What is a hexagon jungler?

401: Soldiers are not tired of deceit, and the first victory is won!

Holding a certain advantage, Gu Xing's field of vision battle is not over yet. After killing Cuvee, he also placed a good eye position in the opponent's upper field.

The game came to 9 minutes.

Samsung's blue buff has been refreshed, and head An wants to give Crown a blue buff, so that his mid laner can continue to develop in the middle without distraction.

When Crown came to the wild area to collect the mana, Ryze quickly emptied the central pawn line because there was no one to control it, and then Kuro disappeared from their field of vision.

When An Bixin saw this, his heart skipped a beat.

His intuition told him that something was wrong.

"Zai Hyuk, shoot an Eagle Spirit in the middle of the opposite lane!"

Ruler obediently complied without hesitation.

When the drone detected the middle lane, it saw Ryze and the blind monk hiding in the shadowed corner above!


I knew it!

An Bixin licked his chapped and chapped lips.

Once he does not make any precautionary preparations, let the crown get the blue buff and return to the middle lane, it is very likely that Ryze will open the unsolvable Gank of the blind monk to meet his mid laner!

At that time, the freshly baked blue buff might change hands to VG!

His keen sense of smell saved Brother Crown's life!

An Bixin could hear the rapid breathing echoing in the earphones.

VG puts pressure all the time.

Ambition even felt that SSG, which has always been known for its steady operation, was full of flaws.

If you are not careful, you will be smashed by the opponent, and you will attack like a storm!

Head An couldn't care less about rejoicing, he knew that the refresh time of Canyon Pioneer was approaching, and VG would definitely plan an attack, trying to further expand its lead.

He placed the fake eye provided by his green jungle knife and a real eye on the upper river to detect VG members who might come here later.

Then head An went back to the city to replenish a wave of equipment. After making [Bambi's Slag], he set off for the lower field area to prepare for resource replacement.

At the same time, Gu Xing was not idle.

Combined with the Samsung's play style analyzed by Redmi before the game, he can roughly guess Samsung's next plan.

Now the situation between the two sides has tilted towards VG, and VG has the Shadow Island combination and the crocodile as the absolute powerhouses in small-scale team battles in the early stage. If the vanguard teams meet, Samsung will not have the slightest chance of winning!

Then the opponent will definitely take Xiaolong to try to stop the loss!

Brother Crown's Kuqi went back to the city to pick up the explosive package just now, and pretended to come to pick up the vanguard.

Who are you lying to?

"The two-person team will return to the city after pushing the line," Gu Xing made a plan methodically, "Lao Li, spend a little more time in the middle lane, and you can come back after emptying the blue, there are fruits in the river!"

Kuro immediately distilled the central idea.

It is to hold the plane in the middle.

Since he doesn't have blue buffs, it's hard to maintain the middle line with the upper limit of mana provided by the goddesses alone.

Airplanes with unlimited mana blessings can give themselves a face.

But as soon as the Shadow Island combination in the bottom lane disappeared from the map, Brother Crown immediately put away his arrogance and dared not continue to suppress.

I'm afraid that a Thresh will drill out of any corner, and cooperate with the blind monk to achieve a thousand-mile lore!

With the help of his teammates' deterrence, Kuro successfully followed Gu Xing's arrangement to hold the plane, making it impossible for Crown to push the line of soldiers over easily.

Gu Xing went back to the city to mend his real eyes, and even replaced the accessories with scans.

Even though he hasn't made it to level 9 yet, the red scan isn't particularly effective.

But it is enough to use in the canyon vanguard team battle.

After all, the river is very narrow, and there are only a few fixed points that can be done. With the real eye, it can basically sweep away.

10 minutes into the game, the Canyon Pioneer was born.

Gu Xing used Tianyinbo to enter the Dalong Pit from the upper half of his own side, and when he landed, he inserted his real eyes to clear the nearby eye positions first.

"Old Duan, when you come here, pay attention to the grass in the river," he reminded his assistant, "there should be an eye there!"

Duan Deliang agreed, and took Jack to the upper river, took out a real eye and looked into the grass, and found a fake eye.

After emptying the surrounding vision, VG began to focus on the vanguard.

"Rek'sai on the opposite side should be fighting Charizard," Gu Xing marked Ambison's approximate location, "Let's do this next..."

He told his plan, commanding the top laner crocodile to push the pawn line first.

At 10 minutes and 17 seconds, there was just a wave of cannon lanes on the top road, and Smeb's task was to push the opponent back.

Seeing the crocodile approaching, Cuvee didn't dare to do anything wrong.

As he was killed by Gu Xing Gank and his head was given to Song Jinghao, the crocodile's strong period has officially arrived.

As long as he, a crispy green steel shadow, makes even the slightest mistake, he will be chased and bitten off half a tube of blood by the crocodile!

At the same time, it was pitch black in the upper river, and he was also worried that his opponent would call in people to arrest him.

Seeing that the cannon line was about to enter the tower, Cuvee quickly retreated.

The moment Gu Xing killed the vanguard of the canyon, another killing message echoed in the canyon - Samsung killed the fire dragon.

Gu Xing immediately gave instructions, "Lao Li, you lean into the river!"

He ordered Kuro to listen to every sentence.

Manipulating Ryze's last double E spread and then Q [overload] to kill the pawn line, he immediately entered the upper river.

Cuvee was terrified.

I felt more and more that the target of VG was me, so I simply shrank in the autistic grass in front of the second tower and refused to come out.

Seeing that the field of vision in the upper river channel was completely emptied by VG, An Bixin urged Chidi to launch another Eagle Spirit to detect the enemy's movements.

Drones pierced the sky and lit up the upper river channel covered by the fog of war.

Exactly what Cuvee thought, the five heroes of VG are all rushing up collectively!

This made him more determined to hide in the autistic grass and not come out.

Head An sniffed something unusual.

If VG wants to try to pull up the tower, there is no need to call Kuro up to it!

Whether or not there is Ryze does not affect the demolition of VG towers.

With one more mid laner, how many seconds can they be faster?

What's more, if Kuro is called up, isn't the middle lane going to defend?

The head of An's mind is delicate, and he has relied on consciousness for many years in the field.

He immediately thought of another possibility.

The opponent's real goal may be in the middle!

Rely on the instantaneous displacement of Ryze R [Curved Path] to launch an encirclement and suppression of the aircraft!

Now the plane's explosive package has almost dissipated, and it was used by Brother Crown to clear the line of soldiers in the middle.

Without the powerful displacement escape ability, although the plane has two moves in hand, it may not be able to survive the VC's five-man siege!

Head An was stunned for a second, and quickly urged Huang Guan to retreat quickly in his voice.

As soon as he moved two steps back, he saw a blue teleportation array suddenly appearing behind him!

It's Ryze's big move!

"They're coming to the middle!" Crown hurriedly reminded his teammates, and first used Valkyrie to dive back to open the distance.

Put your finger on the flashing button, ready to retreat at any time.

Cuvee finally relaxed, and hurried away from the defense tower and rushed to the next tower.

Because of a cannon soldier with a thick blood bar, Samsung's first tower did not swallow up the wave of soldiers.

He also wanted to take the opportunity to add some soldiers to make up for his development.

There is no one on the road, even the crocodile has disappeared.

It seems very quiet...

So that it looks a bit gloomy.

Anxiety crept in Cuvee's heart.

He always felt insecure.

Just after leaving the autistic grass, he suddenly heard a warning from Crown.

"Ryze's big move is empty! They didn't come to the middle!"

Cuvee's heart skipped a beat, and when he sensed something was wrong, he ran back quickly.

However, a Thresh suddenly appeared from the camp of the Demon Swamp Frog on our own side!

Afterwards, the blind monk used the golden bell cover to touch Thresh and cross the wall!

Cuvee handed over E [Hookline] and wanted to escape.

But Gu Xing didn't give him a chance at all!

Manipulating the blind monk to flash forward, and on the way to pull Qinggang Ying to the wall with the hook cable, he kicked out a big move with a bang!

Raptors wagging their tails!

The forced displacement effect knocked down Qinggang Ying directly from the wall, causing a burst of exclamation from the scene!

At the same time, Thresh threw out Q [Death Sentence].

Without any suspense, it accurately hooked Qinggang Ying who was knocked into the air!

Duan Deliang immediately threw the lantern backwards, and then triggered the second stage q shift to move forward.

Come with him and skate shoes!

It's over!

Cuvee fell into an ice cave.

"Qinggangying has no room to escape. After inserting the skateboard shoes, he pulled out the spear forcefully and killed him!"

The doll excitedly yelled again, "VG played a trick and played the opponent between applause!"

"They asked Kuro to use his big move first, and the sheep suit was going to attack the middle lane. In fact, they had already aimed at the top laner Qing Gangying, and they caught the gap in her greedy line!" Miller was triumphant, "Samsung didn't react at all!"

If you look at it from the perspective of God, you will have a clearer understanding of VG's offensive planning.

After finishing the vanguard, the three of them broke into the SSG jungle area, ready to attack the top lane at any time.

And Smeb, who cleared the top road gun car line, rushed to Shanghe Road, joined Ryze, drove an empty car to trick Samsung, and made the opponent misjudge the direction of VG's attack!

At that time, even if Cuvee cannot be killed, the last tower will be flattened by VG calling the vanguard!

Either way, they're going to make a lot of money!

Head An's ears were red, he knew that he was being tricked by the other party.

In desperation, he could only order the team to attack the middle.

But VG Zhong Shang rushed back at this moment.

The combination of Ryze and crocodile is quite sufficient in terms of frankness and combat effectiveness.

Kuro became a canyon fruit farmer, and the mana that was emptied to clear the line before was filled up by the fruits of the river. It is not a problem to play two or three sets of combos!

Samsung dare not do it at all!

The double C of ice and aircraft is exposed at this moment.

Burst damage is too low.

Even adding Ambition's Rek'Sai is useless - the excavator with all the meat can't produce much output!

They didn't have the ability to kill the opponent with four packs and two tops at all, so they had to return bitterly.

"Brother Xing summoned Vanguard to the top lane, and wanted to accompany the Shadow Island team to pull out the top tower!"

Doll has experienced the whole process of VG from the bottom to the top, and now she dances with pride, "Samsung has no defensive power on the road, and can only be demolished by Kalista!"

In the LCK lounge, the atmosphere became extremely solemn.

"The operation level of VG is too strong," Xiao Hei was convinced, "The operation intensity is terrible!"

"Skateboard shoes are taking off now..." Kkoma's face was gloomy, "After taking the reward of the first blood tower, it will be ruined immediately and it is almost here!"

This was the worst situation he could have imagined.

The inability to handle skateboard shoes will not only affect Samsung's game, but will also drag down the three brother teams behind!

Without building a suitable system, LCK cannot be used, and I dare not bet that I can think of ways to deal with skate shoes on the spot.

The only way left is to disable this!

The entire BP link will be extremely restricted!

"The first tower on the road was destroyed, and the economic gap between the two sides broke through the 2K mark!" Miller was happy, and his tone was unprecedentedly brisk. "The next transition period will start. It depends on how big the snowball can be when VG is the strongest stage!"

At the end of the laning period, the director presented the specific economic situation of the three laning in front of everyone.

Although Gu Xing's number of wilds is much less than that of Rek'sai, but with the salary paid by the team's tower push, he still has a tight grip on An Bixin financially!

The main source of VG's poor economy is the top laner Alligator and the bottom laner Kalista.

"It can be called a perfect economic distribution. The VG economy is all used wisely, striving to maximize the team's combat power!"

Miller can boast about everything now, and he can't wait to praise VG to the sky.

Since the previous tower was destroyed in advance, the transfer period came directly to the final stage.

That is, the duo is in the middle lane, the mid laner runs to the top lane, and the top laner goes to the bottom lane to match up.

Seeing that Qing Gangying had been killed in battle one after another, and his development was greatly affected, Head An planned to take advantage of the bottom lane to push forward and go to the bottom lane to counter-squat.

It's just that the plan didn't go smoothly.

The reason is that the loss of the center lane right is too serious.

The Shadow Island combination has completely grasped the initiative in the middle lane, and after pushing the pawn line, they are going down the lane.

Afraid that he would not be able to escape the pursuit of the VG duo even if he squatted back, he had to pull Cuvee to go backwards first.

"Line, my thread!" Cuvee's heart was bleeding.

The minion didn't fully enter the tower, and was stuck outside by the crocodile with its fleshy body.

Since the teammates in the middle lane couldn't help, An Zhangmen didn't even dare to step forward to force the crocodile away. He could only watch Smeb get the minions stuck in front of the tower and slowly make up the tail knife!

Samsung's bottom lane minions are obviously stronger, so the line of soldiers will always be before VG goes down the tower.

In this way, there is no place for Qinggangying to develop!

Cuvee was sickened physically.

After being killed twice, he is currently pulled by Smeb for a full 20 knives of replenishment.

And the gap is still widening!

How to play?

Through the linkage of the middle lane, VG directly abolished Samsung's bottom lane sideline!

Cuvee had no choice but to hang out in the wild with Ambition.

One can imagine how much the economy will be affected!

He also hated his opponent because of this, and after returning to the city to replenish his equipment, he went straight to the middle to open up the situation.

In 13 minutes, Cuvee seized the opportunity, and the hook line was placed on the wall and appeared within VG's field of vision.

Seeing that something was wrong, Jack wanted to retreat.

Cuvee snorted coldly.

Hmph, want to escape?

In the process of kicking back from the second section of the wall, keep up with the flash and stun the opponent in place!

The basic attack followed by the big move, Hex ultimatum firmly tied Calista within the barrier!

Ice shoots magic crystal arrows trying to keep up with the control.

After the skateboard shoes are slowed, it is difficult to avoid Ashe's big move by moving speed or jumping alone.

But Duan Deliang did his duty, relying on the second-level shoes he made to move fast enough, blocked in front of Calista, and helped to eat the control of the magic crystal arrow!

Corejj flashed decisively, and WQ Erlian went straight to Jack!

This time Yu Wenbo's reaction was a little slow, and he couldn't dodge the opponent's flashing Erlian.

However, before he was accused of being stunned, he still surrendered his big move [Call of Fate] and sucked the stunned Thresh into his body!

Duan Deliang immediately threw himself out, knocked up the enemy's top laner and assisted the two, and tried his best to keep Calista!

It's just that Head An, who emerged from the grass below, still wiped out Jack's last hope of escape.

Head An was afraid that Jack would escape in a blink of an eye, so he rushed to knock the opponent into the air at the moment when Hex's ultimatum ended!

"Prince Duan seems to be able to walk by himself. Although he didn't flash, Samsung has already handed over all his control skills!"

Duan Deliang finally used Q [Death Judgment] to hook his own Raptor on the partition wall, and escaped from the battlefield with the displacement of the second Q.

The baby looked at the tragic death of Calista, and couldn't hold back her laughter.

"Is Samsung obsessed with him too deeply? Gather the power of 4 people, hand over 3 flashes and 2 big moves, and insist on killing a skateboard shoe?"

Tens of thousands of netizens in the LPL live broadcast room beamed with joy.

[Good guy, do you want to hate me so much? 】

[SSG: The game can be lost, but the skateboard shoes must die! 】

[Yeah, at the beginning of the game, Samsung tried its best to kill Brother Xing, but now it's Jack.]

[You must kill the follower with taunt first! 】

[Samsung really lost their minds, is this a team known for its operations? Why do I feel like a pig nose by VG]

[This is right, if VG can serve a set meal from beginning to end, and my heart is still calm, I would like to call him the reincarnation of a Living Buddha! 】

After Kalista's death, Miller is still taking stock of the gains and losses.

"To be honest, Samsung really doesn't make any money. The Summoner skills are handed in too much. Samsung is very likely to be seized by VG to make a breakthrough in the future!"

As soon as Miller finished speaking, the director switched the camera to the road.

"Come on as soon as you say it, VG is going to take action against Brother Crown!"

Kuro handed over the ult that had just finished cooling down [Zigzag Leap], blocking the plane's retreat.

He himself walked forward.

In this way, the crown will be caught in a dilemma.

If he retreated back, Ryze would enter the range of the zigzagging path, and he could still control him when he moved over.

But going forward, you still have to face Ryze!

Crown instinctively felt that the lower tower was a safer place, so after a short thought, he decided to lean inside the tower first.

"Ryze came over with the big move, EW fixed the plane in place and couldn't move!" Doll's voice was agitated and high, "Crown handed over the purification as soon as possible!"

But before he could move, an eye fell behind the partition wall, and a bald head emerged from the Sanxing Ueno area!

"Brother Xing rushed to the battlefield, raised his foot and was about to kick the plane out of the tower!"

Crown didn't want to catch him without a fight, but had to hand over his flash when the blind monk raised his feet with his ultimate move, adjust his position, and let the opponent kick him deeper into the protection range of the defense tower.

Too bad it didn't work.

Gu Xing paused on the spot for a moment, and saw Kuqi who deviated from the original flight path due to the flash.

Finding a new flight path, he then threw the sky sound wave.

Steady hit!

"Kuro flashes into the range of the enemy's upper second tower, QEQ hits burst damage!"

As a veteran mid laner, Kuro's personal operation is definitely no problem, and he can even connect with a basic attack in the middle.

Gu Xing was not in a hurry to hand in the second Q.

In his eyes, the plane is already in the pocket of his own team!

"Crown handed over the Valkyrie and swooped in to increase the distance, so Brother Xing handed over the Echo Shot!"

Know that you will die.

He just didn't want to give the head to Kuro who was facing him, so he used his displacement skills to get rid of Ryze and sent 300 yuan to the mouth of the blind monk.

Gu Xingjian really couldn't give in, so he had to retaliate with an old punch and successfully captured his first head of the match!

So far the record has been rewritten as 1 kill, 1 death and 4 assists, successfully reaching the positive record.

"The plane was killed, and Samsung's upper second tower could not hold on!"

Originally, the Canyon Pioneer hit one head, and the turret's blood volume was only a little over 2/3, but now it was easily bulldozed and destroyed by VG Nakano!

"Smeb in the bottom lane is also executing the push. If there is no accident, he will also take down the next tower!"

Doll froze, "In comparison, Samsung can only flatten VG's mid-lane tower. Although from the perspective of strategic value, the mid-lane tower is more meaningful, but it can't stand VG's flattened defense tower. Too many!"

The members in the LPL lounge are completely relieved now.

Hongmi hurriedly poured some Coke into her mouth to suppress her shock.

In the match against Yin Shi, when he saw that Gu Xing fell into the routine designed by the head of An, he was really frightened, for fear that his team would be defeated by Samsung.

Fortunately, Gu Xing's adjustment ability is very strong, such a big disadvantage in the beginning, he can be forcibly beaten back by him!

Looking at the proud disciple on the screen, Hongmi couldn't help showing a gratified smile.

"Brother Xing is an eternal god!" Shi Senming praised Gu Xing with stars in his eyes, "Master An is a younger brother in front of you!"

Kandi was still thinking about it beside him, "Brother Xing has something about this RQ, if you shoot immediately after the big move without even thinking about it, maybe the crown can be dodged with flash; After recovering, you can use the W displacement to escape..."

Xiangguo waved his hand, "Xiang Renjie, you are too embarrassing, aren't you? Don't talk about those who have nothing. Isn't it a basic skill to play blind monk RQ?"

Ming Kai, who was sitting next to the two, turned dark, showing signs of evolving towards Dark Kai.

His heart felt like he had been stabbed with an arrow.

Who are you implying?

VG's successive gains made the players of the other three LPL teams rejoice.

The status of the two teams is now reversed!

Under normal circumstances, Samsung's steady operating style allows them to hold their breath even if they are at a disadvantage.

But VG's continuous pressurization made it difficult for them to guard against it.

As time goes by, even Samsung, who is used to playing against the wind, feels fear in his heart.

They didn't know where VG would attack from next, and the sense of unknown brought SSG an indescribable sense of fear!

Head An knew that in the face of VG, which had great advantages, it was unrealistic to want to be an iron turtle and wait for the development, so waiting for the big dragon to refresh would be a dead end!

He wants to look for opportunities to save the situation by replacing resources or driving the rhythm with Gank.

At least let your team transition to a more soothing and stable rhythm in the middle and late stages, and give the double C a little time to develop.

At 16 minutes into the game, An Bixin took the initiative to attack and wanted to go to the VG Ueno area to set up eye positions.

However, he was caught by Gu Xing who had just replenished his equipment!

An Bixin sensed someone not far ahead through his ground hearing, and immediately wanted to turn around and run away.

But the sky sound wave shot by Gu Xing hit it precisely!

An Zhangmen didn't even have room to move and dodge.

Located underground, his field of vision is only 250 yards around him, almost no different from a blind person.

When I saw Tianyinbo shooting, it was too late to move!

"Master An inserted an eye behind him, and saw the blind monk triggering the second stage of the echo strike to glide over, quickly use the ground breaking to get out of the ground!"

Rek'Sai pushed the blind monk into the air, interrupting Gu Xing's echo strike damage.

But that didn't stop him from inserting a fake eye into the river that was separated by a wall.

Then the teleportation glare lights up on it!

From Ryze who is on the road to make up the knife!

The director switched the camera at the right time, and the doll's eyes widened immediately, even the wrinkles on her forehead appeared.

"Kuro is too crazy, he actually handed over the transmission in front of the plane!"

The bullying thing is that the plane doesn't have any control skills to interrupt the teleportation!

The impatient Crown turned on the Gatling machine gun and fired wildly, but could only reduce the opponent's HP within 4.5 seconds of teleportation guidance.

Other than that, it can no longer play any role!

"The other side is in a critical situation, and he can't get out of the vg wild area!"

After knocking Gu Xing into the air, Rek'Sai's W skill also went into cooldown.

To re-burrow into the ground to dig a tunnel, you have to wait 4 seconds.

But at that time, Ryze was almost here!

"Master An handed over Flash in the middle lane to kill Jack, and now he has to pay the price!"

Miller's voice was sonorous.

An Bixin knew that he was bound to die, so he had no choice but to delay the opponent's time as much as possible and move away from the VG crowd.

He wants to imitate the crown and give the head to the blind monk.

But Gu Xing doesn't want it.

"Brother Xing took out a fake eye in his backpack, and kicked Rexai into Ryze's face with a roundabout kick!"

Kuro doesn't even need to think, he even rolls the keyboard to kill the opponent!

"VG is moving towards the lower river, wanting to farm the second dragon that is about to be reset!"

The Sanxing people who lost their jungler had no ability to resist, so they had to give up Tulong to the opponent.

"Crown wants to take advantage of the fact that everyone in VG is in the lower jungle area, and sneakily take down the top tower to stop the loss... The crocodile has sent it!"

The doll's voice suddenly became high-pitched.

Before Gu Xing made a false eye in the thread grass between the first tower on the road between the two sides.

Now it happens to be used as a carrier by Smeb for transmission!

Since TP's position is outside the screen range of the crown, and Samsung has no vision in Xiaolong Pit, it has no knowledge of Smeb's handing over the teleportation.

Crown didn't notice it at first.

When the crocodile was about to end the teleportation guidance, he suddenly realized that there was someone behind him!

"Crown ran down quickly, wanting to meet up with his teammates!"

It's just that the maneuverability of the plane is not particularly strong, especially when the crown flash is still cooling down, it becomes extremely difficult to escape!

With the help of Samsung's pawn line, the crocodile instantly sticks to his face with two Es!

"Crown hand over Valkyrie swoops over the wall to get away...but Smeb has Blink in his hand!"

The golden light flashed, and the prehistoric giant crocodile appeared in front of the plane. After activating its big move, it bit the opponent madly!

The crocodile that has already made black cut + Tiamat + cloth armor shoes is extremely powerful, and it is easy to kill the plane in front of you with only magic shoes and three phases!

"Dansha!" Miller looked excited, "Samsung's proud operation line is about to be torn apart by VG!"

Head An wanted to make another wave after his resurrection, but before he took the initiative to attack, bad news came from the middle.

Duan Deliang, who had turned around in Flash, forcibly started the group, Flash added the pendulum of bad luck, and forcibly brushed back the bull's head!

Corejj's flash also didn't improve. Seeing that Calista was crazily thrusting a spear, he chose to insert an eye and called Qinggangying to come to support.

The crocodile just ran to the top lane to kill the plane solo, and Cuvee was alone in the bottom lane without any interference. Seeing his teammates calling, he quickly handed over the teleportation and went straight to the middle lane.

If you can play more and less, maybe it will be another chance to kill the VG duo!

If Kalista dies twice, the effect will slowly decrease!

It can only be said that Samsung's abacus played very loudly, but it ignored the existence of a person.

"The blind monk came out obliquely, the golden bell touched Thresh's body, and officially joined the battlefield. The two sides evolved into a 3V3 battle!"

The baby raised her arms and shouted, "Samsung's teleportation is exactly what I want!"

It stands to reason that Samsung has a top laner to join, and its combat effectiveness must be stronger than VG's bottom laner.

But now it is an accident.

Kalista's economy is too exaggerated!

The last time Samsung made a desperate move and killed him in the middle, it didn't have much impact on Jack's own development.

When the game came to 17 minutes, Kalista was already a two-piece suit of ruin + hurricane, in addition to a pair of attack speed shoes!

The Frost Archer facing him has only a combination of broken + attack speed shoes and two short swords!

Hurricane's special effect output is extremely important for Kalista, giving her a steady stream of spears.

In terms of combat power, I don't know where it is higher than Han Bing!

Gu Xing didn't do any fancy operations, his ult was still cooling down, and the output of his own back row was obviously higher than that of the opponent, so he simply concentrated on protecting his teammates.

"Corejj continued to use WQ2 to try to control Jack...was dodged again!"

In the final analysis, the tauren's intentions are too obvious.

Yu Wenbo may not be able to avoid Niutou's flashing WQ at close range, but as long as the distance is a little farther away, as a professional player, he will definitely be able to react!

Flashing to adjust his position, Jack began to output wantonly towards the three SSG players in front of him!

The spears kept jabbing at them, and Cuvee tried to cover the skate shoes with the R [hex ultimatum].

As a result, Jack took a sip and slowed down, and immediately pulled away.

Gu Xing put on the golden bell cover again to provide a layer of shield for Yu Wenbo.

"Qinggangying's A pick up emptied half of Jack's health bar, but that's all!"

Yu Wenbo activated his big move to suck Thresh into his body, and Duan Zeliang manipulated himself to smash into the enemy formation.

After knocking up the opponent, the middle of the canyon has become a skateboard performance stage!

Calista kept sending the spear into the opponent's body, and after pulling it out, the blood bar of the bull's head was emptied, and she died on the spot!

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Let's go and give it a try. 】

Calista, who refreshed E [Tear], jumped forward, keeping each other one by one!

"Emperor Chi also wanted to hand over the flash to escape, but Brother Xing's Tianyinbo made a precise hit!"

After the second-stage Q flew up, Gu Xing slapped the floor and left it slowly, and then carried the bombardment from the first tower of the three stars, allowing Jack to easily catch up and send Emperor Chi back to the spring!

Three kills!

The cold and ruthless broadcast echoed in the Kaohsiung Exhibition Hall.

Wan Wan in the audience was extremely annoyed and felt pity and regret for Samsung.

In the LCK commentary booth, Pao Xiaodi was also howling ghosts and wolves.

"Ahhh!" He felt extremely desperate, "Why is Virtue in the middle again?"

Pao Xiaodi felt that this guy was elusive, as long as there was a battle, he would be able to see the blind monk at the first time!

"After Kalista went back, even the green fork was almost made. Who can beat him with this equipment?" Jin Dongjun was devastated.

The Hanguo netizen on Mouse TV couldn't calm down, and vented his inner anger in the chat channel.

【What the hell is this Samsung bastard doing? 】

[I don't understand why every time I take the initiative to attack, I'm giving away people's heads? 】

[Effective counterattacks can't be produced, Xiba SSG, you just stay in Kaohsiung and don't come back! 】

[With such a big advantage in the early stage, I can't grasp the opportunity. I don't even know what An Bixin is doing, shopping? 】

[Be considerate of the elderly, Abixin will do his best... After returning to China, prepare for the retirement ceremony, I am happy to be a witness]

Compared with the chat content when SSG gained the advantage at the beginning, the speed of changing faces of Han Country netizens is astonishing.

Facing the inaction of Gu Xing, head An could feel that the situation of the game was slowly getting out of his control.

Now it's on the verge of getting out of control!

More importantly, he had no way to deal with it!

As Rek'Sai, all he can do for his teammates is to use the ground auditory technique to steal the opponent's location information, other than that, it is difficult to achieve anything else!

He failed several times in a row, so he could only remind his teammates to be more stable in the voice, trying not to give the opponent the opportunity to continue to expand their advantages.

But if Samsung doesn't do anything now, it will be Gu Xing who takes the initiative!

After the flash turned around, he pointed his spearhead again at the developing plane before hitting the high ground.

Crown's reaction was quick this time, and he handed over his flash in time to dodge.

VG Nakano saw that the trouble was not going to work, so he turned his head and moved towards the Dragon Pit!

Just 22 minutes into the game, Baron Nash was born.

The weird movements of the two immediately aroused the suspicion and vigilance of the Samsung team members.

Chidi first used E [Eagle Strikes the Sky] to investigate the Dragon Pit.

It turned out that Baron Nash was intact, and the VG members huddled in the grass in the river, obviously trying to wait for everyone from Samsung to take the bait by waiting for a rabbit!

Seeing that Han Bing handed over the eagle spirit to see through his own movements, everyone in VG stopped pretending and went back to the line to continue their development.

"The crocodile in the bottom lane is still suppressing to his heart's content. This is his last strong period. Qinggangying is not his opponent at all!"

Cuvee's development is really bad.

He has experienced being gank by Gu Xing, being double-teamed by VG, getting stuck in the lane after switching lanes, and only getting assists by teleporting support...

All kinds of encounters are not conducive to the formation of his equipment!

Now facing the two-piece crocodile, he can only coax the wiring under the tower to eat supplementary damage!

Cuvee didn't dare shake people yet.

After the birth of Baron Nash, the position of the bottom lane became very delicate.

If he dares to shake his teammates over, VG is likely to go directly to activate the dragon!

He is the only one in the Samsung team who has the teleportation, and the teammates who came to help out in the bottom lane can't run to the Dragon Pit in an instant.

At that time, VG will rely on playing more and playing less, and will directly win the big dragon to establish the victory!

Cuvee can only bear it!

In the 23rd minute of the game, the crocodile, who was originally pushing the lane, suddenly retreated and disappeared within Cuvee's field of vision.

At the same time, the VG players in the middle and upper lanes also retreated one after another.

Such a large-scale collective retreat made it clear that it would not be as simple as returning to the city.

Head An immediately reacted, "Dalong, go and see Dalong!"

The field of vision in the upper half of the area is all controlled by VG. From the perspective of Samsung, the Dalongkeng is covered by a fog of war, and the field of vision cannot be achieved at all.

The icy eagle spirit is also cooling down, but fortunately, he still has the foresight transformation that can be used to explore the field of vision.

Slightly closer to the upper half area, Chidi used blue ornaments to detect movements in the Dragon Pit.

It turned out that Baron Nash was still alive with full blood!

"You son of a bitch..." Head An cursed in a low voice, "This group of people just want to squat with us!"

The shock persisted, and after just 20 seconds, the VG players who had just returned to their respective lanes disappeared again!

Over and over again.

The SSG players were almost driven crazy.

"Is this group of guys sick? Isn't that how people squat for fun?" Head An couldn't stop muttering.

But it’s okay not to go.

Crown's foresight transformation has been used to explore the Ueno area to ensure its own development earlier, but it is now cooling down.

Chidi's eagle spirit and blue jewelry have also been used.

Samsung has lost everything it could have used to remotely detect the field of view!

You can only look forward with your physical body!

The previous two VGs were all on the sidelines, which made the already suspicious Anzhangmen more cautious.

When it is close to the bushes, it will shoot shock waves, for fear that the opponent may squat inside.

When he was about to break into the grass in the upper river, he was hit by the hook shot from the grass when he shot the shock wave!

"Enemy attack!" An Zhangmen loudly reminded his teammates, telling them to take the time to retreat, and don't be detained.

The Samsung people who were crawling forward in the wild area stopped immediately after hearing the words, not wanting to step into VG's ambush.

However, the next moment, the desperate roar of Baron Nash's death echoed in his ears!

"Ah, this..." Head An was dumbfounded.

After a brief astonishment, it was the wrath of being deceived!

be cheated!

On the opposite side, only Thresh was alone in the grass in the river, and the rest of the players were all rushing to the dragon!

I brought my teammates to move to Dalongkeng with the same fear as a pig nose, worried about being ambushed by the opponent, but I didn't expect VG to play tricks!

The previous attempts to turn to the big dragon made me mistakenly think that VG will not focus on the instant big dragon, but has been crouching in the river and fishing with Baron Nash.

As a result, after deceiving all the long-range vision detection methods of SSG, Baron Rush immediately turned Samsung around!

"Ryze started the winding path and left with his teammates!" Miller smiled, "VG was unscathed, and successfully won the dragon with strategy!"

Kkoma let out a long sigh.

Knowing that Samsung had no chance of turning the tables, he took out his notebook, turned around and discussed with his fellow coaches about the next formation.

The situation facing SSG was already difficult, and after losing the dragon, it fell into a defeat!

Relying on the dual teleportation in hand, VG quickly plundered all the resources in the Samsung wild area with 131 advancement!

At 26 minutes into the game, VG didn't want to waste the last buff time of the Baron's Hand, and wanted to assemble a heavy army?

??Threatening the high ground in the middle of Samsung.

Cuvee saw that the position of the skateboard shoes was too far forward, and immediately wanted to start a group to kill the opponent.

The hook was connected to the second section of the wall, flashed to avoid Thresh's pendulum of doom, and successfully stunned Calista!

Hex ultimatum!

Cuvee's eyes sparkled with ecstasy.

As long as the skateboard shoes can be killed, Samsung still has the capital to drag down!

However, the moment the barrier was formed, the blind monk handed over his W [golden bell cover] and came to Kalista, just kicking his leg!

Raptors wagging their tails!

Qing Gangying's body flew upside down uncontrollably, leaving the range of Hex's ultimatum, and the enchantment dissipated automatically!

The three-star people who just swarmed up and wanted to kill Calista in a flash, were facing the unrestricted skateboard shoes!

"Jack is skating!" Doll's voice became hoarse due to over-excitement, "Skateboard shoes are flashing around in the battlefield, Samsung's output can't kill him at all!"

Smeb's crocodile rushed in with its big move, and flashed to replace Chidi's ice forcibly!

Although he was also killed in a flash, Samsung lacked output cores, the remaining crowns died too many times, and the equipment was far from formed, unable to bear the heavy responsibility of the team!

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Let's go and give it a try. 】

The SSG players can only watch the skateboard shoes jump up and down on their faces, and every time they pull out their spears, they take one of their lives away!

Skate shoes pulled out the spear and emptied the blood bar of Rek'Sai who was impaled like a hedgehog by him!

Four kills!

The outcome of the game has been divided!

At 26 minutes and 43 seconds, the VG team destroyed the three stars and flattened the enemy's main crystal!

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