What is a hexagon jungler?

045: The clubs will communicate...

Like Gu Xing, Jack also made the final decision.

Stay with VG.

Ding Jun brought Gu Xing into the office, "I know that you and Jack will probably communicate in private, but we still follow the standard procedure and sign the contract separately."

He opened the drawer with the key, took out a document and handed it over.

"You can take it home to watch, or discuss it with your parents." Ding Jun was familiar with it, and poured a glass of water for Gu Xing. "Many players who signed contracts for the first time did this."

Gu Xing took a rough look first.

"Let me explain in advance that what an e-sports player signs with a club is not a labor contract," Ding Jun explained to him, "Because under normal circumstances, there are restrictions on the status of students in school, and there is no way to establish a labor relationship."

Gu Xing can understand this point, someone can become a professional anchor while in school, and the contract must be different from that of ordinary companies.

"Here..." Gu Xing raised his head, "Is the date not right?"

Ding Jun took a look, "That's right, according to Riot's regulations, the expiration date of a player's contract must be within the transfer period, and this winter's transfer period starts on November 18th, so the partnership between us will begin on that day." termination."

"However, the summer split of the secondary league ends on August 6th, and the last day of the LPL bubbling match is August 28th. After the summer split is over, the whole season is left with the World Championship and Nest, which is the national e-sports competition. As well as the Demacia Cup, needless to say the former, the latter two events are not important, so you don't need to participate."

According to the date, Gu Xing will definitely not be delayed from going to school.

This is also the reason why other clubs still proposed to let him go to the secondary league to lead the second team even though they knew that Gu Xing had only played for less than three months.

The LSPL will be over in early August, and the most crucial competition for places will also come to an end by then. The follow-up German Cup and Nest in October-November are completely useless. They are purely for newcomers to practice their hands. .

Participating in the summer competition does not conflict with Gu Xing's studies at all.

"The total salary is 57,000. Since you are a free agent, you will also be given a signing fee of 20,000, which is the expenses paid to the players before the contract salary is paid. The total is 77,000," Ding Jun explained to him, "Explain in advance, The salary is not calculated according to the 6 months of the contract period..."

Gu Xing nodded, "Understandable, after all, I only play one summer game."

It would be inappropriate for Ding Jun to give him half a year's salary.

After the influx of capital, the salary in the League of Legends circle has ushered in a small increase. The general salary has officially entered the five-digit mark from a few thousand yuan in 2015.

The wages of players in the secondary leagues are generally around 1W, and the LPL has to double it.

His contract, based on two and a half months, averaged more than 20,000 per month.

Not bad for a newcomer.

"One is to value your potential and think that you will definitely be able to make a name for yourself in the e-sports circle, and the other is because..." Ding Jun paused, and his tone was rarely smug, "We have money."

The salary of Brother Long and Xiao Duan in the team is also higher than that of players of the same level. The latter has almost paid off the family's 300,000 foreign debts by saving money.

"It is said that VG's League of Legends branch has a lot of stupid people and a lot of money. They only buy famous Korean players and fail to achieve results, but I think it's acceptable to spend money to buy the wrong people." Infected, now very optimistic, "at least we are trying to change."

"Maybe when will it turn over?"

Gu Xing took the contract away, and asked by the way, "By the way, Mr. Ding, you said earlier that you were going to strengthen the first team...do you have any clues?"

"Lu Wenjun and I tried to contact some teams," Ding Jun thought it was no secret, "I originally planned to find an imp, but LGD didn't sell it."

He was very firm.

Korean aid, if you want to buy it, you can buy it.

Gu Xing suddenly felt speechless, "Imp is one of the cores of LGD, and it will definitely not be sold."

He can figure it out without being a manager.

"No, no, our League of Legends branch has a very good relationship with LGD." Seeing that it was still early, Ding Jun simply said a few more words, "Now LGD's jungler Eimy and head coach Heart were both on VG's second team before. players."

"During this transfer period, our second team will also trade to the other side for a mid laner Puni... Even LGD's current mid laner Gao Dewei was originally a VG player."

This information is very clear to Gu Xing.

But Ding Jun's next words really shocked him.

"Redmi was also the co-coach of our two clubs last year."

Gu Xingxing couldn't help leaning forward, showing an unbelievable expression, "Huh?"

Can the coach share it?

What kind of drama is this?

"Redmi was in charge of BP work in Samsung White at the beginning, followed the players to China, we bought Mata, he wanted the coach to help, so that the concept can be coordinated and unified," Ding Jun elaborated, "and the white team's shooter Imp I went to LGD, and I plan to bring Redmi together.”

"LGD and I made a calculation together, and it happened that the two League of Legends branches are neighbors, so we simply divided up Redmi's salary and subsidized some more money, so that he could do the work of the two at the same time."

Gu Xing was dumbfounded.

"The contract submitted to the league was signed by Redmi with VG, so he appeared in our club's roster and was in charge of drafting on stage, but also in charge of LGD's training replay and pre-match draft discussions."

Hearing this, Gu Xing finally regained his composure, "Is it illegal to do this?"

He thought it was outrageous.

"It is indeed against the rules, so after the S5 summer split ended and LGD won the championship and became the No. I have." Ding Jun was afraid that he would not know, so he explained.

"For various reasons, he bombarded the club's management on Weibo, saying that the team hired Redmi illegally and emptied his power." Ding Jun was also quite helpless. He kicked out of the team."

"In order to avoid suspicion, Redmi has no way to participate in the S5 global finals. LGD can only ask the analyst Firefox to be a temporary coach. After discussing with the team members, they use Huo Nan to train Iron Man."

This stalk exploded in popularity.

Gu Xing remembered that Shen Guanshan, who had never played League of Legends, asked himself who Tie Nan was.

But he finally understood a truth.

The League of Legends divisions of VG and LGD are now no different from wearing a pair of pants, the relationship is very close.

Players and coaches communicate with each other, highlighting one you help me and I help you, everyone is a good brother.

"Imp himself doesn't really want to stay in LGD anymore. After he finished the World Championship last year, he always felt that someone in the team messed with him. My good brother Gao Dewei has also had a tough fight with the management recently." Ding Jun took a sip of water to moisten his throat , "I talked to the boss of the other party, and the progress is not bad, but no matter how close the relationship between the two is, LGD can't sell it to us for nothing. They need to strengthen."

"If Imp leaves, LGD currently has no reliable shooter to replace him. This is the biggest problem, and our negotiations will be deadlocked here."

Ding Jun stopped the topic in time, "But it's all clubs. VG will communicate with LGD. You can't look up and look down. We are all neighbors... Even if I can't get Imp, I will find other players."

JakeyLove may not be able to step on the LPL stage steadily in the summer, he can't bet on the probability, and it is reasonable to buy an AD for rotation.

So far, Gu Xing's trial training trip to the Shanghai stock market has finally come to an end.

The next day, Jack sent him to the train station, and he still kept telling him, "Old Gu, hurry up and come back from the college entrance examination, and we will kill you immediately!"

Gu Xing took the suitcase from the team leader Jin Wenhe, "Let's all go back, Ding Ran and I will stop right now."

Ding Jun reached out to shake his hand, "Waiting for your good news, and contact me anytime if you have any questions."

Gu Xing raised the corners of his mouth, agreed with a smile, checked the tickets and entered the station with his friends, and blended into the vast crowd.

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