What is a hexagon jungler?

572: Whether it is accurate or not is the difference between slaughter and surgery!

The sound of passionate music resounded throughout the venue, and the LED screens behind the seats on both sides showed the IG collective makeup photos after smooth animation and special effects switching.

The spotlights on the dome also spread out, and the radiant and gorgeous special effects flickered endlessly, finally focusing on the center of the stage.

It has to be said that the lighting and stage effects of VG's new venue are much better than those on the 9th floor of Zhengda Plaza. After all, the Shanghai Stock Exchange's home venue is rented by others, and the facilities in all aspects cannot be perfect after all.

"Let's welcome Invig!"

Five teenagers wearing pure white team uniforms appeared on the stage. Apart from the IG Taiji team logo and the logo of the panda live broadcast sponsor hosted by Wang Sicong, there were no trademarks on their bodies.

"Top laner TheShy, jungler Ning, mid laner Rookie, bottom laner lwx, support Crisp, and head coach Mafa!"

The 2,000 seats on the scene were full, and most of the audience came to support VG.

However, when they saw the IG players come on stage, they still gave them a warm welcome.

The VG season documentary has given the world competition sparring team a lot of roles, and fans naturally know how much IG has contributed.

In their opinion, if it weren't for the existence of the sparring team, VG might not be able to find a match partner after the fiasco of the 20LPL. In the end, it might be because of the effect of the training match that dragged down the competitive state and missed the chance to win the championship!

Calculated, it is reasonable to divide the sparring team with 1/3 of the credit!

What's more, the Xiangsong duo signed during the transfer period is also a member of the sparring team, so now VG supporters see the IG players on the stage and give them warm applause without thinking.

Lin Weixiang was very proud of himself, the word beaming with joy could not be more appropriate for him who has thick and thick eyebrows.

After spending a year in the middle and lower ranks of the LPL, the wave of cheers he received may not be worth the momentum given by VG fans today!

Big Eyebrow only feels high-spirited, and regards joining IG as a new starting point for his career.

Liu Qingsong tried to pretend to be cold, but the camera showed a close-up of his face, and the slightly raised corners of his mouth still revealed his inner emotions.

"Next up, Vig!"

In the loud and clear voice of the host, the stage special effects changed again, exuding a silvery white light symbolizing the theme color of VG.

The group photo with makeup appeared in front of all the audience, and in an instant, stormy waves were set off in the stands!

The momentum is huge, compared to the scale of IG's appearance, I don't know how high it is!

VG's current popularity is definitely worthy of the word "horrible"!

"Top laner Smeb, jungler Virtue, mid laner Kuro, bottom laner JackeyLove and support, and head coach Homme!"

Everyone in VG lined up and came under the spotlight on the stage, enjoying the cheers from the audience with bright smiles on their faces.

It is still the familiar racing suit jacket, which is divided into black and white colors from the chest area.

The difference is that the number of golden stars has changed from 1 to 2, and they are arranged side by side on the VG team logo on the chest, highlighting the team's double crown honor!

On the other side of the clean white fabric is a black and red E+ three-dimensional logo, which symbolizes the outstanding status of investors.

"Who will come out on top and take the first victory in the spring competition is still unknown, let us see the outcome on the field!" Ren Dong said passionately.

The lights in the dome dimmed, and the players from both sides returned to their respective seats. The Haier brothers on the commentary stage couldn't wait to warm up before the match.

"The new season has a new atmosphere. Everyone should have seen VG's new stadium before the start of the game. Both the exterior and interior decoration are very beautiful..." Miller was full of admiration.

He is an old commentator who has accompanied the league all the way since the establishment of LPL, and he can really feel the rapid development of the competition area.

Five years ago, when the LPL rented a simple venue in Taicang for the regular season, they still gave free tickets to college students and provided free shuttle buses.

Now the home field is blooming everywhere, the venues are luxurious one by one, and the market is expanding rapidly, which makes Miller deeply moved.

The baby's tone is also full of envy, "That's right, and the stadium built by the VG club with huge sums of money is located near Ditan Park, which can be called the golden location of the imperial capital. It can be seen that the team is rich and powerful after introducing new sponsors!"

Miller nodded, "After all, we have the ability to renew the contract of the entire champion team... According to the news posted on the Internet, the final price of VG's lineup is less than 6000W, and it will definitely not be able to come down!"

In 2018, it is a proper sky-high price!

"In contrast, IG's lineup focuses on an economical and practical lineup," Waowa is worthy of being a master of field control, and he can bring the rhythm of the topic back on track. "Except for Rookie, who is a long-established veteran, the other four are in the middle The rookie status, the price is definitely not expensive, and the overall expenditure of the team is estimated not to be high..."

Don't look at the Xiangsong duo who also participated in the sparring team, they seem to be some of the most respectable figures in the league, but because of their terribly unlucky nature in the previous year and a half, they almost couldn't even find a job!

The two signed to IG, and together they got 80W salary.

The 10% discount is still Wang Sicong's kindness, saving a bottle of wine, and giving each of them an extra 10,000 yuan a month in salary!

The IG League of Legends branch counts the rent of the river view room and the salary of the team leader manager, and the total investment this year is 20 million.

There is at least twice the gap with VG!

"Although the investment is not particularly large, IG's new lineup shines in the German Cup, which almost threatens EDG's dominance in this event. It seems that the cost performance is quite high. Maybe it can really set off a youth storm this year!" High hopes for this.

As soon as the voice fell, the sonorous and powerful metal brittle sound echoed in every corner of the venue!

"The two sides have entered the BP stage!" Miller cheered up, "VG has the priority to choose the side, and choose the blue side for itself, and send Ryze to the ban position first!"

He explained and analyzed by the way, "There is no doubt about the strong mother of Ryze in this version, but there is one unsolvable one."

"Before the start of the World Championship, the bonus of W [Rune Imprisonment]'s ability power has been greatly improved. Ryze was popular in the group stage for a while, but in the knockout stage, because the overall lineup was too frank, Ryze was once again Unable to cross the front row to successfully put pressure on the back row, the functionality is still slightly inferior to that of Galio, and it has to be eliminated by the version in the end.”

"But in the version 1 currently used in the spring game, the change of the rune talent has brought Ryze back to life!"

Miller talked eloquently, "First of all, after the censer was weakened, the status of the shooter was not as high as in the World Championship, and the intensity of the output of the large core has declined, so other characters do not have to bear too much functionality. The platoon can also play a good role..."

"Another point that must be noted is that the strength of the meat tank is also slowly decreasing, the anti-armor is weakened, and the speed of the sun-burning soldiers' line push is also greatly slowed down. Moreover, the strong opening system is still weak now. Doing wrong online alone, the existence of Ryze perfectly fits the environment of the version!"

He took a breath, and the long speech did not affect the brilliance in his eyes, "Finally, it is also the enhancement that has the greatest impact on Ryze at the moment, and it comes from the rune system!"

"[Perfect Timing] provides a stopwatch that can make a rune mage even more powerful!"

The director gave specific instructions on the runes in due course.

The hero with perfect timing will carry a one-time stopwatch with an initial cooldown of 360 seconds at the beginning of the game. After use, it can play the active stagnation effect of Central Asia.

After the stopwatch is broken, it can be used again to synthesize Central Asia, Resurrection Armor, or Gargoyle Stone Plate Armor, and the cooldown of the three complete items will be reduced by 15%.

It can be called a perfect talent, and its strength is ridiculously high!

For Ryze, the value of the stopwatch is extraordinarily high.

During the offseason, a high-level Ryze player developed a new gameplay.

Turn on Zhongya when the R [Zigzag Leap] guide is read, and you can achieve the stagnation effect without interrupting the big move!

The total time for reading the zigzag jump is 2 seconds, and the golden body can last for 5 seconds!

In other words, as long as Ryze presses the golden body immediately after turning on R, the big move cannot be interrupted!

After this trick was developed, Ryze's appearance rate ushered in a leap!

In the past, when many players used Ryze for single-band split pushing, they were always on tenterhooks, for fear that the opponent would come and arrest them with a control skill.

But without a wire, the effect of Ryze will be greatly reduced!

It's good now, as long as you order the [Perfect Timing] talent, you can save your life with a stopwatch!

Subsequent purchases of Central Asia will also cost a lot less synthesis, which is simply an artifact of Ryze!

Therefore, the current winning rate of Ryze has been rising all the way, and it once reached the top of the Hanbok leaderboard.

Even if you don't like to operate the national server that is more proficient in chaotic fighting, Ryze is on the list!

"IG is honest, first ban the prince, and point the finger at brother Xing!" Waowa continued along with BP.

The current version is tentatively determined, and there are not too many reference samples in the league. Everyone is not clear about the specific hero priority strength. After banning some supermodel monsters, they will start targeting the enemy's leading stars.

Redmi changed hands to disable the broiler's clockwork and Zuo Yintongtong, and Mafa blocked the two characters of blind monk and mantis successively.

"3 Ban jungler!" Wawa didn't miss any chance to flatter Gu Xing, and immediately shouted loudly, "Brother Xing's deterrent power is still there, and IG is undoubtedly very afraid of him!"

The camera showed Gu Xing a close-up, the boy was grinning loudly, his fair face was flushed.

"Tuigui, isn't the opponent too targeted?" He was overjoyed, "Can you ban three junglers in the first round?"

In this version, the priority of the jungler is not so high-the impact of the overall weakening of the S7 jungle area has not disappeared, and the experience compensation mechanism has also been abolished. Currently, the jungler belongs to the period with the weakest comprehensive influence on the situation in the past two years.

IG was stunned to vacate all the first-round bans in this environment, just to restrain Gu Xing, which made him laugh.

"Don't make a fuss about me," Kuro replied solemnly, "Showing your ID on the other side's face will scare so many players out of their wits. If they don't target you, are they coming to mess with us?"

"It makes sense." Gu Xing was highly praised.

"Let's choose a hero for Ruixing first," Hongmi looked at Kuro, "You take the yellow chicken."

Li Ruixing agreed without thinking.

In all fairness, the nuclear strength of other methods is not high.

But I can't stand the change of the yellow chicken, it is too violent!

"Your task is to lock the broiler on the line. You don't have to do anything else, just leave it to the salesman." Hongmi reminded.

It's not all because of hero power that he let Kuro choose the yellow chicken.

The hero Azir is pushing the line very vigorously now, which can effectively block the roaming efficiency of the enemy mid laner.

Redmi intends to swap, and through BP, try to exchange its own low-level horse Kuro with the enemy's high-level horse, so as to increase the probability of the team winning!

Mafa's response was also very brilliant. He selected Bron to assist Liu Qingsong, and then took out a vampire.

"Mai Bo, what are you going to use to fight vampires?" Gu Xing slid the mouse wheel, "Captain?"

He thinks that there is no suspense about IG's split of the vampire.

Definitely on the road.

The mid-laner Vampire was popular for a while in the S6 summer game when the green armor was released. At that time, Lord Hou once banned this hero.

But now I'm hungry!

After the conversion coefficient between passive law power and life value of vampires is changed, a pure law power is obtained.

Of course, facing the legal heroes is not as tough as the green armor.

In front of the strong version of the yellow chicken, it is estimated that if you can't withstand a few stabs in the early stage, you will become residual blood, and it will be difficult to make up the knife, let alone the line right!

As long as it is a normal-minded team, after seeing the opponent choose the yellow chicken to go, they will shake the vampire to the road.

At present, vampires are very popular in the upper unit.

One is the existence of [Blade of Stealing Laws].

This thing was originally a salary equipment. After the salary equipment task was changed in the S7 Summer Split, the Spellthief Blade was abandoned by professional teams because it took too long to fully stack.

However, Riot gave two enhancements in the pre-season version, and the Spell-Stealing Blade's built-in magic power, gold coin supply, and extra damage-increasing attributes were all improved!

The result backfired.

The AP consumption assistance expected by the designer has not returned, and the Spellthief Blade has become a new toy for vampires!

Heroes are inherently slow to form and need more economy.

Pay a salary and put it on the road to order melee short hands. After a game, you can get a lot of gold coins and speed up the pace of formation!

Coupled with a stopwatch with perfect timing, the formation speed of the top lane vampire is beyond imagination, and it usually takes about 25 minutes to make [The Frost Queen's Decree] + [Landry's Torment] + [Central Asian Hourglass] 】The three-piece suit!

Song Jinghao saw that IG had selected a vampire that made him feel a little tricky, and after a moment of contemplation, he still affirmed Gu Xing's idea.

"Just the captain, I'm fine!" Smeb said arrogantly. Although Planck would be at a disadvantage when facing vampires, he didn't think he would lose.

Just kidding, I'm the top laner in the Grand Slam, what kind of champion are you, TheShy?

I'm still afraid that you, a second-year rookie, won't succeed?

Hearing Redmi's permission reply, Gu Xing clicked on the captain's avatar and pressed the OK button.

The dolls on the commentary stand were elated.

"The captain of Maibo has something to say, it is definitely his unique skill!"

Miller also echoed loudly, "Back then, the captain of Smeb's cannon barrage helped ROX win the first and only championship trophy in team history. The captain rarely appeared in the S7 season, but today he took advantage of the rune change. , it depends on what kind of effect Maibo can play!"

The rune that helps the captain take off is called [The Omen of Stealing].

Like EZ, if the captain wants to trigger this rune, he only needs to hit the enemy hero in Q.

And Planck Q can't move around and dodge, it's a match made in heaven with the burglary omen!

In addition, the captain himself has also ushered in a small enhancement. The gold coins provided by each level of Q [Gunfire Negotiation] are increased by one compared with the previous ones, which can appropriately speed up the forming speed.

In terms of the formation period of the three-piece suit, he is not much slower than the vampire used by TheShy in this game!

Immediately afterwards, Redmi selected Verus for Jack, whose strength was still online.

IG got Jess for the broiler in the third hand, increasing the strength of the middle lane.

It is worth mentioning that the Piltover Second Battalion Commander was also weakened after the S7 World Championship - the fixed armor penetration of the sawtooth dagger and its extended Youmeng, curtain blade and other equipment were all reduced by 2 points. E [Thunder Strike] cooldown increased, Q [Electric Surge] fixed damage decreased.

It's okay to walk in the middle now, but it's a bit ignorant to run to the top lane where the fierce men are piled up.

In the second round of BP, IG continued to target the jungler, sending the two heroes Zac and Rek'Sai to the block position, and then got the pig girl in the fourth hand.

5Ban jungler + grab the role first!

The audience couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw this.

"IG has simply engraved the four characters 'targeting the jungler' on its face!" Miller widened his eyes and looked at the VG hero selection box curiously, "It depends on how Brother Xing will choose, the current VG lineup It lacks the front row and control, Prince Duan got Tam, there is no problem, the protection ability is very strong..."

Now the censer is not popular, but it does not mean that Baofu has withdrawn from the stage of history.

There is no market for long-handed soft assistants, but melee protection assistants have ushered in the spring!

It was only because the fist strengthened [Holy Object Shield].

Now when the hero is triggered, it will also restore 2% of the lost health.

Proper line-laying artifact!

The short-handed protection aids were originally afraid of being consumed, but now that the shield of the holy object provides milk, their laning strength will immediately increase to a higher level!

"It depends on what Brother Xing wants to choose..." Wawa hissed softly, looking at the big screen in disbelief, "What is this?!"

The calmly selected lines echoed in the venue.

Whether it is accurate or not is the difference between slaughter and surgery!

Green Steel Shadow!

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