"League of Legends designer!"

Gu Xing's defense-breaking shout echoed in the VG training room, "Are you crazy?"

Hongmi, who was watching the video of today's training match on his seat, looked up curiously at his jungler, wondering why Gu Xing, who had always been calm, suddenly became like this.

"What's the situation?" Jack had just finished playing a game of ranking, and he was going to follow Gu Xing's live broadcast to mix up the time first. Unexpectedly, the teammates yelled first, and they were immediately puzzled.

All eyes in the room were on Gu Xing.

"Who said two days ago that he could be more calm like me?" Sb teased, "Why aren't you calm now?"

Kuo echoed, holding an ice American, "That's right, you must have some lychee!"

His Mandarin is still not up to standard.

Gu Xing saw the question marks in the bullet screen in the live broadcast room, and his smile was full of bitterness.

"Lychee? What do you call me lychee? No one can do it.

He had just suffered a huge shock, and he didn't care about showing off, "Qian Jue was remade by the designer!" As soon as he said this, the originally noisy VG lounge was instantly dead silent.

Kuro changed his face at the speed of light, opened his mouth slightly, and showed an unbelievable gaze, "Ah this...

"Really?" Li Ruixing didn't want to believe it.

Gu Xing was helpless, "Why are you lying to me? If you don't believe me, go and see the changes to the US test server."

Members of the VG competition training department stopped what they were doing, opened the webpage and searched for the latest patch of Riot. The percentage damage of the passive mark has been cut? "Jack couldn't understand English, so he looked it up directly according to the translation software, "Now the imprint has changed to increase the attack distance..."

Red rice panicked.

"Seba Fist, what are these lunatics trying to do?"

Qian Jue's current version can be played because of the super strong percentage damage brought by the imprint, which can cause terrifying damage to the front row of tanks that are all the rage!

Now it is changed to a range reward, which is undoubtedly a serious weakening!

Gu Xing rested his chin with his left hand, and subconsciously rolled the mouse wheel with his right hand.

Qian Jue in the US test server is passive, and becomes the 4th floor to increase the range of common attack and QE skills by 75 yards. After that, every 4 floors will increase by 25 yards, and the final upper limit is 250 yards.

Just like what Redmi thought, the strength and percentage output are not comparable in the current version of the rampant meat tank.

Riot also seems to know that this change is not fair to Qian Jue.

In order to make up for the strength of the hero, the designer made the passive imprint layer can enhance the power of the skill.

Q [Dance of Arrows] can provide attack speed, and its casting speed has also been improved to a certain extent.

[Wolf Frenzy] Originally, it could only be cast at the center of the Qianjue circle, but now it can specify any position within 500 yards of the hero, and can even pass through walls.

The attack power of the wolf spirit has been weakened, but after the change, each attack can cause magic damage equal to 1.5% of the current HP of the opponent, and each layer of mark will increase by 0.5%.

E [Blooming Fear] deals 8% of the opponent's lost HP as damage, and increases the damage by 0.5% for each mark, just like Wolf Frenzy.

In addition, Fear will also cause critical damage, and according to the critical strike chance, it will create an additional 50% output for enemies with 15%-65% health.

"The new version of Qian Jue's E damage mode is changed a bit like a spider's Q," Duan Deliang said, "Elise's Q hits the current health, and the spider has already lost health...

Gu Xing didn't reply.

He has mixed feelings in his heart now.

Finally, I realized the feeling of the former sword girl Nuoshou unique skill brother after the beloved hero was redone.

It hurts, it hurts!

Gu Xing's pain was even more obvious than most players.

Because Qian Jue brought him the first Summoner Trophy and won the champion skin.

The meaning is different!

It's like a partner who has been with me for a long time is suddenly taken away, just thinking about it makes me feel uncomfortable. Kuro's eyes are straight

in a trance.

Although the blow he suffered was not as severe as that of Gu Xing, it was also heart-wrenching.

If Gu Xing is his big daddy in the professional arena.

Qian Jue is his mother in the game!

After being on the same team, every time he saw Qian Jue playing, Li Ruixing felt very at ease in his heart.

The name Eternal Hunting Twins combined with Virtuel's D brought him a full sense of security.

Now that Qian Jue was taken away with a fist, Kuro just felt ashamed!

"Ai Mei, it's something." Jack couldn't stand Nakano's frustrated expression, and was still trying to comfort him, "This is the test suit, and it may not be installed."

Gu Xing shook his head.

If it is some changes that are really supermodel at first glance, Riot may make a callback.

But Qian Jue's small rework is well-organized, and multiple settings such as passive and skill linkage have been announced, which is enough to see the designer's determination!

Maybe some of the values ​​​​will be fine-tuned according to the performance of the test server, but the passive imprint will change from a percentage damage to an increase in range, which is destined to happen!

"Why?" Gu Xing didn't understand very much, "Is Qian Jue so strong as to redo it?"

He couldn't figure it out.

During the summer competition last year, Gu Xing just used Qian Jue to lead the team to a wave of victories, and cut off the healing effect of [Wolf Frenzy] with a fist, making it very difficult for Qian Jue to even clear the jungle in the early stage.

As a result, professional players other than Gu Xing in the S6 World Championship will not list Qian Jue as a common hero. The weakening at that time was still reasonable, after all, Qian Jue's strength was indeed ridiculously high, and it belonged to the top of the wild food chain that everyone could play.

But currently only I am using Qian Jue, and my ability in the early stage is very weak

The fist also needs to be taken care of?

Gu Xing, who had never been deliberately targeted by designers before this summer, felt distressed.

Tens of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room are still discussing fiercely.

[Qian Jue wants to change the version? Woooooo I just learned the imprint control technique from Brother Xing, and I haven’t had time to enjoy it for a few days]

[The change is only the effect of the number of imprint layers, and the law of obtaining imprints has not been adjusted. There is a saying that it can still be used [Use a hammer, and the range bonus can only be obtained by 4 layers. Normal players only have 4 layers of passive in 15 minutes, right?

The strength has been shattered! 】

[My Qianjue wife, you died so badly! 】

[Brother Xing happily launched the live broadcast today, but the designer directly sent a big gift, are you happy? 】

[The fist is really disgusting, brother Xing just killed a round, and was targeted by the designer? 】

Jack opened Gu Xing's live broadcast room, and saw the last barrage.

He also pretended to sigh, "Oh, Lao Gu, I think it's because of you, as the saying goes

Shoot the bird. "

"Your Snake Fighting Team has to be very aggressive, with five kills and four kills, and you have to break a mark layer record

play like god of war

"Fist has long been unhappy with us, who else will we cut if we don't cut you?

If it weren't for Gu Xing's disappointed expression, Yu Wenbo would have gloated and laughed out loud.

"Look buddy," he was overjoyed, "Choose a policewoman to come out and only get four kills, isn't that okay?" Jack looked at Sb, "Thank you, Maibo! Thank you for killing that head, otherwise buddy will get four kills." arrive

Five kills, it is estimated that there is no benefit now...

Gu Xing interrupted him with a sneer, "You don't think the policewoman didn't get stabbed, do you?"

Yu Wenbo's arrogant voice stopped abruptly.

"Huh?" Jack couldn't believe it.

"Look down the content of the patch, it's just behind Qian Jue's rework.

Gu Xing took a sip of Coke to calm his shock, and turned off the live broadcast microphone by the way, for fear that some inappropriate slices would flow out.

Yu Wenbo was so busy looking at Qian Jue's rework just now, he didn't pay attention to other changes in the test server at all. At this moment, when the mouse is dragged down, the translation software that comes with the webpage does not respond quickly, and it has not yet translated English into Chinese.

May Caitlin's head

Like so familiar.

Jack felt cold in his heart.

Lines in Chinese appeared in front of his eyes, and his eyes went dark.

Machine translation cannot accurately translate some words in League of Legends.

But after years of game experience, Jack still recognized the general meaning—[Luanna's Hurricane]'s secondary arrows no longer superimpose the policewoman's headshot layer!

"Play with a hammer!" Jack went into a frenzy in an instant, "Designers can't eat oil cakes!"

The most powerful gameplay of the policewoman in recent years is to transition with a big sword or a pickaxe first, and then increase the efficiency of clearing the line after making a hurricane. Using the attributes of the split bow, two or three shots can be stacked to produce passive headshots to improve their combat effectiveness!

As a result, the fist slashed down, and this kind of gameplay was directly abolished!

"Aren't you cheap?" Yu Wenbo became emotional, "I understand now that the fist is deliberately attacking us!"

"Whatever character we use, their designers will weaken it accordingly!"

No one in the VG training room refuted.

If Qian Jue's weakening just now can be said to be a coincidence, it is because Fist feels that the percentage damage is too restrained for the current domineering tank role.

Then deleting the linkage between the policewoman and [Luanna's Hurricane] is a special treatment with naked fists!

Currently, only VG is the only team that uses Policewoman Boost and Wild Core Qianjue!

Fist's intentions are clearly revealed!

Duan Deliang was full of emotion, "The attack is really ruthless, just a few days after beating the snake team, and immediately started to weaken it?"

"This is not giving us the slightest chance!"

Redmi also browsed through the update content of the version, calmed down a little, listened to the endless complaints of the team members, and prepared to speak a few words.

"Fist is a bit too much now," he said helplessly, "we will do anything to weaken our strength."

Hou Ye's translation level is as stable as ever, with clear enunciation and simultaneous interpretation, and some appropriate idioms can be added.

"Originally, the mid-season changes were just to weaken VG's style system, but now it's good, and directly target everyone's commonly used characters!"

The previous changes made by Riot were to reduce the strength of the team by reducing the intensity of VG's signature style of play. The method is relatively obscure, and players who are not dedicated to studying the direction of version changes will not be able to see it in a short time

white. As a result, VG experienced a short period of pain when facing EDG in the opening game, and immediately revived with full blood, and took out the new ship system Panpan Tulle Snake Team!

Fist is clearly out of temper now, seeing that his tricks are not working, he starts to slash VG's good heroes without hesitation.

The attitude is that I will stop pretending, I will show my cards, and I want to weaken VG'!

Now anyone with a discerning eye can see that the designer's 40-meter sword is aimed at the VG team, which was in full swing the previous year!

"What should I do, red rice?" Li Ruixing said, "Let's do something!"

Redmi spread her hands, "I'm not a Riot executive, so I can give you a call to América, so that the designer can call back all the changes made to the US beta server?"

The VG players still wanted to calm down, but the more they thought about it, the more angry they became.

"It doesn't mean that the fist will not weaken us," Gu Xing said in his inner thoughts, "but this virtue is too ugly, right? If we use a hero, he will kill one?"

Jack no longer secretly delighted when he only saw Qian Jue being cut.

When he saw the female police officer being hacked, he was furious, "That's right! Brother Xing is right!

Sb couldn't stand it anymore, "It's reasonable, there is no such game, and you only target one team blatantly?"

It was rare for Li Ruixing to speak fragrantly, "What a pure swordsman..."

Hongmi tried her best to appease the emotions of the team members.

"It's almost enough to complain about it, and we have no ability to change it," he said. "In the end, we have to adapt as much as possible."

"I just finished reading the changes in the new version of the US test server. The weakening of the team by Riot mainly focuses on the policewoman and Qian Jue," Hong said.

Mee simply explained, "There is no real sexual behavior other than that."

"They even reduced the price of all the props on the [Ancient Coin] synthesis route by 25 gold coins."

"Okay, okay!" Duan Deliang's eyes lit up, "Is there such a good thing?"

Although it is not the blade of stealing law that is needed to consume the auxiliary.

But ancient coins are also good.

Applicable characters are long-handed protection assistants such as Lulu, Karma, and Fengnv.

Even if Duan Deliang's proficiency is not as good as Zyra's, he is definitely proficient.

"The reduced price of 25 gold coins is insignificant at first glance, but it is also a considerable expense for support," Hongmi said, expressing the bitter tears of support players.

Unlike the other four teammates, they have relatively stable means of economic acquisition.

Unable to make up the knife, all rely on salary equipment, system jump money and bonus share issued by the team to dismantle the tower.

It turns out that when playing output support, occasionally you can accidentally take a head to make up for the economy.

The hard support and protection support that are popular now are not enough damage, even if you want to kill K

Under such circumstances, Riot will make a small price cut on the equipment on the synthesis route of [Ancient Coin], which is undoubtedly great news for Changshoubaofu!

"Do you know what is the most important thing?" Redmi was quite happy, "The designer strengthened the ancient coin line, which means that our soft auxiliary double protection system has not been exposed!"

There was a sound in the training room.

Everyone thought about it.

"If Riot detects the team's new move, it will definitely spare no effort to weaken it!" Hongmi said of the excitement, "Even if they haven't figured out how to deal with it in a short period of time, it doesn't make sense to strengthen it instead!"

Gu Xing thought about it for a while, and felt that the coach's statement was very convincing.

Fist was going crazy. Seeing them ravaging the Snakes, they immediately cut down the MVP heroes in two small rounds.

Instead of weakening the dual protection and platoon system, it carried out small enhancements, which only shows that the designers did not notice it.

It is also reasonable.

Since VG developed the double protection system, they used a total of one set to face the first round of the Snakes one by one. Let Duan Deliang use Morgana, and Gu Xing takes out the wine barrel with protective ability to jointly protect Jack's life.

In the second game, it was Gu Xing who manipulated the wild core Qian Jue to return Jack to his familiar sub-core position. Yu Wenbo only needs to deal enough damage as usual, and doesn't need to think too much about the living space. If he sells deeper, he can also deceive the opponent's control skills.

Leave the rest to Qian Jue!

Gu Xing guessed that the attention of the fist should be on the policewoman, and he felt that Caitlin's strength after purchasing the hurricane was too exaggerated, so he started to weaken it.

Instead, ignore the overall lineup characteristics of VG!

Or they may observe that their BP style has changed, but they just think it is a supporting measure of the female police promotion system, and they don't take it to heart.

"Then can't we continue to use it?" Kuro laughed honestly.

"Use a hammer!" Gu Xing refuted his mid laner's proposal, "Two more rounds, and when the fist reacts, the next version will be stabbed!"

"Think about it, Qian Jue and the policewoman were cut in half by the designer for a few minutes? Forget it! They are staring at you in the sewer!"

Li Ruixing also realized the seriousness of the problem.

They had never been targeted so clearly by Riot before, and they were not prepared for it.

So much so that when they played against the Snakes, they confiscated and stopped, and quickly pushed, crushed and pressed to the ground and beat them violently, which almost knocked Ohg out of the psychological shadow.

Immediately afterwards, he was taught a lesson by the fist.

The bloody facts are right in front of them, as the saying goes, "you gain wisdom by eating a pit, VG now understands the truth of making a fortune in silence."

"Then what should we do?" Sb asked curiously, "I can't just hide it all the time, can I?"

"It ended up being hidden in S8?" Jack answered, and then laughed out loud.

Hongmi asked back, "Why not?"

"…you do not

Will it be serious? "Yu Wenbo couldn't laugh anymore.

"Fist's strengthening of the ancient coin series is to send a signal," Hongmi said of his analysis philosophy, "their current thinking is that [Blade of Stealing Law] cannot be strengthened, because that will increase the offensiveness of the sales segment, and in addition The two types of wage equipment can achieve a balance of strength to a certain extent!"

"In this way, we can avoid the same gameplay of the shield of the holy object, prevent the selection of bottom lane heroes from being too single, increase the diversity of auxiliary ecology, and prevent the passerby game and the professional arena from turning into a pool of stagnant water!

Fists are currently two-handed grasping, and both hands must be hard.

In short, I want it all.

The game itself is far from being cool, and the popularity of professional competitions is also booming.

Especially after VG won the championship last year, it was the first non-Korean team to win the championship in four years, which greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of LPL audiences and players.

Everyone witnessed that LPL jumped from the rookie division of the S5 World Championship to the ruler of the S6 World Championship, and witnessed a story of winning the championship.

Everyone was full of longing, fantasizing that they would also be on top of the world!

Since LPL can do it, why can't we?

The arena and the game body complement each other to ensure that the popularity remains high.

Under normal circumstances, Riot will not ignore the game experience of tens of millions of players around the world in order to weaken VG. Trying to avoid the monotony of the game due to the high appearance rate of some heroes is the key to maintaining the vitality of the League of Legends.

Then only the shield of the sacred object will not work.

It would be great if [Ancient Coin] could compete against it or lose a little bit!

As long as Riot isn't caught off guard, the designers are happy to keep the in-game food chain intact to ensure the game continues to function well.

"Since the fist will strengthen the ancient coins next, the protective soft auxiliary will naturally usher in an increase in strength," Redmi said with clear logic, "We will hide this trick and save it until the critical moment and then take it out and use it to hit the designer One caught off guard!"

"It makes sense." Gu Xing followed the head coach's train of thought and continued to think, feeling that the prospects are very bright.

"Anyway, if we frequently use the double-guarantee system in the future, as long as we are targeted by the fists, there is a high probability that we will not be able to continue playing." Hongmi took a sip of ice water, "The team won at most two regular season victories."

Today's US test server incident let everyone present see the designer's insanity.

The speed at which the knife was moved made it hard not to suspect that this group of people had served the fathers-in-law before entering the palace. "To be honest, the regular season is not that important to a team of our level," Hongmi said truthfully, "I also believe that everyone's goal is not just to win the regular season championship."

This statement was unanimously approved by everyone in VG.

Even Jack, who has the most junior qualifications, doesn't care much about the regular season record now.

After all, he also experienced 16 consecutive victories with the team in the spring split.

The reason is simple, no matter how strong the regular season is, it can only be guaranteed to the semifinals.

If they get the fourth place in the end, the previous winning streak will only be ridiculed!

Seeing that everyone did not raise any objections, Redmi was relieved, "Then it's settled... Xiaogu, you should finish the live broadcast first, wait for the changes to the US test server to be officially launched, and then see if there is any possibility of Qianjue's rescue. sex."

Gu Xing looked back at his live broadcast room.

Since the microphone has not been turned on for a while, and the reason has not been explained, the chat channel is full of ridicules.

[This is the mute live broadcast room? 】

[Is there still a Tsunade live broadcast room? I really want to see]

[Thanks to brother Xing, the long-lost silent mixing time master method has reappeared in his hands, and finally let me see its power! 】

[Don't be embarrassed, Brother Xing is so heartwarming. In the early hours of the morning, I was afraid of disturbing the audience who were going to sleep in the live broadcast room, so I specially prepared a silent mode]

【Could it be that you were scared dumb by Qianhuan's rework? 】

[System prompt: The barrage input sound is turned on, and you can enter Douyu's exclusive sound mode]

Gu Xing turned on the microphone.

"I just discussed something with my coaches and teammates. Now let's continue to watch the European competition. Thanks to his high popularity, even in the early morning, his live broadcast room is overcrowded.

The number of bullet screens was overwhelming, disturbing Gu Xing's eyes.

"Is there anything we can't listen to together? Don't treat netizens as brothers, right? Send them all to your buddies." Gu Xing read out one of the bullet screens.

Before he could explain and respond, Li Zhixun suddenly said two words.

"Even those who eat together outside are not considered brothers, let alone you group of netizens.

"If we can be brothers across a network cable, wouldn't we be brothers all over the world?"

The corners of Gu Xing's mouth, who was originally in a bad mood due to the rework, involuntarily raised slightly.

Some time ago, in the LOL e-sports circle, apart from the news of VG's mid-season championship, the two big anchors' rivalry was the most popular.

The two sides in the war are Xiaoxiao Sun Yeyou and Wuwukai.

The former old teammates have become the two major anchors of today, who tore to the last feather, and gave birth to the famous stalks of Li Zhuangbairou and superficial brothers.

Among them, there is a lot of controversy about a sentence that is 50-50-if the person who has eaten with me is a brother, then am I not a brother all over the world?

It can only be said that Easyhoon's surfing level has become more and more amazing after retiring, and his skill of turning stems is quite powerful. "How is the strength of Class Thousand after the rework?" Gu Xingyou smiled and continued to read the barrage to answer the question, "I really don't know, let's talk about it after the new patch is online. The first impression is that it is not optimistic.

"Family, let's watch the game, Basket King" "You won't send Boda today, will you?

Because I wasted a lot of time watching the US test server changes and discussing countermeasures, the game has already started.

The duel between G2 and a team called MisfitsGangl.

Gu Xing's knowledge of the European competition is limited, he only knows a few teams that often appear in the international arena. This is the first time he has seen the MSF team for short.

"The team logo is very interesting." Gu Xing said his first impression, "This rabbit looks fierce and cute."

Kuro took advantage of the gap in the hanbok queue and tilted his head to watch.

"Brother Minqi really retreated to the second line?" He looked around, but he didn't see all the players in the OGN era

The ID, which is well-known to domestic audiences, couldn't hide his disappointment.

"Madlife? It should be," Gu Xing chatted, "But this little assistant named BerylE also played

Very good, Thresh's hook was quite accurate just now, and he took a head for me! "

"Small assistant?" Song Jinghao laughed, "He is also from 1997, and his birth month is older than yours, okay?" Gu Xing cleared his throat to cover up his embarrassment, "It's all a small problem. He debuted later than me, so what should I call him?"

There is no cat cake for a little support... What does the D of Bery mean, emerald? "

Jack was happy, "There is Baolan, his name is Baolu, the two of them can make a pair!"

"By the way, how did you get the nickname Baolan?" Gu Xing couldn't hold back his burning heart of gossip, "Is it because of T-ara's female idol with the same name?

Yu Wenbo and Baolan are relatively close and understand why, "He is called Baolan just because he likes

This color, at the beginning of Dianyi and a guy named Meimengxing, the couple ID was Meimenglan, and finally it became Baolan when they called it. "

"Sweet dream star?" Gu Xing instantly appeared in Gu Xing's mind a burly white man with a body like a Snorby

That's not the Zoo of our second team! "

"Good guys don't meet each other anywhere in life, the e-sports circle is really a circle," he murmured, "Six degrees of separation

A perfect presentation of the theory...

Only Kuo is still complaining about the old man, brother Minqi, you are so miserable, blame the Dragon Ball gang

Younger brother, younger brother, you will be retired after a single B05 match! "

Li Ruixing

Shout out.

Before Kuro could say the next sentence, he was interrupted by the ringing of the phone.

"Busy?" Li Ruixing answered the phone inexplicably, "What are you doing?"

"181818!" Peanut, who was far away in the base in Seoul, called three times.

This is considered a homophonic curse in the local area, and the pronunciation in Korean is similar to that of Xiba.

"Kids can't speak Tibetan!" Kuro scolded his younger brother with a straight face.

"Aren't you a bit too much?" Little Peanut jumped anxiously, "It's okay to copy the tactics of the policewoman. Everyone looks up and down, and sharing strategies is not uncommon..."

"However, the main artery was chopped off by a fist in one set, what do you want us to do with Dragon Ball?"

Han Wanghu also saw the changes in the US test server, and immediately ran over to Xingshi to inquire about the crime.

"Dragon Ball only used one B03 in total, and finally won Samsung to boost morale, but when I came back at night, I saw the joint deletion of the policewoman and the hurricane!" Little Peanut was very annoyed.

Kuro quickly sent a message to Gu Xing who was watching the game with Jack.

"It's all your fault, Jack." Gu Xing turned off the microphone in the live broadcast room again, and looked at Yu Wenbo with a serious expression, "I have to push so fast, but if it's a little slower, maybe nothing will happen!"

Jack couldn't argue.

He is now feeling regretful, very regretful.

Before, Gu Xing also joked that Qian Jue was reworked because of killing too hard.

However, not only did he not get the pentakill himself, the hero was even hacked in the end!

Blood loss!

Gu Xing turned his head to look at Little Peanut on the phone screen, feeling guilty and apologetic.

In the final analysis, the fuse of the female police officer's cut was the crushing game against the Snakes.

Even if Riot designers have 99% of the problems, isn't VG responsible for 1% of the problems?

Kuo is trying to play tricks. What you Dragon Ball came up with is that the female policeman develops smoothly in the early stage, and uses the canyon vanguard to advance the tactic. What does it have to do with our VG speed push system? "

Shu Wang, who squeezed into Peanut's lens, was very dissatisfied when he heard this.

"Ruixing, you brat, you're going too far!"

Seeing that the two sides were about to quarrel again, Gu Xing hurried out to make peace, "Don't quarrel, don't quarrel... Everyone thinks peace is the most important thing."

"Or else," he proposed a solution, "in the next period of time, the two teams will practice together a few more times, and try to make Dragon Ball adapt to the version quickly. Is the condition okay?"

Kuro translated the words.

Little Peanut twisted his body to discuss collectively with his Dragon Ball teammates.

After a while, he replied, "Okay, this matter will be over."

After pondering for a moment, I couldn't help telling, "You guys also take it easy in the future, it's good to patronize yourself!"

"Be sure to play it safe next time," Gu Xing quickly agreed, "Such things will never happen again!" He has seen the power of the designer's murderous hands, so he must act carefully in the future.

Saying goodbye to Peanut, Kuo hung up the phone and asked doubtfully, "Let's take Dragon Ball and walk together, will it really work?"

It's not that he dislikes Dragon Ball.

The main reason is that Redmi's attitude is to hold back the new platoon protection system, and it is estimated that the rest of the regular season will continue to undergo painful transformation.

Doesn't necessarily help Dragon Ball.

Gu Xing reported the Dragon Ball match to Redmi, and returned to his seat to answer, "Isn't that how the female police system came about? Don't forget the well digger when you drink water, and it's reasonable to give some feedback."

"And we don't want to hide our tricks," Gu Xing muttered, "At present, only Dragon Ball has seen the double-guaranteed volleyball soft-assist system, and there will be no risk of leaking secrets if you continue to make appointments with them for training matches..."

Although VG's secret tactics currently have a certain degree of proficiency, as the version changes in the future, frequent fine-tuning is bound to be required.

At that time, it will be difficult to feel the intensity by relying on their own internal organization training, and the effect will not be very good.

In contrast, Dragon Ball, as an opponent in a battle, can give VG a good boost!

"The most important thing is that the lineup composition of Dragon Ball is there, they can't do anything if they want to steal the double protection system!"

As mentioned earlier, Dragon Ball is restricted by the overall style of the team, which tends to be in the upper half, and the own characteristics of the two elders, Xuanming and Xuanming, who are very resistant to protective soft assistants.

Kuro's eyes lit up as he listened.

Gu Xing threw out all his plans, "According to inference, in the follow-up schedule of the summer competition, protective soft assistants should get a chance to play as the ancient coins continue to strengthen."

"In this case, Dragon Ball and us will be able to adapt to the rhythm one step ahead of time, and maybe through brainstorming and brainstorming, we can find restraint tactics

"Hello everyone, you are the one who is really kind!" Gu Xinglin uttered the classic advertising slogan from his childhood.

Dragon Ball players don't understand protective soft aids, and if there is a change in the future version, it may be severely punished. That being the case, let Dragon Ball study how to restrain the protective soft assistant first, and then it will be able to lead the version, and then suddenly pull out a bunch of tactics to kill the Quartet!

"Awesome, Gu Gu!" Li Ruixing admired him so much that he wished he could throw himself on the ground, "I can make a lot of money to be your teammate!"

If he was an opponent, Kuro felt that his team's small calculations would probably be completely ignored.

This is how they lost in the semi-finals of the World Championship last year!

Thinking of this, Li Ruixing was extremely glad that he went to VG this year.

What a clever little ghost I am!

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