What is a hexagon jungler?

539: Smash love and hatred with one palm!

"Brother Xing is here!"

The doll raised her arms high and devoted herself wholeheartedly, as if she was excited to see the savior.

As soon as the voice fell, there was a golden light flashing.

The prince handed over the long-preserved flash, moved forward 400 yards, and smoothly approached Syndra.

The military flag was planted, and the dragon impact carried Jarvan IV to sprint forward!

"Faker, where are you running now?!" I remember being so excited that I roared.

After Lee Sang-hyeok saw where the German flag fell, he instinctively moved to the side to avoid the prince's EQ second company lock.

However, when Jarvan's giant dragon collides with the military flag, the collision width will reach 300 yards. As long as the skill is cast accurately enough, the enemy will not be able to rely on normal movement speed without any means of displacement and movement speed. Can't escape!

It's useless to open the script!

Gu Xing obviously knew this well, the military flag was directly inserted at Syndra's heel, and the giant dragon hit and followed quickly, leaving no room for Lee Sang Hyuk to move!

The halberd pierced Syndra's body and successfully lifted her into the air!

The prince's automatic attack triggers the passive [War Rhythm] extra damage and thunder, instantly reducing Syndra's health to 60%!

Miller was also affected by the impassioned commentary tone of his two partners, Kang, and his own voice could not help being several orders of magnitude louder.

"Syndra's skills are all on cooldown, and Faker doesn't even have the ability to resist!" He clenched his fists and shouted, "I can only move to the far away turret of my own side, and the prince crazily hits me on the way!"

All of Faker's skills were used to try Dansha Li Ruixing, WE's dual skills were still 10 seconds away from getting better, Q [Dark Ball] cools down quickly, but it has no control ability, and it can't stop Gu Xing from chasing and killing at all!

Originally, the frankness of the ball girl was not particularly high. At level 5, Gu Xing even smashed 18% of her armor with a giant dragon impact. Now every basic attack and poke can lower Syndra's health by nearly 100 points!

Relying on the attack speed bonus of the German flag, Gu walked A very smoothly and quickly lowered Faker's blood volume.

He also kept W [Golden Holy Shield] in his hand very carefully, and handed it over when the opponent was about to go out of his general attack range, trying to maximize the benefits of each control.

Lee Sang Hyuk tapped the floor frequently in a panic, but to no avail.

Syndra wouldn't go any further.

He asked Xiao Hei for help, but the jungler was still two or three thousand yards away from him, and he couldn't arrive in time for support in a short time!

Lee Sang Hyuk's current situation is a bit self-contained.

Since he knew that Gu Xing would definitely set up his field of vision in the SKT jungle area if he had the advantage in the matchup, there was a high probability that he would be able to catch Xiao Hei's movements, so Faker specifically told his jungler to run far away and let him play singles.

As long as Blank stays away from the center line, the vigilance of Kuro and others can be reduced to a certain extent, and VG will have the illusion that "the conflict will not break out in the middle lane for the time being", thus creating a freezing hand environment for Lee Sang Hyuk's solo kill.

As a result, Faker is being greeted face to face by Gu Xing, but Xiao Hei, who is too far away from the middle road, can't help him!

The middle road itself is not long, but Lee Sang Hyuk chased too deeply earlier.

Running from the first tower in the VG back to the safe zone of the first tower of his side, it takes at least 10 seconds, during which he can only be poked by the prince!

Gu Xing chased all the way to the front of the middle tower of SKT, and had pressed Syndra to the brim, watching the other party retreat into the protection range of the tower father, and unhurriedly stretched out the halberd.

Dragon strike!

The cooled Q skill is so powerful that it seems to pierce Syndra's delicate body!

Lee Sang Hyuk still didn't give up his position.

But the distance between the two was not far, leaving him little time to react.

As soon as Syndra took a step to the side, the blood bar was pierced by the dragon!

"Nice!" the baby yelled angrily, "Brother Xing almost finished the cinnabar once!"

Li Ruixing just handed over E [Evil Star Illusion] to corrode Syndra when he didn't notice Faker's murderous intentions just now, causing a total of over 100 damages to the crickets. Not even the slightest thought of fighting back.

All the remaining output will be made up by Gu Xing!

More than 10,000 spectators at the scene witnessed Syndra falling to the ground, and immediately set off carnival in the stands!

The reaction was so violent, only because the operator of the ball girl was Lee Sang Hyuk!

This is the head star of SKT, the undoubted soul of the team!

His fall is like a shot in the arm for VG supporters!

Listening to the din from the outside world, Gu Xing's breathing became hot as a result.

"You are my god!" Kuro's heart was surging and his voice was loud, "Isn't it too fast?!"

At the critical moment when he thought he was going to be dansha, Gu Xing, like a divine soldier descending from the sky, helped him subdue the villain.

Kuro felt that if he was a woman, he might trigger the drawbridge effect on the spot.

Gu Xing's voice raised an octave involuntarily, "You don't understand now, do you? I have the domineering power of knowledge and can smell danger in advance!"

He saw that Lee Sang Hyuk's exchange of blood was too aggressive before, and he felt something was wrong.

It was 6 minutes into the game, and Gu Xing knew that he had been exposed because of level 2. It was no secret that he started from the blue buff at the beginning, and the SKT players must also know it well.

Then the VG blue BUFF is refreshed and reset 7 minutes ago.

At that time, Kuro will definitely have to go back to the city to replenish—this is also a routine rule in the professional arena. If the first equipment update is not carried out after taking the blue BUFF, then this buff effect will not be effective.

After all, you take the blue BUFF to develop rapidly, frequently wash the pawn line across the river, and master the right of the middle line to protect the wild area and sideline teammates.

Otherwise, why did the jungler give the mid laner blue?

But even so, Lee Sang Hyuk frequently initiated blood changes in the early 6 minutes of the game.

Even if Kuro is disabled, he is about to return to the city for supplies, so what can Faker earn?

What's more, Li Ruixing still has teleportation, no matter how bad the pawn line situation is, he won't lose much line!

Gu Xing believed that there must be a demon in the abnormal situation, and based on the previous observation of Xiao Hei's trace away from the middle lane, he felt that Lee Sang Hyuk planned to use his personal ability to make a one-way breakthrough.

Anyway, this version of the herbivorous jungler has more free time, so Gu Xing simply crouched near the center line and acted as Kuro's bodyguard.

The result really made him guess right.

Gu Xing was able to rush to the battlefield shortly after Faker made a move on Kuro thanks to his excellent position for caution!

Li Ruixing couldn't understand Gu Xing's knowledgeable arrogance, but at this moment he knew that he only needed to flatter him.

"Sing Gu is still amazing," Kuro flatteredly praised his jungler, "As expected of you, Shi Yi's reputation is well-deserved!"

On the other side of the SKT player bench, Lee Sang Hyuk's expression was rarely stained with sadness.

He has been considered self-restraint.

If the matter of 'handing in all the skills, only a short distance from completing the cinnabar, but being killed by the enemy's reinforcements' is left to others, there is a high probability that the HP of the table will be -1.

Lee Sang Hee didn't believe in fate at first, but now he has doubts.

Could it be that he was destined not to win?

The director also specially gave a close-up of Lee Sang-hyuk. The LPL commentators saw the frustrated expression on each other's faces, and everyone smiled.

"Seven drops of blood determine the outcome of this battle!" Miller said forcefully, "Faker missed a move. Instead of killing Kuro alone, he put himself in!"

"Even God is not on SKT's side this time!"

"What's going on next door?" Wawa smiled, "I can't seem to hear their voices anymore!"

The LPL commentators burst out with joy. Seeing that VG has initially established an advantage, the atmosphere is naturally relaxed and cheerful.

The LCK studio next door was completely silent.

Pao Xiaodi couldn't believe his eyes, he didn't recover until the director gave the replay of the battle just now, and muttered to himself, "Impossible, absolutely impossible..."

However, during the re-broadcast stage, Malzahan's back with only a trace of bloody skin escaped mercilessly and brought Jeon back to reality.

"This grasshopper is really lucky," he complained angrily, "If Xiang Hyuk's basic attack can successfully kill the grasshopper, there is no need to stop in place and use Q to try to repair the damage..."

Even though Q [Dark Ball] could move and cast spells, the distance between Faker and Kuro had already been opened, so Lee Sang Hyuk had to stop in place to ensure that the opponent was within the range of the skill.

The flick of a finger of delay gave Gu Xing a chance to attack!

Plar looked at the slow-motion 3D playback of the director, and couldn't help shaking his head, "It can't be said that Kuro's escape was all luck, he still has the details in place."

Relatively speaking, he will be more fair in judging, and he also praised and recognized the outstanding performance of VG players, "After smelling the murderous intent, he flashed and opened the distance immediately, and he didn't blindly turn back and fight back. Not only did he twist Faker's last A Q shot cut off the enemy's single-kill plan, and Yin Shi who was hunted down was drinking a blood bottle, if you can infer from the result, it was this move that saved him!"

The seemingly insignificant detail of drinking blood bottles is very important in this encounter that can determine the trend of the entire BO5.

The recovery of 10 points of health per second, fighting for five or six seconds, the blood volume from the milk can help Kuro resist one of Syndra's basic attacks, which is worth a thousand dollars!

After hearing his partner's analysis, Pao Xiaodi could only let out two disappointed sighs.

"It will take at least 40 seconds for Xiang Hyuk to return to the line after being resurrected. Kuro has already returned to the city to replenish his blood and equipment. After teleporting to the line, he quickly pushes troops, which can at least make the opponent lose a wave of troops..." He analyzed the loss, The more I thought about it, the more frightened I became, "Besides, Xiang Hyuk has already handed in double summons. If Virtue comes to the middle again later, how will he escape?"

Pao Xiaodi guessed quite accurately.

Naturally, Gu Xing would not give up the opportunity to tear the wound.

Since Lee Sang Hyuk took the initiative to expose his flaws, he was disrespectful and had to take Syndra's knife.

At 8 minutes into the game, Gu Xing, who had been promoted to level six, decisively went to the middle lane. No matter what happened, EQR put a slap on Syndra's forehead!

"Sang Hyuk was trapped in a helpless circle, even if he pushed the weak to retreat, it was useless. Kuro easily stepped forward and used EW to summon the void swarm first, and then handed R [Grasp of Hades] to suppress Syndra!"

The dominance of the grasshopper's mindless control is evident.

Whether you are the top mid laner in the world or not, you have to stay where you are!

As long as 5 seconds of control time, even if Gu Xing played the slag pure meat version of the prince, he could still use the basic attack to crush Syndra's blood!

"Blank is here! He has a keen sense of smell this time, and realized that VG wanted to attack Xiang Hyuk, so he squatted back near the middle lane, and he can catch Virtue off guard!" Pao Xiaodi's words were full of expectations, and he was counting on the jungler Coming here can turn the tide of battle.

But Xiao Hei didn't have this ability at all.

All he operates is a pig jockey!

Xiao Hei handed over the QR to control Gu Xing, so that the prince could no longer threaten Syndra.

But Lee Sang Hyuk was too cruel, Kuro followed up with two basic attacks and successfully cleared the ball girl's health bar!

Plar yelled 'pizza', and reminded, "Please, Blank, don't play in the middle and wild synergy again, okay? The combat power of the two sides is not at the same level at all!"

Originally, purely on the strength of the lineup, SKT Nakano will undoubtedly have the upper hand.

But now, with the development of Gu Xing's early rhythm, both he and Li Ruixing have gained a corresponding lead in the matchup.

At this time, Xiao Hei will forcefully hit the middle and field strength again, and it will have no effect except to collect Syndra's body!

However, Plar is also a bystander. As a person in charge, Xiao Hei obviously hadn't realized this before. Eager to save his teammates, he ran over and threw a big move in vain but didn't gain anything.

Now Blank has fully understood, knowing that if he insists on playing the middle and wild linkage, it will only speed up the speed of the team's defeat!

But he has paid the price.

After the big move enters the cooldown, Zhumei will not have the ability to Gank in the next two minutes!

Gu Xing was able to unscrupulously turn rivers and seas in the wild.

Originally, he had to consider whether Xiao Hei would be arrested by Xiao Hei on the sidelines that were far away after showing up, but this is a good thing, and there is no need to be wary of the other party.

It is difficult for a pig girl without a big move to successfully launch a raid. SKT only has Dashu as a melee teammate. It is difficult for her to stack E [Permanent Frozen Field]!

Miller's voice was high, "Brother Xing entered a short period of strength by making a slag jungle knife, invading the enemy's upper field, trying to encircle and suppress the enemy's big trees!"

It stands to reason that Dashu is not afraid of jumping the tower. With the three controls of QWR, he can replace the opponent with a little manipulation.

Helplessly, Huni's blood volume is really not much left, if he bites his teeth and insists on it, accidents are likely to happen!

With no other choice, Huni had no choice but to retreat to the self-closing grass, watching Song Jinghao push the line of troops in and be cleared by the defense tower, feeling blood dripping from his heart.

"One thing to say, isn't this big tree too rough for laning?" Wawa Bengbu paused, "In less than 10 minutes, the gap between the top laners of the two sides has already broken through the 20 mark!"

"Huni is like this," remembers gloating, "In terms of the proficiency of tank heroes alone, he is not considered a first-line laner at all!"

This alone means that Huni cannot become a world-class top laner.

Looking at the top laners of previous champions, there is no one who can't resist pressure.

Huni hasn't gotten into a team battle yet, and the laning is almost overwhelmed!

Song Jinghao just asked Gu Xinglai to catch a wave, and then he rolled the snowball smoothly, constantly consuming blood in the lane, and lowering the opponent's state.

He found out that when Huni is fighting against the pressure in the lane, he can't tell what should be supplemented and what should be selectively given up.

Resisting pressure and greedy to death, wanting to make up for all tail knives.

Sometimes Song Jinghao even hits three rings plus boomerang damage in order to make up for long-range soldiers!

Over time, Huni's lineup simply couldn't stand it!

As a result, many small soldiers were forced to give up when the blood volume was low, and the losses were maximized when counted down!

At present, I can only go back to the city in the autistic grass, and then give up a wave of troops.

"Xiaohei chose to try the bottom lane," Wawa looked at the information on the mini-map, "but there was nothing to gain, the VG duo was well trained and retreated in time!"

Coupled with the fact that the combination of SKT Bot Mouse + Lulu has no means of control, Xiaohei used to help his teammates relieve the pressure on the line at most.

"Brother Xing directly brought the upper half of the area under his control, deployed his field of vision and started preparing for the canyon vanguard team battle!"

SKT didn't plan to take it at all.

The field of vision can't be done, and the top line is pushed in. There is no such condition for wanting to compete for the vanguard!

Seeing that the other party was not going to pick him up, Gu Xing did not include the lake, so he took the vanguard into his pocket, and then used the enhanced city return effect to rush back to the spring to make up for the mercury shoes.

The SKT lineup has a total of 5 AP output heroes, and Gu Xing is currently stacking up magic resistance without thinking.

Anyway, pure AD damage can only be provided by a mouse, and Bang's development is relatively average, so it can be dealt with later...

Gu Xing's calculations were loud, but Pei Junzhi suddenly started to exert strength.

"The mouse went back to the city to make up the Hurricane, and went straight to the middle," Miller tensed, "He wants to launch an offensive on Kuro!"

Xiao Hei helped deal with the pawn line in the bottom lane before, but now Pei Junzhi has no line pressure, so he can walk in the middle lane calmly.

After Bang turned on lurking, he entered the camouflage state, and Diu Diu Diu went online.

The mouse's shameless trick of stealing people was brought into full play by Pei Junzhi.

Kuro was caught off guard, never expecting that the mouse would suddenly run to the middle to find him!

Tu Qi let out a smirk, took off his disguise and shot an arrow at the grasshopper!

Even though Hurricane Rat's single-unit output is not high, Li Ruixing is not considered meat if he can't stand it.

Lee Sang Hyuk doesn't do fancy things, he forcibly inflicts damage with a set of skills!

Seeing this, Kuro didn't even hand in the flashes he had just converted, threw all three small skills to the minions, turned on the automatic clearing mode, and then went to die calmly.

The SKT fans in the stands, who had been silent for a long time, burst out all their suppressed emotions in an instant, and gave warm cheers to the home team they supported!

"SKT has finally opened, it's really not easy..." Wawa teased, "But VG is not losing money, Kuro has cleared all the troops before he died in battle!"

After the upgrade of Grasshopper level and equipment, it is very easy for Fiend Phantom to clean up the non-cannon tank line. SKT double C has no ability to threaten the VG middle tower.

This time Wawa sincerely thinks that SKT doesn't make any money, and the heads they get are very dry.

In fact, Gu Xing didn't feel very well.

After Kuro's death, SKT can temporarily form a situation where more players play less, especially VG's defense line in the middle is very weak, and the personnel transfer of the barbecue stall is much more flexible.

Gu Xing originally wanted to plan a vanguard attack, but now that the mid laner is on the ground, SKT has enough time to deploy defensive forces, it is difficult for him to use the vanguard to hit the desired effect.

As a last resort, he had to suspend the offensive plan and wait for Kuro to come back to life.

But Bang didn't stop. After he returned to the bottom lane, he shook Xiao Hei to the bottom lane again to cover his push.

After the gun carriage line passed, he entered the camouflage state and repeatedly raided the middle road!

"Bang did the same trick again, but this time Brother Xing seemed to be on guard and squatted behind him!"

Doll thinks this wave can be played.

The mouse has no big move, and the damage it can cause is limited after all.

VG Nakano also thinks so.

Gu Xing decided to let the grasshopper suppress the controlled Syndra, so as to ensure that the whole process of playing the Grip of Hades for 5 seconds will not be interrupted!

He himself used the suppression effect given by his teammates to kill Syndra as soon as possible, and then he came back to deal with the mouse.

There is no problem in putting it into practice. Gu Xing easily used EQR to reproduce the previously used combo, supplemented by the burning damage of slag to cripple Syndra.

After Faker dodged to escape, he immediately followed up to make up for the damage, and the last halberd took Syndra away!

However, before dying, Lee Sang-hyeok threw all his skills at Kuro. Even if Li Ruixing dodged the weak and retreated, he would still be killed by Bae Joon-sik and the flash attack, who would detonate the toxin and take his life!

"Bang refreshed his Q skill and entered the camouflage state. Brother Xing couldn't find him, and the two sides traded one for one..." I remember frowning slightly, and finally felt something was wrong.

Gu Xing also reacted.

He read Bang's mind.

It is to forcibly replace the economy, and at the same time limit your vanguard rhythm as much as possible!

At first glance, SKT double C is not as powerful as Nakano, and the two crispy skins can't stand the damage at all.

But their goal was not to win the duel from the very beginning.

Instead, change heads!

Syndra + mouse, the explosion of the two is one of the best in the current version. If you attack the crispy skin with all your strength, you can easily get a kill!

No matter who wins the head of the two, it is a great joy for SKT, and it is a role that will never lose money in investment.

On the other hand, VG Nakano, although the combat power is good, but it is unrealistic to really kill them all, and the pursuit ability is very average.

After the control is over, you can only kill one character at most, and the other party will be fine if they change their heads and feet, and just drive away!

And Gu Xing and Kuro are still using the role of tool man in this game.

Not to mention the grasshopper, the most core R [Grasp of Hades] in the team fight does not eat equipment, so there is no need for him to provide damage.

If Gu Xing's prince gets enough money, he can indeed stand at the forefront of the team formation like the pig girl in the previous game, supporting the core output of the rear.

But in terms of effect, it is still not as good as SKT's output points to win the head!

What's more, the current version of VG is very good at using the advantages accumulated by Gu Xing in the early stage to change the line and improve the rhythm. Cooperating with the vanguard can often expand the team snowball instantly.

But after reducing the number of staff, VG's advantage of line rights will disappear invisibly, and line transfers will be easily blocked!

The vanguard in Gu Xing's hand couldn't be released!

Pei Junzhi turned around the wild area, and when he fled back to his tower, he breathed a sigh of relief, and the corners of his stiff mouth rose slightly.

With two human heads in hand, if the next development goes well, maybe the Infinity Blade can be synthesized 20 minutes ago!

Rapid prototyping rats will be everyone's nightmare!

When Bang read the article and went back to the city, he flexed his wrist a little, his gaze was extremely firm.

He has a reason to win this game!

It's just that Gu Xing is not a vegetarian.

After suffering a dark loss, immediately think about countermeasures and make adjustments.

"Old Gu, bear with it for a while," Jack muttered in his voice, "I'll be able to push the next tower later!"

Although every time Bang goes to the middle lane, he completely handles the bottom lane pawn line before going offline.

However, it is considered time for battles, returning to the city for supplies, etc., and it often takes more than 30 seconds for a wave of soldiers to refresh.

This means that Yu Wenbo can still squeeze out some time to push the line and carry out demolition.

Xiaopao's line-pushing speed is already fast, and he pushed the line twice before and after to hang the E bombing tower, and now he also grinds down the next tower of SKT to only 1/3 HP.

Now Jack is eager to try, waiting for Bang to go offline for another wave, and then he can dismantle the turret!

"No need," Gu Xing denied his thoughts, "You just need to push the line at a normal speed, Brother Duan, help him get a good view along the line, so as not to be caught by the opposite side."

Duan Deliang agreed, and manipulated the gems to set up several bushes near the bottom road to prevent Gank eye positions.

At 13 minutes into the game, Xiao Hei appeared in the bottom lane again, intending to help the Wolverines push the pawn line over.

Gu Xing saw Zhu Mei showing her head, and immediately directed Song Jinghao, "Mai Bo, come up!"

Smeb was already ready to go, and when he heard the order, he immediately sent E to jump on it!

Gnar, whose anger has accumulated to full value, becomes bigger in the air!

Huni hastily cast W Asian Bundle, turning into a mass of roots and becoming unselectable.

He is dizzy now, and he is not as confident in his reaction speed as before. He dare not say that he can hand in W to dodge the moment Gnar shoots R, he can only rely on prediction.

But Song Jinghao, an old fritter, did not take the usual path. He pressed S for the first time after jumping up.

Seeing the big tree rushing up, he showed a satisfied smile, and when the big tree came to his side, he slapped the wall hard!

Maokai was shocked by the slap, and then Gu Xing came out from the side, EQ Erlian followed the control!

Huni is still that old cat cake, and his blood volume control is very problematic. The big tree can't recover at all passively, and his blood volume is less than half when he is Gank.

Now being taken care of by VG Ueno, after struggling for a while, he confessed his life again!

"Huni!" Compared with the French military salute, the baby was full of praise for the great hero, "Today's sixth player in VG, it's up to you to break the game!"

"It has to be you!" Miller was very excited, "Stand up and contribute to VG at the critical moment, a proper international friend!"

The hustle and bustle at the scene never stopped, accompanied by a few sneers, no doubt mocking Huni.

The shot is a close-up of SKT's player bench.

Huni doesn't even chew gum now, his face is gray and uneasy, "It's broken, it's broken, what should the prince do if he releases the vanguard?"

With the help of Xiao Hei, Pei Junzhi just pushed the line of troops in, and was about to start a new round of hunting plan, but when he heard the good news from the top order, he was immediately furious.

We are playing in full swing in the second half of the district, so you can't be coaxed?

Miss those two bins and die, right?

You're lying under the tower full of blood, I don't even know how the other side can cure you!

It's good for you, in order to make up the knife and be consumed by Gnar for nothing, give Gu Xing a head, and let the vanguard on the opposite side who has been holding back for almost 3 minutes knock it out...

Bang's blood was extinguished by the roar of the vanguard smashing the turret.

"Not only the first tower, VG Ueno can go straight to the enemy's second tower, SKT's defensive strength in the upper half is too weak!" I remember grinning and blooming, "The balance of victory keeps tilting towards VG!"

Xiao Hei was anxious to death.

He had no choice but to try to forcibly start a team in the bottom lane, QR drifting and throwing a sniper at the small cannon and throwing R [Extreme Ice and Cold Prison]!

"Jack's response was brilliant. He used the domineering effect of the rocket's jump-casting action to achieve control and offset. Prince Duan then activated the big move [Cosmic Glory] to protect himself and his teammates..."

SKT went to the jungle to try their best to output, but due to the burst strength, they couldn't kill the enemy duo before the gem's ultimate move fell, so they could only let the opponent abandon the tower and leave.

"For SKT, the situation has taken a turn for the worse," Waowa said with joy on his face, "The collapse of the top laner directly restricted the other two lanes and the development environment in the wild area. After the two teams moved to the middle lane, Bang's wandering and sucking Confined, they can't find the possibility to fight back!"

Gu Xing began to guard Bang strictly, wandering back and forth in the middle with a halberd on his shoulder, in case Pei Junzhi launched an offline offensive.

Seeing that the team situation has turned into a pool of stagnant water, Lee Sang Hyuk, who switched to the wing, is still obsessed with his own hard power, and wants to play an advantage against Kuro.

But Li Ruixing wasn't afraid at all.

Just for fun, if it was the version that everyone played last year or the year before last, and the mid laner had to spend a long time online, I would still be afraid of you.

Now is the era of tool man mid laners!

Kuro ignored Lee Sang Hyuk's position and moved forward. The three skills of QWE pressed towards the line of soldiers, and then retreated and disappeared within the opponent's field of vision.

The evil star phantom cleared up the line of soldiers through infection. Occasionally, a few minions were missed due to the cannon line, and Kuro did not force them to make up.

The main thing is a coward.

It's a pity that the little soldiers are full of stomachs, as long as they don't die, team battles are the stage for grasshoppers to play!

Crowds surged in the LPL live broadcast room, and bullet screens flew all over the sky.

[Tuigui, Kuro is too steady, right? 】

[Huni: Brother, don't mess with me, I'm so embarrassed! 】

[Automatic pawn clearing is really fun, who will accompany you in the lane? Dude, go find the wild father! 】

[I like to play Syndra, right? Faker can't swim in this game, and the support for the jungler doesn't work. Is there any role for this hero? 】

Faker's face turned into Blank.

He just felt a punch on the cotton, and there was no response at all.

At this moment, Lee Sang Hyuk finally recognized the reality.

Grasshoppers are pure rogues in the current version!

After the level is equipped, push the line and run, there is no line interaction at all!

At present, it is not the French nuclear version, and the combat capability of the team will be greatly reduced if it lacks a few hundred gold coins.

Grasshopper's loss of pawn line is harmless to the team!

It's a pity that Faker realized it too late.

Having an epiphany on the edge of a cliff won't do SKT any favors.

"Mai Bo seems to be going for a solo kill!" Wa Wa exclaimed, shifting everyone's attention to the bottom lane.

After making the big ice hammer, Gnar rode on the face of the big tree and did evil.

Huni didn't even have the ability to resist.

Although cloth armor shoes have been synthesized, they are of limited use against Gnar.

The third ring is magic damage!

Song Jinghao changed two waves of blood successively, and after crushing Huni's state, he directly handed in a flash kill!

Relying on the high difference in movement speed, he turned his head and pulled back and forth, and even tricked Dashu's Q [Arcane Slam] under the tower, allowing Maokai's punch to hit the air!

The last boomerang triggers the three rings and takes away the head of the big tree!

"Top order GAP!" Miller's forehead was full of veins, and his emotions had already been mobilized to a climax. "Huni was dansha again, he couldn't stand the pressure from Maibo!"

The collapse of the sideline forced SKT to seek a solution as soon as possible, otherwise Gnar would be able to lead through a line by himself!

When the bottom lane crystal is broken, VG will use the pawn line to seize the initiative in Dalongkeng!

SKT had no choice but to preemptively go to Dalong to set up an eye position in advance, intending to force Song Jinghao's teleportation out first.

At 26 minutes into the game, seeing that the bot lane Highland Tower was about to be taken away by Gnar, SKT decided to fight Baron Nash to the last stand.

Gu Xing did not make a fool of himself, and decisively chose to fight.

Stand on the partition wall above the Dragon Pit and poke real eyes, first look at the blood volume of Baron Nash.

The speed of SKT's lineup to fight the dragon is not considered fast. Gu Xing gave up the idea of ​​grabbing the dragon, and led his teammates to forcefully squeeze in from the upper river.

"Pig girl rushed out of the dragon pit, throwing a big move and trying to start a group first!"

At the moment Gu Xing was hit by the extremely cold prison, two teleportation lights, one blue and one red, lit up on the edge of the battlefield!

"The mouse adjusted the output position, opened R and shot arrows at Brother Xing non-stop, and Faker also handed R [energy pouring] on the prince... But Brother Xing has a gargoyle!"

Remember to speak in a rapid tone, and spit out words quickly like Gatling.

After Gu Xing opened the gargoyle stone plate armor, his blood volume increased for a while, and the next moment he was bathed in the light of the gem's ultimate move!

One ride is worth a thousand!

The prince roared, EQ entered the stage and flashed his big move, covering his head and covering his face, enclosing all SKT96line in it!

Bang reacted quickly, and immediately dodged and pulled away from the prince's big move.

Huni landed one step ahead and opened the R tree world to descend, trying to control everyone in VG.

But the VG division of labor is clear and tacit.

Gu Xing blocked a vine, and Duan Deliang blocked another one to protect the rear team members from any worries!

Lee Sang-hyuk launched the goddess Sanhua, and the magic ball stunned the VG duo to create a good control.

Kuro, however, has his eye on him.

Flash forward, R [Grasp of Hades]!

Syndra was fixed in place and could not move!

Whether it is Lulu's transformation into a sheep or Dashu's Asian bondage, it requires a spell-casting process.

Lee Sang Hyuk will be charged for nearly a second for sure!

"Gnar is coming in!"

A cry broke out from the doll's mouth.

Gnar, who landed with muscles, leaped forward with big strides, flashed and then narrowed the distance, covering the sky above Syndra's head!

Slap hard, and slap the unflappable mouse and the suppressed Syndra on the obstacle of the prince's big move with one palm!

With this palm, all the grievances and grievances of the past three years have been settled!

"My God! VG Ueno can also play this match?" Wow couldn't believe it, "Gnar's palm is going to kill the game!"

Wolf hasn't made a crucible yet, and the double C is accused of being hard to save!

Jack is extremely heroic with the gem ult, he decisively jumps forward and hangs explosive sparks to connect R, and the mouse is instant!

"It's over, there are no miracles!" Miller roared.

The SKT team battle was defeated in an instant!

The double Cs were killed one after another, and the remaining three tool men were just a piece of meat on the chopping board, and they were all sent away by the small cannon's continuous refreshing rocket jump!

"Tuan Mie!" I remember the voice was high and powerful, "VG can end the game with a wave from the bottom lane, they are going to enter the finals!"

VG's surviving heroes passed through the enemy's middle tower and reached the bottom road highland, singing and marching all the way, and demolished the enemy's main crystal at the moment the SKT players were revived!

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