What is a hexagon jungler?

464: The reverse version VG of

White Crescent only thought that Hongmi was being stubborn, and cheered inwardly. Xiao Mian, you don't know anything about the power of the new routines developed by our E! He happily trot all the way back to the backstage team lounge.

"It's done!" White Crescent smiled all over his face, "Then we'll just wait for the game to be won!"

Manager E Xiaoshou joked briskly when he heard the words, "Baijiao is so confident? The opposite is VG!"

White Crescent is very rampant, "Don't worry, don't care what the defending champion is, I'm going to send VG to the bubbling match today!" He is full of confidence and has already made full preparations.

A week ago, in the final match of the battle for the top spot in Group B, E did not try its best to win against RNG, and it was just an ordinary regular season.

It is impossible to fight fake matches, but it is impossible to say that all the cards are out.

The reason is that White Crescent wanted to drop to the second place in Group B, and took the initiative to divide into the same half as VG! It has to be said that the white crescent moon is professional.

In the S5 spring split, he played regular season point control once. At that time, the team that White Crescent was in was called LGD.

At the beginning, the coach responsible for the training of the optimistic team behind the scenes was Hongmi, but it was impossible for the nominal VG coach to come to the BP, and it was all handled by the puppet white crescent moon.

In the spring of 2015, the e-sports Oscar with IG at the end of the regular season was even recorded in the LPL history, so much so that the organizers revised the divisional rules for the playoffs in the summer of that year!

White Crescent repeated its old tricks this summer, successfully dropping E to second place in Group B. He is very clear that E is very restrained in style from OMG who is third in Group A.

Regardless of personal strength or teamwork, the team is better than Starlight.

So although the second place in the E-ranked group has to play an extra round of playoffs, there are actually not many obstacles. Instead, they can adapt to mastering the 16th version by facing the OMG game!

Win, win numb!

As for challenging VG in the semi-finals, White Crescent has also carefully planned tactics and is confident of defeating the opponent. The judgment he gave was the reverse version of VG.

What are the current trends in the professional arena?

Ueno plays the meat tank, assists the main platoon, and the double C is responsible for the damage! Is it suitable for VG?

Obviously not!

White Crescent has conducted relatively in-depth research on VG—no way, as an old opponent in the Spring Finals and a good comrade in the intercontinental competition, it is unrealistic for him to avoid this team that has gained fame in the past year.

He recognizes the basic operational decisions of VG.

First rely on the hard power of the jungler Gu Xing to clear the upper half of the customs first, and then through the radiation of the line rights of the two single lanes in the upper and middle lanes, bring the influence to the lower lane for multiplayer encirclement and suppression, and then control neutrality by killing towers The way resources are snowballing.

The final situation formed was that in the mid-term, Sb led the line on the side and no one could control it. The four VG members kept pulling around the dragon in the front, forcing the opponent to come to fight.

As soon as the enemy comes to Dalongkeng, Sb will either lead him all the way to the black, and choose to go straight to Huanglong to demolish the house; or use the team's vision to pick out a suitable TP eye, teleport to the front and cut into the battlefield to destroy the enemy!

This is how it works in most cases.

In only a few games, Gu Xing gave priority to helping the bottom lane to start the rhythm, and then used the duo to radiate and drive the audience. In order to achieve basic operational decisions, VG is very unconventional in lineup selection.

The team's demand for line rights in the upper half of the early stage and mid-term is too strong. As a result, Sb has basically not played a few pure meat top laners this summer, and basically has to have a certain single belt ability!

There are also few gameplay cores in the middle lane, because the mage heroes with explosive continuous output ability in the later stage are mostly weak chickens in the early stage.

VG needs Kuro to accompany Gu Xing to actively do things in the early and mid-term. When the hard power of the players is not particularly outstanding, they have to use heroes to protect the line.

So it is often seen that Kuro is playing with Syndra by himself when Galio's rock sparrows are both in the ban position. This is one of the rare mages who can stabilize the line power in the early stage and have the ability to kill at a fixed point in the middle and late stages.

In the era when LPL mid laners are playing wind-up snakes, Kuro is a

Alternative! It can be said that VG's two single-player lines are completely reversing the version in order to grab the front line rights!

However, this team's operation decision of playing against the version of the Ueno-Ueno linkage and cooperating with the bottom lane to advance the snowball has been tried and tested this summer, and it can even win the first place in the LPL regular season!


Because the team's hard power gap is too big!

Among the five VG players, Kuro is the one with the worst personal strength! And what level is Li Ruixing?

Not counting the achievements made during the VG period, as of the end of the S6 season, they also hold the very high gold content of the 2016 LCK Summer Championship, an S5 world runner-up + a S6 world semi-finalist!

He debuted in April 2014 and achieved such results after only two and a half years of practice!

Picking out an honor at random is the achievement of many talented people who claim to have a promising future throughout their careers!

Although he was criticized for fear of SKT's Lee mid laner, Kuro was only against Lee Sang Hyuk and Lee Ji Hoon back then. Facing Crown and all the European French kings, he was merciless!

The damage conversion rate and other data are among the best, and the strength is quite exaggerated. As far as players of this level are concerned, there are not many people in the entire LPL who can suppress them! Not to mention Sb Gu Xing and others, who are unique in the LPL.

Isn't it easy to play a regular season against the version?

It would be a rare thing for VG, whose members' individual competitive abilities are at their peak, not to be at the top of the league table! But does this mean that VG is invincible?

White Crescent disagrees.

Relying on personal strength, VG can advance all the way in the regular season.

After all, in the fast-paced league where the version is changed every two weeks, not many people will spend a lot of effort researching VG-it is too time-consuming, and the countermeasures that have been spent on pondering are easy to be eliminated in the version change.

But the playoffs are different!

When everyone is studying the same fixed version, VG will show its disadvantages! That's why White Crescent decided to control a wave of points and collide with VG in advance!

"Today, I will let you VG see how powerful I am..." White Crescent Moon slandered triumphantly, "Anyone who goes against the version will die!" He was well prepared.

In response to VG's operation strategy of linking the upper half of the area and then switching to the lower half to learn the ball, White Crescent targeted it in BP, and selected a set of extremely powerful upper, middle and field lineups for E in the current version.

Taking Shen Yi first, and then banning several melee fighters who can cooperate with Gu Xingzhu, it will be difficult for Sb to choose a top laner who has both the early line power and the mid-term solo ability!

Gnar is a helpless choice, the linkage effect with Zhumei is very limited, and the sideband strength is not particularly strong.

Then snatch Syndra from Kuro, and after the rock sparrow was banned and Galio was slashed, the VG middle lane could not choose a character who can hold the line power to support the wild area and the side lane.

In the end, Li Ruixing was forced to choose an airplane. This thing can only be used by the local Bound Spirit for 30 minutes to wait for the three-piece suit to take over the game!

In addition, E also restricts the current version of the top carnivorous wild spider, making it impossible for Gu Xing to open up the situation on his own in the early and mid-term!

Relying on the successful BP decision, White Crescent has destroyed VG's operating system that has been used until now to pieces! "What do you rely on to win?" He was extremely savage, "If it is delayed until the team battle period, E will rule!"

White Crescent not only destroys VG's operating formula, but also develops a soft auxiliary double protection system. The absolute core of the 0 era is the double C.

Xiye and brother-in-law are currently at the first-class starting level, and their ability to deal damage is very strong. As long as their teammates create an ideal output environment for them, the team will be invincible in team battles!

Therefore, White Crescent solves difficulties around the needs of the team.

In the end, the protective soft assistant with stronger platoon protection and output accumulation ability jumped into his mind.

One more platoon-protecting hero can protect the double C, and E can turn the team battle formation into an airtight iron barrel formation! Remove VG's usual operating routines, and then uncover the cards of E's system


White Crescent didn't even know how he was going to lose!

"Wow..." He put his hands on his hips, "E will return to the World Championship under my leadership!"

On the TV screen, if the E member organization invades at the beginning.

They are so unscrupulous, they don't pay attention to their opponents at all!

The VG players could only give up the lower jungle area, and Gu Xing manipulated Zhu Mei to go straight to the upper half of E to change the BUFF start. There is no way that the first-level combat power of the two sides is not at the same level at all, and they cannot fight at all!

Don't look at Gu Xing as a pig girl with fair first-level combat effectiveness. Not only is she rough-skinned and thick-skinned, but she can also use E [Permanent Frozen Field] to provide control. But it is not easy to stack four layers of frost effects.

Because you have to be a melee hero to stack frost. As for the entire VG team, only Gu Xing is short-handed!

Sb's Gnar has no way to become a dinosaur with full anger at level one, which means that if Gu Xing points E at level one, he has to rely on his A four general attacks to trigger the control of the permafrost domain!

It's not realistic at all!

In addition, Kuro still chose a plane, which is not worthy of the name of the first level, and it is a pure toy in front of Syndra on the opposite side! Gu Xing had no choice but to swallow his anger and choose to switch to BUFF.

"Turn on the remote control in the early stage of the bot lane," he commanded in the voice, "Try not to go out, be careful of the barrel and catch people quickly."

"Understood!" Jack agreed cheerfully. Since he didn't need to help the jungler, he immediately operated Verus to go online in advance. Duan Deliang stood in a safe position at the back.

Yu Wenbo pushed his position out of the center line, and first caught the E soldier in his own line. Swing twice to attract the enemy's troops to focus fire for a round, and then retreat to the front of your own tower. This is also a common trick of sideline players, the main purpose is to pull the line.

Jack used the flesh as bait to attract the hatred of the E soldiers and let them attack him in advance.

In this way, the E pawn line will form a queue of 3 near and 3 far away one step earlier, and focus on attacking VG's undeployed pawn line—that is, the first pawn after Verus escapes the minion aggro.

Whoever sets fire first wins.

After killing the VG frontline minions, the E-pawn line has a numerical advantage, and this advantage can be continuously expanded according to Lanchester's law. And Jack's crossing the center line will move the pawn handover point from the original middle zone to the side close to the E defensive tower. Of course, the second wave of E soldiers will come one step earlier, launching an offensive against VG soldiers in advance.

The two factors are superimposed together, and the handover point of the pawn line is destined to slowly advance towards the VG side! At that time, Jack and Duan Deliang will stay under the tower without going out, and they will be able to wait for the little soldiers to come slowly! Kandi's attempt to get off the lane with a quick three Gank will be killed in the cradle!

But E was not unaware.

My brother-in-law had already had an early warning, and the mouse clicked Q [Ambush] to enter the stealth state, and ran over to try to suck Jack.

But as soon as he clicked the first arrow, Duan Deliang, who had shrunk behind Jack just now, immediately learned to throw the [Lamp of Soul Lamp] at his own Eddie's feet. Yu Wenbo didn't hesitate, Jian Lantern immediately ran away!

It turned out that the brother-in-law's second arrow didn't even shatter the lantern shield on Verus' body, and only A dropped Jack's 50 points of blood in the whole process. Harmless!

Myst pursed his lips in dismay.

The opponent still successfully completed the card line, and the loss was completely within the acceptable range. Regardless of Thresh's loss of lighting lanterns at the first level, in fact, it has no effect at all.

The first three waves of soldiers in the VG duo must be eating in front of the tower. It is impossible to take the initiative to fight. Thresh can also steal the tribute soul from the corpse of the soldier in the distance.

The brother-in-law can only watch helplessly as the little soldier advances towards the VG down the tower with irreversible momentum!

As an ADC, Jack also suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder in handling soldiers. Now he sees the soldiers coming slowly according to the script he expected, and his heart is bubbling with beauty.

"Old Gu, the other side didn't help the jungler in the bottom lane, you pay attention!" He did not forget to remind his teammates.

Gu Xing understood.

Originally, E invaded and changed the field. Through the opening of the duo, he could help the field and let Kandy clear the field.

Progress ahead of yourself. However, Jack's excellent pawn line handling method is very important, so the opponent has to give up this advantage.

If it is only faster than a single player to clear the wild, Zhumei will be slightly behind the wine barrel, but the gap will not be very big.

"Maibo, can you push the line in?" Gu Xing asked Song Jinghao, "If possible, I'll come and help you at the third level." Under normal circumstances, the first time that Little Gnar grows bigger is in the third wave of cannon troop lines before and after.

At this time, the dinosaur Poppy can assist in superimposing the frost effect, and together with its own control, it can form a control chain. The killing line of two people's damage is estimated to be in the early 500s!

As long as Sb can properly lower the 957 blood volume, the two can cooperate to try to climb the tower, at least they have to dodge each other! "That's enough..." Sb felt awkward and tricky, "The opponent's single blood volume is well controlled, and I can't consume him!"

957 is very experienced.

He is a typical top laner who does not rely on manipulation but focuses on conscious experience.

With an accurate estimate of the burst damage of VG Ueno after Gnar became bigger, 957 did not think about exchanging blood with Sb.

It's just that occasionally he stepped forward to fill in the tail knife. Even if Song Jinghao ran over to consume it, he could block it with the shield block of the passive Qi combined shield with a skill. Sb couldn't suppress the blood volume, and it was impossible for Gu Xing to lead his teammates to forcibly cross the tower and kill Shen with full blood.

But he didn't want to let it go, but made another plan.

"In this way, you surround the artillery line and then push in," Gu Xing commanded the top order, "do a wave to push the line out!" This request is not difficult, and Sb immediately agreed.

Although Gnar was at a disadvantage against Shen in the early stage, but Gu Xing was in the Ueno area, and Kandi was not with the top laner, so Song Jinghao naturally controlled the line. In order to protect the blood volume of 957, it is bound to be unable to frequently consume the line of soldiers. Sb uses this to accumulate a large number of minions and pushes the cannon pawns to the upper tower of E in 3 minutes and 07 seconds!

At this time, the next wave of short lines is only a few seconds away, and it is impossible for Yi Shen's line clearing ability to deal with this large wave of soldiers!

957 had no choice but to watch the minion transfer point change to his own tower, and the E-pawn line relied on the blessing of the defensive tower to eat up the enemy's minions! In a short while, this wave of pawns will push out the center line!

Alarm bells rang in his heart.

If he wants to make up the knife next time, he has to leave the protection of the defense tower, maybe Gu Xing will take this opportunity to go around and arrest himself! "Xiang Renjie will do me a favor later, squat down and untie me!" 957 began to shake him.

Kandi cut the screen and glanced at the top line, and also realized the difficult situation his top laner was facing. But how to deal with it becomes a problem.

The pushback line officially launches the node on the middle line of the road should be around 3 minutes and 40 seconds.

And it takes at least 30 seconds for the wine barrel to rush from the spring to the road without shoes. Counting the time to return to the city to read the article, even if Kandi returns to the spring to replenish his equipment now, he will not be able to support the soldiers in the first time. Guard 957!

Not to mention that Xiang Renjie hasn't finished his first round of jungle yet! The disadvantages of the bottom lane duo not helping to open the field at the beginning are undoubtedly revealed.

Rao Kandi's basic skills in clearing the jungle are very solid, and the speed of clearing the jungle with the wine barrel is not slow. It is impossible for him to clean up all the six groups of camps in the lower jungle area in just over 3 minutes!

There are currently two solutions left.

Either let 957 wait for him to return to the city after clearing the wild, so that his teammates will definitely lose a large wave of minions, and Sb may also get the minions stuck before VG goes up the tower.

Either I give up the three wolves who just started fighting now, and immediately go back to the city to mend a pair of straw sandals and hurry on the road. Candy hesitated for a moment, and finally chose the latter.

According to the pre-match arrangement of White Crescent, you can't lose it on the road.

If Sb is allowed to widen the matchup economic gap, E will fall into a passive situation of being pulled by VG's side lanes in advance in the mid-term! Kandi decided to sacrifice himself appropriately, abandoning the three wolves and returning to the city where he was, and ran up the road after patching up straw sandals and real eyes.

"It's broken..." Xiaoshou murmured in the backstage lounge, "Xiang Renjie, don't go up the road!" Standing in the perspective of God, he could clearly see the movements of the VG players.

Sb controlled a wave of pushing back, but Gu Xing had no intention of coming to Gank at all!

Pig girl finished the first half

Six groups of camps, went back to the city to buy red crystals and straw sandals, quickly left the spring and went straight down the road! The two jungle heroes are staggered!

More importantly, the E bot lane also ushered in a pushback!

The duo also stocked up a large wave of cannon troop lines to enter the VG tower, and now retreat to the front of their own tower and wait for the line to slowly push back, in order to achieve the intention of safe knife development.

"What is Gu Xing going to do?" The little beast sitting next to his head coach was nervous, "Is he going to jump the tower?" White Crescent shook his head, "Probably not, Myst has purification... ·」

The little beast also realized that he cared about chaos.

VG went down the field and wanted to jump over the tower to kill the E duo. A set of bursts was obviously not enough, and there was not enough stable control.

But Gu Xing seemed to have made up his mind to come down to make trouble.

He manipulated the pig girl to cross the river, and used the movement speed given by the straw sandals to travel long distances to the grass behind the E down tower side! The moment Sejuani got out of the grass on a pig, the brother-in-law was really taken aback.

Shouldn't you be on your way? Why did it suddenly teleport to my face?

The moment Zhumei showed her face, E Ueno realized that she had been fooled.

White Crescent's previous champion face no longer exists, and his smile is slightly restrained, showing a trace of tension in his face. He could hear the heated communication in the E-team's voice.

"What should I do? Shrink the tower and fight?" The newcomer Ben is asking for support, "Teammates, teammates, save me!" "I have to push the line before I can go down," Xiye said anxiously, "for a while make life difficult for!"

"Back back!" Kandy sent warning signals continuously, urging the duo to run away.

A round of damage from VG going down the field can't kill the E duo, but this doesn't mean that the brother-in-law can safely finish this wave of soldiers under the tower!

A set of damage will cripple you, VG will exit the defense tower to reset the hatred, and wait for a wave of skills to cool down for two, two, three, and four, and then come again and kill you? It must be withdrawn.

But my brother-in-law looked at the huge wave of soldiers in front of him, and felt his heart was bleeding. A full 10 soldiers!

The game is less than 4 minutes away, let's not talk about the economic loss caused by 10 soldiers, let's talk about the experience gap between the last two waves, how will E be in the next lane?

He played fiercely at the beginning of the game and briefly controlled the line because the jungler Kandi was covering in the lower half.

After the junglers of both sides returned to the normal route of clearing the jungle, the weakness of the E duo Mouse + Lulu still existed. If you lose another 10 pawns, the balance of victory and defeat in the bottom lane will continue to tilt towards VG!

But my brother-in-law had to run away. It is better to lose troops than to die under the tower.

He couldn't count on the mid laner Syndra to help him out on foot, so he had to take his assistant Lulu to scatter back and prepare to go to the autistic grass in front of the second tower.

Ze Yuan on the commentary stage focused his eyes on the down lane, "Brother Xing doesn't seem to want to let the other party go away calmly, so he manipulated the pig girl to arch on Lulu!" Dodge and escape!"

After all, Lulu didn't bring purification, if she was connected to the control chain, the consequences would be disastrous! To be on the safe side, Ben obediently handed over his summoner skills.

"In this way, VG went to the field for nothing, so my brother-in-law lost a wave of soldiers, and by the way, he played a flash of Lulu," remembering his eyes followed the director's camera to look up the road, "Sb is doing well in the top road!"

After Kandi realized that he was being played by VG's weird line-field linkage, he once wanted to use the line of troops slowly advancing the enemy's turret to launch an offensive against Song Jinghao.

But people don't give them a chance.

Sb is indeed a hexagonal hero sea, and his mastery of Gnar can also be described as proficient.

He just spent a period of sage time when his body became smaller and he couldn't stack his rage, so he began to rely on the range advantage to A twice from time to time on the minions, and then supplemented with Q [Throwing the return mark] to hit the three rings to reduce the blood volume of the soldiers.

Not only to stack rage, but also to control the number of E creeps entering the tower. Now Gnar is half angry and there are only 5 soldiers entering the VG defense tower up and down.

Five can't do it!

Besides, there are no artillery soldiers, not at all.

Enough to support the E Ueno off-road tower!

Although Shen + Wine Barrel's control chain seems to be quite complete, but what if Gnar is full of anger and suddenly grows bigger when the tower jumping and killing plan is halfway through? The increased life value and the new skill set of the ship will definitely allow Sb to complete the anti-killing under the tower!

Candy dared not take the risk.

"This bowl of E was calculated, and no countermeasures have been taken!" Zeyuan said with a slight smile, "Brother Xing saw that the bottom lane was cleared by the opponent's defense tower, and he still has to move to Xiaolongkeng , Prepare to control the first water dragon!"

In this version, Xiaolong was born in two and a half minutes, but except for very few heroes, it is basically not too early to start in the professional arena. Mainly playing too slowly.

Xiaolong is more resistant to beating, and the strong herbivore jungle heroes in the version generally do not have high damage-Nunu is a strange flower, so everyone waits for the equipment level to improve before going to trouble with the dragon.

However, Pan Gu Xing was too early to help determine the advantage of the line of troops in the bottom lane. Verus had the percentage damage in hand, and he had punishment himself. Under the condition that the enemy could not interfere, opening Xiaolong was undoubtedly the right choice.

You know, this is a water dragon!

"The game only lasted 4 minutes and 10 seconds, and VG took control of the first dragon of the game!" Zeyuan looked excited, "This is too fast!" "The help provided by the water dragon during the laning phase is simply terrifying!" Remember to smile, "Status recovery can make players rely on the online world forever!" The director gave related information.

"The aggregated data of E+ shows that the winning rate of the team that won the water dragon 10 minutes ago in the LPL Summer Games is as high as 95%!" Zeyuan said with emotion, "It's really exaggerated!"

"And the next one is actually a water dragon," I remember teasing, "It seems that the system can sense the weather at the scene!" There were rustling laughter from the audience.

There was a torrential downpour in the Shanghai stock market today, and there were indeed signs of flooding. The faces of the little beasts in the backstage lounge were half black.

"No way..." He believed in metaphysics. What does a 95% win rate mean?

As long as VG doesn't send randomly, this round can be won!

"Don't worry, don't worry first," White Crescent reassured the manager, "It's just a water dragon, don't panic!" "It's just a technical adjustment now, we can recover the disadvantage in a while!"

But two minutes later, the white crescent face was painful.

Since the junglers of both sides switched to BUFF in the early stage, Gu Xing and Kandi returned to the normal route of clearing the jungle, and the reset rules of the camps in the jungle were also completely opposite.

Kandi just finished the second round of camp from top to bottom. While making an eyeball near the lower river and turning back to the upper half of the area, he was thinking about where to launch the first wave of offensive after he reached level six.

Then something went wrong down the road.

Duan Deliang's Thresh threw the lantern backwards, flashed out of the thread grass, and E [Pendulum of Misfortune] brushed back Lulu who hadn't flashed! The pig girl from afar picked up the lantern and flew to the bottom lane battlefield!

What meets Lulu will be inevitable death!

"The flash that Ben gave earlier became a foreshadowing!" I remember shouting loudly, "The first blood was born a bit late, but the character who got the head was Verus, and Jack made a lot of money!"

He got 400 gold coins without handing in any skills, and Jack's face under the camera was all smiles. Candy hissed softly.

I just swiped down from the upper half of the area, shouldn't Gu Xing be swiped from the bottom to the top? He hit the Tab key before realizing the problem.

Pig girl lost 4 knives.

The opponent only finished clearing the camps in the lower half of the area and went to the bottom lane to launch an offensive! What you are grasping is the inertial thinking born by yourself!

Kandi was annoyed, but he didn't expect to be caught by Gu Xing if he didn't pay attention. He bit his lip a little annoyed.

"The wine barrel can't go to the enemy's upper field to stop the loss, he has to turn around and go back to the bottom road!" Remember to look at the small map, "Otherwise VG will push the pawn line into the tower, and the mouse will go back to the second tower. autistic!"

Candy had no choice.

I had to cover my brother-in-law to eat soldiers. But Gu Xing is different.

After pushing the line, he chose to disappear from the line, and then ran all the way to the middle along his lower field. The target is Xiye!

"The plane Valkyrie swooped forward, and the pig girl got out of the grass"

Xiye's first reaction was that he didn't need to dodge, and he could knock back the opponent with E [The Weak Retreat]. But he immediately regretted it.

When the pig girl handed over the Q pig rushing forward, Xiye threw the weak back to scatter to interrupt Sejuani's forward trajectory. However, a golden light flickered.

Sejuani is like a trick pig girl, rushing forward 400 yards, jumping over the weak and retreating to Syndra! "Shuttle flash!" Ze Yuan's eyes lit up and he exclaimed in shock, "Xiye is about to suffer!"

Xiye couldn't react in time, and was thrown into mid-air by Zhumei!

Gu Xing's basic attack received [Winter's Wrath] to cancel the flat A and then shake, and instantly stacked three layers of frost. After landing, Xiye hurriedly handed over his flash to escape.

But Gu Xing has put on the last layer of frost effect! Permafrost field!

Pig girl threw out the flail from mid-range, freezing Syndra in place and being unable to move! Airplane phosphorescent bombs combined with large missiles took Syndra's life!


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