What is a hexagon jungler?

520: Forcibly jumping over the tower, perfect cooperation!


Miller was very excited, "By relying on his keen sense of the field, Xingge seized the last moment before Jankos flashed and turned around, and successfully killed him!"

"This is the strength of Brother Xing. Using the same way to repay the other body, Jankos never dreamed that Brother Xing would use the herbivorous Nunu to attack the wild and invade, but he was caught off guard!"

At the moment when Emerald God fell to the ground, the restless sound in the stands rose to the sky!

The supporters vented their emotions that have been accumulated for a long time, and gave thunderous applause to Nunu on the battlefield!

The VG fans who didn't buy the scalper tickets and sat around the venue watching the big screen were also full of enthusiasm, drinking cold drinks and cheering for Gu Xing!

For a time, cheers resounded inside and outside the venue!

The live broadcast room was even more crowded.

Today, there are millions of netizens watching this game in China. Even if the major platforms have improved their bandwidth, sometimes they will still freeze when it comes to a critical moment.

[The novel app that has been running stably for many years is comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, and the source-changing app used by old bookworms,]

However, this still couldn't stop the enthusiasm of the audience. Even if some screening conditions were enabled, the barrage was still densely packed.

[Fuck me! What a handsome Nunu, I haven't seen Nunu's big move that can charge full energy for a long time, the damage explodes instantly! 】

[Wu, my atomic bomb is back hot! 】

[Unfortunately, it was G2 and not DFM, otherwise I would call it a top performance]

【So stuck because of gods and demons, Douyu, if you can’t do it, don’t do it】

【Don't call if you get stuck, I won't get stuck】

Jatt couldn't believe his eyes, "Can Nunu kill Green God alone?"

In his understanding, these two pure herbivorous heroes are pulling each other's hair, and it is impossible to get a kill by fighting alone.

The big brother next door sees it clearly, "This is the point where Nunu is very restrained against Ivern. Xiaoju seems to be very powerful in the wild, but she is useless against the devouring true injury!"

"And Nunu still has a big move. After losing Xiaoju, Cui Shen doesn't even have the ability to interrupt the enemy. In the early and mid-term, as long as Nunu has fully read the big move, no hero can sustain his high damage. !"

Nunu's ultimate move [Absolute Zero] needs to read the guide for 3 seconds to burst out the highest damage. The conditions are so harsh, and the fist will naturally increase the income that the hero can get to balance it.

But when confronting the Emerald God, it's much easier to charge up the ultimate move!

Peng Yiliang was very helpless, "Jankos ran for a long time and didn't escape the range of Nunu's big move. It should be very hopeless to be killed in the end."

As Doublelift said, the lamb under the camera looked aggrieved.

Being bombarded by Nunu is simply a disgrace to a professional player!

When Jankos saw Gu Xing choose Nunu earlier, he knew that the snowman knight was very restrained by the Emerald God.

But no matter what, it doesn't make sense to be killed alone!

"My, mine," Ah P hurriedly took the responsibility on himself in order to stabilize the morale of the army, "I didn't have time to rush over, otherwise this Nunu will die."

Just now he was ready to go to support the first time he saw the battle in the wild area.

But the damn Galio on the opposite side insisted on punching Zheng Zheng to stop him!

Syndra, who didn't flash, had very average mobility. She was stuck by Galio and couldn't escape for a short time. She could only witness Jankos being beheaded by Nunu's ultimate move not far away.

"Please be steady," Wunder panicked seeing his teammates give back the early advantage, "We don't have much room for error!"

Once the G2 lineup has an advantage, it will be really hard to snowball. The auxiliary time can rely on the advantage of the eye stone to arrange all the vision. On one side, he is always ready to use the weak to retreat and scatter to control, and the advancing speed is quite fast.

But in case of a disadvantage, the team can't rely on the female police officer's line transfer advantage to obtain excess economy.

The team only has Shen in the front row and has to deal with Kenan's split push on the side lanes. By then, the remaining four squishies don't even dare to go out to do it!

In other words, G2's lineup can only play against the wind!

Jankos understands the pros and cons, and he quickly analyzes and judges the situation on the court.

After he was killed, the red BUFF he wanted to accept just now will definitely be reversed by Gu Xing, and the third round of camps will also be refreshed in a short time. The group camp is the first to reset, and it will also fall into the enemy's hands!

Calculated in this way, he can be said to have suffered a heavy loss.

In this case, Jankos must ensure his own development, otherwise the fiery incense burner will be in the foreseeable future!

That is the key to whether G2 can crush VG through combat power and use the female police to widen the economic gap during the transition period!

Therefore, Jankos in the lower wild area must be defended.

What's more, there are blue BUFFs there, which are also very important for the line rights of the mid laner Ah P.

But when the lamb was resurrected and moved to the lower half of the canyon, he heard the urgent call of the top laner Wunder.

"Could you come over and help me solve the pawn line?" He said anxiously.

Jankos cut the screen and looked up the road, and found that the situation was not good.

The position of the pawn line is very awkward.

Probably because Kenan of Smeb used his lane power to hoard a large wave of pawns and push them into the tower in G2. Wunder, as a Shen who didn't have the ability to clear the wave before making Tiamat, was unable to catch up with the next wave of pawns. Clean up all minions under the tower before arriving.

As a result, a wave of push-back lines was formed on the top lane, and it was not long before Wunder was forced to follow the forward line to leave the shelter of his own turret.

If Jankos continues to move according to the current trajectory, he will definitely not be able to help his top laner in the lower half.

On the other hand, Gu Xing can take advantage of the situation after defeating the G2 Ueno area, and launch a surprise attack on Wunder together with Kenan!

Jankos weighed the pros and cons after thinking about it, and then he spoke after a moment of silence, "Martin, why don't you take two steps back and just stay under the tower and don't die."

He thought that if he turned his head and went to the road, he could help the top laner relieve the pressure on the line and eliminate VG's offensive, but it would really delay his own development.

After comprehensive consideration, Jankos decided to let Gu Xing attack the top lane, and go to the bottom lane to try to open the situation.

Hearing the jungler's cruel and heartless words, Wunder pursed his lips and was speechless.

He was very upset in his heart - after all, no one wanted to be beaten on the road except Shaking M.

But I couldn't find any reason to refute it.

Now this G2 team has the lower half as the absolute core, and Wunder belongs to the team's junior position, and basically does not get the care of the jungler.

He can only choose to give up pushing the line and eat soldiers, and strive to save his little life.

Watching the line of soldiers push forward until they crossed the river, Wunder idly circled around under the tower, as if he wanted to give himself a shot.

However, Gu Xing still didn't want to let him go.

After clearing G2's Ueno area, Gu Xing used his previous solo kill experience to successfully upgrade to level 7, then passed through the grass behind the enemy's upper tower side, and surrounded Shen with Kenan in a double-sided position.

Seeing this, Miller stared intently at the battlefield, not wanting to miss any details.

"One thing to say, it seems that it is difficult to kill Lu Shen with VG Ueno alone. Smeb is still an AD Kenan, and the burst damage is quite limited..."

He looked suspicious at first, but then he suddenly understood when he saw the movements of the heroes on the small map.

"Kuro is also here to help!" Miller looked excited, "VG plans to have a wave of upper-middle-field linkage!"

Galio was running all the way up the road.

The body looks bulky, but the two legs are upside down and the speed is not slow at all.

What's more, Gu Xing also killed the upper river crab earlier, providing Galio with an acceleration altar, allowing Kuro to approach the road faster!

Ah P was dumbfounded when he saw Galio's movements.

He is currently not in the middle, but ran to the lower field to get the blue BUFF.

Even if Emerald God has a unique mechanism, after upgrading to level 5, he can capture BUFF wild monsters by himself, and at the same time let a teammate pick up the buff effect, Ah P still has to run near the blue zone.

In order to guard against Kuro's possibility of wandering offline when he left the middle lane, Perkz pushed a whole wave of soldiers into the VG middle tower, and then he went to the lower field to collect blue.

As a result, Galio didn't care about it, and used Q [Justice Wind] to blow the minions, killed the two bins, and went straight to the road!

Oil cakes are not!

Perkz knows that his opponent's mid laner has always been known for his teamwork, but it doesn't make sense for Jiang Zi to play games, right?

Cursing a lunatic secretly, Ah P knew that he could not stop Galio from rushing to help him on the road, so he hurriedly dragged Jankos down the road.

He sort of understood this version of the mid laner.

You can't hang in the middle to brush the line.

Especially when the opponent's mid laner has already done something, relying on the online teammates will bear unparalleled pressure!

"Brother Xing fights against the tower first, uses the W skill to increase the attack speed and movement speed of himself and Kenan, and gets close to the enemy to smash hailstones to slow down..." Miller slowly increased his speaking speed, "Wunder is not going to sit still, turn around and give a taunt, I want to keep Nunu who attracts the hatred of the defense tower, but Brother Xing is very frank, and Shen can't touch him at all!"

In the current version, Nunu plays more of a tank role.

Q [Swallow] After killing wild monsters, it can also provide the snowman knight with a bonus of out-of-combat movement speed and maximum health. It can accumulate up to 5 layers, as long as it swallows another wild monster before the decay period of tens of seconds. Resets and stacks the effect.

As long as there are no major problems with the route and operation in the wild area, after finishing the first round of camps, Nunu will basically maintain a 5-layer passive at all times.

Gu Xing is like this.

The 15% maximum health bonus at full level allows him to completely resist the damage of the defensive tower one more time!

"Galio's hard bear came on the stage and then put Nunu with a damage reduction BUFF. After hitting Shen on the ground, he taunted Duran's shield, and then Kenan was stunned," Miller turned on the full power mode, and Gatlin Blue flames suddenly burst out, "Wunder can't move, and his blood volume is dropping rapidly!"

Even if Shen handed over the W skill sword formation before being controlled by Galio, it was useless.

The 75-second immune general attack enchantment is not worth mentioning in front of the terrifying control chain of Nakano on VG!

After the sword array disappeared, Kenan's shuriken stabbed Shen's blood bar frantically.

Wunder's meager HP was quickly depleted!

He couldn't even hand in a flash before he died!

"The head was captured by Smeb. It was a very beautiful raid. VG gave the team some key economics!"

Miller was emotional, "And the anti-tower brother Xing was not killed in battle. He calculated the damage too accurately. He used the devouring skill to eat a ranged soldier to recover blood, and withstood the last shelling to calmly leave the range of the defensive tower!"

The battle in the first half came to an end, but before he could take a breath, the perspective was switched to the second half by the director.

"G2 is not to be outdone, and also gathers the middle and field to launch a fierce attack on the side lanes," he gushed about the situation on the field, "The difference is that this time they have soldiers to help them, and it will be easier to cross the tower!"

Imp relied on the absolute strength of the female policeman in the laning stage to firmly grasp the line power.

After hearing that his own middle field was coming down the road, Gu Sungbin began to intentionally stockpile the line and push it into the VG defense tower, so as to better complete the tower jump.

What he wondered was that Jankos almost stayed in the lower half, and Ah P couldn't even hide, and ran from the middle to the bottom half.

All the spearheads of G2 are directed at VG's bottom lane, why should the opposite duo stick to the tower?

Imp thought at first that Jack was sick and insisted on relying on the defense tower to try to fight back.

But after thinking about it, VG and Duan Deliang, an older former teammate, must have realized the danger and pulled Yu Wenbo back together!

At this moment Jankos suddenly mentioned a possibility.

Only then did Gu Chengbin understand the other party's intentions.

Immediately afterwards, that arrogance surged up.

Want to defend the tower with a 10% discount?

It doesn't make sense, you have to teach the other side a lesson!

"Beryl first uses E to slow down the mouse, and at the same time throws a bomb that hits the enemy, turns on W [Shuttle to the Future] to reduce the cooldown of the skill, and then throws the second bomb!"

Jack can't avoid it by walking, but he doesn't want to dodge.

I think it is still useful to keep the flash.

At the moment when the two bombs overlapped and stunned the mouse, the VG turret lit up with dazzling light!

"Galio!" the doll blurted out, "Kuro's teleportation has been improved!"

Li Ruixing used teleportation to make up the line after sending a blood in the middle of the battle before. Now, with the help of the [Insight] talent, he has finished cooling down. He just cooperated with his teammates to kill Wunder and rushed to the bottom lane!

"My old swan," Miller couldn't help shouting the mantra that his colleagues remembered, "Kuro really doesn't plan to care about his development. He ran from the middle to the top in just half a minute, and then passed the teleport from the top to the bottom. This game is simply outrageous. !"

The exclamations in the Guangzhou Gymnasium continued one after another!

Whether it was the live audience or the netizens in the live broadcast room, they were all shocked by Li Ruixing's exaggerated roaming support frequency.

Everyone in G2 was spoiled by Jankos who recorded the cooldown of the enemy summoner's skills in advance, and they were not so surprised when they saw the teleportation light.

The reason they still choose to freeze their hands is simple.

It is necessary to forcibly jump over the tower.

Whatever Galio is, the VG duo must die here today!

"Jankos' Q skill easily hit the stunned Jack, triggering the second stage of Q to successfully narrow the distance, Imp handed over the rope net, and by the way put a clip under Jack's feet before throwing the peace messenger, a very basic policewoman EWQ triple... "

Miller's voice stopped abruptly, and then suddenly raised the volume.

"Prince Duan's operation is really cool!" He couldn't control his excitement, and his voice trembled a little, "Lulu handed over her flash and helped Jack block the policewoman's rope net at the limit distance!"

There was a lot of restlessness in the stands.

Duan Deliang used himself as a human shield to save Yu Wenbo from getting a headshot shot from the rope net and keep his blood volume as much as possible!

"Ah P handed over QE from the side to push Jack unconscious twice, and used W [Drive Mind Power] to smash the magic ball cast on the road, and successfully threw five balls!"

Syndra's burst is really high.

The VG duo is still at level 5. Although Duan Deliang uses his physical body to help resist the enemy's output, but without Lulu's ultimate move to provide frankness, Jack's health bar is still declining rapidly.

However, the two also have other life-saving skills.

Treatment + Barrier!

The mouse was forcibly boosted with nearly 400 health points, and with Lulu's E [Help, Pixar] shield, it was stunned to eat up all the output and had nearly 200 health points left to survive!

This is the horror of the incense burner version. It doesn't matter if Yu Wenbo can pick up Q, and his platoon protection skill can infinitely improve his fault tolerance!

"Jack dodges to the innermost side of the defense tower, turns Q to enter the stealth state, after Kuro teleports to the ground, justice punches and rushes towards the green god who is resisting the tower, and Prince Duan just gives the sheep-changing spell, and Jankos can't even hand in the flash , was thrown into the air by Galio and died on the spot!"

Miller said in one breath, his voice became hoarse, "But Jack is also doomed, the female policeman flashes and zooms in to find the mouse in stealth state, and cooperate with the mid laner to send him away with one general attack! "

But after Jankos was killed, the anti-tower became Imp.

Given that Beryl does not have a censer, the summoner skill combination of the G2 duo is still healing + weakness like in the summer game.

Gu Chengbin could only rely on his own healing skills to increase his blood volume and movement speed, and turned around to prepare to distance himself.

But Kuro's Duran shield, which was handed over by Weisha Shen on the road before, has cooled down, and W flashes to taunt the policewoman, wanting to keep it completely!

With Caitlin's current remaining HP, as long as she is hit twice by the defense tower, she will definitely die!

"Imp is in danger!" Doll beamed with joy.

But at the critical moment, Beryl, who had previously retreated to a slightly back position and entered a state of out-of-combat, matched with the policewoman!

It is the passive [Time in a Bottle]!

After a short delay, all the experience that Zilean has accumulated so far is all sent to Caitlin!

The female police officer has been promoted to level 6, and her blood volume has increased slightly.

Of course, that wasn't what Beryl wanted.

In return, Time can also get the same amount of passive experience points!

The rotation lights up, and Kieran also rises to level 6!

"I'll go," Miller couldn't help whispering in surprise, "isn't it?"

R【Back in time】!

At this time, Beryl's operation is not low-powered, and he learns the big move quickly and uses it to the policewoman!

The next shell from the defense tower falls, and the Imp health bar is emptied to enter time travel.


Before the policewoman stood up again, the hatred of the defense tower had been drawn onto herself by Ah P.

They are not giving up!

The target is directed at Remnant Blood Lulu!

Galio handed over all his control skills, and was helpless against G2's turn of fire. He could only watch Lulu's death and the enemy march away in groups!

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