What is a hexagon jungler?

334: You play your cards really well!

"Dragon Ball chooses the blue side for myself in the first game, and put Brother Xing's male gun to the Ban position first!"

Miller's analysis was very detailed, "Peanut's gun proficiency is not a problem. He used it frequently in ROX last year. After Dragon Ball, he chose less. The main reason is the difference in team style."

"In the Tigers, Peanut is the absolute core. The whole team revolves around him to invade the jungle. Most of the resources plundered are also for Peanut, but it's different in Dragon Ball!"

Seeing that VG blocked the regular ban position of Yao Ji, he continued to express his views on the male gun.

"There are too many C positions in the Dragon Ball team, and most of the time, Little Peanut gets the male gun, which will put the team under tremendous offensive pressure. Otherwise, he will not be able to get sufficient development if he has no advantage!"

In contrast, in Dragon Ball, Peanut prefers to use Gank-based carnivorous rhythm junglers to help his teammates on the line, while emphasizing the ability to fight in the jungle.

He didn't want Gu Xing to get the male gun——VG supplemented the jungler's economy through the operating rhythm and then dragged it to the later stage. The system is too mature, and there is no need to hit the head.

Banning is the most scientific and reasonable choice.

Before going on stage, Hongmi took off her suit jacket, with a thin layer of sweat still floating on her forehead, obviously in a state of extreme excitement.

"Let's just drop the big move and try the intensity first," he told his players. "If we can win it successfully, the opponent's BP pressure on the red side will be very high in the next game. If the effect is not ideal , and there is room for adjustment in the future.”

In the first round, VG was on the red side, and BP was already at a disadvantage.

The idea of ​​Redmi is very simple, if you win, you will earn blood, but if you lose, you will not lose money!

Sb is eager to try, ready to show his talents.

Gu Xing also rubbed the warm baby and covered his hands and agreed to come down, looking at the chat channel.

Because it is a custom mode, even though it entered the BP link, the previous chat content has not been cleared.

Before the ban began, the players of the two teams were still talking freely.

The relationship between the two parties is quite good, and even the appearance of the opening ceremony was discussed in advance during the rehearsal.

However, no matter how good the personal relationship is, it is limited to outside the arena.

At this stage of the finals, everyone does not want to fail, so they are ready for it.

When Hongmi saw that Dragon Ball blocked Lulu second-hand, she knew that the other party had come prepared and had clearly planned carefully.

"If there is no accident, the opponent will send Karma to Ban next," he reminded his mid laner, "BDD doesn't want to develop smoothly with you online."

Kuro took a deep breath.

The double soft assistant is his confidence that he is not afraid of any top mid laner this spring. He can securely hold the line in the lane and protect the development of his teammates. Later, he will be a pendant for the C-position shooter.

Dragon Ball saw its weakness, so it didn't give him the hero at all!

"I helped you ban Syndra, you should be able to handle the rest of the characters," Hongmi patted Kuro on the shoulder, "You must have confidence in yourself, don't...how do you say that idiom in Chinese?"

Assistant coach Hou Ye immediately followed up, "Belittle yourself."

"Ah, yes, yes," Redmi cheered the players on, "BDD is also strong in lane, as long as you survive the first 15 minutes, you will perform better in the subsequent transition and team battles!"

Kuro's understanding of the minion line, as well as the positioning and cutting timing of team battles are quite good, and he also has a strong execution ability.

"That's right," Gu Xing echoed, "The competition isn't solo, so what's the use of going head-to-head against the opponent?"

He has always believed that judging the strength of a player can not only look at the laning.

Hero pool, execution ability, operational philosophy, communication and cooperation, and even personality are all important factors in judging a player's strength.

Li Ruixing nodded solemnly, "We should communicate more in the early stage, I will try not to give Little Peanut a chance!"

After improving his initial line-wild linkage, he failed to send a blood in the three games against the Flash Wolves.

This greatly improved the laning situation, allowing F to be pressed and beaten all the way, unable to find a breakthrough!

At the point when everyone was talking, Jin Jingzhu had already got the final ban of the first round.

As expected by Redmi, Karma was also banned.


Let's get rid of Jira. "Redmi told her plan.

This is Duan Deliang's signature role, and in his hands, Zyra can fully demonstrate the suppression of the line!

But Redmi still decided to disable it.

The main reason is that the tactics that VG wants to implement in this game do not use Zyra, and they are worried that Dragon Ball will choose her to increase the pressure on the bottom lane.

The first round of BP between the two sides is over, and the LPL commentary is not calm.

"Eh? How did Kenan come out?!" The baby was startled, and immediately raised the volume to attract the attention of the audience.

Miller also noticed something different.

At first he thought it was Hongmi who forgot to ban, but after thinking about it, he thought that this kind of top coach should not make such a low-level mistake.

"VG wants to let Kenan go to try to get rid of Khan's single-belt system!" Miller recognized the truth.

While speaking, he could hear the impassioned voice of the LCK commentator next door.

Seeing VG's BP strategy, the unshakable veteran Roaring Emperor immediately opened his voice.

"In the first game of BO5, VG intends to challenge themselves to see if they can give the team a BP advantage in the next game!"

Partner CloudTe tried to guess VG's hidden backhand.

"Heroes like Jess and Sword Fairy are at a huge disadvantage against AD Kenan on the single-band side. They probably won't choose..."

"But besides that, are there any other characters who can break their wrists? Heroes like Gnar are already restrained by Kenan, not to mention that AD-style builds are more capable of sticking people and pulling people. Gnar is definitely not in the side lane opponent!"

Another commentator, Kim Dong-joon, interjected, "How about the stone man?"

The Roaring Emperor glanced at him, his eyes full of disbelief.

In his opinion, it is difficult for this clumsy hero to even enter the professional arena. How can he compete with Kenan?

Jin Dongjun also expressed his opinion with reason, "The stone man has E [Earth Tremor], which is a nightmare for AD attack speed heroes, and he can use the big move to open a group and restrain split push..."

"I really don't feel too afraid of Kenan!"

CloudTe almost wanted to complain, according to this theory, which stone man do you choose, wouldn't the dragon turtle restrain Kenan more?

He thinks his partner is whimsical, but the more he thinks about it, the more puzzled he is, and he can't figure out what kind of medicine is sold in the VG gourd.

There is a reason why Kennen was able to complete top lane dominance in this MSI.

For regular top laners, characters who are easy to play against the electric mouse in the lane will be involved in the sidelines, and the characters who are difficult to fight in the lane can never be dragged into development in front of Kennan's suppressing force!

In the 7.8 version, the forced opening character was cruelly killed by the designer, and Shen and Titan were weakened one after another.

If you can't force the team from the front, don't try to force the single-band character back from the side, which is another wave of good news for the electric mouse.

It can be said that there is no natural enemy of Kenan among the heroes in the version!

Dragon Ball was also confused by VG.

"What's the matter?" Little Peanut didn't know why, "VG's hole card is actually used to restrain Kenan"

The opponent decisively made a move in the first game, and the hole card he revealed was unexpected, which really caught Dragon Ball by surprise.

Khan turned his head to look at his coaching staff, "What should I say, do you still want to choose Kenan?"

Kim Jong-soo's face was still serious, he walked back and forth behind the players' bench twice, and finally made a decision.


The sound is decisive.

Since VG has made it clear that he wants to crack the top laner Kenan, if he doesn't choose, it will be tantamount to giving up the strongest hero of the version, and he will also fall into a disadvantage in mentality.

In any case, there is no reason for Kim Jung-soo not to choose Kenan!

Khan is also very confident in his operation, thinking that Kenan cannot be restrained by his opponent.

But Dragon Ball also paid a price for this.

Originally, they expected that VG would ban Kenan and grab the ice to ensure the line, output and functionality in the later stage.

As a result, Hongmi's sudden change forced Dragon Ball to snatch Kenan.

In this way, the Freljord combination will be given to VG!

Without hesitation, Redmi decisively took the bot lane combination of Ice + Bron, which can be advanced, attacked, retreated or defended, and its strength is top-notch.

"Dragon Ball chooses Blind Sin and Ryze, put

I know I have to push 131 points!" Remember to stare at the screen, "And with the previously selected Kenan, the combat effectiveness in the first half of the laning phase is quite high!"

Ryze was weakened in the first half of the spring game-reducing the duration of [Rune Imprisonment], and increasing the early skill cooldown of E [Spell Surge].

For a time, the blue-skinned bald head became the middle sewer.

But in version 7.8, the designer gave him a certain amount of care. Now Q [Overload] will reset the cooldown when the two skills of E are shot, not when the skill hits the target.

Small changes, not enough to bring Ryze back to the altar, but strong enough to bring him back to the professional arena!

"In fact, BDD is better at rock sparrow, but this game was not decisively selected," Miller conceived, "I think the reason is that the team lacks stable control in small-scale team battles."

The rock sparrow's rock protrusion is only effective for follow-up control, and Dragon Ball Ueno is the first link that lacks the control chain.

It is unrealistic to count on the blind monk's roundabout kick, and AD Kenan is not playing to make people faint. It is difficult to keep the opponent when it is selected.

Ryze is different.

In the small ***, E-imprisonment or driving the blind monk around to start a group are both excellent choices!

"VG's third choice, directly lock Kuro's signature rock sparrow, and choose a character with a similar style to BDD!"

Redmi is afraid that Li Ruixing will not be able to get a suitable role if it is delayed until the second round, so the priority of the mid laner is appropriately raised.

In the second round of BP, he kept a close eye on the two elders of Xuan Ming who had not yet locked the hero, and banned Verus and the extremely protective Tamm.

The Ban position is not reserved for another version of the strong character policewoman, because the lineup of the Dragon Ball game is here, and it will definitely not be selected.

They must have taken Lu Kenan as the axis, and made a split push arrangement around the electric mouse.

Naturally, it will not come up with a speed push system with the policewoman as the absolute core.

Jin Jingzhu focused on restricting Gu Xing-he didn't know what VG's hole card was against Kenan, but it probably wouldn't be the traditional top laner, and he didn't target Sb at all.

Spider and Rek'Sai, the two junglers who can provide the initiative to let the rock sparrow take control, are all sent to the Ban position!

"This move should be to choose a jungler for Brother Xing," Miller looked at the hero selection box that kept changing roles, and was still thinking about the problem from the perspective of VG, "There are not many strong heroes left, Qian Jue is facing the blind monk Not a good choice either..."

As long as Li Qing keeps his skills, no matter whether Qian Jue activates his ultimate move or not, he can complete a kill with about 40% of his HP.

Besides, VG's lineup has been selected so far, and it is difficult to play the wild core system.

In this version where Qian Jue's strength is relatively average, it is impossible for Gu Xing to choose hard.


I remember when I saw VG showing Trundle, Bengbu laughed out loud for a while, "Isn't this really whipping Peanut?"

The audience in the stands burst into laughter.

Last year, they still remembered the famous scene where Gu Xing stuck Olaf between the walls with a troll and couldn't move.

Peanut muttered a few words in dissatisfaction, to the effect of "Oh, what are you doing".

"It's locked!" Doll is full of hope, "there is no problem with the strength of the hero itself, and it can also create room for the rock sparrow"

As long as the troll icicle hits it, and Taliyah then crosses the cliff, it will be difficult for the non-displacement heroes to escape the palms of this pair of middle and wild combinations!

"However, there is one thing to say, the troll really doesn't perform well against the lineup of Dragon Ball," Miller frowned, "the opponent has no tanks, and the effect of the ultimate move is quite limited!"

Remember to explain, "But this is already the best jungler Xingge can get, and there is no better hero besides this."

Since VG raised the priority of the middle and lower players to the first round, it is inevitable for Gu Xing to make some sacrifices.

But for him, trolls are enough.

Jin Jingzhu thought for a while, and finally made a decision to get the retro bottom lane combination of EZ + Nami for the two elders of Xuanming.

While having laning strength, it is relatively flexible and less afraid of being caught.

An excellent choice for mixing lines!

"Only the counter position of VG has not been revealed yet..." Miller looked forward to it, "Let's see how they solve Kennan!"

Nothing sloppy.

After Duan Deliang searched for the character, he confirmed its second lock.

The moment they saw the hero, the 20,000 spectators in the stands burst into deafening howls of exclamation!

The sound waves roared past, filling the huge Olympic Stadium!


The doll let out a familiar yell, "VG wants to use him as the top laner?"

Miller looked excited, "There is no other possibility. It is obviously unrealistic for Han Bing to go on the road. Lucian is the only choice!"

The domestic live broadcast room is densely packed with bullet screens.

[Fuck, there is still this kind of gameplay? The VG finals are engaged in scientific research, right?]

【Don't mess around, VG, it's important to win here!】

[Why do you assume Lucian's split? Can't it be that Lucian is in the wild and the trolls are on the road?]

[This can also be hacked, I didn't expect it]

【Did you come out and tell me, can Lucian be the top laner?】

【I can't make it! You ask me, who do I ask?】

At first, the director didn't expect that VG would choose Lucian as the top laner.

By the time they reacted after being shaken, the barrage had already passed two rounds.

Fortunately, MSI is directly managed by the fist, and the level of director is still acceptable. He quickly gave the previous usage data of top laner Lucian.

"Only one game!" Wawa told the information provided by the director truthfully, "The operator is now SKT's top laner Huni!"

It can only be said that Huni has always been able to be an inventor, and you can tell by his face that he is a troublemaker.

He used Lucian as a lumberjack in 2016, but unfortunately he was crushed by two punches from a big tree.

"Professional field record is 0 wins and 1 loss, ah..." The baby was no longer excited as before, and for a while she didn't know what to say.

VG is completely innovative research!

The LCK commentary stand was also in chaos.

The Roaring Emperor's tone was full of disbelief, "What the hell is top laner Lucian?"

"VG researched it for a long time, but in the end is it such a non-mainstream character?"

Jin Dongjun was still thinking, "To be honest, it's not as good as a stone man!"

Ever since he opened his mind, he couldn't forget Malphite.

After careful consideration, CloudTe has a different idea.

"Lucian, the top laner, seems to be really feasible... He is quite restrained against AD Liu Kenan!"

When Khan first saw that VG selected Lucian in the last counter position, his face was full of joy.

But thinking about it, he couldn't laugh anymore.

Why is AD Liu Kenan so strong?

As mentioned earlier, the hero itself has not been strengthened since the S6 World Championship.

On the contrary, the damage detonation mode of R [Wan Lei Tian Prio] has changed, weakening the initial burst damage of spell power equipment.

This allowed AP Kenan to find a new path for the ship and make physical equipment to improve the single-belt split push capability.

With the weakening of roles such as Jess and Qinggangying, the unaffected AD Liu Kainan finally emerged.

He combines range, control, flexible means of escape and self-preservation ability.

It looks really good at first glance.

But if you think about it carefully, you will find the problems that Kennan has.

The hero mechanism itself is here, and this version E [Profound Truth! Thunder Armor] will not provide Kenan with an attack speed bonus.

At present, apart from the [Abstruse! Electric Blade] passive, which allows Kenan to superimpose the Storm Mark, there is no skill that can be related to the physical attack speed output equipment!

Do you have honesty?

The double resistance provided by E when it is turned on is not enough!

Although the range of the top laner Lucian is slightly shorter than that of Kenan, he has the ability to rush into the face, and the burst damage is much higher than that of the electric mouse!

Moreover, its own positioning is ADC, and the mechanism design has advantages.

Relying on two guns to be passive, the speed of superimposing war enthusiasm is far faster than Kenan!

Full stacking of war enthusiasm earlier means that the combat effectiveness in duels will reach its peak earlier.

And a major factor in whether a single belt point can grasp the advantage is the strength of the battle.

If you can win the opponent, you can take advantage of the pawn line in a single line.

Just thinking about it, Khan knew that Kenan would not be an opponent at all if Lucian was to stick to his face!

You know, in the current version of Lucian, the first two pieces of the standard equipment plan are dilapidated + black cut.

After the black cut is reworked, the equipment can provide 400 health points, providing sufficient blood volume for Lucian, in addition to the armor-breaking effect and cooling reduction, a proper one-on-one magic equipment!

In terms of 1v1 ability, Lucian is stronger than AD Kenan's broken + big ice hammer, and can even be ranked first among all heroes.

In short, Kenan is undoubtedly at a big disadvantage against Lucian under the double restrictions of skill mechanism and equipment!

The continuous output and range that he is proud of when he stepped into the single are not working!

Jin Jingzhu also noticed the seriousness of the problem.

"Donghe, you must be careful during the laning phase, don't give Lucian the opportunity to easily open the breakthrough!"

Khan was upset.

Three minutes ago, Kenan he chose was still the strongest top laner in the version.

Now it's time to linger at Lucian's gun for a chance of survival

But he couldn't refute it.

It would be difficult for AD Kenan to fight with Lucian. Without dash skills, it is easy to be kited by the opponent.

Unless Sb's head slid towards his face, Khan had no chance to take the initiative.

"I will definitely help you after I reach level six," Little Peanut vowed, "Lu Xian will be crippled if he gets caught twice!"

Paladin has many advantages over AD Kenan, but his self-protection ability is really poor.

Little Peanut thinks that with a little bit of targeting, he can clearly arrange for his former teammate Sb.

Khan was given a reassurance pill, and his expression relaxed visibly.

The lineup of both sides is determined.

Blue Dragon Ball: top laner Kenan, jungler Blind Monk, mid laner Ryze, bottom laner EZ+Nami.

Red side VG: top laner Lucian, jungle troll, mid laner Rock Sparrow, bottom lane Bing Bing + Bron.

Two coaches come to center stage.

Brothers from the faction of Samsung's meritorious coach Edgar are destined to do their best for the MSI championship trophy around them today!

Miller is still commenting on the lineup, "Dragon Ball's BP is obviously put together. At first they wanted to play 131 wing split push, and they only need to choose the hero to pull the front. They gave up the ability to start a team."

"But VG's Lucian completely disrupted the team's plan, and it is difficult for Dragon Ball to execute the sideband perfectly as expected!"

Remember to agree with Miller deeply.

"Comparatively speaking, the VG lineup should be more organized, the quality of the front row is quite strong, and the double shooters in the back row can also form a linkage with Bron!"

This is the charm of hole cards.

It turns out that Dragon Ball is on the blue side, so it should be easy to get the lineup advantage.

The result was caught off guard and was successfully countered by VG, and the red lineup was even better!

"Whether the big move that Sb showed us will work or not depends on the next round," Wow dutifully exaggerated the atmosphere of watching the game, "As long as they can win the first set, VG will hold a huge advantage!"

The director's camera zoomed up to include the entire venue in the picture.

Numerous spectators held up the support banners of the two teams and loudly cheered for their favorite teams.

VG's supporters are larger, and the cheering sounds seem to overwhelm the opponent.

The big screen at the scene went dark for a moment, and the interview clips of the MSI finals of this year were played in the gap before the start of the game.

The brown-haired version of Little Peanut sat on a chair, with a delicate appearance and fair complexion.

"There is no need to talk about my relationship with Xingguo. Today is the first BO5 with Virtue players after the S6 semi-finals. I want to avenge my loss last year and let Xingguo also experience failure. pain of."

He couldn't stop the smile on his face when he spoke.

"There are also brothers Jinghao and Ruixing. I must take good care of them in the final!"

The interview cuts quickly to Sb.

"Wanghu said in the group stage that he would catch me five times, but the fact is that I didn't die even once.

He owed me 5 meals of barbecue that I lost in a bet." Song Jinghao smiled wildly and complacently, "One thing to say, no matter what he says now, he has no credibility..."

"It's okay to lie to buddies, but don't lie to yourself!"

Gu Xing's reply was more simple and direct, "Peanut is a very strong jungler, but if he wants to beat me, this level of strength is not enough."

“I don’t mind letting him taste the pain of failure again!”

Shu Wang's face was as simple and honest as ever, "I just defeated VG's former striker double champion l yesterday, and I feel like I want to hit Jap.

Gu Shengbin bared his teeth and grinned like a strong fat mouse.

G2 just lost the semi-finals last night, and it was too late to book a flight.

It's better to watch the finals.

Jack is too young and immature, and he has not received the trash talk training from Rotk and Clearlove7 like Gu Xing, so he is really not good at speaking harshly.

Facing Pray's verbal offensive, Yu Wenbo retreated steadily.

In the end, Duan Deliang couldn't stand it anymore, and immediately entered the calf-protecting mode, "What age is it? Last year I was able to crush you, and this year's result will not change!"

The contestants from both sides filled up the smell of gunpowder during the interview session. When the canyon descended, the cheers on the scene suddenly climbed again!

Gu Xing adjusted to his best condition and immediately began to direct his teammates.

"Old Duan, let's go to the front and enter the opposite field!"

Lucian + Han Bing's level 1 super double shooter, plus Bron, the top support.

Gu Xing naturally wants to use the advantage of the lineup to make the opening arrangement!

The main attack point of VG in this game is the upper half of the map. Invading the wild area at the beginning can force Peanut to the lower half, allowing Gu Xing to act unscrupulously.

The five team members bought their go-to outfits and rushed to the enemy's Ueno area in a group.

Dragon Ball also guessed that VG would rush to invade.

Their heroic strength is here, and it is definitely unrealistic to want to resist.

But it can be consumed.

For this reason, Little Peanut specially asked his own duo to come to help.

Set up your field of view in advance in the Ueno area of ​​your side, and when the five VG players rush in, the long-handed characters operated by the two elders of Xuanming immediately cast their skills.

Ezreal and Nami's damage in the early stage was not low, and they retreated after successfully suppressing a small 1/3 of their HP.

Dragon Ball time is still stuck.

Even if Duan Deliang finds a suitable safe place to return to the city, go to the spring to fill up his blood before going out, he will go online a little later.

"Go back, go back," Jack saw that Xiao Duan was still hesitant, and immediately gave his opinion, "There is no way to grab the second."

When Gu Xing invaded the Ueno area of ​​Dragon Ball, he basically had to hang out in the upper half of the map in the early stage, and it was difficult to provide protection for the bottom lane.

Furthermore, the level 1 laning strength of the VG duo is indeed not as strong as that of Dragon Ball. If you want to grab the second, you must sell your blood and go hard, and use up all your layers of the sacred shield.

Seeing that Bron's blood volume is average now, Jack simply gave up the second fight and asked his teammates to go back to the city first to replenish.

"Then I'll use the eye position later, can I put it in our blue zone?" Duan Deliang kept doing it, planning to hand over the jewelry eye.

Anyway, if he doesn't grab the second place, the vision pressure he faces is not too great. The heroes of the VG duo are here, and it is unlikely that they will even be jumped over the tower.

It is useless to keep the eye position, it is better to use it to provide vision information for the field of vision of the jungler.

Gu Xing readily agreed, and he stayed in the Dragon Ball Blue BUFF camp to prepare for the wild.

He didn't ask his teammates to help suppress the blood volume of the wild monsters, but directly asked Sb to go online to exert suppression.

The advantage of the troll jungler is that it doesn't take too much damage to clear the jungle. Although the efficiency will be lower, it can maintain a good blood volume.

After a short return to the city for supplies, on the way down the road, he put his eyes in place, directly plugged in the blind monk who was playing the VG blue BUFF, and quickly sent a signal to Gu Xing to remind him.

Thanks to this vision, Gu Xing grasped the time of death in the two camps of his own blue BUFF and the magic marsh frog.

He recorded it in the chat channel of the team, wiped out all the Ueno areas of Dragon Ball and raised it to level three, and immediately turned his head and headed to the road.

The director followed Gu Xing's movements and showed the camera to both sides.


The baby made a fuss and let out a low voice, "Khan's blood volume is only half left, and he was beaten badly by Lucian!"

Just now Sb won the second game and began to move forward to press Khan.

In order to advance to level 2, Khan was shot twice by Song Jinghao.

He held the passive of the electric blade in his hand, trying to intimidate the opponent.

But as long as you want to make up the knife, you have to pay the basic attack after all.

As soon as the electric blade passive was hung on the soldier, Lucian began to ride his face to output.

Slide up and shoot two bullets, followed by Q [Transparent Holy Light] and passive double guns.

With a simple combo, Kenan's blood volume dropped a lot in the blink of an eye!

Khan was cursing in his heart, but he had to submit to the situation.

He didn't even dare to resist, an Aq was already the limit.

Just for fun, Lucian is already at the fourth level of enthusiasm, and he has half of his health left. Even if the opponent fights against a few soldiers, he can't win!

Fortunately, Lucian's radical exchange of blood attracted the hatred of the minions, which changed the situation of the two sides' pawn lines.

Now the soldiers are slowly advancing towards the Dragon Ball Upper Tower.

Khan can stay in front of the tower and slowly develop the tail knife.

But even so, Gu Xing still kept his eye on him!

"Brother Xing, is it possible that he wants to jump over the tower?" Miller had just finished speaking when he saw Gu Xing emerge from the grass on the first tower of Dragon Ball.

The icicle rose from the ground and hit Kenan's buttocks, locking him forward!

This short period of forced displacement brought Kenan one step closer to Lucian!

In addition, the 0 points of damage generated also allowed Gu Xing to attract the hatred of the defense tower!

Song Jinghao's Lu Xi'an didn't say anything, he slid forward after cooling down, and took two more passive shots before taking Q!

"Khan directly handed over the flash, dodging the holy light through the body!" The baby was amazed, "What a fast hand speed!"

It has to be said that Khan's current personal strength is quite strong, and he is completely at his peak.

If he hadn't dodged Lucian's body-penetrating holy light with a flash, Gu Xing's flash damage would have killed him instantly!

Even though he saved his life by flashing, Khan was still taken aback.

Do you want to be so rambunctious?

The troll is already very restrained against Ap Kenan, and can use pillars to make it difficult for electric mice to enter the field.

Now Kenan has become an Ad attack speed flow, but the pillar's restriction on this non-displacement hero still exists!

And after setting up the icicle, Lucian can more easily chase up to infuse damage!

Khan found himself unable to cope with the VG Ueno duo!

He escaped by chance, and with less than 300 health points left, he had no choice but to go back to the city to replenish.

After filling the state, choose to send online.

And Gu Xing has already helped Song Jinghao advance the third wave of cannon troop lines on the road to the Dragon Ball Tower, creating a perfect opportunity for his teammates to return to the city for supplies.

When Sb went back, he extracted a handful, and then went online on foot, intending to mine to widen the economic gap between them.

The director saw that the battle on the top road had temporarily stopped, so he cut the screen to the middle road.

"Little Peanut made a big circle after brushing the bottom half of VG, and launched a surprise attack on Kuro from the grass above the middle lane!"

Peanut was in the lower half before. According to the news, Li Ruixing moved very high, trying to avoid gank.

But he never expected that Little Peanut would go around and attack him!

"Peanut touches his eyes and sticks to the rock sparrow's face, and the basic attack catches the floor and slows down!"

Kuro bit the bullet and walked back, trying to save a flash.

But Ryze chased forward and the E 2nd Company intercepted him outside the tower!

"Blind Monk Tianyinbo made a hit, combined with Ryze's damage to lower the blood volume of the rock sparrow!"

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Kuro quickly handed over his flash and ran back.

Little Peanut triggers the second-stage Q echo attack and comes to the rock sparrow!

"But the skills in the hands of the rock sparrow have not let go, peanu seems to be a little bit overbearing!"

Yantu carried the blind monk into the tower, and then cooperated with the stone formation and stone wear, and beat the little peanut to blood!

"With Peanut's blood volume, it's frightening even to clear the jungle!


Seeing that Little Peanut was caught in the middle, Gu Xing deliberately abandoned the upper half of his house and deliberately moved downwards to expose it to the Dragon Ball's field of vision.

This made Peanut anxious.

He was afraid that the trolls would come and turn against the wild. At that time, not only would he have to give up the camp to the opponent, but he would not even be able to guarantee his own life!

Little Peanut had no choice but to go back to the city and fill up his condition first.

"Brother Xing entered the lower jungle area of ​​Dragon Ball, but instead of fighting against the jungle, he made an eye shot next to the opponent's red BUFF camp?" Wawa was very confused.

He was full of question marks, looking at Gu Xing's behavior extremely puzzled.

After returning to the city, Gu Xing only bought a real eye, and then rushed to the road without stopping!

"Brother Xing played a trick!" I remember the quick reaction, "He tricked Little Peanut into the lower half!"

To be honest, it can't be called a lie.

Little Peanut now only has the wild area left untouched, and he had to move down after returning to the city.

Gu Xing was just making eyes to confuse the other party and put a little pressure on him, making Dragon Ball mistakenly think that he was still in the lower half of the map.

In fact, the real target is Khan's Kenan!

"Khan doesn't know about this, he is very dangerous now!" VG Ueno previously pushed the cannon line into the upper tower of Dragon Ball.

At that time, Khan was only level 2, and the efficiency of clearing the line was too low, and he failed to deal with the minions under the tower in time, resulting in a wave of pushing back the line.

The minion handover position keeps advancing towards the VG direction, and Khan has to move forward to leave the protection range of the defense tower in order to make up for the knife!

Gu Xing caught this opportunity!

"The troll rushed to the road, and the extreme position gave an icicle, and Lucian rode his face. There is no escape space for Kenan who didn't flash!"

Khan tried his best to twist his skills, but his movement speed was limited, he couldn't bear the damage of Gu Xing and Sb, so he could only send out one blood!

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