What is a hexagon jungler?

411: Want to go on a hunger strike? There are no doors!

"Let's stabilize for a while," Kandi had no other choice but to comfort his teammates in the voice, "It won't be difficult to come back after waiting for the EZ to take shape in the middle stage!"

So far, the disadvantage is not too big.

If wE can be stabilized, when it's the team's turn to be good at the mid-to-late stage of team battles, it's not like they won't have the power to fight!

But the premise of Kandi's assumption is that the team's disadvantages can no longer be pulled away by VG.

This one is simply unrealistic!

After VG holds the advantage, it is destined to set off a more violent attack wave!

After Gu Xing cleaned up the wild monsters in his own Ueno area, he returned to the city and directly took out the green jungle knife and [Bambi's Slag].

The economy provided by counter-jungle + assists has already allowed him to keep enough gold coins in his backpack.

After the core equipment is made, the combat effectiveness of the wine barrel will undoubtedly be raised to a new level!

Logically speaking, there are no wild monsters in the upper field areas of the two, so Gu Xing should go to the lower half area to continue to develop.

But he doesn't follow the usual path.

Candy want to use a hunger strike against himself?

That trick was obviously used by him to disgust the head of An!

Gu Xing naturally knew how to deal with it!

He knows that if he continues to brush up, once the level is leading, Kandi will be able to trigger the experience compensation mechanism, and quickly catch up with the gap between the jungler and the jungler through the two camps of the stone beetle and F6!

So Gu Xing simply didn't go wild.

As long as the level cannot be increased, the effect of Rek'sai's hunger strike will be greatly reduced!

He gave up the camp that was about to be refreshed in the second half, and set off for the road, preparing to score twice and then take 957 for surgery.

Now the pawn line situation on the top lane is very favorable to Smeb - after the previous tower crossing to kill the leg brother, all the pawn lines pushed into the tower and were slowly eaten away by the turret, which naturally formed a push back line.

The small soldier handover position slowly advances in the direction of VG, and 957 has to leave the protection range of his own defense tower if he wants to make up the knife!

Gu Xinglai squatted on the road, and he had a chance to catch his opponent!

However, his movements are not absolutely confidential.

When Kandi was driven to the lower half, he went deep into the VG wild area to do a trinket eye.

Now the eye position has not found Gu Xing's position, and he can guess his position through a simple method of elimination.

957 is also aware of the potential dangers he faces when the pawn line is pushed forward.

He didn't flash, if he was targeted by VG Ueno, he would probably die again!

The leg brother immediately started shaking people.

"Xiang Renjie, come over and cover!" He called to his teammates.

Kandy cut the screen to take a look at the top line, and felt something was wrong.

This line must be solved.

But he and 957 alone can't do anything!

At present, the fighting power of the Ueno of the two sides is not at the same level at all!

In case Gu Xing squats back, he will definitely not be able to eat and walk around.

Kandy thought for a while, and made the same decision to shake people.

"Ben, go back to the city and go up, let's untie the thread together!"

Zhonglu Xiye is still being suppressed by Kuro, and it is difficult to even breathe, let alone come to help offline.

After thinking about it, Kandy can only let the assistant ben act as a reinforcement to relieve the pressure.

Hearing the demands of his teammates, ben used the layers of the Holy Relic Shield on his body to clean up the minions in the bottom lane, and then immediately hid in a safe position and returned to the city to replenish.

In order to improve his walking efficiency, he specially made a pair of straw sandals to experience the feeling of flying.

The uncle was silent the whole time.

In all fairness, the laning pressure in the bottom lane is very high-the combination of Jack and Duan Deliang is obvious to all, and with their respective heroes, the suppression is very strong.

Ben's offline roaming will definitely make the already difficult bot lane even worse!

But mystic has no choice.

The team has already taken EZ for themselves, and it is clear that they want him to mix lanes.

Auxiliary wandering and hanging up alone are also the norm that has to be accepted.

Gu Xing learned from his bot lane teammates that the enemy's support had left the line and immediately became alert.

"Mai Bo, please seduce..."

He adapts to the situation and speaks out his response plan.

This is where the importance of communication comes into play.

If Smeb can't understand too complicated Chinese, it will be difficult for Ueno and Ueno to reach an agreement through communication in a short period of time, and Gu Xing naturally cannot ensure the perfect implementation of the plan!

If it is placed on some teams, the Korean aids cannot speak Mandarin, and they will not be able to play similar complicated operations.

Now, after half a year of systematic study, Song Jinghao has achieved advanced Chinese papermaking, and can communicate with Gu Xing about the content of the game in the arena without barriers.

The professional attitude is reflected vividly!

Gu Xing ensured that there would be no problems with the order, and then began to implement the plan.

"Ben is moving up the road quickly, Kandi is also rushing, and the wE wild assistant linkage seems to want to freeze Smeb..."

The Haier Brothers are unaware of the player's communication, and can only explain it through the player's movements.

"Smeb's position is quite aggressive. He even took the initiative to initiate a blood exchange invitation, hoping to use this wave of back pushes to lower the opponent's HP," Waowa's voice was urgent, "This is not a good choice, wE Nosuke is on the side!"

The crocodile is so strong that it has no brains, E comes up with a basic attack and then the red anger w [Cruel Hunting] bites the prince, then follows the general attack and q, and finally pays two rounds of E to pull back.

A set of injuries reduced the prince's blood volume by half, and 957 had no ability to resist the whole process, allowing the crocodile to bully him!

957 was overjoyed.

Since I didn't flash, it was difficult to keep the crocodile.

Now the opponent directly handed over the E skill.

The difficulty of his Eq playing control has been greatly reduced!

Bucket back squat?

Wu Suowei, we have a lot of people!

Even if VG Ueno's 2v2 intensity is very high, it's okay, wE has Braum!

In small-scale team battles, Braum is a god among gods!

Taking advantage of the number of people, wE definitely has no possibility of failure!

When 957 saw his teammate was in position, Eq Erlian rushed to the crocodile.

As long as you fly it into the air, Rek'sai and Bron will fight out from the nearby bushes and then control it. There is only one dead end waiting for the crocodile!

The German flag fell, and the prince charged at the crocodile with a dragon strike.

When it was about to hit the giant crocodile, the bright golden light flashed past!

"Smeb dodged the prince Eq!" Miller blurted out, his face full of surprise, "My God, did he have a warning in advance?"

Under normal circumstances, before the time of life and death, no one would use flash to avoid the prince Erlian.

Song Jinghao's actions prove that VG has already known that wE is about to launch an attack on the top lane!

Looking at the previous crocodile's exchange of blood, it is obvious that Smeb did it deliberately!

"Prince Eq is dodged, wE Nosuke has no ability to keep people, they can only witness the crocodile flee!"

Rek'Sai has control skills, but after losing the flash, it can't catch up with Smeb just by digging tunnels with E!

The director cuts the screen quickly, and the camera immediately shifts to the middle.

"VG's real target is Xiye!" Wow couldn't hide the excitement in his expression, "Brother Xing just left from the top lane and ran all the way to the middle lane, just to cooperate with Kuro to kill the plane!"

This is Gu Xing's contingency plan.

Knowing that WE Nosuke Quan was coming to the road, he knew that he was invincible, so he had no reason to go head-to-head with the opponent, so he simply adopted the strategy of attacking the east and attacking the west.

Let Smeb seduce, in order to achieve the effect of luring the enemy deep, and trick wE Nosuke to the top.

He gave up on the road and squatted back, and went to the middle to launch an offensive!

wE is currently investing a lot of troops in the top lane, the defense in the middle lane is extremely weak, only Xiye is alone!

When Kandi saw the crocodile hand over the flash to avoid the second company of the prince, he had already noticed the abnormality.

He urged Xiye to retreat quickly.

It's a pity that VG's linkage speed is too fast.

At the same time that Song Jinghao successfully tricked the top lane, VG Nakano had already decided to launch a surprise attack on the middle lane!

"Kuro spread poisonous mist directly to bind the ground, leaving the plane behind, Brother Xing slashed out obliquely, and slowed down Xiye with a rolling wine barrel..."

Xiye couldn't hand over her movement skills, so she could only watch helplessly as the wine barrel stuck to her, and the snake girl kept up with her twin fangs to provide output!

After he handed over the purification to avoid the slow speed, his blood volume was running out, and the opposing snake woman also triggered the surge of the storm rider, and after gaining explosive movement speed, he chased after him!

"The plane surrendered to the Valkyrie and it was impossible to escape the dive. After being stunned by Brother Xing with meat, egg, onion and chicken, the snake girl's basic attack followed by two fangs to clear the opponent's blood bar!"

Miller shook his head again and again, "wE steals chickens and loses rice. Instead of catching Smeb, he put his own family in!"

"Xiye was killed twice in a row in a short period of time, and his development was severely restricted. How can he play with this plane?!" Wow felt aggrieved for Xiye.

"VG Nakano does not intend to stop here, but decides to go down the road, wanting to threaten the brother-in-law who guards the next tower alone!"

wE At present, the three of Uenosuke are all on the road, and the lower half is extremely empty, and VG can drive straight in!

The uncle reacted quickly.

Seeing that VG Nakano disappeared from the small map, he knew that the opponent wanted to punish him, so he immediately hid in the autistic grass in front of the second tower.

It has to be said that the little yellow hair is ridiculously flexible.

Stunned to be able to sneak into the autistic grass before VG Nakano reached the bottom lane!

"Even though EZ was spared from death, he will lose a whole wave of soldiers!" Wow was heartbroken, "It's absolutely unacceptable for Yin Zerui!"

The brother-in-law bit his lower lip tightly, his handsome face was full of anger.

He can accept that he hangs up alone, and he can also accept that the defense tower will be destroyed as a result.

But the loss of soldiers undoubtedly touched his bottom line!

In the professional arena, what EZ has to do is to make a magic cut + ice fist two-piece set as quickly as possible.

Leaving out a large number of minions means that the speed of equipment formation will be much slower!

"WE Uenosuke and the three of them covered the top line and pushed them into the VG upper tower, forcing Smeb into the autistic grass..." Miller assessed the situation and couldn't help frowning, "But to be fair, the losses of both sides are not the same at all. level!"

It's okay for the crocodile to lose a little soldier. After all, it already has a head on its body, and the economy can fully support it. It won't cause too much negative impact if it loses a wave of lines.

The object of wE loss is double c.

For their lineup, which expects to turn around in team battles in the mid-to-late stage, damage to the double c's development will ruin their lives!

"Not only that, Brother Xing can even go to farm a small dragon to accumulate advantages for the team..."

The situation facing wE is getting worse.

Candy paled.

He felt that all his counterattack strategies had nowhere to hide in front of VG, and every move was under the control of the enemy!

If the opponent catches the weak point in the counterattack launched vigorously, not only will it not be able to restore the team's disadvantage, but it will sink deeper and deeper!

Kandi, who has been suffering continuously, decided to play it safe first.

As long as you don't do anything, you won't make mistakes!

Kandi had no choice but to comfort himself with this idea, and was prepared to wait for the opportunity to wait for VG to launch the offensive first.

At 7 minutes into the game, Gu Xing, who had just won the Earth Dragon, went back to the city to synthesize a slag jungle knife, and his frankness went up to the next level!

After resupplying, he continued to move up the road, preparing to catch the breakthrough of 957 and attack.

This time Brother Leg noticed something, but he did not hesitate to use himself as bait to trick Gu Xing to come and catch him.

The purpose is to create opportunities for Kandi!

There is no suspense in the death of the prince.

The crocodile E comes up and bites with red anger w. After turning on R [Ultimate Domination], he bites wildly. Gu Xing handed over the meat, eggs, green onions and chickens, and the connection control easily kills it in seconds!

"Kandi turned to the middle lane, using the flash that he had just turned, and wanted to attack Kuro!"

The efficiency of Rek'Sai Gank with flash is obvious to all.

The Snake Girl was knocked into the air with an effortless flashing top, and Li Ruixing was killed with the output of the plane!

"But to be honest, it seems that using the top laner to replace the life of the mid laner is a small profit for wE, but Rek'Sai handed over Flash!" Miller was worried, "How will we deal with the next vanguard team battle?"

After 10 minutes, Rek'Sai, who has not flashed, will inevitably enter a period of weakness. Facing VG's menacing vanguard attack, how will wE stop it?

Candy is very free and easy.

He didn't intend to take on the vanguard team battle.

It won't matter if you use up the flash, so let's help Xiye get a head first!

10 minutes into the game, Gu Xing lined up his troops, preparing to plan an attack around the vanguard.

He saw one step ahead that wE had no intention of fighting.

The three-way team members are all sticking to the development under the tower, and no one has a vision of the Dalongkeng, so it is clear that they must be released!

Gu Xing simply didn't put too much energy into it.

"Don't use the bottom lane, just keep an eye on the opponent, don't let them change lanes to come forward!" He commanded his teammates in the voice.

Jack readily agreed.

The current situation is simple.

As long as the opponent doesn't come to make trouble in the bottom lane, VG can easily accept the vanguard based on the strength of the upper middle field!

"Mai Bo, go and force the excavator back," Gu Xing arranged in an orderly manner, "Once you are caught by the other side, hand it over when it flashes, and don't squeeze it too hard."

Smeb's flash has improved, and with the displacement of E [Rampage], there is basically no danger against wE and everyone.

He stood at the mouth of the river, guarding against possible punishment by Candy.

The crocodile's deterrence is now full, and it feels like one man is in charge of the other.

Gu Xing's arrangement was perfect.

Originally, Kandi really wanted to come over and try to grab the vanguard, and it doesn't matter if he dies in battle. As long as he can get the neutral resources in his pocket, it will be a sure-fire deal for wE!

Now that he saw the bodyguard crocodile guarding the river pass, he immediately gave up the idea of ​​coming to punish him.

In front of the prehistoric giant crocodile, Kandi simply does not have the conditions to enter the Dragon Pit!

He had no choice but to leave angrily.

Gu Xing used w [drunk and violent] to receive the punishment, and took down the vanguard steadily!

"I'll go back to the city first, Mai Bo, you go to the upper field to make an eye!" Gu Xing pressed b on the spot, returned to the spring to fill up the state first, and then went out with the real eye, ready to use the vanguard to tear open the gap in wE's defense line .

Smeb obeyed, and went to the wE blue area to insert wards, trying to capture Kandy's movements.

But Candy was shrewd.

He knew that his position could not be revealed.

Otherwise, Gu Xing would definitely summon the Canyon Herald on the opposite line!

At that time, wE's road will lose the protection of the jungler, and it will definitely suffer serious losses!

After seeing through the VG plan, he never appeared in the wild area at all.

Instead, choose to shrink in a safe area behind the line of soldiers to avoid being spotted by the opponent.

Gu Xing has plenty of ways to punish him.

When you go out, make an eye position for your own stone beetle camp, and then go straight to the bottom of the map and go to the lower wild area against wE.

[The novel app that has been running stably for many years is comparable to the source-changing app used by the old version of chasing insects, huanyuanapp.]

Rek'sai is currently behind in level, and can already trigger the experience catch-up mechanism.

Gu Xing rushed to wE's lower field area, and defeated all the stone beetles and raptors in it, and Kandi lost the two best camps for catching up with the level!

If di wants to quickly upgrade his level, he must go to the upper half of VG.

But Gu Xing had already made a good vision in his own camp, waiting for Kandy to take the bait!

As long as the opponent Rek'Sai dares to show up in the upper field of VG, he will cast vanguard in the bottom lane, and cooperate with his own duo to push down the enemy's first blood tower!

Kandi tried to hold on at first, not wanting to show his face to VG.

But if he doesn't fight against the wild, he can only watch the opponent gradually widen the development gap between the jungler and the jungler!

He didn't even dare to swipe the three wolves and the magic marsh frog in his own Ueno area, for fear that the opponent would insert vision near the camp!

After holding on for two minutes, Kandi, who hadn't harvested the grains, could hardly hold on anymore.

The duration of Pioneer's Eye is just over half.

If he had waited for Gu Xing to finish casting Vanguard, Kandi reckoned that he would be thrown off by Gu Xing by a full two levels!

He was in a dilemma.

It is undeniable that Kandi has paid a lot of sunk costs.

If he gave up the hunger strike now and started to farm again, the development delayed by the previous two minutes would not be made up.

The canyon vanguard summoned by Gu Xing will actually advance all the way as usual!

Candy gritted his teeth and finally decided to give it another two minutes.

"It's a bit powerful..." Gu Xing sighed, "I really can bear my temper."

Jack was convinced, "If you let me go, you can't help it, don't let me go wild? Then everyone don't play!"

It dragged on until 14 minutes, and the laning period was still not over.

Just looking at the time, it can be regarded as one of the best existences in the VG Summer Split!

The audience in the live broadcast room was almost overwhelmed, and they kept sending barrage.

[It's really pure and against the sky, why does Kandi insist on not going wild? Doesn't the number of make-ups increase in three minutes? 】

【I'm Buddha, Gou doesn't show up behind the pagoda, I don't even want to grow up, I have to be disgusting brother Xing】

[I think the matchup economic gap has expanded to four digits, BYD played Rexai as a support, it really gave me a lot of experience]

[A level 6 excavator in 13 minutes, is it the only one in the professional arena? 】

[Spicy is really awesome, and there are such junglers? 】

Seeing that the duration of the Pioneer's Eye was less than a minute, Gu Xing decided to make a new attempt.

"Brother Xing left for the middle lane," Wawa noticed the moving path of the wine barrel, "Does he want to take Xiye for surgery? But with the double call of the plane in hand, Rexai is behind, if he is squatted back, it is very likely to cause serious trouble Not good!"

In terms of combat effectiveness, wE Nakano is naturally no match for VG.

But if they put in enough effort and would rather send out a double kill than insist on sending Gu Xing away, then that's not a big problem.

In case of a similar situation, Gu Xing is likely to consume the last usage time of the Canyon Herald during the resurrection, causing the Vanguard to become a squib in the end!

In the eyes of the baby, it is not a wise choice to force the middle lane.

Gu Xing didn't seem to think so, and manipulated the barrel to kill in the middle.

"Kuro started sprinting, stepped forward to spread the poisonous mist first, and bound the ground to keep Xiye..."

The beer man came out from the side with the barrel in his arms, ready to stun the plane with his stomach full.

Kandi, who had grasped Gu's movement through the ground auditory technique, was overjoyed and rushed over to squat back.

When the plane was about to leave the bounding area, Gu Xing's E flash successfully knocked it out of place!

Xiye put her finger on the dF key.

As long as the wine barrel throws his big move to blow himself into the snake girl's face, he is ready to use purification to get rid of the dizziness, and then use flash to escape!

In order to prevent his teammates from being instantly killed, Kandi drilled a tunnel to come to support, ready to flash and knock the enemy away at any time.

The moment he saw Rek'sai appearing in the middle lane, Gu Xing couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth.

Plan to pass!

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