What is a hexagon jungler?

545: Initial control, fierce battle!

The very distinctive voice of hero selection set off waves of turmoil in the Bird's Nest. The sound waves created by 50,000 people gathered together and hit the edge of the stadium wantonly, echoing endlessly in the ears of every audience!

"I'll go..." Gu Pan's almond eyes widened, "Is Gu Xing so confident?"

Shen Guanshan's eyes flickered, all his attention was on Qian Jue in the VG hero selection box, and his heart was full of anticipation.

Not only the audience was shocked, but also the commentators were surprised. Their voices were amplified infinitely through the speakers, not only could they serve as the accompaniment of the turbulent sound waves at the scene, but they could also play the role of a megaphone and become everyone's mouth substitute.

"Qian Jue?!"

Remember to exclaim, "Brother Xing, are you serious?"

Doll began to display her traditional performing arts, and yelled to further heat up the atmosphere of watching the game, "This is the absolute signature hero of Brother Xing. If I remember correctly, I haven't seen him selected for a while!"

The director gave detailed data.

The last time Gu Xing used Qian Jue dates back to June 11th at the beginning of the summer split. He played against the Snakes against the Snakes and used 11 marks on Sofm's head in just 24 minutes, breaking the historical record!

"After 146 days, Brother Xing took out Qian Jue again!" Miller shouted loudly, "This is also the first time he chose his unique skill after Qian Jue's revision!"

When Gu Xing used Qian Jue to torture the Snake Team, the designer immediately moved the knife, changing the mark reward to increase the range, and the original normal attack with a percentage damage was transferred to the skill.

Since then, Gu Xing has never used Qian Jue in the professional arena.

"I don't know how the new version of Qian Jue is playing, Brother Xing," Wa Wa was a little worried, "After all, it has been revised..."

Shen Guanshan didn't take it seriously when he heard this.

The subversive reworks of Jian Ji and Captain are completely reworked from the hero mechanism, and the core ideas have changed.

At best, Qian Jue is a medium-sized change, and the core mechanism is still imprint capture. For a unique player like Gu Xing, the style of play has not changed much!

Apart from the noisy surroundings, Shen Guanshan could still hear the ghost crab sitting in the front row communicating with Chunli.

Since the two of them were not talking very fast and the words they used were simple, she could understand them without any effort.

"Virtue is really crazy," Ghost Crab said with emotion, "He dared to choose Qian Jue in a wild grass-eating environment."

Chun Li nodded again and again to show her agreement, "That's right, it seems that Virtue doesn't pay attention to the version at all!"

"Right now, the jungler is either a meat tank, or an incense burner tool like Emerald God, choosing a wild core? I'm afraid I'm daydreaming!" He couldn't help but sneer when he said this.

Just for fun, I was the one who extended the respawn time in the jungle during the S7 preseason. Do you know what the impact is?

If it weren't for the random manipulation of the group of colleagues in charge of the assassin changes, the grass-eating jungle environment could even run through the entire S7 season!

Don't you really think that you are Qian Jue's unique skill brother, you can reverse the version and carry the audience, right?

Chunli waited to see Gu Xing's school belle.

Although from a personal subjective point of view, he appreciates Gu Xing's performance on the field, but from a work perspective, his dignity as a designer cannot be insulted!

Undoubtedly, choosing Qian Jue from the reverse version is a challenge to Chun Li's ability to work!

You really don’t take me seriously, you played Qian Jue last year, but you’re still here this year, right?

Gu Pan could also hear the conversation between the two Riot designers, lamenting that this kid Chunli started to split again and was worried, "Yes, this version is all grass-fed junglers, Gu Yu chose Qian Jue to come out, right?" A little too arrogant?"

Shen Guanshan was firm and unmoved by his inner thoughts, "It's okay, trust Gu Xing, if you dare to choose Qian Jue, you must have confidence!"

She trusted Gu Xing 100%.

There are also different opinions in the LCK commentary seat about whether Qian Jue's choice is reasonable.

"It doesn't make sense," Pao Xiaodi doubted his life, "How can Qian Jue play in this version?"

"The economy that the wild area can provide is very limited, and it cannot support the development of the core output point at all!"

"You can't use Qian Jue as a tool man?"

Jin Dongjun, who is also an experienced commentator next to him, has his own understanding, and based on this, he guesses the logic of Gu Xing's choice of Qian Jue, "Maybe it is because Edgar's restrictions on junglers are too good, so that VG simply thinks that there are no strong junglers out there. Optional, Qian Jue happens to be a character that Virtue is good at, and it is better to deal with the prince, so it is locked..."

Although Qian Jue was a pure slap to the prince, Jiawen IV could easily be regarded as a fool walking around with his dog.

But this analysis is completely untenable in Plar's view!

As a former professional player, he knew that it was impossible for VG to choose such a reversed version of the character in the crucial S game finals.

How unpopular is Qian Jue?

Counting from the qualifying round of the S7 World Championship, this hero's BP rate is 0%!

Today's final was selected by Gu Xing!

Comparing his heart to his heart, Plar thinks that Gu Xing has no reason to insist on using Qian Jue.

If you want early tempo, take Rek'Sai, and if you want mid-late teamfights, you can also choose Zac.

Although the current versions of these two characters are not strong, they are more in line with the current environment than Qian Jue!

There must be a conspiracy behind VG's unconventional move!

However, Plar was still puzzled, and while chatting with the two partners, he pondered for a while, but he couldn't figure out why.

The feeling of guessing that the other party has a trap, but not knowing where it is hidden makes him scratch his head!

The Samsung training department is also in a similar state of mind.

Edgar naturally didn't believe that VG would unpreparedly select Qian Jue, who had never played in this tournament, but he just couldn't figure out what special design the opponent had.

Seeing that the team members' mood fluctuated slightly, he hurriedly offered words of comfort.

"Everyone, don't panic, as long as we do our part, winning is not difficult!"

However, the incentive effect is very mediocre. The Samsung players obviously have no idea, and anxiety and panic are breeding.

Seeing this, Edgar had no choice but to take the ruthless medicine, "Don't forget why we went to the final stage after going through all kinds of hardships!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in SSG immediately became energetic.

For this revenge, they have given up everything.

How could it be possible to give up halfway just because Gu Xing chose a signature hero?

Seeing that the team members had adjusted their condition, Edgar felt relieved and left the soundproof room to go to the center of the stage.

The bird's nest is too big, and of course the stage can't be built in a petty manner. It cost a lot of money to arrange a Summoner's Canyon in the middle of the soundproof rooms of the teams on both sides!

In this way, the soundproof room is like spring water when viewed from the camera lens, which also fits the setting of League of Legends.

It's just that the coaches of the two teams suffered.

The distance between the springs is 100 meters, even if they rush in both directions, the two have to walk quickly for more than ten seconds!

Hongmi is relatively strong and strong, and took the lead to come to the summoner's trophy in the middle of the canyon.

In order to keep up with his disciples, Edgar trotted two steps before catching up.

Before he could take a few breaths, he saw the mysterious smile on Hongmi's face, as if he had succeeded in a trick.

He couldn't get angry, but he was afraid that he would show timidity when he said something. After thinking about it, he still didn't say anything. The master and apprentice just shook hands, and left the canyon side by side, handing over the stage to the players on both sides.

The director slowly zoomed up from the two coaches until they overlooked the entire canyon!

One of the two soundproof rooms at the spring is printed with Samsung's iconic blue shield, and the other has the silver-white VG team logo.

The ground lamps buried in the defense tower light up one by one, from the springs on both sides to the middle.

At the same time, the head portraits of the heroes of the two lineups also appeared in front of all the audience.

Blue side SSG: top laner Shen, jungler Prince, mid laner Karma, bottom laner Verus + Soraka.

Red Fang VG: top laner Gnar, jungler Qian Jue, mid laner Malzaha, bottom laner Xiaopao + Lulu.

Amidst the cheers of the crowd, the camera freezes on the panoramic view of Summoner Canyon in the Bird's Nest.

Immediately afterwards, it seamlessly switched to the canyon in the virtual game. The operation is silky smooth, and you can tell that the director has practiced a lot in private!

Ten heroes were born in the spring water. Qian Jue looked around with a longbow in his hand, as if he had been away from this canyon for too long and felt that the environment was a little strange.

Gu Xing hurriedly bought the go-out clothes, and took two deep breaths to calm his beating heart while the spring gate was still open.

He stroked the mouse with his fingertips.

The Qianjue painting on the G903 is lifelike, and the two small and exquisite horns of Yangling reveal RGB light.

Gu Xing calmed down, "Be careful at the first level, try not to fight, the opponent is quite strong..."

Although VG has dual shooters, but the mid laner is a useless grasshopper.

Unless Kuro's hand Q [Void Call] silences many enemy troops, it is not the opponent of the invincible Zhongfu pair of Samsung Karma + Nanny at all!

"Do you want me to look around and see the movement on the opposite side?" Song Jinghao asked.

After thinking about it, Gu Xing replied, "No, you have to push the thread in the early stage, and it's easy to get caught doing the eyes, so I'll fix the eyes."

Normally speaking, Qian Jue's first level point W [Wolf Frenzy] after the revision - this skill now deals damage as a percentage of the current health value, and biting wild monsters is very painful.

However, just to be on the safe side, Gu Xing went to the SSG Ueno area accompanied by two single line teammates without any skills.

Set up an eye position on the partition wall at the junction of the opponent's blue BUFF and the magic marsh frog camp, and you can see that the three stars in the middle and the wild are all waiting here!

Since Shen and the prince are both melee heroes, they couldn't drop this jewelry eye in an instant, so Cuvee simply learned E in an instant, taunting and killing Gu Xing!

If you can't ridicule it, Karma's RQ will trigger the thunder with the basic attack, coupled with the damage of the prince, it will definitely kill the crispy Qian Jue in seconds!

The skill points that Gu Xing deliberately saved before came in handy. When Shen rushed up, he learned Q and jumped back in seconds to increase the distance.

In this way, even if Shen becomes angry and forcibly achieves a mocking effect with Blink, the prince who is the head of An will not be able to deal with the damage immediately.

Cuvee was very smart, he didn't dodge to try to force the kill, and retreated calmly against the damage of the enemy's upper middle field.

Anyway, VG didn't have a hard control to keep him, and he lost nearly 200 HP before and after.

Gu Xing didn't pursue him deeply - he hadn't grasped the movement information of the enemy duo so far. Although chasing too far ahead could further suppress Shen Shen's blood volume, there was also the risk of falling into an ambush by the enemy.

He chose to accept it as soon as it was good, and withdrew to his own Ueno area.

Seeing that the two teams retreated safely, Wawa just analyzed the pros and cons of the exchange of fire. "Cuvee points E at the first level and loses a little HP. He sacrifices his laning in exchange for Brother Xing being forced to point Q, which reduces Qian Jue's initial jungle spawning. Speed, I feel that SSG is obviously at a disadvantage!"

"I think so," Miller became optimistic when he came to the final stage of the Bird's Nest, and he said that his side won't lose but gain blood. How will Cuvee play this lineup?

In fact, it was VG who got into trouble.

The top laner Shen is against Gnar, it is difficult to laning at the first level, no matter what small skills Cuvee uses, it is useless, and he can slowly gain the dominance of the laning after mixing to the third level.

It's no big deal for him to put some laning pressure on himself.

It will be much harder for Gu Xing.

Qian Jue with level 1 Q [Dance of Arrows] can't wipe wild monsters at all!

Without the reduced cooldown of wolf spirit frenzy, the practicality of Q skills in wild farming will be greatly reduced!

If Gu Xing opened the field alone, he would definitely not be able to clear the three groups of camps and upgrade to level 3 before 2 minutes and 30 seconds!

This means that Gu Xing will be very difficult to deal with when the river crab with the wolf mark is refreshed!

If you try to grab it by force, you may be beaten by Ambison. Samsung, relying on its strength in the middle and field, can beat VG to the point of no return!

If you don't grab it, Gu Xing's development will be hindered.

And due to the fact that Nakano's combat power cannot keep up, the other river crab is basically impossible to take from SSG's mouth!

You must know that when Qian Jue has a 0-layer imprint, the wolf spirit will only mark river crabs, which is really a bit picky.

Both crabs are lost, and it takes 3 minutes to wait for the refresh!

Before that, unless Qian Jue Gank got the Mark of the Lamb, he would keep passive at 0 layers!

Gu Xing didn't want to wait that long.

The information provided by Ornament Eye allowed him to see that An Bixin had started from the blue buff in the Ueno area, so he singled out the red buff, and then went straight to the middle.

He wants to rush to the middle lane to deal with the second wave of minions, forcefully liberate Kuro, and use the pawn line to put pressure on Samsung, so as to compete for the next two and a half minutes to refresh!

As soon as they reached the grass on the middle road, the mid laners on both sides killed the first minion of the second wave of soldiers, and both rose to level 2.

Crown gives full play to Karma's early strong characteristics of the mid laner, sets himself an E [Encouragement], and finds Kuro to exchange blood when he comes up.

Li Ruixing's eyes lit up, and he quickly called his jungler to prepare his hands for freezing.

Without hesitation, Gu Xing jumped out of Dance of Arrows and released the wolf spirit to hunt, while he was stuck at the limit distance of Ping A and attacked Karma.

The attached red BUFF effect sticks the crown!

Just at the point where Gu Xing wanted to continue to lower his blood volume, a golden light flashed.

Lu Bu, wearing a pheasant feather, flashed onto the line from the shadowed vision blocked by the narrow wall next to the grass above the middle road!

Immediately afterwards, the German military flag fell at Qian Jue's feet.

Dragon strike!

Ambison's flash EQ is as fast as lightning, causing waves in the stands on three sides and six sides of the Bird's Nest!

Qian Jue Q has not been spawned yet, if he is really picked up by the prince and flew into the air, Gu Xing, who has lost a lot of blood due to solo wilding, will definitely die!

At critical moments, Gu Xing remained highly focused.

When the prince's collision volume was about to hit Qian Jue, he handed over his flash in time to distance himself from the side.

It's dangerous to avoid Ambison's EQ Erlian!

The audience suddenly burst into cheers like a tide!

"What a quick reaction!" I remember being full of praise, "Brother Xing is unyielding, and even chased after the head of the mad point An!"

Gu Xing maximized the advantages given by the red BUFF, stuck to the prince and kept reducing the enemy's blood volume!

An Bixin didn't dare to fight back. After the second company was empty, the second-level prince had no combat power-this is why he chose to flash EQ instead of EQ flash. If you want to kill Qian Jue, you must kill the dragon Hit the damage to hit it out.

Fortunately, VG Nakano did not have a stable hard control before level 6. After reducing Jiawen's blood volume to 1/3, he let An Bixin go back to the tower. After the two cleared the middle lane, they went straight to the river.

Gu Xing patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

Thanks to his concentration, otherwise, even if he was stunned for a moment, he would be killed by the three-star Nakano!

Thinking of this, Gu Xing was still in his heart.

Although Samsung talks about the Iron Turtle style of play, it has a good way of playing defensive counterattacks, which is to lie to you to attack, and then find flaws from it.

This is the case for the first-level layout vision, and it is also the case now!

An Bixin made it clear that he knew that Gu Xing could not take the mark after a quick three, and judged that he could only come to the middle lane to push the line to fight for the river crab, so after he reached the second level, he squatted back near the middle lane!

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is old and cunning!

Gu Xing didn't dare to take it lightly.

However, thanks to his own reaction speed, he escaped, and now he can still enjoy the fruits of victory.

Two and a half minutes had passed, and the instant the river crab spawned in the canyon, it was marked by the hungry wolf spirit!

"One of SSG Nakano has to deal with the minion line under the tower, and the other's blood volume is not good, so he can only give up the first imprinted wild monster!" Waowa was very excited, "Brother Xing has a good start!"

"Wait..." Miller frowned, "Kuro's last hit is so bad, why is it so much missed by the crown?"

The audience took a closer look and found that Kuro only replenished 7 minions in two waves.

On the other hand, Crown, the basic skills of the tower knife are extremely good. One can tell at a glance that he is usually under pressure. The two waves of pawns are all put in his pocket without losing one. He has already opened up the gap with Kuro in terms of making up the knife!

"It's all on Qian Jue!" I remember finding Hua Dian, first surprised and then said in a teasing tone, "What are you doing, Brother Xing? It's getting dirty, right?"

Counting down, the five SSG soldiers after the conflict broke out between the two sides were all replaced by Gu Xing!

There was continuous laughter in the bird's nest.

Countless netizens in the live broadcast room also talked about it.

【Hey, covering the ID, I thought it was Dirty Jiawen possessing a body! 】

[5 soldiers can't do it? Who are you implying? 】

[I figured out that it's provoking, Brother Xing doesn't regard Kuro as a person at all, can this line of troops be able to fight? 】

[That's right, brother Xing, this is a bit too much, I usually play mid laner and encounter this kind of jungler, I have to hang up and teach him a lesson! 】

[It's almost done, Kuro himself has no objection, you are still on trial? 】

[Kuro: Why is the wild father not fat? Could it be possible for me to lead my teammates to win?]

Gu Xing in the soundproof room didn't even know how the audience reacted, let alone the netizens in the live broadcast room.

But if he really saw the last barrage, he probably thought that netizen was the roundworm in Kuro's stomach.

Li Ruixing really took the initiative to show his hospitality, and asked Gu Xing to replace all the five little soldiers, and he was still yelling about who would eat who.

Gu Xing didn't see him either.

Because this is all part of the "Qianjue three-step tactic" improved by Redmi based on the three-step system of RNG Uzi policewoman at the end of the VG summer split.

Just as the commentator and designer thought, the strength of this version of Kindred is average, and the reset speed of wild monsters is too slow, and the resources are not enough for the development of wild core Kindred.

Only choose Qian Jue, the strength is not enough.

Qian Jue + Censer Monster, the resources are not enough to spawn.

But on the basis of choosing the incense burner monster, let Kuro, who doesn't eat money, give up the line of troops to Qian Jue, so that he can eat both lines and wilds, which can prompt Gu Xing to quickly form!

"Ruixing, keep an eye on F6 on the opposite side," Gu Xing commanded, "I have to see the prince's movements."

Kuro obeyed, and returned to the middle lane to continue laning after warding through the wall.

The field of vision accurately captured the dying images of the six members of the Raptor family before their death.

Gu Xing decided to brush up all the way from the lower field area.

The node when he got the river crab is 2 minutes and 45 seconds, and the hunting interval of the wolf spirit is 50 seconds, which means that it will start the next hunt in 3 minutes and 35 seconds!

The target range will be changed to River Crab, enemy Swamp Frog and F6!

After the death of the three-star Raptor, only the two camps in the Ueno area are eligible!

Gu Xing intends to swipe over to take advantage of the trend to control the second layer of imprint.

Little did he know that he plunged headlong into the trap carefully arranged by the enemy.

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