What is a hexagon jungler?

Chapter 425 425: Why is it you again?

Baolan's entanglement is not only about sending out the first blood.

"I didn't do it!"

Usually soft-spoken, he rarely raises his volume to remind his teammates.

At that time, after Baolan saw the behavior of VG's five squatting grass, she immediately gave up the plan of making eyes.

After the accessory eye is inserted, it will not disappear into invisibility immediately, but will disappear within the enemy's field of vision after two seconds.

In just these two seconds, the five members of VG can ace three times casually, and they can remove the eye position!

That's why Baolan didn't dare to look into the weeds.

In other words, not only did IG give the first blood bounty to Jess, but they didn't even plug in the line to grab the second in the bottom lane!

After Baolan is resurrected, go down the road, the pawn line has been handed over, and the daylily is probably going to be cold!

Cuzz clicked his tongue, his expression full of boredom.

When the assistant had an accident, he was standing guard on the upper river.

When he saw Gu Xing appearing in the bottom lane, Cuzz could of course cross the river and go to the Ueno area of ​​VG to forcefully change the buff to start the game.

But he dared not.

Switching to BUFF, Cuzz can occupy the initiative in the upper half of the canyon, forcing Jess to be unable to suppress the front.

But that's all.

Even if Jess doesn't overwhelm others in the early stage, holding the 400 gold coins of the first-blood economy is enough for him to be cool for a while, and he is still ahead of the prince in the matchup!

IG can't stand Gu Xing's destruction in the next lane.

How can Kalista play without pressing the line at the beginning of the balance?

Cuzz can only maintain the original plan for the time being, hoping that his bottom lane combination can grab 2 as usual.

The VG team's voice is full of congratulations.

"How is it?" Gu Xing couldn't wait to claim credit, "Should I hang up?"

"Just say that the opposite support will definitely come!"

"Niu Niu Niu..." Smeb smiled, "Hey, it's really exciting!"

Earning 400 gold coins for nothing, he went back to the city and took out a long sword and replenished a bottle of red. His combat power was raised to the peak, and he was ready to go online to suppress Audi.

Gu Xing returned to the wild area, and started farming from the blue BUFF in the lower half of the area as usual.

As the commentary said, it is not slow for the big tree to clear the wild.

Gu Xing valued this, so he decided to learn it secretly.

Relying on passive recovery, he managed to get rid of the blue buff with almost no blood loss.

After tapping out the E skill at the second level, Gu Xing did not continue to clear the wild, but first went to the pass of the river leading to the VG blue area to insert a ward.

Immediately before walking to the upper half area.

At this time, the battle for second place in the bottom lane has entered a fierce stage.

Facts have proved that the line of sight that Baolan did not make has a great impact on the vision.

Duan Deliang hid in the online grass from the beginning.

It was already too late for Baolan to go to make eyes alone.

Jack's Xia always pays attention to getting closer to the thread grass.

In two seconds, he and the bull's head huddled in the grass were enough to clean up the trinket eye before it became invisible!

The line grass can't stand up, and the opponent will be stuck at the position where the pawn line is handed over. It is extremely difficult to grab the second!

Baolan discussed with the child Youshen for a while, and decided that the two of them would put all their jewelry eyes in the grass.

With two eyes and six blocks of blood, the VG duo will definitely not be able to get rid of it!

Seizing the line of sight, Baolan dared to move forward.

It's just that Jack's Xia took advantage of IG's time to go down the road to make eyes on the thread grass, took the time to steal Baolan twice, and connected with Q [Double Blade] to hit a wave of consumption.

Even so, it didn't stop Baolan from grabbing the second place!

Duan Deliang's unflappable bull head did not dare to fight against the IG duo, for fear of being stuck to his skateboard shoes and chasing him to death.

He took two steps back and gave the opponent the initiative to grab the second.

At the same time, Xiao Duan reported the known information to Gu Xing.

"I have no eyes on the next road!"

Once the two eyes are done, the accessories of the IG duo will take 3 minutes to get better!

Gu Xing thought about it for a while, and it became clear in his heart.

On the commentary stage, Zeyuan didn't know the psychological game between the players, but just watched the situation from the scene.

"Rek'Sai starts from the upper half, the blue buff + magic marsh frog and the lower red buff are upgraded to the third level!"

Cuzz didn't even bring experience runes in this round.

Fast three must be achieved through conventional means.

Without experience runes, the judgment is mainly based on the lineup.

The opposing Gu Xing chose Dashu. Even though it was the first time Cuzz saw him, he knew after thinking about it that he was a purely herbivorous hero.

Grass eating means not paying much attention to personal development, and focusing on controlling the map and helping teammates.

Then there is a high probability that the experience catch-up mechanism will be triggered.

Cuzz was worried that the experience rune he carried would be used by Gu Xing, and instead become a tool for the opponent to win.

What's more, in this game, he knows that the tactical focus of the two lineups is completely different, and it will basically start with a dislocation.

Cuzz intends to catch the VG duo, and the Ueno area will inevitably be empty by then, and Gu Xing may invade.

If you take the route of changing speed and upgrading to three, that is, single BUFF + raptor + river crab, the Ueno District will give Gu Xing a full two camps!

He didn't want the opponent to kill too many wild monsters and let the big tree earn money, so he didn't carry the experience rune, and took the conventional route to clear all the blue BUFF and the magic marsh frog, leaving only Gu Xing's group of three wolves in the Ueno area .

"Cuzz is moving down the lane," Su Xiaoyan stared at RekSai's movements closely, "He seems to want to jump over the tower and kill the VG duo!"

"IG's bot lane started hoarding the line after taking control of the line," Zeyuan took over the conversation, his expression unavoidably solemn, "It seems that there is a real chance to complete the tower jump if the excavator arrives!"

With the control of Nosuke and Kalista's high damage in the early stage, it is not difficult to jump the tower!

The director suddenly switched the camera to Dashu.

"Brother Xing didn't go straight up after brushing F6, but turned back and went down!"

Zeyuan noticed this undiscovered detail, and felt extremely surprised, "He actually went to hunt the Three Wolves? What kind of weird wild hunting route is this!"

Dashu throws out his son, cooperates with Q [Thorn Blow] and punishing damage to kill the Shadow Wolf and upgrade to level three.

Then go down the road!

"Anti-squat!" Su Xiaoyan put it bluntly, "Brother Xing noticed that IG was trying to jump the tower to kill the VG duo, so he temporarily changed direction and returned to the bottom lane to crouch Cuzz!"

There were rustling discussions in the auditorium.

Die-hard fans have seen Gu Xing's anti-squatting performance more than once.

But it's still shocking!

From the perspective of watching the game, they didn't know which part of IG had a problem, and Gu Xing actually smelled the unknown danger!

The director handed over the screen to Rexai.

The Dungeon Beast Queen has broken into the VG wild area and is on her way to the grass behind the enemy's next tower.

Cuzz was worried that the VG duo would have vision at the junction of the bottom road and the river, so he deliberately dug a tunnel from his own red zone into the Xiaolongkeng, and then crossed the bottom river.

"He didn't know at all, brother Xing had inserted an eye in the pass of the river leading to the VG blue zone!"

Su Xiaoyan was very anxious because of this, "Cuzz's movements have been completely grasped by VG, brother Xing is even more determined now, and stays behind and insists on squatting back!"

"The IG players didn't know anything about it, they pushed the cannon line and wanted to do it!"

Cuzz even cheerfully thought about his next plan after winning the kill.

He had no doubts about Gu Xing's movements in the upper half.

When I entered the VG lower field just now, I saw that the blue BUFF camp was empty.

Relying on the advantage of the line power, the mid-laner broiler inserted an ornament eye in VG's Raptor camp, and saw that F6 was also swept away by the opponent.

Then contact the previous time when Gu Xing caught the first blood in the bottom lane, and it is easy to judge that the big tree is Lan Kai's route to brush up!

Cuzz was sure of his own judgment, and operated Rek'Sai to leave the grass behind the enemy's next tower, pointing directly at the VG duo hiding under the tower!

"The excavator flashed and knocked Xia into mid-air, and Luo followed W [Grand Debut] to supplement the control chain," Zeyuan showed his talent for commentary, and his speech speed was full in an instant, "But Duan Wangye's reaction was outrageous , first use the W bull horn to attack Luo, and then take this opportunity to move to his own shooter, smashing the ground and hitting Rek Sai!"

Duan Deliang is only level 2, and the flash is still cooling down.

But he is still working hard to shine and contribute to the team.

The two stages of control are full, and the game is broken in an instant!

W [Savage Rush] pushed Luo away, so that Baolan couldn't reach Jack's body at all, and the control of grand debut couldn't be played.

Q [Earth Smash] Knocks Rek'Sai away, making IG's jungler with the highest burst damage unable to output to Jack!

Yu Wenbo's living space was created, so he hurriedly handed over the healing technique first.

Even though the top of his head was ignited by his ex-husband Goluo, he still had a movement speed bonus, which could help him pull.

While moving backwards, Jack handed over Q [Double Blades] and threw the feather first.

"Brother Xing is here!"

With Zeyuan's cry, the figure of the Twisted Dryad appeared at the edge of the IG team's field of vision!

Cuzz was so flustered that he jumped to the wrong beat.

Didn't the big tree go to the wild area?

Why is it on the bottom road?

Cuzz thought it was worse.

He raised his voice and used broken Chinese to remind his teammates to retreat quickly.

The child Youshen had just inserted three spears into Xia's body, but he hadn't brought the opponent down to half blood. When Gu Xing came, he knew that he couldn't kill the enemy, so he quickly retreated and fled.

But Baolan's escape was delayed for a moment.

Gu Xing was unequivocal, Flash + W [Twisted Thrust] to kill Xiang Luo!

Baolan dared not move.

He was worried that if he turned E [Qing Wu Cheng Pair] or flashed to escape, he would be followed by the big tree.

At that time, the Kid's escape route might be blocked!

Baolan could only let the big tree turn into a mass of moving roots and come to her side.

Q [Thunder Blow]!

"Brother Xing knocked Luo backwards and hit the face of his own duo!"

Xia let out a soft scold.

E [Barb]!

The previous double blades left two feathers, plus the feather blades that came with the basic attack, exactly three!

The barb urged the feather to scrape over IG Nosuke's body, imprisoning both of them in place!

"What a handsome barb!" Su Xiaoyan's tone was full of joy, "The next tower of VG is still bombarded with shells, and none of IG Nosuke can escape!"

The defense tower killed Rek'sai and locked the target on Luo.

The warmed-up turret has terrible damage!

The child's wandering spirit was afraid that it would affect him, so he ran away in a hurry.

He was afraid of the powerful control chain of VG's game, so he didn't even bring healing, and chose to purify.

As a result, Kid can't help his teammates who are suffering under the tower, and can't even do symbolic condolences!

"Baolan was set on fire by Prince Duan, knowing that she would not be able to survive, so she didn't even hand in the flash!"

Zeyuan's high-pitched voice lingered in every corner of the venue.

"In the end, Jack won the double kill, and Brother Xing's back-squatting was a great success!"

The enthusiastic cheers from the fans almost lifted the ceiling!

In the webcast room, the barrage is even more true.

【send! I announce that IG can open]

[Cuzz's capture of the tower jumping this time is really an old lady getting under the covers - give me a good laugh]

[It seems that Cuzz's task in this game is to lead Beng Sanlu, and the current progress is 1/3]

[Xia's two heads are still playing hook eight at the beginning, and her equipment is better than skateboard shoes. Who is the road to resist pressure? 】

Backstage lounge.

Sitting in the middle, Mafa covered his forehead with his hands, looking extremely sad.

The manager Su Xiaoluo's face stinks to death.

How can there be a jungler with Jiangzi axis?

From the beginning, I have been thinking about your plan to kill the tower by jumping down the road.

I don't know how to work around at all!

The substitute Gao Zhenning was tall and burly, sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed.

"Isn't the intention to attack the bottom lane too obvious?" Ning didn't understand, "Why are you so stubborn?"

TheShy rubbed his chin in silence.

He does know Cuzz's mental journey.

It's the head iron.

TheShy himself did the same.

In other words, this is the shortcoming of many ranked players.

They often analyze the lineup before the start of the game, and then determine a clear main line.

For example, in this game, if IG wants to win, it needs to help.

How to help?

The best way is undoubtedly to jump over the tower in the early stage to help the child to win the head, and the opponent loses his life and loses troops, which can be described as a lose-lose.

Under the ebb and flow, Kid successfully established an advantage, and then just keep him to fight.

Cuzz did the same.

He has been implementing this philosophy since the beginning, and it has never changed.

As for other methods, Cuzz has not thought of it for the time being, or he has thought of it and is not going to do it.

If you have a single muscle, you will look for a way to cross the tower!

This trick is really easy to use in passerby qualifying matches, and it has been tried and tested.

the reason is simple.

Teammates in Rank don't communicate frequently, and everyone just takes care of themselves most of the time.

Skills such as anti-squatting are much less frequently used than in the professional arena!

In other words, basically no one will stop him.

In the absence of counter-squat, it's easy to benefit from a one-way-to-the-black play like Cuzz!

Cuzz can easily win in the qualifying competition if he works hard to raise a big daddy all the way!

This is one of the disadvantages of ranked play.

In short, winning or losing a qualifying match depends on the strength of the attack, not the defense.

As long as you can find the loopholes and tear the wounds, winning is like finding something out of a bag!

Cuzz, as a talented jungler at the passerby king level, can't change it for a while.

Gu Xing had been ranked in the Hanbok All-Star game before, and at that time he had a headache and didn't know how to adapt, so he insisted on being caught, but Gu Xing squatted back.

Now it is simply a reenactment of the plot!

Cuzz hasn't figured out which part of his plan went wrong until now.

He can roughly guess that VG may have set up eye positions on the river in advance to see his position in advance.

But even with this calculation, from the time he was exposed to the start of the tower jump operation, it took less than ten seconds at most.

After Gu Xing saw his trail, even if he rushed down the road immediately, it is logically impossible to rush from the Ueno area to the battlefield!

Is not, where is the problem?

On the opposite side of the stage, in the VG contestants' seats, there was laughter and laughter.

"Turtle, old Gu, your nose is smarter than a dog!" Jack said convincingly, with the help of his teammates, he quickly cleared the line of soldiers under the tower, and returned to the city to convert the economy on his body into equipment.

The entire process from the planning to the execution of this anti-squat was completed under the command of Gu Xing.

Yu Wenbo felt astonished as a heavenly being.

Kuro hurriedly corrected, "Jie Kuo, what is your identity, dare to speak to Sales Gu with this attitude?"

"My, my..." Jack apologized repeatedly.

Gu Xing smiled all over his face.

"It can only be said that the opponent's jungler is too young," he said complacently, "Want to wrestle with my buddies? Go back and practice!"

Gu Xing first cleared the blue BUFF's eye position in the lower river, the main function is to be used for vigilance.

If the bot lane combination has the risk of being overtaken by the tower, it can retreat to the self-closing grass in time.

But his original intention was to help Jace on the road and give Smeb an advantage.

However, a subsequent piece of information made Gu Xing change his mind.

Xiao Duan said that the IG duo invested the only two eye positions in the online grass, and Baolan lost a bit of blood, vowing to occupy the grass and successfully grab the second level.

It was this piece of information that alerted Gu Xing.

Would an ordinary bot lane team pay so much for grabbing second place?

All the accessories and eyes were handed over. Three minutes ago, the bottom lane team didn't have the ability to control the field of vision at all!

If you think about it, IG must have a plan for doing this!

Gu Xing just thought that Cuzz might really want to attack the VG duo, so he quickly turned back and prepared to squat back.

The result really made him guess right!

A wave of anti-squatting kills the enemy Nosuke, VG earns a fortune!

Gu Xing went back to clean up his magic marsh frog, and cut the screen to observe the upper and middle lines on the way.

Top laner Smeb has become extremely aggressive since seeing Cuzz appear in the bottom lane.

Audi was already 400 yuan behind, and the consumption power that the prince was proud of was not enough in front of Jess!

With two bottles of medicine on Song Jinghao's body, coupled with Dolan's sword's life stealing ability, he is far superior to the prince in terms of line laying ability!

There is still a big gap in personal strength, and Smeb completely takes the initiative on the road.

In the middle, Kuro faced the broiler, and the first few levels were under great pressure.

It has to be said that Song Yijin's laning skills are very strong, and Kuro was once overwhelmed.

Li Ruixing chose Dark Seal + Reusable Potion as his outfit when he went out. The red medicine was quickly consumed. After clearing out the fourth wave of soldiers, he returned to the city to make up for Dolan's Ring.

Then use the teleport to get back online.

In this way, Galio's laning pressure dropped sharply!

Kuro's research on specialization heroes is very good.

After the designer cut off the damage of Galio's Q [Justice Wind] in version 13, he opened custom exercises a lot.

In the end it really made him understand.

Doran's Ring + Dark Seal, combined with the rune talent, can make up 45 points of magic power.

After reaching level 4, Galio has a level 2 Q [War Wind].

At this time, he can do Gangfeng + Passive Punch and eat 3 long-range soldiers!

The efficiency of clearing the line has been greatly improved. At the same time, as a short-handed hero, he no longer needs to waste energy to deal with long-range soldiers, which is also a major benefit for Galio!

Clockwork's line-pushing ability was even suppressed by Galio!

Before the Q [Command: Attack] level is increased, the cooldown of the clockwork skill is not too short, and the damage is not high.

Compared with Galio, she can't push the wire at all!

From this, the right to the middle line was gradually held by Kuro.

Gu Xing was very relieved about the strength of his family's upper two roads.

Seeing that the line rights in the upper half are all in the hands of VG, he intends to seize the gap, take the opportunity to do something, and strive to abolish Rek'Sai!

My husband messed with me!

The gold content of Meiko's laning is really high.

HLE's galaxy battleship crashed directly, more wronged than uncle

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