What is a hexagon jungler?

358: Winter's Wrath!

Seeing the wonderful choice of summoner skills, the auditorium was full of noise!

"Could it be a mistake?" Miller guessed.

"Impossible," Wawa immediately vetoed this idea, "Brother Xing in the second set is Flash, so logically speaking, there is no need to change skills at all!"

"That's right," Miller murmured, "and at present, VG has no plans to appeal to reopen BP..."

The VG players under the camera were still chatting and laughing, but did not show any nervousness or panic.

"So it seems that Brother Xing changed the summoner skills on purpose," Hua Hua speculated, "maybe it's a new routine he researched?"

"Bringing Ignition increases the ability to fight, but it also sacrifices the super long-distance gank method of Q flash," Waowa continued to think, "What's more, even if the pig girl has Ignite, the duel is not Rek'Sai's opponent. Bar?"

Miller's product is somewhat different, "It's really hard to say, Pig Girl is different from ordinary tanks, the burst damage of a set of skills is quite high, plus the output provided by Ignition... I feel that Brother Xing is going to show off in this game. I understand!"

In the live broadcast room of the event, first question marks swiped the screen, and then the number of bullet screens burst out was astonishing.

【Turtle, Flame Rat's older brother, Flame Pig, is here!】

[Brother Xing started working? Pig girls can also carry ignition, right?]

[Good guy, it’s said that brother Xing likes to attack so much, why did you choose pig girl? How good it is to play blind monk]

[One thing to say, just talk about the big move, now this version of the pig girl does not know how much better than the blind monk! 】

[Can the director give Gui Jiaoqi a close-up, I want to see his expression]

The EDG players under the camera had just sent Nofe away, and when they entered the loading screen of the game, they found that Gu Xing's summoner skills were not right, and they immediately started talking about it.

"What the hell is Ignition Pig Girl?" Mouse was very surprised, and the forehead lines appeared.

Tian Ye laughed, "Isn't this obvious? Brother Xing wants to educate Ming Kai well, and plans to order food in the wild!"

Meiko though @It also does not have the ability to rush, and it is even more difficult to fight the basic attack close to the face!

It is unrealistic to want to stack four layers of frost effect!

There is not even a decent hard control, even if VG invades, it is difficult to make a profit, and the actual deterrent effect brought to EDG is equal to zero!

That being the case, Gu Xing felt that it would be better to start normally.

"Everyone wait for me to lead the rhythm, and develop steadily in the rest of the time," he instructed, "The opposite Rek'sai is not my opponent in a duel, so you must relax!"

Li Ruixing echoed, "Chong Chong Chong, we won't be defeated today against EDG!"

This is the first time for Kuro to see a wild boar girl with an ignition in a professional arena. At first, he couldn't help but feel skeptical, but after seeing the ID of Virtue, he felt a sense of security.

"Believe it first!" Jack said loudly, "Believe Lao Gu and it's over!"

Duan Deliang also asked the jungler in the voice, "Jake and I have the right to line up in the bottom lane, should we push it at the beginning?"

After a little thought, Gu Xing gave the answer, "Yes, but you have to deal with it quickly, push the second wave line to the opposite tower, and try not to exchange blood when you push back the line, or you may be caught by Rexai. "

He could guess Ming Kai's thoughts, after all, Rek'Sai's heroic characteristics are here, and he can launch an offensive against the bottom lane from various angles.

And if you really want to play a 3V3 duel in the field, VG has no chance of winning.

Don't look at Gu Xing's ignition, but his E [Eternal Frozen Field] is almost useless in the battle in the lower half of the area, and he can only stack layers by himself!

Duan Deliang agreed after hearing the words, took Jack to start the game, and went directly to the bottom lane to grab the line.

Gu Xing started the game alone from the blue BUFF below.

As usual, the extremely precise card stuns the opponent when the wild monster raises its hand to attack, so as to reduce the damage it suffers and thus preserve its blood volume.

After reaching level 2, he emptied the Demon Swamp Frog and the Three Wolves camp one after another.

"The pawn line is here..." Duan Deliang reported the information to his teammates.

Taking advantage of the gap between his movement to the upper half area, Gu Xing cut the screen to observe the next road.

The third wave of artillery vehicles has appeared in the lower tower of EDG, and the pushback line is bound to be formed.

At the same time, the protection measures around the lower road are already in place.

After pushing the line, Duan Deliang inserted his eye position in the middle of the lower river, trying to detect the possible raids of the enemy jungler in advance.

Jack set his sights on the triangular grass on the bottom road.

The eye positions of the two have been able to seal the key pass down the Xiaolongkeng!

It seems that the VG duo will be able to develop steadily in front of their own tower later.

However, in order to ensure the speed of pushing the line, Jack's Ice did not learn E [Eagle Strikes the Sky] at level 2, but chose Q to improve his combat effectiveness.

Without the detection of drones, VG has not locked Mingkai's movements so far!

Gu Xing always felt that something was wrong.

Premonition becomes reality at 3 minutes.

After he finished playing F6, he was about to brush up the red BUFF, and a conflict broke out in the bottom lane.

Rek'Sai dug a tunnel through the wall from the grass behind the VG next tower side, and was exposed to the view of the bottom lane!

Jack and Duan Deliang were in front of the next tower of VG, a thousand yards away from the EDG duo.

Logically speaking, the position of the two is quite safe, and there are VG soldiers in front of them who can provide personal protection.

But Mingkai got out from the grass behind the tower, and when the VG duo reacted, the excavator had already arrived not far away!

Ghost Foot Seven was unequivocal, in order to prevent the prey in his mouth from escaping, he handed over Flash without saying a word!

【Break out of the ground】!

The ice was blown into the air, and Rek'Sai's sharp claws began to tear at Yuan Plan Ashe's mecha.

Then another golden light flashed.

Thresh, who was originally shrunk back, suddenly flashed forward, and after a short swing, he threw out Q [Death Sentence]!

"Hey" Jack subconsciously came up with a tone word.

Before Meiko and himself, there was a VG long-range soldier!

Looking at the trajectory of the hook, it seems that it will not hit...

However, as soon as the miserable green hook left Thresh's body, the thunder light representing punishment fell from the sky!

It hit the long-range soldier's body right!

Level 3 Rek'Sai's disciplinary damage has already reached 430, which is higher than the upper limit of ranged soldiers' health at this moment.

After successfully killing a minion, nothing stands between the hook and Ashe in the air!

There was a small hiss in the voice of the VG team.

He is not close to his teammates, and he can't do it even if he wants to flash the hook!

I can only watch helplessly as Thresh's hook is tied to Han Bing's neck!

Jack cursed a Tibetan word in a low voice.

In this game, he wants to increase the strength of the laning, and he has Karma, a soft assistant who can produce the crucible, so he didn't choose to carry purification.

After being hooked, you have to resign yourself to fate!

Thresh triggers the second stage of Q to get close to the distance, and then uses the pendulum of doom to brush the ice back!

Seeing this, Jack didn't even hand in the flash, and planned to save it for the next time.

On the opposite side, Verus has a long-distance charged Q [Piercing Arrow] to shoot through the ice body and get a blood bounty!

"I'm going..." Jack was dumbfounded, "Where did this excavator come from?"

Of course he knew the classic gank route that Rek'Sai used to dig a tunnel through the bushes behind the side of the red defense tower and through the wall to the lane.

The problem is that he and Duan Deliang have blocked all the paths from Rek'sai to his own jungle area with eye positions!

How did Ming Kai come here?

This is not scientific!

After Gu Xing brushed the red BUFF, he used several simple signals to form a path.

Jack took one look and realized the truth.

The opponent walked down the river grass and crossed into the VG half area, and then made a large circle from the three wolf camp to the grass behind the defense tower.

In this way, it can perfectly avoid the two defensive eye positions of the VG duo!

"Yes, something..." Jack blamed himself very much, "I saw two bins on the opposite side were dying, and I wanted to gain experience, but I didn't expect someone to come to the opposite side just one stop ahead."

"It's okay," Gu Xing reassured, "It's not a loss to play two flashes on the opposite side."

He wants to protect the mentality of the players, but it is impossible to blame his teammates and put pressure on Jack.

Otherwise, this plate can be announced and sent directly.

Besides, this wave of Jaeb has not revealed any desire to consume and fight, but just tapped and accepted a pawn.

The road was uneventful.

Mouse didn't think there was any problem with his position. As Ming Kai entered the VG lower jungle area, he also learned that Gu Xing was in the upper half of the map.

But with my blood volume and countermeasures here, what can the opponent use to catch me?

The moment the passive shield value disappeared, he saw a soft and cute big Poro coming out from behind him!

Pig Poro's tongue is still half stuck out, it looks harmless to humans and animals.

It's just that Sejuannico, who is riding on it, is not so kind. When she shows her head, she dances the flail and casts [Winter's Wrath] to give herself slow and frost effects!

"Brother Xing's pig girl used a pig dash to get out of the wall and came to the top road," Miller suddenly increased his speaking speed, "His operation is very detailed. When he came out of the wall, he did not attract the hatred of the EDG turret, and the pigskin on his body did not disappear. !"

Sejuani's movement caused a rustling in the auditorium.

"At the same time, Sb flashed forward, hitting Bobby with a basic attack with the rhythm of war!" Miller praised VG Ueno's decisiveness in his heart, "Brother Xing also handed over the ignition, and the two vowed to kill Bobby !"

The hammer-shaped cannon was visibly panicked.

Fortunately, Mouse adjusted quickly and immediately came up with an escape plan.

E [Heroic Charge] Turn around and bump into Zhumei, using Gu Xing as a springboard to escape.

Then he immediately surrendered his flash and continued to retreat.

"But he was hit again by the pig girl, and his body was already full of

Frost effect!" said the baby loudly, "Brother Xing opened the permafrost field and stunned Bobby!"

Mouse was afraid of being knocked into the air by the prince's EQ during the stun process, so he turned on his firm demeanor in advance, trying to resist the next combination of punches from the enemy.

But Song Jinghao didn't mean to hand over the second company at all, he just walked forward and slowed him down with [Golden Holy Shield]!

"The duration of steadfast presence is about to end!" Miller yelled.

Poppy is only 2 seconds total.

Subtracting the stun duration of the permafrost field of the pig girl, Mouse's autonomous action time is running out!

Full of desperation, he threw out Q [Holy Hammer Slam] in order to hurt and slow down the opponent's Ueno, trying to get Ta Dae to help him replace the head.

Seeing the effect of firm demeanor disappear, Sb finally made a move.

The Debang military flag combined with the impact of the giant dragon can easily knock Poppy who has surrendered all displacement skills into the air!

"VG Ueno's general attack cleared Poppy's health bar!" Wow yelled loudly, "Brother Xing resisted three defensive tower attacks, and finally the remaining blood escaped the range of the turret!"

"Thanks to Pigpi, otherwise Piggy would really be replaced by Bobby!"

Miller's excitement was palpable, "Brother Xing used the same tricks as the factory manager. He launched an offensive from the grass behind the defense tower and caught the opponent by surprise!"

The VG supporters at the scene waved their support objects vigorously, sincerely happy for their team to get back to the field.

The director gave Gu Xing the whole replay process of avoiding the hatred of the EDG defense tower with a sudden leap.

"Like..." Miller praised a few words, "At first I thought it was impossible for VG Ueno to catch Bobby to death, but I can only say that Brother Xing's details are too good!"

Barrages were flying all over the live broadcast room.

【Brother Xing is as detailed as ever】

[Where are the junglers on both sides playing mirrored Gank? Nanoscale replica, right?]

[Foreshadowing recovery, I didn't expect that the pigskin would really come in handy]

[Ignite and make great contributions! Brother Xing’s black technology has something to say, otherwise Bobby would have a chance to escape with residual blood]

[I see that Mouse's face is going numb again, how can he die like this]

[If Panpan is herded by his own jungler, the opponent will use you as a breakthrough, and you will be numb if you go up]

Ming Kai had nothing to do during this time, and cut the screen during the jungle clearing process to observe the whole process of VG Ueno's attack on Mouse.

He was silent for a while, and then he comforted, "It's okay, Mouse, you handed over the teleportation, you won't lose money."

Thanks to the previous handling of the pawn line, Mouse will not lose too much money when he is killed this time.

Much better than Jack.

Mouse had no choice but to numb himself like this.

The situation is urgent, and Mingkai has no extra time to pay attention to the mentality of the top laner, "Take control of the lane control in the bottom lane. I'll do it again after the second round of jungle. Let's get Xiaolong then!"

After his own careful management, the line rights that belonged to VG in the bottom lane were fought back.

Jack, who missed two waves of minions, can't exchange blood with EDG online anyway!

Mingkai plans to take advantage of Syndra's absolute line advantage in the middle lane to directly rule the lower half and take the opportunity to search for the first fire dragon.

The plan was executed successfully.

VG's current combat power in the lower half is simply not capable of going head-to-head with EDG. After losing the right to log off, Gu Xing directly chose to let go of Huolong.

It's just that he wasn't idle either.

Sneaking into the EDG Ueno area again, and planting a real eye in the grass next to the blue BUFF camp.

"Brother Xing's eye is to see what the factory manager will do next," Waowa said her guess, "But the two of them opened the field in a wrong position, and the VG's jungle area should not be invaded by Rexai in a short time Too much!"

"That's right, after the junglers of both sides attacked once in the early stage, the current situation of the game has returned to calm again, and the rhythm has slowed down again. This is also the mainstream trend of the current version..." Miller agrees with his partner, "It is estimated that the next game between the two sides once

Collision, you have to wait until the canyon pioneer is born. "

But Gu Xing had no intention of dragging Ming Kai into a vanguard team battle at all.

He is going to strike first and attack ahead of time to teach the opponent a lesson!

At 7 minutes into the game, the camp was refreshed in the third round, and the BUFF camp also ushered in a reset.

Gu Xing chose to go to the EDG Ueno area after brushing another group of magic marsh frogs to level six.

Because Ming Kai brushed the fire dragon, it was delayed a lot of time, resulting in a gap in the growth rhythm of the junglers of the two sides.

He took advantage of this!

Gu Xing made sure that Ming Kai didn't rub against the soldiers on the line, and he was only higher than the opponent in terms of level.

In the raid of killing each other through Gank, Clearlove is facing the push line that is about to advance into the VG lower tower, and he doesn't need to help deal with the minions.

And Gu Xing killed Mouse and helped Song Jinghao push the pawn line that was still stalemate near the center line into the tower, gaining a lot of experience!

Not only is the level advantage in hand.

Gu Xing's ignition has turned better, but Ming Kai's flash is still cooling down.

He has no reason to give up this golden opportunity!

Entering the enemy's Ueno area again, Gu Xing lurks in the grass in the blue area.

There is a real eye that he set up earlier, which can ensure that his whereabouts will not be discovered.

At this time, EDG's blue BUFF has been born.

Gu Xing is absolutely sure of Ming Kai's appearance!

The opponent must help Syndra take the blue to stabilize the line advantage in the middle!

And the elementary school boy will not come to the blue zone immediately, he must first deal with the minions in the middle, wait for Mingkai to disable the blue BUFF HP, and then run over to collect the wild monsters.

In other words, Gu Xing has a gap to fight Ming Kai 1v1!

After calculating everything in place, he squatted in the grass and waited for the rabbit.

The doll who noticed this raised her eyebrows, her voice was full of disbelief, "Brother Xing, are you sure you want to play like this?!"

"A pig girl dares to squat on Rek'Sai? ! "

When the junglers on both sides are full of blood, the herbivore hero should be afraid to avoid Rek'Sai.

Gu Xing's choice is undoubtedly impacting the inherent concept of dolls!

"The factory manager is here! Miller raised his voice an octave, "He didn't even know Brother Xing was squatting in the grass!"

Ming Kai never expected that the other party would dare to ambush him, who was full of blood, with just a pig girl.

It wasn't until he entered the grass and was hurt by pig sister A that he realized that something was wrong.

The ignition has been hung on the top of the head, and Rek'Sai's health has dropped a lot in an instant!

Mingkai's previous Gank only got one assist, his economy is relatively average, and he only has one red crystal in his health equipment!

Pig Girl's Level 3【Winter's Wrath】has a percentage damage, and the whipping on Rek'Sai is excruciatingly painful!

"The factory manager subconsciously ran back, intending to get out of the tunnel to stretch the distance... But the pig girl has already stacked four passive layers, and knocked out Rek'sai with the permafrost domain!"

The pig rushes forward, and then receives the general attack to deal the extra damage of the icebreaker.

Ming Kai found that his blood volume had dropped by more than half!

What B hurt?

Clearlove was horrified, that cute poro pig looked like a deadly ghost to him!

He still wanted to retreat, but the pig girl threw R [Extreme Ice and Cold Prison]!

The extreme ice lasso stuns Rek'Sai who is not flashing!

Second Icebreaker Injury!

"The factory manager is about to be kicked!" "

The doll's signboard yelled loudly throughout the audience, "He punished the blue BUFF and wanted to struggle, but he was ignited on his body, and he couldn't recover his blood volume at all!"

"No one around can save him, Brother Xing is about to get better..."

Winter's Wrath!

Pig girl waved the flail and emptied Rek'Sai's blood bar!

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