What is a hexagon jungler?

470: This is called double protection row!

The atmosphere in the WE backstage lounge can only be described as mournful.

The manager Xiaoshou looked at the defeated WE members on the TV screen, and his emotions had already fallen to the bottom.

From the perspective of God, he knew the fact that the wine barrel had been upgraded to level 6 earlier than the WE players on the stage.

At that time, I felt that the situation of this wave of team battles was not good.

However, Xiao Beast, who is of an average level in the league, still believes in his players and believes that WE can win.

However, Gu Xing proved with actual actions how terrifying the level 6 beerman's team fighting power is!

"Xiang Renjie is too reckless, he shouldn't have rushed forward," the little animal muttered in a low voice, "Verus on the other side is obviously a bait!"

He felt that he could tell that Candy had no reason to be so impulsive.

In fact, Little Beast watched the game from the perspective of watching the game, and the information collected was far more and more complicated than that of the live players.

After learning that the barrel was promoted to six in advance, no matter how Xiaoshou looked at this team battle, he would feel that it was a trap specially set by VG.

Jack stood in that position intentionally and accidentally, waiting for WE to open himself.

But the WE players didn't know it!

The thick fog of war covered all information such as the combat power and positions of the VG players.

The WE players didn't know that the barrel had quietly risen to the sixth level, so they naturally judged that they had the upper hand in the team battle. After standing in the formation, they suddenly saw a Verus who seemed to be alone...

Isn't it a choice that every normal person will implement if you tie it up and start a group?

As a result, the big tree W tied it up, and Jack pulled it away with a flash.

In this way, the original compact formation of WE was successfully cut apart!

And the big move released after the sudden appearance of the wine barrel completely broke the connection between the front and rear members of WE!

The result is that the four of VG are in the middle of the fire WE, and the brother-in-law and Ben are at the very edge of the battlefield, seeing their teammates being beaten but helpless!

In this kind of small-scale encounter team battle in the early stage, whoever reduces the number of members first has lost half of the battle!

Later, the brother-in-law tried his best to output, but his position was firmly stuck by the wine barrel, and he was forced to hand over the flash to adjust the output angle to replace one person, but in the end he still couldn't escape death!

Mystic is obviously very irritable now, cursing Korean in a low voice.

"Guragas, this bastard, the position is really good..."

The sound is transmitted to the team lounge through signal transmission.

White Crescent listened to the language he didn't understand at all, his eyes were fixed and he was lost in thought.

However, although he is not proficient in Korean, but at this moment, he has a tacit understanding with his brother-in-law, thinking of the same point.

The position of the barrel.

After throwing his big move, the beer man didn't deliberately turn around to join his teammates in the back row, killing the remaining big trees in seconds to protect his teammates.

He didn't stand too far ahead, trying to threaten his brother-in-law with his own strength.

Instead, he was stuck in a position that made Mystic extremely uncomfortable.

If the opponent wants to output to the back row, he must pass him, otherwise, all the output can only be hit on the rough-skinned and thick-skinned wine barrel!

This kind of team battle position is more protective than simply leaning against your own back row!

If you just stand next to the double C as a bodyguard, Dazui can take advantage of the range to attack for nothing!

At that time, the VG double shooter will be exposed to Kogmaw's gunfire!

If the wine barrel is too far ahead alone, Dazui can open the distance directly by relying on the movement speed and flash, and can still output the enemy's back row without pressure!

Gu Xing was stuck near the limit range that could deter VG double C after Dazui turned on W [Biochemical Barrage], which made my brother-in-law in a dilemma!

Thinking of this, White Crescent couldn't help feeling admiration.

This is called real platoon protection!

Combined with the soft auxiliary Lulu, it forms a perfect combination of double protection, which can protect the VG double C from wind and rain!

Then he looked suspicious.

Something is wrong!

Didn't the other side just steal the soft auxiliary double protection system from me?

Why is Gu Xing so proficient?

White Crescent hissed lightly, and a bold idea emerged in his mind.

Could it be that VG had been prepared for a long time and collided with his own tactics?

Immediately afterwards, he himself denied the idea.

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

It must be that Gu Xing's sense of smell in group battles is more sensitive...

He comforted himself in this way, trying to suppress the panic in his heart.

Corresponding to WE, which has negative morale and low morale, the atmosphere in the VG team is much lighter and more peaceful.

After all, the smile does not disappear, but is transferred to the face of the other party.

The VG players who just won the team battle are all smiling now.

"Take down the brothers!" Kuro said happily, "Wow Kaka, I will take off this wave!"

In the one-for-three team battle, Li Ruixing not only survived to the end, but even gained two heads.

It's making a lot of money!

After returning to the city, he took out a pair of magic shoes to improve his ability of running map, walking and moving and dodging skills.

Then buy the red crystal and the long sword, the power of the three phases is on the way!

With three heads in hand, the development of the aircraft has already surpassed the audience!

Of course, what makes Kuro most happy is helping the jungler successfully defend his own blue buff.

Now seeing the beer man bullying wild monsters with a barrel in his arms, he felt the joy of a good harvest from the bottom of his heart.

If the jungler didn't get the blue buff, but Li Ruixing had the blue buff on him, he would have spent the entire game with guilt.

Jack was still muttering in his voice, "The big mouth on the other side is definitely suffering from a serious illness. He kept throwing himself on me, and he insisted on replacing me with a flash?"

"One thing to say, isn't this Yu Wenbo's favorite routine?" Duan Deliang sarcastically said, "It flashes forward at every turn, as if you have never seen a human head in your life."

Jack was speechless.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with the assistant.

As long as a battle breaks out, nine out of ten flashes of his will be to charge forward.

He also sometimes knew it wasn't right.

But it just can't be changed.

For this reason, he was often pointed at and scolded by Hongmi in the replay after the game.

Jack will admit his mistake apologetically.

Then do it again next time.

This is instinct and cannot be changed.

It's like some mid laners can't walk when they see the little soldiers with residual blood, and they have to make up for them before they are willing to leave the line to support their teammates.

Kuro had no time to take care of the bickering process of the bot lane duo, he did not forget to ask his jungler for his opinion before going out.

"Pingu, when will I use this first explosive bag? Do I pick it up when the Canyon Herald comes out?"

Gu Xing weighed the situation on the field.

"No, you can just pick it up and play laning right now," he replied, "Let's release the canyon, and don't fight that wave group, otherwise it will easily lead to accidents."

Don't look at VG's current advantage, but it is actually quite fragile.

A little carelessness may be taken back by WE.

Gu Xing didn't dare to be careless.

Since the flashing of the key C position of one's own side can't be improved after 10 minutes, the fault tolerance rate of team battles is not very high, so we simply let the canyon vanguard be given to the opponent!

Anyway, as long as it drags on, the strength of VG's lineup in the later stage is here, and it is no problem to win the game!

Kuro understood what Gu Xing meant, and decisively picked up the explosive package and quickly returned to the line to make up for the development.

Due to the existence of the special express delivery by plane, Xiye did not dare to do anything wrong.

He didn't flash himself, for fear that in the process of pressing forward, the opponent would suddenly fly up with a dynamite bag and force a 1v1 duel.

You must know that Corki's damage has been initially formed, and Syndra's set of damage with dazzling light is simply too much to bear!

Even so, Li Ruixing did not let him go.

Before the explosive package disappeared, the plane rushed forward and used the flames to match the skill output. One set directly disabled Syndra!

The damage was so high that everyone in the audience burst into exclamation in unison!

Under the camera, Xi Ye shook her head helplessly.

The opponent's damage was ridiculously high, even if he surrendered QE two times to stun the enemy immediately, his blood volume still dropped rapidly!

Without any means of recovery, he is currently in a very difficult situation.

And Kuro would not let go of this opportunity, and quickly pushed a wave of short-terms into the WE mid-lane tower.

Su Hanwei felt powerless.

If you forcibly make up this wave of soldiers under the tower, you may be killed by the plane flying over the tower!

As a last resort, he had no choice but to ask the jungler to come over to help fill the line, and he went back to the city to replenish his blood.

So far, the right to the middle route has completely changed hands, and the plane is firmly in the hands of it!

Theoretically speaking, once there is no lane right in the middle, it will be difficult for teams to compete for neutral resources.

But Candy didn't want to let go of the Rift Herald.

The WE lineup is more inclined to the early and mid-term. If the vanguard is handed over, what else can be relied on to speed up?

He has no choice.

It is necessary to snatch the right to the middle line to ensure that one's side can get the vanguard smoothly!

At nine and a half minutes into the game, Kandi came to the middle lane and began to help Syndra push the line.

Xiye is almost numb.

I was beaten back to the city by Kuro once before, so I lost a lot of experience.

Now Kandi is coming to the middle lane again...

So how do I make up for the missing nutrients?

Even though Kandi and Gu Xing used to help Smeb untie the line in the same way, there are also gaps.

Song Jinghao uses Qinggang Ying, who is more useful as he drags back, and he himself is Syndra who focuses on the early and mid-term!

The jungler ran over to split the line, and Xi Ye had to give the opponent a lot of experience in the pawn line, which was not much!

Now Syndra's experience bar is only at level 7, and the opposite plane has been at level 8 for a while!

If this goes on like this, Xiye reckons that he will turn on the stealth state for team battles later.

But Su Hanwei felt distressed in his heart.

He also knew that the Canyon Herald had to be taken down, otherwise the team would fall into a state of stagnation!

Forced to do so, Xiye had no choice but to make an appropriate sacrifice.

The WE members didn't know at all that the canyon vanguard they wanted to pursue was nothing to VG, and there was no plan to organize team battles around purple garlic!

Xiang Renjie hurriedly cleared the line of troops, and led Xiye to the Dalongkeng.

This is what Gu Xing was waiting for.

"Ruixing, after you get rid of the pawn line, go straight down!" He commanded.

He wanted to use Canyon Pioneer to lure WE Nakano to the upper half, and he himself pulled the plane to the next lane for four packs and two!

Kuro obeyed Gu Xing's words, three times, five times and two times to solve the middle line of troops pushed by the opponent, and then set off for the lower half.

"The other side is pretty steady, just back away, you probably won't be able to catch it!" Jack reminded Gu Xing.

The WE duo is very alert.

The two of them originally planned to go to Dalongkeng to find teammates after clearing the bottom line, and fight for 300 rounds with the opponent who came to defend the canyon vanguard.

But before he finished pushing the soldiers, he saw the plane moving downwards.

The brother-in-law immediately realized VG's intention to give up the vanguard, and hurriedly turned and retreated together with ben, without even looking at the line of troops!

VG doesn't have enough control skills to keep people in the bottom lane, so he can only watch the two enemies leave his sight with the help of Karma's acceleration skills.

"It's okay, just go down the road and stock up on the line, then slowly push the tower." Gu Xing signaled his teammates not to worry, "Ruixing, come here and squat in the grass with me."

He marked the grass below the middle lane.

Kuro didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately operated the plane and plunged into the grass.

Gu Xing inserted his real eyes here earlier, and then turned on the overscan in the nearby river grass to make sure that there is no enemy's vision nearby.

"Just wait," Gu Xing said in a deep voice, "the other side will take the bait."

Kuro was full of question marks, not knowing exactly what kind of medicine was sold in Gu Xing's gourd.

But the WE duo is really uncomfortable.

The lower jungle area of ​​their side is currently pitch black, and they don't know the exact location of VG's middle jungler at all!

It's not that Kandi doesn't want to set up his vision, but that he doesn't have enough eye positions at all!

The green jungle knife only provided two accessory eyes. Xiang Renjie didn't know that VG would give up Pioneer, and he had to honestly light up the key grass near the Dalong Pit. He really didn't have time to take care of the lower jungle area!

And because Ben first upgraded the production idea of ​​[Nomad Seal], he has enough money now, but he has not yet returned to the city to synthesize the eye stone.

Nosuke, the main force of eye-catching, was unable to set up his field of vision, which caused the WE lower field to be covered by a thick fog of war!

The WE bottom lane team can only shrink in the autistic grass, watching the VG duo transport a large number of frontlines to the tower, and let the defense tower swallow these minions!

My brother-in-law's heart is bleeding.

After Kandi finished playing Pioneer, seeing that VG Nakano still didn't appear online, he immediately became suspicious.

He wants to directly summon the vanguard to hit a tower in VG.

If the opponent does not return to defense, WE will be able to flatten the enemy's defensive gate with a tower!

When they came to the grass in the upper river, Kandy manipulated the big tree to twitch and began to guide the purple garlic to make its debut.

However, what Xiang Renjie didn't know was that because VG previously held the line power in the middle lane, Kuro once inserted an ornament eye in the grass above.

Now the eye position just detected Kandi's ghostly shaking figure!

"It's now!"

Gu Xing's face was full of joy, he picked up the barrel and rushed out.

Kuro worked diligently and acted alongside his jungler.

Both of them have already made the second-level shoes, and now they are walking fast, crossing the middle road and rushing towards the grass above!

Candy was shocked.

"Su Hanwei, stop the wine barrel!"

The current version of Rift Herald's channeling time is a full 5 seconds long.

Gu Xingguang can walk close to 1,500 yards with just one pair of legs, not to mention he has the ability to move!

It's easy to interrupt Kandy's pioneering lead!

Xiang Renjie was impatient.

Xiye also knew the seriousness of the situation.

If Gu Xing interrupts Kandi's pioneering guidance, all the sacrifices WE made for it will be in vain!

In that case, wouldn't the pawn line experience that I had previously handed over to the jungler in the middle lane be for nothing? !

Su Hanwei went to meet Gu Xingxing, and when he saw the wine barrel handing over the E meat, eggs, and onion chicken, he immediately threw out the EQ second company, trying to interrupt the enemy's forward charge.

As long as the beer man can be stunned, the remaining plane is harmless and can't stop Kandi at all!

But a golden light flashed.

Gu Xing passed through the casting range of the weak man's retreat, and the sturdy body of the beer man got closer and closer to the big tree!

Candy felt a chill in his heart.

He can really understand the feeling of 957's Shen Shang game to hand in a big move to support his teammates, but Gu Xing casts him in the palm of his hand.

Was Ke Changyu at that time as full of despair as he is now?

I can't move, I can only interrupt myself by watching the other party hand over their skills!

R [Exploding barrels]!

The hops flew all over the sky, and with a roar, the big tree was blown into Kuro's face!

Rolling the wine barrel combined with the high damage of the plane instantly killed Kandi!

"Aww..." Ze Yuan couldn't bear to groan for WE, "Kang Di was too careless, he stepped on VG's jewelry eyes to be a vanguard, and was caught by the other party!"

The same goes for Xiang Renjie.

Of course, he can also cast Vanguard in the upper river to threaten the enemy's middle tower.

But in that case, Pioneer will send out a full-picture reminder in advance. After being informed by VG, the opponent will have enough time to rush to the middle. At that time, the purple garlic may not be able to hit a single head!

I thought it would be safe to summon the vanguard in the grass above the middle lane, but it was only 5 seconds. Maybe before VG could react, the purple garlic was revived.

Who would have imagined that VG Nakano would be squatting in the grass under the middle lane, and after observing Kandi's movements, he would immediately interfere with his hands, killing the big tree and killing the pioneer at the same time!

"We're losing money this time!" I remember shaking my head repeatedly, "Nakano spent a lot of time and energy to deal with Pioneer, but in the end he didn't get anything, and he even lost Kandy's life!"

Ze Yuan answered the question in a timely manner, "And brother-in-law also paid the price of two waves of soldiers for this, which delayed a lot of development!"

"Now WE holds the dominant lineup in the early and mid-term, but it is 2,000 economy behind in the 11 minutes of the game!"

957 saw that his teammates were all unreliable, so he became anxious first.

He wanted to use his own level advantage to take the initiative to start a fight with Qinggangying, but Smeb ignored him at all, and used the uninterruptible effect of the hook in front of the wall to avoid the drag of Kled's Q skill, and went back without looking back. Tower down.

The chain reaction that Gu Xing used to trick 957 into flashing by using the false vision routine is still going on.

Although Ke Changyu flashed that he had recovered, he didn't dare to press too hard during the nearly 5 minutes he didn't flash, for fear that Gu Xing would rush to the road and join Qinggangying to arrest him.

Now the top laner development of the two sides is almost the same, and the little experience points that 957 gained in the early stage of the game because of Gu Xing's handling of Smeb's line also slowly disappeared with the passage of time.

If the two develop evenly, Kreed must be at a disadvantage!

957 became more and more anxious when he saw that Smeb was not going to fight.

He decided to take advantage of Qinggangying's last line of power before he made the three-phase power, ran into the upper river and activated his R skill, charging towards the middle!

This opportunity was well grasped, even though Gu Xing was crouching back to protect near the middle.

But Kled's early combat power is really not low.

The 957 operated very well, using the follow-up mechanism of the second stage E to successfully catch up with Kuro's plane, and then killed the opponent with a single blow to Tiamat!

In the end, WE played 2 for 3, not only killing VG Nakano, but also slaughtering Jack who came to watch the show to support him!

"The plane is a big head, WE seems to be very profitable, but what about the first tower on the road?" Zeyuan was very anxious, "Smeb didn't plan to support just now, just stayed on the road and kept demolishing towers!"

Camille's tower pushing ability is also second to none among popular top units.

With the help of Q [Precise Etiquette]'s reset basic attack and the extra damage provided by Yaoguang, Song Jinghao flattened the previous tower without any effort!

With the 600 gold coins provided by the First Blood Tower, Qing Gangying's development is already unstoppable!

Song Jinghao kept one thing in mind.

To play single-belt fighters is to be alone.


What is support?

One way to black!

Smeb will always mark top laners who have to join a team to fight for a solo hero as a god-defying treasure without the soul of split pushing.

The effect of the 600 yuan was quickly revealed.

Not long after the transfer period started, facing 957's No Shankly, Song Jinghao seized the opportunity to kick him off the horse with a wave of E, and then used his big move to firmly frame him!

Even if the leg brother W [Violent Temperament] has just finished cooling down, with Q [Pistol], he can quickly mount his horse to replenish his blood.

But Gu Xing just arrived!

An exploding wine barrel in the distance supplemented the damage, and completed the killing just before Klein was about to mount his horse!

"Virtue is everywhere!" Ze Yuan praised Gu Xing loudly, "Brother Bo Xing can control another little dragon after killing Kled in the bottom lane!"

Candy bit his lip.

He knew he couldn't sit still, he had to respond.

Fortunately, Xiang Renjie found a breakthrough.


Yu Wenbo didn't bring purification, and Kandi felt that he had no reason to let him go.

Just after the duo turned to the middle lane, Jack kept pushing the line to ensure Gu Xing's initiative to do things on the side lane.

Kandi seized the opportunity to cast R Tree Boundary Down in the distance!

The thick vines moved so fast that Jack failed to escape the influence of the tree world in time, and was imprisoned in place on the spot, unable to move!

"Kandi was accelerated by Karma, flashed W and went forward, then picked up Q to beat Jack to the direction of brother-in-law!"

The big mouth spit out mucus, and after hanging up the ruins, Verus was sprayed to death in three or two strokes!

"WE can try to attack the first tower in VG, but the price they have to pay is a bottom tower and an earth dragon!"

I remember showing excitement on my face, "I have to say that WE's offensive has been very rapid during this period. They have found a little sense of rhythm after entering the transition period, and they are continuing to set off a wave of counterattacks!"

He didn't want to see one-sided crushing.

This is not a foreign battle in the World Championships. He is eager to show the strongest form with the teams in the competition area and dedicate a wonderful evenly matched contest.

Now WE's several counterattacks made me very excited. I once thought that this ancient giant could reverse the situation.

Ze Yuan frowned, not so optimistic.

"Although WE played a good mid-term rhythm, problems still exist. One is how to solve Qinggangying's influence on the wing, and the other is Syndra's development."

The director gave the real-time economic panel of the ten players.

Smeb is currently leading by as much as 1300 gold coins, seeing that Hydra is about to be synthesized!

Xiye's Syndra was particularly miserable, not to mention unable to keep up with Kuro.

Even Gu Xing was only less than 300 gold coins behind him!

You know, the junglers in this version are generally poor.

With a camp refresh time of 150 seconds, you don't need to think about it to know that in the case of wild monsters, this year's jungler has 50% less economic gain than the S6 season.

What's more, after the mid-term, the three-way teammates would sneak into the two groups of camps from time to time, highlighting that a small hand is not very clean.

In this way, Gu Xing can ensure that the economy catches up with Syndra, which is enough to see Xiye's predicament!

In a conflict that broke out on the road, Syndra's five-ball R was stunned by Duan Deliang who couldn't lose the remaining 1/3 of his blood in seconds!

You must know that support in the professional arena often gives experience to online teammates, and it is common to be 3-4 levels behind the other eight players in the mid-term.

In addition, the economy is mediocre, and there is no money to buy any equipment...

Many mage mid laners are auxiliary killers, who specialize in finding cute cuties like Lulu to withdraw money.

In the end, the head was almost up to Xi Ye's mouth, and he couldn't eat it!

The direct consequence of Syndra's damage collapse is that the brother-in-law has to bear the burden of excessive damage output.

After all, Dashu is pure meat, and the top laner Kelie has to deal with Qinggangying's single belt on the side.

You can't let Ben's Karma make up for the damage, right?

Mystic has to rely on more aggressive moves to create damage.

Then he was followed by Gu Xing, ready to E to flash R to blow up the brother-in-law into the VG formation anytime and anywhere.

The brother-in-law was afraid of the control of the wine barrel, and after a little stability, he let go of the two bloody heroes of VG in the team battle!

He was so annoyed that he tightly closed his fingers holding the mouse.

The chaotic battle between the two teams lasted until 28 minutes.

In fact, VG's fighting skills are a little stronger, but they lost their middle tower, and it is difficult to deploy and control their vision.

In addition, Kandy's big tree keeps throwing tree sons into the grass, and whoever steps on it accidentally will be blown up with a lot of life points!

Under the disadvantage of vision, VG can't take advantage of the battle, and the economic gap between the two teams has always remained at around 3K.

At this moment, WE knew that he could not drag on any longer.

The double C combination of Dazui and Syndra has reached the peak of combat power, and waiting will only let VG's aircraft rule the battlefield!

Now this version of Kuqi is a real late-stage magic core. With the endless crit attribute, Liushen decorating meat is no different from chopping melons and vegetables!

After their brother-in-law made a three-piece suit of ruin + hurricane + sheep knife, they hurried to Dalongkeng to take their positions, trying to force VG to come to fight.

Especially that Qing Gang Ying who was possessed by the demon in the bottom lane...

Her teleportation must be forced out so that Camille can join the team head-on!

However, WE's act of shooting the dragon has not received due attention.

VG doesn't care at all.

As far as WE's lineup is concerned, the continuous output depends entirely on Dazui alone, and there is absolutely no way to finish playing a Dalong within 15 seconds!

Instead, Gu Xing gathered the four people in front of him and started pushing in groups.

Now it's WE's turn to ride the tiger.

If the dragon stops attacking and retreats back, the middle tower will also be flattened by VG!

"Kandi seems to have made up his mind, he insists on using the big dragon!" I remember full of expectation, "My brother-in-law has handed over his W skill to increase his damage to Baron Nash!"

Jack pushed down the first tower, and the foresight transformation lit up the Dragon Pit, and found that WE seemed to be moving for real this time, so he called his teammates to harass.

Gu Xing took the lead, "Stand behind me, wait until I trample all the saplings in the grass!"

Although the big tree is equipped with pure meat tool man equipment, the son of the tree can't bear the percentage damage, and it hurts a bit when it blows up on the hero.

For a character like Kuro who has no means of recovery, if he is blown up twice by the enhanced sapling of the grass version, he can basically quit the battle!

Gu Xing was not afraid at all, while pouring wine into his mouth, he led his teammates to rush into the grass.

The son of the tree exploded on his body and bounced damage three times, but the blood bar of the wine barrel only dropped by a small bar!

No pain, no itching, no different from scraping!

All benefited from the equipment produced by Gu Xing.

【Adaptive helmet】

This thing is an artifact, when taking damage from magic, it will get a buff for 4 seconds, reducing all subsequent AP damage of that type by 20%.

For example, if the son of the big tree is placed in the grass, he will jump three times in a row and take damage. After wearing the adaptive helmet, the output of the last two times can be reduced!

The beer man has rough skin, thick flesh and high magic resistance, plus his own W [Drunken Rage] also has the function of reducing damage, so he took the lead in stepping on the two bushes where the sapling sons gathered together, and successfully entered the Dalong Pit!

You Gu Xing sheltered from the wind and rain in front, and the teammates behind were unimpeded, and they stepped into the river without losing a drop of blood.

"WE is going all out to fight to the end. They only sent Ke Lie to block the passage into the Dragon Pit, and the rest of them crowded inside to rush the dragon!"

Zeyuan's voice was high-pitched and powerful.

"Smeb demolished the enemy's second tower, and handed over the teleportation to rush to the frontal battlefield!"

The teleportation point is in the triangular grass on the road.

Obviously it is to block WE's retreat after defeating the dragon!

"The punishment of the big tree has fallen steadily, and the big dragon is in the bag!"

Gu Xing can go in and grab it.

But it's not necessary.

The main reason is that there is no guarantee of success, and Gu Xing thinks he is not as good as Kandi in this matter.

Once he doesn't get the big dragon, he will definitely be beaten to death by WE team members if he enters the big dragon pit alone!

Will we fight team battles then?

Without Gu Xing, the meat tank, the VG formation is equal to zero front row!

Qinggangying's teleportation position is on the top lane again, away from teammates who are closer to the middle lane.

If Gu Xing is killed in battle, it will be 3v5 head-on!

Klein drives R and rushes in, it's a feces kill!

Gu Xing didn't want to take any risks, so he just stood not far from Kelei and kept an eye on the Longkeng Pass.

Once the WE members want to run out, he can blast all the opponents in by blasting the barrel!

"Kangdi activated his big move, it seems that he wants to take advantage of the gap when Qinggang Ying is not in the front, and start the team battle first!"

After all, the game time has reached 28 minutes, and everyone's equipment is not bad. As the front row of WE, Kandi still has about 3/4 of his HP left after withstanding the damage of the dragon.

Teaming up is no problem.

Coupled with the various buff effects of the Baron's Hand, Kandy is sure that he has the advantage in frontal team battles!

Kled let out a cry, urging the cowardly lizard on his crotch to charge towards the front of VG!

An acceleration belt unfolded from behind Klie, and the other four people in WE all got a lot of movement speed bonus, so they rushed over quickly to start melee combat!

Gu Xing saw the opportunity, and threw out the barrel in his hand to cast a big move!

Due to the existence of the acceleration belt, the movement of the WE team members became erratic, and their whereabouts were difficult to predict.

It is difficult to blast the barrel accurately to achieve the desired effect.

But as long as it bombs at the pass of Dalongkeng, enough enemies can be bombed.

This is enough.

The bombing of blasting wine barrels is over, and the formation that WE has just organized is broken up again!

"Brother Xing's big move hit four people!" I remember yelling loudly, "Brother-in-law and Kandi were blown into the distance, only Xiye and Ben were still behind the charging Klie!"

He speeded up his speech, trying to explain all the details of what happened on the battlefield clearly.

"Brother Xing stepped aside...he actually put Kret in!"

I remember being very surprised.

Normally, shouldn't the front row of meat tanks be at the forefront of the formation?

What does this twist mean?

'Look, once I hide, the unlucky ones will be in the back row'?

Fortunately, the wine barrel blocked the big tree and vines, freeing up a narrow passage for the teammates behind him to move freely.

"Kret rushed in and ran into Verus, and then Lulu used the sheep-changing technique... VG double C first gathered Brother Ham, and the WE members were all stopped by Brother Xing alone!" Zeyuan finally realized Gu Xing's team battle thinking.

Close the door and beat the dog!

Gu Xing deliberately put a person into the VG formation, and then acted as a door made of a meat shield, blocking all the rest of WE from outside!

The development of their own dual shooters is very good, and it doesn't take much time for Kled to lose his warrior outfit in seconds!

If WE can't dispose of the barrels before Kled dies, they will fall into the disadvantage of being the first to reduce staff!

My brother-in-law was so impatient, he quickly turned on the W [biochemical barrage] after cooling down, and sprayed wildly at Gu Xing.

Xiye handed over three consecutive QREs, trying to stun as many enemies as possible by using the way the goddess scattered flowers.

"Syndra's control is very good, but Brother Xing is still in the front, holding meat, eggs, green onions and chickens in his hands, WE dare not go forward at all!"

I remember that my voice became thinner because of this, "My old swan...Xing Ge is a man who is a man and a man, and he is at the forefront of the VG formation!"

Whether it's Syndra's Sphere or the W [Biochemical Barrage] blessed by the big mouth basic attack.

As long as Gu Xing is hit consecutively within 4 seconds, it will be judged by the adaptive helmet as the same type of magic damage, and the damage will be reduced by 20%!

The wine barrel has a full 3000 blood and 200 magic resistance. Standing alone in front of you is a mountain!

"Kleid just lifted the sheep-changing spell, and was weakened by Lulu... He can't deal much damage at all!"

957 slashed at Verus twice, but didn't even break the shield Lulu gave him!

"After Kelie dismounted, he was taken away by the plane's general attack. Brother Xing took all the damage and still has 1/3 of his health!"

Zeyuan couldn't control his excitement, and even his voice was filled with high-spirited and vigorous strength.

Get big fast!

Lulu waved her magic wand, casting a big move on Gu Xing.

The Fairy Witch's ultimate move directly increases health, which is extremely cost-effective for a high-resistance tank like Gu Xing.

Just the R skill given by Lulu at level 11 can make him last for another three to five seconds!

Immediately afterwards, Gu Xing took another sip of wine, triggering the passive effect of happy hour, giving himself another sip of life!

"WE has no advantage at all in positional warfare. The output capabilities of the back row of the two sides are not at the same level, and the frankness of the front row is also far apart!"

Kang's passionate commentary echoed in the stadium.

The VG supporters desperately shook the cheering sticks in their hands and cheered for the team loudly!

"Kandi originally wanted to stay by his teammate's side for protection, but when he saw the situation was wrong, he wanted to flash up and hug someone, and smash the back row of VG back..."

The moment the big tree appeared to be bound, Gu Xing suddenly pushed his belly forward.

With the golden light flashing, he appeared beside Syndra!

Chicken with meat, egg and green onion!

Xiye, who was just about to step forward, was knocked unconscious!

The damage couldn't be repaired at the first time, relying on the brother-in-law alone, although the continuous damage is high, but the explosive ability is lacking, it is not enough to kill Verus with healing skills within the control time of the big tree!

After Jack survived, Flash rushed forward and wanted to put the bow and arrow into Syndra's mouth and shoot!

Another E skill of Lulu improved, and the shield was given to Verus, helping him to block the damage of everyone in WE again!

The blue steel shadow from behind teleports down, E flashes E to aim straight at Mystic, and then receives the Hex ultimatum to seal the opponent!

The team battle has been divided!

Qinggangying kicked through Kogmaw's main artery with an A pick!

0 for 5!

VG has a group of residual blood, but no one is dead!

The white crescent in the background rubbed and stood up, unable to hide the horror.

"VG's group of B's ​​has obviously been able to double-guarante row!"

Such an orderly volleyball team battle, insisted on supporting the double C in the team when WE chose Klein to charge.

If you say that you have not undergone any systematic training before, the dog will not believe it!

A white crescent and a heart are falling straight down.

At the moment when the WE base exploded, his mind was full of blood.

Am I being lied to?

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