What is a hexagon jungler?

351: The first knife aimed at the weakness!

"Don't be surprised," Gu Xing said with a smile when he saw Jack's exaggerated expression, "Can you be more stable like me?"

He opened the webpage and retrieved the League of Legends mid-season announcement.

"Be calm in dealing with people" Gu Xing taught Yu Wenbo, while scrolling the mouse wheel to browse the patch update content.

With just one glance, his voice stopped abruptly.

This time it was Jack's turn to laugh at him, "Hohohoho, old Gu, can you still calm down now?" Gu Xing has no time to argue with Yu Wenbo now.

He rested his chin on his palm, stared at the screen and muttered to himself, "To be honest, there are changes, ruthless!"

After Riot has clarified the development trend and positioning of League of Legends, the mid-season update will serve as a link between the previous and the next in the annual version.

It can be said that the game environment in the professional arena and qualifying matches in the second half of the year depends on this patch!

The importance is second only to the new season update at the end of the year, and it is a veritable giant change!

In the mid-season version before Gu Xing set foot on the professional arena last year, the concept of the elemental dragon was officially confirmed, and at the same time, mages such as vampires, snake women, and fire men were reworked, and hex technology equipment such as rocket belts and ice guns were launched.

The various changes at that time had a profound impact on the S6 Summer Split and the World Championship, and established the dominance of the French core role in the middle lane in the second half of 2016.

In this year's 7.9 mid-season version, Riot will make changes to the front row of tanks! "Da Shu, Zac, and Pig Girl, the three meat tank characters have all been reworked..."

Gu Xing read the updated text.

Maokai's passive recovery and the two small skills of Q are simple numerical changes. The rework of E [Sapling Throwing] is very innovative.

If it is thrown into the grass, the tree son will have a larger explosion radius and the damage will be increased.

Of course, the most important thing is the big move.

The previous R [Vengeance Vortex] is to create a defensive enchantment around the big tree, which can apply damage reduction buffs to teammates in the field and cause damage to the enemy.

Now after the rework, the ultimate move is changed to [Grasp of Nature].

Gu Xing clicked on the official new skill demonstration video, and was still complaining, "It's a bit like the tree world descending from Senshouzhujian in Naruto."

The big move of the new version of the big tree will create a large tree root and push forward slowly, imprisoning the first enemy hero hit.

"Finch," Jack agreed deeply, "it's reasonable, the playability of the reworked big tree is obviously much higher than before..."

Whether it's throwing powerful saplings into the grass, or using R [Nature's Grasp] to start a team to control the team, it is more interesting than the original big tree.

The operating requirements for players will undoubtedly be improved.

Before Dashu drove the vortex of revenge into the opposite crowd, the difficulty was not too high, and it could even be said that he had enough hands!

But after the change, the use of the big move will definitely be tricky, which will test the player's ability to judge the situation!

"The rework of the fist is quite trustworthy," Gu Xing commented, "The quality of the original Sword Princess Captain Nuo Shou is good."

Although every time Riot makes a hero rework announcement, a large number of players will wail and miss the old characters they are familiar with.

But it turns out that after the hero is reworked, the character mechanism such as operating interaction attributes is more suitable for the game environment than the old version.

Although there are sacrifices, overall, it is still flawless.

Heroes like Jian Ji, who were almost extinct in the professional arena in the past, have seen a sudden increase in their appearance rate after the rework, which is enough to prove the success of Riot in this regard! Gu Xing continued to browse down.

Compared with the original top laner Dashu, he is more interested in the rework of Zhumei and Zac in the jungle position.

The revised pig girl passively turns into a layer of pigskin, which makes the hero immune to deceleration and extra resistance, even after taking damage, it will remain for a short time.

In addition, the ice-breaking effect is added, and additional damage will be applied when the hero stunned by her is dealt with again.

[Winter's Wrath] is changed to wielding a flail, E [Eternal Frozen Field] provides frost

Frozen layers, melee basic attack can superimpose layers and trigger dizziness.

The big move is to throw the extreme ice lasso, which will also stun the opponent. Zac's rework changes mainly focus on the two skills of QR.

Now Q [Extended Strike] first grabs an enemy, then grabs another enemy with a basic attack, and throws them at the opponent.

R [Dynamic Pinball] is no longer the previous four consecutive bounces, but will make Zac paralyzed on the ground when cast, immune to control and slow down enemies standing on him.

After charging for 1 second or more, he can become unstoppable, engulfing the enemies on it and bouncing into the distance!

"Hey, this strength..." Gu Xing was amazed, "I don't know how much higher the combat ability is than before!"

The foundation of the heroes in the front row is sufficient frankness and continuous control.

Fist is undoubtedly very good at this mid-season version update.

Like Dashu's R [Grasp of Nature], Pig Girl E [Permanent Frozen Field] and Zac's QR, all of which improve the hero's control ability.

The pig skin of the pig girl is to increase the flatness.

The designer started from two angles, cutting in with incomparable precision, to change the previous weak and backward mechanism of the tank role!

Gu Xing sensed the seriousness of the matter.

"Could it be that Riot wants to turn the game into a world of herbivore junglers and meat tank top laners?" Jack nodded in agreement, "Heroes see the same thing!"

"And it's not just the jungler and top laner, my ADC is also affected!" He asked his jungler to see the content of the follow-up patch.

After seeing it, Gu Xing raised his eyebrows.

Blade of the Ruined King costs 100 more, while Infinity Blade costs 3400 instead of 3600.

The two pieces of equipment are the core props of the ruined special effects stream and the endless crit stream, which are related to the shooter's route selection.

In addition, [Lord Dominique's Greeting] and [Mortal Reminder] two armor-piercing equipment have been weakened.

Although the price is 100 gold coins cheaper, the armor penetration property has changed from 45% extra armor to 35%, which is a big cut in cost performance!

Even Heiqie was not spared.

Reduced Armor Cleave ability per tier from 5% to 4%, and the total Armor Break cap has also been reduced appropriately.

It can be said that Riot's move is to forcibly elevate the status of tanks!

As long as everyone's armor-piercing ability is limited, the frankness of the front row will usher in a major benefit!

"Old Gu, what do you think?" Jack asked Gu Xing for his opinion, "Can you tell which version of the strong character will be in the summer competition?"

Gu Xing thought for a while, "It's hard to say...I think it's better to wait for Hongmi to come back and ask his opinion."

History has proven countless times that a hero that is literally enhanced by a patch may not be perfectly suitable for the professional arena.

Gu Xing himself is not an omnipotent and omniscient god, so he cannot assess in advance how the game environment in the summer split will change.

Professional work should be handed over to professionals. He trusts red rice very much.

"By the way, Gu, can I have a piece of cake?" Yu Wenbo pointed to the dilapidated Pai Daxing in front of him.

Now there are only flaming red lips on the head of the pink star, which is full of temptation for Jack, who is full of hunger.

"Order takeaway by yourself!" Gu Xing made a food protection action, firmly protecting Pai Daxing.

Jack's eyes widened, "Are you crazy, eating such a big piece of cake by yourself?" Gu Xing sized Yu Wenbo up and down with sympathetic eyes.

"I don't blame you, some things have to be experienced to understand the truth." He began to be a riddle.

Jack tilted his head in doubt, his expression resembled the Shiba Inu emoticons circulating on the Internet.

The consequence of showing off the entire cake at night was that when Gu Xing rushed back to his hometown the next morning, his stomach was still a little uncomfortable.

Leaning against the window and looking at the receding trees and farmland, he simply took out his mobile phone for entertainment.

There is no important news in WeChat.

In the group chat of the VG training department

, Sb and others informed Jin Wenhyuk that they were ready to end their vacation and asked the team leader to arrange a vehicle to pick up the airport this afternoon.

Song Jinghao's tone was not very friendly, 【Why is Xiba's rest time so short? I have to come back to prepare for the summer split before I have played enough! 】

On May 25, the team members began to take an official vacation. The vacation lasts a week in total.

On June 8th, the LPL will officially start fighting. Prior to this, they had to go to shoot the official summer game promotional video and make-up photos, and the players were forced to come back early.

After half a year of busy work, he only rested for 7 days in the end. It is also reasonable for Sb to feel dissatisfied.

The branch manager Lu Wenjun hurriedly appeased, [We still have 4 weeks of regular season before we participate in the intercontinental competition, I will try to give you a little more vacation time]

This sentence not only did not have a soothing effect, but made Sb even more painful, [I just remembered that there is an intercontinental competition, I will forget it if I am exhausted! 】

Gu Xing typed back, 【Do you want to take more vacations, or do you want to win two more championships? 】

Song Jinghao sent an ellipsis before responding, [That's still the champion] Sb considers himself a late bloomer type.

He officially debuted in 2013 and just won his first league title last year. After joining VG this year, he finally won the international competition trophy!

Song Jinghao hasn't won enough, and wants to accumulate more honors in his peak period and improve his status.

Gu Xing saw that his top laner was very good, so he cut out the group chat and ran to fight against it.

The offseason is not yet over, and the trend of the post bar is still to discuss the mid-season game and liquidate Dragon Ball.

The number of hot posts is quite considerable, providing Gu Xing with sufficient food for thought.

[I don't allow anyone who hasn't watched this video! 2017 MSI final VG vs. Dragon Ball 4th game KR commentary version]

[It's still cooked meat? Buddha is really a master]

【Ho Ho Ho Ho, the scene where they yelled GG in unison at the end was too hilarious, right? 】

[The whole screen highlights a "reluctant but convinced, appearance, it seems that the effect of the program is full of truth"

[Is there no one to move CloudTe's mid-season summary video? People are urging the LCK league to reflect quickly.]

Gu Xing was more interested in the last comment. He clicked on the video link below and saw CloudTe's face.

The subtitles below have already been matched, and he can watch it without hindrance.

"To be honest, the vast majority of viewers on the Inven forum are scolding Dragon Ball, and some people scold them for defeating all the strong teams in China who know how to operate, and then go to the mid-season game to give VG Express the championship. This really doesn't make any sense. !"

The logic of CloudTe is clear, and it gives Gu Xing a pretty good impression.

"How did VG win the Mid-Season Games? Isn't it still the operation? Dragon Ball can beat the LCK operation strong team in China, but lost to VG, this in itself is enough to explain the problem!"

"Don't bother scolding Dragon Ball, even if Dragon Ball is 99% responsible for the loss in this mid-season match, are the other 9 teams in the LCK not at fault at all?"

"Dragon Ball, which you say has such a poor performance, can go to MSI. Shouldn't the 9 teams reflect on it?"

CloudTe said every word to his heart, "Come on, friends, we have lost for a whole year, and every time the opponent is VG, a total of 4 teams have fought against VG, and they have never won, which proves that the tough There is a gap in strength!

"If you want to get rid of the shame, the LCK team must unite and unite. We have another chance next month—the Intercontinental Tournament. We must impress our opponents and regain our supremacy!"

At the end of these words, the voice was inspiring. Even the LCK opponent Gu Xing was deeply touched.

Just glanced at the comment area, he still couldn't help laughing.

[There are also KR netizens clamoring that SKT won the mid-season game, are you expecting Huni to win Sb? Do you want to recall the S5 semi-finals? 】

[It's like this, Huni's worth is more than half cut from his posture, but he met Sb with his ape shape exposed, and was beaten like a pig's nose by the forehand and backhand instructor]

[As far as SKT's broken configuration is concerned, if you tie the two junglers nk and Clid together, Brother Xing can handle it with one hand! 】

[However, what CloudTe said is true, the LCK must be holding back its energy and wanting revenge in the intercontinental competition, we can't take it lightly]

[It's okay, I will take action at the critical moment]

When Gu Xing saw this, he thought it was some funny guy trying to be clever. After a closer look, I realized that it was Jack's vest.

He was speechless and slid down silently.

Just when Gu Xing thought that there were no more posts that could attract his attention.

The popular post caught his attention instantly.

[Is there anyone who can analyze the OB video of Brother Xing going to the first zone to play ranked after the broadcast that night? This policewoman's operation is a bit outrageous]

Gu Xing clicked in and found that it was an edited video clip.

The female policewoman with the ID of "Guxi No. 1 Eddie" on her head shot E and Q very smoothly, and then took three consecutive headshots to take away the opposite Verus!

Gu Xing immediately recalled the scene of "this wave, where is the jungler on the other side?

The comments below are mixed.

[Holy shit, why does this policewoman look like an idiot in my hands, even though she has so many smooth moves? 】

[Turtle, why didn't these three headshots shake back, it's like firing a machine gun]

[So fast gun! Kaitlyn switched to continuous sniping]

[I saw that Brother Xing’s account also had a “Patrieb has a strong desire to share, open the mobile photo album display, and show it to my jungler, “Wang was drunk by us at the end of the wedding!” Gu Xing took a look from it See the figure of Peanut.

Because the brown hair has not been treated for too long, the color has gradually lost its color, but it is still too easy to identify when it is mixed with a group of black hair.

Apart from ROX members, Gu Xing also saw Madlife and other older generation OGN e-sports people.

Even l was invited to participate.

I have to say that the Tigers are surprisingly popular in the LCK.

The Shu King has high qualifications, and he doesn't usually put on airs. He has many brothers who have made good friends. Little Peanut is loved by everyone in the circle!

A group of people forced to invite most of the LCK circle, and even invited Roaring Emperor to be the officiant of the wedding. The whole process was very lively.

"Brother Lu Zhe is married, time flies..." Hongmi sighed with emotion.

However, his focus immediately switched, "Why didn't so many e-sports players join me at my wedding last year?"

Easyhoon laughed at him, "Brother Chengrong, when you held your wedding, we were still competing outside, so there is no way for Sister Li."

Redmi got married in May of the year before last, just in time for the first mid-season game.

In the end, none of the ten sons of the three stars came together. The fat general and Mr. Dai fought in Tallahassee, and the remaining eight people and their mentor Edgar rushed to the scene to witness the wedding.

Compared with Nofe, it is really deserted.

"It's okay," Gu Xing comforted Redmi, "The other champion coach, Kko, isn't married yet. Thinking about it this way, doesn't it make you feel more comfortable?"

Hongmi laughed loudly when she heard the words, "He is still too early to get married! He doesn't even have a partner, and he probably has to rely on blind dates to solve his personal problems!"

Kko's face shape is the most handsome among these Mesozoic coaches, and he is known as KR's second brother.

The character is gentle and elegant, with the demeanor of a Confucian general.

But the height has too much influence on him.

In the country next door where the per capita height is not short, Kko is a bit far from the average.

In addition, his heart is all on SKT, and he has no extra energy to fall in love, so far he is still single.

Finding the confident Redmi from Kko brought the topic back on track.

"Everyone should have read the announcement of the mid-season version released by Riot two days ago, right?" Gu Xing, who was slumped on the engineering chair, straightened his back and prepared to listen attentively.

side jack rate

Speak first.

"The designer is Sima Zhao's heart, and everyone knows it. He only wants to weaken our dominance!"

Hongmi shrugged, "That's normal. Our team has monopolized the World Series awards for a whole year. Isn't it reasonable to be targeted?"

Since the beginning of the S6 season, Riot has a clear plan for the operation of the event.

They don't want a single team or player to win consecutive championships, lest the professional arena fall into a stagnant situation!

Last year's SKT was messed up.

After winning the S race and the MSI championship one after another, he was immediately targeted by the designer.

If you still play the opening lane change + herbivorous map control jungler, no team can shake SKT's hegemony!

With one blow of the fist, the S6 World Championship will be turned into a world of carnivorous and wild-core junglers, allowing VG to take advantage of the momentum to reach the top!

Now it's VG's turn to win two international championships in a row, so it's understandable that Riot will pay attention to it.

"I think the herbivorous jungler is going to come out of the rivers and lakes again, Xiao Gu, can you adapt to it?" Duan Deliang looked at Gu Xing, with a bit of worry in his eyes.

When Gu Xing debuted in the S6 summer competition, it was dominated by characters such as Blind Monk and Qian Jue. This wild environment where carnivorous and wild-core characters coexist lasted for a whole year!

Now that the sky is finally about to change, Duan Deliang is inevitably a little worried.

"I should be fine," Gu Xing was very confident in his ability, "Grass eating is not difficult to control the map, just temper the hero..."

Duan Deliang looked relaxed.

The absolute core of the team said so, he felt that this year's summer split didn't seem particularly difficult.

"It's hard to say how the jungle environment will change. After the patch is online, the male gun can't play ARE, and the black chip is weakened, and the strength drops all of a sudden, but the two giants of the blind monk and the spider are still... .." Hongmi expressed her opinion.

Riot believes that the recoilless combo of the male gun ARE is still too strong, and it can cause a devastating blow to crispy heroes in an instant.

So in version 7.9, it was chopped off with a wave of the big hand.

Even if the wild core Graves who galloped on the battlefield on MSI no longer has the godhead.

However, Redmi still does not believe that grass-fed junglers can immediately threaten the dominance of carnivorous junglers, and must be tested through training games.

"Pin Duan, you should take care of yourself." Hongmi looked at her assistant. "Me?" Duan Deliang was confused, "What does it have to do with me?"

There is no support in the reworked role. From Xiao Duan's point of view, at most he was affected by the change in ADC strength.

Not much effect.

"Didn't you see the salary change?"

"I saw it, and then what?" Duan Deliang didn't understand why, and his expression was very confused.

Red rice has no groove to spit out.

Many professional players are like this. Looking through the version changes, they only focus on those contents that are clearly strengthened or weakened at a glance.

Don't do research on many details.

After all, this is indeed the job content of the coaching staff.

"Forget it, I'll repeat it from the beginning, so that some players don't understand..."

"In the mid-season version changes, the auxiliary salary equipment has also been adjusted," Hongmi explained to the team members, "Now the three salary equipment of the ancient coin, the shield of the holy relic, and the blade of the stealing law have a task mechanism."

"As long as 650 gold coins are stacked through the task, the new additional active effect can be triggered by synthesizing the second-level salary equipment."

Li Zhixun gradually translated Hongmi's words to everyone.

"Among them, the teammates of the ancient coin carrier kill minions, there is a chance to drop gold coins or mana coins, the former gives 20 gold coins, and the latter gives mana recovery."

"The shield of the relic is still a tribute for killing minions, and the blade of stealing magic is still attacking enemy heroes or defensive towers to save money..."

Redmi spoke eloquently so that everyone present could understand.

After the three basic salary packs are stacked with 650 gold coins, as long as the ancient coins are upgraded to the second-level salary pack, you can get a skill

Can point.

The Relic Shield equip route will gain shield batteries.

Spellstealing Blade becomes a certain explosive movement speed as long as the passive is triggered again.

"What does this have to do with me?" Duan Deliang still didn't want to understand the logic, "No, it's just that the auxiliary combat capability has been strengthened. It's a good thing!"

It is not a matter of a day or two that the auxiliary status is low. Now adding mission attributes that can provide combat power to salary equipment is also a major enhancement.

"You don't see the difference?" Redmi didn't tell the truth, and directly revealed the answer, "The stacking speed of the blade of stealing magic is much slower than that of the other two salary equipment!"

"Spellstealing Blade now attacks the enemy hero or defensive tower, and the gold coins you get after triggering it are only 8!"

Redmi doesn’t even need a calculator, “What does 650 gold coins mean to the blade of stealing magic? Trigger more than 80 times to get the effect of explosive movement speed!

"Duan Deliang gasped for contributing to global warming.

Gu Xing also realized the problem.

The current economic looting speed of the Spellstealing Blade obviously cannot allow the bearer to fully stack the 650 gold coins required for the mission during the laning phase!

Think about it carefully, what kind of game can allow the support to exchange blood with the opponent at such a high frequency?

In the professional arena that pursues stable development, it is simply unrealistic!

For example, the blade of the later generation's stealing law costs 20 gold coins once triggered, and a total of 500 gold coins can be stacked to complete the task.

Compared with the Spellstealing Blade after the S7 mid-season, the difficulty of stacking up the missions is not at the same level at all!

In contrast, the shield of the sacred object that kills the soldiers and the ancient coin that waits for the gold coins to be dropped, the current stacking speed of the task is much faster than the blade of the stealing law!

Not only is it about the speed of stacking tasks, but it is also directly linked to the real economy that falls into the auxiliary pocket!

In short, Spellthief lags behind the other two salary items. This will directly affect the game environment!

"Blade of Stealing is all consumable soft aids..." Duan Deliang pushed down following Hongmi's train of thought, his eyes straightened, "It's broken."

What is his strongest?

Line consumption!

With Zyra Karma Lulu, Duan Deliang can often press the opponent to call ICan'tBreathe!

Now through this salary equipment change, the fist will weaken the position of consumable soft assistants in the bottom lane in a disguised way!

If Duan Deliang is forced to choose, what will greet him is that the opponent's economy is naturally backward, and the equipment and combat power are not as good as the enemy's!

Gu Xing also felt that something was wrong.

But I have to praise the designer from the bottom of my heart, "What a ruthless change!" The first knife of the fist cut firmly on VG's weakness!

Previously, Gu Xing had experienced the delayed outbreak of assassins and the chaotic changes in the refresh interval of the wild area, and thought that the fist designers were all bastards.

I didn't expect that the other party actually had something!


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