What is a hexagon jungler?

522: Teaching Bureau!

"One to zero!"

The baby's voice is loud, "VG wins first and wins the first game of BO5!"

"The unpopular Nunu selected by Brother Xing in this game has repeatedly made outstanding achievements. Not only did he play against Dansha twice, but he also suppressed the advancing rhythm of G2 by himself!" Miller blushed.

The hustle and bustle in the stands soared into the sky, and the already dry and hot air in Guangzhou was ignited by the shouts and cheers from the audience, making everyone's breathing hotter.

Sitting in the front row, Shen Guanshan listened to the meaningless modal particles shouted by the audience around him because of his excitement. He was also deeply affected by the atmosphere of watching the game, and his expression was joyful.

"What do you think," she asked her friends, "It's the first time I've come to the World Championships, and it feels completely different from usual!"

The surroundings were too noisy, Shen Guanshan had to raise the volume to ensure that the other party could hear.

Today Gu Pan was going to stay at school to deal with things, she came alone, but when she got to the venue, she ran into her old colleagues from the past.

As a staff member of Tencent’s League of Legends project, Flavia came to Guangzhou this time to be responsible for Tongshiquan and Riot’s headquarter employees who flew over from the Los Angeles headquarters to match the World Championship, so it was logical that he could watch the match for free.

Hearing Shen Guanshan's words, Flavia nodded with a flushed face, "It's like this, the competition inside the LPL has no internal taste, and you still have to experience the atmosphere at the World Championship."

During the league, not only are the venues small, but the lighting, dance, beauty and special effects are relatively mediocre.

Everyone's mentality is very different.

In the LPL, you are strangled to the death, how can there be the blood of uniting as one to represent the competition area against other strong teams in the World Championship?

This is the biggest event of the year in the field of League of Legends e-sports. Facing the situation of "win or go home", the mentality of the players and the audience is completely different from that in the league.

Even though some spectators will go to other competition areas after the home team they support loses, they are still a minority, and more people still have expectations for the results of the LPL team.

Especially now.

EDG and RNG have been eliminated one after another, and the mentality of the audience in the competition area has fallen to the bottom.

After VG won G2 cleanly in the first game, they were all excited, tearing up their vocal cords and cheering for the players on the stage!

Being at the scene, experiencing the turbulent waves in the gymnasium shaking the ground, when the secretion of dopamine is accelerated, the excitement is unprecedented!

"Brother Xing, Nunu is really good at playing," Flavia said faster when excited, "Why can you pick out any hero and win, really just take C?"

If it weren't for the ambiguity of the sentence, she would have said to Shen Guanshan, 'Your husband is awesome'.

"Naturally, he can beat Jankos easily at his level?" Even though Shen Guanshan said so, there was an unconcealable smile on the corner of his mouth.

"VG go all the way and try to win 3-0!" Flavia waved her fists vigorously.

"By the way, I have to ask you something..." Shen Guanshan recalled the question that had bothered him and Gu Pan for a long time recently.

Everyone in the stands was smiling.

On the stage, G2 has a Sima face per capita, which is not connected with the joys and sorrows of the audience.

Jankos rubbed his short hair, looking annoyed and bored.

I originally thought that the selection of Emerald God could reproduce the scene of Dragon Ball defeating VG in the mid-season game, and with the addition of the policewoman and time, it would be easy to win the first game.

Who would have thought that Gu Xing would actually use Nunu to perfect himself, bankrupting G2's carefully prepared plan!

He couldn't help but let out a long sigh when he thought of this.

Back in the backstage lounge, Jankos was even more depressed and wanted to vomit blood.

The damage panel from last game is playing on the TV screen.

Gu Xing made a total of 6220 points of damage in 30 minutes, which is not bad for Nunu - after all, this version of Snowman Knight only has ER two skills that can cause damage to heroes. Except for the two times of Dansha Green God, Nunu There is not much output in total.

But Jankos' own damage numbers can only be described as horrible!


Probably only 1/3 of Nunu!

The main output method of Emerald God is nothing more than the explosive damage of E [Sow beans to reap melons] after setting a shield on teammates, or relying on Xiaoju to beat people.

[The novel app that has been running stably for many years is comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, and the source-changing app used by old bookworms,]

But in this match, Xiaoju was always in the embarrassing situation of being swallowed by Nunu as soon as she was summoned, and she couldn't do any damage at all!

Coupled with the poor development of Emerald God, the low output seems to be reasonable.

In all fairness, they are all playing herbivorous junglers, and they basically don't care too much about damage numbers.

But if you compete with other data, Jankos will lose even worse!

Everything on the live broadcast came to the MVP selection process.

Gu Xing appeared again!

In the photo, he gestured sideways to the camera holding a gun, and his exposed forearm was white and powerful.

4% team injury ratio

3/1/12 battle damage ratio

8% participation rate...

Every stat is extremely astonishing, and it can be called the template benchmark for grass-fed junglers!

Jankos knows that the director has been merciful, and has not released the most murderous matchup data.

Neutral resource control.

This is a key metric for measuring grass-fed junglers.

If you can't control the map, what kind of grass-fed game is there?

And in this data, Jankos is a zero egg!

The only chance to plunder neutral resources was the canyon pioneer at 10 minutes, but in the end Gu Xing easily snatched it away with his Q punishment!

Looking at Gu Xing's exaggerated data performance, Jankos sulked with his mouth puffed out, looking like a puffer fish.

He has always felt that he is one of the three wild kings of S6, and he should not be much worse than Gu Xing in terms of strength.

It was the first time they met in a BO5 arena after they met, and Jankos still wanted to perform well in front of Gu Xing.

But the strength shown by the opponent once made him despair, thinking that he was completely invincible opponent!

G2 head coach Youngbuck saw that the players were depressed and realized that the situation was not good.

All the cards were out in the first game, but in the end, VG won with a crushing momentum. Just think about it, and you can see how big a blow to the morale of the team is.

"What do you guys think, is it feasible for us to return to the normal lineup in the next game?" He asked the players for their opinions.

The tactics used by G2 in this game are to magnify all the advantages and disadvantages of the previous team system.

It turned out that the team also launched an offensive around the bottom lane, but it was not that extreme.

The lineup selected this time is that if you fail in the early stage, you will be successful. Once you control the advantage, you can use the cooperation of the green god linen to catch the headshot of the policewoman to advance crazily, and sometimes the existence of time is not afraid of the opponent's force.

But if you fall into a disadvantage, you can't play at all. Canyon Pioneer didn't get the first tower and was pushed back by VG.

Wunder wants the team to return to the combination of meat tank jungler + incense burner support.

At least in that way, the pressure on yourself will be less - the jungler has to bear the two tool attributes of map control and incense burner, and Wunder will be responsible for frankness.

Knowing that VG is a Ueno-Joint team, choosing a meat tank top laner is basically tantamount to surrendering like the French!

But Beryl disagrees.

"I think we still need to maintain the system of the first game," he chewed his gum, and explained the reason to his teammates in substandard Korean English, "VG's strongest point is the early and mid-term. If we want to compete with the opponent, we must win. Only by accumulating enough economic advantages during the laning phase can we block VG's rapid offensive, otherwise we will have no chance of winning if we delay the later stage!"

G2 is not the iron turtle like Samsung. Their discipline is relatively average. Even if there are good operators in the team, many times they will not be able to implement it perfectly because of the gap in the execution of the players.

In terms of post-production operations, G2 may be hanged and beaten by VG!

That's why Beryl decided to go to the extreme, fullen the tempo in the early and mid-term, and strive to break through the game as soon as possible, playing VG without any breathing room, and then use the accumulated advantages to slowly roll the snowball to win.

The jungler's style of synthesizing the incense burner can release the support early to make eye stones. In this way, the wild assistants unite to control the field of vision and restrict the enemy jungler with dense eye positions. It is difficult for Gu Xing to pass the sharp attack. Gank opens up the situation for the team.

Wunder didn't agree with this idea, "You let Jankos choose the incense burner to play the jungle, so I have to use the pure front row, and then I'm stocked and asked me to change lanes to fight against the opposite duo, how can I play?!"

The two insisted on their own views and argued endlessly.

In the end, it was Youngbuck who spoke, "Let's change to the regular lineup in the next game. We haven't played against VG in this World Championship. If we can win with the normal lineup?"

Beryl pursed her lips and leaned against the cabinet without saying a word.

Both he and Wunder joined G2 during the transfer period last year, but there is also a gap.

He joined with the glory of Ou Yishang, but he was Madlife's substitute.

Even if Beryl took over the baton from the old-timer and got the starting position, in terms of status in the team, he can't compete with Wunder!

The coaching staff weighs the pros and cons, and must give priority to the top laner!

Gu Chengbin saw that the atmosphere in the team was tense, so he quickly said something to ease the atmosphere, "Then don't choose me as a policewoman, this hero is really rubbish, and fighting the opponent Galio in the mid-term is almost like scraping..."

The most outrageous time is the last wave.

After finally saving two and a half pieces of policewoman, facing Kuro's W [Duran Shield] to reduce the damage of pure meat Galio, one shot didn't even do 100 points of damage!

At that time, Gu Sungbin went crazy and hacked for a long time, but the result was to tickle Galio!

"Wait, what is Gua Sha?" Perkz asked curiously when he heard the uncommon words.

So far, the topic in the G2 team has completely diverged, and everyone is discussing the effectiveness of scraping methods.

When the staff knocked on the door to remind the players to go on stage again, everyone in G2 talked and laughed, clearing away the haze of the previous round of defeat and going on stage.

Gu Xing was quite puzzled when he saw the enemy team members with light steps and relaxed expressions.

Losing so badly in the last game didn't break your mentality?

Is not, where is the problem?

He didn't have the extra energy to think about it, so he put his mind aside for the time being and put on his earphones to communicate with his teammates, "Jack, how do you feel when you play against Boo Boo?"

Yu Wenbo smacked his mouth, "It's okay, the pressure is not too great, did Imp drink too much and cause his laning strength to drop?"

On the opposite side, the policewoman + time vs. VG mouse + Lulu, logically speaking, it should be a huge advantage.

The fact is that G2 does have the right to bot lane, but it is limited to this, and has not gone further.

Jack felt that the laning pressure brought to him was not as good as that of the RNG duo.

Exclude the support, that is, Imp is not as good as Uzi.

Uzi, OK!

"Nonsense," Song Jinghao refuted Jack's point of view solemnly, "drinking can't have such side effects!"

"Ah, yes, yes, yes, it is what you said..." Yu Wenbo slumped on the chair and shook the mouse casually.

"Maybe it's because Brother Duan is much stronger in lane than in support," Gu Xing guessed, "I think Beryl has a lot of tricks, but the operation is a little bit worse."

Duan Deliang belongs to the type of players whose brains are not very easy to use. In terms of operation, last year's S game helped VG win the world championship by relying on output assists to shine!

In the last game, when Lulu was used to face G2's tower jump on the bottom road, he decisively flashed the rope net to block Imp, and successfully helped Jack resist a lot of damage at a critical moment, which can be seen from this!

Beryl, on the other hand, puts more emphasis on thinking than operation. Although he has not yet become a handicapped party in later generations, it is unrealistic to compete with Duan Deliang in operation.

Kuro listened to his teammates chatting for a long time, and seeing that he really couldn't get in the conversation, he just nodded in agreement, "It makes sense, Gu Gu is right!"

The sound of the urn is like an old scalper.

"VG players, please get ready. After confirmation, the blue side G2 will start the second game..."

The referee speaks at the back of the player's bench at the right time.

Gu Xing kneaded his knuckles, and when all the staff were ready to report to work, he heard a sonorous and powerful sound echoing in the earphones!

The spirit of the Haier brothers on the commentary stand was lifted.

"Starting from BP, G2 will ban Luo first, and VG will block the skate shoes as usual!"

They are all cliche classes.

After the world's top teams studied the World Championship version for three weeks, several fixed ban positions have been determined, and unless certain extreme situations are encountered, they will not change.

Youngbuck changed hands and sent Jace to the ban position.

This hero has not been released since the quarterfinals, and the ban rate is as high as 100%.

There was a rumor circulating on the Internet before that Jayce was blocked because the gap between the top laners in each knockout round was too obvious.

What Mouse hits Khan, Letme hits Huni...

Jess put it on the group of Korean top laners, it is very easy to create a tragedy in the world!

But the actual reality is that if the top laners on both sides are very strong, it would be scary to release Jess.

What strong top laners are best at is snowballing, giving them a small advantage can expand infinitely!

The current Jace is not the castrated version of the later generations.

Bring runes, buy a Dolan sword and go straight to 80 points of attack power, and there is also a talent [Smash Blow] that provides 7 points of fixed wear.

It couldn't be easier to suppress people in the early stage!

"VG chose to focus on the bottom lane and send the top-level incense burner girl to the ban position. After the opponent bans Kenan, we will block Shen!"

Wa Wa said loudly, "After VG came to the red side, he made some fine-tuning. He released the small cannon and Ryze that were used to target G2's double C. It depends on the opponent's choice!"

Youngbuck's choice is to grab the cannon.

After deciding not to choose the Emerald God, Bobby in the cannon form became Caitlyn's high-ranking substitute.

"VG accepted Gnar and Galio, and got the combination of top and middle. It looks very solid..."

The English stream commentary saw the head of the pig girl lit up in the G2 hero selection box, and let out a long sigh of relief.

Jatt was full of joy, "Jankos finally doesn't miss him, Ivern, and Pig Girl is one of the best jungle options in the current version!"

He couldn't analyze the deeper intentions of G2's selection of heroes such as Cui Shen in the last game, and once suspected that Jankos was playing tricks so badly.

After returning to normal selection now, Jatt is finally relieved.

"G2 will take out gems to match the rhythm of the small cannons, it is a very good choice!"

Gem Tariq can be regarded as the best combination of the current version of the small cannon.

As long as Poppy in the cannon form jumps towards the opposite face, he can cast E [Dazzle], and it is not difficult to stun the opponent's non-displacement hero.

Redmi took out Lulu to deal with it, Zipi Garlic's backhand ability is trustworthy, and Xiaopao can turn into a sheep when he jumps in the face, which can also defuse the offensive to a certain extent.

In the second round of BP, VG banned Syndra, who played well in the last game, and the strongest wandering mage, Twain.

G2, on the other hand, aimed at Gu Xing and bought a house in the ban position for the remaining version of the strong jungler of the wine barrel and the prince.

Jankos looked at the jungler hero lying on his banned position, and his mind was much calmer.

The strength of the jungler that the opponent can choose in this round must not be as strong as his own!

As long as you perform well, the matchup in the wild is destined to be an advantage!

But VG's fourth-choice hero was unexpected.

"Caitlin?!" PapaSmithy was full of surprise, "What happened to the two teams today, are they all focusing on this shooter who was treated coldly before?"

"...I don't understand," Jatt muttered, "There's no reason to choose a female police officer!"

The elder brother who had been silent just now had an answer in his heart.

Jankos on the field was also aware of a possibility.

There was a chill on his back, spreading all the way up the spine and heading straight to the brain!

as expected.

After G2 selected the mid-upper combination of Ryze and Dashu in turn, VG showed a cracking little expert at the ter position.

Emerald God!

There was an uproar at the scene!

Doll began to yell familiarly again, "Brother Xing is going to teach Jankos a lesson and teach him the correct way to use Cui Shen!"

"It's outrageous. The two teams probably didn't practice each other before the game, and they didn't know anything about each other's tactical cards. That is to say, VG only saw the Emerald God + Policewoman's gameplay in the last game, and decided to move this game to Using it at home is truly a bold talent!" Miller praised.

There was a huge crowd in the live broadcast room, and netizens rushed to speak enthusiastically.

[Bad, if brother Xing still wins this game, then among the three wild kings, only Jankos' own Emerald God will take out and lose the game, whoever loses will be embarrassing! 】

【Okay, okay, hurry up and fight, Jack is going to ride the gauze Imp on his face, and the old man will smash the gold coins for me! 】


[Could some VG fans stop dancing, they only open champagne at halftime, you guys are fine, you can win the second round with a loan? 】

[Smiling brother Meng, I've seen Han Za's awesomeness, but I never thought there would be Ou Za in this game, is your fan S1FNC? That's not right, G2 has crushed FNC every time in the past two years, why do they still like the Ganges battleship]

[I guess some extreme fans pinched it. The other two LPL teams lost, so he wanted VG to go home quickly and let the Bird's Nest be occupied by the LCK team]

The players on the field didn't know the rhythm of the barrage, and Youngbuck stood behind his jungler to calm his emotions.

"Don't be too nervous, we've practiced the cooperation of policewoman + Cuishen many times, you should know how to deal with it."

Jankos took a deep breath to adjust his mentality, nodded vigorously and agreed, "I will try to limit him, as long as the opponent doesn't have the rhythm in the early stage, we can win in the mid-term!"

Youngbuck patted him on the shoulder, as if he wanted to instill confidence and strength into the players in this way, and then he walked to the center of the stage to shake hands with Hongmi.

The players on both sides exchanged their heroes, and the lineup was officially determined.

Blue side G2: top lane Dashu, fight wild boar girl, mid lane Ryze, bottom lane small cannon + gems.

Red Fang VG: top laner Gnar, jungler Cuishen, mid laner Galio, bottom laner policewoman + Lulu.

"VG is still a dual incense burner, which can make up for the disadvantage of Lulu's incense burner's single gain target," the elder brother thought thoughtfully, "It's just different from the previous game, if Lulu also gives priority to the incense burner, then VG will not have Obvious vision advantage!"

In the last game, G2 took advantage of the fact that the assists could not produce incense burners, and used a large number of eye positions to control the surrounding areas of Dalongkeng in advance. If Gu Xing hadn't been able to snatch the vanguard by surprise, their tactical execution would have been quite successful!

"It depends on how VG will handle the double incense burner game..."

As soon as Peng Yiliang finished speaking, the canyon came crashing down!

The heroes of both sides were born in the spring water, and then there was a deafening cheer from the outside stands!

"VG started very aggressively. After buying the starting gear, we went to the Ueno area of ​​G2 in a group," Jatt frowned worriedly. "G2 didn't seem to expect that the opponent would come to trouble us at level 1!"

VG's lineup looks strong at first glance, and the policewoman Lulu is a level 1 ruthless person.

But theoretically speaking, the whole team does not have stable and hard control.

After all, Galio can't point a W at level 1 to control people, can he?

Are you still on the line?

But the answer given by Kuro is that it is not on the line.

When the VG team invaded the upper half of the partition wall and saw the traces of the enemy Ueno in the blue zone of G2, he clicked W in seconds.

Duran's shield flashed!

After charging, the W flash firmly controls G2 Ueno!

"The female policeman learns to use a clip to put on the pig girl's feet, and the control of VG is perfectly connected!"

The big brother was heartbroken, "Virtue added the imprisonment, and Jankos was fixed in place and couldn't move!"

Song Jinghao made up for the boomerang damage, and finally Caitlin easily took the pig girl's life!

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