What is a hexagon jungler?

363: Endless New Tactics!

In the two days after the opening game, VG has been honing and adapting to their new style of play.

As mentioned earlier, the fist uses three shackles to limit the mid-season champion.

Bottom lane right, wild area attack and big core ADC.

The three shackles are intertwined, pressing on VG's back and making them unable to breathe!

Redmi's two-person protection shooter strategy solves the problem of output space when Jack acts as the team's big nuclear damage point.

Of course, the emergence of bottom-lane protective soft assistants has indeed squeezed the hero selection space in the upper half to a certain extent.

But as Redmi said, when Duan Deliang uses the support with a range advantage, he can firmly control the right to go down the line.

Gu Xing can also use the advantage of line power to plan, which in turn makes up for the shortcomings of his poor attack due to the low strength of the chosen hero in the wild!

In this way, the triple bondage is completely crushed by VG!

"Hey, buddy, isn't this really cool?" Jack leaned back and looked at his data panel proudly, "11 kills, 1 death and 9 assists, 35220 damage in 37 minutes, and the average output is close to 1,000!" "

"It's really comfortable to never die suddenly!" Yu Wenbo stretched his waist and showed off to his teammates, "How about it, my buddies say that my output ability is absolutely trustworthy!"

In the first half of this year, Jack has always been the sub-core position, acting as a death squad member, and after the damage is done, he will become the commander of the spring, and wait for his teammates to clean up the battlefield.

That doesn't mean he doesn't have the ability to deal damage.

But there is not enough output space, and every time he rushes forward, he will die suddenly.

Now with two teammates guarding the bottom line, Yu Wenbo can finally fully demonstrate his terrifying lethality.

"Elder Xuan Ming, you don't resist beating?" He looked at the ID of the opposite mouse king, and his expression became arrogant, "I'm right, there are really two baskets!"

Song Jinghao laughed unabashedly, "Well said, Jie Kuo!"

"Niu Niu Niu, very arrogant..." Gu Xing responded perfunctorily, typing to ask the Dragon Ball members on the opposite side if they want to have another training match.

Presumably, Little Peanut thought he couldn't understand a few words, so he directly made a video call.

As soon as Gu Xing got connected, he heard Peanut yelling extremely fast in Korean English, "Xingguo, what kind of game are you playing? Why are all the bottom lanes full of crispy soft assistants?"

Today Dragon Ball came to meet VG full of expectations, but was caught off guard at the beginning!

They took Thresh, and they took Karma.

In the lane, relying on the length of the hands, he frantically consumed and exchanged blood, and when he saw Gerui pull out the hook, he immediately put on the shield, accelerated his movement speed, and moved to avoid control.

At the end of the team battle, Karma has an RE group shield, using the shield effect of Windtalker's blessing + equipment upgrade, to increase the high level of frankness for all VG members!

Dragon Ball's few output points tried their best to smash the shield, Jack didn't say anything, and started riding the face while Dragon Ball's skills were empty!

A group of Dragon Ball players who played violently, naturally couldn't understand Yu Wenbo being so rampant, so they turned around and wanted to press him to death.

However, Karma put all the crucible bird shields on Jack, and Gu Xing kept an eye on his ADC all the time, standing beside him like a pig girl as a bodyguard, ready to control him at any time.

The thoughtful protection of Nosuke and the other team members can also help Jack share the pressure by occasionally casting skills. Yu Wenbo can survive every team battle in the balance of power!

In a group of 5 training matches, Dragon Ball won a small round in total. It was only by relying on the BDD big core clockwork and the little peanut blind monk to force their way into the field, and use the shock wave to roll up the three VG players to win the team battle.

For a whole afternoon, Dragon Ball was confused by VG's sudden change of lineup ideas!

Facing the resentful little peanut, Gu Xing smiled all over his face.

"This is the solution we developed, specifically to deal with fists, isn't it very effective?"

"It can only be said that destiny is destined to have adventures..." He was extremely grateful.

Gu Xing is very clear that the team can find a strategy against the environment of the original version, the process is purely insidious

By mistake.

In the opening game, he abandoned the troll and used the flame pig. The original intention was to enhance the resistance of the wild area, so that he could invade and catch people with rhythm.

As for the support position, it was because Redmi took out Karma in order to fight against EDG's strong lineup. It was originally intended to relieve the pressure in the early stage and allow Gu Xing to roam in the wild more comfortably.

Unexpectedly, by accident, the soft auxiliary system of the double protection version was unlocked!

Little Peanut clicked his tongue irritably, and scratched his soft thick bangs, "The key point is that we can't copy it..."

The VG strategy has strong limitations and basically only applies to themselves.

If Peanut's Dragon Ball steals this trick, not only will it not be able to get out of the predicament, but it will get deeper and deeper!

The reason is very simple.

VG needs double protection row to provide output space for Jack, does Rat King need it?

The answer is obviously no.

At present, the shooter who has to use the double protection system to protect him is Jack alone in the entire league!

Pray can find suitable output opportunities by himself, as long as Gerila pays a little attention, he can eat as much grass and milk as much milk.

Moreover, Dragon Ball originally didn't have much demand for the right to go down the route, so Little Peanut stocked the two elders, Xuan Ming, and set up camp in the upper half of the district all year round.

The effect of Grela's choice of long-hand protection aids will not be very good.

Once a crispy character like Lulu Karma is chosen, the upper and middle fields of Dragon Ball will have to replenish tanks to support the front row.

BDD, Peanut, and Khan are all core resource-eating strategies. Who will be the green leaf?

In short, if Dragon Ball copied VG's tactics, it would be a dead end!

Little Peanut is obviously also very aware of the predicament his team is facing now, and his expression is sluggish when he speaks.

"Don't panic," Gu Xing reassured, "The summer competition is still long, you can always find a solution."

It's only the first week of the Summer Split, and there's a long way to go, and the future version changes are still unknown!

Little Peanut wanted to understand the truth, and wanted to drag VG to fight all night.

The two top teams in the spring made an appointment to compete with each other in the training match, and the harvest was astonishing.

The creativity of Dragon Ball is still unique in the LCK league.

They developed a new routine in the evening training match to counter VG's strong line power play in the bottom lane.


Different from the conventional speed-pushing style, Dragon Ball's selection of policewomen will not allow Peanut to go to the lower half to protect and push towers, but to allow the rat king to grow steadily.

The real purpose of the team is to use the female policeman's strong laning ability to try to get the best lane opportunities in the bottom lane.

Then, when the canyon vanguard is refreshed, they will let the two elders, Xuanming and VG, go one step ahead of the VG duo and arrive at Dalongkeng first!

As long as you stand in a good position, it will be difficult for VG to break through the line of defense set up by the policewoman in the river!

Seeing this, Gu Xing didn't dare to force his way forward, so he had to order his teammates to retreat.

As a result, after Dragon Ball got the Pioneer, it was immediately used by the policewoman to advance the First Blood Tower.

Use this to drive the rhythm of advancement and accumulate enough economy for the Mouse King!

When the three-piece policewoman suit is formed, Pray will dominate the battlefield!

The shooting range gives Caitlin an excellent output environment, and the Rat King can shoot through the VG formation with a sniper rifle without spending too much effort!

Relying on the female police system to show their prowess, Dragon Ball and VG were evenly matched in the second round of training.

This is definitely a huge improvement compared to the previous effort to win a victory!

"Thank you, Xingguo!" Mouse King thanked him sincerely.

He can appreciate the rapid growth rate of Dragon Ball.

Logically speaking, it is very difficult for a strong team to improve.

After all, the team has almost reached the upper limit, and has a unique and deep understanding of the League of Legends, and there is nothing to learn from the training game alone.

But Dragon Ball didn't figure out the version at all before!

Under such circumstances, a strong team of VG's level can inspire Dragon Ball to advance.

Effective in-depth thinking, carefully study the version and think about countermeasures.

"It's okay," Gu Xing signaled him not to be polite, "everyone helps each other with what they need."

VG is not a free sparring partner either.

Like the policewoman propulsion system used in the Dragon Ball training match, they can steal it and improve it for their own use!

Gu Xing just hung up the call after making an appointment to continue the joint practice next week.

"Let's strike while the iron is hot, and talk about the female police officer," Hongmi was satisfied with today's training results, "It turned out to be ignored by everyone, but I didn't expect Dragon Ball to play well. In my opinion, it is very suitable for VG!"

"Because she cooperates with the long-handed support to be particularly powerful, and she has the absolute right to push the line," he gushed about his thoughts, "Not only that, the policewoman can also enjoy the bonus of equipment price reduction!"

The Infinity Blade is Caitlyn's core item, and after the early laning stage, the policewoman has entered a period of low combat power. If she wants to climb up again, she must make this equipment as soon as possible!

This mid-season version will reduce the price of 200 gold coins endlessly. For Caitlin who is weak in the mid-term, it is like rain after a long drought!

Jack straightened his back and looked full of air, "Policewoman? I know you well!"

"I think back then when I was a policewoman with five kills..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Kuro.

"Okay, okay, I know you've won 50/50, how many times have you repeated this?"

Li Ruixing's ears were about to callus.

It turns out that Kuro, who doesn't know who is 50-50, can match his nickname with the world runner-up who looks exactly like a baboon.

"We are going to use the female police system, and the style of play will definitely be different from Dragon Ball," Hongmi said roughly, "because the goals are different."

"The essential requirement of Dragon Ball is to stabilize the bottom lane, secure the lane control and then control the vanguard, and use the canyon vanguard to help your team complete the advancement."

"And if we want to start the game, we need to use the right to pull out the tower to suppress, and rely on the laning ability of the pin section to open up the situation!"

Duan Deliang said that the laning strength is stronger than that of Geruila, VG has no reason not to use it!

When Hongmi talked about excitement, she clenched her right hand into a fist and slammed it heavily on the palm of the other hand.

Maybe it was too much force, he whispered in pain.

"Why is my left hand so hard to beat..."

The soft auxiliary system for two-person protection shooters was completed, and the female police system was successfully stolen in the training match. For a while, the training room was filled with joy.


On June 11, Super Brand Plaza.

The door of the VG lounge in the background was knocked suddenly.

"Who?" Gu Xing, who was sitting at the door, stood up in doubt.

"It should be KFC!" Jack was full of expectations.

On the way to open the door, Gu Xing always felt that something was wrong with the plot.

KFC takeaway, open doors...

Isn't it, where is the problem?

After opening the door, just as Yu Wenbo thought, the team leader Jin Wenhe was holding two heavy brown paper bags with the KFC logo on them very conspicuously.

Jack hurriedly stepped forward to open the KFC packaging bag, grabbed a handful of French fries from it, and popped it into his mouth.

"Old Gu, do you want to eat?" Yu Wenbo turned to ask him.

Duan Deliang opened Pepsi, "Ask him? At that time, Xiao Gu swore in the live broadcast room that he would never eat KFC!"

Gu Xing laughed dumbfounded, and waved his hand to refuse.

KFC splashed out a sponsorship fund of 500, and asked Gu Xing to shoot a video advertisement and leave a logo on the upper arm of the VG racing jacket.

In addition, KFC also provides enough hamburger snacks and Pepsi on every match day of VG.

It doesn't cost much, it is purely to provide some benefits to VG players.

Song Jinghao and Li Ruixing are still interested in studying the taste of KFC egg tarts in China, and they feel very novel about it.

Gu Xing had nothing to do when he was idle, so he simply went out to visit.

Next door is IG Hugh

In the rest room, they will face LGD at five o'clock in the afternoon, and now they are waiting to play after the last meeting before the game. Gu Xing squeezed in after obtaining consent.

Sitting next to the child Youshen was wearing a Snake team uniform. The two of them were talking about something, and they were still chattering.

This year's mid-season transfer period is relatively flat, unlike last year's swap transactions with heavyweight players such as Uzi, I, and Dandy.

Excluding the team changes of TheShy, Ben, Jin Gong and others, the entire market seems to be calm.

Among them, the most embarrassing thing is that the IG Gemini announced that it has come to an end.

Gesture announced that he would join the Snakes and bring his talents back to the middle unit.

He wanted to run away at the end of last year, and felt that the position of top laner was not suitable for him.

The S5 World Championship finally helped to raise Huni's worth, and let the other party successfully join the giant SKT.

But Huni doesn't have a grateful heart at all!

Not to mention the salary distribution, not even talking about venting!

The attitude gave birth to the idea of ​​getting out of the team - after all, if he stayed in the team, he could not have competed in the middle unit. Song Yijin made it clear that he would stay in IG until he retired.

But IG introduced supernova Cuzz to the team at that time, obviously to hit the world championship.

The posture is full of longing, and promises to the management to make orders for another half a year.

Who would have imagined that digging Cuzz would not even count as a super soldier, but when he met Gu Xing after a winning streak at the beginning of the Spring Split, he was directly beaten to autism and doubted his life!

After Dao Xin collapsed, Cuzz's performance plummeted.

IG finally stumbled and stepped on the line to enter the playoffs, and was quickly eliminated without even breaking into the top four!

It's far from kakao!

Posture feels that he has been fooled.

It’s all Korean aid, so kakao can take me to the World Championship, why can’t you?

Thinking that there is a gap between the Korean aid and the jungler, he wants to leave IG.

Before the start of the mid-season transfer period, Su Xiaoluo came to persuade him to stay, which roughly means that we have TheShy this time, and you will play rotation with him. The goal is not only to enter the World Championship, but to win the S Championship!

Hearing the manager's words at that time, Gesture scoffed in his heart.

After Cuzz's incident, he no longer believes in supernovas.

After so many years, there are very few rookies who can really make it in the first year!

The 14-year-old Hanbok thousand-point king TheShy?

In terms of qualifying level, Cuzz is even better!

Cuzz will be pushed to the ground by Gu Xing and beaten, have you TheShy beat RNG's Let?

Gesture thought he thought it through, and ran away without saying a word.

Although Su Xiaoluo often makes some showy operations, but there is one thing that is quite good.

Never get stuck in a contract.

Let's get together and leave, and show respect to each other.

So now I can calmly go to the IG lounge to chat with my old teammates.

Seeing that Gu Xing also came in, he smiled and said, "Brother Xing, let's play softer later!"

VG will face the Snakes at the prime time at 7:00 p.m., and it will also be the first confrontation between Zi and Gu Xing and others as a mid-range unit.

"Next time!" Gu Xing replied with a smile, "Let's forget about it this time, we are currently short of points."

He scanned the IG lounge and found Cuzz huddled in the corner.

Originally wanted to say hello to the proud son of the Spring Split.

But when Cuzz caught sight of Gu Xing, he was shocked, and just nodded hastily, obviously not intending to start the conversation.

Gu Xing got bored, shifted his gaze a little, and saw a thin, long-faced boy sitting beside Cuzz.

The man had curly hair permed and looked quite quiet. He was staring at his mobile phone and immersed himself in his own world with headphones on.

"TheShy?" Gu Xing took the initiative to say hello.


Fang didn't hear it, and it was only when Broiler gave him an elbow that he noticed that someone was looking for him.

The moment he found Gu Xing, he stood up, stretched out his hands in a polite manner, and greeted in very unfamiliar Chinese, "Ni Hao Ni Hao!"

He grinned when he spoke.

Gu Xing's reputation is here, and he can be regarded as one of the most popular professional players in the current LOL gaming circle.

Winning four top-level events and world-class events in one year, the strength is truly the number one in the world!

TheShy has a good impression of Gu Xing who was able to make a name for himself as a rookie last year.

Looking at the other party's smile, Gu Xing always felt that TheShy's mouth was a little crooked, similar to the living real dragon in the previous unit...

The more he thought about it, the more crooked he became, Gu Xing hurriedly stopped, and chose to talk about a topic.

"I saw your leopard girl's jungle training at the time. The proficiency is quite high. I thought I would play professionally as a jungler, but I didn't expect it to be a top laner?"

Gu Xing was very sorry.

He just wanted to fight two more rookies to try the strength of this group of supernovas, but unfortunately he didn't have the chance this time.

Broiler, as a veritable translator, passed on Gu Xing's words to his new order.

TheShy, whose real name is Jiang Chenglu, faced strangers who were not close, with a shy smile, "I wanted to go to SKT as a jungler at first, but unfortunately they don't want me."

Before Gu Xing asked for too many details, the door of the IG lounge was pushed open again.

A tall and dark boy walked in, with a northeast accent, "Rookie, have you seen my spare mouse? I always felt that the right mouse button in my hand was not easy to use when I was debugging the machine just now..."

"Brother Xing?!" The boy rushed over with long legs, and the famous sentence came out, "I'm your fan!"

"Ning?" Gu Xing easily judged the other party's identity --- Shi Senming often sent emoticons of his good brother Gao Zhenning in the seven wolves.

Ning's face in the gallery is as black as coal, and he can go to Cos Lucian with just a dress up.

According to Shi Senming himself, that picture has never been posted.

When Gu Xing saw her today, it was probably because of his preconceived ideas, he always felt that Gao Zhenning was not particularly dark.

"If you're a jungler, don't talk about fans with me," Gu Xing joked, "it's not auspicious to let us go."

Gao Zhenning wanted to take a group photo, and TheShy was quite moved when he heard that.

In the end, even Aodi, the small top laner that IG bought from EDG this year, participated.

The four asked the manager Su Xiaoluo to hold a camera and take a group photo of them.

"Your name is really Audi?" Gu Xing looked at Aodi suspiciously.

Aodi's appearance is the antonym of Gao Zhenning, white and fat is quite festive.

Facing Gu Xing's question, he nodded cautiously, "Zhao Audi is my real name. "

Gu Xing has nothing to complain about.

For a moment, I even suspected that Aodi's parents liked Audi, so they named their son such a name.

After the group photo was taken, a staff member came over to urge IG to prepare for the stage.

After talking about the mountains with his old teammates, Zi Zi didn't forget to send his blessings before leaving.

"Come on, don't be overwhelmed by the optimistic team!"

Broiler was very upset, "Who do you look down on? Or the same sentence, we will win the league championship and enter the World Championship this year!"

Gesture laughed out loud, "Don't make me laugh, you guys couldn't win the world championship when I was here. Now that I'm gone, what do you rely on to win the championship?"

Gu Xing looked sideways at Song Yijin, just in time to meet the broiler.

The two remembered happy things at the same time, and laughed out of tacit understanding.

When I returned to the VG lounge, the duel between IG and LGD had already started.

"I think these two were also strong teams that joined hands to go to the S5 World Championship back then. In just one and a half years, they have fallen to such a point..." Jack shook his head and sighed.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Optimistic team wants to show off.

Wei Shen bid farewell to the stage

After that, the team completely lost their spirits.

As long as the kings of wild and magic are present, everyone will have unlimited fun to watch, and the performance of the two can be called a wonderful sentence.

Hirano Aya has a lot of ghost ideas, but the strength of his teammates can't keep up. His black technology is almost like giving away people's heads!

Sword Immortal on the road is also a nerve knife. Carry is very fierce, but sometimes it also gives advantages.

In the whole team, only Wuxin in the ADC position is very stable, and it seems that he has not been fully assimilated by the optimistic spirit.

Gu Xing thought that IG would win quickly.

But no.

When IG retained the jungler Cuzz, it was limited by the double foreign aid clause, and the top laner could not let the supernova TheShy play.

This is also the reason why Su Xiaoluo approached EDG to purchase domestic youth player Aodi.

But he didn't want to understand one thing.

EDG's top orders all have their own opinions.

Looking for Guodian to buy it on the road, typical can't think about it!

Audi was almost overwhelmed by the sword fairy during the laning period!

Cuzz faced the wild king in the wild area, and was also dizzy by the opponent's elusive whereabouts.

"Good guy, Cuzz is exactly the same as I was back then," Gu Xing said with emotion, "As long as you are a normal jungler, you will definitely not have good juice to eat when you meet a wild king for the first time!"

He was in VG trial training at that time, and he was severely taught when he met Ye Wang.

Only by finding out the details of the enemy can the countermeasure be successfully completed.

However, after Cuzz was defeated by Gu Xing, he highlighted a lack of spirituality.

Instead of catching the wild king's flaw, the whole audience was led by the nose!

In the first game, the two sides sent you back and forth, but the optimistic team was slightly better and won the first game smoothly!

Su Xiaoluo's face turned black when the camera shot was shown in the backstage lounge of IG.

In the next set, two ups and two downs.

TheShy and Ning, a rookie pair without any previous top league experience, came on the scene, replacing Audi and CuZZ.

Putting it on other teams is called chaotic soldiers.

But it's reasonable to look at IG when you lift the team logo.

This is a real expert in the bottom lane arrangement and combination last year. Isn't the whole Ueno rotation easy?

And it works surprisingly well!

Gao Zhenning is not very used to the rhythm of LPL, and he is also giving away kills when he comes up.

However, his style of play is reckless, crazily invading the enemy's wild area when he catches the opportunity!

The top laner TheShy is worthy of the name of a genius, and Rambo can get the line right above the head of the sword fairy abruptly.

The mid-laner broiler played steadily as always, pressing the French king to the ground and beating him.

Gao Zhenning relied on the power of the upper and middle lanes to launch a swift and fierce offensive, which caught LGD off guard!

"Okay!" Duan Deliang watched the IG young people make a frenzy in the upper half, and was still asking Gu Xing, "What do you think of this version of I****?"

"The top laner is quite strong, and the jungler..." Gu Xing thought for a while, "Yes, like a fragrant pot."

"Reckless is really reckless, but it's easy to break if it's too rigid, and it's hard to say what it will develop in the future." He judged impartially.

Mala Xiangguo also ushered in a transformation in the S6 season, transforming from a pure reckless man to a top jungler who really plays games with his brain.

In the jungle, where intrigue emphasizes the game of thinking, it is difficult to go far by relying on recklessness.

Gu Xing held a cautious view.

With the new aid, the spirit of IG has taken on a new look, chasing two sets in a row to send the Optimistic team away!

Among them, TheShy also won the MVP of the third round by relying on the top laner prince, and his performance was quite eye-catching.

After playing three rounds, the time has come to 7:30 in the evening.

The stadium, which was 1/3 empty, is now full of seats.

The silver-white team flag fluttered wantonly in the front row of the auditorium, and countless supporters held support items to cheer for VG!

Seeing this scene, Zeyuan couldn't help admiring, "VG's popularity is really overwhelming now, what about their rivalry?

It's hard to get a vote in the game..."

The LPL regular season venue is not too big, and it can accommodate hundreds of people.

Far from meeting the needs of VG fans!

As long as the official tickets are issued, VG's shows will be sold out in a short period of time, and the attendance rate will be increased by itself.

Snake fans are not small, but they are far behind VG supporters!

They can't get tickets at all!

Looking around, there were only sporadic spectators holding the Snake team flags, looking very miserable.

"Let's take a look at the pre-match data comparison between the two sides presented by EPlus "EsportsDataiee"..." Partner Su Xiaoyan broadcast the sponsor advertisement.

Translated as "E+ e-sports data science", it is the website that Gu Pan and others have been working on for half a year.

The Chinese name is taken from the initials of Esport, which is quite catchy.

The two columns of detailed data were displayed in front of all the audience, which immediately caused discussions in the auditorium.

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