What is a hexagon jungler?

549: Take Ding'an as the head, quickly attack!

"The second round of the contest between the two sides has officially begun!" Waowa is full of energy and her voice is loud, "VG seems not to be ready to go to pick up the first-level regiment, and there is no problem. The initial combat power of their lineup is not as good as Samsung!"

Although there are strong heroes like Karma and Xiaopao in the VG team.

But I can't bear too much burden.

Gnar is okay, after throwing the boomerang and entering the super long cooldown, he can barely act as a long-range soldier.

Leona is the real loser!

Stable control of Q has to be triggered by close combat common attacks, learning E [Zenith Blade] rushing into the crowd is no different from giving away the head!

VG has a weak top support combination at level 1. It is obviously unrealistic to want to get cheap in front of Samsung!

"SSG doesn't intend to invade either," Miller guessed, "Maybe it's because the bot lane team pretends to go out with double salaries, which weakens the hero's combat effectiveness to a certain extent. They feel that they can't firmly take advantage of the first-level regiment, so they also choose to avoid it." war……"

I remember sighing, "Samsung Duo is really confident, knowing that VG's War Passion Leona is trying to forcefully open the situation from the bottom line, and dare to buy two salary outfits, isn't it too overbearing? "

For shooters, the shield of the holy object is not as good as Dolan's sword in fighting, and the line is not as good as Dolan's shield. The only advantage is that it can send money to the assistant and help the soft assistant make the incense burner as soon as possible.

In my opinion, in the face of VG's strong opening combination in the bottom lane, it is easy to cause problems if you choose the shield of the sacred object hard!

Miller was able to guess Ruler's intentions, "SSG's bot lane should think about long-term pain rather than short-term pain. Instead of cowering and living for 15 minutes, it's better to let the storm come more violently, maximize the pressure, and directly put 12 Make the incense burner as soon as possible, so that the strong window period left for VG to open up the situation will be shortened!"

Once the three-star bottom lane combination has the incense burner, the small cannon + Leona under the balanced development will have nothing to do with them, and the damage is not enough to instantly kill the enemy shooter with the protection of the incense burner monster!

After Gu Xing finished standing guard on the river, he chose to start from the blue BUFF camp in the upper half area.

Jack took Duan Deliang straight to the bottom lane to match up.

As soon as he followed Xiaobing to the line, he saw the shield of the sacred object in Ruler's equipment column, and quickly reported the information to Gu Xing.

"This kid looks down on people," Yu Wenbo murmured, "Do you really think you can stand up to your buddies in lane? It doesn't make sense!"

Gu Xing was able to get Sister Li.

In the first game, the performance of the VG duo on the laning side was relatively mediocre, and Queshi didn't show much strength. Instead, because of a miscalculation of experience, he was caught off guard by Anzhang, who had been promoted to level 6, and gave SSG two kills.

Samsung's bottom road feels that a shield of sacred objects can also support the lane, and now the choice is reasonable.

"Are they grabbing the line at the beginning?" Gu Xing asked while manipulating the prince to knock on the blue buff.

Duan Deliang responded immediately, "No, the two people on the opposite side stood behind and waited for the soldiers to push past."

Gu Xing had an idea in his mind.

"Jack, don't push too fast, slowly store the line of troops into the tower!"

Hearing Gu Xing's instruction, Yu Wenbo understood, "I received it!"

He gave up the idea of ​​level 1 skill points and held the skill points in his hands to prevent the passive effect of E [Explosion Sparks] from splashing on the line of soldiers, causing the negative effect of being forced to push the line.

Then adopt the method of slow tail-filling knife, kill the long-range soldiers first and then replenish the melee soldiers, firmly stick the handover position of the soldiers in the middle area of ​​the bottom lane, and wait for the arrival of the second wave of small soldiers.

It's just that Xiaopao's play style without clicking E at the first level is too abnormal, and the Samsung bottom lane duo immediately reacted.

Poppy's line-hunting intention in the cannon form is clearly revealed!

So here comes the question, what can VG do with this bot lane combination hoarding lines and entering the tower?

It's not difficult to guess, and the answer immediately came to Corejj's mind.

Contains two possibilities.

One is to jump over the tower and kill.

But as long as the three-stars don't have nothing to do in the road, they will go forward to fight with the enemy to exchange blood, and exchange their own life points for damage, and the VG duo alone will not be able to complete the difficult task of jumping the tower!

Corejj's brain turned quickly.

Based on the above logic, VG's bot lane still chooses to stock up on the line and slowly advance the tower after seeing its own duo retreat behind the line and making it clear that they don't want to fight. There must be other reinforcements behind to assist the tower !

With a little judgment, one and only the prince can come to VG to get off the road!

The second is that VG wants to push slowly in the bottom lane to create a push back line, wait for the opportunity to launch an offensive after the pawn line pushes back across the river, and create a 2v2 confrontation space!

Corejj immediately called An Zhangmen in the voice, wanting to ask the jungler to come to support.

An Bixin agreed without thinking.

Whether it is tower jumping or pushing back, it is foreseeable that there will be a confrontation in the bottom lane.

As a grass-fed jungler who connects three lanes in series to ensure the development of his teammates, it is his duty to go to the bottom lane to pull sideways!

After brushing the blue buff, Gu Xing turned his head to attack the Demon Swamp Frog, and then went to the lower half to brush the red buff. After reaching level three, he didn't rush down the road.

Instead, he leaned towards the center non-stop!

He ran all the way recklessly, not at all worried that his tracks would be discovered by Samsung players.

the reason is simple.

VG has absolute line power in the middle and lower early stages, and Samsung players can't go out to the river to set up eye positions at all!

After Gu Xing came to the middle road, instead of freezing his hands immediately, he squatted in the grass and waited for a while, then cut the screen to observe the next road.

The game has come to 2 minutes and 40 seconds, the cannons in the middle lane have just started to bombard, and the cannons in the bottom lane have not yet connected.

As we all know, during the laning phase, you can only control 3 waves of soldiers at most-the interference item is the artillery vehicle, which will greatly destroy the balance of the soldier line.

That is to say, as long as the artillery line reaches the bottom lane, Jack's slow push line will push Samsung down the tower with an unstoppable momentum!

This is what Gu Xing was waiting for!

At the same time, there is another reason...

"What is Virtue doing?" Emperor Paoxiao looked at the motionless figure of the prince in the grass below the middle road, and was immediately surprised.

"Could it be that he is preparing to play a big game of chess?" Jin Dongjun teased.

Plar was not so optimistic, he frowned and murmured, "No..."

"He's waiting for a solo promotion!"

At 2 minutes and 50 seconds, after Gu Xing crouched in the grass and made him stand for a full 10 seconds, he finally started to move.

Just because Kuro has an upgrade rotation!

As Plar said, what Gu Xing waited for was for the mid laner to reach level 3, and then to attack after Kuro had formed combat power. For this reason, he deliberately huddled at the edge of the grass below, not sharing the experience of the mid laner.

In the S7 World Championship version where the experience value of the soldier line has not been changed, if the single player line wants to upgrade to level 3, it needs to eat up the experience of the first three soldiers in the third wave of the artillery line.

Now it has been 13 seconds since the line of gunners gathered in the middle, Kuro finally ate the first three melee soldiers and successfully upgraded the level!

Jin Dongjun, who was still smiling before, changed his face at the speed of light, and his voice was extremely eager, "Kuro flashed up and broke the shield, and the W skill came out with a spirit chain and tied it to Malzaha!"

"The bowl of the crown is dangerous!"

Seeing the other party, Karma, suddenly start fighting, he realized that something was wrong.

Steady as he is, he hastily dodges and tore off the spirit chain, formally entering the protection range of the defense tower.

The big deal is that the two of them swap flashes, and I won't lose...

However, at the next moment, a majestic and heroic figure flashed into the eyes of the crown from the grass under the middle road, smashing all the fluke thoughts in the crown's heart!

It is the prince!

My heart turned cold.

Li Ruixing devoted himself to exerting Karma's functionality to the extreme, throwing out RQ [Spiritual Flame] and accurately hitting Malzaha who did not flash.

Along with the burst of high damage, there is also an exaggerated slowing effect!

The grasshopper can't move an inch!

"Virtue handed over the flash to get closer, EQ Erlian went straight to the crown!"

After the crown is not flashed, it is impossible to avoid the prince's EQ second company just by walking!

Gu Xing picked it up, and he himself began to attract the hatred of the defense tower.

But he took his time, turned on W [Golden Holy Shield] to obtain a layer of shield, and then the general attack with the passive [War Rhythm] hit the grasshopper hard!

At the same time, Kuro's basic attack also hit the crown.

Both of them carried Thunderbolt as their cornerstone talent, and the thunderbolt fell from the sky, lowering Malzaha's meager health bar once again!

"The crown is only level 2, and the blood volume is too low," Pao Xiaodi shouted, "I feel like I'm about to be dropped by VG Nakano!"

The center lane right plays a key role.

Kuro pushes and upgrades first, and the speed of upgrading to 3 is much faster than the crown!

The second-stage damage of the strengthened soul flame blessed by the mantra burst out, hitting Malzaha who had just recovered from the prince's EQ second company, and successfully cleared his blood bar!

First blood was born!

Gu Xing resisted the turret twice, and easily escaped the range of the turret with half of his blood remaining.

The sudden wave of cheers in the bird's nest made Pao Xiaodi's face turn towards coal again.

Plar shook his head again and again, "There's no way, VG's Nakano and the wild are both flashing, and it's a dead end for Malzaha!"

"Chanrong is still crouching in the bottom lane, to see if he can find an opportunity to attack..."

Anzhangmen squatted in the grass behind the side of the SSG lower tower, squatting and shooting the elastic slingshot.

It's just that Jack reacted quickly, and after the last general attack cleared the enemy minions, he immediately handed in W [Rocket Jump] and pulled them away!

The three-star duo lacked control, so they could only watch as Yu Wenbo finished his cup and ran away calmly!

"The pawn line can't be blocked, hey Yigu..." Jin Dongjun sighed regretfully.

As Jack killed the last SSG soldier just now, the bottom line completely entered the three-star turret, and the head of An couldn't stop it at all!

Ambition was so angry, he pursed his lips and looked vicious, as if he could pull out a baseball bat to hit someone at any time.

He understood it.

I have been fooled!

VG did a slow push in the bottom lane, deliberately luring him over, so that Gu Xing could take the opportunity to launch an offensive on the middle lane!

Moreover, VG's handling is still very detailed. It deliberately waits for the middle road promotion and the bottom road artillery line to meet the two requirements before attacking. It is impeccable in offensive preparations.

The result is that An Zhangmen can't even stop the loss, he can only suffer a dull loss, smash his teeth and swallow it in his stomach!

An Bixin recalled the thought game that he had envisioned in his mind before, and couldn't help but blush.

He squatted in the grass behind the defense tower for a while, but he didn't dare to take the initiative to attack, worried that he would be caught by Gu Xing.

If the shot is ambushed, it will be serious. At that time, VG will have the combination of small cannon + Leona's burst and control. Cooperating with the prince to beat him passively is not enough, and it will definitely take his life!

Head An held his hand firmly and did not dare to go out.

But it turns out that he is fighting wits with the air!

Gu Xing is not on the road at all!

An Bixin was stable until the end, and missed the excellent opportunity to help his family get off the road card line, so he could only let VG make a lot of money!

When Gu Xing received the good news about the operation of the pawn line from the bottom lane, he couldn't help but smile, "Nice! Well done, you're so cute!"

"Old Gu is amazing," Jack said happily, "How can you be sure that Zach won't do anything to us?"

"I can only say that I understand everything." Gu Xingle was overwhelmed, "There is nothing you can do if you don't understand..."

The answer is simple.

Because the opposite jungler is An Bixin.

If the ID were changed to Peanut, Gu Xing would not dare to use his own family as a smoke bomb to go fishing.

That guy, Little Peanut, is a reckless man. If you show him your flaws, Han Wanghu will definitely attack hard!

The head of Ke'an is really cowardly.

This is also a common problem of herbivorous junglers, and their thinking is generally conservative.

Ming Kai's foreign war is like this, and Gu Xing, who is a fan of ghost feet and seven irons, is very familiar with it.

Never do Gank if you are not sure. As long as there is a slight possibility of explosion, just keep your hands steady.

Gu Xing was sure of this characteristic of Head An, and deliberately used the bottom lane to slowly push the line to lead the opponent over, and at the same time create the illusion that he was in the bottom lane, making the enemy extremely afraid and dare not act rashly!

Kuro was still very dissatisfied, "Hey, my head is on me, it's a pity... If you get it, our game is already stable!"

Thinking of this, Li Ruixing was very annoyed.

"It's okay," Gu Xing comforted, "I can fight against the opposition, and the economy is not bad."

There are also 200 yuan for first-blood assists, and he is very satisfied.

Pressing the scoreboard and seeing the number of last hits made by Zhangmen An just when he showed up in the bottom lane, he knew that the opponent, like himself, had used the double BUFF + magic marsh frog's fast three route.

He hurriedly helped Kuro clean up the artillery line in the middle lane, and along the way, dirty his little hands, and then went to the enemy Raptor camp to fight against the wild.

Kuro graciously added a Q to cut down the blood volume of the Raptor, ensuring that Gu Xing quickly emptied the camp.

The doll could hardly control her expression on the commentary stage, and she smiled like a pot of lust.

"Brother Xing's reversing F6 is not over yet, he went straight to the enemy stone beetle camp near the top road, wanting to eat a fat man in one bite!"

Miller answered excitedly, "What's more important is that Head Ahn really has nothing to do with him, and Zac has absolutely no way to go to the lower jungle area against VG!"

Jack and Duan Deliang disappeared from Samsung's field of vision after pushing the line.

For them, the pawn line will be pushed back anyway, and now they won't lose pawns when they are offline, so they just go to farm their own stone beetles.

Head An knew nothing about the whereabouts of the two of them. Facing the VG lower field covered by the thick fog of war, his inner stability made him dare not invade!

As a last resort, An Bixin could only farm a group of river crabs to make up for the development, and then went back to eat up the last remaining shadow wolves in his lower wilderness area, and then hurried back to the city to make up for it.

After being weakened several times in the summer split, Zac is now hurting a lot in the early stage of the jungle, even if the professional players are skilled in pulling the jungle, they will lose a lot of blood.

Gu Xing defeated the stone beetle, harvested a total of 5 groups of wild monsters, plus the pawn line he encountered in the middle and the experience gained from killing it, it just rose to level 4.

He hit the road trying to make trouble.

The top laners on both sides have been left unattended since the beginning of the game, and the two fought fiercely based on their own abilities.

In the end, Cuvee was slightly better.

Originally, I used the electric mouse that can slightly suppress Gnar in the heads-up, and Cuvee itself has a buff when he is fighting the yordle, and he has the upper hand in the duel.

The third wave of pawns was pushed under the VG tower. When Gu Xinglai started on the road, the pawn line had officially pushed back, but there was still some time before entering the tower.

He didn't want to squat hard, thinking that he would go back to the city to supply supplies anyway, so he simply used his own blood to consume the opponent.

EQ went up and opened W Gold Shield to slow down Kenan, using the prince's 175-yard basic attack range to hard point the electric mouse for a passive general attack, counting the red BUFF to lower the opponent's health by nearly 150 points, and then retreated to a safe position and returned to the city.

Cuvee looked displeased.

Don't underestimate the 150 points of health. In the previous battle with Song Jinghao, he only earned these points of life when he was full of micromanagement.

Now that little advantage in blood volume was completely ruined by Gu Xing's basic attack!

Looking at the prince's leaving figure, Cuvee gritted his teeth with hatred, but there was nothing he could do about him.

"Brother Xing is so cheap," remembers grinning, "He just smoothed out the trade gap on the top road and helped Mai Bo stabilize the situation!"

Miller thinks so.

"To be honest, as long as Maibo is stable, he will be considered a success. The starting point of VG's rhythm in this game is bound to be the lower half. Gnar's role is to try to hold Kenan's single belt as much as possible, and wait for his teammates to force a team in the front before joining the battle!"

Gu Xing wiped away the crabs in the upper river, went back to the city to make up for the green jungle knife and red crystal, bought another real eye with spare money, went out and went straight to the Ueno area, starting with the three wolves and going down.

"Brother Xing still hasn't got a set of F6. On the other hand, the head of An has no wilds to fight!" Waowa's tone is full of gloating, "He has nothing to do and has to go down the road and serve as a bodyguard for Ruler!"

The director, who doesn't think it's a big deal, gave the economic difference between the two junglers.

It was only four and a half minutes into the game, and Gu Xing's lead was as high as 500 gold coins!

"Ruler pushed the cannon cart line back to the city under the cover of the jungler. For Samsung, the only good news is that Corejj is getting closer and closer to the blazing incense burner. With his salary, he can eat two cannon carts. At present, the ether Essence in hand!"

Pao Xiaodi unswervingly supported SSG, and made suggestions from the standpoint of his own competition area, "It depends on whether we can stand for another 7 minutes. If Lulu can buy the incense burner and the two sides still maintain this economic gap, I think Samsung still has a good chance of winning. of!"

It's just that Gu Xing won't give his opponent a chance to breathe.

In terms of early attack, he doesn't know where he is better than Head An!

"The prince swiped to the lower half of the area, and took advantage of the juncture of the Samsung duo returning to the city to supply, and directly attacked the dragon," Jin Dongjun looked helpless, "SSG is short of manpower and can't defend, and the head of An is still in the dragon pit. Shielded by Virtue's real eyes, he can't even see the little dragon's blood volume, and even robbing the dragon is unrealistic!"

Under the protection of his teammates in the bottom lane, Gu Xing easily took down the earth dragon, and then crossed the river and rushed straight into the three-star lower field area, aiming directly at the magic marsh frog camp!

He counts carefully.

An Bixin started in the first half of the game with a fast three start, and the Demon Swamp Frog was killed in about two and a half minutes, and refreshed in about five minutes!

Going to invade now, just in time!

Sure enough, Head An was playing with the Demon Swamp Frog.

Seeing Gu Xing coming to invade, followed by a Leona, he knew that he was invincible, so he had to take two steps back to let the other party taste the delicious frog concubine first.

Without hesitation, Gu Xing rushed over the wall and rushed to the side of the magic marsh frog, and started NTR in front of Zach.

Seeing him handing over his EQ, Head An relaxed his vigilance a little, and wanted to use punishment to try to win the love back, and get the concubine back.

"Leona, who is hiding behind, suddenly casts a cold arrow, E flashes her finger up, and the basic attack catches Q to stop Zac!"

Immediately after, I hung up the ignition, and tried my best to reduce the blood bar of the Xiang warrior!

Gu Xing quickly narrowed the distance, and knocked on An Bixin with a general attack.

Zac only had a green jungle knife all over his body, and he didn't have any blood volume resistance equipment. After being injured by a set of fire from VG Yesuke, his blood volume dropped to less than half in an instant!

"Master An is afraid of being detained, so he has to use a rubber slingshot to escape..." Pao Xiaodi frowned more and more, "But what should we do next?"

"Ruler is trapped under the tower!"

The director's angle of view shifted, and the newly launched SSG duo huddled under the tower and shivered!

Both of them didn't have time to support, and the blood volume of head an was crippled, and he was forced to choose to escape.

Now the escape path of the two is blocked by VG Nosuke, and there are small cannons pushing the line in front of them.

The trend of jumping the tower seems to be taking shape!

"It's useless for Head An to come back. His E cooldown time is too long, and he can't give control to protect his teammates at all!" Jin Dongjun hoarse.

Plar yelled at Pizza, "They are trapped under the tower and will suffer!"

Gu Xing didn't wait for E to turn around, he waited for the line of soldiers to enter the tower, he carried the halberd and went straight up, hitting Ruler with his body!

Seeing someone resisting the tower, Jack jumped in without saying a word and started to explode with sparks.

"Corejj turned the prince into a sheep, and combined with Verus' damage, he wanted to kill the prince first, but JackeyLove's healing technique gave Virtue a bite, and the prince recovered from the transformation, and handed over the military flag that had just cooled down, along with Q Skills forced Ruler's flash!"

Jack flashed to keep up, and made up the number of layers of explosion sparks with a basic attack. After refreshing the rocket jump, he jumped forward again!

Coupled with the small soldiers' concentrated fire, Ruler will be killed in seconds!

Then he looked at the only remaining crispy Lulu, boldly jumped on it and continued to output!

At this time, the VG duo is almost full of war enthusiasm, and every basic attack is extremely painful for Purple Garlic!

Moreover, the military flag planted by the prince before his death also provided them with a sufficient attack speed bonus, and the output frequency of the two was also guaranteed!

Before Corejj died, he tried to replace Duan Deliang, who was fighting the tower, but Duan survived the last bombardment and escaped with less than 100 health points left!

"Although Virtue was killed in battle, Samsung paid for two lives of the bot lane duo!"

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