What is a hexagon jungler?

Chapter 311: Chapter 311: Team Victory

A post is very eye-catching.

[How to evaluate JackeyLove's performance in the first league of his career? 】

When Gu Xing saw this post, a wonderful feeling emerged in his heart.

The replies below are mixed.

[Perfect script, inheriting the mantle of the previous world champion, and became the LPL champion in the first season of his debut... How do you feel like you are walking the same way as Brother Xing again? 】

[Penta kill policewoman god among gods! Hitting Mystic forehand and backhand, this level is really amazing]

[How much is Jack’s average output in the finals? Those data websites haven’t been updated yet. I can’t see the data that hurts the king. It looks like there are ants crawling on him]

[Hehe, the bragging in the bar is all gone, take the Q spicy dance to start and send the Tigers mid-top + S6 champion Nosuke, if you play in the LPL, you can’t win the championship, I suggest you just vote for the Huangpu River and commit suicide]

In the end, the ID was still full of ideas, and it was attached, [What is the output king, most of them are invalid damage, do you think WE can cut him? Standing forward can cause damage]

[With these 4 teammates, my grandma can win the championship! 】

Gu Xing raised his eyes to look at Yu Wenbo who was picking up his cell phone.

"Jack, you are so cruel to yourself," he laughed, "how on earth can you say such a thing?"

Gu Xing had the impression that the ID was Jack's Tieba account.

He didn't even know what kind of mentality Jack had in order to write such a heaven-defying reply.

When Yu Wenbo heard this, he knew that his jungler had discovered his little trick.

"Old Gu..." He taught the tricks of mixing posts earnestly, "If you want to experience cheating popularity, you must make some sacrifices, just like I said before-you have behaved too much in the online world. It's normal, but it's not a good thing."

Jack knows a lot about it.

Gu Xing looked down at his phone again, and found that more than a dozen replies had popped up under Yu Wenbo's account.

Most of them scolded Yu Wenbo as Jack's little black purple, and some people gave him a 60E hat and told him to get out of Ke.

After the home team wins, VG fans tend to unite against each other.

Anyway, before the start of MSI, this is their world.

VC powder also has many branches at present.

However, Gu Xing has the largest group of supporters.

Thinking about it, I know that Gu Xing and Duan Deliang are the only members of last year's championship team who continue to fight in the LPL arena.

The first crown attracted millions of fans, almost all of them were absorbed by them!

Among them, Gu Xing is the most brilliant, FMVP hard power coupled with a kind and cheerful personality and outstanding appearance in the e-sports circle, seventy to eighty percent of the team's supporters must gather with him.

This year, with the arrival of the Tigers, they also attracted a group of fans of ROX.

Everyone is currently peaceful and harmonious, there is no conflict of interest, and everything is consistent with the outside world.

Gu Xing feels that the main reason is that VG keeps winning.

The iron law of the e-sports circle is that as long as you can win, all unstable factors will not explode.

For example, RNG bought Uzi back to replace Wuxin at the beginning. Royal fans were immersed in the grief of being the first in the MSI group stage but being eliminated by SKT in the semi-finals. They welcomed the arrival of strong support.

As a result, Uzi has been here for a whole year, except for one top eight in the World Championship, the rest has no results!

At present, the RNG fan group is not very satisfied with Uzi. He has played in the sixth year of his career and has never even touched the Silver Dragon Cup. He is not much better than WE!

If it weren't for the large number of RNG Liwuzi fans, there might have been conflicts already.

Now the inside of VC is calm, the fans' vision is no longer limited to the Silver Dragon Cup, they have even more ambitious wishes.

Everything looks forward now.

Seeing someone embarrassing Blackjack at this moment, VG fans naturally couldn't sit still, and they wanted to let Yu Wenbo experience the power of the keyboard!

Little did he know that Yu Wenbo was now happily waiting to receive experience.

There are still a lot of posts on VC that lay out facts and reason. They want to try to influence this little black purple. The replies mainly focus on analyzing how well Jack played in today's finals.

"I'm a bitch," Yu Wenbo exclaimed after flipping through the post, "Did you see Lao Gu? There are also netizens who analyze the positions of my buddies in team battles frame by frame, and analyze my psychological activities..."

"To be honest, who could have thought so much at the time?" He laughed loudly, "I didn't even know that I was thinking about it!"

Duan Deliang was playing with the Silver Dragon Cup, and he couldn't help echoing Jack's words, "That's right, the situation is changing rapidly, and everyone's team battles basically rely on instinct to play games. Who cares about thinking about such long-term things?"

Gu Xing deeply agrees.

Between flashes and flints, players mostly rely on instinctive reactions.

But there are also gaps.

Top players can think one more layer, and can predict what may happen next, so they can deal with it easily without appearing flustered.

Often it is this little bit of thinking related to competition experience or talent, which becomes the key to whether a professional player can reach the top!

Gu Xing was about to speak when he received a video call from his girlfriend.

He put on the earphones and got up, and took the FMVP trophy away before going out, "Hello, hello?"

Shen Guanshan's background was very noisy, with people coming and going around.

"Congratulations!" His girlfriend smiled crescent-shaped, "Another FMVP!"

Gu Xing held up the FMVP trophy in front of him to show off, "How is it?"

Shen Guanshan was silent for a moment.

"I didn't see clearly when I watched the live broadcast before, but now I feel so ugly."

She has never been too tactful, and she speaks very straightforwardly.

Gu Pan poked his head in from the side of the camera to look around curiously.

Seeing the strange-shaped FMVP trophy in Gu Xing's hand, he laughed mercilessly, "The person who designed the trophy put it here to shoot the Cthulhu blockbuster?"

However, after being exposed to internship work recently, Shen Guanshan has a little understanding of interpersonal communication, and realized that what he said did not fit the business, so he immediately added another sentence.

"But trophies are more symbolic. It doesn't matter if they are beautiful or not. I will put them together with your trophies later..."

Only then did Gu Xing put away the trophy in peace of mind.

"Where are you two?" He saw that the other party's background sound was very noisy, so he asked.

Shen Guanshan explained in a warm voice, "Watching the game at night, I didn't have time to eat. After you won the championship, Gu Pan dragged me out to eat noodles."

While speaking, he moved the phone with his fingertips, and shook the camera to show him the food on the table.

"Oh..." Gu Xing pondered for two seconds, "Then I will make a great contribution to this wave!"

Facing the incomprehensible gazes of his girlfriend and sister, he was a little proud, "If we hadn't hit hard and swept the other side 3-0, you two would have had dinner so early?"

Gu Pan sighed in a drawn-out tone, "The face is really big, Gu Yu, it's too late and we won't order takeaway, right?"

Shen Guanshan is still sharing another happy event with her boyfriend, "I just passed the internship interview of Tencent Interactive Entertainment, and I can go to Shanghai to work at the end of the term in July!"

Tencent’s interactive entertainment business group is very large. It manages various self-developed/agent games and game live broadcasts across PC and mobile terminals. The emerging King of Glory and Gao Dewei’s favorite Tiandao are products of different studios.

Headquartered in Shenzhen, the office of the agency's League of Legends sector is located in Shanghai.

"By the way, I wonder what you guys do in there?" Gu Xing only knew part of the information in the LOL e-sports circle. If the second daughter hadn't gone to Shiquan for an internship during the winter vacation, he wouldn't even understand the operation process of the director.

"They are in charge of the national server and TGP..." Shen Guanshan hasn't entered the internship yet, and her understanding of the department is quite limited. She remembered a big news that happened recently, "You always know about the top of the canyon, right? Not sure, Tencent has to do it.”

Gu Xing had heard about the top of the canyon from Jin Wenhe.

It is a super server that will be launched soon.

The entire network area of ​​the previous Baron Domain was preparing for the top of the canyon.

Because the domestic area is too wide, it is difficult to set up a server that can take care of players in all provinces at the same time to reduce the delay, and the physical distance is difficult to make up.

Gu Xing remembers participating in the World Championship in North America last year. From San Francisco to Chicago, the Ping value changed very obviously, which greatly affected the game experience.

The baron field is a good attempt, although there are not many follow-up players, this is a test product.

The top of the canyon in the real network-wide region is their real goal!

"It is claimed that players across the country will be guaranteed to play games in a low-latency environment, and the entry threshold is all drills." Shen Guanshan is quite looking forward to it, "I heard that professional players will also go, which is probably quite interesting, and it will be all about quality. !"

Gu Xing couldn't help but slander.

As for the quality bureau, thank God if you can control the crew.

Gu Pan took a sip of the noodles, and while drinking the Coke, he deliberately showed the Pepsi logo to Gu Xing.

"Mufen, do you have a cold?" Gu Xing tried his best to ignore the annoying Pepsi.

"Almost," Gu Pan bent his thin and white arms to show off to him, "I'm in great shape!"

Gu Xing was convinced of this.

Gu Pan was able to run the 800 meters in just three minutes for the high school entrance examination sports, which was faster than some boys. In terms of physical fitness, he was indeed not bad.

Seeing his younger sister picking up another piece of noodles with chopsticks, Gu Xing hesitated to speak.

He wanted to say that the noodles were a bit like the toilet paper that Gu Pan stuffed into his nostrils when he caught a cold two days ago.

After thinking about it, forget it.

If he was one or two years younger, Gu Xing might still be able to say it.

Now he feels that he should be more stable.

"...What was that project you were busy with a while ago?" Gu Xing changed the topic.

Gu Pan swallowed the food.

"Data site."

Upon hearing the answer, Gu Xing was stunned for a moment, "What?"

"The kind of website that specializes in sorting out e-sports data," Gu Pan said here with high spirits, "There are not many competitors in this segment. Xie Tunan said at the time that it was a blue ocean, so let me and a few others try to do it. !"

She gushed out plans she had been hiding for months.

Only then did Gu Xing understand the cause and effect.

After VG won the S6 World Championship, Ding Jun believes that the data analysis support has played a good role since the second round of the group stage.

Especially in the match against ROX, Xie Tunan and others provided a large amount of data to analyze the playing styles of Peanut and the Tigers, which benefited Gu Xing a lot.

Including the number of purchases of real eyes, key areas of vision placement, etc., it has repeatedly helped him gain the upper hand in wild confrontations!

Ding Jun understands how data analysis will affect e-sports events.

In fact, in the field of traditional sports, this is not a rare thing. Basketball, football and other sports have already introduced professional data teams.

On the contrary, as an emerging industry, e-sports is rarely used by teams.

Ding Jun thinks this is a great opportunity to catch the leak!

VG can completely use the power of data analysis to enhance the competitiveness of major divisions, and maybe even deal with dimensionality reduction strikes!

He asked Xie Tunan to establish the data model and other frameworks of other projects, and then signed a cooperation agreement to hand over the e-sports analysis work of all departments of the VG club to the other party.

For start-up companies, it is definitely a considerable amount of income!

However, Xie Tunan was not satisfied after tasting the sweetness. He set his sights on the blue ocean of domestic e-sports data websites.

At present, League of Legends is becoming more and more popular, and millions of players are pouring into the game.

With the continuous improvement and development of the content of the competition, the number of netizens watching the competition is increasing day by day.

The global competition has entered its seventh year, and various gameplay systems have taken shape. The audience does not only look at the operations of professional players as before, but also has certain needs for operational tactics and data performance.

When there is demand, there is market.

Xie Tunan wanted to seize the market first while there were no domestic competitors.

Because he had to sort out the statistics of the other subdivision projects of VG in a short period of time, and get Ding Jun's big contract to obtain funds, he had no time to take care of other things.

That's why the not-so-urgent task of creating a data website was assigned to Gu Pan and others in the team.

As a result, Gu Pan and the others were quite efficient in their work, and moved quickly from scratch. Now they have completed all the projects such as the database and have entered the final stage.

"Then how does your data website make money? You can't generate electricity for love, right?" Gu Xing didn't quite understand.

"First increase the website traffic, and be the master of traffic flow. If there is traffic, there will be advertising fees..." Gu Pan thought quickly, "And is your e-sports club making money?"

Gu Xing stopped talking.

At present, LPL is already the leading mature e-sports league in the domestic e-sports circle.

But every team is losing money.

Gu Xing and Ding Jun have a good relationship and know each other more or less.

As long as the club spends money to buy people, it is doomed to make ends meet.

Among the 12 teams in the league, only WE is making money. This team spends too little—Naka Ueno are all from the youth training of their own second and third teams, and the contracts are not worth much until the contract expires; , Zero Dan is still an assistant at an old age.

To put it bluntly, Gu Xing can buy the WE training department with his own salary!

The remaining 11 teams are nothing more than a matter of loss and loss.

The bosses continue to do it, either because the money is not too bad and want to get a share of the traffic, or they just burn money for fun.

"Traffic is king in this era. As long as there are users, there is absolutely no shortage of investment." Gu Pan said.

Gu Xing seemed to understand but not understand.

"The e-sports data website is just a small shrimp in the huge waves of the Internet industry..." Gu Pan made a very vivid gesture. Fortunately, there are no Korean men around, otherwise there is no guarantee that something will happen.

"But as long as you ride this wave, you can also make a lot of money!"

Gu Pan now feels that learning computers is absolutely correct.

Although she doesn't like tinkering with programming, she likes money.

And the CS major is not as rich as finance, so it is relatively easy to start, and it is definitely a perfect choice for Gu Pan.

Now is a great time!

Gu Pan wanted to share some benefits when he worked hard to get a part-time job in the data team.

"elder brother."

With just one word, Gu Pan almost made Gu Xing drop his phone to the ground.

It was a name he hadn't heard much from birth to 19 years old.

"...What are you doing?" Gu Xing felt that there must be a demon if something goes wrong, and Gu Pan definitely had some conspiracy.

Gu Pan showed eager eyes, "It's not an offseason, I want you to help me take a look at the data categories we have sorted out, and when the time comes, I will put it on the website for netizens to see, and you will check to see if there is anything to delete or add. s project."

She just waited for her brother's offseason. The players are usually busy, so Gu Pan doesn't cause trouble for others.

Now that Gu Xing is free and has nothing to do, she dares to speak.

"I knew it wouldn't be good for you to call me brother..." President Gu sighed.

But it didn't seem like a big deal to him, and it wouldn't take too much time, so he simply agreed.

"Then let's wait for the May Day holiday, we just have to go back to Zhenhai, see you then!"

Gu Xing waved goodbye to the two daughters, hung up the video call and rushed back to the waiting room when Jin Wenhe took him to a post-match group interview.

As a newly promoted FMVP with the most traffic, he also received the most questions.

Fortunately, most of the problems are relatively easy to deal with, only one is a little tricky.

"May I ask Virtue player, how do you evaluate the performance of the opponent's jungler in the entire BO5?"

Gu Xing handled it with ease.

"Kandi played well, but my coaches and teammates did a good job in restricting opponents. From BP to the arena, he has little room to display."

"I think this final is more of a team victory."

Jack covered his mouth to prevent himself from laughing loudly.

Gu Xing glanced at him.

Xiao Duan was still confused, "Did you think of something happy?"

After finally waiting for Yu Wenbo to stop laughing, he got an explanation.

"Brother Xing, this is a term with high EQ, which is called 'team victory'. If EQ is low, it means that no one on the other side, from coaches to players, can wrestle with us."

"Winning all six positions is called a team victory!"

Gu Xing put down the microphone, and whispered beside him, "This is your personal opinion, Yu Wenbo, I didn't say that."

Just as Jack was about to reply, he heard a reporter from the audience throwing questions at him.

"This is the first time for JackeyLove to participate in the playoffs. Do you have any feelings to share after winning the championship?"

Yu Wenbo picked up the microphone and answered without thinking.

"It's okay, the main win is relatively easy." When he spoke, his tone and facial expression revealed a feeling of tugging. "It's more happy to get five kills, but basically I can't wait until I take over the game. It's gone mad."

"I feel that as long as I can do my job well, the team will be able to win," Jack added, "This time, winning all the playoffs has greatly improved my confidence."

Although his interview skills are not as good as the experienced Gu Xing.

But he was precocious, becoming an anchor too early and stepping into the society, which also had a great impact on Yu Wenbo's character building.

Jack knows what to say on certain occasions, but on this one alone, he is far superior to Xiangguo and others!

The two new aids, Smeb and Kuro, are even more energetic now.

"When we come to LPL, our goal is not only to win the league championship, but also to win more valuable international competition trophies for the team and ourselves. MSI is the first step!"

Even Li Ruixing, who has always been steady, thought so.

When they first came to the LPL division, they still faced language communication problems. Even so, they only lost 4 small games throughout the spring split!

Once there are more than one winning streak, the ambitions of the players will take off.

The best results of the two Korean aids were the runner-up in the S5 World Championship and the semi-finals in the S6.

Among ordinary players, it is definitely top-notch-after all, many well-known players have never set foot on the world stage in their poor careers, let alone the configuration of runner-up + semi-finals.

But compared with the real top players, it is inevitable to be suspected of being a super soldier.

Both are eager to prove their strength.

After the group visit after the game, Ding Jun took a few taxis and took everyone directly to Jinling Hotel.

The salted duck here is very famous. Jack performed on the spot what it means to have a good meal, and kept picking chopsticks ten times a second.

But no one robbed him.

Because things like crab noodles and lion head and soft-pocket Yu Wenbo are not edible, everyone has more options, and they don't care about salted duck.

Smeb went to his head coach to fight for wine again.

Red rice looked helpless.

He had just sent away the last alcoholic Imp to Yueyue, when another Song Jinghao came around.

Koreans like to drink, and Faker, who has always been known for his self-discipline, often drinks twice.

But Gu Sungbin and Song Jinghao have left this level and are standing at a higher position.

It would be more appropriate to describe the two of them as alcoholics.

"You drink too much," Hongmi continued to persuade, "Alcoholism is not a good thing for professional players..."

Smeb has a good reason, "Today is a big day, it's no problem to drink two glasses!"

Redmi makes sense.

As a result, five minutes later, Song Jinghao said that it was not easy for him to be in a foreign country. He thanked Hongmi for taking care of him these past few months, and brought two more glasses of wine.

Red rice half pushed and half poured Moutai into the stomach.

By the time dinner was over, the two of them were already delirious and unable to walk.

Ding Jun had no choice but to ask the staff to help them to the hotel room.

He didn't even participate in the trip to Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum the next day.

Ding Jun fulfilled his promise, extended their meals and room fees for a week, and took the training team to play around Nanjing for a week.

Gu Xing's mobile phone gallery is full of photos taken at Zijin Mountain and other scenic spots.

After a meal of Huaiyang cuisine in Nanjing, everyone was exhausted before boarding the high-speed train back to Shanghai.

The lazy dog ​​Jack started to sleep as soon as he got in the car, and Gu Xing, who was seated next to him, yawned and checked his phone.

One week after the Spring Finals, all kinds of public opinions and replay videos have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

Gu Xing clicked on several UP owners in the accounts of station B. It happened that Redmi did not conduct a replay after winning the championship. He also wanted to see what other people had unique insights.

Some people have a very novel point of view, thinking that looking at the whole BO5, the first pot is White Crescent, and the second pot is Kandi.

"The coaching staff of WE is really not what I said, look at the red rice on the opposite side and then look at yourself, can't you see the difference?" Gu Xing's headphones are filled with video sounds.

"In the first game, I chose a policewoman to come out to Mystic, and all the pressure was on the bottom lane, and I was sent directly when I was caught by Brother Xing; Advantage matchup jungler role, this is the BP you made?"

The content is slightly sharp.

Gu Xing leaned on the back of the chair and didn't turn off the video, thinking it was just listening to it for entertainment.

In his opinion, although White Crescent is not as good as Redmi, compared with other coaches, especially the domestic coaching staff, their ability is already very good.

It is not shameful for BP to lose to Redmi.

The BP with a three-way disadvantage + superior jungler in the second round of the final is indeed outrageous at first glance, not like the level that a top league coach should have.

But take into account the pressure given by the opponent.

Every coach has a different BP style.

Like Kkoma, I like that everyone chooses unique skills and comes out head-to-head.

He has enough confidence in SKT players, and believes that as long as the players get the hero they are good at, they can win the game!

And Redmi is a disgusting type, and the BP philosophy is to do everything possible to prevent the enemy from getting a proficient lineup and destroy the opponent's routine.

Don't even think about having fun, all you get is an incomplete lineup.

Then let VG use its deep hero pool plus personal strength and operational skills to defeat the enemy!

In the finals, Redmi focused on destroying WE's strongest mid-field linkage + brother-in-law support in the late stage system, and the thinking did not change in the three games.

In this case, the lineup selected by White Crescent will naturally be limited!

When pressed, he has much less room to play.

"And that Kandi," the replay video continued to play, "It's not your turn to take the blame in the second set, and you have no problem with the BP disadvantage...Then what are you doing in the third set?"

"Zhongdan Xiye almost lives in the river. He doesn't even need the soldiers in the middle, just to send you a mark. He sacrificed so much, what happened to you?"

"I haven't seen a successful gank in the whole game. There are only three layers of marks in total. The last layer is traded with the life of the bot lane duo and a blood tower..." the UP leader rambled on and on.

"Not to mention the mid-term, the wild area was directly defeated by Brother Xing, dragged down by teammates and had to fight for you, frequently offline to protect the wild area, and the operation push tower was directly blasted by VG!"

Gu Xing checked the video comment section twice.

It is found that many netizens agree with the UP master's point of view.

[So what do you mean by playing big swords in front of Guan Gong? Can Di really think that his Qian Jue understanding can be stronger than Xing Ge? 】

[The worst thing about the playoffs is that I didn't see Brother Xing revealing Qian Jue, what Xiu understood was all school girls]

[Think about it from another angle, even Brother Xing doesn't play Qian Jue anymore, why would anyone choose? 】

[To be honest, 3 to 0 must be due to the gap between the team as a whole... What's more, the opponent is still VG, is it possible that we are still counting on WE to gnaw on this hard bone? Don't mess with dreams]

[Queshi, how much money does WE spend on this budget, the runner-up in the league is considered a success! 】

Gu Xing flipped through the hero introduction video of the new version of Xia Luo again, chatted with Shen Guanshan occasionally, and returned to the Shanghai stock market in the blink of an eye.

"Go back to the base first, we have to apply for a visa for Brazil," Jin Wenhyuk planned everything, "and tonight there will be a live broadcast with Imp's group, and the champion skin will be launched, so we have to shoot a video..."

"Go to Weibo and forward it, lest some netizens don't know."

Gu Xing visited the VG official blog as required.

This morning, the League of Legends official blog released a promotional article for the S6 champion skin, and the VG club immediately forwarded it and replied with a star-eyed anticipation emoji.

In the comment area below, apart from the longing of a large number of VCs, there are still people who are urging the club's video programs.

The operator of the official blog gave a special reply - he is already urging Brother Xing, and he will record an episode before the holiday.

Gu Xing replied with a question mark at the bottom.

He doesn't use this Weibo account very often. He basically just notifies the time of the live broadcast, sends some congratulations during the Chinese New Year, and then forwards information about sponsors and clubs.

But the level of fans is here, absolutely not to be underestimated!

After bubbling at first, the bottom is neat and uniform, and it becomes an army of question marks.

Gu Xing couldn't help but laugh, and after reposting the official blog's champion skin event announcement, he quickly returned the software.

After returning to the base of Good Hope Mountain, I packed my suitcases, took a shower and went to sleep, and it was already evening when I woke up.

Order McDonald's and Coca-Cola, and fiddle with peripherals and live broadcast software when you are full.

At eight o'clock in the evening, several people from VG started the live broadcast.

"Hi everyone!" Gu Xing waved his hand towards the camera, "Long time no see, brother Meng."

Due to the pre-announcement, a large number of netizens have already flooded into the live broadcast room before the start of the broadcast.

Now that Douyu's live broadcast reminder is sent out, there are even more viewers pouring in!

The attractiveness of the champion skin's debut, coupled with Gu Xing's re-broadcasting after more than half a month, the two gimmicks overlapped, and the popularity of the live broadcast skyrocketed!

"Everyone can go and see Lord Hou and Brother Long, they are also broadcasting live..."

He intends to give some attention to his old teammates.

The middle and upper two moved to the behind-the-scenes coaching staff, and they disappeared for half a year, and they were hardly seen except on the field.

If it weren't for the participation of the original team in this live broadcast of the champion skin, it is estimated that they will not start the broadcast.

After disappearing from the public view for a period of time, the enthusiasm that was exaggerated back then will gradually dissipate.

Gu Xing was also worried that the number of viewers of their live broadcast was too small, and wanted to spread the number of people over.

VC was very supportive, and took good care of the old players who won the championship and cup together, making the live broadcast room of Lord Hou and Zhu Xiaolong full of bullets.

"Oh, I almost don't know how to use this thing..." Brother Long scratched the back of his head.

Li Zhixun adapted quickly, and still greeted the netizens in the live broadcast room in standard Chinese.

His attitude is as elegant and easy-going as ever, and his voice is gentle and soft.

It wasn't until a deafening sound came that the quiet and peaceful atmosphere in the live broadcast room was broken.

"Baskets, have you heard the nonsense?"

Data sites are useful.

In other words, the career line of each character has a role.

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