Hongmi stayed in the room and everyone calmed down a little before speaking.

"That's right, Kalista."

Kandi in the audience directly raised his hand to ask questions, "I just saw the version patch, 7.12 does not involve skateboarding shoes..."

All members of VG were silent.

They have worked with Redmi for a long time, and they have already known the style of their head coach subtly.

You can even guess what answer the other party will say.

"Queshi didn't directly enhance it," Hongmi explained patiently, "but the game environment has undergone drastic changes."

He usually instills this concept in the vg players.

Although some heroes have not been changed, after the version change, the ecological environment has completely changed, which will indirectly affect the food chain they are in.

Some characters will emerge suddenly and become the new canyon overlords!

From Redmi’s point of view, Calista this time is a typical case.

"First of all, let's take a look at the individual strength of the skateboard shoes. Her last enhancement dates back to the 7.1 version at the beginning of the year. Originally, the spear would only take effect when e [Tear] had not cooled down, but after the change, it became Spears are allowed in all cases..."

Redmi put the change icon under the projector to explain in detail, "Then the full amount of mana will be returned when two or more units were killed by pulling out the spear before, and now only one unit can be killed to return the mana."

"These two changes are undoubtedly a huge enhancement for skate shoes!"

The professional players in the training room can naturally understand it.

Optimizing the way of inserting spears can significantly improve the team battle output ability of skateboard shoes.

You must know that in team battles, it is difficult for Calista to hold on to [Tear] all the time.

It is not always possible to hold back the remaining blood of the opponent and enter the killing line before drawing the spear.

In the past, once the skateboard shoe pulled out the spear and did not kill the opponent, the e skill began to cool down, and it was no longer possible to put a spear on the enemy to prepare for the next e [tear]!

After the changes in version 7.1, the situation is completely different.

Kalista's team battle output ability has been greatly improved!

And drawing a spear to kill a single unit can restore the full mana value of e[Tear], and it will also raise the laning strength of the skateboard shoes to a new level!

What's more, the current range of skateboard shoes is still 550 yards!

It's simply too strong!

"One thing to say," Gu Xing teased, "If the mechanism of skateboard shoes e-cooling and spear insertion is launched on s5, Boo Boo might not be taken away by Tetsuo's hammer, and the follow-up world line will change! "

The room burst into laughter.

In the s5 World Championship, Gu Chengbin was jumping wildly with a skateboard shoe. He had used e[Tear] early, and he couldn't put a spear on Teetan.

The result is that Brother Wild Turtle's bloody golden body hides a wave of skill damage, and when his skills improve, he sends the frisky Gu Chengbin away with joy!

If the spear can be kept, imp may be able to draw the spear and kill the opponent as soon as the golden body is released. That team battle may be a tragic victory for LGD, and the game will eventually be won by the Optimistic team.

Once they break through the group stage, imp's guaranteed quarter-final result is still reasonable in LPL, maybe Goo Sung-bin will not give up on himself and start drinking.

I won't be completely disappointed with LGD either, vg came during the transfer period in the middle of the s6 season.

Then the follow-up plot will undergo earth-shaking changes!

Hongmi didn't tense at this thought, the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

When the mood calmed down, the topic changed just now.

"Why did you strengthen so much, but didn't get a chance to play in this spring split? In the final analysis, the environment is not suitable..."

Redmi slowly follows the changes in the game's ecological environment brought about by version changes.

"Remember the popular routine in the Spring Split? Play Zyra or Grasshopper in the bottom lane, push the line without brains to suppress consumption, and the overall lineup tends to pull, which is more beneficial to long-handed characters."

"In such an environment, skate shoes cannot be played, and I believe everyone knows the reason."

Kalista's mechanics doom her to a mismatch with poke lineups.

It must be arched to the opposite face!

If you play in the spring game and encounter some combination of ice + Zyra, and they throw their skills crazily across 1,000 yards, the skateboard shoes will only be incompetent and furious, and it will be difficult to fight back.

"So it's reasonable that everyone didn't have much impression of Kalista's enhancement at the time. After all, no matter how strong she is, it doesn't conform to the trend of the Spring Split version, and she can't play at all."

White Crescent has a high EQ, which is a good point for everyone.

"The current environment is completely different from the spring," Hongmi continued. "The changes to the auxiliary salary equipment have allowed long-handed consumption characters such as Zyra to withdraw from the stage, and short-handed protection assistants and heroes such as Thresh and Luo to enter the professional arena."

"And their common feature is that they can match with Calista!"

Hou Ye translated here and couldn't help raising the volume, letting his voice spread throughout the 300-square-meter training room.

"Bron, Tam, can form a dual protection system with Calista, the support protects the shooter, and the skate shoes can also use the big move to protect the support..."

Just thinking about it, you know how difficult this bot lane combination is to kill!

"Not to mention Thresh, the famous Shadow Isle combination can advance, attack, retreat, and defend, and its strength is obvious to all; even the emerging Luo can also be linked with skateboard shoes!"

Luo itself has a good strong opening ability, r flash w enters the field is often hard to guard against.

With Calista, the effect is even better!

Skateboard shoes or after Luo r's [Shocking Gap] enters the field and plays the first round of control, use a big move to suck it in, and then let the phantom feather smash out and knock the enemy into the air to form a control chain.

Or after Luo Kaida enters the field and is controlled by the opponent's backhand, he will then open the big game to protect his own auxiliary safety.

In short, it can take Luo's control and escape ability to a higher level!

A suitable auxiliary environment makes the skateboard shoes take off instantly!

"Yes, and Kalista is very strong in lane, it is easy for the jungler to find opportunities to gank," Gu Xing added along the train of thought, "It is quite rare in the current version."

During the three weeks of the summer split, everyone had a clear concept.

It is the lack of output, coupled with the low frequency of blood changes during the laning phase, it is not easy for the jungler to seize the opportunity to take the initiative.

Kalista is definitely the game-changer in the current meta!

Strong suppression and control methods allow her to fully grasp the initiative in the bottom lane.

Whether it is launching a tower jump or shaking the jungler to squat, it is a powerful role that cooperates with teammates!

"In addition to this, you can take the lead to take the lead to occupy the pit by laying down the route right..."

The VG players looked at each other.

They obviously saw the way.

Why did vg struggle after hiding and retaining the double-guaranteed platoon soft auxiliary system, and was once upset by Suning and surrendered blood?

A large part of the reason is that the bottom lane cannot grasp the line and play an advantage!

Even Gu Xing couldn't take the initiative to drive the rhythm to seize opportunities, and even allowed the opponent's support to give up the ADC unscrupulously, and accompanied the jungler to put pressure on the jungle!

But the restart of the skateboard shoes may help VG tide over the difficulties!

"How about your skate shoes, Jack?" Gu Xing turned his head to the side and whispered.

Yu Wenbo is very confident, "Dude Hero Hai, you have excellent skate shoes, okay?"

"It's been a while since I've used it," Xiao Duan said worriedly, "You'd better pick it up and practice more, or you can learn from Pupu's video from last year."

imp used skateboard shoes a lot in the summer season of the s6 season, and his partner Duan Deliang was very impressed.

Jack waved his hand, "The version of the skateboard shoes is different. If you let me learn how to play last year, isn't it equivalent to beating the officials of this dynasty with the sword of the previous dynasty?"

"It turned out that when I was an anchor, there was a roommate in the same room named Shi Ye, who was the guy with the best skills in skateboarding shoes. Wouldn't it be better if I went back to him to learn from him?"

This plan is also feasible, Brother Unique is indeed stronger than professional players in terms of proficiency in certain heroes.

Duan Deliang also thinks Jack's plan is reasonable.

While VG and the others were communicating in low voices, Redmi was still shouting on the stage, "It is also worth mentioning that skateboard shoes have not yet become popular in the Korean server qualifying matches, which means that we may have a hole card !"

As soon as this remark came out, the LPL players started discussing excitedly.

"Really? Our coaching staff is too good..."

"I don't know about lck? Could it be possible to hide it until the finals and use it again? Anyway, it won't make an appointment with a foreign competition area. The opponent will definitely be kept in the dark!"

"Hohohoho, now you have a secret weapon on the first day of training, I don't even dare to think about it later!"

Hongmi is not greedy for credit, "To be honest, thanks to the help of three coaches, I was able to think of Calista, a hero who has been dusted for a long time."

He is very clear about himself.

Specialized in training and training players, able to knead five players into one rope and create a mature operating system.

bp belongs to the standard level.

As for engaging in black technology? Usually in the team, you have to rely on Gu Xing!

In terms of research and development, Redmi is not as good as Nofe et al.

He just carried out a wave of feasibility analysis quickly after his colleagues proposed Calista's option, theoretically verifying the strength of skateboard shoes.

Firefox took out another stack of materials, each marked with the ID of the corresponding player, and distributed it to the team members.

"This is a goal tailored by our four head coaches for everyone based on the player styles and tactical systems of their respective teams. In the past few days, we have carried out training tasks according to the data."

Gu Xing took it over and took a look.

The first thing that catches the eye is the jungle strength echelon table.

Zac is still t0 - the weakening of it by the new patch is only a small part of the damage of the dual skills of w and e, which is a harmless change and will not affect the dominance of Xiang fighters.

Rexai and Spider are in the first echelon, while characters such as Blind Sin, Barrel, and Pig Girl are still in the lower row.

In all fairness, the 7.12 version does not change much for the jungle position.

Thinking about it, I know that Qian Jue and Rek'Sai were just reworked in the last version. As long as the fist is still rational, it is impossible to fight wildly again in just two weeks!

At the very least, you have to take it easy, wait for the patch to take effect and observe the direction of the version before making a decision.

Therefore, the strength of the jungle position is not much different from 7.11.

The difference is that there are sporadic heroes whose strength changes as the game environment changes.

Like the Spider Queen.

She's getting a power boost purely from two sideline changes.

The rise of the top laner Qing Gangying and the crocodile is good news for Spider - she can play the conjoined style of military training and go on the road.

As for the bottom lane, Luo's strength increase can also create gank space for the spider.

And in the matchup in the wild, she is not in vain against characters such as Rek'Sai.

With the blessing of various factors, the priority of spiders in the wild environment has soared!

As for what Fist said about "give Qian Jue some proper compensation", the content really made Gu Xing amused.

The basic attack power is increased by 3 points, the wolf sprint speed and cooling calculation mechanism of w [Wolf Frenzy] are slightly optimized, and the mana consumption of e [Wolf Fear] is reduced by 20 points.

"The designer has no sincerity..." Gu Xing shook his head.

The extent of the enhancement is too small to allow Qian Jue to obtain a substantial improvement.

He glanced down and saw his training content behind the jungle strength echelon table.

Due to the small number of version heroes that need to be re-familiarized, more than half of the mission objectives are the cultivation of tactical synergy.

The changes on the two sidelines are not small, urging Gu Xing to adapt to the new linkage with his teammates on the top and bottom lanes as soon as possible.

While reading the materials, Song Jinghao beside Gu Xing was still yelling excitedly.

"Wow Kaka, the era of shaking people is coming again!" Smeb was overjoyed, "I have to teach you a lesson, you little fellows of lck!"

He hasn't won the mvp for more than a month, and he is going to show his talents in the intercontinental competition.

"Xu Gu, you must be more helpful on the road this time!"

Gu Xing nodded perfunctorily in agreement, intercepted the training content and put it next to the monitor.

In this way, you can remind yourself all the time and play a certain role in supervision.

After clarifying the trend of the version, the four teams devoted themselves to training intensively, wanting to seize the time to get used to the new style of play.

Most of the time, they mainly use the method of two-two battles to conduct training matches. While improving themselves, they can also keep secrets and prevent tactics from leaking out.

As the head coach of LPL in this intercontinental competition, Hongmi not only keeps an eye on vg, but also cares about the other three teams.

To this end, part of the information provided by the data team was shared with all coaching staff members.

"I'll be good..." White Crescent was very surprised, "Where did you vg get the information from?"

He browsed some information about we.

Some data is even more detailed than what the coaching staff has!

There is also Xiye's eye-making rules in it, even the blue and red sides clearly mark what enemy wards every few minutes and seconds in each game!

Just nm outrageous!

White Crescent suddenly felt a chill down its back.

He is very glad that the intercontinental competition is unanimous to the outside world. If he meets vg in the league, he will be seen through even his underwear!

It's not wrong for Chun Jue to lose!

"Where did this information come from?" White Crescent eagerly wanted to know the truth.

"...you can use e+, the data in it is very detailed." Gu Xing advertised directly.

The white crescent searched the website roughly.

"It's good for the audience to have fun, these statistics are of no use to our professional team!" He frowned.

"This is the basic data that is open and free, and there is also a paid version. Just contact the staff by email." Gu Xing pointed out a clear way for him.

Gu Xing is not worried about the threat we will pose after getting the paid data.

Ding Jun's seven-figure full-project contract in that year was not signed for nothing. e+ has some in-depth services and exclusive agreements signed by vg, which can only be provided to them.

Not long after, when White Crescent saw e+ send a limited-time free paid version of team information, his eyes lit up.

"Ai, you guys are really hiding something good. If it wasn't for the intercontinental competition, I wouldn't know there is such a thing!"

e+ held a summer competition bid, and spent seven to eighty eighty-eight dollars on the company's operating funds, and there was no extra marketing funds.

It's only been three weeks since the summer split started. Even though it has attracted a lot of viewer traffic, it still hasn't penetrated into the professional circle very well.

White Crescent is now a treasure.

Just as Xie Tunan and Gu Pan thought, the ability of the coaching team in the lpl division is worrying.

The data information that ordinary analysts can collect and sort out is not as good as e+!

That being the case, why do I need an analyst?

Isn't it enough to spend money to buy data from e+?

Save money and worry!

White Crescent informed we Shanghai Emperor Pei Le about the e+ that night.

I have to say that this name is not suitable for business.

However, Pei Le, as the founder of we, has now made the club's operations flourish, and the lumberjack labor union derived from it has also developed prosperously, and its strength ranks among the top among many clubs.

Hearing that it can save money, Pei Le immediately became energetic and planned to start negotiating cooperation matters after gaining an in-depth understanding of e+.

Not only we, but after Redmi and Gu Xing's disguised sales promotion, Royal Family and Guodian are also very interested in the paid items of e+.

The night before the intercontinental match, Gu Xing, who finished training and returned to the room early to wash up, couldn't wait to ask his sister for credit.

"How am I good or not? I'll get you three teams in a few words!"

Gu Pan originally only wanted to cheer for Gu Xing, but he didn't expect that there would be a surprise.

"Really?!" She couldn't hide the excitement in her heart, "It's amazing, Gu... brother!"

Seeing that the big business is about to be acquired, he still doesn't forget to change his name to flatter him.

"With your four teams, the entire LPL region will have to become our partner sooner or later!" Gu Pan was very confident.

The teams that came to participate in the intercontinental competition are well-known and highly popular within the lpl, with countless fans and fans, they can be called industry leaders.

Can turn them all into customers, Gu Pan can imagine what kind of traffic boom e+ will usher in after the intercontinental competition!

Shen Guanshan beside him looked at his friend's cheering expression, and couldn't help but pursed his lips and smiled.

Then he turned his gaze to Gu Xing, and his gaze became softer and softer.

"Is there no problem preparing for tomorrow's game?"

Gu Xing patted his chest, "Just wait and see, I will definitely let the audience cheer for me tomorrow!"

It turns out he was a little overconfident.

The venue for this year's intercontinental competition is the Kaohsiung Exhibition Hall, which can accommodate more than a thousand people to watch the competition.

The venue is a bit poor.

There is not even a spectator stand, and people who come to watch the game can only sit on plastic chairs.

If that's the case, it's still acceptable.

After all, the Taiwan service agent is still in the hands of Garena, the operator has no money, and the LMS will pass by, and the intercontinental competition venue should not be too luxurious.

But who would have imagined that the situation is completely changing and developing in a direction that Gu Xing did not expect!

When the lms and lck division teams came to the stage, the audience was very supportive and sent all kinds of cheering words with crooked accents, showing the enthusiasm of the hosts to the fullest.

It was lpl's turn, and the champion of the spring competition, vg, had just stepped onto the stage, and the high-pitched voice instantly disappeared without a trace!

Even the applause that symbolized politeness and respect completely disappeared.

There were even faint boos!

The vg players, together with the coach, stood on the stage at a loss for a moment.

Even though they have been on the battlefield for a long time, they have repeatedly appeared on the stage of the competition, but they have never encountered such a situation!

"What's the matter?" Kuro muttered.

Song Jinghao could hear the voices of his teammates, and replied in a daze, "I can't make it!"

Gu Xing's face turned dark.

He could guess why.

When he first arrived in Kaohsiung, Gu Xing's first impression of the city was not bad.

Invited by Lightning Wolf Yefu to the Lingya Night Market in front of him, all kinds of delicious snacks made him feel good.

However, after a few days, the filter in Gu Xing's heart that was standing in the center of the stage was completely shattered!

Just like the hot and cold glutinous rice balls he ate that day, the feeling of alternating hot and cold bursting in his mouth was unforgettable for him.

The cold reception on stage today is also in stark contrast to the warm cheers that the audience gave to LMS and LCK before.

The two heavens of ice and fire made Gu Xing unforgettable for a long time!

"Stay north," Jack scolded in the curved Tibetan dialect he learned from Kasa, "Kaohsiung is so green!"

Seeing this scene, the host Taiwanese sister Xiaoxiong's voice trembled a little, and she was obviously shocked.

She can only pray that the scene will be silenced when it is broadcast, and that the global audience will not be able to see the beauty of the school.

At the same time, pretending to be calm, he introduced the participating teams.

"Let's welcome the winner of the 2016 World Championship and the 2017 Mid-Season Championship, vig!"

"Top lane smeb, jungler virtue..."

There were only sporadic exchange students from mainland China who came to Taiwan holding lpl support signs, and the shrill sound of cheering reverberated in the venue due to their efforts to amplify the volume, but it seemed extraordinarily bleak.

Gu Xing held his head high, his fair cheeks that had always had a sunny smile on them were expressionless now.

While he was still on the stage, he glanced at the audience, trying to remember the appearance of this group of people.

At the same time, there was endless noise in the live broadcast room.

Shiquan didn't have time to do noise reduction processing, and the real reaction of the audience in the venue was transmitted to the ears of all netizens.

The contrast between the front and back was so sharp that the barrage immediately reacted strongly!

【What are you doing? Make a library, right?]

【Disgusting! Can vg have a wave of tulle? 】

[Wanwan really has no resin, isn't it cheap? 】

[I'm Buddha, someone who is good at making distinctions]

[The layout is too small, it is only as big as an island]

[VG's ten-year-old fan came here uninvited, and beat me hard today! 】

Even the Korean and English streaming channels of Mouse TV are filled with an army of question marks all over the sky.

Obviously I can't understand what the audience is doing.

When Gu walked off the stage, it was the turn of we, the runner-up of the lpl spring competition, to come on stage.

As usual, there is no welcome applause!

"I love you guys so much!" Jack said swearing, "Squeezing mom's kiss really opened my buddies' eyes."

"Don't make your mentality unbalanced by off-court incidents," said Hongmi, who saw such incidents for the first time, and tried her best to appease the team members while flustered. Millions of supporters are cheering us on."

Gu Xing kept a straight face.

The members of the Lightning Wolves who had just arrived under the stage looked embarrassed.

They also feel ashamed when such a thing happens.

We, edg, and rng stepped off the stage one by one and arrived at the entrance of the channel. Everyone was very angry at the unfair treatment they encountered.

"Gu Xing, please help me!" Xiang Guo yelled dissatisfied, "We must make clear arrangements for Wan Wan today!"

"Don't they like to use this place as a library? Then don't make any noise in the opening match," Gu Xing squeezed his knuckles, making a crisp sound, "I'm going to make Wan Wan not even have a chance to cheer."

The staff came over and urged the contestants to get on stage quickly.

Everyone in vg was ready to play, and the lpl players on the way reached out to give high fives to their colleagues fighting side by side, as if they wanted to convey their strength and faith in this way.

"Remember to hit harder!"

"Don't show mercy to your opponent, the harder you fight, the better!"

"Set an example for us, and we will learn from it later!"

Gu Xing took the stage again in the silence, he was not quite used to the game without the cheers of the audience.

But this made Gu Xing regain the long-lost feeling when he first started his career.

After wearing the earphones, the white noise made it difficult for external sounds to enter the ears, and the vg team members breathed a sigh of relief.

So far, the audience can no longer interfere with them.

Under the familiar environment of the game, everyone in vg made up their minds and vowed to make their opponents pay the price!

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