Ben couldn't react in time, and was locked in place by the pig girl's big move! "

I remember the high-pitched and loud voice echoing in the venue.

"Thresh stretched the hook at the extreme position, combined with the high damage of the plane and Verus, directly killed Lulu!"

Lulu is a pure crispy skin. The only equipment on her body that can provide frankness is the eye stone.

VG controlled full damage and kept up immediately. Ben died suddenly on the spot without even handing over the flash all the way. Xiye couldn't save the support even if he handed over the QE second company.

Ben looked at the black and white screen and shook his head repeatedly.

He thought that Gu Xinghui would target Syndra, but he didn't expect the other party to play a trick!

Ben has all his skills, but he just doesn't respond.

Gu Xing obviously understood his psychology, and his main focus was to catch him off guard!

"Sindra put the damage on the pig girl who resisted the tower, trying to kill Brother Xing who surrendered all the means of displacement..." Ze Yuan laughed out loud when he saw Xi Ye's damage clearly, "But his output Isn't it too low?"

The ball girl hit all the skills in a set, and the combined defensive towers were able to lower Gu Xing's blood by half!

Sejuani scratched her itch, picked up the lantern thrown by Thresh not far away, and calmly left the range of the defense tower.

"The amount of blood provided by Xingge's wild knife is too amazing, this pig is real meat now!"

Although Gu Xing has few kills, he has many assists.

Coupled with the economy given by wild monsters, Zhumei can already be called a qualified tank.

On the other hand, Xiye lost two waves of soldiers after being arrested by Gu Xing in the early stage, and her economic level dropped a lot. She couldn't pose a fatal threat to a pure pig girl at all!

And when Syndra cast E [The Weak Retreat], Jack also thoughtfully cast R [Chain of Corruption] to trap him.

Xiye was so frightened that he blinked!

He dare not neglect.

The last time the greed flashed and something happened, this time I was the only one left under the tower, and it would be tantamount to a dead end to be targeted by Verus!

"The wine barrel finally came around to the front, and Shen also found a suitable safe position to launch a big move," remembering to look at the small map, not letting go of any details, "The crisis in the middle of E has been resolved!"

The first tower in E, which originally had more than half of its health remaining, now has less than 1/3 of its health bars left, and it is already in a precarious state! "Carefully protect the middle lane, Sb will not be blocked in the top lane, and manipulate Gnar to go up the enemy's tower for a while!"

After a quick glance on the road, the director's camera shifted to the lower half.

"The mouse hasn't pushed down VG's bottom lane, the first blood tower, and the entire wave of artillery tanks has been bombarded and killed by the turret!"

My brother-in-law tried his best to push.

However, the efficiency of the mouse's tower demolition is not high. It is impossible to raise a blood tower bounty in a short time by itself!

At present, there is still 1/4 of the blood bar left in the VG tower, and Tuqi can't forcefully demolish it without a line of soldiers.

After finally waiting for a wave of short-term arrivals, my brother-in-law just wanted to push the line in and continue to dismantle the tower, when he found that the situation had changed. After 957 carefully used the teleport to reach the defense in the middle, VG decisively let go of the obsession with the first tower and started another line transfer.

The shooter occupies the middle, the jungler turns his head and walks backwards, and the middle and assistants move down!

The brother-in-law, who was alone on the bottom road, didn't dare to make a mistake when he saw this, and after clearing the short-term, he quickly opened Q [Ambush] and ran back to his tower.

He looked at the bloody enemy's next tower with great greed, but he couldn't find a way to withdraw the money.

"957 helped the teammates clean up the vanguard and the bottom line of the tower, and quickly handed over the teleportation and then went back to the top road to try to save the first tower..." I remember noticing a slight abnormality, and the tone of my voice was slightly distorted under the eagerness, "Xingge Li Zai Gan Shenmo?! "

The camera is aimed at Gu Xing.

Only then did the audience realize that Zhumei, who had retreated straight back and left the middle lane, made a detour to the Ueno area at some point in time! "Could it be possible that Brother Xing is thinking about freezing hands with 957 again?" Ze Yuan guessed

Then he frowned, "But Sb is still a little Gnar this time, and the two of them have almost no control!"

Gu Xing's big move was still far from cooling down.

It is really difficult for Pig Girl to cooperate with the long-range basic attack version of Gnar. The four frost layers of E [Permanent Frozen Field] must be stacked by Sejuani alone.

From anyone's point of view, VG Ueno doesn't have the ability to kill Shen!

957 thought so too.

I was able to catch me before because I handed over my big move and punished you to stand in place. In addition, you have the R skill, and the control chain is very well connected.

Now I'm stuck under the tower, can you kill me by force?

Judging from the combat power that VG Ueno is unlikely to come to trouble him, 957 should be relieved.

Although Kandi had been wandering in the lower half of the canyon for the previous two minutes, resulting in a dark field of vision in the Ueno area, 957 was still steadily making up the damage.

As a result, as soon as the pawn line was pushed in by Gnar, the pig girl got out of the grass behind the defensive tower, and was sandwiched between two sides with the dinosaur Bobby!

957's heart tightened.

People always feel flustered about things beyond their cognition.

He is also included.

Gu Xing, what are you doing?

957 can't figure out the situation.

There is no other way but to clear the line of soldiers under the tower first.

Having already created Tiamat, his speed of brushing lines is quite good, and he wants to get rid of all the minions as soon as possible, so as to

This eliminates the potential risk of tower being crossed.

But Gu Xing didn't give 957 breathing room at all. He took two steps forward and started driving when the distance between the two was about 400 yards.

Qi [Winter's Wrath] wants to superimpose the frost effect on him.

At first, 957 wanted to turn around by moving, but Sb's Gnar threw a boomerang at the right time and successfully slowed him down! "The slow-moving 957 couldn't dodge in time, and was given the frost effect by the pig girl. Fortunately, the relative distance is relatively far away.

The initial flail swing of Winter's Wrath did not hit, only one layer of passive..."

Zeyuan turned on the machine gun mode again, crazily outputting and pouring out commentary, "Brother Leg first turned around and pulled himself away.

The position with the pig girl, and then suddenly E taunted and pulled back! "

957 pretended to move in order to confuse Gu Xing, making the other party mistakenly think that he had no idea about him.

In fact, it was the pig girl who killed it!

As long as the taunt hits Sejuani who is fighting against the tower, I rely on three Q shots to bless the basic attack and Tiamat's master

With the animation effect, it can definitely kill the pig girl who didn't flash on the spot!

957 finger on the D key.

He knew that Shen's taunt might be interrupted by Gu Xing's Q pig rush - this is a problem with the skill mechanism, the pig's head's forward range should be wider and longer, the two heroes collided, pig sister Q [extreme cold raid] will be triggered first

Top flying Shen, thus suspending the subsequent casting of the shadow binding skill.

Therefore, 957 was already prepared to show up as soon as he saw Gu Xing arching his face! As long as it can be pasted on the pig girl's face, the other party will be controlled by ridicule!

But the next scene can't be straightened out for him.

Sejuani did deliver Piggyback.

But it's not going towards Shen Gong, but retreating away from the defense tower!

957 was stunned for a moment.

How did you run away?

His brain was shut down, and his instinct drove his fingers to press the D key.

Shen's mocking flash still controlled Gu Xing.

Even if I was knocked into the air, the control time of the pig's rapid advance was obviously not enough. After the 957 landed, sister pig

Still being ridiculed and face to face with him.

Shen's blade slashed on Zhumei's body, which was extremely painful!

"But the problem is the turret!" I remember shouting loudly, "Pig girl has left the range of the defense tower!" That pig lunge towards the outside of the tower made Sejuani successfully stay away from the defense tower.

Now Shen's sharp blade hurts the pig girl, but without the help of the defense tower's damage, Gu

row root

Ben can't die!

"The wave of 957 is in a dilemma. He ridiculed that not only did he not keep the pig girl under the tower, but he let himself be killed by the pig.

The sister stacked the frost effect! "

Gu Xing has stacked up to three layers of frost with his basic attack while taunting.

Only one basic attack is needed to trigger E [Permanent Frozen Field]!

"Gnar jumps forward, and the basic attack hits three rings to keep up with the output!"

Sb is currently still in the tower, and the output Shen will still attract the hatred of the defensive tower.

But he doesn't care.

957 was full of despair, even if he opened the sword formation, it would not help.

Taunt and Flash, the two key movement skills, have all been handed over, and now he is a lamb waiting to be slaughtered! "Gnar's last boomerang took Shen's life, and then he left the defensive tower to shoot

Procedure! "

The camera is shown on 957 on E's bench.

He who has always been elegant and easy-going is now full of annoyance.

Why do you say I flash up?

You should be more calm, and wait for the pig girl to actually come to the tower before handing in the taunt, so that Gu Xing will not be able to run away if he turns around and makes a sudden leap!

The words of the white crescent moon in the backstage lounge revealed regret, "I'm so impulsive! It would be nice to be more stable." If the 957 is operated properly, it will be a one-for-one exchange at least!

But Shen was burnt to death by the gangster who was hooked up by Zhu Mei at that time, and he was not calm enough to deal with it.

White Crescent let out a long sigh, put himself in his shoes and thought about it, he could also understand why Sister Li, who has always been known for her calm mind, would be so reckless.

See what VG has done in the past two minutes?

First rely on the advantage of the team's combat effectiveness to get the vanguard, and then keenly capture the flaws exposed in E's greedy resource replacement operation, gather people to put pressure on the middle lane, plane explosives envelop the road, and pig girls attack east and west to kill

Lulu and other means set off a watertight rhythm offensive!

Attacking one after another, shattering the opponent's plan to restore the economic gap!

For Team E, it felt like VG swung a heavy punch first, and he chose to avoid the fight instead of hitting the enemy sneakily. As a result, VG dragged his foot directly into the ground, Head-on is two rocket head hammer catch lock skills!

957 was dizzy from VG's exquisite management, and his mentality was so impetuous that he desperately wanted to get back on the field.

Then Gu Xing pulled her mentally.

The manager Xiaoshou's eyes stared straight, and he was completely hopeless about his team's first game.

White Crescent could see that the faces of the management leaders were not right, even he himself felt that the team's tactics were not implemented properly.

It was as smooth as imagined, but he was still talking hard.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, Mystieb is full of question marks, he has never heard of this word, so he can only guess rashly,

"Is Ike's big move?

"No..." Gu Xing denied this statement. He wanted to correct it but found that it was a long story, and it was difficult to explain it clearly with just a few words on the field. "Anyway, I thought it through when I came here.

earn. Although Gu Xing has developed well, he still has no head money so far.

The hero bounty mechanism of the S7 season is far less flexible than that of later generations. As long as you kill no more than 2 people in a row, a life is worth 300 gold coins.

It doesn't matter if he dies, the Ueno brothers earn an assist for nothing.

And after killing Shen, Sb can unplug E and go to the next tower if he survives!

No matter how you calculate it, it’s a profitable business!

"Sure enough," Kuro continued along the topic, "I knew that a player of Xiao Gu's level would never play

Unprepared for the battle, the way of death for E has been chosen long ago!

After licking this sentence, the VG team's voice fell silent.

"Why don't you guys talk?" Li Ruixing was still asking his teammates without realizing it.

Jack cleared his throat, "Old Gu, come to the middle road later, there is no reason to defend the tower opposite." Gu Xing agreed, "I'll be right there,

Can you stock up on a slow push line a little bit?

"No problem, the other side is afraid to come up." Yu Wenbo prioritized point A to line up troops in the back, and let the front row soldiers with higher blood volume get stuck in the line handover position.

The middle road is short, and it is more difficult to store lines compared to the two side roads.

But I can't stand the E duo's combat power is too abstract now.

The mouse is not even ruined at present, it is not the opponent of the VG duo at all!

This is also the reason why Gu Xing switched from the bottom lane to the middle lane in advance after operating around the Canyon Pioneer.

If we continue to let the mid laners of the two sides face each other here, Syndra, who is more intense in the early stage, will inevitably hold the line. Without the lane right in the middle, it would be inconvenient for Gu Xing to invade the jungle and roll snowballs.

Simply enter the line transfer period ahead of time to speed up, he wants to expand the economic lead infinitely in the shortest possible time!

On the commentary stand, I remember staring at the canyon with all my attention.

"Brother Xing manipulated the pig girl to come to the F6 camp of E, his ult is about to improve, the deterrence of the pig girl

The power is already full! "

E guessed that Gu Xing would definitely come to put pressure on his tower, so Kandi took his seat one step ahead of time.

The idea is clear.

But it just doesn't work.

Thresh stood in front, and the three of E Xiaye didn't dare to take a look, for fear of being forced away by Duan Deliang! Kandi didn't dare to make a move yet, flashing that he couldn't hit anyone with meat, eggs, scallions and chickens, and he would definitely be brushed back by Thresh's pendulum of doom.

"VG hoarded a large wave of soldiers and came in. Three times, five times and two divisions pulled out the E middle tower, and the two sides officially entered the transition period!"

E's top tower was also pushed away by Song Jinghao's Gnar just now, and now the top laner shifts to the bottom lane to continue the hand-to-hand combat, and the mid laner switches to the uncontested top lane to start a wave of wave after wave.

The middle lane continues to be dominated by duo groups.

"Brother Xing launched a fierce attack towards the lower half of E," Zeyuan frowned and felt that the situation of E was very bad, "Sb continued to expand his single-line advantage after making a big ice hammer, and E is now back to death In the game, the gap in the top lane line is completely irreparable!"

The current version of the Big Ice Hammer is perfect for a pseudo-warrior hero like Gnar, who has long hands and short hands.

The meat is deadly and has a slow function to help it pull.

Gnar's basic attack has its own deceleration, and at the same time, it also accelerates after hitting the third ring.

One positive and one negative is equivalent to imprisoning the opponent!

Besides, the bottom lane is a sideline, which can give Gnar plenty of room to pull.

Shen is no match at all!

The waist is very strong in the early stage, because it can rely on the exaggerated basic value to exchange blood.

Now that it's the line transfer period, this trick doesn't work anymore.

Gnar's blood volume is so thick that he would die after releasing the Big Ice Hammer. If Shen taunts him to play a set, his skills will enter the window period, and he will be chased and beaten by the dinosaur Poppy!

957 huddled in front of the tower and could only watch Gnar wear down his defense tower.

The white crescent in the background is almost looking red and warm.

He obviously made a lot of arrangements before the game, why can't he escape the bad luck of being taken out by the top laner?

Is this fate?

Ue Nakano, who is proud of the E lineup, was crushed by Gu Xing's go-between, and has no rhythm so far! E fell into exactly the same rout.

The wild area was invaded wantonly by Gu Xing, and after Jack occupied the center line, he kept exerting pressure, so that the brother-in-law couldn't breathe at all, and he almost shouted ieb to create a single belt opportunity! "

The director split the screen into two, and Song Jinghao demolished the enemy's downhill high ground and was heading towards the front tooth tower.

Candy turned his head back and fought back in embarrassment.

There was still a gap in the number of players. E finally killed two players and successfully killed all three frontal VG players. But before returning to the city, the cameras of the ten contestants on the scene moved uncontrollably towards the main E crystal at high speed! In the roar, the base was torn apart!

"In 26 minutes, VG beat E to win the first game!"

Zeyuan said in a loud voice, "Although VG got a lineup that didn't quite fit their own style, they still managed to win

game! "

I remember sighing beside me, "It can only be said that Brother Xing found the rhythm very well in the early stages, helping teammates who need to develop to gain an advantage, and is perfect in terms of operation, E is not an opponent at all!"

The VG fans at the scene erupted with deafening noise, celebrating the wonderful performance of the home team in the first game!

"What E has to think about now is not the BP issue, but how to stabilize the situation in the game and delay it to the period when it takes shape!"

Remember to say so.

White Crescent thought so too.

He stood in the center of the waiting room and looked around, taking in all the disappointed expressions of the players.

"I feel that there are a lot of mistakes in the loss of the game. You may not warm up your hands in the first game today," Bai Yueyue said kindly, "What do you think? If necessary, I can change the BP strategy."

There was silence in the lounge.

Kandy clenched his fists and answered after thinking for a long time:

"No need, I think the lineup is good, but I didn't find the rhythm well...,

"Do you want to try another round?" White Crescent asked the team members for their opinions.

"Success, just try it!" Kandy said loudly.



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