What is a hexagon jungler?

Chapter 416 416: Mad Dog Olaf!

Seeing his team retreating steadily, Kandi looked extremely annoyed.

He didn't expect that his Gank against the VG duo would fail.

Jack dodged the big move to prepare for a sneak attack, and the subsequent arrival of Gu Xing put him in a desperate situation!

No need to think about it, I know that the other party must have noticed his Gank movement in advance!

Kandi was horrified, but he had to admire Gu Xing's resilience.

This guy will certainly suffer, but it's hard to let him fall in the same place!

Not only did he not fall into the trap, but he also dug a hole with his backhand and tricked himself into it!

Now the team is facing a huge disadvantage, and Kandi is helpless.

As the commentary said, the team chose a lineup that was partial to the early and mid-term, but was beaten on the ground by VG instead. It is conceivable how difficult it will be to reverse the situation in the future!

But it is impossible to do nothing.

That is tantamount to sitting still!

Kandi pretended to be calm and gave advice to his teammates, "Steady and develop first, I will try to help Su Hanwei deal with the pawn line, and then roam to help you relieve pressure!"

After Zhongyi Tower was crashed by the Canyon Pioneer, the transition period between the two sides also entered the final stage.

Now Xiye is on the road to collect money.

Although with the cover of the previous tower, he can push the pawn line past the center line position, but this is not absolutely good news for the rock sparrow.

Because running to the sideline means that the rock sparrow can only radiate to the middle by relying on R [wall curtain], and its own influence is limited.

In addition, the rock sparrow is not Syndra's opponent in the matchup, and the control of the line is not in his own hands.

Various factors caused Xiye to be very aggrieved at the moment.

But helping him was the best choice Kandi could think of.

If you want to turn the tide, you have to rely on E Nakano linkage!

If he only relies on Gank to catch people, the effect will be negligible-Kandi's ultimate move is cooling down now, and his control ability is limited.

Helping Xiye was the most correct decision!

It's just that Kandi just arrived on the road and threw out the [Winter's Wrath] attack line, Kuro went into trouble!

[Driving Thought Power] Grab a magic ball and throw it at the rock sparrow, then turn Q to summon another magic ball, E [weak people retreat] push them all out!

It was difficult for Xi Yeguang to dodge by walking, and fell into a dizzy state after being pushed by the magic ball.

"Kuro threw out his big move directly, and the five magic balls hit the rock sparrow one after another, quickly reducing her blood volume!"

Miller's eyes lit up, "Syndra's equipment is very good, this set of damage has reduced the chaffinch's blood volume by more than half!"

Li Ruixing was obviously confident, he knew that Kandi would not be able to catch himself after losing his ult, so his style of play was extraordinarily rampant.

Now E Nakano is extremely embarrassed by Syndra's big move.

The rock sparrow with less than half blood left obviously does not have the ability to roam and support. If you use a big move to find the enemy's duo guarding the middle lane, you may be sent away by Jack's two basic attacks followed by a Q joy!

But if he didn't swim, wouldn't Kandi come to the road for nothing?

The last trip didn't yield anything, and Xiye's soldier line experience was also divided, which further affected the development of the rock sparrow!

Candy is very annoyed, but there is really no suitable solution.

As expected of an old fritter, Kuro had a keen insight into his intention to go on the road, and deliberately used his ult to suppress the blood volume of the rock sparrow, so as to cut off E Nakano's plan to roam offline!

In desperation, Kandi had no choice but to leave and hit the road.

Just as he was going to the top road to show his head, Gu Xing went down the road and got out of the grass behind the side of the next tower of E, ready to jump over the tower and kill 957 by force!

"VG Ueno's flashes are both getting better, and the leg brother will suffer again if he can't react in time!"

Wawa sentenced 957 to death in her heart.

The prince was suppressed by Shenquan in terms of equipment and level.

Facing the encirclement and suppression of VG Ueno, there is only one dead end!

957's scalp went numb after being scratched.

he doesn't know

When did Dao Guxing get behind him?

The double fall of the defense tower and line authority in the middle made E completely lose his vision of the river, and had no idea of ​​Gu Xing's whereabouts at all!

957 looked at Olaf who appeared behind him, and felt that it was really difficult.

Carefully use the E flash to control the prince, and Olaf slashes at random when he comes up.

Rao is the escape operation of 957 replica R EQ, Gu Xing can also hand over the flash to follow up!

"The prince was dying and struggling, Blink tried to retreat, Brother Xing picked up the ax and threw it over again... Hit!"

When Miller said the last two words, his voice raised a little.

The slowing effect of Olaf's countercurrent throw is very obvious. After being hit by the skill, 957 can't walk at all!

"Shen was trapped in the prince's big move and couldn't get out, and finally Brother Xing accepted this head with a smile!"

The baby was overjoyed, "VG Ueno held a group to flatten the enemy's next tower, and we can take the opportunity to take down the first wind dragon!"

Since the attributes of Xiaolong are a bit weak, neither team made a fuss about Fenglong in the early stage.

Gu Xing took Xiaolong down just because he was idle and had nothing to do.

The cheers of the audience in the audience didn't stop. Seeing VG attacking the city, the restless noise created by countless supporters swept the audience!

"The economic gap between the two sides has further widened," Miller looked at the data panel, "Brother Xing has begun to invade the E wild area on a large scale, and the combat effectiveness of the two junglers is not at the same level at all!"

Kandi didn't even dare to look at Gu Xing.

For fear of being chased and beaten by Olaf.

He has not had an effective Gank so far, and he is far behind Gu Xing in terms of wild farming, and he has not even synthesized a slag jungle knife!

On the other hand, Gu Xing, apart from the jungle knife and CD shoes, there is also a small ice armor in the backpack that is used to synthesize the glory of justice.

The fighting power of the two junglers is not at the same level at all!

The most important thing is that all three lines of VG are pressing forward, forcing the four members of E to be forced to guard under the tower, unable to go to the wild area to help Kandi.

Condi, who was isolated and helpless, had to give up all the resources in the wild area.

Relying on Olaf's terrifying speed of clearing the jungle, Gu Xing wiped out the enemy's wild area by three times, five times and two times, and then looked around for traces of the pig girl, so as not to let him have the opportunity to launch an offensive against the three lanes.

In this way, there is not much Gank time left for the opponent.

However, as the top jungler in the LPL, Kandi has a very keen sense of smell, and he really caught the loopholes in the cracks.

"Sister Pig let go of a group of three wolves on purpose, and flew all the way up!"

Wawa always pays attention to Kandy's movements, and immediately noticed the abnormality, "The situation in the top lane is not very friendly to Kuro. In order to push all the minions into the tower, he had to wander in front of Tower E!"

The cannon cart became the biggest obstacle for Li Ruixing to push the line into the tower.

Syndra's speed of cleaning the gun carriage was not fast, and it was more or less delayed for three to five seconds.

It was this short gap that was caught by Kandi!

"Pig girl rushed out from the side, Syndra dodged her big move, and then used Q flash to knock her into the air!"

Miller speeded up his speech, "Xiye pushed Syndra back with the rock protrusion, and then scattered stone formations and stone piercings to disable Syndra's blood!"

E Nakano's equipment is very average, and the skill burst damage did not kill Kuro in seconds.

Li Ruixing tried his best to help the team delay time.

The EQ second company pushed the opponent unconscious and started sprinting to stretch the distance.

"Xiye handed over his big move, blocked the enemy's retreat and went straight to Syndra's side!"

The last string of stone piercing successfully took away Kuro's blood.

"With Kandy's Gank, E finally opened up at 16 minutes into the game and won the first head of the game!"

Qiqi 60E in the auditorium let out a long sigh of relief.

They were full of confidence when they didn't resume the game, let VG play like this, no matter how optimistic the fans are, they can't be happy!

From 60E's point of view, being able to harvest a head is

It's a good thing, it's better than being shaved by the other party!

It's just that they couldn't maintain their happy state of mind for a few seconds, and their hearts fell straight down.

"Brother Xing ran to the second tower in E after clearing the enemy three wolves... Prince Duan suddenly appeared from the side, and R rushed forward!"

The distance between the two sides is not short.

But Luo's three consecutive speeds are too fast, and Duan Deliang himself hides in the shadow corner and suddenly attacks, the E duo can't react at all!

"Luo charmed the two of them. The brother-in-law handed over the purification and wanted to release the control, but he was already blown into the air by Luo!"

Miller instantly raised his speech speed to the extreme, pouring out commentary like Gatling.

Even so, he couldn't keep up with the changing situation on the scene!

The brother-in-law's purification relieved his loneliness. He who was carried away could only watch Verus shoot out the chains of corruption and imprison himself in place!

"Olaf rushed in, it's unreasonable to use an axe!" Although Gu Xing was dressed in flesh, he was superior in level, and the skill damage was extremely painful when it hit Crispy's body!

The brother-in-law's blood volume dropped by half in an instant.

In order to hold back the eye stone, Ben didn't make mercury shoes. In the case of low toughness, Luo controlled him and couldn't move!

He had just recovered from the charm, and was affected by the spreading effect of Verus' chains of corruption.

Ben can only use R [Glacier Fissure] to try to dissuade the VG players, and raise the anti-theft door to try to block the enemy's output.

It's a pity that the effect is not great, and the immovable Bloom shield does not have an effective damage blocking effect!

"Jack heals faster, dodges Braum's big move and shoots at Xia!"

Myst's previous purification was somewhat effective, and the control duration of the next 3 seconds was greatly reduced.

He surrendered R [Storm Feather Blade] and flew into the air, adjusted his position and retreated, followed by E [Barb] and Flash, trying to control all the chasing VG players!

Just when the feather was about to hit Olaf, the berserker turned red all over. R [Twilight of the Gods]!

Olaf, who is immune to control, ignored Xayah's barb, swung his ax and continued to rush towards Xayah!

"Brother Xing is crazy about chopping, Q then E cut Xia into pieces!"

Luo, operated by Duan Deliang, also used E [Qing Wu Cheng Pair] to stick to Olaf, and witnessed the death of his good friend.

Then, without looking back, he ran to trouble Braum.

"It's hard for Ben to escape alone, and Tandu can't hold it at all!" Wow couldn't hide the excitement in her expression when she said this, "Jack's attack speed is ridiculously fast after triggering the passive, and he successfully shot through Braum!"

Gu Xing fought against the tower all the way, and at the end there was only half a tube of blood left.

His equipment is too luxurious, and there is a double resistance bonus before opening the big move, which guarantees that even if Gu Xing resists the tower, it will not hurt.

The shelling of the defense tower is no different from scratching an itch!

After calmly exiting the tower, Gu Xing threw another ax at the enemy line group.

"VG's downfield trio can take advantage of the trend to advance to the second tower in E," Miller said with his chin in his hand, after thinking for a while, "I feel that it is still a loss to exchange E. Kandi has been delayed for too long on the road, and he handed in his skills seven times. Seven or eight, in the end, no defense tower was paid, and instead, I lost another middle tower!"

Originally, Xiye had the opportunity to advance VG to the first tower.

But VG's offensive on the middle forced him to come back and defend.

Otherwise, after the E duo was killed, Gu Xing would be able to lead people all the way to the high ground! Counting it down, E two for one lost another tower!

Candy was deeply hopeless.

The disadvantaged situation is the most tormenting for a strong management team like VG, and the opponent does not give them room to counterattack.

The flaws found sporadically were all deliberately let him discover by VG!

The more proactive Kandy is, the greater the team's disadvantage.

But if you frantically brush your head, it is tantamount to slow death!

The two trails left for Candy are both dead ends!

In the process of VG's unhurried encroachment, the resources of the E wild area and the defense tower were destroyed by the enemy

A little plunder.

They lost the ability to fight back, so they had to let the opponent roll the snowball!

When the game came to 25 minutes, the economic gap between the two sides had widened to 9K.

"VG pushes all three lines of troops, leaving only Sb's Shen to split push in the bottom lane, and the rest prepare to gather in the Dragon Pit!"

Wa Wa thinks that the situation is not optimistic for E, "Now they can't solve Shen who keeps split pushing on the side lanes, and the front four dare not move into the Dragon Pit. The field of view in the jungle is really bad!"

In the end, E decided to shake 957 over and decided to fight head-on.

The director cut the scene to Shen who is in the bottom lane.

"Sb relies on the hydra he owns to push the line extremely fast, and he is about to tear down the opponent's second tower!" Miller's voice was sonorous and forceful, "There is not much time left for E!"

"If it drags on, VG might not be able to fight Baron anymore. Let Sb push the enemy's bot lane high ground alone. It will be even more painful to wait for E!"

After having super soldiers, VG will bring huge pressure to base E, and it is likely to fall into a dilemma between the bottom line and the dragon!

Can't drag.

The brother-in-law used foresight to transform and light up the Dalongkeng, and found that Baron Nash's blood volume was only 4399 points, so he quickly followed his teammates to take their positions, and made plans to start a group.

They knew that VG would definitely not beat Dalong to the end.

One is to avoid being robbed by Kandi, and the other is that Shen is still in the bottom lane, so there is no need to force it.

You have to do it yourself!

"Kandi's QR sniper wanted to seal the Longkeng pass, and his skill successfully hit Jack!"

In view of the fact that E's lineup control is mostly knock-up, Yu Wenbo simply didn't bring purification, and Duan Deliang didn't make a crucible.

Jack was knocked into the air this time, in the eyes of everyone in E, it was an obvious opportunity!

One ride is worth a thousand!

The prince flashed forward, and the EQ second company picked Jack up, and then added R [Heaven and Earth Shattered]!

The building trapped all the VG duo in it, and at the same time sealed off the Dalongkeng pass, making it difficult for the VG team members to escape.

"Sb flattened the enemy's second tower, and gave a big reinforcement to protect Verus..." Waowa turned up the volume suddenly, "Brother Xing flashed out of the dragon pit and killed in the E formation!"

In order to kill Jack at the pass of Longkeng, everyone in E entered the upper river channel one after another.

Gu Xing can complete the cut-in with just a flash!

"Glory of justice is triggered, and the other three people except Ueno are all slowed down!"

Ben quickly surrendered his big move.

Olaf let out a growl.


Shirtless, Olaf's muscles were bulging, and after turning on the twilight of the gods, he regarded the control as nothing, and rushed towards E and double C like a mad dog running free!

Feathers flying all over the sky!

Xia gave a soft chirp, and flew into the unselectable state in mid-air.

"Brother-in-law tried to get away with his big move, but Xiye suffered a lot!"

Unlike Xia, the rock sparrow has zero escape skills, and the rock sparrow has no effect on Olaf at all!

After being hacked by a berserker, most of the blood has disappeared!

Xiye hurriedly handed over his flash, but he dodged straight back, hitting Olaf's Q [Current Throwing], and was slowed down again!

"Bron's protection is not working, Ben is in an embarrassing situation!"

Passive [Concussion and Slam] Can't stun Olaf when smashed, can't be knocked into the air by the ultimate move, and the output limit of the anti-theft door for melee combat is also very limited.

Ben followed Gu Xing, helpless, he could only watch Olaf slashing at the rock sparrow, and watched his family member be taken away by the other party!

Isn't this a kind of NTR?

The baby yelled ecstatically, "Brother Xing, this Olaf doesn't care about other people at all, just stare at the output of the back row and cut wildly!"

Even if the brother-in-law avoided Olaf's first round of output, he still couldn't escape his death in the end.

Olaf's terrifying pursuit ability has been brought to the extreme, Xia's equipment is average, and she didn't lose her mind in a second when she pulled out the barb.

"Prince Duan activates his big move and enters the arena. E [Qingwu Chengshuang] first protects the policewoman, and then charms E Ueno on the way, and then activates [Grand Debut] to come in and charm Xia!"

Even if the brother-in-law purifies the solution in seconds, it's useless.

Lo's Ignition combined with Olaf's Ax was enough to send him back to the fountain!

The noise from the audience was deafening!

"What kind of Olaf is this?!" Doll couldn't believe it, "He cut all the E cores to death almost by himself!"

"E and C all fell to the ground, they no longer have the ability to output," Miller raised his arms and shouted, "Both Ueno and the field failed to kill Verus, Jack didn't even hide, and stood in the prince's obstacle to output output !"

E's back row was messed up by Gu Xing, and he didn't have the heart to attack Verus at all. Ueno's damage was very limited, which resulted in Yu Wenbo's healing milk and survived smoothly.

After Song Jinghao landed, he surrendered his taunt, and at the same time launched a sword array to resist the enemy's general attack output, creating an output environment for Jack.

With the cooperation of Kuro, the three killed the enemy!

"The remaining Braum was unable to recover, and was stuck and killed by Brother Xing throwing an ax!"

The baby screamed hoarsely, "After the destructive team battle, E was wiped out, VG can hold a group and drive straight in from the middle, and flatten the enemy's main crystal in one wave!"

The time was fixed at 25 minutes and 57 seconds, and the E base exploded into fireworks!

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