What is a hexagon jungler?

530: Qian Jue's recipe!

Since the second round of the group stage, Redmi has been troubled by a problem so far.

How to use Kindred.

At the end of the summer split, VG got inspiration from the policewoman's three-step tactics tailor-made by the Royal Family for Uzi, and developed the Qianjue three-step strategy with Gu as the absolute core.

The content is to allow Gu Xing to take advantage of the jungler's positional advantage against the herbivorous jungler to break through the enemy's defense tower first and control the canyon vanguard.

On the other hand, Kuro chooses characters like Karma who don't eat money, and in the mid-term, he gives the pawn line he is in to the jungler. Gu Xing relies on the space created by pushing the tower during the laning phase, and goes crazy around the wild area and pawn line. development!

At that time, the strategy was reasonable, and the use of Kindred in the jungle would not affect the balance of the overall lineup.

Because the top laners were all tank masters at that time, the team still had the front row and team start points.

But after the second round of the S7 group stage, the evolution of the version led to a huge change in the top laner environment, from the original meat tank role to a long-handed single-belt hero.

Whether Qian Jue's three-step walk will appear on the stage suddenly becomes unknown!

After the change in the top lane environment, among the mainstream heroes that can appear on the stage, the most frank characters are half-meat characters like Gnar and Shen.

In all fairness, it is not qualified as a purely front row, and cannot provide Kindred with a good team battle output space.

And now it is difficult for them to join the group for a long time.

Because the opponent's top laner will split push wildly on the side lanes to exert pressure, which was unimaginable when the tanks were rampant. In order to protect their own defense towers, top laners had to divert a lot of energy to the side lanes.

In this way, if VG chooses Qian Jue, it will lack the front row of the front row like the Green God jungler in the first game of G2 in the quarterfinals. Once it falls into a disadvantage, it will not even have a vision!

Redmi has been puzzled for a long time and has been thinking about solutions.

During the period, I thought about letting Duan Deliang play heroes like Tam, but in the end I gave up.

Just because supporting Tahm is not the front row in the traditional sense.

As a row-protecting hero, it must stand next to the output position that needs to be protected. It must be in the second row or even a lower position in the formation. Otherwise, it will not be able to bless you if you stand at the front and take excessive damage and die. teammate!

If Hongmi can't think of a countermeasure, it is tantamount to abolishing a hole card!

If VG hadn't defeated G2 in the quarterfinals, he probably wouldn't have been able to sleep well.

Who would have thought that by watching the Rabbit team's game today, there would be an unexpected harvest!

The characters chosen by Ignar, such as the robot and Leona, are all assistants who take into account the functions of team start and front row, and can serve as the team's meat shield.

The perfect solution to the needs of red rice!

He had an instant epiphany.

Qian Jue's three-step lineup originally consisted of meat tank top laner + incense burner mid laner + late-stage shooter and melee protection support.

After the improvement, the type of double C remains unchanged, the upper unit is changed from a meat tank to a long-handed single-belt type, and the support is changed from a purely platoon-protecting role to a group-opening hard support.

Of course, after the lineup construction mode is replaced, the overall output capability will be stronger. Since the winger is replaced with a single-band hero with stronger offensive capabilities, the upper limit of pulling operations in the middle and late stages will also increase accordingly.

But the disadvantage is that the front row is not as hard as before.

After all, the support position without sufficient financial support is definitely not as good as the top laner.

"Leona and Alista," Hongmi quickly found an option to make up for the shortcomings, and added to the previous instruction, "You can focus on practicing these two heroes in the sales section."

Sunshine Girl W's double resistance bonus and Tauren's big move damage reduction are both means that can directly improve frankness!

Even if the economy is poor as an auxiliary, he can support the team in the front row!

Duan Deliang solemnly nodded and agreed.

"His grandma's, SKT actually made it to the semi-finals..." Jack muttered.

No matter how strong they are, once the name SKT is put in front of their eyes, ordinary people dare not underestimate it!

Jack is eager to face MSF, and the semi-finals will undoubtedly be much easier.

"It's almost over," Gu Xing comforted, "What's the use of complaining for a long time? You can't go back in time and space to let the rabbit team win."

"Besides, it's a good thing for us that SKT was forced to a desperate situation." He was very optimistic. "Didn't everyone think before the game that they would sweep the Rabbits 3-0? Now they are almost eliminated. It has far exceeded expectations.”

"After pushing SKT into a desperate situation, everyone can see that this team really has no cards, and it relies on basic operations to support its progress. It is enough for us to grasp this information."

Kuro hastily nodded in agreement, "Xing Gu is right!"

If SKT holds the hole card, they will definitely use it to fight for a safe promotion after losing the match point at 1:2.

But they are still the same old way, a group of players choose the volleyball protection system, and the team battle will revolve around Bang and hand the ball to Pei Junzhi.

As for why SKT didn't think of any cards in the one and a half months after winning the summer championship, it is really puzzling.

But everyone in VG doesn't need to think about the opponent's situation.

After Team Rabbit found out about SKT, they had no scruples!

"One thing to say, SKT's player style of play is quite suitable for this version of the incense burner."

Redmi gave a very high evaluation, "Top laner Huni is a good player in single belt, Blank is becoming more and more stupid now, and his style of play is relatively conservative. His style of play emphasizes the control of field of vision and map resources; Faker needless to say. , the top mid laner with both offense and defense, whether it is a tool man or a magic core, can play a wonderful performance.

The five positions are very suitable for the current environment, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are the version team!

"It's a pity that the strength of the team members is a little weaker." Gu Xing shrugged his shoulders and said lightly, "Compared with the previous two years, it is too far behind."

Although the state of 96line is not as good as before, it is still online overall, and it can be called the top mid-lower combination in the world.

The problem is mainly the Ueno brothers.

The top laner Huni bullies the soft and fears the hard, and in terms of personal strength, he can't rank among the Korean top laners at all.

Among the teams sent by the LCK to participate in the World Championship this year, both Khan and Cuvee are much better than him, and Huni is purely the bottom one!

As for the jungler, Xiao Heiqueshi learned a few tricks from the old stupid chicken, and gradually grew up under the careful transformation and training of Kkoma.

But compared to world-class junglers, the upper limit is too low.

Generally speaking, it is too mechanized, and the thinking is rigid and does not know how to adapt.

It lacks so much spirituality.

Playing against a rookie team, Xiao Hei's performance is quite satisfactory and he can win, but once he meets a top team, he will definitely suffer!

"That's right," Hongmi nodded again and again, "So my idea is to continue to attack Ueno in the semi-finals, and try to break them into a breakthrough!"

"Isn't this exactly the same as the plan for playing G2?" Jack said carelessly with his hands behind his head.

"Our main attack point remains the same, but the details are still different," Hongmi explained, "G2's bottom lane duo has good offensive ability during the laning phase, so you and Pinduan were arranged to defend. "

"But SKT is different."

"Wolf sticks are very conservative during the laning period, and they will basically not initiate an active fight if it is not necessary." Hongmi looked at his bot lane combination, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, "Since the other party wants to develop steadily, then we will be satisfied their wish."

Just when Yu Wenbo was full of question marks, he heard Hongmi continue to say: "It's time to reveal the card that Able researched."

Everyone suddenly realized.

"Wonderful!" Duan Deliang cheered up, "Let's fight to kill SKT!"

Jack smiled too.

In his mind, he fantasized about the horrified expression on the face of the wolf-stick team when they were ambushed by his own routine, and he couldn't help feeling relieved.

Song Jinghao looked at his jungler, "Shu Gu, you must..."

"I know," Gu Xing waved his hand, "I will definitely catch it for you, but the final effect depends on you!"

The team's main attack direction has been determined, and he must take care of the top lane.

When Smeb got Gu Xing's promise, he breathed a sigh of relief, full of confidence and confidence.

"Everyone lie down and wait for me next week, see if I can smash Huni and it's over!" He yelled loudly.

"That's right," Yu Wenbo also uttered wild words, "SKT is a monster? If it weren't for the bastard fist that cut the German, my buddy would be able to push it in front of its base in 20 minutes!"

Just as Ding Jun pushed in the door with the drinks and snacks he would use as a pastime when he was in the car tomorrow, he heard the team members' rhetoric and immediately joined in happily.

"Chong Chong Chong, the Bird's Nest is still waiting for us!" He waved his fist, "I'll give you a bonus if you win SKT, you guys have to work hard!"

Hearing that there is money to be made by winning the competition, all the members of the competition training department beamed with joy.

"It's settled," Kuro asked the boss again, "Nicole, don't go back on your word!"

Ding Jun was very free and easy, "Sure, am I short of this little money?"

"If you go back on this, then you won't be an old man?"

There was laughter in the training room.

Gu Xing has been in a good mood recently. He has studied SKT's weaknesses and solved Qian Jue's three-step problem based on the Rabbit team's style of play. Everything is going smoothly.

However, when he took the high-speed train to Shanghai the next day, facing the other two participating teams in the same competition area, he didn't want to be too arrogant, and his expression restrained a lot.

"Laugh if you want, don't pretend!" Ming Kai was very annoyed when he saw that he was about to live in Bengbu.

Gu Xing smiled embarrassedly, changed the topic and said, "Are you going back today?"

"That's right, they've already been eliminated, why are you still here?" Xiangguo rolled his eyes, "Going back to Shanghai just happened to go to the base to pack my luggage, and then I went back to each house to find my mother!"

Gu Xing hugged his shoulders affectionately, "What should I say, why don't you go to the Bird's Nest to watch our performance in the final?"

"Tch, you're a bank that handles the loan, right? You win SKT first!" Although Liu Shiyu said he was disgusted, he was quite moved in his heart, and planned to go back to Gu Xing to ask for a ticket.

The commotion started not far away, but Gu Xing took a closer look and realized that it was Liu Qingsong who was fighting with Jin Gong.

Gimgoon, who has thick black hair and wears black-rimmed glasses, shouted Xiba, and firmly grasped the back of Liu Qingsong's fate with his palms.

Lin Weixiang cheered and quacked beside him.

Shi Senming was also watching the excitement, but his expression was not as relaxed and comfortable as his friends, and he seemed to be still immersed in the shadow of losing in the quarterfinals.

Not only members of the LPL division left Guangzhou together today.

The other three LCK teams that entered the semifinals also gathered together, in addition to G2.

This Galaxy battleship from the European competition area plans to travel to Shanghai and other places, and after a long trip, there is no reason to go home at the speed of light.

Jankos leaned over and punched Gu Xing hard on the chest, "I must win the semi-finals, it can be regarded as helping me fulfill my long-cherished wish."

Defeating SKT should be the goal of many professional players when they debut.

It's a pity that the lamb has not yet been realized.

In the S6 Global Finals, which was the closest to victory, Jankos managed to create a little trouble for SKT with the help of Gu Xing, but it still failed to succeed.

This year, he was sniped by VG in the quarterfinals and missed the opportunity to meet with SKT. Jankos regretted it.

Gu Sung-bin also came to cheer them on, "Brother Moe, I'll leave it to you guys to finish SKT. You must crush the baskets on the opposite side!"

"Don't worry," Gu Xing patted his chest to reassure, "Leave this on me, and I will definitely crush SKT!"

Perkz eagerly stepped forward to invite, "Virtue, we're going to have a party after the season is over, are you interested in coming and having fun?"

Gu Xing didn't understand, so, "What do you mean?"

The birdie bar he'd taken Imp to before he rang Perkz at this moment didn't feel like a good place.

Ah P sneakily pulled him aside, "Every time the transfer period comes, I will book a swimming pool and invite everyone to play for two days, and exchange information if there is anything."

Gu Xingming realized the truth and told the truth.

"You still want to drag me to G2?"

Perkz's motivation was punctured, and he rubbed his hands in a little embarrassment, "Hey, as long as you come here, I can't learn Kuro's gameplay and let you be the absolute core. I didn't do this before, mainly because Jankos is not good enough."

This sentence was not heard by the lamb.

But Li Ruixing happened to pass by.

His English is very limited, but it is not difficult to understand his ID.

"What the hell?!" Li Ruixing asked Gu Xing curiously, not understanding what they were communicating.

Gu Xing repeated it, and Kuro immediately became impatient, "You kid wants to poach the wall again, right?"

The two mid laners who had faced each other in the quarter-finals went from the canyon to reality, and Gu Xing took the opportunity to escape.

After looking at the phone, he stood in a remote corner of the waiting room.

Not long after seeing his girlfriend, he waved quickly.

"You take this," Gu Xing handed the packing bag to Shen Guanshan, "Take two bites in the car to fill your stomach."

"What is it?" Shen Guanshan opened the bag and took a look.

"White Swan's Shaqima is quite famous," Gu Xing smiled, "I guess you don't have the heart to find a good restaurant here in Guangzhou, so I packed some for you."

Shen Guanshan's childhood experience is put here, of course he didn't have much need for appetite, and when he didn't eat with the Gu family brothers and sisters, he basically just ate two bites casually.

But now being fed food by her boyfriend, she still narrowed her eyes contentedly.

"Thank you..." Shen Guanshan smiled, "I originally wanted to buy the first-class seat with you, but all the tickets were sold out."

Gu Xing was stunned for a moment, "There are so many people?"

The first-class seats in the two carriages have more than a hundred seats at least. After thinking about it, he always felt that the staff of several teams could not fit together.

"It's not just you," Shen Guanshan pointed to him, "See the group of people wearing fist commemorative shirts in front? They are all employees from the North American headquarters, and they are also going to the Shanghai stock market."

Shen Guanshan got the information from his old colleague Flavia, who came to Guangzhou this time to contact Riot employees.

Gu Xing followed his girlfriend's fingers and looked around, and saw a bunch of heads.

Riot is very generous this time, it is equivalent to taking the staff out of the group building tour out of their own pockets.

"The person over there looking down at his phone is Chun Li, who is in charge of version updates and patches. When we were doing the actual installation, we had to hold an online meeting with him every two weeks. Due to the time difference, we had to stay up late and work overtime..." Shen Guanshan While introducing and making complaints.

As a Chinese, Chunli can understand Chinese, so she raised her head and looked over.

Looking at each other with Gu Xing, the two of them nodded and greeted each other. They both knew that their respective identities were a little sensitive, so it was inconvenient to talk.

Chun Li lowered her head and continued to look at her phone, which contained a bunch of data about VG.

After flipping through, he sighed helplessly.

Before leaving to return to China, Chunli thought that the incense burner system was not suitable for VG, and that the defending champion's advantage was mainly because they were the first to discover the answer to the version and won at the starting line.

Who would have imagined that after entering the quarterfinals, the environment of the arena would suddenly undergo earth-shaking changes!

The top laner began to emphasize the long-handed single belt, but the middle lane became a tool man instead!

Isn't this in the hands of VG? !

With the top laner version of Meat Tank + Fahe mid lane, VG can do everything against them. Now that the environment is just in tune with their own style, Chun Li can't even imagine how strong VG will be!

There is no way!

He was upset, and the female colleague who was engaged in Twitter operations was still whispering, "Virtue is so handsome, hehehe, I hope to win another championship, so that I can blatantly ask for autographs, first edit a tweet and vote Come out to warm up the semi-finals..."

Chunli clicked on the official Twitter of Riot, and saw the content of Twitter directly.

[Virtue VS Faker, who is the best League of Legends professional player on the planet?] Let us wait and see the arrival of the semi-finals! ]

There are also photos of the two in makeup under the text, and there are voting buttons for selection.

Without thinking about it, Chunli voted for Gu Xing.

When Gu Xing got into the car and looked at his phone, he also saw this tweet from Fist.

In just a few tens of minutes, the netizens who participated in the voting broke through the 10,000 mark!

The S7 World Championship and the traffic of the two top e-sports stars can be seen!

At present, Gu Xing's approval rate has reached 0%, slightly ahead of Lee Sang Hyuk.

The comments below are mixed.

[The answer is obvious. Since Virtue debuted, he has frequently refreshed Faker's previous championship records. He is definitely the stronger one.]

[Faker has 2 world championships and 6 league titles, Virtue will take the lead to chase? 1\u003e2 inequalities are here, right?]

[Hee hee, some fans are really hard-nosed, they won you a BO5 head-to-head in the finals last year, and now they can play Faker again]

[Isn't that the jungler gap caused by being too stupid? If you have the ability, Virtue transfers to the mid order]

[Spicy is really awesome, why don't you let Lee Sang Hyuk switch to playing jungle? 】

Gu Xing laughed dumbfounded, and scrolled forward along Fist's Twitter, and saw Riot's comments on the last eight knockout match yesterday.

[Although defeat is glorious? Is MSF the strongest European team in this global finals? ]

The team logo and group photo of the Rabbit Team are displayed below. Gu Xing can tell from the comments and likes that this tweet is unprecedentedly popular.

[Stand up and die properly! I don't know where it is better than the hip-pull G2! 】

[It's a pity, it's just one step away... POE, why do you have to push down the high ground! 】

[Robots, war fervor Leona... MSF shows the creativity from EU to the world]

[Thanks to MSF, the European division has regained its dignity. The 2:3 loss to SKT is already an unexpected result]

[The last roar from EU! Just wait, one day, a team from Europe will take over Team Rabbit's unfulfilled wish and smash SKT to pieces! 】

Gu Xing liked the tweet.

The high morale of the Rabbit team fighting to the death is truly admirable.

He doesn't mind giving SKT a big blow for MSF!

Next is his turn!

The train slowly arrived at the Shanghai stock market, which also marked the opening of the semi-finals!

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