What is a hexagon jungler?

409: BP sets up an ambush, ruthlessly crushing

VG has the priority to choose the side in this game, and chose the red side for itself!

Miller did not take a vacation after the intercontinental game, and continued to comment on many games. He is very clear about the current BP trend, which is not surprising.

After figuring out the center of gravity of the 7.12 version, the red side has the advantage in the professional arena, which can be called extremely abnormal.

Because most of the time, the blue side, which was banned first, took advantage, and could force the red side's enemies to ban the version of the supermodel hero, and grab a strong character by themselves.

Version 7.12 may be different. There are too many supermodels to blame.

The intercontinental competition has brought everyone's understanding of the version to a new level!

The appearance of Calista turned the Zac and Galio rivalries that had been determined at the beginning of the summer split into a three-legged rivalry!

Originally, there were two supermodel monsters, and each side banned one of them, and they lived in peace with each other.

However, after the addition of skateboard shoes, the original BP mode no longer works. The red side has the initiative instead!

If your blue side doesn't ban a single character, I won't block it either.

At that time, all three supermodels will be released, and you can only get one first, and the remaining two characters will all be acquired by the red side!

If the blue side only bans one hero, the red side can also choose not to block it, and each of the two teams can choose a character.

To block all three supermodel monsters, the blue team has to dedicate two Ban slots, and the red team bans the rest of the heroes to achieve a balance!

That is to say, in this slightly deformed version, no matter what, the red side can earn a banned position on the blue side for nothing!

VG naturally has no reason to force himself to choose the blue side.

"E first sent Zac to the ban position, and VG chose to block 957's signature Klein.

Miller looked at the BP panel, talking to the audience about the situation incessantly.

E decided to ban Calista in the second hand, and VG banned Galio..."Waah almost couldn't help laughing when she saw this, I have to say that E's signature system of doing whatever it wants is very deterrent, even VG We must temporarily avoid the edge.

In the final match of the intercontinental competition, E's first hand, Galio + Dazui's row protection system, amazed the world.

All the audience were shocked by their powerful team fighting ability, and felt that under the protection of Galio, Big Mouth Kog'Maw was a perfect output machine that couldn't be instantly killed!

Today, Galio has the meaning of becoming an E logo.

VG didn't want to add trouble to himself, so he simply disabled it.

At the end of the first round of E—ban aimed at Kuro, and sent the opponent's proficient rock sparrow to the ban position. I don't want VG to successfully pass the middle-field linkage to bring the early rhythm!

Doll agrees very much.

It can be seen from the pre-match data that VG is better at snowballing in the laning phase, while E’s strengths are in the mid-to-late stage of operations, so the BP focus of the two teams is naturally how to play a role in their areas of expertise and try to make up for their shortcomings. !

At the end of the first round of VG-ban decided to hand it over to Luo.

This is a relatively strong character in the legendary Phoenix combination. After the shield bug was modified, Luo became the support of the version T1, faintly showing signs of keeping pace with Thresh.

In order to prevent the opponent from robbing Luo first and put the pressure on VG to crack the Xialuo combination, Redmi simply banned it.

E intends to use his preemptive power to help Kandy get the jungler position, so that he can spend the laning period comfortably and withstand the pressure given by Brother Xing...

Watching Condi lock Rek'Sai, Baby still doesn't forget to express her own opinion. Rek'Sai's strength in version 7.12 still has a lot of improvement, the main reason is the impact of the speed increase 3.

The hero Excavator must be upgraded to level 3 before he can form combat effectiveness, and he is undoubtedly the biggest beneficiary of the shifting style of play.

And it brushes the Raptor's camp very quickly, so it can execute this strategy quickly.

Like spiders that are only effective at level 3, because the hero itself is too inefficient to clean up F6, the speed of using variable speed to upgrade the three routines may not be able to catch up with double BUFF + magic swamp

Frog's regular speed is three fast, so he won't get the bonus, and he will be a head behind Rek'Sai in the wild environment! VG took out the combination of Thresh and Verus, and took the lead in determining the candidates for the bottom duo!

Miller looked at the BP panel with a thoughtful look on his face. E had to make a choice among the remaining positions. If he didn't choose the bottom lane combination in the first round, he might not be able to choose it after the second round of BP.... .

White Crescent was obviously lost in thought as well.

He finally decided to keep his hand on the road.

Now Leg Brother's Klein has been sent to the ban position by VG. If the top laner is not selected in the first round, White Crescent feels that the opponent will definitely target 957 in the second round!

The remaining position, White Crescent, is going to be assisted.

In this way, the double C is moved to the second round, so that it is convenient to make decisions based on the lineup shown by VG in the first round.

Uenosuke's tools were selected first, and the formation of the team battle was formed as solidly as possible to create a good space for the double C to play.

With the top laner prince and assistant Braum, the lineup is solid! Miller was very satisfied.

VG's final selection in the first round gave up the spot to the top laner Sb.

crocodile? Very strong laning phase selection," Wawa frowned, I always thought that the second round of VG would bring out the corresponding jungler..

Even pure passers-by know that the crocodile is easy to cooperate with the jungler.

Now the remaining jungle heroes outside, whether it is Spider or Pig Girl, paired with Renekton is a top combination!

There is absolutely no reason for White Crescent to release it!

The spider and the pig girl both sent to Ban, but what they got in exchange was the unstoppable smiles of the VG members.

Turtle, red rice, are you cheap or not? Gu Xing lived in Bengbu, and he used a crocodile as a hero to deceive the opponent's ban! Hongmi's face burst into laughter.

He deliberately chose the crocodile, all he wanted was for White Crescent to ban the jungler. All the two ban positions were handed over to Gu Xing. Together with the two supermodel monsters banned in the first round, E was equal to handing over 4 ban positions!

The space left for normal bp is approximately equal to zero!

Hongmi sent Da Zui and Han Bing, two heroes who his brother-in-law is very good at, to the ban position, so that the enemy could not take over the team battle smoothly.

First take the mid laner and lock the Snake Girl down, Redmi arranges, and the Counter position is given to Gu Gu.

Kuro has no objections.

He knew his status in the team, and if he gave Gu Xing the final selection opportunity, the value would definitely be higher than himself.

E took out the double C combination of airplane + EZ... The doll is not very optimistic. To be honest, this is too soft!

It is difficult for both characters to cross the front row to output, and Chetan's ability is quite limited.

If VG has a thick front row, it is likely to make E helpless!

Gu Xing prescribes the right medicine.

Barrel? ! Miller's eyes lit up, this move is very clever, the rhythm in the early stage can provide control for the team, and when it comes to team battles, there will be frankness to create output space for teammates!

Not only can it take into account the rhythm of the laning period that VG is most proud of, but also its team battle ability is very good.

It's perfect!

Players from both sides exchanged heroes, and the lineup was officially determined.

Blue side E: top lane Prince, jungler Rek'Sai, mid laner Airplane, bottom lane EZ+Bron.

Red Fang VG: top laner Alligator, jungler Barrel, mid laner Snake, bottom laner Verus + Thresh.

From the perspective of the lineup alone, the back row collocation of E double shooters can create a linkage with Braum, and relying on Rek'Sai's gank ability in the early stage can also achieve good results.

Miller talked eloquently, VG's double C is more powerful in the later stage, but the disadvantage is that the crocodile's peak combat power is in the early and mid-term, and it is almost staggered with the double C. It depends on how Xingge connects them...

The enthusiastic cheers of the audience in the audience were non-stop, and the muffled sound made by the mutual knocking of the cheering sticks filled the venue to the brim!

The director's camera focused on the coaches of both sides.

The white crescent smile is full of helplessness


Of course he knew that he had been tricked by Hongmi.

In the end, BP had no room to mediate and turn around, so they had to bite the bullet and choose a lineup with relatively average proficiency! Redmi is full of ambition, smiling when shaking hands, the comfort of crushing the enemy from the bp level is unparalleled!

The coaches of the two sides left the stage hand in hand. On the way, Hongmi was joking and laughing at White Crescent in broken Chinese.

The relationship between the two has always been good, and the white crescent moon is not easy to show face, so he forced a smile to agree.

The camera camera retracted, and after looking around the entire stadium, it refocused on the players' benches of the two teams.

At any time, the signal sound becomes clearer day by day, and the Summoner's Canyon descends with a bang!

Let's go out and go directly to the lower jungle area, Gu Xing gives the command, E should not resist too tenaciously, I will give an eye, and then just withdraw directly.

Although E has a top support like Bron who can stand alone in a first-level regiment.

However, I can't stand the plane and Rek'Sai, the middle and wild pair, are really not very good in terms of early combat effectiveness, which is basically equivalent to holding back.

On the other hand, VG, not only has Thresh's hook to draw prizes, but also the subsequent control chain is very stable, and Verus can rely on the passive [Desire for Vengeance] to increase the huge attack speed, and the combat power can completely crush the opponent!

Only then did Gu Xing dare to lead people into the opposite wild area.

Facts have proved that there is nothing wrong with his guess.

The five members of VG huddled together and headed into the opponent's wild area. Seeing the situation, E immediately chose to retreat, not daring to have a direct confrontation with VG.

Gu Xing was able to easily insert a jewelry eye in the E red zone, and then turned his head and left.

In the process, although I was thrown a q by my brother-in-law Ezreal and lost a certain amount of HP, overall the purpose was very successful. Jewelry's eyes successfully saw that Kandi opened from the bottom half of the area, and was still moving up after clearing the wild.

Gu Xing immediately regained his spirits.

Kandi's wild route is very similar to playing the three routines of changing speeds!

Ever since he suffered a loss at the hands of Ambison in the intercontinental competition, he has a bit of PTSD symptoms of being bitten by a snake for ten years and being afraid of well ropes. Everything looks like a shift to 3.

The middle and lower ranks of one's own side have absolute line power in the first two levels. Even if Kandi finishes the Raptor, it will be difficult to clear the River Crab.

Gu Xing quickly simulated Kandi's possible wild path in his mind.

The final conclusion is that Rek'Sai is very likely to farm river crabs, and after reaching level 3, he can grab the upper and middle lanes.

Using the flash, Rek'Sai can most likely succeed!

Gu Xing quickly sent a warning signal to the corresponding teammates, reminding them to take precautions.

Then the brain runs at high speed, ready to take countermeasures.

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