across the ocean.

Los Angeles Santa Monica.

This is not only the prototype city of GTA5, but also the location of the fist company headquarters.

Ghost Crab got up early and just went to work. When he turned on the computer, he was going to the nearby Bilgewater Cafe to ask for a drink to refresh his mind.

As soon as I got out of the work station, I ran into a familiar Asian face.

"Chun Li, are you here to send the version update application report?" Ghost Crab saw the stack of documents in the other party's hand, and was used to it. "Put it on the table, and I will sign it later."

As the chief designer of League of Legends, he will not be responsible for the specific patch design, but only check the overall.

The subordinates reported the specific data and information after the test server changes, and the ghost crab took a look at it and signed it. "Version 7.18, the patch for the global finals is coming!" He happily hummed a little song from his hometown.

"When I go back to China to travel, I want to eat roast duck every day!" Ghost Crab began to imagine a bright future, "There is also General Tso's chicken. I used to get fortune cookies at Panda Express. I guess this thing in China is more authentic. !"

It's just that Chun Li looked uneasy, and she didn't have the energy to correct the fact that there is no General Tso's chicken dish in China. It is purely to adapt to the American Chinese food created by Amirica's taste of sugar and no money.

The ghost crab didn't know, so, "Is there anything else?"

Chun Li muttered in a low voice, "The LPL summer finals just ended." Due to the time difference, it was still dawn in Santa Monica when Gu Xing and others won the Silver Dragon Cup.

Ghost Crab is getting old and doesn't have the energy to stay up late to watch the game. He didn't remember this incident until he heard Chun Li's words.

"VG won, right?" Ghost Crab guessed. He was not surprised to see his subordinates nodding.

In his view, it is reasonable for VG to beat EDG in terms of hard power and win the final.

"Sorry, isn't G2 also Xiaguan?" Ghost Crab didn't care about the league championship at all.

Just two days before the LPL Summer Finals, the European Division took the lead in the battle.

Galaxy Battleship G2 faces the challenge of MSF Mad Rabbit. MSF can be regarded as a rising star in the European division. With POE, one of the candidates for the king of France, and the top Edison HansSa, MSF has shown good strength in the summer split, which is a version that requires double C intensity.

As a result, the finals were vulnerable to G2!

The five players of G2 can be called the number one in the entire competition area, and they can gain two to three thousand economic advantages by relying on laning! In the end, it was also a 3-0 sweep, and G2 won the league for 4 consecutive championships, setting a new record for League of Legends e-sports events!

Ghost Crab thinks it's no big deal to let the three wild kings win the league championship.

As long as the World Championship doesn't let them continue to succeed. "I feel that Chunli did a good job in your revision for the summer split," Ghost Crab praised. "The grass-fed version has been very effective in weakening the three wild kings. They are struggling now, and they feel a little unaccustomed."

This satisfied the ghost crab very much.

Regardless of whether G2 and VG both won the league championship, but that is because the competition in the division is not fierce.

Look at the LCK!

Little Peanut's performance in the summer split was very mediocre, and he was extremely uncomfortable with the herbivorous jungler version. Playing a pig girl, he invaded forcibly at every turn, and was caught and given a head bounty.

If it weren't for the high strength of the top lane in Dragon Ball, the team might not be able to make it to the final stage!

Ghost Crab thinks that by continuing to use the grass-fed jungler version, the three wild kings of the S6 season will show up sooner or later!

He even let out a bold statement, "When the World Championship is designated, there will be no good juice for these three people!"

Chun Li was silent for a long time before telling the truth, "But this morning, VG came up with a new tactic in Xia Jue.

"Huh?" Ghost Crab was stunned, "Isn't it soft and auxiliary double protection?"

Chun Li shook her head, "No, it's a system built around specific equipment—the incense burner."

Facing the frowning ghost crab, he took out a race report from his pocket and handed it to his boss, and briefly introduced a few words by the way.

"VG has raised the priority of the incense burner in the support position to a very high priority. The first one doesn't even make the eye stone, and directly chooses to expose the incense burner."

Ghost Crab took the race report and glanced at it, couldn't help hissing softly, and his heart fell straight to the bottom of the valley.

Riot holds the source files of the game video, and relying on a powerful data analysis system, it can grasp far more information about the game than the audience.

Now the ghost crab can see the specific time when VG made each incense burner, as well as the detailed attribute gains provided by the item.

In the third game, Duan Deliang's incense burner dealt 7777 points of damage in total, and gained 9200 points of life recovery! What B data?

Ghost Crab looked up at his subordinates, his eyes filled with disbelief.

Are you sure there is no bug in the system?

Chun Li understood what Ghost Crab meant in no time—he had the same shocked face when he saw the game data information half an hour ago.

"...No problem, I have reviewed it," he rolled his Adam's apple, "The censer worth 2,200 gold coins provides the team with effects far beyond its value."

Under normal circumstances, the average damage of a C-position hero in the normal version is around 650 points.

If the game lasts 30 minutes, it will be about 20000 points of damage.

And the damage + recovery provided by the incense burner creates a difference in blood volume almost equivalent to that of a C-position character!

Is it in the river?

If it wasn't for talking resin in front of his subordinates, ghost crabs would want to spout Tibetan words.

Who made the pig-nose equipment like the incense burner? ! Let me find out that I must have fired you!

He thought about it immediately.

It seems that the incense burner was modified under his own instruction. That's fine.

At that time, Thunder + Spellstealing Blade led to too strong consumable support, and the production method gradually tended to be single.

Designers like to teach players how to play the game. They think you can’t do this, you have to play support according to our ideas.

So came up with a bad idea.

Didn't the players say that fists can cut whatever they like best?

This time we do it the other way around.

Strengthen other routines to enrich the diversity of auxiliary positions! At that time, the program received strong support from Ghost Crab. He felt that this uncharacteristic version change method really

It's so cool, it will bring players an unprecedented sense of freshness!

As a result, after the end of the S6 season, the incense burner was promoted twice, and the designers wanted to bring the protective soft support back to the professional arena.

It's just that the effect was minimal at that time, and everyone still preferred to play consumable supports.

The designer team is dealing with a lot of hero equipment changes every day, and the two buffs of the censer were left behind in a few days. Who would have thought that it would directly lay the groundwork for VG's hole card tactical system!

Now that Ghost Crab thinks back, he deeply feels that he is shooting himself in the foot!

I thought I could see VG embarrassing in the herbivorous jungle version relying on double C.

However, people are so keen to capture the new version of the answer, directly leading the direction of the professional arena!

Ghost Crab felt a little uneasy.

After he left Blizzard, he joined the League of Legends operation team for a long time, and he knows everything about LOL e-sports.

Since VG dared to take out the incense burner system in the LPL finals, it proves that they are fully prepared for the system derived from this equipment!

In the second round of the finals, VG took out Calista and used the Poké Ball to protect and assist, which is enough to prove that the team is at the forefront of the research and development of the incense burner system in the world!

Ghost Crab felt bad when he thought of this.

If the S7 World Championship is still the incense burner system as the version answer, then wouldn’t VG...

He took several deep breaths, trying to calm down the turmoil in his heart.

"Is there a remedy?" Ghost Crab asked in a deep voice, "Change the incense burner!"

Chun Li shook her head, and showed Ghost Crab the rest of the items in the file bag.

It is the version 7.18 implementation report. Ghost Crab's heart skipped a beat. It's over.

Tomorrow is the deadline for the global finals version to be installed!

If drastic changes are not made, only partial fine-tuning is carried out, then the position of the incense burner is bound to be unshakable!

The ghost crab is secretly startled when he sees the attribute gain that the incense burner gives to the team.

He thinks that the next bubbling competitions in each competition area will evolve from soft-assisted double-guaranteed platooning to a system with incense burner monsters as the absolute core!

"We don't have much time left..." Chun Li's tone was full of bitterness.

It turned out that when she was studying in China, Chunli thought that this sentence was exclusive to the national football team.

I didn't expect it could be used on fists!

"When we patch, we must reserve time in advance to observe the strength changes of the test server, otherwise it is easy to make mistakes," Chun Li secretly glanced at Ghost Crab, "Greg, you don't want to repeat the plot of the S5 World Championship, do you?"

The ghost crab choked.

Before the S5 global finals, they "had an idea" and completely reworked the heavy fighters.

The result is a group of supermodel daddies!

That World Championship was the worst global event after S2. The lane change operation in the early stage made people drowsy, and the heavy armor fighters who had the advantage in the later stage snowballed wildly on the sidelines.

The Ghost Crab knows what this year's World Championship has to offer.

China, this mysterious oriental country has the most League of Legends players in the world.

As we all know, LOL is currently the most popular e-sports game in the world.

The same is true regardless of CN, and various live broadcast data has been dominating the list on Mouse TV all year round.

But if CN is added, it will be a lore!

Riot put the S7 World Championship there, just to take advantage of the year when League of Legends is the most popular, and harvest a wave of traffic!

In China, the parent company Tencent holds the invincible dual-channel marketing of QQ + WeChat, and the popularity of this year's global finals is destined to be unprecedented!

Then it is the duty of the designer to dedicate highly ornamental e-sports events to the audience! service!

Originally, Ghost Crab didn't plan to change the version in the World Championship, so that the professional teams have enough time to study the patch, and develop all the routines that can be unearthed, so as to reach the pinnacle!

But now it seems that if the incense burner is changed, it will inevitably be impossible to balance it in a hurry.

Once it becomes an outrageous version like the S5 World Championship, it will greatly affect the ratings!

Once the ratings data of the League of Legends World Championship, the most important in history, encounters a decline...

Ghost Crab shuddered.

Don't look at him as a well-known top designer in the game industry.

But in front of capital, he is a beta!

At least one World Championship will bring hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue to the fist.

If Ghost Crab messes up S7, Ryze and Taitamir can tell him to pack up and get out in minutes!

Not only that, he will carry the identity of "the culprit who destroyed the S7 World Championship" in the future!

Although Ghost Crab doesn't have a good reputation in the player circle, he is not a fool, and he has to make some dark history about himself. But if the incense burner is not changed, VG will maintain a strong dominance, which runs counter to his plan to weaken the former world champion!

Ghost crabs hate it to death.

After learning about the power of the incense burner, he felt that VG obviously had a bear!

The opponent deliberately got stuck at the last moment before the final patch of the global finals, and showed his censer card and caught him off guard.

It is undoubtedly a naked demonstration, and it is revenge for the designer's targeted weakening of VG!

Ghost Crab was shocked and angry at the thought.

It stands to reason that apart from Riot Games and Garena and Tencent's two direct service agents, no one will know the detailed update rules of League of Legends' patches.

How did VG get the information? Is there a ghost in our team?

Chun Li was still frowning and asking for advice from the leader, "Greg,

What should we do? "

Ghost Crab quickly calmed down.

Between job prospects and disgusting VG, anyone with a brain would choose the former!

Ghost crabs are no exception.

When I think about it seriously, I don't have any deep hatred with VG.

Undercutting the opponent is just a matter of routine for every world champion.

At present, it seems that it is not impossible to be flexible, and there is no need to offend others to the death.

I only take that little money for a month, what kind of life am I playing! Fist is not my home!

"Let's do this first," Ghost Crab and Yan Yuese said to Chun Li, "I'll go have a cup of coffee, and when I get back, I'll sign the patch installation document."

When Chun Li heard this sentence, she knew the attitude of her boss.

He is a little not reconciled.

After studying for a whole year, I slashed at VG's vitals.

Then cut out a top team that is one step away from the annual grand slam!

And seeing that they are going to the World Championship soon, they have no choice but to watch them domineering and domineering!

The more Chun Li thought about it, the more annoyed she became, but there was no solution, she could only sulking with her mouth puffed up, her cheeks swollen like a puffer fish.

The instigator, Gu Xing, had just completed the post-match group interview, and he put his bag on his back and was ready to run for dinner.

"Today, all the expenses of everyone and your family will be charged to my account, Ding Jun!" Boss Ding said in a loud voice, afraid that the team members would not hear.

"The president is very generous!" Kuro looked happy.

It is not too far from Seoul to the imperial capital, and he brought his family here, and it would cost a lot of money to go out for a good meal.

Now Ding Jun's behavior of throwing coins made him very grateful.

"Then we'll pick the expensive one!" Jack joked.

"No problem," Ding Jun waved his hand, "You can order whatever you want, we are not short of money!"

The excitement caused by getting the summer crown has not yet been vented, and he wished to spend some money to have fun.

"I'm planning to go to Xinrongji to have dinner," Gu Xing greeted in advance, "I had a meal at my hometown last time, and my family liked it very much.

Taizhou is close to Ningbo, and the flavors of the dishes are generally acceptable.

He remembered that Shen Guanshan liked to eat the drunk crabs there, while his parents had a special liking for the yellow croakers of the older generation.

Gu Pan took a good bite of rice cakes—although every time he heard the price of the dishes, he would frown at the pain of being taken advantage of, but the joy on his face when he tasted the delicious dishes could not fool him. "What is Xinrongji?" Jack acted like a curious baby. "A place that serves Taizhou cuisine," Gu Xing explained simply, "You probably won't be able to go there, because there are more seafood."

Yu Wenbo immediately surrendered, "Then let's eat Tomahawk steak."

Immediately afterwards, he began to speak nonsense again, "Tonight we must work hard, and try to make Boss Ding hurt once!"

"Come on, come on, you eat so much every day, my brother can't go bankrupt!" Ding Jun didn't care.

Song Jinghao and Kuro plan to act together as a family. They both plan to find an authentic roast duck restaurant to taste the delicacies of foreign countries.

As for why it must be a roast duck restaurant...

Because the only food they have known about this city since they were young is roast duck.

Gu Xing said goodbye to the other members of the competition training department, and hurried to the outside of the venue to save his family from waiting too long. Wukesong Gymnasium was too big, and he walked around for a quarter of an hour before leaving.

On the way out of the arena, the VG supporters who left the venue were all around shouting and venting their inner excitement. At first, Gu Xing wondered why there were no EDG fans. It was only later that I realized that Piggy probably wasn't in the mood to watch him hold the cup, and they got wet when Guodian's crystal exploded.

However, there were too many fans nearby, Gu Xing was afraid of being recognized.

It's not that I don't want to interact with others to sign and take photos, it's because my family is waiting for me, so I don't want to delay too long.

It was only later that he realized that he was thinking too much.

After the finals and the closing time, it was already 8:30 in the evening.

The imperial capital has long been dusk, and the sky is so dark that you can't stretch your fingers, relying on street lamps to provide some light.

Gu Xing took advantage of the darkness of the night and the black championship coat he was wearing, and when he put on the hat, no one could recognize him at all! "The night is my veil..." The widow's line came to his mind.

Not too funny.

But Gu Xing just won the championship, and now his heart is bubbling with beauty, and he will laugh out loud when he has a slight mood swing.

When he came to the meeting place agreed with his sister in the wechat group chat, he could see Gu Pan at a glance.

The other party was talking about the future plan of E+ with his parents with his back to him, and he had to explain in simple terms when encountering points that his parents didn't understand.

As soon as he talked about next year's bidding and sponsorship, Gu Pan heard a strong cry.

"Get out!"

Gu Pan, who had just finished his military training, didn't listen to his legs at all, and took a step sideways.

Then he turned his head with bewilderment, gritted his teeth and rushed forward to pinch Gu Xing, "You're going to die, aren't you?"

"Do you still want to have a free meal?" Gu Xingyi warned with righteous words, "Pinch me again, and you will pay for it tonight!" "Free? Even if you treat me as a treat, don't you still pay for it?" Gu Pan recognized the facts.

"Boss Ding said that it can be reimbursed." Gu Xing was very proud, "If you don't want to come, it's okay, the four of us just sit at a small table..."

Gu Pan immediately changed his gestures, from pinching words to arm-stretching, with a bright smile on his face, "Hey, Gu Xing, you did a great job today, I was so excited to see the final in the stands!

Shen Guanshan watched Gu Pan's performance with a suppressed smile, let Gu Xing wrap his other arm around his shoulder, and leaned into his boyfriend's arms.

"It's a good fight today." Father Gu's tone was mixed with a smile.

My mother also echoed, "Chuckie, I really didn't expect to be so successful..."

"You two elders have made great progress." Gu Xing, who has always been close to his parents, teased at this time, "Now you can understand the content of the game?"

"To be honest, I don't understand," Gu's mother said bluntly, "I mainly listen to Xiao Shen and Panpan to understand a little bit." "Of course, your father and I still understand the simple question of whoever leads the economy will have an advantage." !” My mother was very proud. Dad walked forward with his hands behind his back, "The two of us are mainly here to see people, and whether we win the game or not is really secondary."

For many fans.

They buy tickets or watch live, they watch Virtue. But the parents only looked at Gu Xing.

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself in the future, do you understand?" Dad turned around and urged, "Even if there are family members coming to the scene, you have to let go of your hands and feet to work hard, so that you can show your level."

Knowing a son is like a father.

He knew Gu Xing's character very well. When he was a child, he was pure and crazy, and when he met with relatives' children during the Chinese New Year, he was often as excited as if he was injected with chicken blood.

The bigger the stage, the closer his son's performance will be to the limit!

"Understood!" Gu Xing forcefully agreed.

"Then hurry up and take two steps! Can you still get a taxi if you drag on?" Dad stared, "I haven't eaten all night, and I have to cheer you on in the stands. Now I'm so hungry!"

Gu Xing laughed out loud, and hurriedly followed the pace of his parents.



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