What is a hexagon jungler?

Chapter 433 433: A bunch of defenses!

The pink star is flying in the air wrapped in Qian Jue, and the pose is very funny.

Gao Zhenning's heart was sinking.

He just felt hopeless.

As a little squishy, ​​Qian Jue's blood volume and resistance were not high, but after being hit by a set of skills from VG Nosuke, now he only has about half of his blood left.

With just this amount of life, VG can easily kill him in seconds!

Gao Zhenning desperately pressed R, thinking that he could still save him.

But still to no avail.

VG's control chain is already in effect, and Ning can't cast any skills at all!

Xia's feathers, crocodile's basic attack Tiamat + Q [Tyrant Bash]...

"Qian Jue was also dropped in seconds!"

Zeyuan's impassioned shouts echoed in the stadium.

"Ning has all the flashing big moves in his hands, and he didn't give up any escape skills until he was killed!"

Su Xiaoyan couldn't wait to explain her new discovery.

"Not only him, Xiaopao is also in a very dangerous situation!"

Just now Gu Xing used Q [Extended Strike] to knock Qian Jue and Pao Niang into the wall of the dragon pit, which delayed Tristana's output time a little.

Just as West escaped from control, he was targeted by Duan Deliang again.


The dazzling sun beams broke through the clouds and shot at the white-haired maglin gunner!

It has to be said that Duan Deliang is good at predicting.

The center of the solar flare is located slightly outside Dragon Crater.

West can avoid being stunned by moving to avoid the center of the flare.

But moving forward with his moving speed can't escape the dizzy range, he can only move deeper into the Dragon Pit.

However, in this way, it is difficult for West to output!

The range of the small cannon will continue to increase as the level increases. Now she is only level 6, and the range of the basic attack is less than 600 yards, so she cannot cause long-distance damage.

West looked at the scene.

After Qian Jue's death, IG's output point is only myself!

If you move to avoid the solar flare, the team's damage will be cut off, and it is impossible to win the team battle!

West thought of this, and couldn't help but feel cruel.

They simply do not hide, stand still and attack the crocodile closest to them.

The moment the flare fell, silver-white light scattered around the cannon, and the dizzy state was successfully lifted!

"West is still doing his best to output, but his damage is really low. It doesn't hurt to hit the big crocodile!"

Zeyuan's voice was passionate.

As mentioned earlier, when IG is at a disadvantage, the damage in the early stage is not enough.

When there was Qian Jue, the double shooter could still pose a threat to the front row of VG.

Now relying on the small cannon alone can't beat the tank at all!

"In the frontal battlefield, even if Luo didn't attract VG's firepower, the range damage in the center of the battlefield was enough to send him back to the spring, and the chicken's Galio was also reduced to less than half health... VG's two front rows can resist and fight , The fighting power is quite astonishing!"

Su Xiaoyan was shocked by Gu Xing and Smeb's fighting power.

Don't look at Zac as a pure tank, but it has a lot of abilities that it didn't have in the early stage.

% damage.

W [Unstable Matter] directly causes magic output according to the enemy's maximum HP.

And every time he sucks a ball of passive slime, Zac will not only recover his blood volume, but also reduce the cooldown of his W skills, and the CD is quite short.

Relying on the passive burn damage provided by W and the cinder giant jungle knife, Xiang Warrior is like an undead monster!

The pink Pai Daxing roams freely in the battlefield, no one can stop it!

As for the crocodile, the performance is also very exaggerated.

Rely on R [Ultimate Dominion] to support blood and anger, and Tiamat and other output equipment let him dominate the battle!

"Jack's damage has never stopped. IG's control skills have been handed over for one round. Xia's output environment is very safe!"

As soon as Zeyuan's voice fell, the change came.

TheShy's prince moved in small steps, intending to threaten Jack.

But Yu Wenbo noticed this in time—it was no longer the 10-person melee at the beginning of the team battle. After three people were killed, there were only 3 IG heroes on the battlefield. It was impossible for the prince to hide his movements in the chaos.

Seeing that TheShy wanted to come over and play stickers with him, Jack said baa in his heart, and immediately pulled away to the side.

With the help of his teammates, Yu Wenbo always kept a proper distance from the prince.

Only then did Jack feel relieved to output, and shot Feather at Galio.

TheShy confirmed that he couldn't get to Xia's side by walking, so he swung his halberd and used Q [Dragon Impact].

It seems to be a very routine skill cast, the halberd is facing the German flag - the flag lasts for 8 seconds, and the 8th prince has a 4th level Q, the basic cooling is 7 seconds, plus cooling reduction equipment, a flag can match Two long halberds.

It's just that last time TheShy charged forward and launched a group, this time they sought to retreat.

In all fairness, there is nothing wrong with running away.

Now the fighting power of the two sides is not on the same level, VG Ueno is like a boss-level monster that cannot be dealt with!

It is reasonable for TheShy to want to preserve the vitality of the team.

Jack saw that the prince wanted to escape, but he didn't care about it, and he stabbed Galio himself.

But TheShy proved to him with practical actions, how did the IG reckless team get their reckless characters!

The moment the halberd was stretched out, followed by a flash, which changed the unpretentious Q!

The prince moved laterally to come behind Xia.

The halberd did not change its direction, and was still sprinting towards the German flag.

It's just that after flashing to change the position of the prince, the path of the EQ second company has also been corrected!

Now Jack's Xia is located between the prince and the military flag, so of course she was picked up into the air!

Compared with the traditional EQ approach of flashing next to the flag to extend the knock-up range, TheShy's Q move and flashing method is not far in control distance, but it is more unexpected, leaving shorter reaction time for the opponent, and can hit the opponent One caught off guard.

And it hurts!

"What a handsome Q flash!" Zeyuan's eyes shined brightly, "Jack couldn't react in time, and flew into the air and encountered the IG group fire!"

The damage from Xiaopao, Galio and the prince were all poured into Xia's body.

The crispy shooter died on the spot!

"But what's the price?"

Zeyuan's loud commentary resounded throughout the audience, "The prince and Galio were sent away by the crocodile!"

If TheShy retreats after handing in EQ normally, he can retreat safely by cooperating with dodge to avoid a wave of damage.

But he insisted on killing Jack before giving up!

Pure violent text!

Only West's small cannon survived, handed over the rocket refreshed by the assist, jumped to the top of the dragon pit, and entered his own wild area.

"Brother Xing is not planning to let go of the small cannon," Su Xiaoyan's voice became hoarse due to the long-time high-speed commentary, "His elastic slingshot has turned better, and he squatted and jumped to the top of the dragon pit!"

The initial cooldown of Zac's Level 4 E [Elastic Slingshot] is only 15 seconds. Gu Xing released it for the first time at the beginning of the team battle, and now the cooldown has just finished.

Pai Daxing drew a beautiful pink curve in the air, and plunged into the Ueno area of ​​IG!

The ultimate flight distance of the four-level elastic slingshot is 1650 yards.

Far longer than the 900 yards of the small cannon rocket jump!

Thanks to the advantage of displacement skills, when Gu Xing came to the top of the dragon pit, he had already chased Xiao Pao!

Q [Extended Strike]!

As the two of them were almost face to face, West had no time to react and hurriedly handed over Flash, only to find that he was already covered with rubber arms!

His heart skipped a beat, and he wanted to quickly click on the exploding cones growing between the Dalong Pit and the IG red zone in front of him, and escape Zach's control range by forced displacement.

But Xiaopao faced a very embarrassing problem.

Attack speed is not enough.

Because of too much pressure during the laning phase, Xiaopao couldn't achieve "I want them all" in terms of equipment attributes, so he abandoned the attack speed shoes that suppressed and pulled laning, and chose a set of equipment that mainly increases attack power.

Now that Q [Rapid Shooting] has entered the cooldown, the attack speed is not much faster than Gu Xing!

Moving a little slower, West saw Zach's second-section rubber arm hit the bursting cone first!

Zac's second stage Q is purely a general attack special effect skill, as long as the units that can be hit by level A can be used by Xiang fighters.

Rubber arms picked Cannon by the back of the neck and slammed her into popping cones!

"Brother Xing's operation!" Ze Yuan yelled, "It seems that West can't run away, he lost all his displacement skills, so he can only watch Zach cling to him and output wildly!"

The small cannon with a brittle body had no ability to resist. It was so burned by Zach's slag that it was difficult to extricate itself, and finally fell to the ground with regret.

The cheers created by the VCs in the audience were loud and clear, and the sporadic sons looked like they were mourning, and their expressions were extremely depressed.

"Two for five!" Seeing the end of the team battle, Zeyuan breathed a sigh of relief, "VG won a big victory!"

"The double Cs in the back row were killed, but Uenosuke's three front row characters survived. It's really weird..." Su Xiaoyan laughed dumbfounded.

Under normal circumstances, in a frontal team battle, the characters in the front row will fall to the ground first, and the output of the back row will be threatened.

Of course, if there are assassins to join, it will be another mode.

However, in the professional arena, the appearance rate of assassins is low, not to mention that in this tank-based version, everyone is fighting hand-to-hand, and they rarely cross the front row and go straight to the back row.

But IG can kill VG double C!

"It can only be said that IG's style of play is very fierce..." Zeyuan said with emotion, "especially Baolan and TheShy, the former is decisive and helps his teammates drop the plane in seconds; Use Q Flash to bring Xia to justice!"

Jiang Chenglu's first EQ took the big move, carrying Baolan to use R [Shocking Over the Gap] to charm as many enemies as possible.

The second Q directly asks Xia to ask for her life!

For the prince in the disadvantaged situation, it is not an exaggeration to say that the effect is full. It is quite the courage of the club's meritorious top laner PDD Jarvan IV in the past, "Look at my supernatural power, I am invincible".

"But the final result is still that VG won the team battle." Su Xiaoyan pointed the finger at the culprit, "Ning's performance in this wave of team battles is really surprising. With the flash and R dual life-saving skills , was actually instantly killed by the opponent's connection control!"

The director gave a replay of the team battle in due course.

Su Xiaoyan focused her gaze on Qian Jue.

"Brother Xing's rubber slingshot missed, but a section of Q hit the small cannon that was in the Dragon Pit at the time..."

The screen starts to slow down.

Zach flashed to close the distance, the second-stage Q grabbed Qian Jue's body, and threw the IG double shooters towards each other.

Despite being far apart, it seems impossible to bump into each other to trigger the stun.

But when the two heroes hit the wall of the big dragon pit in the middle, they can still see the dizzy special effect coming out of their heads!

Even though the control time is fleeting, it is enough for professional players!

Then Leona's serial control made Qian Jue unable to release his skills!

When Zac's R [Dynamic Pinball] takes effect, Gao Zhenning is already a dead end!

The director replayed Zach's Q flash Q again to ensure that all viewers can see clearly.

"My God..." Su Xiaoyan couldn't close her mouth, "Zac can still play like this? Can hitting an enemy hero into a wall trigger a stun?"

She is a long-sighted person.

Su Xiaoyan is not good at Zack - this is normal, which female player would like to play Papa people?

She hadn't used it in qualifying, and her understanding of Zac was limited to the literal introduction on the skill panel.

It didn't say that Zac's Q [Extended Strike] can use the wall as a prop to increase the hero's control strength!

But that's the mechanics.

Gu Xing knew it, and Gao Zhenning knew it too.

Many old Zach players understand.

The difference lies in whether it can be skillfully applied in the game.

Like Gao Zhenning, he reacted quickly, and when Gu Xing flashed over and grabbed himself with a two-stage Q, he realized what kind of trick Gu Xing was going to play.

It's a pity that the brain reacted, but the feedback from the fingers was a bit slower. After being caught by Gu Xing, any operation would be useless!

"My, my..." Gao Zhenning, who was usually extremely conceited, now looked disappointed and apologized to his teammates in a low voice.

If they hadn't been instantly killed, they would have had a numerical advantage on the frontal battlefield.

Team battles are not necessarily lost!

TheShy rubbed his chin, and actually pulled the corners of his mouth into a smile.

For him, team fights and even game losses are not terrible.

He's done his best, and that's enough.

Corresponding to this is Baolan who is extremely annoyed.

I drive so well and haven't won yet?

So what to do!

Netizens in the webcast room laughed after watching the detailed replay of the team battle and witnessing Qian Jue's distressed appearance, and laughed wantonly in the chat channel.

[10% off water bottle, you also match Qian Jue? 】

[Sudden death! It’s hard for an IG teammate to be instantly killed if a skill is not handed in. With a drag bottle, you can instantly drop VG double C]

[I said don’t be crazy if you don’t have two brushes. Guan Gong dances a sword in front of Guan Gong, and plays Qian Jue in front of Brother Xing. It’s no wonder you can get a bargain! 】

[I reasonably suspect that Brother Xing is the one who went looking for Qian Jue on purpose, and asked you to choose my unique skill, right? Have you written the application yet?]

【application? Elemental detection, you kid playing Xiangzhuang sword dance? 】

[Don't be embarrassing, sell people with skin, isn't it reasonable to write an application? 】

The VG players corresponding to the IG player seats were all smiling.

"Sell Gu!" Kuro was very pleasantly surprised.

If it wasn't for a game, he would have given his jungler a warm hug, "You Zack is a good player!"

When Li Ruixing spoke, his body suddenly relaxed.

He was instantly killed at the very beginning of the team battle. If the team was overturned by the opponent in a big advantage situation, he would definitely take the blame!

Thinking about it carefully, it was thanks to Gu Xing who killed the opponent Qian Jue in seconds, allowing the IG jungler to cause almost no damage in the team battle, and ensured that his team won the team battle!

Kuro looked at Gu Xing with admiration and admiration.

"It's so-so, I only display 50% of my strength..." Gu Xing replied pretending to be modest.

That being said, the upward arc of the corner of the mouth is enough to prove the joy of the mood.

Being able to seize the fleeting opportunity of team battles, using Zac's hidden mechanism to control and kill the enemy's key C position in seconds, Ques is something to be proud of.

It not only verified Gu Xing's Zach proficiency, but also demonstrated his excellent sense of smell!

Just as he was enjoying himself, Gu Xing heard Jack's distraught voice coming from the voice.

"Is the hot top laner on the opposite side a little sick?"

Yu Wenbo's teeth were itchy with anger, "Don't run away in a team battle that you must lose, you must hand in the flash and kill me!"

Duan Deliang laughed and teased, "Isn't this what you, Yu Wenbo, often do? Why can you play with yourself, but not others?"

The teammates' tacit laughter sounded in the voice.

Jack is professional in the aspect of going forward and changing heads with his life. He is no less than TheShy, he is a pure reckless man!

"I just said that it would be suitable for the two of you to form a team. Start a team battle and charge forward with all your strength. Whoever runs slowly will be in the back row..." Gu Xing wanted to take a sip of his drink, and thought for a while when he picked up the paper cup He put it down again, licking his lips to suppress his desire.

"You don't praise me?" Song Jinghao asked for credit, "If it weren't for me, our team battle would have won so smoothly?"

"Okay, okay, Maibo, you are the strongest, Maibo, you are the best..." Gu Xing replied perfunctorily, and hurriedly brought the topic back on track, "Quickly pick up the vanguard, and go directly to the middle lane!"

When the team battle broke out, Gu Xing only had time to punish and kill the Canyon Herald, and had no energy to pick it up.

Now I have to rely on the help of the big crocodile under the dragon pit.

When Smeb heard that there was a taco to push, he immediately regained his spirits.

Pick up the Eye of the Pioneer and cast it directly in the middle!

The remaining three of VG are all concentrated in the middle, covering the vanguard and bombarding the defensive tower!

"After IG was destroyed by the group, no members have yet been revived, and it will take at least half a minute to return to the middle tower to defend the tower..." Ze Yuan said, "They can only watch the middle tower be destroyed!"

The current Canyon Pioneer has rough skin and thick flesh, and is very durable.

The VG trio relied on it to resist the artillery fire of the defensive towers, easily flattened the enemy's first tower, and then covered the vanguard to knock down 40% of the HP of the second tower!

"The economic gap between the two sides has been stretched to 4k. To be honest, it seems that IG really can't delay the moment when the dual shooter equipment is formed!"

Su Xiaoyan told the truth.

The collapse of a tower in the defensive gate directly affects IG's field of vision control and wild area resource control!

Gu Xing started to act like a bandit, and after pushing the central pawn line deep, he entered the IG wild area to overwhelm the river.

It is even more difficult for Qian Jue, who is already underdeveloped, to grow, and the increase in the number of last hits depends on eating some leftovers that Zach doesn't want!

Not to mention the imprint!

In the team battle just now, he marked Leona with the spirit of sheep, hoping that he could cooperate with his teammates to kill the opponent's theoretically weakest front row and grab the third passive.

But Gao Zhenning died suddenly, and he died without touching the Sunshine Girl once in the whole process. Duan Deliang, who survived, successfully blocked Qian Jue's imprint capture plan!

The range of wild monsters hunted by Qian Jue, which still only has 2 layers of imprints, will not change.

Relying on the right of line, Gu Xing cleared all the swift crabs in the upper and lower rivers, and then arranged a lot of vision in it.

In this way, Wolf Spirit can only choose between VG's Raptor and Frog Concubine camps.

No matter which one, Gao Zhenning dare not brush it!

"Qianjue's mark is switching back and forth between the two camps," Zeyuan Bengbu said, "Brother Xing just gave up these two groups of wild monsters, just to completely block the layers of Ning's mark!"

Every 3 minutes, the wolf spirit who has returned in vain will change its hunting target.

It's nothing more than changing from VG's Demon Swamp Frog to F6, which is still the same danger to the inferior Qian Jue!

Gu Xing's methods are vicious.

He now has an IG wild area to farm, and his own camp doesn't look down on him at all!

I don't know these two groups of wild monsters, they are just used to disgust Qian Jue!

Gao Zhenning almost fainted.

At 22 minutes into the game, his imprint layer is still 2!

After finally waiting for their own group of stone beetles to reset, they wanted to run over to develop them, but Zach used E [elastic slingshot] to jump over and attack them from a distance.

Gu Xing's Q [Extended Strike] landed on the wild monster, flashed and followed by the second Q to grab Qian Jue who wanted to run, and threw it hard until he was dizzy!

Familiar routine, familiar ending.

Gao Zhenning watched Zach under him turn into pink slime.

It's just a pile of arguments!

He tried his best to leave, but during the cast of Zac's ultimate move, the enemy heroes staying in the defense will be slowed down!

R【Dynamic Pinball】!

Jack, who was waiting behind, sent the other party away happily with two feathers!

"Qian Jue is second again!"

Amid Zeyuan's thunderous shouts, all VG staff turned to the Dragon Pit, wanting to accept Baron Nash!

IG can only let it go.

But the balance of victory and defeat has been completely tilted!

In 25 minutes, following Gu Xing's wave of E followed by R, he brought Qian Jue, who hadn't flashed, back to his own formation for a second kill, and IG ushered in a complete defeat!

In the icy broadcast of the group's destruction, the IG main crystal turned into fireworks and exploded all over the place!

Good game today

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