doesn't flash is the first lamb to be slaughtered after being slowed down.

Gu Xing easily picked it up into the air!

Zero Dan's dissatisfied blood bar was reduced to 1/3 in an instant, and Jack was still making up for the damage!

"Zero attaches the effect of R [Sanskrit Mantra] to the spirit chain, Brother Shuan Zhongxing recovers some HP first!" Miller's voice was full of passion, "Kandi also used the gold bell cover to move over to give a shield! "

The corners of Gu Xing's mouth rose slightly.

He's been waiting for this moment!

Looks like Karma is hard to kill with RW.

The effect of the two percentages of blood recovery is too powerful.

But there are also disadvantages.

The first reply will take effect when the spiritual chain is built, but the second paragraph needs to wait until the chain is generated!

There is a gap of two full seconds in the middle.

Just kill Karma within these two seconds!

After EQ, Gu Xing deliberately didn't hurt Ling Dan with his basic attack.

Normally speaking, it is a basic operation for the prince to follow up with a general attack after EQ, and he can play a sufficient amount of burst.

However, Gu Xing had long thought that Karma would use RW to restore blood volume.

The healing effect of the spiritual chain is based on the lost health.

Simply put, the more blood lost, the more impressive the recovery.

Gu Xing deliberately did not use basic attacks to deal passive and thunder damage, just to reduce the HP recovered by Karma's RW!

Now seeing that the other party had built the spirit chain, he stopped hesitating and hit Karma with the halberd heavily!

[War Rhythm] Mixed with Thunder's output, it directly pierced the shield provided by Kandi, and continued to lower the blood bar!

Gu Xing also issued a golden holy shield.

Even though the skill is only level 1, the modified holy shield will provide a shield value of 65+6% of the maximum health after hitting three people!

Jack yelled, "Give me the W!"

Duan Deliang had already prepared, and W [Wonderful Thoughts] hung above Han Bing's head.

Ash's attack followed by Q [Archer's Concentration], bent bow and nocked an arrow, and crazily poured damage on Karma!

Lulu W plus the double attack speed increase of the Prince's Army Flag, Jack's A is picturesque!

"Karma's been knocked out!" Wow roared loudly, "Zero didn't last until the second phase of recovery!"

Kandi couldn't walk when he saw the bloody prince, and wanted to cooperate with his brother-in-law to kill Gu Xing.

But the healing technique that Jack handed over made him feel desperate!

"Brother Xing's red crystal is so good!" Miller sincerely praised, "Relying on 180 health points, he forcibly survived the outbreak of WE!"

The outbreak of the policewoman relies heavily on the linkage between EW and the headshot mechanism.

As a result, the E rope net was successfully hit, and the brother-in-law immediately followed the trap, but because of the acceleration of Jack's treatment, Gu Xing moved vertically and twisted away!

Just relying on the output of a headshot is not enough to kill Gu Xing instantly!

"Jack aimed at his brother-in-law, the arrows rained down, and the female policeman struggled!"

Mystic couldn't walk at all.

He surrendered the purification to remove the slow speed of Lulu Q [Shining Spear].

However, he was helpless against the continuous rain of ice-cold arrows!

"It's hard for a policewoman who doesn't flash to leave, so she just pointed the finger at Brother Xing who is still bleeding!"

My brother-in-law intends to accept a head.

But before he could kill Gu Xing, he collapsed in the middle of the road.

"Kandi's Tianyinbo has improved..."

The blind monk threw his skills at the prince not far away.

As long as it hits, the residual blood Gu Xing will have to return to the spring to wait for his resurrection!

But accompanied by a golden light, cheers that could soar into the sky suddenly erupted from the stands on all sides!

The purple-skinned garlic got stuck in front of the prince, helping to block the sound of the sky!

"My God!" Miller couldn't believe it, "What is the reaction speed of Prince Duan?!"

"The Blind Monk's Sky Sound Wave is blocked, and Kandi doesn't have the means to kill Brother Xing in a short time!"

The VG fans almost broke their throats, their faces were flushed with excitement, and the rolling sound drove the dry and hot air to spread in the Olympic Sports Center!

"Brother Xing is not going to leave, he is chasing Kandi!"

Condi dare not go back and make mistakes.

Gu Xing dared to walk the remaining blood on his face, and he definitely had a backhand, presumably Lulu's E [Help, Pixar] had finished cooling down.

If he turns around and tries to fight back, that disgusting purple-skinned garlic will put another shield on the prince!

Kandi had no choice but to hand over Moyan to pull the distance.

Jack's W [Thousand Arrows] has turned around, and the Frostbolt slowly sticks to it.

Gu Xing waited for the next military flag to turn around, and the EQ Erlian forced out the blind monk's flash!

Adhering to the concept of dodging and not killing, he turned around and retreated calmly.

"Good fight, Brother Duan!" Gu Xing praised Duan Deliang by name.

First, he pinched W to increase Jack's attack speed, causing Karma to die on the spot before the spirit chain was generated; then he flashed to help him block the blind monk's Q skill.

Duan Deliang's operational level was fully demonstrated in this wave of small-scale team battles!

"Small idea," Xiao Duan rarely showed a confident expression, "I'm really not bragging, I've never been afraid of anyone when I worked hard!"

Seeing that the battle was over, Miller was still assessing the gains and losses of both sides.

"The two sides played zero for two, and the more critical issue is that VG is Jack's double play!" He saw the 3/0 ice, and his head almost became as big as Yu Wenbo.

Doll also thinks that the status quo of WE is not optimistic.

"Brother-in-law's policewoman was killed twice in a row, and the strongest laning period can't play much role!"

Mystic bit his nails twice to vent his depression.

What can he do?

It seems like nothing is wrong, but it is sent!

Gu Xing helped clean up the bottom line of soldiers, and continued to go back to farm and grow.

"Now the blind monk has no chance of winning when he meets the prince in the jungle," Miller frowned. "Before the game, we thought Brother Xing would have to withstand the pressure, but in the end it was Kandi who had to endure the humiliation!"

A deep sense of powerlessness came over Condi.

When he faced Xiangguo in the semifinals, although he had disadvantages in the early stage, he was able to handle it with ease.

But when facing VG, Kandi even felt that the two sides were not at the same level!

The team battle just now is enough to prove everything.

Kandi felt that VG dared to take it, that they were looking for death, and they would definitely make a profit. As long as Karma regained his HP, they would rule the world after the enemy lost the burst damage!

However, VG not only dared to take over the team, but also relied on his personal strong operation ability to win the team battle!

Condi knows that the most feared thing in the game is cognitive deviation.

That means that the operating level of the two sides has widened a huge gap.

From the beginning to the end of the entire team battle of VG, it is the performance of the ultimate operation!

Candy is mired in self-doubt.

But I even handed over the flash.

Now he can only wait for the sixth level to take the rhythm!

Before Kandi could make a move, Gu Xing grabbed another wave of rhythm.

Turned around twice in the bottom lane, gained a lot of experience by participating in the killing and plundering, and even shared the experience of the pawn line.

He was the first to advance to level six, knowing that Kandi must not have learned the ultimate move, so he decisively came to the middle!

"Brother Xing EQ stepped forward, and R [Heaven and Earth Rip] covered the clockwork head!"

The prince's displacement in this wave was close to 1,500 yards.

Xiye just saw the corner of Jarvan IV's armor, and the next moment, he was framed in the obstacle built by the opponent!

Seeing Kuro handing over R [Energy Outflow], he quickly flashed to distance himself.

"Syndra catches up with the flash, and the QE Erlian pushes the clockwork to faint!"

Xiye also carried the purification, and when she saw that something was wrong, she quickly handed it over to release the control.

At the same time, the puppet is urged to put a shield on itself first, and then throw it out to hand in R [command: shock wave], intending to sweep VG Nakano into the air and create an escape space for himself!

The plan was successful, but Kuro used W [Drive Mind Power] to pull up the dark magic ball and smash it to slow down.

After Gu Xing lost the control effect, he was still trying to continue the pursuit!

"Brother Xing has a pair of shoes that can run faster than clockwork!"

Miller's voice was anxious, hoping to see Xiye retreat smoothly.

But after the cooldown of his skills improved, Gu Xing estimated his position and stabbed the weapon in his hand towards the clockwork!

Dragon strike!

Xiye also wanted to avoid it by moving around.

But Gu Xing's skill casting was quite precise, and the clockwork demon with no speed props all over his body couldn't dodge it!

The halberd emptied the last trace of blood from the clockwork, and Orianna became a pile of scrap parts and was completely scrapped.

It also symbolizes the complete collapse of WE's laning period!

After reaching level six, Candi couldn't wait to go to the bottom lane and try to catch Jack once.

The effect was quite good, the eye-touching round kick kicked Yu Wenbo, who hadn't turned around yet, to the face of the WE duo, and Lingdan's spiritual chain was immediately put on it!

"Given the head to my brother-in-law, this is undoubtedly a mouthful of blood for WE!" The baby looked excited.

The 60Es in the audience let out a long sigh of relief, feeling that the team still has something to save.

As long as the female police equipment is formed in the later stage, WE may be able to reproduce the situation of facing RNG in the semi-finals and come to a shocking reversal!

However, in the next second, their fantasy was shattered into slag.

"Brother Xing counterattacked the WE Ueno area, and gave the ward nearby... Smeb handed over the teleportation!" Miller immediately reacted, and judged their target of siege, "Xiye, who is absent from both summons, is likely to suffer serious injuries. !"

Gu Xing is very insidious, the place he showed his eyes was located in the WE red zone.

The top half hadn't been visited in a while as Condy ran to the bottom half for development.

Now this place has become Gu Xing's private land, and the original owner WE has completely lost control of this land!

There is no eye position, so Xiye didn't even know that Smeb was teleporting to his wild area!

The little murloc waved the sea stone trident and rushed towards the middle excitedly.

Arrive at the F6 camp, and throw R [Giant Shark Attack] through the wall!

Xiye was caught off guard and was bitten by a shark!

It's over.

He fell into an ice cave.

The Clockwork Demon who lost his double summons is just a chicken, facing the enemy's face-to-face offensive, he doesn't even have the ability to resist!

The shark hovering under his feet showed a grinning smile, like a countdown to death!

Xiye watched helplessly as the shark knocked him into the air, and then the prince's EQ second company and Syndra's weak retreated.

Until his death, he never had the autonomy of a hero!

"It was too late when 957 found out that his teammate in the middle lane was captured, and then tried to send in teleportation aid, but he still TP landed and wanted to defend the defense tower in the middle lane!"

Gu Xing was unequivocal, and walked down with Kuro.

After turning his ultimate move, he stared at the zero-egg Karma.

The simple and unpretentious EQ+ big move firmly restricts the opponent's support in the terrain of earth-shattering!

"Brother-in-law sold the support and ran away quickly, Zero's life was taken by Kuro!" Wawa witnessed the familiar chaotic rhythm of VG and once again took control of the situation, "This way, WE will give up the next tower!"

957 handed over the teleportation, and Xiye's clockwork had just been revived.

The remaining brother-in-law and Kandi, the blind monk who has no ultimate moves, want to defend the bottom turret, pure idiots!

"The policewoman's first-blood tower was actually reversed..." Miller felt that this scene was outrageous. "Fortunately, Mystic's economy has made up for it. During the transition period, there is a chance to stabilize the development and the Carry team!"

Looking at the economic gap that has expanded to 3.5K, Wawa is still creating suspense, "Looking at this spring game, WE's strongest point is its ability to supplement development. They used to torture RNG to the point of pain by relying on their hand-to-hand tactics! "

The royal family's performance in the semi-finals was even so bad that fans blasted it on the forum.

Repeatedly leading the economy by two to three thousand during the laning period, but it began to collapse as soon as the laning period came, giving back the advantage little by little.

Being operated by WE to death!

Such a humiliating way of losing almost made the fans of the royal family into a brain hemorrhage.

Continuous comebacks and defeats against RNG made the audience's evaluation of WE's operation level reach the peak.

Before the game, it was generally believed that only WE in the LPL competition area can compete with VG in terms of operation!

The line transfer period has officially arrived, and WE showed a novel operation idea when it came up.

As usual, the duo was switched to the top lane, but the one sitting in the middle lane became a wine barrel, and Xiye went to WE to make up the safety line before going down the second tower.

The top laner came to defend in the middle, at first Gu Xing really didn't want to understand how to deal with it.

The wine barrel has rough skin and thick flesh, so it is impossible for Kuro to kill him in the middle lane, even with Gu Xing's damage, it is not enough - after all, his prince is dressed in a meat suit, and it is absolutely painless to hit the beer man with output!

Moreover, the three small skills of the wine barrel are all range damage. After the level is improved, the line clearing speed is still very fast, and with the rogue's recovery ability, staying in the middle is like a magic needle!

Gu Xing wandered around the middle road for two laps, seeing that 957 was too stable to give any chance, so he had no choice but to give up.

He felt that WE's breakthrough was in the bottom lane.

Clockwork is obviously better for bullying, as long as your big move frames the opponent, you have to hand in a flash!

But Gu came back to his senses halfway through the walk.

can not go!

He presses the S key.

Gu Xing finally understood the operating logic of WE.

WE didn't use this trick when they played RNG before, presumably it was the White Crescent BP who succeeded, and didn't show their hole cards after winning the first game.

Now give the final opponent VG a good hand!

The core of WE's team is double C.

And the combination of clockwork + policewoman is bound to plunder a lot of resources to take shape.

So when the team was in a disadvantaged situation, they put the double Cs on the side, deliberately exposing the flaws!

If Gu Xing grabs the spring of the bottom lane, even if he kills it, he won't earn much resources.

Because Kandi will definitely attack on the opposite side, using his modified ult and flash to arrest the VG duo!

If it succeeds, the brother-in-law will add another one or two heads, and the development of the policewoman will officially catch up with the average level!

vice versa.

Gu Xing went to catch the road, and Xiye could develop well for a while, and by the way, he could also clean up the camp in the wild area!

WE puts its eggs in two baskets and invests separately.

Gu Xing doesn't know how to shadow his body, so it is impossible to run back and forth between the upper and lower side roads.

No matter how much profit he gains on the wing, WE can always restore development by avoiding battles and exchanging resources!

In the end, the double C of Xiye and Mystic will eventually be formed, and someone will stand up and lead the team to victory!

Gu Xing decided not to show up for now.

As long as he doesn't show up, WE won't find a suitable opportunity.

Kandi's development is doomed to not have the ability to take the initiative to catch the loopholes, but if he is squatted down in a wave, he will be blown through!

Gu Xing intends to think about the breaking point of the operation strategy first, and think about where the opponent's loopholes are.

Yesterday I said that I could finish the first set, and the details were coded, but the actual code was still a little bit short.

There are probably a wave of team battles and a little detailed operation description left.

Forget it, the chapters related to the competition in the future, about 1.5 days a small set, three days to write two rounds, basically belong to the author's bacteria limit.

Try to let everyone see it happily.

Tomorrow should still be a big chapter with more than 1W words.

1.24W, 18.11W

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