What is a hexagon jungler?

575: Unconvinced King Ning

Seeing the yellow chickens of the same kind getting fatter and fatter, the face of the broiler chicken became more and more ugly.

Kuro is about to make the core equipment of the yellow chicken, Nasher's Fang, and it will be worthwhile to stand still and play Jace, not to mention the consumption of laning Poke.

Piltover Second Battalion Commander can only entertain himself with a hammer!

King Ning finally lost his temper.

The game lasted for nearly 8 minutes, and he didn't even have an effective Gank attack!

So after being promoted to level 6, Gao Zhenning hurried to the middle lane, trying to help Song Yijin recover from the disadvantage as much as possible.

He also knows that the absolute core of IG is the middle lane, and whether the broiler is comfortable playing will directly affect the rhythm of the team.

However, the process of helping Jess was extremely difficult.

It's just because the opposing Kuro belongs to the kind of personality that won't be too aggressive after gaining the advantage. He will only play steadily, manage the lead in his hand well, and don't hold back the team and let the opponent catch flaws.

When King Ning came to the middle road, the broiler chicken had already successfully issued an invitation for a forced blood exchange. After throwing out the booster, he switched to the hammer form and used the acceleration effect Q [Leap of the Sky] to jump on top of the chicken.

Gao Zhenning also wanted to use the QR sniper to control the yellow chicken, but Li Ruixing decisively handed over his flash to evade without saying a word!

"Kuro is too stable, he didn't even hand in the E skill, and directly used the flash..." Waowa was amazed.

In fact, not paying E is undoubtedly the safest and most correct choice.

E [Shifting Sands] has a casting trajectory, and it couldn't be easier to interrupt it in the air with E [Thunder Strike] with the strength of a broiler.

At that time, it is very likely that the displacement will not be completed but will be hit by Zhumei's big move. IG Nakano can kill her with a burst of damage!

"After the yellow chicken successfully escaped, IG's counterattack rhythm stagnated. If King Ning wants to take the initiative to launch a Gank, he needs to wait for the big move to improve, and the time will only pass by every minute..." Miller said The distress that IG is currently facing.

Seeing that his side was unable to open the situation, Lin Weixiang felt impatient for a while, so he simply took action by himself.

At eight and a half minutes into the game, he found the timing for Jack to make up the knife, and used R [Call of Destiny] to suck Braum into his body.

Liu Qingsong used himself as a poke ball and threw it at the VG duo, trying to start the battle.

But Duan Deliang had sharp eyesight and quick hands, swallowed Jack first with a groaning gulp, and suffered Xiangsong's injury alone.

Due to the existence of Tam E [thick skin], his life is not in danger for a short time.

Jack got out of the assistant's mouth, turned around and handed over R [Chain of Corruption] to control Liu Qingsong.

The confinement effect was generated, but Liu Qingsong could still cast his skills normally, and towards Jack was an R [Glacier Fissure].

Yu Wenbo didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly handed over the flash evasion control before the ice cube hit him. At the same time, he started to exchange A with Lin Weixiang. After stacking wither layers, he used the evil spirit arrow rain to trigger the percentage damage and slowing effect, relying on the advantage of moving speed to pull with the opponent .

But in the early stage against A, Lin Weixiang's Calista still won too much.

Especially in the case of having a soldier line, the skateboard shoes can repeatedly refresh the E-drawing spear to increase the damage!

However, Jack did not retreat in a hurry, but kept cutting down Calista's blood volume.

Lin Weixiang smiled crookedly, triumphant in his heart.

Don't look at him as a simple person, but he is not stupid.

Seeing that Jack has been fighting for a long time now, he immediately realizes the truth - Gu Xing is on his way to flatter his horse.

Otherwise, the VG duo has no chance of winning at all, so why not run?

But the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind, and Lin Weixiang also has reinforcements!

Just as he guessed, Camille's figure came into view when the fierce battle in the bottom lane was in full swing!

"Brother Xing came to the bottom lane to support, the hook rope hit the wall and came straight to the battlefield..." Miller suddenly raised his voice, and at the same time increased his speaking speed, "Is it really wise to freeze your hands? choose!"

Part of the audience also hung a heart.

From the perspective of God, they can get more information through the fog of war.

Everyone could see clearly that Miss Zhu was hiding in the grass on the lower route, ready to go.

Gu Xing's surprise attack this time is bound to be crouched by King Ning!

In terms of the intensity of confrontation in the field, the current Xiangsong duo with superior blood volume will undoubtedly give IG the upper hand-although Gao Zhenning has no big moves, Gu Xing also has no R, and the wild auxiliary combination of Zhumei + Bulong has full control , can create sufficient output space for Lin Weixiang.

Viewers who supported VG saw that the situation was not right, so they were naturally worried!

But Gu Xing in the canyon didn't seem to notice it. After the hook rope brought Qing Gangying to the wall, he used the second section of the wall to kill Lin Weixiang without hesitation!

Duan Deliang flashed Q at the right time, whipping Lin Weixiang with a giant tongue to slow down, so as not to prevent Calista from sliding around and running around to avoid the wall.

Gao Zhenning beamed with joy.

Good boy, this time you can be considered to be caught by me!

The previous experience of waiting for a minute to play chess made Ning Wang feel resentful, and now he finally found an excellent opportunity to avenge his hatred!

Drive the steel bristle forward and press it between Lin Weixiang and Gu Xing, vowing to block Qinggangying's second stage E!

However, just when the wall back leg blade was about to kick Miss Zhu, a golden light suddenly flashed in front of everyone's eyes!

"Oh my god, Brother Xing reacted so quickly!" Waffle shouted loudly.

Amidst the exclamation of the audience, Qing Gangying handed over the flash that had just turned around, and walked through the body of Zhu Mei to the back half of the skateboard shoe!

Extreme shuttle flash!

King Ning widened his eyes slightly, feeling like falling into an ice cave.

Camille's exaggerated operation made his plan to block the wall back completely in vain!

Now, Lin Weixiang was exposed to Gu Xing's leg blade sickle!

When Big Eyebrow saw Gu Xing flashing, it was too late to react, so he could only accept the fate of being stunned.

Not only that, Camille's wall return mechanism also has a slight knockback effect. Gu Xing, who flashed behind Lin Weixiang, kicked the opponent more than a hundred yards into the arms of his duo!

Jack's basic attack is followed by a second to store Q, and he plays all his own bursts.

Gu Xing put on challenge punishment, and used the increased attack speed to cross AQ to kill Lin Weixiang!

"Beautiful!" Miller couldn't help shouting, "By virtue of Brother Xing's excellent first move, VG dropped the skateboard shoes first!"

"Now IG is in an embarrassing situation," Wawa continued. "Although the two Nosukes have good control ability, they lack damage and can't pose any threat to VG players at all!"

"The situation facing both sides is reversed!"

King Ning had no choice but to drag Liu Qingsong and run away quickly.

But Tam caught Qinggang Ying in one bite, rotated his body for two weeks, and then dived into the ground.

R [Abyss Dive]!

The big move is on the only way for IG Nosuke to retreat!

Forced to do so, Liu Qingsong chose to sell himself and let the jungler run away.

Gao Zhenning sold the support with tears in his eyes, and retreated to the IG wild area alone, covering his figure with a thick fog of war to avoid being pursued by the opponent.

"Zero for two, VG won a big victory!" Wow was beaming with joy.

The 2,000 spectators at the scene burst into cheers, celebrating another victory for their home team.

The English stream commentator Mao Mao was even more passionate, "This is VG, this is Virtue, and he can always create offensive methods very imaginatively, making the opponent hard to defend!"

There was a lot of discussion in the chat channel of the mouse station.

[WTF, I thought VG's small team battle was going to be taken down by IG, and then I saw Camille come to kill Kalista like a ghost]

[First E flashes E, then EE flashes, Virtue's Camille is outrageous! 】

[To be honest, in terms of hero proficiency alone, it may not be worse than some top laners... The question is, what kind of talent is Virtue? 】

[Gah, I was still wondering if Virtue could beat wild monsters with Qinggangying, but this guy actually used the opposite hero as a wild monster to spawn! 】

[Okay, okay, I didn't watch the VG game in vain, first steal a trick from Camille, and use it to score later! 】

[IG can make VG play like this with an early-stage lineup? My suggestion is that this round has been sent, you can study the BP of the second round]

In the end, the netizen became a prophecy.

The five members of IG have an idea now.

Destroy it, quickly.

Sitting on the strong laning double C of Jess + Kalista, VG held a huge lead in the early stage. How can this be a hammer?

Gao Zhenning was even more depressed.

He never expected that Gu Xing's reaction would be so fast!

If it wasn't in the professional arena, Ning Wang would have suspected that the opponent's computer had a USB flash drive inserted into it!

After a short discussion within the IG team, traditional entertainment began.

Brainless fighting, Chinese operation.

They fought against VG in every corner of the canyon, trying to speed up the pace of the game through chaotic battles!

But VG is right. Kuro, who has the worst personal strength in the team, is also at the level of a first-line mid laner. Before that, he studied in the famous fighting team ROX for two years!

Moreover, once it enters the rhythm of chaos, it will be a test of the tacit understanding between the players.

After all, it is not like a 5v5 contest where troops are frontally deployed. There is too much sudden information on the battlefield, and it is simply unrealistic to rely on the command to provide decision-making. In most cases, it is necessary to rely on the on-the-spot cooperation between players.

Who should focus the fire, and who should reserve skills to prevent the enemy from cutting in...

Often a slight difference will lead to the defeat of a small-scale chaotic battle!

In this regard, VG still has an advantage.

The formation time of IG is still too short. Even though the duo of Xiangsong is trying to integrate quickly, the degree of tacit understanding is not as good as the VG Grand Slam team that has played a full season!

The result is that the more IG fights, the greater its economic disadvantages, and it falls into a vicious circle!

Gu Xing is like a fish in water, swimming freely in the enemy formation, bringing Camille's mobility to the fullest!

The power of Qinggang Ying, who was developed in advance, in small-scale team battles can only be described as terrifying. Gu Xing's A pick can instantly take away half a tube of blood from the crispy hero!

There is no suspense. At 28 minutes into the game, VG established a 2W economic advantage. With its leading equipment, it easily crushed IG in team battles and flattened the enemy's main crystal!

And the head ratio of the two sides is also fixed at 35:13. The two teams are full of blood, with an average of kills every minute!

The audience at the scene had a great time watching it. They were still reluctant to part with it at the end of the first round, obviously unsatisfied.

"Congratulations to VG, the five of them worked together to win the first game!" Wawa felt hearty, "The champion team is really ruthless, forming a crushing trend against IG in terms of teamwork and tacit understanding. Don't start!"

Miller was full of praise for Gu Xing's performance, "Brother Xing took out the Qinggangying jungler in the first game and thought it was a prank choice at first, but whoever thought it was actually effective. He has made great achievements in battles. The biggest hero who helped the team break through!"

Not surprisingly, the MVP of the first game was also given to Gu Xing.

11/3/18 battle loss ratio, 6% battle participation rate, +5500 opponent economy lead...

The data is extremely gorgeous!

Gao Zhenning, who had just returned to the backstage, opened the door and entered the team lounge, where he saw the results of the MVP selection.

In the makeup photo, Gu Xing looked serious, his fists clashed in front of his chest, and the two golden stars were shining brightly, which was particularly eye-catching.

King Ning bit his lower lip unwillingly.

There were also praises from his teammates in his ears.

"I can only say that I am worthy of Brother Xing," Lin Weixiang exclaimed, "Operating Que Shixiu, that wave of EE flashes made my scalp numb!"

"He is the FMVP of the second company, what do you think..." Liu Qingsong did not forget to say a word about his partner while feeling emotional, "Lin Weixiang, you are also a top player, and you obviously didn't hand in your flash when you saw Qinggangying's second stage E coming."

Big Eyebrow was very aggrieved, "Can you blame me? Come on, who would think that Brother Xing would react so quickly?!"

"Ah, Yixi, Qinggangying is really a rogue, and his operation is good and his thinking is correct..." TheShy and the interpreter Mingkui beside him mumbled.

Among the starters, only Broiler remained silent, pouring drinks into his mouth with a straight face.

But the irritability in his eyebrows could not deceive anyone, Song Yijin was very annoyed.

The laning ability that he is proud of did not have any room to show in the first game. VG used a variety of strategies to either cheat his teleportation or feed Kuro's head, thus limiting his performance!

The root of everything lies in Gu Xing!

King Ning clenched his fists tightly, and his nails sank deeply into his palms.

Although the teammates didn't blame him, they just praised Gu Xing's operation and on-court decision-making.

But Gao Zhenning is very clear that he was the one who was kicked out of the jungle matchup gap.

He deserves to be blamed!

The better Gu Xing performed, the more unbearable he would be to set off his performance!

Mafa clapped his hands and asked the players to concentrate on discussing the BP of the second game. During the period, he asked Gao Zhenning kindly.

"What do you think would be better for you to use?"

Mafa is definitely an outlier among Korean coaches, with an introverted personality and a soft coaching style. He likes to give players a high degree of autonomy, and is usually welcomed by IG players.

Now that he sees that Gao Zhenning's mentality is unstable, he transfers the decision-making power to his own jungler and gives the opponent full choice.

Gao Zhenning gave an answer that in Mafa's view was "reasonable and unexpected".

However, after a short thought, he nodded in agreement.


"Welcome back to the VG Arena of Ditan Park in the Imperial Capital!"

The baby's face was full of red light, "VG is temporarily leading 1-0 at home at home, and they have continued their excellent form. It depends on how IG will make adjustments after losing the game!"

"Especially Brother Xing's strange move Qinggangying, I wonder what countermeasures IG can come up with..." Miller was very interested.

As soon as the voice fell, the sonorous and crisp sound that symbolized the beginning of the BP session resounded in everyone's ears!

The BP of the second round of the two sides did not make too many changes in the overall plan, and heroes such as Ryze and Zuo Yin were still promoted to the ban position.

"Qinggangying hasn't been disabled?" Wow was quite surprised, "Isn't it intended to be used by TheShy..."

The IG game is located on the blue side and has the first power.

Without hesitation, Jiang Chenglu locked Qing Gangying on the first floor!

"That's fine," Miller nodded, "By replacing ban with robbing, it can be regarded as getting rid of Camille."

The commentator is not omniscient, and there is a big information gap between him and the professional team.

The Haier brothers thought that currently only Gu Xing would use Camille as a jungler, so when they saw that IG chose Qinggangying, they preconceived that Jiang Chenglu was going to do it.

VG is still a yellow chicken in the mid laner, which is used to force the opponent to fear the line power and cannot choose Camille's best partner Galio.

Immediately afterwards, Redmi locked Verus for Jack, and continued to use the double C lineup from the previous game.

"IG got Jess, let's match it..." Waowa suddenly gasped, "Vampire?!"

Vampires definitely can't play wild.

It can't be Jess going to the jungle position, right?

How is it different from jungler Lucian?

Then, the answer to Qinggangying's split is ready!

"What's the situation, King Ning is also going to play a game of Qinggangying jungler?" Miller couldn't believe it.

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