What is a hexagon jungler?

Chapter 427 427: Do you think I didn't hurt you?

Seeing that the team's disadvantages are getting bigger and bigger, Cuzz is very anxious, like ants on a hot pot.

So far, the head count of the IG team is still zero!

Cuzz panicked.

Who am I, where am I, what am I going to do?

Many rookies are nervous in the professional arena, and he is no exception.

Even worse.

His fingers were trembling constantly, and he manipulated the mouse to make many invalid operations, which hindered the efficiency of clearing the field.

It's just because Cuzz is now burdened with more than just winning or losing a game.

And your future career!

Without thinking about it, he knew that the management in the backstage lounge must be dissatisfied.

It was back squatting again, and it was arrested as a thief when it entered the wild area to exchange resources...

If Cuzz is the executive who decides the team's roster, he wouldn't appoint this kind of jungler!

If you want to stand up and change your evaluation in the management's mind, there is only one way left.

Turn the tables and win VG.

But how easy is this road?

Under the heavy pressure, Cuzz's mind went blank, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

"Wo, Wo go to the bottom lane to protect Calista, and help you catch a wave..." He tentatively expressed his thoughts.

"Fuck it!" The child Youshen blurted out the words of rejection.

You still think our botch is not miserable enough, right?

Nabo jumped over the tower and was squatted back, giving Xia two heads in vain!

As a result, the IG duo that was originally dominant is currently only able to fight against the line without collapsing!

Kid doesn't want Cuzz to come down again, whose fault is it if he repeats the same mistakes?

"You go to help the middle road!" The child Youshen helped out with an idea, "As long as Rookie is raised, we can turn the tables!"

"Are you sure?" Cuzz is now feeling uneasy, and after being controlled by Gu Xing, he ambush him twice, and now he has doubts about everything.

It can be summed up in six words—doubt first, then believe.

Seeing that his little jungler was suspicious, Kid instinctively drove him to hold his head high.

"Are you kidding me, how is Rookie Papa C?"

You can question me.

If you dare to question the Carry ability of broilers, I will teach you a lesson!

Cuzz also realized that he had said the wrong thing.

He obediently agreed, and hurried to the middle road.

Theoretically, relying on the clockwork and Rek'Sai who almost collapsed in the early stage, the output is not enough to kill Galio.

But Song Yijin has always been able to match up.

After finding that his ability to push the line was not as good as that of Galio, he changed his mind.

From the original control of the line, it has become the focus of blood pressure.

Even though Galio can kill ranged soldiers with a passive heavy attack from Q, it is still troublesome to deal with melee soldiers.

If you want to grab the line, you must go forward and use basic attack to deal with it-otherwise, it will be difficult to push the long mage with the high cooldown of Q [Justice Wind] in the early stage.

As a short player, Galio's basic attack will give the clockwork a chance to consume.

Song Yijin repeatedly used basic attack followed by Q [Command: Attack] to wear down Galio's HP.

At present, the equipment of the Colossus of Justice is average, and its frankness is not high enough.

Consumed by the broiler again and again, the blood volume is only half.

This set of burst damage from IG Nakano is enough to send Kuro to the west!

"6 minutes into the game, Cuzz seized the opportunity and dug a tunnel from the side to the middle, ready to attack Galio!" Su Xiaoyan's voice was urgent.

Kuro handed over Flash without saying a word.

Rek'Sai's flash has not recovered yet, there is a certain distance between him and Galio.

As long as Kuro walks in a straight line, it is impossible to catch up with the excavator at this speed.

The only way to keep people is by clockwork!

Broiler looked serious, with a bulging bun face, concentrating on it.

He didn't dare to cast his big move at first.

Because Song Yijin knew that Galio held E [Fist of Justice] in his hand, once cast properly, it could offset the clockwork R!

Galio's E skill evasion mechanism is a bit like Cannon's W.

When the skill reads the guide, it can ignore the enemy's control and take off forcibly.

If Song Yijin used the no-swing control, such as the grasshopper's ultimate move [Grip of Hades], then the enemy would have no reason to react.

But clockwork R [command: Shockwave] has obvious forward shaking action, and it takes a while to prepare to take effect!

As long as Kuro surrenders E [Justice Punch] when the shock wave is about to be generated, he can hit the clockwork ult when his skills are read!

At that time, although Galio will be swept into the air, he can still rush forward to escape!

Song Yijin therefore didn't want to use the big move.

But other than that, there really was no better way to keep Galio.

Broiler has been practicing in IG for two and a half years, but he is also full of recklessness.

After thinking about it for a while, he decided to hand over R [Command: Shockwave] for a try.

The bet is that Kuro can't react in time and can't hand over the punch of justice at the right time!

What if it works?

"Rookie flashed the QR big move directly," Zeyuan shouted like a cannonball, "Kuro's reaction speed is a bit too fast, and he wants to avoid it with punches before the shock wave takes effect!"

Galio can use E to trigger the evasion control effect for a short moment.

Kuro handed it in too early, when Galio squatted back and tried to escape to the distance after the reading of Justice Punch was over, the clockwork shock wave was officially generated!

The effect of controlling the offset disappeared, and Galio's bulky body was swept into the air!

The forward movement of Justice Punch was interrupted and Kuro was forced to stop!

IG Nakano was overjoyed.

Song Yijin was even more elated.

He didn't expect that he could really bet right!

Immediately activate [Command: Noise] to slow down the opponent, and bring Cuzz straight to Galio, who is still alive!

"Galio charges Duran's shield to provide himself with damage reduction effect!"

The most disgusting skill of the reworked Galio is W [Duran Shield].

Passive itself will provide a magic shield for the hero, and it will be more comfortable to line up when facing the mage.

The active effect can not only connect the flash to play mindless control, but also reduce the damage you suffer.

Whether it is magic or physical attributes, it will be resisted by Duran's shield!

In addition, the current Galio ignores the control after turning on W, and can always charge!

As a result, when Cuzz broke through the ground and flew it on the top, Galio relied on it to block a lot of damage.

After the power is charged, Duran's shield taunts IG Nakano!

The two can only rely on basic attacks to attack the residual blood Galio-the broiler has not handed in the purification, after all, his skills are all cooling down, and he still has to use level A to output even if he uses purification.

"Colossus Courage provides Galio with a lot of shields," Zeyuan said anxiously, "Kuro seems impossible to die in a short time!"

As a pullman-controlled tank, Galio works well with Courage of the Colossus.

Perhaps the giver of this gift is himself the Colossus of Justice.

Even though the courage of the Colossus was weakened many times by the designers after its birth.

But the intensity is still there!

If there is an enemy hero near Galio at level 6, he can get a shield of 18 + 5% of his own maximum health!

The enemy Nakano provides Kuro with more than 100 shields, which is crucial at the 6-minute point!

During the mocking process, the two IGs had nothing to do with Galio.

Basic attacks can't even break Galio's shield!

But if it's just that, it's nothing.

After all, Galio has already been glued to the face, and he has used all the flash and E skills, so he is powerless to escape!

But the problem is that Kuro dragged on for too long.

From the time he saw Cuzz get out of the grass under the middle lane, Li Ruixing delayed for nearly 10 seconds!

In the professional arena, these 10 seconds are undoubtedly fatal.

"Brother Xing is here!"

Su Xiaoyan blurted out.

The figure of the Twisted Dryad appeared on the edge of the battlefield.

10 seconds was enough for Gu Xing to rush from the area close to the stone beetle camp to the middle!

"The big tree threw its son into the grass, and tied it to Rexai over the wall!"

Amid Ze Yuan's shouts, Gu Xing swung the tree trunk, Q [Thunder Blow] slammed the excavator to a position far away from Galio!

Cuzz is impatient.

As soon as he recovered from the taunting state, he was controlled by Dashu.

After knocking Galio into the air, he hasn't been able to act autonomously for a second!

He wanted to use E [Wild Bite] to gnaw the remaining blood Galio to death, but the big tree's thorny blow just now knocked Rexai to a position far away from Galio!

Cuzz, who also has no displacement skills, does not have the ability to pursue.

The casting range of the skill was not far away, he frantically tapped E on the keyboard, but Rek'Sai in the canyon did not respond for a long time!

"Rookie wanted to chase Galio, but the sapling exploded and slowed him down!"

Song Yijin decisively handed over the purification to remove the control, chased forward, and used the Q skill to throw the golem out.

I have to say that the broiler clockwork is really good, and the skill accuracy is quite high.

Even though Kuro tried his best to turn around to avoid it, he still couldn't escape the puppet's pursuit.

It's just that the puppet was paired with a basic attack, but it couldn't kill Galio!

The blood bars of the Colossus of Justice almost turned into pitch black, but it still stood tall!

Zeyuan's eyes were sharp, and when he saw the hero status bar in the lower left corner, he immediately yelled, "7 drops of blood!"

"Kuro can lock this?!"

His surprised tone spread to every corner of the venue.

Li Ruixing took advantage of the gap between the stiffness of the clockwork general attack and continued to run upwards, opening up a little distance.

The broiler also wanted to forcefully pursue it.

Just wait for his next W turn to be good, and he can kill Galio by speeding up.

But Song Yijin had just chased after two steps, when a small sapling jumped out of the grass on the upper river!

I don't know when Gu Xing placed it here, but the tree's current health has caught up. The tree's son lasts a long time, and it can surprise the broiler in unexpected places.

Rookie knew that it was useless to chase him fiercely, as long as the son of the tree exploded, the slow speed would hold him back.

What's more, Smeb, who holds the line right on the top lane, has already supported him.

Song Yijin thought for a moment and had to choose to retreat.

"It really made Kuro run away!" Zeyuan couldn't believe his eyes, "IG Nakano gave him everything but failed to send him back to the spring water!"

The director's camera cut to the scene of the battle between the junglers of the two sides.

Su Xiaoyan looked excited, "Brother Xing's damage is very high, he's going to beat Rexai to death!"

Originally, Cuzz was not fleshy. After two consecutive waves of deaths, his equipment could not keep up.

Now there is a green jungle knife all over his body!

Gu Xing, on the other hand, was ahead in terms of level equipment, and the slag burning on Rek'sai was extremely painful!

The thick trunk of the big tree whipped Cuzz wildly.

Twisted Treant is the hero with the highest base attack speed in the entire alliance. In the early stage when everyone doesn't rely on skill damage, a fast basic attack speed means stronger combat power!

Gu Xing's last basic attack sent Rek'Sai away, and then aimed at the Clockwork Demon!

Song Yijin's heart skipped a beat.

IG Nakano's pursuit is quite deep. He is currently next to the grass above the middle road, and he is at least 2000 yards away from the first tower of his side!

How to run without flashing or purification?

He could only watch helplessly as Gu Xing chased after him!

"Galio retreated to a safe place, and opened the honey candy in the river first, and the two fruits restored the blood volume... He handed over his big move, and wanted to help Brother Xing arrest the broiler!"

Kuro is confident.

R【Hard bear debut】!

The team logo of the champion skin floated beside Gu Xing, and two whirlwinds converged in one place.

Galio jumped up, and his body hit the big tree heavily!

The clockwork monster was knocked into the air!

Song Yijin was full of despair.

No matter how strong his personal ability is, he must have room to maneuver!

Galio's ultimate move completely sealed off his escape possibility!

"VG Nakano can kill the clockwork with just damage, and finally the head was taken away by Brother Xing with a Q!"

When Su Xiaoyan said this, her voice became high and powerful.

Don't look at Gu Xing and Kuro playing two pieces of meat.

But in the early and mid-term, the basic damage of the tank's skill panel can crush a lot of crispy skins!

"Double-playing big tree, Brother Xing earns a lot of money, can he take off as a front row hero?!" Ze Yuan yelled in an exaggerated tone, and his demeanor was on par with an old senior. trend.

"IG Nakano's kill was too reluctant this time," Su Xiaoyan calmly judged, "they still deal too slow damage, even if Kuro made a mistake, he did a good job of saving his life, Duran's shield and colossus His courage kept him from being killed in battle in the first place!"

"Actually, if this set of skills can't kill Galio in seconds, he should retreat," she shook her head and sighed, "but most people can't resist the temptation to lose blood!"

"Even if Brother Xing came to support, who would have thought that Galio could be killed with only 7 drops of blood?" Ze Yuan was the choice of Sister Li's IG, "In a critical moment, the damage cannot be accurately calculated to single digits Yes, if Kuro can be sent away, this wave will be one-for-one at most, which is completely acceptable to IG!"

If Kuro is killed, Galio will not be able to use his big move to cooperate with Dashu to kill Song Yijin, and the broiler will definitely escape, and the situation will be different again.

Through his own efforts and Gu Xing's timely assistance, Kuro survived by accident, and the outcome of this wave of confrontation between the middle and the wild completely fell to VG!

In the contestant's booth, his excitement was beyond words.

"Xiao Gu, you are the god of the gods!" Kuro's voice was full of passion.

Originally, he wanted to run away directly, but because of a mistake, he failed to use E [Justice Punch] to counteract the clockwork's big move. At that time, he was panicked to death, thinking that he would definitely die in battle.

Unexpectedly, Gu Xing traveled a long distance and rushed to the middle lane before Kuro's blood bar was emptied. The binding technique followed by the forced displacement of the Q skill directly abolished Cuzz, making the opponent unable to even release E [Wild Bite]!

Kuro escaped from the dead, and finally reappeared with R to dispose of the clockwork of the broiler. How excited is his mentality now!

The eyes looking at Gu Xing became extremely fanatical.

"How about it?" Gu Xing boasted, "Isn't my support very difficult?"

Under normal circumstances, junglers who are far away will not choose to forcibly support when they see their single remaining blood being hunted down.

Because when he passed by, Galio's body might be cold.

It stands to reason that Gu Xing should go to the side road or the wild area to make up for the loss.

But he didn't give up on Kuro, and believed that his teammates could persist until he arrived!

Facts have proved that Gu Xing's choice is extremely correct!

This wave of remote support has buried all IG Nakano here!

Kuro was overjoyed, "It's too spicy! I did not lick it wrong!"

Li Ruixing did not forget to show off to his teammates, "Jie Kuo, have you seen that? This is what you get from licking and pinning Gu, you can't learn it!"

"Cut..." Yu Wenbo dismissed it on the surface, envious to death in his heart.

Loud noises from the outside world came from the earphones.

The VG fans at the scene were so excited that they couldn't help themselves. They kept waving cheering sticks on their seats, cheering for the team they supported.

In the live broadcast room, there are countless fans waving their flags and shouting.

[Turtle, it's so ruthless to lock blood! 】

【Galio isn't dead yet? The truth is far from the spectrum]

[Brother Xing has three heads in his hands in less than 7 minutes, and a big tree piercing the center of the earth won't come out later, right?]

[Cuzz Que's Beef, with Bengsan road progress bar 2/3]

[Edogawa Cuzz, wherever you go, where your teammates die, you can be called the god of death! 】

[One thing to say, this description sounds like biochemical Chris]

Cuzz looked slumped, at a loss, staring blankly at the black and white screen.

As the commentary said, after taking turns to bring down teammates, most junglers will start to feel confused.

Then doubt your own ability.

"It's a pity, it's a pity..." Song Yijin was annoyed, "It's just a little bit!"

He couldn't tell whether it was the fate, or the opponent's operation was too precise.

In the end, I can only say that Galio should not die.

But if he was asked to choose again, Broiler would still rush forward without hesitation and pour all his output on Galio!

In the world of IG, there is no such thing as retreating!

Cuzz hadn't figured out how to choose later when he heard the bad news.

The next lane was killed by the line!

Due to the delay in the first 15 minutes of the game, the commentator only saw the battle situation in the bottom lane now.

"Prince Duan pretended to go back to the city with his remaining blood, but in fact he didn't run away at all. He walked around and crouched in the thread grass. Seeing the IG duo trying to push the line into the tower, he immediately rushed out to flash WQ second company!"

Ze Yuan's voice was loud.

The flash that Duan Deliang handed over at the beginning had just turned better, and he used it again.

Even though he had only 200 blood points all over his body, he still dared to attack.

The reaction speed of children's wandering mind has never been fast.

In addition, Kid didn't expect that Duan Deliang would not return to the city with his remaining blood, and he dared to find an opportunity to counterattack. He was too slow to hand over his escape skills, and was beaten into the sky by the bull's head!

"Xia WAQE scraped out three feathers, and the articulation control fixed the skateboard shoes in place. Prince Duan gave the ignition, and Kid was caught in seconds!"

Although the laning ability of the VG bottom lane combination is poor, the burst damage is not low at all.

The two held the child's wandering spirit in place and couldn't move, and a set of damage sent him away happily!

"QE pulled out the spear before Kid was killed, and wanted to replace Lord Duan... But the bull head has the shield provided by [Courage of the Colossus], and there is still a little blood left after Kalista's stabbing!"

Su Xiaoyan felt very sorry for IG, "Baolan didn't dare to step forward when he saw that the bull's head was full of layers of E [Trampling]. Can let the opponent escape!"

"How can you play duck with these skateboard shoes?" Zeyuan's face was very serious, and he wanted to open champagne in advance, "I didn't gain any advantage in the laning phase, but was killed by the VG line. In the mid-term, she couldn't even hold the laning right. !"

There is a gap in the hard power of the bottom lane combination of the two sides.

Jack got two more heads before, and his development is better than that of the child's wandering spirit, and his damage is obviously stronger.

It is reasonable to be killed by the line.

"IG's tactical core has basically been abolished," Su Xiaoyan felt that the victory and defeat had been decided, "Look at Smeb's suppression on the top lane, it is completely disregarding the prince as a human being!"

As soon as the director cut to it, he saw Jess beating the prince violently.

Relying on the advantage of moving speed, Smeb kept using cannons to attack and steal some princes. Seeing that the opponent wanted to resist, he immediately moved at a right angle, making a 90° turn from the previous route, so that the opponent's EQ second company could not pick him up.

Audi was so painful that he was ordered.

Once the blood volume drops too much, Jess will cut into a hammer form and knock up.

He was slowed down by the opponent's sky leap, and his health continued to drop, but it was too late to escape now.

"Jess interrupted the prince's EQ with a thunderous blow, knocked out the disabled Audi with a hammer, switched back to the cannon form, and killed the enemy with two general attacks!"

Zeyuan looked excited, "Dansha! IG is going to be shot through!"

Gu Xing was very pleased.

His previous efforts were not in vain, and the advantages he helped his teammates build are expanding.

Not surprising when you think about it.

If Gu Xing has to keep busy with the rhythm from the beginning to the end in the face of the inferior IG of the Audi + Cuzz + child wandering god version, then VG simply returns the championship trophy!

Top professional players, as long as they have a slight advantage, they can expand infinitely.

You don't have to worry about Gu Xing at all, your teammates can blow up your opponents!

He didn't honestly go wild when he was free.

Instead, go and create a little surprise for Cuzz.

At 10 minutes into the game, Gu Xing successfully got the Canyon Pioneer under the cover of his teammates in the upper half.

The price is an earth dragon in the lower half.

But after he learned that Tulong was killed by IG, he also learned of Cuzz's movements.

Gu Xing went to the Ueno area of ​​IG without stopping, and began to arrange small saplings inside.

He now has a cinder giant jungle knife + burning gems + quicksilver shoes in hand.

This set of equipment has a basic life value of 500 points alone.

Add in the 20% health provided by the Cinder Jungle Knife, and the 4% total health bonus from Veteran's Scar.

Gu Xing's total health is approaching the 1900 mark!

Among them, the extra life value is close to 700 points, which means that each tree son will survive in the grass for 50 seconds.

It is almost the same as the duration of the jewelry eye!

After Gu Xing finished all this, he squatted behind the wall of the IG blue area on the way up the river, motionless and quietly waiting for the big fish to take the bait.

Cuzz's head is already in a daze at the moment, distracted by Gu Xing, his thinking speed has obviously dropped by more than one notch.

Unaware that the opponent has already laid a net in the Ueno area, he finally squeezed out [Bambi's slag] and moved upwards.

As a result, as soon as he arrived outside his blue zone, he saw a small sapling emerge from the blue BUFF camp!

Rek'Sai's field of vision in the underground state is only 250 yards, when it sees the tree son, it is absolutely impossible to avoid it!

The sapling crackled and exploded, and the magic damage of 16% of the maximum HP exploded, making Rek'Sai let out bursts of angry hissing.

It lacks resistance equipment, no matter how much blood it has, it is useless. The percentage damage of Shuzi is real!

But Cuzz didn't sense the danger for the time being.

VG's middle and top all stay online, and it seems that they have no idea of ​​​​supporting the wild area.

It doesn't hurt to get some HP blown up by the saplings. Wouldn't you be back after brushing two sets of wilds by yourself?

It's just that if he looked at it from the perspective of God, he would find that Gu Xing's ambition was far more than throwing saplings to blow up Rexai's blood volume.

R【Grasp of Nature】!

The tree world is coming!

Maokai summons a giant root, spreads the whole screen and kills in the direction of Rek'Sai!

"Cuzz hasn't realized that the big tree is going to attack him. After sneaking into the surface, he is blind!"

The giant roots are not creatures that can be observed by earth hearing, and Cuzz doesn't even know that Gu Xing is hiding just across the wall.

Ze Yuan hissed lightly, "Rek'Sai is going to be imprisoned...but what is Brother Xing doing?"

"He's a big tree dressed in pure meat, he doesn't want to kill Rek'Sai solo, does he?"

Speaking of this, Zeyuan is very happy.

Then he realized that his words had come true.

Gu Xing wanted to be serious.

When the roots appeared in Rek'Sai's field of vision, Cuzz finally reacted.

But at this moment he has nowhere to go!

Even if he surrendered his flash, Cuzz couldn't escape the giant roots descending from the tree world!

Before he could respond, he was stuck in place.

"Brother Xing threw another sapling into the grass next to the blue BUFF camp, and he took advantage of his speed to move forward, and W [Twisted Thrust] moved to Rek'sai!"

The burning effect of the Cinder Giant combined with the damage of the second sapling reduced Rek'Sai's HP to less than half!

Gu Xing was still picking up the tree trunk and smashing the general attack on the excavator without stopping.

"No way?!" Ze Yuan opened his mouth wide, looking at Rek'sai's crazily dropping blood.

There was a commotion at the scene.

"Cuzz handed over the flash and then dug a tunnel and wanted to escape, but Brother Xing's reaction was faster!"

Almost synchronously flashing, the moment RekSai dug a new tunnel, the big tree smashed into the ground with its fist.

Q [Thunder Blow]!

One punch down, directly smashing Rek'Sai out of the tunnel!

"My God, the forced displacement effect of Dashu's Q skill is used by Brother Xing to hunt down!"

Su Xiaoyan was very surprised, "He is really murderous!"

The punch of the main Q's big tree hit Rek'sai to the point where he was left with only residual blood just by the panel damage!

"Are you really going to kill solo?" Ze Yuan's voice became sharper, "This is incredible!"

Cuzz used up all his displacement escape skills, and was alone in his wild area. He could only watch the big tree smash his blood bar with a punch!

"What did I see?" Ze Yuan waved his arms excitedly, "It's unheard of for Dashu to kill Rek'Sai solo!"

"Brother Xing regards this wave of Cuzz as a background board show and it sucks!"

The sudden explosion in the auditorium soared into the sky!

Even hardcore VCs are starting to doubt life.

According to the general perception, Dashu is a pure tank jungler.

Why can he solo kill Rek'Sai, who is famous for his combat power in the wild?

This is not scientific!

In the backstage lounge of IG, Gao Zhenning exhaled fragrance.

"I*, what is he doing? How dare you go straight in the Ueno area?"

TheShy rubbed the light blue stubble on his chin that had just been shaved, and didn't answer his jungler's words.

Su Xiaoluo was very impatient, got up and left the room, planning to find a place to be quiet for a while.

In the player booth, Cuzz held his head in his hands, unwilling to believe what happened just now.

It is a shame and a shame to be killed by a herbivorous jungler without loss!

His eyes were numb, and he was already dizzy from the beating.

"VG's offensive is not over yet. Brother Xing finished killing Rek'Sai, and then walked out from the area between the first and second towers on IG's top road, planning to go around and jump over the tower to kill a wave of princes!"

It was not only him who arrived, but also Galio.

Kuro now has complete control of the middle lane, and after pushing the pawn line, he will go to the wild area.

Gu Xing staggered towards the prince's face, Audi was terrified.

Don't come here!

He saw that the encirclement of the opponent was gradually forming, and if he didn't leave, he might have to confess here.

But as soon as he handed over his EQ Erlian and wanted to pass through the body of the big tree, Maokai turned into twisted roots and followed.

You can't choose the state to avoid the prince's control!

R【Hard bear debut】!

Galio crashed to the ground!

Smeb Jess took the prince away with a set of damage!

"Brother Xing summons the canyon vanguard, you can directly push in from the previous tower!"

Under the cover of Pioneer, VG Zhong Ueno smashed through and smashed through the enemy's two defensive towers on the road with an unstoppable momentum!

The economic gap between the two sides has been expanded to the 5K mark!

The suspense of the game completely disappeared, and the balance of victory fell to VG!

IG had no morale, and started the familiar mode of sending death to fight, wanting to exchange heads from VG.

The result is an accelerated race.

In just 19 minutes, VG broke the economic gap by 1W.

A wave of team battles in the middle ended the battle, and after the team destroyed the enemy, they demolished the enemy base in one go!

HLE sucks.

Can't even make it to the playoffs?

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