What is a hexagon jungler?

389: The object of the prank is you!

Casas returned to the city in blood, and he patted his chest to comfort himself while still in shock.


Why is there a box in the demon grass? !

The originally easy escape was made dangerous by the magic box, but in the end it was almost given up by the clown!

Casa's reaction speed was not slow, and he immediately came back to his senses.

The clown, the hanging man, squatted nearby and waited for me early on, and deliberately used Q to hide and hide himself, tricking himself into the grass!

How insidious!

He was afraid for a while.

If he was killed by Gu Xingye, the consequences would be disastrous!

Fortunately, my fate is great, and there is no unparalleled road!

After Gu Xing almost missed Dansha Lexai, the canyon entered a short period of peaceful development, and no fighting broke out.

It's just that the downward trend of the Lightning Wolves is irreversible.

Facing Thresh, the two crispy skins who didn't show up can only be described as being cautious!

If they were hooked, they would be greeted with death!

Duan Deliang is also a chicken thief. He knows that when his hook enters the cooldown, the opponent will bully him forward and suppress him. He simply doesn't hand in the Q, so he hides in the grass and cannot come out.

For this reason, he also inserted the real eye in the backpack into the thread grass, and tried his best to ensure his control over the grass.

Betty couldn't stand it anymore.

In the early 5 minutes of the game, the gap between him and Jack went straight to 20!

How to play?

He tried to shake people to help, "Teammates, teammates... Hong Haoxuan, come quickly, Seresi on the other side didn't dodge!"

Betty reminded again.

When he was caught by the clown, his jungler promised to come to Gank when the push line came to the tower.

Where are you?

Kasa was also in pain.

The last time he pushed back the line, he was afraid that he would be killed by the enemy's five-pack and two-jump tower, so he came to do a counter-squat.

In the end, he was played around by VG, and was almost sniped by a clown on the way back to the field!

But the disadvantage of the bottom lane is getting bigger and bigger. If they don't deal with it, the Flash Wolves will lose Betty, the pillar of the mid-to-late teamfight!

Casa had no choice.

Anyway, the clown is in the Ueno area, and he was going to go down after returning to the city to resupply, so he simply went to the bottom road to catch a wave.

Use the bursting cones to bounce into the lower river from the side and rear of the next tower of your house, aiming at the VG duo!

Verus handed over the ghost rain of arrows to slow down, and Karma took a step forward to catch the spirit chain.

Snake is very detailed, he knows that as long as he can keep Thresh slow, Duan Deliang won't even try to run away.

What he needs is to withstand the opponent's first wave of damage from the bottom lane, and try not to be dropped in seconds.

Therefore, if R [Sanskrit Mantra] is blessed on the spirit chain, even if VG turns around and fights back, he can recover his health to resist the explosion!

It's just that Duan Deliang has done a good job in emergency response.

After seeing Karma choose RW to restore blood, he immediately judged the shortcomings faced by the enemy.

Not enough damage.

The Lightning Wolf's support is defensive weakness rather than ignition!

Duan Deliang was not in a hurry to cooperate with Jack to focus on the opponent's heroes to cause damage, but held the skills in his hands.

"Come someone to help, the other side can't kill me for the time being!" He called out loudly in the voice.

Gu Xing also noticed the enemy's attack on the bottom lane.

"Wait a while, let's get rid of the plane and drive down!"

He wanted to support his family for as long as possible.

Turn on Q [Fraud Magic] by yourself to cross the narrow wall and go to the middle road in stealth.

The director caught the movement of the clown at the first time, instantly making the world focus on Gu Xing.

The Haier brothers on the commentary stand had a loud voice.

"The clown's invisibility time is very long, brother Xing even bypassed the field of vision of the lightning wolf!"

The clown of S7 is still the main Q method - after breaking the stealth, the duration of the enhanced basic attack damage is as long as 2.5 seconds, and the single output ability is quite explosive.

This caused Gu Xing, a clown who had just reached level 5, to be invisible for a full 3 seconds while holding a level 3 Q!

Coupled with the 400 yards of displacement when he first opened the Q, he can move 1500 yards in the entire fraud magic!

The Lightning Wolves' combat strength in the upper half of the area was mediocre. Kasa was almost killed by Gu Xing when he came in before, and there were not many eye positions in the Ueno area.

Gu Xing was able to easily sneak around the enemy's line of sight and sneak into the middle.

The moment the invisibility was released, Gu Xing placed the magic box in front of the Lightning Wolf Tower, and E [Double-sided Poison Blade] stabbed towards the plane!

"Fengtang's blood volume is maintained well. The clown's E skill didn't cause too much damage, but the deceleration effect applied slowed him down!"

Maple's heart beat faster when he saw the clown appearing suddenly.

It was really a psychological shadow caused by Gu Xing's crazy tower jumping behavior before.

He knew that the opponent was moving in the upper half, and his position was deliberately lower.

Who would have imagined, Rao did not block the clown's Gank!

The place to retreat under the tower has been sealed by a box.

Fengtang thinks that even if she surrenders her W [Valkyrie Dive], she will not be able to escape from the area of ​​influence of the magic box before it takes effect!

Then the only option for retreat seems to be to run down again.

Maple didn't think much of it, and hurried down.

"The rock sparrow's damage has already risen, and the stone piercing hit the plane and hurt!"

Fengtang originally thought that Kuro would not intersect the ledge, so he would not need W displacement.

However, as a veteran, Li Ruixing handled the situation calmly and calmly.

He insisted on holding on to the ledge, intending to abolish the plane's only displacement skill and kill him with damage!

After Maple was decelerated, seeing the clown getting closer and closer, he knew that if he didn't use W, he would be hacked to death by Sacco!

Forced to have no choice but to hand over Valkyrie and dive, let's keep the distance first.

"The rock sparrow flashes W and casts the ledge..." the baby looked excited, "I hit it!"

The speed of the plane was not fast, and it was still slowed down.

Fengtang tried her best to use small moves to twist and hide her skills, but unfortunately she was hit hard in the end.

Gu Xing launched two general attacks on the plane that was brought back, and together with the output of the rock sparrow, killed it!

The director's camera quickly cut back to the bottom lane.

"Prince Duan isn't dead yet?!" Miller was extremely surprised, "The damage of the Lightning Wolf's going to the field is too low!"

Remnant Blood Thresh had a strong desire to survive, and was still struggling to escape.

Miller didn't know why.

Kassa knew exactly what had happened.

Because he is a victim!

The VG duo's style of play made Casa extremely irritated.

To put it simply, it is one word - drag.

Just push hard.

Since Kasa's flash was forced out by Gu Xing last time, he could only dig a tunnel through E to enter the battlefield.

But before Duan Deliang got in, Q [Death Judgment] directly hooked Rexai's landing point.

Then he was pushed away with the pendulum of doom.

Now that the battle has progressed, Kasa has not officially participated in the battle!

Relying on the output of the FW duo alone, it is impossible to kill Thresh in a short time!

"Aren't the Lightning Wolves going to leave?" Wow excitedly yelled, "VG Nakano is on the way to flatter the horse, if they don't retreat, they are likely to be outflanked!"

The camera shifts to the lower river.

Rock sparrows that have reached level 6 cast their ultimate skills.

R [Wall Curtain]!

Taliyah rides the stone wall and rushes to the bottom battlefield!

Casa's heart was half cold.

He knew that it would not be easy to escape at this moment, he gritted his teeth and could only forcefully fight to the end.

"Jack pulls out the barb..." Miller's voice became thinner, "Very beautiful E flash!"

Before Yu Wenbo started the fight, he knew that his side's middle field could provide quick support, so he pinched E [Barb] to death.

He didn't hand it over to play control until his teammates took their positions immediately!

The enemy's lower field has no flash and displacement skills. Jack's E flash only needs to adjust the initial angle to ensure a hit!

Snake and Kasa, who was closest to Xia, were imprisoned in place and suffered a lot of damage!

"Verus took Thresh with one arrow, and quickly retreated without looking back!"

Betty didn't even dare to look at her teammates, and she treated her as her own benevolence when she gave healing spells.

"After Kuro hit the ground, he hit a high burst of damage and took the crispy Karma away," Miller continued. "It will be a matter of time before Kasa is taken away, and only Betty is left to escape..."

After all, Verus was not under arrest, and selling his teammates could get rid of Chaffinch's pursuit.

"No, Betty may not be able to survive successfully!" The baby always pays attention to the small map, and quickly discovers the clue.

"Brother Xing took a detour in the wild and is still chasing him!"

The picture is shown to the clown again.

Gu Xing was carrying a dagger in his hand and shuttled recklessly in the blue zone of the Lightning Wolf.

The bent audience in the audience screamed in desperation, wanting to remind Betty.

However, with delay + white noise, the players on the field have no idea what the audience is shouting at all!

Betty didn't notice the danger was approaching, nervous and flustered, he kept clicking the mouse unconsciously on the floor, as if he wanted to urge Verus to run faster in this way, and wanted to retreat to the second tower as soon as possible.

Gu Xing came to the Lightning Wolf's Demon Swamp Frog camp, turned on Q [Deceitful Magic], crossed the wall to the bottom road, and quickly approached Verus who was evacuating to the autistic grass in stealth!

He seemed certain that the director's camera would focus on himself, and when he came to Betty, he first showed the VG team logo, and then danced on the spot!

The funny dance of the clown makes people laugh.

But at the scene, there was no one who could laugh out loud.

Even tears are rolling in my stomach.

Seen from the perspective of God, Gu Xing's series of actions is completely full of irony!

The director was not Wanwan, but a staff member sent by the Riot headquarters. With the mentality that watching the excitement is not a big deal, he cut the scene to the VG player seats.

Gu Xing raised the corners of his mouth, his smile was full of disdain and madness.

The 3-second invisibility time ends, and the clown is exposed to Verus' vision.

Betty thought she was safe.

Suddenly, a clown popped out beside him, and he was so frightened that he trembled all over!

"Damn it!" Betty yelled to hide the panic in her heart, "Sacco, I'm chasing the antelope!"

I thought I could escape to save my life, but was ruthlessly strangled by the enemy with a playful gesture. It can be called the most desperate moment in life!

The clown doesn't include the lake either, so he takes two general attacks and catches Tiamat with E.

After throwing out the double-sided poison blade, Gu Xing didn't even look at Verus, turned his head and went back to the field.

Beheading damage clears Betty's health bar!

"Counting Maple's death in battle, VG played a wave of one for four!" Miller was ecstatic, "The Flash Wolves have collapsed!"

"Brother Xing's clown really has two skills. He can always appear from unexpected places and give back stabbing blows!" Waowa gave a super high evaluation.

In the live broadcast room of the LPL match, VG supporters have already started carnival.

[Lightning wolf? Flash pee wolf! 】

[Brother Xing can kill even a clown, one thing to say is this team is hopeless? No wonder the abbreviation is called FW, it seems there is a reason]

[To be honest, FW was also dragged down by this group of wise and crooked audiences. Originally, it was a simple loss. As long as it was not tulle, it would be considered a completion of the task. In the end, it had to be a moth, and now the pain is all the Lightning Wolf]

[In all fairness, I personally think that the clown's dancing posture is very ordinary, and I have to find the dog's head for special training, that's called sarcasm! 】

[Understood, I can't dance! 】

[Wendy face at the scene is so stinky, why don't you smile? whee】

"Tsk..." Snake rarely scratched his hair irritably.

If Thresh could be dropped in seconds, they would be able to escape successfully before the arrival of VG Nakano.

Although it doesn't seem profitable to switch mid laners for support, but for the disadvantaged Flash Wolves, it is already the only way out in a desperate situation.

However, due to the low output, Thresh's calm attitude delayed a lot of time, and the VG players rushed to kill the Lightning Wolves players one by one!

The chain reaction that the jungler Casa was forced to flash by Gu Xing's order was fully reflected in the team battle just now.

If Rek'Sai had flashed, Duan Deliang wouldn't be slowing down his entry speed with his QE dual skills!

"This Sacco is so disgusting!" Betty was thrown out of balance.

He was caught bloody at the beginning, and was caught by the clown because of snakes and snakes, and was forced to return to the city, which caused the two to stagger their online time, and he was stuck in two waves of minions.

Just now, I managed to cooperate with my teammate Gank to kill Thresh and get a head to supplement my own economy.

However, he was killed again by the clown who rushed over thousands of miles away!

Betty hated the itching of her teeth.

"I haven't said it yet," Fengtang complained in a low voice, "Sacco almost used me as a cash machine, huh, how can someone arrest someone like that?"

Casa said weak comforting words, "Steady for a few minutes first, and let's try to make money for the double C during the transfer period."

If the Flash Wolves want to win, there is currently only one way.

Drag to double C three-piece suit.

At that time, relying on the strong firepower of the back row and the frankness of the big trees in the front row, only the frontal team battle can win.

But now Verus is 20+ behind in counter-ups, and the plane was killed twice...

Waiting for the FW double C equipment to take shape, I'm afraid I won't be able to fight for thirty minutes!

It is said that the joys and sorrows of people are not connected.

When the Flash Wolves were upset by Gu Xing, the VG players were still celebrating.

"Good kill!" Jack said in a loud voice, "You have to be so ruthless in your strikes, so that the group of Wanwan like dogs to bark!"

"Keep screaming if you can, if they scream, we'll kill the Lightning Wolf one more time!" He smiled grimly, looking more like a German.

"Good guy, if you travel back to ancient times, you may be able to research some insane torture..." Duan Deliang, who is naturally shy, couldn't help laughing.

"Do you understand the gold content of Brother Glory Executioner's unique skills?" Jack boasted, "Brothers are professional in torturing people!"

Relying on his possession of Tiamat, Gu Xing swept away the enemy's lower jungle area, made a trinket eye, and then went to Xiaolongkeng to deal with the fire dragon.

With the backstab in his hand, the clown's efficiency in killing such wild monsters is quite high, and he got the little dragon in his pocket within a short time.

After returning to the city, update a round of equipment.

Gu Xing was originally going to be a slag jungler, and he added frankness - after all, there is no pure tank role in the lineup, so he has to take responsibility.

But when the shark was insane, he thought about it, anyway, he already had a big advantage, so he just spoke harshly.

Serrated Dagger!

The clown in the spring got the output equipment, and the arc of his lips became more and more terrifying, and he went out to prepare for a new round of killing performance.

Gu Xing put on another pair of straw sandals to experience the feeling of flying.

After brushing off his second round of red BUFF, he was successfully promoted to level six.

Sacco, who has a big move, ushered in a qualitative change in combat power!

Before he could decide who to kill, he heard Kuro's report.

"The plane on the other side has placed its eyesight in front of my tower..."

It was a perfectly reasonable move.

Kuro currently holds three heads, and is also preparing to take off from Wuhu.

With the rock sparrow's line-pushing ability and roaming efficiency, it can quickly expand its influence to the entire map!

It also makes sense for Fengtang to make a line eye to detect the rock sparrow's next swimming movement.

But Gu Xing had a plan in mind, and he was going to use it to make a fuss.

When I countered the bottom field of Lightning Wolves before, I made an eye in the blue zone.

Now seeing the enemy Rek'Sai appearing in the field of vision, squatting in the middle of the camp of wild monsters, he is obviously preparing to give the plane the second blue buff that is about to be reset.

Gu Xing decided to start implementing the plan.

"Eh?" Miller was the first to notice something was wrong, "Why did Brother Xing use his big move?"

The game viewing panel shows that the Joker's R [Illusion] has entered cooldown.

The camera is on Sacco again.

All viewers see two clowns with sharp knives!

Among them, the avatar crossed the middle road and walked to the upper wild area.

The ontology came to the narrow area between the VG Raptor camp and the grass below the middle road.

"Brother Xing, what are you doing?" Wawa was puzzled.

From his point of view, the Joker's behavior is confusing.

Then Gu Xing's body moved down the river at a high speed.

The two clowns took diametrically opposite paths of travel.

It didn't take long for the fake body to escape the traction range, and the main body forcibly summoned the fake clown who broke into the upper half of the map to flash to his side.

Miller hissed softly, realizing something was wrong.

The director's reaction speed was also very fast, and he quickly switched to the perspective of the lightning wolf.

The Wanwan audience in the audience couldn't help exclaiming repeatedly!

Just now, when the fake body crossed the middle road and moved upwards, it happened to be exposed near the thread hole inserted by Feng Tang, and the movement was captured by the Lightning Wolf.

Other than that, Flash Wolves had nothing else to gain.

But the audience knew that the moment the fake body left the eye position detection range, it was forced to flash back to the real clown because it was too far away from the main body!

But the whole process of returning to the lower half of the fake body was out of FW's field of vision, and Flash Wolves didn't know about it!

"Brother Xing is deceiving his opponent on purpose!" Miller smoothed out his logic and exclaimed in a tone of voice, "He played the trick so well that the Lightning Wolves mistakenly thought that he was really going up!"

From the perspective of God, the two clowns can be distinguished by the color of their clothing.

However, from the enemy's perspective, there is no difference!

Even the red BUFF is copied at the feet of the fake clown!

The fake Li Gui became the real Li Kui!

Casa was kept in the dark.

The junglers of both sides experienced a field change in the early days, and the blue BUFFs on both sides were refreshed almost at the same time.

Therefore, he had no doubts about Gu Xing's choice of path to move upwards.

Isn't it normal to go blue for Kuro's rock sparrow?

Kasa didn't suspect him, so he scratched at his own blue BUFF, planning to wait for the wild monsters to be killed before notifying Fengtang to come and get it.

"The vision of the entire lower river is under the control of VG, and it is pitch black from the perspective of the Lightning Wolves..." Miller concentrated, "This means that Brother Xing's trace has not been found!"

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. You can pass the time by reading and listening to books while driving and before going to bed. You can download it here

VG's middle and bottom lanes have too much advantage, and the bottom river channel connected by the two lines is naturally firmly protected, and the Lightning Wolf's eye position cannot be inserted.

In addition, Rek'Sai of Kasa basically fought on the surface in order to clear the jungle, and only once went underground to recover blood on the way, but the clown hadn't approached the range of the earth's hearing at that time!

All these things gave Gu Xing unlimited room for manipulation!

The fake clown came to the grass in the lower river and stayed where he was.

The real body continued to move forward, came to the outside of the blue area with the Lightning Wolf, and drove Q to pass through the wall!

The two clowns were too far apart, triggering the recall effect again.

The fake body successfully completed the wall climbing, and came to the blue BUFF camp together with the main body!

Rek'Sai has hit the wild monsters to 800 health.

Gu Xing didn't intend to snatch it either.

His primary goal is to kill!

After putting down the box, the two clowns backstabbed Rek'Sai!

Passive + Q [Fraud Magic] double damage blessing, Gu Xing's tetanus cut Rexai's blood volume down a lot!

Deadly iodized salt!

Tiamat strikes again!

Gu Xing's sawtooth dagger was not created for nothing, the real and the fake struck at the same time, and in the blink of an eye, Rek'sai's blood bar dropped to less than half in an instant!

Kasa's body trembled violently, his face was full of horror, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

what's going on?

Didn't the clown go to the upper half?

Why did it suddenly appear on my face?

His mind is muddled.

But Casa is very clear, if he doesn't run away now, he has to explain here!

Dive into the ground at high speed, ready to dig a tunnel to escape.

But it's too late.

After stabbing the fake body for the last time, he completed his mission.

When the 18-second duration ends, the fake clown explodes into fireworks and the show falls into boxes!

In the current version of the clown, after R [Illusion] is killed, the magic box generated will not be triggered immediately, but will wait for two seconds like the normal version of the box.

But if you can't stand the explosion, it will cause high damage!

Even if Kasa handed over the punishment, it was useless.

The ignition on Gu Xing's hook reduced the amount of healing he received.

Rek'Sai's HP is still critical!

"Brother Xing finished the AE, and the double-sided poison blade caught up with the excavator who escaped through the tunnel!"

The beheading effect takes Rek'Sai away!

"Dansha!" Baby's voice Kang said passionately, "I knew that last time Kasa escaped by chance, and sooner or later he will return that life!"

Miller clicked his tongue in amazement, "Oh my God... Brother Xing is making fun of the clown!"

"This kind of jungler who is more thoughtful is really suitable for him!"

Gu Xing lit up the dog tag as usual.

The silver-white VG team logo silenced the scene!

The audience present held their heads in their hands, with pain written all over their faces.

Compared with violent killings with more hard-working operations, this method of crushing ideas to create kills is undoubtedly more tormenting the audience!

How can a clown be so cheap? !

"Maple's blue BUFF will also be laughed at by Brother Xing, how can Lightning Wolves play this?" Doll seems to be speaking for FW, but in fact the gloating mood in his tone is not hidden, and he directly mocks.

LPL lounge.

"Handsome, Brother Xing!" Shi Senming stared at him, "Can the clown still play like this?"

Xiangguo was full of Tibetan words excitedly, "Damn it, Gu Xing's playing is so perverted, all kinds of deceiving people around the field of vision!"

"It's scary..." Candy's face turned pale.

He put himself into Casa's perspective, and felt that he couldn't do better than the other party.

Gu Xing's attack idea had no warning at all, and all kinds of true and false information were mixed together, making it impossible to guard against!

The players in the Flash Wolves fell silent.

"Hold your breath," Mimi said in a panic, "I really want to hear what you guys have to say..."

"Isn't it just a disadvantage? It's really no big deal!" He felt that his teammates' ability to withstand pressure was not good enough, "It's just a matter of staying and developing!"

"You haven't met this Sacco before," Kasa sighed, "It's really disgusting."

As long as there is a detail that is not handled properly, the clown will find himself in various weird ways with a dagger in his hand!

Kasa is now frightened to brush his own wild monsters!

Where is such a miserable jungler?

"I don't believe it," Mimidan was very stubborn, "I'm financially good, you just need to pay, and I will fight against the front row!"

He is indeed very confident.

So far in the game, Mimidan's top lane is the line with the smallest gap.

Before the game, it was generally believed that the top lane would be a gap, but the facts proved that Dashu's laning ability is still strong.

The steady stream of replies combined with the excessively high skill base damage allowed Maokai to avoid the trouble of Doran's shield price increase, and his ability to rely on lanes was top-notch!

Because Smeb teleported in the middle to support a wave in the middle, Mimidan even took the lead with a make-up knife!

Facing the world's top top laners, being able to play to such an extent in the lane can also be called a success.

Mimidan felt that she was in a state of being in full swing, fearless, and thought that Gu Xing's clown wasn't that scary at all, it was purely due to his teammates' improper precautions.

In 9 minutes, his chance to prove himself came.

Pushing the line forward, Mimi Dan left the shelter of the defense tower and walked to the middle line of the top lane.

He puts a real ward in the back triangle grass to prevent Gank.

It's a pity that the clown's invisibility over the wall was still not prevented.

When Mimi saw Sacco appear, the clown had already reached the corner of the wall, ready to double-team behind him at any time!

In addition, Sacco, who had improved the cooldown of his ultimate move, also opened a clone, and the two clowns rushed over at the same pace.

Just one in front and one in back.

Mimi Dan silently calculated, and at the same time hurriedly moved down the tower, preparing to return to the turret father's wing to seek shelter.

"Qinggangying handed over the tactics to sweep and keep people, Brother Xing is also going to fight against the output..." Miller shouted in shock, "The big tree of Mimidan is tied to the clown!"

W [Twisted Thrust]!

Maokai turned into a mass of moving roots, bound towards the clown behind!

Mimi Dan's idea is not only to use the clown to escape.

He even wanted to fight back!

The clown handed over Q in order to hide from view Gank, R also used it, and now there is no means of displacement.

As long as it can be smashed under the tower, with the output of the tower father, it is no problem to smash the clown!

When the time comes to withdraw a huge bounty, won't it take off instantly?

Mimidan was dreaming, after tying up the clown, he immediately threw out Q [Thorn Bash] to push him into the range of the defense tower.

Then the R tree world comes.

The WQR combo is extremely smooth. As an old blue-collar top laner, Dashu's proficiency should be only lower than that of the EDG top laner.

He wants to use chain control to immobilize the clown.

The defense tower only needs to fire three shots, this Sacco biss!

But at the moment when the skill damage exploded on the clown, Mimidan's heart sank rapidly.


The output of the clown is a bit exaggerated. Even if Mimi can't play Sacco again, she knows that the fake body will suffer more damage than the real body.

I guessed wrong!

What's more important is that he pursued the speed of combo moves, so as not to let the clown have a chance to get out of control, and handed over the QR early on.

Now unless you take regret medicine, there is no room for recovery!

Mimidan was dumbfounded.

How can this be a fake?

Logically speaking, don't clowns always put their fake bodies on the front?

Gu Xing, you can still take the lead when playing a clown, run to the front by yourself, and let the fake body safely hide behind?

This unscientific!

Do you understand clowns?

Mimi Dan only felt a chill running up her spine.

With so many skills, he no longer has the ability to escape!

The fake clown was bombarded and the big tree exploded three times in seconds, and the damage from the explosion wiped out Maokai's blood!

Sacco's real smile was extremely sinister.

The target of the prank is you!

"The Qinggang shadow hook is hung on the wall, and Duan E followed!" Miller's words were full of pride and complacency.

Mimidan hastily surrendered her dodge to dodge.

Qing Gang Ying flashed at the same time, knocking him out forcibly!

"The clown's general attack picks up Tiamat, and the blood bar of the big tree drops rapidly!"

Smeb resists two towers first, and then hands in R [Hex Ultimatum] in exchange for tower aggro.

Gu Xing AEA made three strikes at the speed of light, and stood guard after hitting Thunderbolt.

Help teammates top two shells before leaving.

Qinggangying A pulled up, and the real damage cut the big tree under the horse!

"Mimidan's operation..." Miller was stunned, "Why did he guess a fake?"

The baby smiled, "Not only did he guess a fake one, but he was also very sure of his own judgment, throwing all his skills on the fake one!"

The chat channel in the live broadcast room was full of joy.

【Mimidan, it's you! 】

[Brother Xing is really hurt, deliberately put the real body in the front to deceive people]

[The devil who plays with people's hearts! It's all insidious tricks! 】

[Mimidan's few innocences are mostly consumed, and the culprit is Virtue! 】

[The clown is really a big sunny boy, especially when he is at home, watching the opposite side being played around, it is true that the effect of the show is full]

"How is it?" Kasa glanced sideways at his top laner when he returned to the city for supplies, "Am I right?"

You can't do it!

Mimi's face was red.

The shame of being crushed in IQ surged from the bottom of my heart, and finally turned into a long sigh of despair.

At this point, the Lightning Wolves' three-way plus wild area all exploded, falling into an irreparable disadvantage!

"Brother Xing took the vanguard into his hands, and the Lightning Wolves didn't seem to be prepared to resist, and they didn't even come to the Dragon Pit..."

Miller looked up at the data panel.

"In less than 11 minutes, the economic gap between the two sides is close to 4,000!" He laughed heartily, "This is still a figure that has not been flattened by the first blood tower, and the gap will only become more and more outrageous in the future!"

Miller, who was still nervous at the start of the game, is now relaxed.

Next, Gu Xing used facts to prove how terrifying the clown in the advantage game is.

Snake's Karma is doing warding in his wild area.

Suddenly, a clown appeared out of nowhere behind him!

Backstab on fire, A Tiamat AEA!

Karma, who was full of blood, only had time to turn around and hand over RW, but her blood volume couldn't recover at all, so she was sent away by the clown!

"I'm a tortoise... It's completely killing people invisible!" Wa Wa was filled with emotion, "It's really incomprehensible for a clown with output equipment to hit crispy skin damage!"

"It's true that the red accessory can see the clown's invisibility, but first you have to upgrade to level 9 and expand the scanning range to take effect. Second, you need to have a warning in advance. Now the Lightning Wolves can't even do it!"

It is impossible to replace the plane, Verus, and Dashu with scans. You can only count on Nosuke, who has the lowest average level, to do the scans. When they reach level 9, the day lily will be cold!

The result is that they can only witness the clown's killing again and again!

Like a ghost, a clown quietly appears beside the crispy hero of the Lightning Wolf, taking away the enemy's blood bar with three or two blows!

The audience at the scene were like mourners, screaming incessantly, lingering in the venue!

No one suffers more than them.

From God's perspective, the audience can see in advance who Gu Xing wants to attack.

But let the Wanwans shout loudly, but the players on the field still don't know anything!

The audience watched the supporting contestants step by step into the killing trap woven by the clown, and the feeling of helplessness and suffocation was unbearable to watch again.

It hurts, it hurts!

The Wanwans were still yelling at first, but then their voices became lower and lower.

Until the audience present fell into a silent silence.

They realize that what they are doing is useless.

Bought a ticket and don't want to leave? Just sit in your seat and watch the clown keep killing!

Moreover, VG has a big advantage in hand and is not in a hurry to advance. It is slowly operating to expand its advantages, and it is clear that it must carry out the torture to the end!

Gu Xing crazily grabbed orders in the jungle, and Kasa was the one who suffered the most.

The scariest thing is that he can use his auditory skills to know that the clown is rushing towards him at high speed, but he has no way to escape!

The feeling of being able to predict that one will die in battle brings unspeakable endless pain!

After appearing, Sacco smirked and stabbed the sharp blade into Rek'Sai's fat body, and the blood volume was several squares with one stab!

"What kind of damage is this?" the doll hissed, "The excavator packed with pure meat is as brittle as a piece of paper in front of the clown!"

Casa can be a witness to the increasing harm of the clown.

The opponent killed him faster and faster.

At first, the ignition had to be handed in, and the fake body was put on together.

Later, the clown just came over with Q easily, a set of flat A output disabled himself, and finally the double-sided poison sword ended!

In 23 minutes, Sacco held 15 heads, four and a half pieces of equipment, and the sharp blade in his hand was covered with blood, as if the god of death had descended into the world!

The Flash Wolves made their last wave of resistance on their own high ground.

This time, Kasa drilled into the ground and detected Gu Xing's location using geoaudiometry.

Just as he was about to remind his teammates, Smeb's Qinggang Ying used E to flash E to start a group without reason!

Kick the enemy Ueno to stun, then use the big move to cover Verus into the field, and push out the rest of the Lightning Wolves!

Gu Xing's Q flashed on Verus's face, and he hung an E with two simple swords, sending him away with joy!

There is no suspense!

After the sudden death of Verus, the Lightning Wolves, who were already lacking in output, could only accept a miserable loss of zero for five!

"If there is no accident, VG can flatten the enemy's main crystal in one wave!"

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