What is a hexagon jungler?

543: Flaws in the Sea of ​​True Eyes!

On the curtain, there are impressively dense tables and small maps of canyons piled up with red dots!

The data is complex and dazzling!

"This is the specific field of view data of each position of the five SSG players after the evolution of the knockout tactics. What is shown to you is the detailed situation of each round. The table is the statistics of the number of eye positions. The hotspot summary of the eye insertion position..." Xie Tunan explained, "Therefore, there are 8 tables and 8 pictures in total."

Seeing the confusion in the eyes of most of the players, he said very thoughtfully, "You don't need to remember, I will integrate the heat map again later and hand it over to the coaching staff, trying to come up with a more simple and understandable conclusion."

The team members couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they heard this.

"Today I show the data to clarify the operation rules of Samsung's real eye strategy," Xie Tunan talked about his professional field, and raised his speech speed slightly. "The most noteworthy data in the table is trol purchased per minute , inserting real eyes every minute."

"Let's start with the comparison between the positions of the team," he switched to the next chart, "This is the average score of the 15 players from Samsung and the knockout opponents RNG and Dragon Ball in the BO5 confrontation. You can see The top ranked players are not SSG players."

"It's Xiao Ming."

Gu Xing fixed his eyes on the screen and was immediately amazed.

Shi Senming's average number of real eyes in the quarter-finals reached a terrifying 42, and he was ahead of the other 14 players. He inserted 1 more real eyes per minute than the second-ranked Corejj, and calculated three or four more real eyes in the whole game. Watch the guards!

For a single player, it is undoubtedly an astonishing statistic!

"It can be seen that Samsung did not monopolize the top spot in the list of real eyes, and their Nosuke did not buy a lot of real eyes to fill the gap in the field of vision," Xie Tunan clicked on the middle of the table with the cursor, " Instead, the other three players work together to set up the real eyes."

"Top laners, mid laners, and shooters can almost all lead their opponents by twice the number of real eyes per point!"

Xie Tunan was elated when he talked about the excitement, "What is this concept? Your C position has 5 real eyes in a game, and the opponent's C position has 10! The three of them together can lead by 15 real eyes in a game. !"

"Looking at Samsung's opponents along the way, Uzi's average economy is as high as 340, but the average number of real eyes is only 1, that is, a real eye will be purchased only after 10 minutes of the game, and the economy invested in eye positions only accounts for 2% of the total gold coin income!"

In all fairness, Real Eye 1 is not too bad for a shooter.

Both Bang and Shu Wang are only 07, and Ou Cheng is even more against the sky. The data of 03 is the best in the audience. On average, he only buys one real eye in 33 minutes!

Uzi's points average can really rank in the middle in the same position.

But in front of the shocking data of 27, he is a younger brother!

In a 30-minute game, Park Jae-hyuk can buy 8 real eyes!

"As professional players, you should understand how much the real eye affects the vision control," Xie Tunan talked eloquently, "Whether the task of inserting the real eye is mainly undertaken by Nosuke or shared among five people, the gap is too big. "

The VG members in the training room nodded in agreement.

Unlike the fake eye, which allows each person to have 3 eye positions in the canyon at the same time, each real eye can only have one eye in the map.

In this case, the regular style of play will be very different from Samsung True Eye Sea!

The normal way of thinking is basically that the two of Nosuke bring real eyes, and the other three will occasionally buy real eyes to provide vision contributions to the team when they have extra money and are not stuck in the grid.

And the sea of ​​real eyes can make everyone have real eyes in their backpacks, and the density of field of view layout is far from comparable to ordinary games!

2 real eyes vs. 5 real eyes, whoever has the advantage in field of vision deployment, needless to say!

"Using the gap in the number of real eyes to control the situation, and to be able to stabilize the field of vision despite being at a disadvantage, is the essence of the evolution of the three-star iron turtle game!" Xie Tunan said loudly.

Jack raised his hand to play the role of a curious baby, "I understand the advantages of all Samsung employees carrying real eyes. The problem is that no one has thought of this method before, but it is not feasible!"

"Too many real eyes in the C position can easily lose a lot of money and delay the equipment formation period!"

The rest of the team also agreed with Yu Wenbo's opinion.

"Que, if it's really that simple, it would be much easier to crack it... If you can't beat it, just join in, and everyone will buy the real eye together. Is there any difficulty in this? Pure hands will do!" Song Jinghao muttered. .

Duan Deliang thinks so.

Why is the vision task in the team mainly completed by Nosuke?

One is because they don't need to develop online, they can frequently swim between wild areas and rivers, and they can place their eyes more deeply.

The second is that in most cases, Nosuke does not eat money.

They are more responsible for functions, such as milk volume, control, and frankness, rather than core output, and the demand for equipment is not particularly large.

Even for the version of the incense burner in this year's World Championship, after the whole team tilted resources to let the support give priority to making the incense burner, the support still had to honestly make eye stones and buy real eyes!

Buying real eyes at position C is an economy that is squeezed out from between the teeth. A true vision guard costs 75 gold coins, and buying 4 is equal to a head!

Once the output capacity is affected due to the purchase of too many real eyes, who will bear the responsibility?

At present, the mainstream view in the arena is still that Nosuke will undertake the task of vision. This is the general conclusion reached by countless professional teams after measuring the performance of the training match and the main match!

Xietunan showed approval, "Jack's question is very meaningful, and it's up to you to explain it, Coach Hongmi."

His expertise is more reflected in the level of data analysis, and Zhenlun's understanding of the professional arena is far inferior to that of Redmi who has coached in the front line.

Yin Chengrong has dry eye syndrome, and he habitually blinks hard. "Normally speaking, Samsung is digging its own grave by using the sea of ​​real eyes. The enemy faces too many real eyes. As long as the eyes develop normally, they will win." It’s not that hard to play next game.”

"However, under the current version, the space for True Eye Sea to play is vast!" Hongmi said, "Especially after the start of the knockout round, the environmental changes have made the True Eye Sea strategy even more powerful!"

He explained in detail, "Too many real eyes at the C position will certainly lead to economic backwardness, and the combat power is not as good as the opponent player. What are the consequences?"

Redmi asked and answered, "You can't win a fight!"

"But what if the team battle can't start?" He looked at the players in the training room.

The contestants looked at each other, and after a while they started discussing.

At this point, Gu Xing suddenly realized.

If you want to take advantage of the gap in the combat power of the C position to open up the situation, you must start the team head-on, otherwise who will be stupid enough to come up and fight you for nothing?

But after the version change deduction, it is difficult to start a team battle head-on!

The root cause is that most of the censer soft assistants are backhand protection characters. As long as they are not fired at the first time, they can persuade their opponents to cover their teammates in time. Sudden death?

With the protection of the incense burner soft assistant, in the current version, relying on the jungler alone cannot ensure a stable team start.

Don't look at Galio in the mid laner who can help start a team and enter the field, but in most cases you can't choose!

It’s not very feasible to use a big dragon to fish, and it’s not so easy to start a team battle. Samsung wanders around the dragon pit to watch you get sprayed by Baron Nash, and wait until the status is almost reduced before going down to pick up the game...

Dragon Ball's body is still hanging on Meishan's crooked neck tree!

In addition, it is not impossible to let go of the dragon. If you are pushed one or two times, you can eat super soldiers and accelerate the economic development.

The ancient dragon that can really determine the outcome of the game is the ancient dragon that refreshes after 35 minutes. Although this version does not include beheading, the effect is still powerful. It can double the dragon buff and provide additional damage. The winning side is basically invincible , to threaten the opponent's main crystal!

But at that time, Samsung's several C positions were already developed and ready to join the battle and join the team!

This is also why the top laner changed from a meat tank dominance to a long-handed single-band role dominating the environment in the knockout stage.

The lack of effective means of starting a group on the front creates space for split pushes for the side laners to take a single point; the prevalence of split pushing roles on the side lanes, in turn, makes it more difficult to start a group on the front.

The two complement each other, but they give Zhenyanhai tactics ample performance stage!

If you can't open a group, Samsung can unscrupulously sacrifice the C-position economy to buy a lot of real-eye control vision!

"The other thing is, don't think that investing in real eyes is a waste of money." Hongmi pointed out another key point, "The price of real eyes is 75 gold coins, and it's only three or four soldiers. As long as one real eye can help him Provide more value than these minions, and SSG will earn blood!"

When the disadvantaged side has no vision protection, it is easy to be caught and killed.

The real eye can guarantee the development environment to a certain extent, as long as the disadvantaged side eats half a wave of soldiers, this real eye will not lose money!

Redmi went on to say, "Team battles are difficult to start, which means more emphasis on pulling and pawn line operations. The role of real eyes has become more prominent, making Samsung's vision tactics like a duck to water!"

Vision is crucial to the operation of the pawn line. With its true vision, Samsung can often rely on operations to delay time when the economy is at a disadvantage, and wait until the C position equipment in the team is formed before taking the team!

"Furthermore, from the current point of view, only Samsung can really use the real-eye strategy," Redmi said with a serious expression, "because only they have enough confidence to drag it to the later stage to win."

Since the ten sons of Samsung left the team, Edgar changed his original style of play and began to play Iron Turtle Operations.

The tactical strategy is to highlight one boil, and try to blow up the opponent's bladder!

The five players used their strong execution ability and top-notch sense of team battles to become the strongest operation team in the later stage!

As long as the strength of the lineup is about the same and the balance lasts for 35 minutes, no team in the world can beat Samsung in team battles!

If other teams copy Zhenyanhai, the effect will definitely not be very good.

You can't win if you delay the later stage. What's the use of buying a bunch of real eyes to play with Samsung?

If the advantage snowball cannot roll, it is tantamount to giving up the fruits of victory!

Therefore, there is no way to copy, and we can only seek restraint.

Seeing that Hongmi had finished explaining, Xie Tunan said again, "After talking about the gap between the teams, I will analyze Samsung's real-eye strategy from the perspective of the number of real-eye in the team..."

"There is no doubt that Sanxing Nosuke occupies the top two positions in the team. This is also the position that we generally believe is responsible for the heaviest vision tasks. However, the third place in the team is Ruler, followed by Ruler. There is a difference in the number of real eyes between the two. Few, all maintained at around 28, the gap with Nosuke is very small."

This data seems to be mediocre.

But it attracted the exclamation of the VG team members.

"The crown also has so many eyes?" Gu Xing frowned, "Yeah, it's weird!"

Judging from the current version trend, it tends to be 131 minutes.

This is the best way to play Korean operations, greedy to the extreme, all three lines are required.

However, there will be a false push point in the regular 131.

The sideband ability at this point is not particularly strong, but it can clear the line and clear the troops to ensure its own development.

Just push the line across the river and find your teammates to meet up.

Otherwise, the two sides will push together, unless the team's advantage is too great to be reversed, otherwise there is a high probability that the opponent will be sucked into Gank!

Now this false push point is often borne by the middle lane. Heroes like Ryze Chaffinch Galio have a relatively strong ability to escape, and they can push a little more on the side lanes.

But no matter how presumptuous it is, it is impossible to compare with the top laner!

Since the push line is not particularly forward, the mid laner does not need much protection.

What's more, Crown's laning strength is limited now, and it is suppressed most of the time, and the pawn line can't even get out of the river.

Why did he buy so many real eyes?

"This is the heat map of the real eye distribution in the 8 knockout games of the Crown," Xie Tunan quickly gave the answer, "He invested a lot of eye positions on the upper river channel closer to the middle lane, for those who changed the line. Ruler creates a good developmental space."

"In this way, Nosuke doesn't have to invest too much eye position resources in Ruler, but instead provides real eye protection for Cuvee on the other side of the canyon..." He circled the data information in the table, "It is worth mentioning Yes, Cuvee's average score is ranked at the bottom of three stars, and the overall performance on the field can tell the strength of SSG's protection of its own top laner!"

In short, Crown bought wards to cover Ruler in the middle lane during the transition period, and Nosuke used the extra wards to help Cuvee, which is equivalent to transferring the economics to the top laner in disguise!

The approach is impeccable, quite perfect.

Autumn's Cuvee is the strongest player in the Samsung team. In the knockout round, he beats Letme fiercely. He can also take advantage of Khan. He is a proper pioneer!

Edgar chose the late-game lineup in the BP stage, and the three-way lane play in the laning phase. It is reasonable to say that the transition phase will be quite passive, but it is because of the personal strength of Zhenyanhai and Cuvee that he abruptly helps the team to pull out room for development. !

Of course, this is not to say that Cuvee does not buy real eyes. The average score of 23 real eyes is only slightly lower than that of his teammates. Compared with other top laners, he still has a fault-like lead.

"Looking at it now, Samsung is also a version monster," Kuro sighed, "It's full of bonuses."

"Dragon Ball can at most get bonuses on the upper and lower roads. Samsung has all five positions filled. It's the chosen one!" Duan Deliang complained.

Needless to say, top laner Cuvee, the top laner, is known as the yordle Zhuli, and Narkenan is proficient in all of them.

He is not very good at playing meat tanks, but after the knockout rounds began to play long-handed singles, Cuvee seemed to be the best in the world!

The jungler An Bixin, the king of grass-eating, he is the strongest grass-eating jungler when the stupid chicken is not around, which fits the version perfectly!

The mid laner Crown, after his strength has declined, he has gradually evolved into a tool man. What kind of grasshopper Galio is at his fingertips, and his main focus is the team, which fits very well with the current mid lane environment!

The bottom lane duo is a standard development team. Ruler is best at finding the output position of the team battle, which is a bit like a peak bang.

All five points are version answers!

After a wave of analysis, Gu Xing also had to admit that there was a reason why SSG, the third seed of the LCK, was able to run all the way to the finals as a dark horse.

The current version environment is tailor-made for them!

The players in the training room whispered to each other, their brows became a little more dignified.

Even Mengxin Jack, who participated in the North American tour of the S6 World Championship with the team last year, naturally knows how strong the team's matching version will burst out.

Redmi saw that the atmosphere of the team was a bit stiff, so she quickly tried to comfort her, "Don't underestimate yourselves, everyone, we haven't lost a game in the World Championship until today!"

"It's like this, looking at the past results of the fight, our confidence has risen!" Gu Xing enlivened the atmosphere, "Master An is my prisoner, and I can handle it as I like!"

Xie Tunan also answered at the right time, "You don't need to be overly nervous, there is still a way to crack the sea of ​​eyes."

"Tell me more!" Jack cheered up.

"As I said before, I will study Samsung's real eye layout habits with the Redmi coach in the past two days, so that everyone can win at the starting line and be prepared to deal with it calmly. Maybe they can dig holes for Samsung in turn." Xie Tunan eloquently said, "There is also a way to restrain Zhenyanhai from the root."

"Forcibly open."

"Samsung's ability to control Zhenyanhai is nothing more than knowing that everyone can't afford to start a team, and can only accompany it to pull back and forth on the sideline," Xie Tunan said energetically, "If we can use force to pull SSG into a team battle Domain, before the opponent's equipment is fully formed, it is not an opponent of VG at all!"

Samsung is playing three-way payout, and it is bound to fall into a certain economic backwardness in the early stage.

Purchasing a large number of real eyes will further widen the economic gap between the two sides.

As long as the team battle can be started in the early and mid-term, Samsung will lose the battle because the C position invests a lot of real eyes and lacks key equipment!

"How to open it by force?" Gu Xing just finished speaking and suddenly understood, "Leona?!"

"That's right," Hongmi approved of the reaction speed of the proud disciple, "If you don't play the incense burner in the auxiliary position, you can solve this problem by switching to force!"

You can't afford to start a group to play Zhenyanhai with the help of the incense burner, so it's okay if I don't hang the incense burner when I get off the road?

When Kuro heard this, he immediately raised his head and chest, "Hey, does it reflect our value?"

When it comes to being a dog to his teammates, Li Ruixing believes that he will never lose to the crown!

The incense burner is indeed very strong, and VG has no reason to give it up.

If you can't get support, the mid laner can play!

If some mid laners are put aside, the tool player will be exhausted and unable to play the desired effect.

But this is Kuro's domain!

"Playing Censer Monster in the mid laner, Nosuke can choose two hard control, as long as the team battle starts to win..." Gu Xing went down the logic board, and his face was overjoyed, "Brother is sprouting!"

The teammates also figured out the key point, and performed the face-changing Sichuan Opera live.

"True eyes? Just a younger brother!" Jack began to talk nonsense, "You see, if I do it or not, it's over!"

"Hohoho, plus the card we hid, the finals must be clearly arranged for Samsung!" Kuro smiled like a chrysanthemum.

There is an air of joy in and out of the room.

Time flies, and in the next few days, everyone in VG will stay in the training room except for occasionally going out to shoot at the request of Fist.

They still use the combination of Jin Gong + Ye Wang + mid-lower as their training partner.

Samsung's style of play is quite special, and it is difficult for the sparring team to form a lineup with a similar style.

This system is already the closest template.

Gu Xing and the others asked the sparring team to buy real eyes crazily, simulating the usage scenarios of the real eyes, and then used force to start a team and hard support to wait for an opportunity to restrain it.

It can only be said that the more you fight, the more confident you will be.

In the middle of the night on November 3, after the VG players finished another round of training, they heard Hongmi applauding behind them to attract their attention.

"In 10 hours, we have to go to the Bird's Nest." He moved a chair and sat in the middle of the training room. "Some members of the team are officially participating in the finals of the World Championship for the first time, and some members are stepping on the stage for the second time. , Relatively rich in experience, I hope that the veterans can comfort the newcomers more, and everyone just needs to deal with the finals with a normal heart... I think the recent training effects are also very clear to you, and you should have confidence before going on the court."

Yu Wenbo is the only one who is really cute.

"It's okay, isn't Ruler on the other side also playing in the finals for the first time?" He was very optimistic, "We exchange sons, and it will be over when Lao Gu Carry!"

"Besides, Lao Duan is also more experienced than Corejj, so we still have an advantage in the bottom lane!"

Hongmi chuckled, and turned to look at her family, "Especially Maibo and Ruixing, you two can go into battle tomorrow with light clothes, SKT has stepped over, are you still afraid of cricket Samsung?"

Song Jinghao was full of pride, "Don't worry, I will definitely show some color to the other side, the summoner trophy is decided!"

Kuro also nodded vigorously in agreement.

Today is different from the past. Now that he can even sweep his nemesis Lee Sang Hyuk, is he still afraid that he will not be able to win his crown in the league?

"Gu you..." Hongmi got stuck, met Gu Xing's gaze after pondering for a moment and then laughed, "I really didn't expect to have something to tell you."

He patted Gu Xing on the shoulder, "Just play normally, no one in this world is better at League of Legends than you!"

Redmi has high hopes for Gu Xing, because when VG was in danger countless times before, Gu Xing fought back strongly, showing extremely terrifying hard power, which made him very trustworthy!

"Success," Gu Xing raised the corners of his mouth, his smile was as bright as ever, "Get the champagne ready in the background, and wait for the stage to hold the trophy!"

"Okay, okay, go to bed early, you have to get up early tomorrow!" Jin Wenhyuk urged.

"Come, come," Gu Xing stood up and called on his teammates to form a circle, even Able did not let go, the six players plus the coaching staff folded their palms together, "I call three, two, one... ..."

"Come on, VG!


All the players shouted in unison, raising their palms into the air.

Only a high-pitched and loud voice echoed in the closed room.

"Go take a shower!" Jack hummed a song and walked out, "I love to take a shower to make my skin feel good..."

The contestants filed out, Gu Xing turned off the computer, checked that the peripheral equipment had been packed, and then left with peace of mind.

When walking across the corridor to his room, he saw that Hongmi beside him was still staring at the notebook in his hand and flipping through it non-stop.

Gu Xing glanced at the content, and knew that the head coach was simulating the BP of tomorrow's final, trying to take all situations into consideration, so as to be foolproof.

"Red rice," he put his arm around the coach's shoulder, "don't put too much pressure on us."

"Edgar is nothing special," Gu Xing said confidently, "How did we win last year's quarter-finals, and this year we can still bring him back to his original form!"

Hongmi is not surprised that Gu Xing can see through his inner worries at a glance. This guy has always been top-notch in emotional intelligence, and his empathy ability is first-class, and he can put himself in his place and think about his situation and mentality.

For tomorrow's coach matchup, Redmi is really worried.

He knew how strong his mentor Edgar was.

The self-esteem and fear of wanting to prove her strength in front of the teacher coexist, and the anxiety that breeds makes Hongmi quite uneasy.

Hearing Gu Xing's encouragement, he pulled the corners of his mouth and smiled, "Don't be so big or small, who are you with?"

Redmi has been coaching in the LPL competition area for three years, and he can somewhat speak everyday language, but the accent is a bit heavy, which sounds a bit funny.

"Don't comfort the team members for a long time. In the end, your mentality will blow up first..." Gu Xing laughed and teased.

Hongmi punched Gu Xing on the back and watched him leave.

"I hope you will have better luck tomorrow," he murmured, "The rest is up to you."

Afternoon the next day.

The Olympic Park around the National Stadium is bustling with people.

On the way Gu Xing took the bus from the hotel to the parking lot, he could see countless supporters holding VG support banners.

The billboards on both sides of the road were completely covered by fists, and the posters of the S7 finals were pasted on them.

With the dark blue of the global finals as the traditional main color, Gu Xing and An Bixin, the souls of their respective teams, stood opposite each other, with other players in the team behind them.

In the center of the poster is a shiny silver summoner trophy.

The slogan Chase yend (激激传奇) that Riot came up with for this World Championship is displayed in white italics on the top of the trophy, and the whole poster has a bit of chilling air.

The bus went all the way and finally found a place close to the venue and stopped. The huge vehicle with a black body and a fist logo immediately attracted the attention of a large number of spectators on the side of the road.

They rushed forward excitedly, wanting to say hello to the players who supported them.

"VG is free to fly, VC will always be with you!" There are still people doing embarrassing things.

There was a faint sign of broken voice when the fanatic fan spoke, "Come on brother Xing, let's try to let the world focus on you today!"

Gu Xing almost didn't tense up when he heard this, and went to the backstage passageway under the cover of the staff with his bag on his back, and he didn't forget to say a few words.

Saying goodbye to the crowd of fans, arriving at the backstage smoothly, signing in for makeup, sending for inspection and debugging peripherals...

Everything proceeded in an orderly manner.

It wasn't until 2:30 in the afternoon that Gu Xing and his teammates stood at the waiting passage under Wen Sen's leadership.

The sun is in the western position, just exposed on the main building of the bird's nest, pouring down the dazzling light, forming a grand picture.

As the drum beats fell in the background music, the audience shouted the countdown in unison.

"Three, two, one..."

The audience applauded thunderously, taking the lead in bringing the pre-match atmosphere to a climax!

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