What is a hexagon jungler?

505: This is the anti-squat!

"Pin Gu, see the pig girl on the other side is hot!"

Kuro is still sending signal markers continuously to remind his jungler, "Do you want me to come over to support? We can make dumplings together!"

Although the middle lane is now pushed back by the crown to a position close to the VG turret.

But Li Ruixing's willingness to support was extremely strong.

I got a head because of Gu Xing's mid-lane Gank before, so why don't I reciprocate it and give my jungler some benefits?

Isn't it just a wave of pawns? It's important to have me help in the jungle?

"I know you're in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry," Gu Xing responded, "Just let him in as an eye!"

This time, if he lays an ambush ahead of time, he can of course double-team with Li Ruixing and kill this pig girl who didn't flash.

But after bludgeoning the grass, the only benefit he can get is one dry kill, which is not enough to tilt the balance of the game!

Gu Xing intends to eat a fat man in one bite and drag Samsung into the endless abyss!

As usual, he grows in the wild, allowing the opponent to invade.

Ambison happily made an eye shot at the junction of the blue BUFF in the VG lower field area and the Moma Frog camp, and then immediately returned to his own camp, pretending that nothing happened. Backstage lounge.

After listening to Gu Xing instructing Kuro to make eyes, Redmi has straightened up and looked at the TV screen full of expectation.

Combined with the words of his own jungler, he immediately realized that the big one was coming!

The expressions of Edgar and Hongmi, the master and apprentice, belong to the two heavens of ice and fire.

I couldn't hear the opponent's voice content, but the director deliberately gave a close-up of the eye position of the VG that had just been inserted in the F6 camp when Zhangmen An finished brushing the SSG Raptor and moved down the river.

Edgar suddenly became alert, and he always felt that something was going to happen while he was uneasy.

The three-star players on the stage were quite optimistic. They were not in God's perspective, and they didn't know that Ambison's whereabouts had been fully grasped by VG one step ahead of time!

"I've got my eye on the opposite wilderness, and when we see the prince's movements later, we can prepare to freeze our hands!" Mr. An was very confident in his old tricks, and his words were full of pride, "We must give Xiaopao Take a good lesson!"

Ruler also changed from his dullness before, and even moved a bit sharper under the agitation of his mood. He twisted his waist to avoid Duan Deliang Lulu's shining spear, turned around and stole A from the opponent while stuck in the normal attack range, with a chic and freehand posture.

And although this shining spear didn't hit Ruler, it touched the pawn line. Jack's small cannon was passive and could blow up the minions, causing the pawn line handover position to continue to push forward in the direction of SSG.

The head coach Edgar listened to the exuberant communication of his own players in the background, and his inner uneasiness became more and more intense.

The game came to six and a half minutes.

Due to the fact that the head of An went to the VG jungle area to do some spectacles, it took a little time, and Gu Xing was using slag, so the area damage is here. The speed of clearing the jungle is much faster than that of An Bixin. Gu Xing has already cleared The last group of magic marsh frogs after the second round of camp.

Perhaps seeing that the bottom line of soldiers was too close to the three-star defense tower, the prince stopped for a while and chose to go up.

Head An, who witnessed this scene, was overjoyed.

Here's your chance!

He seized the time to kill all the stone beetles in front of him, and then hurried down the road, still sending signals to his teammates on the way.

"Minhao, be careful, there is a high probability that the prince is looking for you!"

The rock sparrow does not have flash and does not have the ability to move, it is indeed a relatively easy target to be killed.

Cron understood and began to show his acting skills enough to win the Blue Dragon Award.

As we all know, canyon acting is a science.

When faced with the threat of the enemy's Gank, you can't suddenly fight too cowardly, otherwise it will be blatantly telling the opponent that I found you.

Crown has profound attainments in this area, and it is estimated that he has studied "The Actor's Self-cultivation" a lot.

He pretended that he didn't know anything about the prince's movements, and still laned as usual, occasionally using stone penetration to consume kuro.


The position is quietly and slowly moving upwards, away from the lower half area where Gu Xing is located.

An Bixin was full of joy to send a signal to the bottom lane, and walked through the triangular grass to launch a suction on the VG duo!

Edgar covered his face with his hands, not daring to look any further.

Through the perspective of watching the game without the fog of war, he has already recognized VG's intentions.

Not only Edgar, but the Roaring Emperor in the LCK commentary booth also wailed painfully. "Don't come forward again, Zan Rong!" He grabbed his hair and shouted, "

(Emergency situations)! "

Head An couldn't hear him.

The pig girl who was operating triumphantly appeared within the field of vision of the VG duo, and wanted to enjoy the terrified reaction of the other party.

Seeing that the VG duo was so flustered that they ran away with their heads in their hands, An Bixin showed a satisfied smile.

CloudTe frowned, but still dutifully explained the situation at high speed.

"Soraka handed over the flash that just finished cooling down, and the E skill silenced the cannon so that the opponent couldn't hand over the rocket and jump back!"

"Aition casts Q 2, and the pig dashed in front of the small cannon..." Even at a slightly longer distance, the pig dash failed to knock Tristana into the air.

However, the flail was successfully placed on the small cannon, superimposing layers of frost.

An Bixin believes that Jack must die.

This guy doesn't have purification, and the flash is also cooling down.

Affected by the slowing effect imposed by his [Winter's Wrath], it was difficult for Jack to even leave the range of Soraka E [Astral Barrier].

After the nurse's silence turned into confinement, there was absolutely no possibility of Xiaopao surviving!

Head An made the decision and promised to distribute the head to Sagittarius.

Ruler ate the big cake of the jungle painting, his enthusiasm was fully mobilized, and he exported Jack happily.

However, at this moment, a German flag fell from the sky and was inserted deep into the SSG formation!

Immediately afterwards, a stalwart and majestic figure rushed out of the thread grass under the pull of the halberd!

The armor is thick and the pheasant feathers are bright red.

It is the prince Lu Bu!

An Bixin, who leaned forward and concentrated on the situation on the battlefield, was startled by the sudden appearance of the prince, and couldn't help keeping his head away from the monitor.

The next moment, head an realized the seriousness of the matter.

It's over.

They didn't take precautions at all, and never thought that Gu Xing would hide in the grass under the trail from the beginning to the end.

In order to chase Xiaopao, he and Corejj are not far away, and they are relatively close. Now both of them were picked up by the prince's EQ and flew into mid-air!

"Aww..." Roaring Emperor yelled sincerely, completely substituting himself into Samsung's situation, "Virtue's anti-squat is very deadly, SSG uses all its displacement skills to hunt down the small cannon, and now it is powerless to escape!"

"This wave of SSG is likely to suffer!"

From the perspective of God, Roaring Emperor spotted Gu Xing early in the morning.

Even so, when he saw the prince launching an offensive against Samsung, his breathing still stopped for a moment.

He could hear someone yelling excitedly in the LPL commentary seat across the wall.

Amidst the chaos, a heart could not stop falling.

"Brother Xing's EQ accurately knocked Sanxing Nosuke into the air, and then pointed the finger at the nanny!" Wawa raised her arms and shouted, "Corejj has no ability to protect himself. After being knocked out by the prince, his blood volume has dropped to less than half!"

Like most players, Gu Xing killed Soraka with the highest hatred value first.

If this guy is not killed, relying on the combination of unsolvable milk volume and Q skills can make people sick to death!

As a crispy nurse, she couldn't bear the fire damage of the three of VG Shimono! Corejj was so upset that he gave Q [Meteor Falling] first after landing.

I've seen meteors fall to the ground...

But nothing works.

After hitting an enemy, the revitalization effect will be triggered, and the nanny will start to restore health.

It's just too inefficient.

After recovering blood for two seconds, even Lulu's basic attack damage couldn't last!

The previously arranged E [Astral Barrier] has taken effect, imprisoning Jack in place. But this does not delay the output of small cannons.

Open the barrier to save blood first, and at the same time Q [Rapid Shooting] to increase the attack speed, take the Pix on your body three times, five times and two times to take away the nurse!

"Master An persevered and continued to stack passives on Xiaopao, trying to stun Jack, but Xiaopao resolutely handed over the rocket jump after he escaped from the prison state, riding his face on Ruler's face!" Miller's voice was high-spirited, and his whole body was shaking. With joy.

Yu Wenbo has always been good at daring to fight.

He will never give up the chance to show his face, even though he is in residual blood, he just wants to jump over and fuck!

This rocket jump worked wonders.

Successfully opened up the distance with Zhumei, making it impossible for Ambison to apply the last layer of frost effect!

Originally, Aition could fully stack passives before the nanny's confinement ended, but using E [Permanent Frozen Field] to achieve serial control made Jack unable to act autonomously throughout the process.

But Gu Xing's arrival ruined all Samsung's plans!

The knock-up effect of the Prince's EQ second company made An Bixin less A Jack, and he couldn't play the dizzy effect!

Now, the pig girl who has lost the ability to move is drooling looking at the small cannon in the distance but has no way to deal with it.

I can't come out!

Ruler's Verus is remote and cannot stack frost layers.

It is equivalent to that the pig girl failed to effectively control the small cannon to hinder the output in this battle!

"Ruler had to start a hand-to-hand battle with Jack. This battle was not fair. Brother Xing was also helping out. With the help of the golden holy shield's slow speed, he kept the opponent and created output space for his teammates!"

Jack hung E [Explosion Sparks] on Ruler, and with the remaining Q skill duration and the double attack speed effect provided by the German flag, he kept bombarding Verus' body.

Chidi's flash has not improved yet, and he knows that it is difficult for him to walk.

Simply turn around and fight back, trying to replace the small cannon.

But Duan Deliang refused.

He flashed forward, and [wonderful idea] hung on Verus' head, turning him into a boiling sheep!

Even if the duration of the first-level sheep-changing technique is only 1.25 seconds, it is enough for the small cannon.

Verus, who had regained his freedom from being transformed into a sheep, only had time to launch two basic attacks, and the stacked explosion sparks exploded!

Ruler's blood volume bottomed out in an instant!

"Xiaopao made another rocket jump, jumped high on the spot and then hit the damage...Ruler is second!" The doll looked excited, and the noise became extraordinarily high-pitched.

"The rocket jump reset again, hit heavily on the pig girl's side, and then used the advantage of moving speed to pull, walking A was very smooth, and the head of An couldn't touch her at all!"

Miller has been holding his breath from the beginning of the battle, and has been explaining until he is finally exhausted, and his voice has become hoarse because of this, "Brother Xing gave up the head to Jack, and Xiaopao took three kills!"

"Don't even think about running away, leave them all to me!" The veins on the doll's forehead were exposed, showing extreme strength, "Jack made three rocket jumps, beheading three people in a row!"

"This is the charm of the small cannon!"

The audience cheered everywhere, as if they were completely boiling!

Regardless of whether you are a VG supporter or not, at this moment, you will send deafening cheers to the team that performed perfectly on the field!

The webcast room was crowded with people. The match between VG and Samsung attracted a seven-figure audience in China alone. After the battle broke out, the massive barrage sent by netizens almost collapsed the chat channel!

【walk slowly! You are my God! 】

[God Lu Bu! "Who says I'm foolhardy?!" This is called anti-squatting! 】【Before this game, I thought VG was still in the same state as yesterday when it was playing GAM, but it turned out to be frustrating all of a sudden. 】

【Top anti-squatting, the successor of Dandy's legacy is here! How did tulle Ambison in OGN Dusan back then, now

Brother Tianxing will repeat it again]

[Jack is so brave, I never thought he would dare to jump in the face of Verus with less than 200 HP]

[To be honest, if some ADCs are put aside, after this wave of killing Soraka, I will definitely jump back to save my life and KDA, and I will watch Jack dance too much! 】

[Prince Duan is also ruthless enough, turn into a sheep and pinch it to the end before handing it in, focusing on the C position, Ruler is not the same]

"Samsung immediately split after this wave. VG not only played zero for three, but also took advantage of the momentum to accept a dragon!" Miller's face was ruddy, and his voice was impassioned.

"Let SSG see how powerful VG is!" He led the audience and shouted, "This is the home of LPL!"

The LCK commentary booth is like mourning.

"Ai Yigu!!" The Roaring Emperor sighed in grief, "SSG is too reckless to act, Virtue is in control of Zan Rong's whereabouts!"

CloudTe frowned, "Use the same method to return to the other body, this time it is VG's turn to fight back, but the benefits of the two sides' counter-squatting are completely incomparable!"

In less than 4 minutes of the start of the battle, An Bixin also succeeded in back squatting.

However, relying on his outstanding personal strength, Gu Xing was able to exchange 1-for-1 between the jungler and the mid laner, and it was VG who made the profit.

The anti-squat initiated by Gu Xing this time was a heavy blow to Samsung, announcing the change of hands of the SSG initiative!

As commentators, their angles to observe the game are quite limited, and they are puzzled as to how Gu Xing could see Ambison's ward position in advance.

The two only knew that Gu Xing took a big circle around the VG lower jungle area after brushing the magic marsh frogs, avoided the entire jungle area directly, and chose to follow the horizontal path next to the narrow gate of the high ground from the middle lane to the lower lane.

Afterwards, he continued to advance along the line of soldiers, and only then did the head of the security one step ahead of time to ambush in the thread grass and wait for the rabbit.

From their point of view, Gu Xing's detour and back squat was simply a miracle, accurately avoiding Abixin's field of vision in the lower field of VG, and turning Samsung around!

"Why is the prince here?" Corejj didn't know, so he was very depressed.

Ruler couldn't hide his disappointment.

He had heard that his big brother, An Bixin, was going to give Xiaopao's head to him, so he was already thinking about what equipment he would use the 300 gold coins to buy.

Who would have thought that Xiaopao didn't kill it, but instead took the lives of three people on his side!

Ambison was full of question marks, unable to answer the questions raised by his teammates.

Under the tense situation of the game, his brain capacity is not enough to support himself to carry out overly complex review thinking.

But he knew that his side was definitely calculated by VG.

The sense of shame of being teased swept over his body, making An Bixin angry and helpless. "It's okay, Jae Hyuk, you develop first," Head An calmed down, trying to appease his teammates again, "I'll give you the head back later!"

Ruler's lips parted.

He's not a nice guy.

If it weren't for Mr. An being an older team leader, he was just a fledgling young man who had just started his professional career for a year, and the education in the country he was in was extremely senior-oriented in terms of seniority, Ruler would definitely have to say something.


What to develop!

The small cannon on the opposite side has 3 heads, counting the pawn line ahead of me by 1,000 yuan!

Will I dare to take a look at the line of soldiers outside the tower later?

Backstage Edgar kneaded his temples unconsciously.

Of course he knew that the source of VG's ability to perceive An's intentions was the ornamental eye that Kuro placed in the SSG Raptor camp.

Because of this, Edgar raised his rating of VG to another level in his heart.

That eye was obviously not unintentional. All the signs behind Li Ruixing's eyes showed that VG deliberately didn't want Samsung to know that they were eyeing in the SSG jungle. Through this eye, I can see the movement of Anzhangmen to go down the river, and then guess through the movement that there is an enemy's vision in the lower field of VG.

Finally, take a blindfold to avoid Samsung's field of vision and deliberately confuse SS

Team G made him think that Gu Xing had already left the lower half of the map...

If you think about it from the perspective of tactical review, VG's handling is not particularly complicated and obscure.

But you must know that VG is a temporary idea!

Edgar is well aware of this. This game is the first time that SSG has used the new vision blocking tactic.

VG was stunned to be able to react and fight back in just a few minutes, and his comprehension of decision-making has undoubtedly reached an incomparably high level!

He gave a short sigh.

The team still got a lineup that is biased towards the mid-term, and the current laning phase is completely at a disadvantage. Can SSG really end the game in the mid-term?

As the head coach of the team who gets along day and night, Edgar already has the answer in his heart.

Samsung experienced ups and downs in a short while, but the smile it showed when it saw the vision blocking tactic was about to succeed did not disappear, but was transferred to the face of VG.

The corners of Hongmi's mouth were raised high, and he high-fived with the management members in the lounge. "I knew it!" Ding Jun laughed happily as an afterthought, "Xiao Gu must have a way to deal with the opponent!"

The real-time voices of the stage players came from the TV screen.

"Wuhu takes off!" Yu Wenbo yelled loudly, shaking his head in high spirits, "Go back and have attack speed shoes and storm sword!"

"Brother Meng, lie down, come to C in this round!"

Kuro was very dissatisfied, "Why did you come to C, isn't the biggest contributor to this?"

"Without him, where are you going to pick up three heads!"

Li Ruixing praised flatteringly, "Put the eye you made me do in the opposite wild area is hot!"

"An Bixin's mind can't escape your eyes at all!"

Jack was full of joy, and he couldn't care less about bickering with his own single, "Old Gu must be very good, isn't the world's number one jungler just a waste of money?"

"But it's hard for anyone to brag every day, so why not praise me!" Yu Wenbo freed up his hand to pat his chest while driving the hero to leave the spring to find his way automatically, "Isn't the courage of the buddy important?"

A crispy C-position with residual blood jumping in the face, Queshi needs some courage.

Kuro has always recognized this strength of Jack.

The problem is that it is easy to get on top, and sometimes it is not calm to deal with, and the face-on will eventually turn into a sudden death with a skill.

"Hey, An Bixin is still pretty close," Gu Xing rarely boasted on the way to take Duan Deliang to knock on the earth dragon, "Let's use a little trick to play him in the palm of our hands!"

That's what it says.

But after Gu Xing assisted his teammates to kill three enemy generals one after another, he felt a sense of accomplishment spontaneously.

With the improvement of his own strength, except for the version, few people can threaten him anymore.

Often Gu Xing can win the battle in a relaxed and freehand way, and the wind has been going smoothly, so that he almost loses interest in the game.

Suning in the summer split counts as one, and Samsung today counts as one. They all try to challenge themselves through brand-new strategic games!

This made him intoxicated and felt a long-lost sense of novelty.

Now trying every means to win the battle of wits on the spot, Gu Xing only felt refreshed, and he almost said, 'It's comfortable!

"Ruixing, bring a pack of dynamite, and we'll go straight to trouble with the rock sparrow!" He killed the earth dragon and went back to the city to supply equipment, while commanding his mid laner.

Kuro obeyed, stuck at the 8-minute node and went back to the spring to buy a small wooden hammer. After picking up the explosive package, he accelerated and flew towards the middle.

Crown just got his first blue BUFF after the resurrection of Head An, and now he is huddling under the tower, complacently repairing the knife.

He didn't care when he heard the passive siren of the plane echoing in the canyon.

I just shrank under the tower, what can you do to me?

Cron just kindly reminded An Bixin to be more cautious, the combat power of the plane is strong enough, and he can definitely control the line, and maybe he will go to the wild area to search for the traces of the pig girl.

But Crown still underestimated VG Nakano's determination to kill himself.

Gu Xingtong

The three assists and Xiaolong's experience were superimposed. At this time, he successfully rose to level six, hiding in the three-star Raptor camp and staring at the crown that is separated by a wall. He is sure that there is no vision set by the enemy under his feet-the eye that Kuro inserted only disappeared 10 seconds ago, and An Zhangmen and Huang Guan are taking blue buffs in the Ueno area in the past 10 seconds, so there is no time to make eye at all.

Kuro's plane pushed another wave of minions in the middle, and pretended to move down, ready to find trouble on the side.

When Huang Guan relaxed his vigilance and used Q [Stone Piercing] to clear the line of soldiers, Gu Xing EQ crossed the wall and smashed his head and face with his big move!

The next moment, Li Ruixing turned his head back, and suddenly handed over the enhanced Valkyrie Dive! In the prince's big move, the flame belt is constantly roasting the blood of the rock sparrow!

Cron's flash was still half a minute away from getting better, and he was trapped in the obstacle of the big move by Gu Xing, unable to move.

The terrain created by R [Heaven and Earth Breaking] is not big, and Gu Xing still firmly occupies the lower half.

Crown can only let the plane's explosive package damage comparable to Rambo's ultimate move take him away!

He pursed his lips in distress.

After being killed in battle, the fresh blue BUFF that has just been received and not warmed up is handed over to the plane!

This is bad news for the rock sparrow, which is extremely lacking in mana in the mid-term after the weakening!

An Bixin came late, so he could only help the mid laner make up the line and deal with the advancing tower knife.

Upon seeing this, Gu Xing decisively gave the next step instructions, "Elbow with me, let's go down the road together to get Verus!"

Taking advantage of the poor number of players, he ran amok and domineering in the lower jungle area of ​​SSG. Ruler, who had learned the news in advance, had no choice but to retreat to the autistic grass in front of the second tower with his assistant.

The three-star duo will not only lose two waves of soldiers, but also the HP of the defensive tower!

Xiaopao can dismantle the tower quickly, not to mention that she still has the advantage of equipment! Hanging on the sparks of the explosion, the four of VG easily flattened the Tower of One Blood!

"The transition period of this game started very early," Miller said in amazement, "Samsung really broke their game. Now the duo has no ability to fight back at all, so they have to let VG bully them wantonly!"

The two sides swapped top and bottom lanes, and the mid laner continued to develop in the same place.

"Samsung doesn't have to play at all now, all three lanes of VG have cable rights, Brother Xing can invade the jungle at will!" Wawa smiled.

The director finally gave the top laner a shot.

As the top laner of the hexagon, Song Jinghao's proficiency in tank heroes is better than Cuvee, the yordle king.

What's more, in this version, Big Chongzi used to play against big trees with an advantage. Now Sb has a CS advantage of about 10 dollars, and he also firmly holds the line.

Not to mention the mid laner, the rock sparrow without the blue BUFF is pure waste wood, not to mention that Kuro's equipment is still ahead.

The three lines are all excellent, guaranteeing Gu Xing to rampage in the Samsung wild area and plunder the resources of wild monsters!

People with a discerning eye see this and know that Samsung has basically gone far.

With a lineup that is stronger and more advanced, how can it be overturned by VG during the laning phase?

"Brother Xing got the canyon vanguard with the timely support of the duo, so he simply chose to cast it on the top road, and after hitting one head, let Jack use explosive sparks to flatten the enemy's defense tower!" At 12 minutes into the game, the economic gap between the two sides was 100 Into the 3K mark!

"Jack had a great time in this game, he just turned Xiaopao into a policewoman," Miller said with a smile on his face, "The speed-push tactic was very successful, and after he made the endless blade, he was unstoppable! "

In the current version, the small cannon does not lack the ability to push the line in the early stage. Basically, it is to do double attack speed shoes to supplement the attack speed, and then do an endless top damage.

The advantage is that it is very painful to hit the crispy skin. With Lulu's shield jumping face to output Verus, the damage of a set of explosive sparks will blow the opponent to pieces!

The disadvantage of SSG's lineup was fully demonstrated at this time.

The nanny's backhand is really average in Xianglu Ruanfu.

Not to mention the lack of control, just that little healing value is not enough to put someone's teeth in the face of huge damage!

The SSG duo was forced to abandon the first tower and retreat

supply. So far, VG has flattened the enemy's three-way outer tower, and has absolute initiative in the field of vision competition!

Although Corejj is very spiritual, in the mid-term, he used the E skill to cooperate with Zhumei's big move to achieve a brainless and silent combo, and successfully killed Duan Wangye.

But it doesn't quench your thirst at all.

The advantages of VG are too great, and it seems that Samsung is full of flaws.

Occasionally find an opportunity to take the initiative to attack, but let VG open a breakthrough from elsewhere! The economic gap is getting bigger and bigger!

After demolishing the three-way outer tower, VG was not in a hurry and continued to advance.

Instead, they slowly started to play the transfer line operation, and continuously expanded their advantages through the squeeze of resources in the wild.

At 28 minutes into the game, the economic difference between the two sides broke through the 1 mark! In addition, VG also controlled three small dragons!

"Isn't this too stable?" Miller couldn't believe his eyes, "I really want to play boiled frogs in warm water, VG wants to grind Samsung to death!"

Procrastinate, just procrastinate.

Anyway, VG has two shooters in charge, and with the growth of the big bug, it will only become stronger in the later stage!

Samsung couldn't sit still.

Even if they were iron turtles, they didn't play like this.

If the economic gap does not narrow, after VG drags on for 35 minutes, the double C equipment is fully formed, and Ssangyong is controlled by one, Samsung has no chance of winning!

Head An decided to fight to the death.

Then he sent it to himself.

Gu Xing took advantage of his vision and went around to the side to start a group with a wave of EQR, cooperating with Song Jinghao's big bug flash to instantly control many people.

Lulu gave another big move, the double C output of the small cannon + plane only took three or four seconds, and SSG ushered in a rout!

After the team wiped out the opponent, VG rushed to the Samsung Highland in a wave, and the game time was fixed at 35 minutes and 22 seconds!



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