"Really?" Doll couldn't believe her eyes, "Has Yasuo come out yet?"

Yasuo's appearance caught them by surprise.

The background director was also quite surprised, and quickly gave the previous data performance.

Zero appearances and zero bans.

Pure unpopular hero!

Miller reacted very quickly, and immediately brought the topic back on track after receiving confirmation from the backstage director that Yasuo was correct.

"One thing to say, this Yasuo should be on the top lane," he guessed, "It's impossible to run to the middle lane to face Galio, it won't take much advantage, and the overall damage type of the team will be relatively Partial kitchen knife..."

SKT's next locked aircraft in the fifth selection also confirmed this conjecture.

It will only be Huni who will handle Yasuo!

Remember to expand on the established facts and think about the reasons why SKT chose Yasuo as the top laner.

"Yasuo seems to have the ability to counter Gnar, and Poppy the dinosaur's boomerang is easily blocked by his wind wall!" He found the blind spot.

Miller on the side nodded repeatedly, "Yes, I think another factor is because Gnar is afraid of rushing into the hero before the equipment is formed, and it happens that Yasuo can do this, he understands everything, E moves forward Well……"

There were rustling laughter at the scene, obviously some not-so-good memories in the game were aroused by Miller's words.

Netizens think so too.

Although after the commentary's interpretation, the top laner Yasuo seems to be a good choice, but it doesn't affect them to laugh when they see this hero's portrait.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was overwhelming.

【Huni is happy? 】

[It's a bit contemptuous of you to choose Yasuo for the game in this version]

[Brother Xing won't make arrangements for him? Yasuo must be ruthlessly killed today! Let's see if Huni can be more arrogant]

[The problem is that there are no good junglers out there now, and I feel that there is no way to pinch Happy Fengnan...]

Gu Xing was also quite surprised that Yasuo was selected by the other party as the top laner.

He never expected that Happy Man could be used as the top laner in this World Championship.

"What is this, the trump card?" Gu Xing couldn't laugh or cry.

I thought that SKT still chose the conventional style of play after being forced into a desperate situation by the Rabbit team, and it was already in a state of inactivity. Who would have thought that they could come up with new tricks in just a few days before the semifinals!

Hongmi took the time to glance at the SKT player bench on the side, squinting slightly to see the opponent's facial expression clearly.

"It shouldn't be counted," he replied, "it seems to be a temporary idea."

In all fairness, it is difficult for Redmi to judge the psychological activities of SKT players and coaches from too far away.

But now that the enemy is in front of him, it is impossible for him to say that this is a big move carefully planned by the other party. Doesn't that increase the ambition of others and destroy his prestige?

Redmi doesn't care whether SKT really prepared the Yasuo card in advance, anyway, first stabilize the morale of the team.

He never expected that he would guess the enemy's arrangement correctly.

SKT really doesn't have the card Happy Man, this is Huni's idea!

With heroes like Jayce, Kennen, and Shen all banned, there are not many options left for top laners.

Huni didn't want to choose a tank and let Song Jinghao bully him, so he insisted on choosing Yasuo to fight against.

Kkoma has nothing to do with its own top order.

Looking at all the Korean-style coaches, Kim Jong-kyun, whose real name is Kim Jong-kyun, belongs to the one with a relatively loose management model. He does not talk about it, and always adheres to the concept of "believe first, then question" the ideas put forward by the players.

Since Huni insists on choosing, and there is no better choice at present, Kim Jong-kyun does not mind meeting the players' requests in the first game of the semi-finals, a relatively high-fault-tolerant stage.

If good results can be achieved, the next few rounds will put tremendous BP pressure on VG!

"Brothers, believe me," Huni was still boosting the confidence of his teammates, "As long as the opponent's mouse is big in a frontal team fight, I will directly give the wind wall, and let's keep the distance!"

It sounds like it will make people feel very safe, and the wind wall of Happy Fengnan is indeed a nightmare for enemy shooters.

The SKT players were calm, but then they got on the roller coaster!

Just because an equally unpopular hero appeared on the fifth floor of VG!

Under the thick black mist, only a pair of cold and ruthless pale eyes and a bloody sharp blade are revealed!

Eternal Nightmare!

Even wearing sound-proof headphones, you can still faintly hear the roar of the outside audience!

"Ah, this..." Xiao Hei's heart skipped a beat, feeling something was wrong intuitively, and muttered to himself, "Isn't it?"

Blank and Gu Xing are relatively familiar, and he also stumbled against each other last year. He knows how powerful the enemy is, and always feels that if this guy chooses an unpopular hero, he will suffer severely.

Kkoma also realized the seriousness of the matter, pursed his lips and kept a straight face, his brain spinning rapidly.

"Be careful, they definitely want the middle and wild teams to work together," he patted Xiao Hei on the shoulder, "Xiang He may not be able to help you much in this round, you have to learn to avoid his edge."

Faker has chosen planes to supplement the spell damage that the team lacks. Unless he has explosive kits, he will definitely rely on online for a long time to make up his swords, and the help to the wild area is quite limited.

Blank was worried, but he had no choice but to nod his head to show that he understood.

The doll on the commentary seat couldn't help herself, waving her arms vigorously like a windmill in Cosmos, "Nocturne! Brother Xing still has a new routine in this semi-final!"

I remember that I habitually started from the lineup construction, considered the possibility of Nocturne, and after figuring out the reason, my eyes suddenly brightened.

"Dream Demon + Galio, VG Nakano's ultimate moves can cooperate with each other. First turn off the lights and then let the Justice Colossus appear on the stage. It will definitely catch the opponent by surprise!"

He was very pleasantly surprised, "Isn't VG doing too much hard work? SKT blocked so many junglers, and finally didn't stop Brother Xing!"

Actually remember getting cause and effect wrong.

If there was a strong jungler like the Prince of the Barrel out there, Gu Xing would never use such an unpopular hero!

Taking out Nightmare is nothing more than that there is no strong jungle hero to choose from, and Nocturne can form a linkage with Galio to do things conveniently, and it can also target the more flexible top laner Yasuo very well.

If you choose a pure meat tank front row hero like Zac, it will basically not be able to form an effective deterrent to the happy man!

Gu Xing kept in mind the strategy formulated by Redmi before the game—do everything possible to break through SKT's Ueno defense line and open a gap!

Then Nightmare is undoubtedly a very suitable choice at the moment!

Although the body is relatively fragile, VG already has Galio as a meat tank hero anyway, and with the half-meat Gnar, the tank is fully supported, and the formation does not lack the front row.

The lineup of both sides is officially determined.

Blue side SKT: top laner Yasuo, hit wild boar girl, mid laner Ji Ji, bottom lane Dazui + Fengnv.

Red side VG: top laner Gnar, jungler Dream Demon, mid laner Galio, bottom laner Mouse+Lulu.

"From the perspective of lineup depth alone, there shouldn't be much difference in the strength of the late game between the two sides," Miller analyzed and judged, "SKT is strong because it has more output cores, but the disadvantage is that the front row is not strong enough, and Yasuo is an X unknown factor. , who knows what Huni can play with him!"

"Even though VG has selected the unpopular hero Nightmare, the core logic of the team battle is in line with the routine, that is, Nocturne uses a big move to drill into the opponent's formation, supplemented by Galio's entering the field to provide support for the rats in the back row. Create output space," he said eloquently, and finally expressed his opinion, "If I were to choose, it must be that VG's lineup is more reliable."

Baby couldn't tell anything else, and couldn't keep up with "Miller is right", so he finally had to say dryly, "Of course, what we analyze is only the lineup, the key still depends on the state of the players on both sides..."

The director switched the camera to the stage at the right time.

Redmi was ready to shake hands with Kkoma next to the Summoner Trophy in the center of the stage. The assistant coach Hou Ye was still telling Kuro something. He didn't take off the earphones and left the contestant until he got a positive answer from Li Ruixing. seat.

Lee Sang Hyuk twisted his neck to adjust his sitting posture, and was about to welcome the BO5 with the most energetic state, when his eyes suddenly fixed on the monitor screen.

On the loading screen, on the top of the ID 'VG Kuro' facing me, there is the VG champion skin from last year!

The mighty and majestic Galio is wearing the silver dragon champion skin, as if he wants to draw Lee Sang Hyuk into the painful memory of losing in the S6 finals.

Although the Colossus of Justice has ushered in a redo, for the victim, it is basically equivalent to 'I don't recognize you after taking off this clothes? '


Lee Sang Hyuk pinched his knuckles and made a few crisp sounds, his eyes were extremely determined.

The top two players of the former Tigers want revenge, so why not him?

Today, I vowed to avenge my shame and make Gu Xing feel the pain!

The camera focused on the palms of the coaches of the two sides, and then pushed to the stands of the Oriental Sports Center.

The audience was so excited that they cheered loudly and loudly in their seats, cheering for the team they supported.

The two favorites to win the championship are about to start a life-and-death struggle!

Amidst the deafening cheers that resounded through the audience, Summoner's Canyon descended with a bang!

"In the first round of the semi-finals, both sides started conservatively. They did not choose to invade, but set up a long snake formation to defend along the river..."

Miller's voice was calm at first, but suddenly he raised his voice, "What happened to Jack?!"

With his groaning voice, he immediately drew the attention of all the audience to JackeyLove.

In the equipment column of Mouse Tuqi, there is a slightly weird prop.

Shield of the Relic!

In the stands, the audience was full of puzzled and confused discussions.

"What's the situation?" Wawa didn't know why, but felt that Monk Zhang Er was confused.

"Prince Duan's outfit is still the regular [Ancient Coin], is VG planning to go out with two auxiliary outfits in the next lane?"

The only thing they can be sure of is that Jack must have done it on purpose.

After all, there is no sacred shield in the system recommended by the mouse system, and it is impossible to make a wrong equipment.

There must be a conspiracy in it!

Hongmi, who had just returned to the backstage lounge, couldn't help turning pale when she heard the exclamation from the audience not far away.

Just as the commentators thought, going out in the bottom lane with double support kits was a trick of VG.

The core logic is to make the incense burner as soon as possible.

From the playoffs to the world championship, countless actual combat cases are enough to prove that the priority of the incense burner is too exaggerated!

The combat power of the first side to be synthesized will improve by leaps and bounds, and use it to grasp a series of advantages such as line control, vision, and team battles!

Dai Zhichun, the creator of the incense burner system, fell into a long-term examination around the issue of "how to make a fiery incense burner one step ahead".

From a traditional point of view, apart from killing and pushing towers and their own salary equipment, the auxiliary position has almost no means of obtaining extra gold coins!

Moreover, you need to be hardworking yourself. If a set of tactics is to be formed, it must be universal. It is not realistic to always expect the opponent to send the economy.

After Able hit a dead end, he quickly found another way to come up with a solution.

How do the remaining 4 positions in the team maintain economic growth without getting kills or pushing towers?


When Dai Zhichun thought of this at the time, he suddenly became enlightened.

Wouldn't it be good to let the assistant make up the knife?

Of course, Able, who has always been very unique in his style of play, is not very willing to distribute a large number of troops to the support. Occasionally, two bins are okay. How can I develop if I give you too much?

He also didn't want to let his support go to other lanes to eat up the economy of his teammates. Without the protection of his teammates, it would be difficult for him to survive alone in the bottom lane.

Able finally came up with a compromise.

The shield of the holy object is released, and the economy is given to the auxiliary for free.

In this way, the shooter himself does not need to give up the pawn line, and the support can also harvest excess gold coins to make incense burners as soon as possible.

The best of both worlds, we all have a better future!

However, this trick also has disadvantages.

Bot lane dual salary equipment, the laning strength is really bad.

If you meet a duo with a stronger combat ability, you will be ridden on the head and piss in the shit!

That is to say, the bot lane combination in the incense burner environment generally does not emphasize laning, and only with double salary equipment can it be possible to play.

For this reason, Redmi also made preparations in the BP link, disabling the small cannon.

Poppy in cannon form is currently the leading laning bully in the bottom lane. When paired with Leona or Gem, both have the ability to kill lanes.

In addition, Redmi also specially released Fengnv to lure SKT to grab it.

The current version of Wind Girl W [Hefeng Guardian] has not yet been strengthened, and its suppressive power is very average, which is much inferior to Lulu Karma's laning strength.

In addition, the wolf stick combination originally emphasizes the steady development of the line, which is enough to ensure the smooth implementation of the double-salary equipment routine!

This is also the reason why members of the VG competition training department all smiled after seeing SKT take the lead as expected in the BP session.

"Dai Zhichun, if you can win this game, I will definitely give you a share of the credit!" Jin Wenhe patted the skinny shoulder of his little substitute vigorously in excitement.

The leader was tall and burly, and his palm skills were not small, and Able felt that his shoulders were about to be slapped crookedly.

But he doesn't have the time to worry about it now, looking at the canyon on the TV screen, his eyes are full of expectations.

Even if he can't play, Dai Zhichun can feel the sense of participation when he sees the routines developed by him on stage.

Let's see how effective this trick is in the professional arena!

Dai Zhichun stared at the TV screen intently, experiencing the arena environment immersively.

VG's team voice echoed in the lounge.

"The pig girl on the opposite side should be in the lower half of the field and go up..." Gu Xing made a judgment.

The lineups of both sides are selected to play the upper half of the zone. The duo lacks control and it is difficult to explode. Xiao Hei has one and only one choice, which is to swipe from the bottom up to protect Huni's Yasuo.

"I'm driving in the same direction as him, but Mai Bo, you still have to be careful, maybe the other party will go on the road after reaching level three," Gu Xing warned, "I won't be able to make it through at that time."

If there are no special circumstances, Nightmare's routine in the early stage is to start with a fast four-this hero has a qualitative change when he reaches level six, and all the wild routes are designed around how to quickly rise to level 6.

"I understand," Song Jinghao agreed, "I'll just hide from Yasuo."

In order to avoid being blocked by the opponent, after the first wave of minions came to the top lane, Smeb went online and stood behind his own pawn pile, deliberately showing his flaws.

Naturally, Huni would not let go of the opportunity to take advantage of it. He aimed at Song Jinghao's basic attack to cover the gap of the remaining blood soldiers. He stepped forward and led the soldiers to Q together!

It is worth mentioning that Yasuo's Q [Steel Slash] has a unique mechanism, that is, directly attacking the hero will attract the hatred of enemy minions, but when casting Q through the minions, even if it hurts the opponent, it will not be focused by the minion line .

It seems that Feng Nan can maintain the balance of the pawn line by consuming the enemy like this, but it is not the case.

After all, when cutting steel and flashing through the Q of the soldiers, the HP of the soldiers will also be worn down, and it will also play a role in pushing the line!

Song Jinghao achieved his goal, contentedly shrank back and waited for the line of soldiers to slowly advance, planning to use the boomerang to repair the tail knife after waiting, and let nature take its course if it couldn't be repaired, and would not go forward and insist on taking it away with a general attack.

I would rather miss a few pawns than give Huni's Yasuo the space to force a blood exchange after he is promoted to second!

Smeb's understanding of Gnar is very good. Poppy's blood volume is too low in the early stage. It is difficult to counter Yasuo's E to E to exchange blood.

In case a lot of health is consumed, push the pawn line in later, maybe it will shake the pig girl to the top of the road to do tower jumping and strong killing!

If Gu Xing came to help at that time, his wild clearing route would be disturbed!

Song Jinghao is not as filial as Kuro, but after half a season in VG, he also knows that Gu Xing is the key. If he wants to win, he must make him live more comfortably.

He simply gave up replenishing troops to maintain his state, and tried not to cause trouble to the jungler.

Huni saw the opponent's intention to retreat to the tower, and changed his mind temporarily. He wanted to upgrade to level 2 and learn W, and use the wind wall to go to Kanal boomerang, trying to make the opponent disgusting!

The embarrassment of Gnar entering the long CD because the boomerang could not be retrieved appeared in his mind for a while, and Huni wanted to laugh three times.

However, just as he was happily fantasizing about the upcoming top lane matchup, the nervous voice of his bottom lane teammate suddenly came from the earphones.

"Ah Yixi, how did this mouse produce the shield of the holy object?"

Pei Junzhi frowned a little annoyed.

Since both sides started with standard defensive positions and had never invaded, SKT had no idea of ​​Jack's weird build plan.

As a result, as soon as the wolf stick combination that helped Xiao Hei finish his wild game went online, he saw a fat rat with SSW skin wearing a special effect of a sacred shield!

Li Zaiwan can probably figure out VG's plan to go down the road. Although he was surprised, he still tried his best to appease his teammates in the voice.

"It's okay, Joon-sik and our development are OK, I am much stronger than Lulu in the late game," Wolf commanded, "Shan Jiu, you should mainly help on the road, as long as Chengxun's Yasuo develops well, we can win in the mid-to-late game! "

Xiao Hei calmed down, started from the bottom with double BUFF + magic marsh frog and went to the road non-stop after reaching level 3, wanting to escort Yasuo who is about to push the line into the tower.

He naturally knew that the Nightmare was a regular fast four start, but Blank was afraid that Gu Xing would not take the usual path.

What if the Nightmare comes up at level 3 and cooperates with Smeb to arrest Yasuo who pushes forward?

After being trained by SKT, Xiao Hei has developed a sense of mission to meet the needs of online players in everything. He would rather disrupt the jungle route to ensure that Huni pushes the line without any mistakes.

Fortunately, this is not a wild core version, otherwise Blank's wild area plan will definitely affect the level in the future.

Despite the help of the jungler, Huni pretended to go to the triangular grass to ward, and after preparing for the Gank, he sent all the three waves of soldiers he had hoarded to the upper tower of VG, and then quickly retreated to a safe position.

From God's point of view, Huni's actions are very like a lonely family with no teammates behind him as bodyguards, and his acting skills are very realistic.

But Gu Xing didn't care at all.

Relying on passive [Shadow Blade] and Q [Dream Path]'s AoE damage, Nightmare has a very high efficiency in clearing the field. The first round of 6 groups of wild monsters can be cleared in 3 minutes and 18 seconds with double punishment, and it can be upgraded to level 4!

Then go straight to the middle!

"Please be careful," Kuro signaled, "the opposite plane most likely made eye contact with F6!"

Faker maintains a good line suppression force, not to mention playing short hands with long hands.

Before Galio made the double ring, the line power was firmly in the hands of Lee Sang Hyuk.

Kuro watched carefully. Faker ran to the narrow path between the grass above the middle lane and the VG Raptor camp after pushing the pawn line just now, and returned to continue the line after a while.

If nothing else, Lee Sang Hyuk handed over a trinket eye in the F6 camp.

Gu Xing first passed the Raptor camp and moved down after listening to the words, and at the same time cut the screen to look at the middle road.

Sure enough, after he passed through the grass next to the F6 camp, Faker moved quietly, from the original lower area of ​​the middle lane to the upper safe position!

There is no doubt that there must be SKT's eye position in the VG jungle area, otherwise Lee Sang Hyuk would have no reason to move up so coincidentally, away from the lower jungle area that Gu Xing was going to!

He had an idea.

"Rui Xing, you drank the blood bottle, quickly push the thread, later..." Gu Xing directed.

Kuro followed his advice without hesitation, knocked out the reusable potion, and began to frequently use Q [War Wind] and passive basic attack to beat the minions.

Lee Sang Hyuk was not surprised at first.

Galio's routine of going out with a dark seal in the early stage, and rushing back to the city to replenish Dolan's ring before the sixth wave of artillery soldiers arrives has become a standard gameplay.

Seeing Kuro's appearance of crazily clearing troops regardless of mana, Faker did not doubt that he was there, but thought that Galio was going to push the line back to the city to replenish.

The Colossus of Justice slammed down a heavy fist, clearing the short line that reached the middle in 3 minutes and 37 seconds, and then quickly turned and retreated.

Lee Sang Hyuk couldn't stop him, but he had a plan in mind.

This is the first wave of the cannon car, because Galio clears the line fast enough, and can even save a teleportation walk to rush back.

Anyway, with the plane's early wave clearing ability, it was impossible to quickly clear the rough-skinned and thick cannon cart, which caused SKT minions to be unable to push into the VG middle tower. Kuro didn't have to worry about losing the line of soldiers.

Faker decided to do the opposite, and did not choose the fifth wave of short lines pushed by Suqing Galio and the subsequent cannon line.

Instead, he decided to pull the line and artificially intervene in the short line pushed by Galio to prevent it from entering his own defense tower.

Wait for the artillery tanks to meet in the middle lane before stopping. In this way, the minions on both sides will form a situation of being outnumbered. After meeting in the middle line, the HP of SKT's line will be continuously consumed, forcing Galio to hand over the teleportation!

Faker did what he said, using his flesh as bait to pull the VG minions to the upper position.

In the LCK commentary seat, Pao Xiaodi, who had just finished the opening introduction, was extremely anxious when he saw this.

"Sang Hyuk don't go up any more!" He yelled, "Pizza (비상)!"

Pao Xiaodi, who watched the game from the perspective of God, could see it clearly.

When Kuro Galio cleared the army earlier, he pushed the minions across the river smoothly, so that SKT lost the vision of the side close to the VG middle tower.

During this period, Gu Xing, who came to the lower field area, took the opportunity to slip over, crossed the middle road and hid quietly in the grass above the middle road!

Lee Sang Hyuk knows nothing!

He thought that Gu Xing was in the lower field, and wanted to pull the pawn line to the top where he thought it was safer!

"Don't, don't, don't!" Plar said madly, "Sang Hyuk stepped into the trap woven by Virtue!"

Gu Xing looked at the right time, Q [Magic Dream Path] started to accelerate and approach the plane, E [Speechless Fear] planted a nightmare in Kuqi's mind.

If you don't break free within 2 seconds, the plane will fall into fear!

Lee Sang Hyuk saw the succubus coming out of the grass above, and his first reaction was to be taken aback.

But he calmed down quickly, and he was not so impatient that he didn't choose his way. Instead, he used Valkyrie to dive and pull to the tower first.

Even though the influence range of the Dream Demon's E skill was not widened, it was still slightly away from the opponent, making it impossible for Gu Xing to attack him immediately.

After the silent fear took effect, the succubus stepped forward and scratched continuously to reduce the HP of the plane.

At the same time, Galio, who had left the middle lane before, came back again, and punched W [Durang Shield] with the little mana remaining, trying to control Lee Sang Hyuk again!

Faker knocked off the blood bottle and let Galio's taunt hit him.

At this time, he handed over the purification release control, and then used the flash to escape!

"Beautiful!" Pao Xiaodi breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Faker's handling, and immediately shouted passionately and powerfully for the head star of SKT, "Xiang Hyuk's skills are very good, but if there is a life-saving skill that is handed over one step ahead, this wave must Confess it!"

Purification can only solve one hard control, and 35% of the control duration will still be applied for the remaining 3 seconds.

If Faker used the purification to relieve Gu Xing's fear, then Galio's taunt would be inevitable, and he would be forced to stand still and accept the ravages of VG Nakano!

As long as Gu Xing and Kuro hit two more tie aces, Lee Sang Hyuk will not be able to survive successfully!

The camera showed Faker, who fled back to the bottom of the tower with residual blood, and pressed the return button. By the way, he used the baby warmer to wipe the cold sweat on his palms just now due to fright.

Lee Sang Hyuk has a heart for more than a season.

Gu Xing's use of pawn lines and vision has reached the pinnacle, and he can use every tiny detail to construct traps and trick opponents into being fooled!

Fortunately, before entering the game, he considered that VG would play the middle and wild linkage, and deliberately carried purification to improve his life-saving ability.

Otherwise, if he is caught by VG Nakano this time, he will die on the spot without even being able to resist!

Gu Xing took a sip of his drink, his expression calm.

No matter how the bowl is calculated, VG is not at a loss.

In the next 5 minutes, Faker's influence in the game will be reduced to the extreme!

And VG Nakano didn't even pay for a summoner skill!

However, Faker still held the line of soldiers and persisted until the arrival of the sixth wave of artillery vehicles.

Seeing this, Gu Xing simply accompanied Kuro to push all the artillery lines deep into the tower.

It has to be said that Nightmare's line-pushing speed is really ruthless, and the two area damage skills can cause a lot of damage to the minions. Combined with Galio's passive heavy punch, it can deal with all the artillery lanes with three strikes and five divisions!

"Is Kuro a lunatic?" Plar asked with question marks all over his head, "Why is he giving the jungler a knife!"

On the data panel, there was a whole wave of artillery soldiers, and Galio didn't get a single soldier!

They were all swallowed up by the Dream Demon!

Just NM outrageous!

Li Ruixing is an old god.

On the opposite side, Lee Sang Hyuk didn't teleport back to the city, and he didn't rush to clean up in time, which meant that he would definitely lose this big wave of guns.

Then hand over this large wave of pawns to Gu Xing, and neither side's mid laner can make up pawns, so I have nothing to lose!

What's more, I also gained experience, which is a proper blood earning!

Seeing a large wave of VG minions pouring into SKT's middle tower, Faker could only shake Xiaohei to fill up the line.

Gu Xing saw Blank arrive in the middle lane, pressed the scoreboard and successfully obtained the opponent's clearing information.

Now Zhumei obviously cleared all the red BUFF and the first half of the wild area, and was about to go to the second half to continue to farm and develop, but was pulled by Lee Sang-hyuk to defend in the middle...

Gu Xing first went back to the city to replenish supplies. With six groups of wild monsters and the line of troops given by the mid laner, he successfully saved up to 1,000 yuan.

After buying two long swords and a pair of straw sandals, he hurriedly set off to start the next step.

"Virtue Li Zaigan God Demon?" Pao Xiaodi was always paying attention to Gu Xing's movements, and when he saw that the other party's tracks were not quite right, he immediately yelled, "Why did you run to the road!"

"Aren't you going to the lower jungle area to farm wild?"

Although the two teams did not have explosive kills in the early stage, the junglers did not do little.

Now that the time is approaching four and a half minutes, the lower field camp that Gu Xing cleared earlier has been reset!

But he didn't even think about going down, but rushed straight up!

"It's over, it's over, Huni may be arrested!" Plar hissed lightly, and a heart hung in mid-air again.

The guide screen is on the road.

There were a few unexplained laughter from the stands.

Yasuo is running back and forth in the VG army, stabbing Gnar with his blade from time to time, having a great time, highlighting a joy!

Huni strives to maximize the minion advantage he creates.

Not long ago, with the secret help of the jungle bodyguard, he pushed a large wave of soldiers into the VG upper tower.

Song Jinghao's Dinosaur Poppy naturally couldn't deal with all the minions in time, and it was bound to form a pushback line belonging to SKT.

Smeb had no choice but to follow the advancing minion line and leave the shelter of the defense tower, trying to push the minions quickly and return to the city for supplies.

But Huni seized this opportunity!

Utilizing a large number of VG minions, E [Step Forward Slash] roams among them, constantly using ordinary Q to scratch Gnar's health.

Even if you can't hit the cinnabar, you still have to harass Song Jinghao to make Gnar lose as much as possible to make up!

The implementation of the plan was very successful, and Huni couldn't help but smile from ear to ear as he watched the gap between the two sides gradually widen.

As the old saying goes, extreme joy begets sorrow, and Huni couldn't laugh right away.

"Gnar threw a boomerang in the face, even though Yasuo used the reverse wind wall to block the return trajectory of the skill, Smeb still applied the slow effect..." Emperor Xiaoxiao was heartbroken, "Virtue ran from the thread grass Come out, E [Speechless Fear] hold Feng Nan!"

Huni fell into an ice cave.

The previous good mood has taken a turn for the worse now!

He ran back desperately. Originally, Huni deliberately left a small soldier behind him as a springboard for the forward slash—just like the little murloc's ability to exchange blood, he can quickly retreat when the situation is not right.

But E was so happy just now, he got rid of the hatred of the VG melee soldier, which caused the little soldier to walk into the upper tower of SKT and was bombarded to scum!

Now Huni does not have any escape skills except flash!

"Yasuo flashed and fled to the bottom of the tower, the succubi followed the flash, and kept the E skill from being broken..."

In Nocturne's skill entry, the explanation about E [Speechless Fear] is that as long as the enemy is continuously damaged by this skill, the fear effect can be applied.

And the continuous damage of silent fear is to jump a number every 5 seconds!

In other words, even if the enemy surrenders his escape skills to open the scope of the silent fear, the Nightmare only needs to keep himself within the casting range before the next damage figure jumps out to ensure that the control lands!

Huni could only watch helplessly as he fell into fear, and then was knocked unconscious with W [beaten] after being transformed by the angry Gnar!

With little life remaining, he was instantly emptied of his blood by VG Ueno's explosive combo!

The cheers in the gymnasium were endless, lingering in this confined space!

"The first blood is born!" I remember saying loudly, unable to hide the excitement in my tone, "Brother Xing has a very keen sense of smell, cooperate with Smeb to break the game first!"

"This time the dual long swords have done a great job, and the 20 points of attack power make Yasuo's scalp numb!" Miller beamed with joy.

"Huni, you like E, don't you?" Doll blushed so excitedly that her neck was thick, "Continue if you can! I want to see if you can be happy!"

Under the camera, Huni rubbed the center of his eyebrows, and he could tell from his expression that he was very upset.

The pawn line was not stuck, but Smeb got the head bounty instead.

He played with the line of soldiers for a long time, and was beaten back to his original shape in one wave!

Now Huni is actually behind Song Jinghao financially!

Xiao Hei let out a short sigh.

Although he has tried his best to guard against Gu Xing's ghostly attack route.

But it is still impossible to prevent!

The opponent can always deliver a fatal blow where he least expects it!

Hearing Huni's low-pitched complaint in the voice, Xiao Hei also harbored resentment.

Fortunately, I came to the road to cover once, is this how you repay me?

If it weren't for helping the top laner, Blank felt that he would have cleared the first round of wild monsters by now, and he could use his spare time to do other more meaningful things!

Fortunately, he can only use the power of the lower route to cross the lower river to go back to the wild area.

Although there are two groups of wild monsters in the lower jungle area of ​​​​VG, the Demon Marsh Frog and the Shadow Wolf, but Xiaohei started with a double BUFF + Demon Marsh Frog at the beginning. Wild to stop the loss!

After all, Gu Xing still made money!

More importantly, the Nightmare will be assigned a large number of troops and experience for killing, and the speed to level six will be very fast!

Xiao Hei felt that he had done nothing wrong, but the rhythm was firmly controlled by Gu Xing!

Gu Xing is very clear that he has the advantage of counterpoint experience.

Based on the principle of making the best use of everything, he must use the time difference of the tiebreaker to launch an offensive.

This time Gu Xing aimed at Faker.

A plane without double summons is just a piece of meat on the cutting board in the eyes of the succubus!

When the time came to 6 minutes and 20 seconds, Gu Xing successfully upgraded to level 6 after killing all six of the Raptor's family.

Immediately open R [Ghosting]!

Amidst the whispers of the succubus, the sky in the canyon suddenly darkened.

All five SKT players fell into a state of myopia, and their field of vision was reduced to the extreme!

There was an instant chaos in the voice.

"Dream Demon has been promoted to sixth now?"

"Who is this guy going to fly?"

"Junzhi takes two steps back first!"

Lee Sang Hyuk had a premonition in his heart, but before he could ask for help, he saw the succubus flying from a distance, rushing to him along with Q [Dream Path of Demon]!

The Nightmare's attack power has been increased by just one RQ, and the blood bar of the aircraft has been reduced by 30%!

Faker quickly swooped into the tower with Valkyrie, but the succubi continued to rush forward with acceleration, ensuring that E [Speechless Fear] was always entwined on him!

"Brother Xiang Hyuk, I'm here!" Blank hurriedly came from behind.

Xiao Hei kept in mind the tricks that Stupid Chicken gave him, and adhered to the principle that the middle lane is his father. Since Faker didn't have double summons, he was always nearby!

But the experience value of Blank was one block away. The pig girl who hadn’t reached level 6 was only a pig, and the little black protector eagerly handed it over, but Gu Xing blocked the knock-up effect with W [Dark Asylum] and triggered it. Passive double attack speed effect, a realistic interpretation of what it means to help evildoers!

Pig Girl's only remaining control is E [Permanent Frozen Field]. Unfortunately, she alone can't quickly stack up the layers to stun the succubi and relieve the pressure on the plane!

Seeing the pig girl showing her head, Kuro didn't spare any skills, and decisively cast her big move.

R【A Hero Appears】!

The two hurricanes converged to form a giant rune circle!

Lee Sang Hyuk had just escaped from the fear of the succubus, when he was thrown into the sky by Galio!

Give another E uppercut, and the plane will not be able to land if it stays in the sky!

Gu Xing made a basic attack to laugh at Kuqi's life, and left the range of SKT's middle tower without looking back.

Xiao Hei was so anxious that he wanted to put the last layer of frost effect on Gu Xing's body.

As long as the succubi can be fixed under the tower, it can be replaced and add some money to Lee Sang Hyuk!

But things backfired.

Kuro's Duran shield taunted the pig girl, Xiao Hei had to launch a general attack on Galio, and saw the succubus flee!

In the end, Li Ruixing relied on the shield provided by [Courage of the Colossus] to resist a lot of damage, and followed Gu Xing's pace to leave the turret calmly!

Faker scratched his head helplessly, pursed his lips and said nothing.

"Mine, mine," Xiao Hei hurriedly picked up the pot, "It would be great if there is a sixth level, and everyone on the other side will die in this wave!"

But if you are promoted to sixth grade, people will never come to me to do it...

Lee Sang Hyuk complained in his heart.

Gu Xing went back to the city to make up for the green jungle knife, and went out to invade the SKT jungle area, and placed the eye position partition wall in the opponent's blue BUFF camp.

As expected, just after seven and a half minutes, Xiao Hei ran over to help Lee Sang Hyuk get the freshly baked blue BUFF.

Then I manipulated the pig girl to brush all the way down.

Gu Xing obtained the key information, and ambush in the grass on the route ahead of time, hoping that the fish will take the bait.

Huni is unaware of this.

After making the attack speed boots, Yasuo's combat power climbed to a new peak, even if Smeb's equipment is ahead, he is not his opponent at all!

Regaining the laning advantage, Huni is in the top lane.

Hoarding troops for a long time, preparing to slowly push the line into the tower and repeat the old trick of disgusting Song Jinghao again.

But unlike last time, Smeb has reinforcements!

Just after Yasuo handed over the blast accumulated in his hand, Gu Xing resolutely drilled out of the grass, Q paved the road to speed up, E skill exerted control, cooperated with Song Jinghao's three-ring general attack, and killed Huni with the most unpretentious posture!

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