What is a hexagon jungler?

547: Qian Jue walks in three steps!

"Master An has been arrested!"

The baby yelled excitedly, "He handed over the military flag, but the flash has not recovered, so it's really hard to run now!"

There is a reason for Anbi's confidence.

The last time he handed over the flash was in the early two minutes. Even with the [Insight] talent to reduce the summoner skill CD by 15%, it would take 255 seconds to cool down.

There are still more than ten seconds left!

And not just the lack of means of escape.

Teammates are powerless to help!

As for the bottom line, Jack took advantage of the gap between Ambison's dragons and had already hoarded the minions and pushed them across the center line. Ruler and Corejj were trapped by the pressure of the line and couldn't go down the river to protect their teammates in time!

In theory, Shen of Cuvee on the road can use his ultimate move to provide long-range support and provide a shield for An Bixin who is in danger.

But he hasn't reached level 6 yet!

Not long ago, Gu Xingdao's intervention on the road had worked.

Even though he failed to kill Cuvee, he was disabled and forced to return to the city. Shen, who was still on CD at the time, had to walk back to the line, and lost a lot of troops during the process.

As we all know, if the top laner receives the experience of all the minions on the line steadily, he will be promoted to level 6 after the death of the first melee soldier in the ninth wave of soldiers in 5 minutes and 47 seconds.

Cuvee was killed in a team battle in the Ueno area first, and then was beaten back to the city by Gu Xing Gank, which seriously affected his own development. There were more than one wave of soldiers who lost money!

So much so that at the node in the early six minutes, he couldn't advance to level 6 at all!

Shen, who has not learned the ultimate move, can't protect An Bixin at all!

As for the middle lane...

After finding out that his jungler was arrested by Gu Xing, Crown wanted to rush over, but Kuro moved at the same time, and was stuck in the footsteps of the opponent's support!

Different from the team battle in Shangbo, now the grasshopper's combat effectiveness has taken shape!

Although Kuro and Gu Xing shared nearly two waves of troops.

However, according to Riot’s experience sharing mechanism, if two players share minions, they will each get 0.5% of the full amount of experience, instead of an average of 50%.

Li Ruixing shared two waves of pawns, but in fact he lost less than one wave of pawn experience.

The ninth wave of pawn line with cannon carts that just reached the middle lane, after Kuro emptied them all, he still managed to reach level 6!

Seeing that Crown was determined to support him now, he made a decisive decision, and EW+R [Grip of Hades] locked Karma in place!

Leave it to me!

A stream of void energy poured into Karma's body, and the swarm crazily gnawed at the health of the crown.

When the duration of Hades' Grip ends, Karma's blood volume has dropped to less than half!

More importantly, the suppression time of up to 5 seconds greatly slowed down the pace of Crown's support.

The outcome of the river battle has begun to emerge!

Gu Xing's advantage is too great.

Ambison's German flag was planted early, which is equivalent to providing him with an anchor.

As long as you ensure that you are not between the military flag and the prince, it is impossible for the other party to pick you up!

Besides, even if it is knocked into the air, it is not a big problem.

Head An's current development is very average, and he is a tank build, so he can't pose much threat to Qian Jue alone.

On the other hand, Gu Xing, regardless of Qian Jue who has three layers of imprints, has not yet obtained the range reward.

This doesn't mean it doesn't have improved combat effectiveness.

After the passive change, the Mark of Thousand Jue will provide additional gains for small skills!

Each layer of imprint will increase Qian Jue's attack speed by 5% after Q [Dance of Arrows] is cast, W [Wolf Frenzy] will increase the output of the enemy's current HP by 1%, and E [Born Fear] The lost HP of the enemy is increased by 5%!

Gu Xing had heard that Shen Guanshan described Qian Jue's strength curve after the revision, which was a V word similar to that of a policewoman.

In the early stage, relying on the basic damage and the beheading of the E skill, it is difficult to meet an opponent in the duel. In the middle stage, it will fall into a decline due to the lack of equipment, and in the later stage, it will regain control of the game by virtue of the range advantage accumulated by imprint stacking!

Now Gu Xing is at the peak of his heroic power!

In addition, relying on the two waves of troops gifted by Kuro and his own good number of wild kills, he already has a recurve bow in his hand, and his output ability is quite strong!

"Qianjue's damage is so high!" Miller was in a happy mood, and the ending couldn't help but turn up, "The prince can't bear it at all!"

"Brother Xing first lowered the blood volume of the head of An to 40%, and then handed over the E skill to slow down the opponent!" Remember to speak faster, "After shooting two arrows, use the dance of random arrows to jump forward and make up for the last A general attack!"

Gu Xing brought the beheading effect of E [Born Fear] to the extreme.

After the revision, this skill will also cause a critical strike to heroes with less than 15% health, gaining 50% damage enhancement.

The 3 layers of passive rampant fear would have caused a percentage damage of the base 8% + an additional 5% of the lost health, and then triggered a critical strike, directly taking away the bloody prince!

"Dansha!" Miller was very excited, "Brother Xing's signature Qian Jue is well-deserved, even if it is reversed, it will still have a miraculous effect!"

He hasn't seen through the essence of tactics yet, and still thinks that VG's use of Kindred is a choice that completely goes against the direction of the version.

"Headmaster An didn't confiscate the river crab before he died. Brother Xing can easily accept it and accumulate to four layers of marks!" The baby's face was flushed, "75 yards range is in hand!"

Qian Jue accepted the river crab with a smile, and when the corpse of the wild monster was turned into an altar, the imprinted light also gathered into the body.

Satisfied with a full stomach, the wolf spirit lowered the reward, and by the way, played with the sheep spirit intimately.

The director gave Qian Jue a close-up close-up, and the audience in the bird's nest created an earth-shattering momentum, hitting the eardrums wantonly!

"Handsome, Gu Xing!" Seeing this, Gu Pan finally let go of the worries that had arisen from hearing the communication between the designer team. Like the countless VG supporters around him, he smiled and shook his support stick, "Jiang Zishun, Guan Shan, what do you think?" Can Gu Yu be C?"

Shen Guanshan uses Kindred in more than 90% of his games. He has played nearly a thousand games in the past year and a half.

"I can only say that Qian Jue will be invincible soon," she said with high spirits, "4 layers of marks in 6 minutes, the qualifying match has never been so exciting!"

Shen Guanshan also glanced at the designer duo in the front row.

You two looked down on people before, right?

It belongs to yes!

Chun Li looked ashen.

"Impossible, how could it be?" He shook his head in disbelief, "It doesn't make sense to be so smooth!"

Ghost Crab didn't say a word, but also felt that Gu Xing's development was unbelievable.

The Samsung players thought so too.

"No," Ruler was very puzzled, "Why is Qian Jue passive on the 4th floor?"

The Verus I operate has a range of 575 yards, which is considered a longer hero compared to conventional shooters, and can be regarded as one of the character's advantages.

As a result, you are now telling me that the game only lasted 6 minutes, and Qian Jue evened out the range gap?

Is there any reason?

"Mine, mine," An Bixin apologized to his teammates annoyed, "It's hard to get greedy once, but I didn't expect to make trouble for myself."

After all, just after brushing Xiaolong, he saw the river crab with the mark of the wolf spirit in front of him. Isn't this a proper jungle speed bump?

Who can bear it!

It can only be said that there is a lot of secrets and sparseness. After being stable for a long time, the head of An still couldn't resist the temptation to show his flaws.

Who would have thought that he committed the crime of greed and dragged himself into the abyss!

A stronger emotion than remorse is horror.

Head An finally wanted to understand the meaning behind what Gu Xing had done on the two sidelines before.

Looking at the past two minutes, Gu Xing first went to the middle lane to scratch the line, and then took advantage of the advantage of pushing first to move to the lower half, forcing the SSG duo back, and helping Jack grasp the line and slowly stock up.

Going to the top road to catch Cuvee by surprise, he was disabled and then stuck in a wave of soldiers, making it impossible for Shen to rise to level 6 in time.

Finally, I came to the lower river, intending to fight for the swift crab.

So far, Samsung's two sidelines are unable to support Ambison, and the only remaining mid laner Crown will be trapped on the line by Kuro's grasshopper!

The more An Zhangmen thought about it, the more frightened he became.

Gu Xing has obviously planned it for a long time, and is fully prepared to compete for the river crab with the imprint!

In terms of thoughtful thinking, An Bixin is ashamed of himself. The opponent's understanding of online and wild linkage is obviously at its peak, and there are pits everywhere to wait!

Just as he was thinking about Shangbo Guxing's thoughts, he heard Ruler still thinking, "Wait for me to develop, don't fight for now, and be careful when squatting back, VG has dual teleportation..."

An Bixin interrupted him.

"Zaihe, you two retreat quickly, Qian Jue may have gone down!"

In order to ensure that he can get the water dragon safely, Ambition deliberately inserted a real eye at the pass of the dragon pit.

Gu Xing's real eye was only removed after brushing the river crab, but after the eye was removed, there was still a short period of vision left. Zhangmen An saw Qian Jue moving downward, so he quickly reminded his teammates.

Ruler immediately shut up, focused his attention back to the canyon, and manipulated Verus to run backwards again.

Withdrawing to the tower is not finished, and we have to continue to move towards the self-closing grass.

He had just seen clearly.

Gu Xing lost a total of 100 blood points during the whole process of killing An Bixin, and the blood volume is currently very healthy.

If Qian Jue came to the bottom lane to launch a strong attack by jumping over the tower, there is absolutely no possibility of surviving the zero-displacement combination of himself and Corejj Verus + nurse!

But if you retreat to the autistic grass, the large wave of troops that are about to be pushed into the tower by Jack will lose all!

Who will make up for this missing piece of nutrition?

Ruler was very depressed.

At the critical moment, Cuvee made a suggestion, "Jaehyuk, stay under the tower and don't come out. If the opponent kills you, I can drive R to support!"

Now that he has finally reached level 6, he has the means of remote assistance and can rush to the bottom lane to help.

Ruler was greatly moved.

The teammates obviously want to do their best to create a good development environment for him!

Even at the cost of sacrificing himself!

He gritted his teeth and shrank under the tower, waiting for Gu Xing's arrival.

But waited and waited, but there was no trace of Qian Jue!

Cuvee is having a hard time.

In order to arrive at the first time when the duo was crossed from the tower, he deliberately shrank back and kept away from Song Jinghao, so that he could hand over his big move with confidence.

Although Smeb's current anger is still a long way from becoming bigger and possessing control skills, he cannot interrupt his R skill channeling, but since Shen first made Tiamat to enhance the ability to clear the line, his own frankness is relatively fragile, so Gnar played The third ring is also quite difficult for him.

However, Gu Xing did not show up in the bottom lane for a long time, which made Cuvee a little confused.

He still didn't dare to hand in the big move directly, what if Gu Xing didn't go down the lane, but turned his head around and ran to the middle lane by playing tricks?

Crown has just been beaten by Kuro with R, and the remaining HP is not much. If Qian Jue catches the opportunity, it will not be a problem to kill Crown!

Cuvee's scalp tingles.

If you don't get better, can you give me a happy word?

"Brother Xing didn't start the tower attack immediately when he got to the bottom lane, but went to the stone beetle camp to fight against the wild!"

Miller was overjoyed, "Cuvee is waiting on the road and is wasting time!"

Gu Xing's calculations were loud.

He naturally knew that Shen had already reached the sixth level, and if he jumped over the tower to kill the SSG duo, there was a high probability that he would not succeed.

But Gu Xing can take advantage of the fact that the opponent is afraid of jumping over the tower and forcefully kill him, so as to gain an advantage as much as possible!

For example, now, the number of soldiers that Jack hoarded into the Samsung Tower is extremely large and includes a cannon cart. The SSG duo can't deal with it in a short time, and it is impossible to eliminate the hidden danger of being overtaken from the root.

Gu Xing unhurriedly turned against Samsung's wild monsters, delaying time and disgusting Cuvee!

He didn't close the stone beetle until he heard Song Jinghao's report that the top pawn line had been dealt with, and got out from the grass behind the next tower of SSG, forming a two-sided sandwich with the VG duo from the rear!

After confirming that Gu Xing appeared in the bottom lane, Cuvee finally breathed a sigh of relief and handed over his ultimate move to protect the duo.

Gu Xing flashed the VG team logo, which aroused bursts of cheers from the audience, and then gave up jumping the tower to leave the field of vision of the Samsung players.

Crown also took advantage of this vacant period to free up the middle lane to go back and forth to supply supplies, so as to avoid being gank by Gu Xing.

"Smeb pushed the top lane deep into the tower, Cuvee didn't teleport, and lost a lot of minions!"

Pao Xiaodi was heartbroken.

Gu Xing procrastinated for a long time before making the move to go down the road and jump the tower, just to buy time for Song Jinghao to push the pawn line under the enemy tower, and Cuvee walked back to the top road, let alone lose another wave of pawns!

"The CS difference between the top laners of the two sides has been stretched to around 20. To be honest, this is a very exaggerated number during the laning phase," Plar couldn't hide his concern in his tone, "Cuvee has not yet made enough money. Ueno District An assist bounty in a team battle is not worth mentioning, and the economic gap between Gnar and Gnar is getting bigger and bigger!"

Jin Dongjun shrugged his shoulders, "To be honest, this is already the best ending, Cuvee's collapse is much better than Ruler's development being stunted!"

This is also true.

As Verus is the only core output in the SSG team, if the economy can't keep up, the entire team will be affected!

"Virtue went back to the city to supply supplies, took out the blood-bladed field knife, and went straight to the middle..." Pao Xiaodi frowned, "Isn't it, he still wants to come?"

Qian Jue ran to the middle, turned on the wolf spirit frenzy, interspersed with the general attack with the dance of random arrows, and cleared the line of soldiers with ease!

Surprisingly, Kuro didn't leave a single pawn!

"The central line of soldiers was cleared, and the grasshopper was freed again, and accompanied Virtue to the upper half," Plar said with a thoughtful look on his face, "They want to invade again? Canrong can only choose to avoid it, and now the combat power of the two sides is not at the same level at all! "

An Zhangmen is very wise. Seeing that the VG middle field is moving towards the upper half, he resolutely gave up defending his own field, and chose to cross the lower river and go to the VG lower field to replace wild monster resources.

"Judging from the number of wild monster camps, Samsung is not a loss." Jin Dongjun realized the seriousness of the problem, and his expression was serious. "But the problem is that Qian Jue can get the mark!"

"The wolf spirit has hung the mark on the three wolves again!" Pao Xiaodi let out a groundhog scream, "Why is Virtue so lucky!"

It seems like luck to viewers who don't know Kindred.

In fact, Gu Xing is a mark controlled by strength.

After passively reaching the 4th floor, the wolf spirit's capture target range becomes the enemy's double BUFF, stone beetle and three wolves.

Among them, the stone beetle was defeated by Gu Xing not long ago.

At 7 and a half minutes into the game, An Zhang started the game from top to bottom, and of course the red buff was not reset.

Then the only objects that the wolf spirit can capture are the blue buff and the three wolves.

Both groups of camps are in the Ueno area of ​​SSG!

This is also the reason why Gu Xing insisted on invading the enemy's upper half after clearing the center line.

He can ensure that the imprint is drawn as close as Chichi!

"The fifth floor is passive, this Qian Jue is really ruthless..." Plar only felt that something was wrong, "If Virtue continues to develop, Qian Jue will dominate the battlefield ahead of time!"

"Cuvee is very uncomfortable, he dare not go back to the tower to eat the line!" Jin Dongjun said with a sad face, "As long as VG Nakano doesn't show up, Shen can't be sure of his own safety!"

Tiamat Shen is currently too brittle.

What's more, Cuvee hasn't flashed yet, getting caught is a dead end!

He can only stay in the autistic grass and think about his past.

That's when you can see the difference.

When facing the threat of Gu Xing's jumping tower in the bottom lane, Cuvee can go to support; now it's his turn to suffer, but there is no teammate to help!

"Chanrong wants to follow Virtue's example and threaten the VG duo, so as to break the opponent's offensive in the Ueno area," Pao Xiaodi said in a sharp voice, faintly revealing a little excitement, "VG doesn't seem to have reacted. Still sticking to the tower and not leaving, he found an excellent mobile phone opportunity!"

Head An was stunned for a moment.

Why not retreat on the opposite side?

He was very annoyed.

An Bixin felt that the opponent was sure that SSG, as an iron turtle, would play very conservatively, so he dared to hang around the tower unscrupulously!

Without further ado, he hurriedly called Crown and asked his family to send it down to help with four guarantees and two guarantees!

The VG duo panicked when they saw the prince with a level of 6 going around and outflanking them.

The reason why they stick to the tower is simple.

It just didn't count An Zhangmen's promotion to 6.

In all fairness, although the prince died twice in battle, his rank was far behind by Gu Xing during that period.

But there are benefits too.

For example, the experience compensation mechanism.

Relying on the experience compensation triggered when the level falls behind, and the mid-lane experience shared during the period, An Bixin successfully rose to level 6!

And the VG duo didn't know about this information—it was the same reason, because the support had to release the incense burner, VG lacked vision in the bottom lane, and failed to capture the prince's movements.

As a result, it is now discovered that the opponent has the ability to jump the tower!

Jack and Duan Deliang were caught off guard!

It's too late to retreat now!

Samsung's tower jumping offensive was very carefully prepared, and the arrangements for the anti-tower were very clear.

There are no countermeasures for the VG duo who have not upgraded to 6!

After finally paying Corejj's healing technique, they successfully achieved a zero-for-two exchange, feeding one head to each of the double Cs in the team!

"Beautiful!" Emperor Paoxiao clenched his fists and shouted, "SSG has finally found its place, Ruler has a head to pay, and it will be much easier to deal with later!"

The atmosphere at the LCK commentary stand instantly eased.

"That's right, Samsung just needs to use a skillful defensive strategy to delay the time like it did in the semi-finals, and it will be able to securely accept the game in the later stage!" Jin Dongjun was very excited, thinking that he saw the dawn of victory.

Plar's lips parted, and after thinking for a moment, he still didn't express his inner worries.

Samsung's late team battles are certainly strong, but that is based on the fact that the economic gap between the two sides is too large and the strength of the lineup is almost the same.

The economic gap between the two teams is now 2K, which is barely acceptable.

But what about the strength of the lineup?

SSG is four guarantees and one, and there is only one output point of Ruler.

On the other hand, VG has Qian Jue, a BUG with advanced development, and two long-handed ADCs of Xiaopao!

If it is delayed to the later stage, can Samsung really ensure that it can defeat VG in the team battle?

Gu Xing didn't know what Plar was worried about.

Taking advantage of SSG Nakano's effort to jump over the tower in the bottom lane, he pulled Kuro to the middle lane and began to wear down the blood volume of the Samsung middle tower.

It has to be said that after the revision, Kindred pushes the tower very fast.

Q [Dance of Arrows] can provide heroes with a basic 10% plus 5% attack speed increase for each floor. Gu Xing can have a 35% extra attack speed effect for a long time when paired with wolf spirit frenzy. It has a remarkable performance in demolition work!

Although SSG returned to defense quickly, VG Nakano still removed half of the enemy turret's health.

"The imprint of the wolf spirit was brushed on the red BUFF in the lower jungle area of ​​SSG this time. Brother Xing is not very lucky this time." The baby was a little regretful, still talking for VG, "But it's not too bad, brother Xing can Ready to take the vanguard, Samsung should not have the ability to fight for it!"

Originally, SSG's combat effectiveness in the upper half was acceptable.

But I couldn't bear Gu Xing to take care of him too many times. Now except for the mid laner, Ueno is dominated by VG!

The combat intensity of Qian Jue and Gnar is far beyond that of Samsung!

Head An resolutely gave up and chose to go to the bottom lane to continue to put pressure on the VG duo.

This time, Duan Deliang learned the lesson, and arranged eye positions at the pass of the lower river in advance, and when he saw the figure of the prince, he quickly led Jack back.

Originally, An Bixin wanted to use up some of VG's blood volume for going down the tower before Gu Xing accepted the vanguard.

But Qian Jue's clearing speed is terrifying now!

W [Wolf Frenzy] Originally, it only bites 5% of the current HP in one bite, but after the Thousand Jue Mark reaches the 5th floor, this value soars to 5%!

Wild monsters with thick health like Canyon Herald are vulnerable to wolf spirits!

Gu Xing quickly accepted the vanguard, and head An didn't dare to stay in the bottom lane.

In case VG directly summons the vanguard to push in a group, he can't afford the price of the middle tower being bulldozed.

Forced to do nothing, An Bixin had no choice but to return to the middle lane to help Crown guard the defensive tower.

"Eh? Brother Xing didn't pick up the Pioneer!" Miller was surprised when he watched Qian Jue pass by the Eye of the Pioneer and leave the upper river, "I won't forget to pick it up!"

There was a burst of noise from the stands of the Bird's Nest, and everyone wanted to remind Gu Xing in a hurry, but they forgot the existence of the soundproof room.

"Kuro seemed to find that his teammates didn't pick up the vanguard, so he went to the upper river to pick up the vanguard's eye!" I remember seeing this scene, and my body relaxed.

"It's okay, it's okay, if you don't work for nothing..."

He thought it was Gu Xing who made a mistake.

But after a while, I remembered that I had misunderstood Gu Xing.

"The grasshopper summoned the vanguard in the middle, and Brother Xing ran straight down. It seemed that he didn't intend to help his teammates defend the vanguard. He felt that as long as he bumped into one, he would be successful..."

Miller hissed softly, "He ran to the lower half to put pressure on the SSG duo, and he went to control the mark by the way!"

"It seems that he really earned it!"

This time the wolf spirit mark is refreshed in the three-star stone beetle camp.

Gu Xing had judged the wolf spirit's capture target in advance based on the SSG's wild situation.

Therefore, I deliberately did not pick up the Eye of the Pioneer, and left it to Kuro to pick it up.

In this way, when Li Ruixing summoned the vanguard in the middle, Head An could only be forced to deploy a line of defense in the middle in order to protect a tower in his home.

Gu Xing can take this opportunity to fight against the stone beetle in the lower wild area of ​​Samsung!

Everything is by design!

"With the sixth layer of imprint, Qian Jue's development shows no signs of being hindered, and it is still accelerating its own forming speed!" Wawa smiled happily, "How will Samsung deal with Qian Jue with this kind of equipment later?"

He thought that Gu Xing's current development was already at its limit.

But the doll is still too young too simple.

After the transition period came, the mid laners on both sides switched to the top lane, and he realized what madness is.

"Brother Xing is here to clear the line again?!" Miller's eyes were numb, "Has anyone counted the times, this is the first time Qian Jue has come to dirty the mid laner's economy?"

"Qianjue completely ruled the Ueno area, he went on the road after clearing his own wild monsters, and took Kuro to search for marks in the Samsung Ueno area after pushing the pawn line..." I remember being amazed, "No one in SSG can control him! "

At 16 minutes into the game, Gu Xing already had blood blade + broken + attack speed boots in his hand, coupled with too many imprint layers, even if SSG sent three people to defend VG's middle field, they would not be able to win!

An Bixin had no choice but to hand over all the upper half of the district and take the second half of the district for resource replacement.

But Qian Jue must be very happy to switch wild areas.

After all, the mark of the wolf spirit will brush the opponent's wild area.

Although there were some unlucky moments in the middle, Gu Xing still managed to brush off the blue BUFF of SSG and get the 7th floor mark!

The director gave instructions at the first time.

Kindred's shooting range has been increased to 600 yards, officially surpassing all members of Samsung!

"Brother Xing went back and began to brush up the lane. It seems that VG is determined to sacrifice Kuro in this round. At present, the grasshopper only has 80 CS. On the contrary, Brother Xing leads the game in CS, even more than the single-player lanes of both sides. It's all high!" Miller exclaimed, "185 knives in 17 minutes is outrageous for a jungler!"

"Even in the S6 World Championship, where the wild core is the most prosperous, I have never seen such an exaggerated development!"

The audience in the stands of the Bird's Nest had already been excited by Gu Xing's imprints again and again, even the chill of late autumn was dispelled from their bodies, their faces were flushed, and they cheered for VG.

The LPL live broadcast room was full of joy.

[Turtle, Brother Xing's equipment! Leng is one more big item than the counter-position head An]

[Dirty Jiawen has to bow down. Brother Xing is probably invincible in the dirty line. After clearing the wild monsters, he subconsciously rushes to the line. Why is he proficient in Jiangzi?]

[My brother V is 50 yuan, can you let me play Qian Jue for a game? 】

[Really awesome, Brother Xing didn’t open Pandora’s box, let the jungler of the national server open up a new track, and start to brush up the lanes of teammates...Anyway, I don’t dare to play mid laner tonight, because I’m afraid Dirty soldiers from the wild]

[Hehe, when you double C and double BUFF, you are quite righteous, isn't it reasonable for me to play wild and you order soldiers? 】

Chun Li looked constipated.

If he sees that VG's Qianjue routine is still unclear, he will be a designer in vain.

This is obviously sacrificing the development of the middle lane, urging the jungler Qian Jue to develop rapidly, and ceding all the economy to Gu Xing, allowing him to carry the whole game and lead the team to victory!

"How did VG's brains grow, and why did they come up with such a weird way to help the jungler..." Ghost Crab doubted life, "And don't they treat the mid laner as a human?"

"Normal mid laners don't eat soldiers for half a day, and they definitely can't bear it!"

Chun Li sighed.

The ghost crab is right.

Normal mid laners can't stand it.

But Kuro is not normal.

Looking at the smiling face on the big screen of the live broadcast, those who didn't know thought he was developing beyond the timeline!

"I just don't know what the effect will be..." Chun Li muttered, praying that Qian Jue C would not wake up.

Unfortunately, things backfired.

In all fairness, Samsung's line of defense is quite good, and it is as stable as ever under the blessing of Zhenyanhai.

When the first tower was flattened, they drew a semicircle along the second tower, using it as a defensive area, and filled it with real eyes.

If you don't have to go out of the tower, just stay in the tower to clear the line.

The VG lineup itself has no way to start a group, so it can only slowly grind with Samsung.

During the period, Gu Xing wanted to use the big dragon to fish, but SSG acted decisively, knowing that the only way to take over the group was to be ambushed and then violently killed, so he simply released Baron Nash to VG!

Gu Xing and the others used this big dragon to pull out all of Samsung's second towers, and it was difficult to forcibly advance against the Samsung's highlands.

It just dragged on for 36 minutes, and Samsung had no choice but to think about it.

Because the ancient dragon refreshed.

If the three stars are still released to VG, Gu Xing and others get the ancient dragon, and they can ignore the turrets and other defenses and forcefully launch a team!

In desperation, Samsung had no choice but to drill into the lower wild area in a group, trying to find a suitable position to fight against VG.

"Brother Xing is hiding in the Samsung red zone, and the wolf spirit domain is released from the partition... Hey, this bite hurts like hell!" Miller was extremely surprised, "Master An's blood bar has been bitten off!"

Qian Jue's current 10-layer imprint, Wolf Spirit's mouthful is 5% of the current HP's magic damage, Ambison is in agony!

The baby's eyes lit up, "It seems that Brother Xing doesn't plan to leave immediately, and stays in the wolf spirit's frenzied domain, and wants the wolf spirit to bite him more!"

If the wolf spirit bites down, it is estimated that the three-star team will soon lose half of their health and be unable to fight again!

At the critical moment, Corejj made a decisive move, flashed E and cast silence at Gu Xing's feet!

"Anzhangmen EQ and R to frame Brother Xing in the building... Samsung Nosuke wants to play a linkage!" Remember to raise the volume suddenly, "If Brother Xing is imprisoned, he will probably be caught in seconds!"

The linkage cooperation of nanny + prince is showing its power at this moment!

Jiawen framed Qian Jue within the silent range, and Gu Xing, who was unable to cast his skills, could not escape, and could only watch helplessly as he was imprisoned!

If you can't use the big move and flash, you will definitely be in danger!

"Xingge Nico can't die!" the baby couldn't help screaming.

The whole team has invested a lot of money in Qian Jue. If Gu Xing is defeated, the probability of winning the VG team battle will plummet!

At a critical moment, Li Ruixing came to the rescue.

Seeing that Gu Xing's life was in danger, he felt anxious.

"Kuro flashed across the wall from the lower river, and his ultimate move suppressed Ruler at the limit distance!"

Li Ruixing's key control made SSG's four guarantees and one system unable to produce full output in a short period of time!

Cuvee wants to use the taunt control to break Hades' Grip.

But it was still delayed enough by the grasshopper.

"Prince Duan's Lulu puts his big move, shield and redemption on Brother Xing in the back, protecting him from being seconded!"

Gu Xing recovered from the silence, and immediately launched a big move to fight back.

The life of the sheep spirit protects him from death, while the rest of the enemies in the field whose blood volume exceeds the critical value will be damaged!

"My old swan, what kind of output is this Qian Jue?!" I remember being excited.

"He sent out to the nanny with two people, three arrows and a broken one, and crippled Soraka's blood!"

Gu Xing's range advantage was fully reflected, and the SSG formation was useless against Qian Jue, who had an excellent range!

He can cross the front row to output soft assistants!

Corejj wants to walk into the circle of sheep spirits to save his life.

But Jack jumped up from behind, R [Ultimate Shooting] pushed the nanny away, and made up a basic attack in the air to take her away!

"Nurse is second!"

The baby shouted loudly, "Ruan Fu died in battle, Ruler can't stand up to the dual-shooter output of Qian Jue and Xiao Pao!"

At this time, the life of the sheep spirit was over, and Park Jae-hyuk saw that Gu Xing's remaining blood was not much, and wanted to kill him before escaping with a flash.

However, he underestimated Qian Jue's output too much.

Hang on E [Born Fear], Gu Xing uses the Dance of Arrows to block the wall to cast a jump in seconds, with an additional 60% attack speed!

Coupled with blood blade + ruin + hurricane, Qian Jue's attack speed has reached the full limit of 5!

In just over 1 second, 3 arrows fell and triggered fear!

Qian Jue with 10 layers of imprints, full of fear, has an additional damage of 13% of the lost health!

The crown can't keep him at all!

The shield put on was shot through by Qian Jue in just a moment!

After Park Jae-hyuk became bloody, he hurriedly DF Erlian to escape, but Gu Xing flashed up, and sent the other party's soul back to the west with a light arrow!

After Ruler was killed, the team battle was completely one-sided!

The three-star team lacked output. Facing Qian Jue with only 500 health points, he couldn't kill him instantly. He could only watch the opponent dodge in the battlefield, using his own flexibility to avoid skills, and at the same time kept using the incense burner and Defeat to suck blood!

As Gnar, Song Jinghao also loyally played the role of bodyguard, guarding Qian Jue's side firmly, blocking Karma's skill output with his body, and doing his best to protect Gu Xingzhou!

After Gu Xing pulled away the distance, he began to rely on his super long range to output crazily, treating Samsung's group of short-handed heroes like dogs for a walk!

VG played 1 for 5, and only Kuro was killed, beheading all the opponents!

"Brother Xing took four kills and took over the battle situation perfectly!" Waowa leaned forward, showing an appearance of extreme effort, her voice hoarse, "VG can end the game in one wave, and the enemy's shortest resurrection time is 40 seconds!"

VG held a group and pushed forward from the middle, singing and advancing all the way, and successfully flattened the SSG base before Corejj's resurrection!

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