What is a hexagon jungler?

498: Precise Barrage!

"EZ?" Bin

Miller couldn't believe his eyes, "Really... Could it be that Prince Duan chose the wrong hero?"

In his opinion, the little yellow hair is not suitable for the current arena environment at all.

Now the front row has two or three hundred pairs of resistances and thousands of blood points. EZ Chetan's ability is also the weakest among all Edisons, and it can't beat the enemy tanks at all.

Moreover, Xiao Huangmao's skill mechanism determines that it is difficult for him to directly cross the front row to directly threaten the enemy's back row.

The front row can't hit, and the back row can't hit.

How will Ezreal choose to join the group?

Can a small water gun biabiabia kill the big bug on the opposite side? lock

Very blue!

not to mention……

Can EZ play wild?

Don't make me laugh!

From this, Miller judged that VG chose the wrong role, so he waited for the players to report to the referee, and after the referee reviewed it, he announced that the BP would be reopened.

TSM thought so too.

"It must be the wrong choice. We can use the extra time to think about the last choice," Bilson said very firmly. He turned his head and saw his jungler's face was ashen, and offered to comfort him, "Dennis, don't panic. After the opponent reopens, There are no popular junglers to choose from..." Bin

They almost emptied the jungler pool of this version, and Gu Xing really didn't have any usable heroes.

Svenskeren's tensed face relaxed a little.

The racial knight still remembers the scene where Gu Xing used Qian Jue to ride the tulle on his face during the mid-season game, which he will never forget.

So much so that when he saw the ID of the opposite jungler Virtue, his body would tremble slightly involuntarily.

I'm afraid that the enemy will suddenly come up with a new job to humiliate me.

Now after listening to Bilson's comfort, Svenskeren also calmed down.

Gu Xing definitely didn't have a suitable jungler to choose from. lock

And what I got was a beer man!

There is absolutely no need to panic!

"Hey, why don't you reopen it?" Assistant Xiao Wang felt a little strange, "What are you doing, referee!"

The referee who had been standing silently behind the TSM player booth responded, "Our colleagues have not yet received the application for BP re-opening from VG."

"Huh?" Bilson frowned suspiciously.

According to the rules of the game, if one party makes a mistake in the banning process, the referee must be notified within 3 seconds to reopen, and the application must be submitted before the other party chooses a hero.

Now the referee has not received the restart request from VG, and the BP cannot be changed. lock

Doesn't that mean...

VG really intends to use jungle EZ? !

The race knight's heart skipped a beat.

"It's broken, it's broken," he muttered to himself, "what kind of trick is this?"

The tragic history of being educated by the enemy half a year ago made the race knight very afraid of Gu Xing, and he was always unafraid to speculate on the other party with the worst malice.

Eldest brother Peng Yiliang was very upset about this, "Dennis, can you stop imposing on others and destroy your ambition?"

"Oh, you don't understand!" The racial knight thought of the painful memories of being in the spring and being forcibly killed by the opponent during the mid-season game, and had to say "pain, it hurts". lock

Big Brother really doesn't understand.

Because he did not participate in this year's mid-season game, he is the ADC spot on the top of another meritorious shooter in North America.

After the World Championship last year, the big brother announced that he would take a break and leave the arena to adjust his state.

In the end, he was loaned to the Liquid team in the spring of 2017. He played a few games to help TL successfully avoid relegation, just a wave of rice.

Before the summer split, he thought he had adjusted well, so he returned to the team, reappeared the power of phantom god, and brought TSM to the World Championship again as the summer champion!

In other words, the senior brother had never met Gu Xing on the official competition stage!

"Little EZ, ridiculous!" Doublelift said wildly, "I want to see how big a storm he can make!"

The race knight didn't believe the elder brother's words at all, and was flustered. He repeatedly opened the rune page to confirm that it was correct, and made unconscious mechanical movements.

"Don't be afraid, he will definitely invade when he chooses EZ," Bilson suggested, "I will choose a rock sparrow to protect your wild area as much as possible!"

There is also the T2 echelon's magic core clockwork outside, but he dare not use it. Orianna's ability to support the wild area is too general. If the opponent Ryze relies on the line power to use R to accompany Ezreal's disgusting barrel , Bilson will have no countermeasures!

Rock Sparrow was locked down, and ten players exchanged heroes to officially determine the lineup.

Blue side VG: top laner Dashu, jungler Ezreal, mid laner Ryze, bottom laner Big Mouth + Wind Girl.

Red side TSM: top laner Big Bug, wild wine barrel, mid laner Rock Sparrow, bottom laner Cannon + Lulu.

"It's really a little yellow-haired jungler!" Seeing that the two sides have not reopened BP, they don't know what kind of medicine VG Hulu sells. "Brother Xing wants to do scientific research in the opening match?" Bing

He couldn't figure it out, and he didn't understand what the EZ jungler could do.

"Is EZ playing against the barrel..." Miller hissed softly, thinking hard about the selection logic, "The reason I can think of is that it is flexible enough. TSM's lineup is relatively stupid, and it seems to have a good control chain, but It is not realistic to threaten EZ."

Big bug + wine barrel + rock sparrow, just these three people are enough to control the little yellow hair even with flash!

"But the problem is still the point mentioned before." Wawa is still not very optimistic about the prospect, and is worried about it. "EZ's Chetan ability is too poor. How can he handle TSM's double front row in team battles?"

Not only the Haier brothers were puzzled, but also the English-language commentary next door to the scene.

"Ezreal jungler?" Jatt let out Anduin's wow exclamation, "Although I don't know the specific reason for this choice, Virtue really dares to work hard!"

This was not recognized by his partner Deficio, "One thing to say, Virtue seems to play TSM as a Golden Five player, and doesn't care about the opponent at all!"

"All the facts in the past have proved that don't be blinded by pride," he quoted Juggernaut's lines, "Choosing a strange hero rashly may put yourself and the team in a difficult situation!"

The mouse station where the two were located was bustling with activity.

I have to say that this year's Riot schedule is very top-notch, trying to take care of the audience in every competition area.

The group stage kicks off at 3:00 p.m. in the East Eighth District. It happens to be in the morning in Europe, and in the early hours of the night in North America. It is a bit later but not too late.

For the sake of ratings in North America, Riot also deliberately arranged the matches of the NA division team in the front, so that the audience can watch it early and go to bed early.

Show off the extraordinary strength of Master Duan Shui!

The opening game and the excellent schedule have led to the overcrowding of the live broadcast room, and the chat channel is full of scrolling comments and emoticons. lock

[Virtue is magical, looking down on TSM? 】

[Who is Deficio implying, Gold V? Gao Dewei (GodV)! 】

[Izreal's jungle is really bullshit, can this hero beat wild monsters? 】

[I bet 50 yuan, if the EZ Speed ​​4 starts, I will be killed by the stone beetle! 】

[50 yuan is fine, I'll bet on it... Oh, you're from KR? How about I bet you the hammer for 50 won? 50 really won't work! 】

[I'll be waiting to see the scene where EZ slowly scrapes off the bloody skin of the big bug. It is estimated that a Q can't even beat 100 blood points]

Compared with all kinds of bad-mouthing and pessimism abroad, the LPL live broadcast room is full of flattery. lock

After watching Gu Xing's countless games, they believe in "believe first and then doubt". The youngest grand slam winner in history will always bring infinite surprises.

The director understood it very well, and immediately showed Gu Xing a close-up scene, making the world focus on him.

After putting on makeup, the boy's facial features are more handsome, and now he is chatting and laughing happily with Kuro beside him, as if he doesn't think there is any difficulty in this game at all.

The camera pans down slowly, focusing on his palm.

The joints are distinct, white and slender without losing the sense of strength. When you hold the mouse and drag it slightly, you can still see the raised meridians.

The barrage was full of question marks on the screen, and some people in the fun once wondered if the director had a special hobby.

Miller is as careful as a hair, seeing the blind spots at the first time. lock

"Hey, did Brother Xing change the mouse?" He asked curiously.

The baby also noticed this, "It should be, I remember it turned out to be a pure black Logitech..."

Now that the main color of the mouse has changed to white, Gu Xing just released his right hand to take a drink from the paper cup, revealing the whole picture of the e-sports player's main weapon.

The Virtue flower signature and Qianjue painting outlined by silver lines are presented to the audience.

The audience at the Wuhan Sports Center chattered and discussed, and the discussion was even more endless in the live broadcast room.

[What a handsome mouse! 】

[Crooked day, do you have a link to the same style, hurry up @me] 鋂

[Buy, buy, buy, Qian Jue painted cute pinch! 】

[If you want to buy it, don’t dream about it. This mouse looks like an exclusive model. If it’s a sponsor signed by Brother Xing, there must be a sale promotion before. Since there is no news on Weibo, it proves that it is definitely a custom-made model privately. There should be no the way of buying】

[It actually has a light-emitting mode, the wolf head is healthy! 】

Gu Xing was unaware of what the netizens were discussing in the live broadcast room. He took a sip of ice-cola to moisten his throat, and once again placed his palm on the custom-made mouse gifted by his girlfriend. Seeing the arrival of the Summoner Canyon, he concentrated and began to give team instructions.

"Let's report to the team at the beginning and go to the opposite jungle," he said calmly, "If TSM dares to fight, we will fight, don't be afraid!"

VG has dual shooters, and its output capability is extremely strong.

Moreover, this version of Ryze's W [Rune Imprisonment] can also achieve the control effect without having to hang E [Spell Surge]. With the big tree, it can form a short chain of control, and the burst of damage can be hit in seconds. An enemy hero. lock

On the other hand, TSM basically relies on skills to create damage. When the level and cooldown have not been improved, releasing a round of skills will fall into a damage vacuum period.

Theoretically speaking, VG can only describe the strength of the first-tier team as 'win'!

This was also Gu Xing's confidence in choosing to invade by force.

"But remember, I don't drive from the opposite wilderness," he reminded his teammates, "we will withdraw if we see it."

Changing wild areas is not considered profitable for Gu Xing.

Because even if the invasion is successful, the opposing racial knights can also enter the VG wild area in reverse.

At that time, the junglers of the two sides will form a dislocation - for example, Gu Xing will invade the lower half of TSM and start from the opponent's blue zone to clear the jungle. The race knight will come to the VG upper jungle area to replace resources. When the camp is refreshed in the second round, TSM The wild monsters will be brushed from bottom to top, while VG will be from top to bottom. lock

Exactly staggered.

This is very inconsistent with Gu Xing's philosophy.

Undoubtedly, it is a huge weakening for a strong hero like him, and it will be difficult to invade the enemy's wild area and put pressure on the opponent!

What he wants is to clear the jungle in the same direction at the same time, so that he can maximize the advantages of Ezreal's jungler!

It is not the first time for VG to use the jungle EZ system. With the help of the sparring team, they are quite familiar with the use of this tactic.

When they heard Gu Xing's arrangement, they had no objection, and immediately accompanied EZ to the enemy's jungle area.

Sure enough, TSM knew that they were invincible and did not dare to fight, so they gave their camp to VG first. lock

At first, the racial knight mistakenly thought that Gu Xing was trying to switch to the jungle to start the game, so he simply went to the VG upper jungle, preparing to start from the enemy's blue BUFF.

Who would have thought that VG would turn back!

After Gu Xing made his vision in the lower jungle area of ​​TSM, he and Song Jinghao turned back and arrested the beer man directly in the VG blue area!

Svenskeren was upset, and he was afraid that the opponent's top laner Dashu would learn W [Twisted Spike] and play Asian binding to keep him.

As a last resort, I had to click E to hand over the meat, eggs, green onions and chickens to move over the wall, escape to a safe place and rush back to my wild area.

Gu Xing glanced at the time on the upper right corner of the monitor.

Seeing that the game has reached 1 minute and 32 seconds, you know that the opponent will most likely make a mistake and open the field from the red BUFF in the TSM Ueno area-after all, there are only 8 seconds left before the monsters are refreshed. To start, the time is absolutely too late, and it will hinder the efficiency of clearing the jungle. lock

After Gu Xing made up his mind, he started to brush from his own blue zone with peace of mind.

Considering that the race knight might have had vision near the camp just now, he simply didn't pretend to go straight to the showdown, and asked Song Jinghao to help him with the blue buff twice to speed up his wild clearing speed.

Svenskeren frowned.

The race knight is not stupid. He knows that a flexible jungle hero like EZ is definitely stronger than Beerman in the jungle, and it is very dangerous to open the field in the same direction.

But he had no choice.

As Gu Xing guessed, in order to ensure his own efficiency in clearing the jungle, Svenskeren can only start from the red zone of TSM!

Otherwise, if he ran to the lower field, he would have to slow down for at least 10 seconds! lock

However, the three-line lineup made the race knight feel a little more at ease.

After the rework of the big bug on the road, it is better than the big tree in terms of laning alone.

The two sides of the middle road are nothing more than pushing the line against each other. What the rock sparrow previously weakened was the high-level Q [Stone Penetration] mana consumption. It will not be affected much when the level is low, and it can also achieve a flat line against Ryze.

Not to mention the bottom lane, the pair of double yordles, Xiaopao + Lulu, is obviously stronger than the combination of VG Dazui + Fengnv in terms of laning.

The racial knights feel that the situation in the three-way pawn line is very good, and Gu Xing will not dare to invade easily in my situation!

Gu Xing was manipulating Ezreal to kite wild monsters with superb pulling skills.

He was really pulling. lock

The operation of connecting the basic attack with Q [Secret Shooting] to cancel the flat A backswing is extremely smooth.

Immediately afterwards, click the floor with the mouse to cancel the back shake of the Q skill, and use the movement to increase the distance from the wild monsters.

It is very difficult for Blue BUFF to hit him, and he looks extremely clumsy in front of Ezreal!

In the whole process of killing the blue buff, Gu Xing only lost less than 150 health points in total!

"Wow, Brother Xing's EZ has two brushes," some fans exaggeratedly praised in the audience, "This is the first time I see an EZ that can be interspersed with flat A!"

A spectator nearby laughed, "Who will play the little yellow hair without connecting to the basic attack? Do you have to brag about it?"

The fans were choked, so they could only mutter in their mouths, "You know a hammer..." Bing

Gu Xing made the details of the wild brush to the extreme. The magic marsh frog is a long-range output unit, and it is difficult for EZ to pull it. If you brush it in a daze, you will lose a lot of blood.

Therefore, Gu Xing directly handed over the punishment, and the second-level E [Arcane Leap] was also used to deal damage, trying to get rid of the frog princess as quickly as possible and save a little life for himself.

After beheading the Demon Swamp Frog, he fixed his eyes on the Shadow Wolf, and successfully hit with a Q [Secret Shot] from a long distance.

From this moment on, Ezreal's terrifying output ability is fully revealed!

With five stacks of passive [Increased Spell Power], the effect of increasing the attack speed is as high as 50%, and the attack speed has officially entered the 1.0 mark!

The output efficiency of basic attack connected with Q skill is very exaggerated, and the shadow wolf has been beaten to blood in the blink of an eye!

Ezreal can be discovered by Gu Xing as a jungler in the current version, not only because the 7.17 version Q [Secret Shooting] total attack power gain coefficient has been adjusted from 1.1 to 1.25, increasing the output ability. lock

It is because of a seemingly trivial change in the previous version 7.15.

Level 1 Q skill cooling time changed from 6.5 seconds to 5.5 seconds!

After the cooldown of the early skills has been reduced, the output frequency of EZ has been greatly improved.

With the blessing of the CD attribute of the blue BUFF, the first-level Q [Secret Art Shooting] can be improved in less than 5 seconds!

And as long as it hits, it can also reduce the skill cooldown by 1.5 seconds.

After two enhancements, EZ's early-stage combat ability has already been considered outstanding, so Gu Xingcai used him as a jungler.

Even though he is just a crispy shooter and lacks group damage ability, Ezreal can fully make up for his own shortcomings with his short cooldown skills and high attack speed bonus! lock

After Gu Xing disabled the big wolf, he took the wild monsters to the middle.

All the way to the second middle tower, seeing that the patience value above Big Wolf's head was about to disappear, he handed over his skills and took him away.

He did this to continue to be passive, similar to the wild strategy of centaurs.

Ezreal's passive [Spell Energy Boost] lasts only 6 seconds in total. If you don't pull the wild, it is difficult to continue it from the three wolves to F6.

And as long as the 5 layers of passive can be maintained, relying on the high attack speed bonus, the efficiency of EZ clearing the field will be extremely exaggerated!

Jatt on the commentary stage also noticed the clues, "Something is wrong, why is this EZ clearing wild so fast?"

The wine barrel of the race knight has just wiped out half of the Raptor, and it has not yet been upgraded to level three! lock

Even if Song Jinghao's big tree helped Gu Xing to ace wild monsters twice at the beginning, logically speaking, the gap would not be so obvious!

After all, all the skills of the wine barrel have range damage, and the clearing efficiency in the herbivorous jungler is undoubtedly one of the best!

Deficio frowned, "Ezreal is almost at the red BUFF now, and his wild spawning speed is outrageous!"

Gu Xing is a classic level 3 with two skills, W [Essence Leaping] is not clicked directly - this skill is useless when clearing the jungle, and simply relies on the high output of the second level Q to clear the camp in the wild.

Frantically interspersed with basic attacks with skills, Xiao Huangmao cleaned up the red buff, and then handed in arcane leap to cross the wall to the stone beetle camp.

"I have to say that the blood volume of EZ is really good," Jatt said with emotion, "He has been able to maintain full blood after drinking a bottle of medicine so far!"

That's unbelievable for a crispy hero! lock

Gu Xing's basic skills of clearing the jungle are brought into full play when using long-handed heroes.

As we all know, range is an extremely critical part of the three elements of pulling wild.

For example, characters such as Leopard Girl Qianjue can pull wildly when clearing the wild. Often one of the gaps between high-ranked players and low-scoring cancer is reflected in the blood volume after clearing the wild in the early stage.

Undoubtedly, Gu Xing's basic wild skills are outstanding in the world!

Now that he has cleaned up the stone beetle camp and has been promoted to level four, he is in good condition and can still work!

There was a round of green garlic in the chat channel of the mouse station, and someone kept @the guy who had previously bet 50 won that Gu Xing couldn't even finish killing wild monsters.

Everyone didn't care about the little money, the main thing was Tu Yile. lock

"EZ came to the top of the Xiaolong Pit and E crossed the wall and entered the river." Deficio stared at Gu Xing's movements, "It seems that he has no intention of going down the road, but is targeting the TSM jungle!"

The reason is very simple.

The offensiveness of VG's bottom lane in the laning phase is really bad, lacking stable control, it is difficult to cooperate with EZ.

Gu Xing simply went to find the race knight.

"There is no TSM's vision in the river, and Virtue went straight in without any hindrance," Jatt was extremely anxious, "They never thought that Ezreal would invade and find wine barrels to fight against at the three and a half points!"

"Svenskeren is now spawning Swamp Frogs, he's going to be caught by Virtue!"

Xiao Huangmao passed the corner and officially entered the enemy's blue zone, and ran into the beer man head-on! lock

Gu Xing AQW threw it up three times in a row, and the blood volume of the wine barrel dropped a lot in an instant!

In the camera, Svenskeren's mouse twitched violently, obviously because he was taken aback by Gu Xing.

Why is EZ here!

Is the speed of clearing wilds so fast that it wiped out all six groups of wilds?

And the blood volume is almost full, and the combat intensity of EZ with double BUFF seems to have reached the peak!

This is not scientific!

The race knight had never seen the strength of the little yellow-haired jungler before, and was amazed the moment he saw Gu Xing. lock

But he didn't have time to think more, his mind was full of how to deal with this encounter.

Svenskeren didn't have any preparations before, and the E meat, eggs, green onion chicken was used to brush the wild, and it is still cooling down.

And in the 7.18 version, the initial armor of the wine barrel was cut by 3 points, which caused him to suffer more damage than before in the field, and also suffered more damage in the fight with EZ.

He is only in a skill vacuum at the third level, and has already been crushed by EZ in terms of combat effectiveness, and he dare not make mistakes at all!

Standing still is not realistic.

The Demon Marsh Frog camp is still some distance away from the center line. Pilsen's rock sparrow does not have an R, and it will take seven or eight seconds to come to support.

Not to mention the bottom lane, the duo is pressing the line of soldiers in front of the enemy tower, and it will take a lot of time to return to the reinforcements. lock

After comprehensive consideration, it is impossible to fight against each other, and the race knights put their heads down and planned to run away.

"Svenskeren was afraid of the red BUFF in the opponent's hand, so he crossed the wall and came to the next route!"

Seeing this, Gu Xing didn't pursue him too deeply, he turned his head and killed the magic marsh frog first, then turned around and went back to deal with the river crabs.

"Blood loss!" Deficio shook his head again and again, "The wine barrel was countered by a group of wild monsters, and also lost the key flash, which means that he is unlikely to take the initiative to launch an offensive in the next five minutes!"

In the current version that lacks damage and has a lot of earthbound spirits, the early rhythm basically depends on the jungler.

After the barrel lacks flash, it almost loses its Gank ability!

Jatt listened to the waves of cheers in the arena, and felt extremely envious, "This is really VG's absolute home stadium. I doubt that Virtue will get a lot of applause even if they just eliminate TSM's eyes!"

After clearing the wild area, Gu Xing returned to the city to replenish the first wave of equipment.

A total of 7 groups of camps were brushed before and after, plus a river crab, exactly 1,000 yuan!

He did not choose the regular combination of a green field knife and a long sword, but bought a pair of long swords and straw sandals to enhance his mobility and combat effectiveness.

Then he left the high ground from the middle road, and kept cutting the screen to observe the teammate's line situation on the way.

The main focus is on the upper and middle lanes - Gu Xing will start from the upper half of the field in the second round, so it is definitely impossible to pay too much attention to the bottom lane.

Relying on his own hard power, Smeb on the top lane is gradually filling up the laning disadvantages brought by heroes.

The middle road is still a flat line. The first few minutes of the mid-laner match between the two sides have been calm, and there has never been a change of blood. lock

But the information provided by Kuro made Gu Xing alert.

Rock Sparrow began to push the line frequently, Q [Stone Piercing] was handed over after cooling down, and all the skills were greeting minions.

"At this point in time, is it the right time for Rock Sparrow to return to the city to get equipment?" Gu Xing asked his mid laner.

After all, his understanding of rock sparrows is not as deep as that of other full-time mid laners, and he always feels confused if he doesn't consult.

"Yes," Li Ruixing replied without hesitation, "Six waves of soldiers are exactly 900 yuan to go back and make up chapters!"

The necessary equipment for this version of Rock Sparrow is the ghost book, which can provide cooling reduction, mana value, magic power, serious injury, and various attributes are readily available.

The synthetic parts [The Lost Chapter] is currently priced at 900 gold coins. As long as the rock sparrow does not become a dagger king, it can be collected by counting six waves of minions and counting the system jump money. lock

Gu Xing understood and came straight to the middle road.

"Ruixing, you just flash away later," he directed with a raised voice, "the wine barrel is probably nearby, let's hit this bowl casually!"

Kuro has always obeyed his jungler's instructions unconditionally, keeping his mana and waiting for Gu Xing to take his place.

"Prepare to freeze your hands!" Gu Xing signaled to the rock sparrow's head.

Li Ruixing didn't hesitate any longer, instead of the small steps used to confuse the opponent, he flashed forward and imprisoned Taliyah in place for 1.5 seconds!

Gu Xing handed in E [Arcane Leap] from the side, climbed over the wall to the middle, and hit the long-distance secret shot accurately!

Then connect with WA to lower the blood volume of the rock sparrow. lock

Bilson quickly called the jungler to help in the voice.

Because the only control skill in the enemy lineup, Ryze's Imprisonment, can be removed with purification, he did not bring purification, but used healing to improve the combat ability of small-scale team battles.

Now watching VG Nakano desperately output himself but can't do anything!

The racial knight didn't expect Gu Xing to be ruthless, and immediately attacked the blood-stained rock sparrow in the middle after returning to the city to replenish his equipment.

Originally thinking of letting Bilson deal with the pawn line alone, he took advantage of the time difference between going back to the city first and going out first to wipe out the crabs in the upper river, so as to make up for the growth that was lost due to the anti-wilding.

In the end, Gu Xing grabbed the gap and launched a suction!

Svenskeren's general attack received the punishment and took away the river crab, and hurried to the middle road as soon as possible. lock

Gu Xing saw that the rock sparrow handed over the flash to escape, and decisively followed the flash to continue output.

Taliyah's basic attack hit Taliyah, lowering the opponent's blood bar to around 40%.

At the same time, Tengyun faintly appeared under Ezreal's feet!

It was [Storm Rider's Surge]!

It can be triggered by reducing the opponent's HP by 30% within 2.5 seconds, gaining 40% movement speed and 75% deceleration resistance for 3 seconds.

Gu Xing has made it clear that he wants to maximize flexibility!

"Subian kills, just follow me!" Gu Xing signaled Kuro to chase after him. lock

With the straw sandals and the surge of the storm rider, it is not an exaggeration to say that every step is windy!

In addition, Bilson was also given the slowing effect of the red BUFF by him.

The enemy slows down and I speed up, which is equivalent to imprisoning the opponent!

Li Ruixing judged that the situation was in his favor, and immediately pursued him.

Bilson handed over the healing technique and wanted to speed up his escape. At the same time, he turned around and handed in W [Rock Protrusion], trying to push the opponent's Nakano out.

Li Ruixing moved carelessly for a while, and was pushed by the rock to an area away from the chaffinch.

But Gu Xing handled it with ease. lock

Relying on his 500-point movement speed, he first turned around and took a small walk to avoid the ledge, and at the same time handed over the cooldown and improved mystic shot.

There was an unavoidable stiff movement when the rock sparrow cast the rock protrusion. Bilson stopped in place and couldn't move, and couldn't dodge Ezreal's output at all!

When the ledge disappeared, Gu Xing continued to pursue!

The wine barrel of the race knight drilled out of the grass above the middle road and cut into the battlefield from the side.

He handed over meat, eggs, scallions, and chicken to get closer and then matched it with Q [Rolling Barrel], trying to delay VG's pursuit through the slowing effect.

But the surge of the storm rider made a great contribution!

75% deceleration resistance, coupled with the impressive movement speed, basically means that all deceleration skills have no effect on EZ! lock

Gu Xingxing A is picturesque, with three layers of passive attack speed bonus, two long swords in hand, and the blood volume of the rock sparrow is at risk!

Bilson regretted pushing the line too far before, and now it is a luxury to go back to the tower.

He guessed that Gu Xing's another Q was about to cool down, and wanted to twist his slender waist left and right to avoid the secret shooting.

However, Dao is one foot tall and the devil is ten feet tall, so Gu Xing doesn't let go of his skills at all!

Purely relying on general attacks, three strikes, five strikes and two cuts will send the crispy rock sparrow back to the spring water!

The sudden burst of cheers from the auditorium resounded throughout the audience!

Even Miller's high-pitched and loud commentary was temporarily suppressed. lock

"VG got the first blood, and EZ has a huge effect!" Miller looked excited, "How much damage did this Bo Xing brother repair? Bilson tried his best, but he didn't survive in the end!"

Wawa was full of admiration, "The small walk to hide the ledge is too narrow, brother Xing didn't waste a single bit of output in the whole process!"

People are afraid of comparison.

Also in the case of losing the displacement skill, Kuro's Ryze failed to avoid the ledge, and lost the chance to hunt down and get first blood.

In contrast, Gu Xing's operation seemed so smooth and smooth, just like eating Dove!

"Brother Ruixing, you're not good at it." Song Jinghao was not under much pressure in the top lane, and he could cut the screen to watch the whole process of killing. A dinner!"

Kuro didn't take it seriously, "Isn't this normal? If the sales operation is similar to mine, then there is a problem!"

"I don't make mistakes, so how can I show Gu's brilliance?"

Song Jinghao remained silent.

Gu Xing didn't have the time to make jokes, so after killing the rock sparrow, he helped his mid laner teammates push the line, "Mai Bo, look at me, I'm going to fight the face stone beetle!"

It was four and a half minutes into the game, and he knew that the race knights started from the fast four in the Ueno area, and the stone beetles would reset in a short time.

Of course, Gu Xing would not let go of the great opportunity to turn against the opposition.

After clearing the line of soldiers, head to the top of the map!

Song Jinghao heard the words, and immediately W [Twisted Thrust] hugged him to exchange blood with the opposite big bug. lock

In terms of head-to-head confrontation, Kogas is undoubtedly better, but in terms of battery life, Dashu still has a slight lead!

Smeb pursues the strategy of cutting flesh with a blunt knife, and the amount of blood lost is poor.

After another wave of duels, Song Jinghao already had the advantage in blood volume, and the leader held the line advantage in his hands.

The racial knight was muddled.

At present, the mid laner is killed, the pawn line is pushed to the bottom of the tower, and there is no right to line up on the road...

How to defend your stone beetle?

He could only choose to give up and hand over the wild monsters. lock

But what else could he do next?

Both junglers start in the same direction, and VG also has wild monsters in the Ueno area, and the race knights can't even change the jungle area!

Why do I feel like I've done nothing wrong, but I'm about to send it?

As a last resort, he had no choice but to shrink back in the middle and deal with the troops under the tower on his behalf.

"Brother Xing's development can't be stopped anymore," Wawa said beaming with joy, "Go back and clean up the Ueno area after defeating the stone beetle, and you will be nearly one level ahead of your opponent!"

From top to bottom, Gu Xing emptied all four groups of camps on his side.

This time he replenished the equipment, and the speed was obviously faster than before. lock

Although he frequently uses skills, Gu Xing actually does not lack mana.

The root cause is a change in the summer version.

At that time, the designer wanted to properly increase the clearing speed of herbivorous junglers, so he enhanced the mana recovery mechanism in the wild area, and the basic mana recovery +45%, which can be regarded as a considerable improvement.

The original intention was to give the skill-based herbivorous heroes who rely on skills to clear the wild a wider development space, but now they are making wedding dresses for EZ!

Even if Gu Xing didn't shed tears of the goddess, his mana would still be enough!

After clearing the wild area in the second round, he rose to level six by relying on the extra experience gained from countering the wild, clearing the line, and killing.

He didn't stay idle either, and once again crossed the lower river and broke into the TSM wild area! lock

This time, the race knights arranged their eye positions in advance, saw Gu Xing's intrusion, and retreated without turning their heads.

If you are arrested by Fengqi EZ in the wild, you will have to shed a layer of skin if you don't die!

Svenskeren turned to brush the second set of red buffs that he was about to reset.

Gu Xing made an accessory eye in the opponent's blue area, and saw that the wild area was empty, so he had no choice but to turn around and leave, and went to the bottom lane to put pressure on the big brother.

Peng Yiliang was miserable.

He knew that Gu Xing was wreaking havoc in his lower field, and he also wanted to control the line of troops to grow steadily for a while before his own tower.

But can't do it! lock

Xiaopao's E [Explosion Spark] is passive, so she is doomed to be unable to control the lane, and will definitely push the bottom lane slowly!

Now that the small soldier handover position has crossed the middle ground to the VG half area, Gu Xing went down the road and stood guard, the big brother didn't dare to move, he could only watch the opponent's small soldier being killed by the artillery fire from his own line.

He felt like his heart was bleeding!

Gu Xing didn’t hang on to the bottom lane all the time. Seeing that his blue BUFF was about to refresh, he put it away as soon as he saw it, and went back to the upper half of the map to get blue for Kuro first.

Then he went back to the city and took out the green wild knife and Caulfield's warhammer, preparing to synthesize the warrior's wild knife later.

When the game time came to 8 minutes, Gu Xing saw the chubby figure of the barrel in the eye position he made in the TSM blue zone just now.

The opponent took a sip of wine with a big belly, and began to beat up the newborn blue BUFF, obviously wanting to give Pilsen a boost in the mid laner's ability to push the line, so as not to be left behind by Kuro too much. lock

Gu Xing saw the stone formation laid by the rock sparrow through his eyes, and saw that the blue BUFF had 1557 blood points left, so he silently recited three numbers in his heart.

"3, 2, 1..."

Ezreal bent down and drew his bow, shooting a golden crescent towards the enemy's blue zone!

R【Precise Barrage】!

The director caught EZ's abnormal movement and immediately zoomed in on it.

The screen follows the precise barrage flight.

Break through the fog of war and come to the TSM blue zone in 4 seconds! lock

When the golden crescent was exposed in front of the racial knight, the blue buff had 200 blood points left!

He only felt a chill running up his back crazily.

For a while, he was in a hurry, moving the mouse to hand over the punishment and accept the wild monsters.

But it was still a step too late.

The precise barrage passed over the blue BUFF, and instantly emptied its remaining blood bars!

Thunderous applause in the auditorium!

Some enthusiastic fans even shouted Gu Xing's name, cheering for him! lock

"My God!" the doll yelled from the commentary stand, "What did I see?!"

"Brother Xing's precise barrage just snatched the blue BUFF from TSM Nakano!"

Miller was full of praise, "Brother Xing's damage calculation is so perfect, Svenskeren didn't react at all!"

The barrage in the LPL live broadcast room was surging, as if to completely cover the screen.

[Handsome brother! There is also this kind of EZ]

[Can the blue BUFF be grabbed? I'm really smiling]

[Ho Ho Ho, this time Kuro doesn't need to give up the blue buff to the jungler, Brother Xing is self-reliant and uses his ability to grab the blue buff! 】lock

[The game is really cheap, why do I think that if we continue to play like this, TSM will not be far from mental collapse? 】

[I don't know about others, anyway, Bilson should want to scold Nyonya]

The bullet screen guessed right.

Bilson was about to break the defense.

Although the main reason for his death in battle last time was negligence, he didn't expect Gu Xing to catch a bloody chaffinch, but it was also for the sake of his own jungler!

Therefore, he pushed the line to the front alone and gave the beer man a chance to get the river crab.

For this he gave his life! lock

Now it's hard to wait until the blue buff is refreshed, and Bilson cheerfully comes over and wants to collect a blue to ensure the speed of pushing the line.

In the end, it was stolen by Gu Xing's big move!

Bilson gritted his teeth and hated to death, but he had nothing to do with Gu Xing.

The most direct reaction to losing the blue BUFF is the complete loss of the right to the middle lane.

It turned out that Bilson was only behind Kuro with an assist worth 200 gold coins, and there was not much difference in the battle for online rights.

But now?

With Ryze's lunch box in hand and a blue BUFF, it looks like a perpetual motion machine, which can keep pushing the line to put pressure on the line of soldiers. lock

It's useless for Bilson to exchange blood, and Ryze can make up for all the lost health points by consuming some mana!

You know, the version once weakened the ability of the rock sparrow to push the line, and greatly increased the mana consumption of the Q stone at high levels.

There is no blue BUFF for the rock sparrow now, relying on the lost chapters to upgrade back to 20% blue is just a drop in the bucket, and one tube of mana can't even clear three waves of soldiers!

There is no other way, Bilson can only shrink under the tower and develop wretchedly for the time being, planning to wait until the blue BUFF time of Ryze is over.

But Gu Xing had no reason to give TSM time to breathe. He weighed the situation on the field and immediately thought of an excellent plan to open a breakthrough.



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