What is a hexagon jungler?

582: Destroy the dead and win the battle!


After reading the wild numbers on the panel, Kasa immediately realized that Gu Xing hadn't wiped out the Raptor and Stone Beetle camps in the Ueno area of ​​VG.

He decisively chose to invade.

Cross the upper river and go straight to the VG Ueno area!

Now his level is leading, and his blood volume is crushing his opponent.

As long as he can catch the wild prince in the jungle, with the blind monk's burst and pursuit ability, Gu Xing will have no escape!

Dansha enemy is not a dream!

Kasa sneaked all the way, his hands trembling slightly.

It's not that he didn't get feedback, but because of excitement.

If he can take care of Dansha once, then he will really make a name for himself in the LPL!

This statement is not an exaggeration.

In terms of status and popularity, Gu Xing is even better than the peak Faker.

Thinking back to the grand occasion when Lee Sang Hyuk was about to open champagne for a single kill in the professional arena, it is not difficult to guess that killing Gu Xing is definitely a great honor!

Casa's heart was surging, and he quietly came to the depths of the Great Dragon Pit.

In order to avoid being found by VG's eye position at the pass connecting the river and the upper half of the area, Karsa also found another way, not taking the usual path, touching the dragon pit with his eyes, and successfully entered the enemy's wild area.

He was always ready to attack with cold hands the first time he saw Gu Xing, so that his spirit was tense, his back was arched like a shrimp, and he wanted to drill his head into the monitor.

However, Casa walked around the Ueno area of ​​VG, but did not catch Gu Xing's figure!

On the contrary, the wild monsters in the camps of F6 and Stone Beetle were intact, welcoming him warmly with open arms, and all they had to say was, come and play, Lord Blind Monk.

Kassa was dumbfounded.

What about you, Gu Xing?

The commentary from God’s point of view remembers that the tone is full of admiration, “Brother Xing’s choice is really smart, he seems to have guessed that Casa will come to fight against the wild invasion, so he didn’t choose to stay in the Ueno area at all, but went straight Go to the bottom half of the map, and the target points to the bottom road again!"

"This decision is absolutely perfect!"

After catching Mouse, Gu Xing found that he was low on health, and then saw Kasa go to the road to make up for the line. When he learned that the junglers on both sides were currently clearing the jungle in the same direction, he became wary.

He usually used the blind monk's outburst to hit single kills. Thinking about it in another way, Gu Xing thought that if he was Kasa, he would definitely come to invade the wild area and wait for the opportunity to hit kills to restore the previous decline.

Therefore, Gu Xing simply chose to avoid the battle.

Isn't it just two groups of wild monsters?

Thank you!

Anyway, Gu Xing got 3 assists in the early stage, and the economic conversion can also offset the gap between the two sides.

I'm not in a hurry!

When you fall into the wild area, you can also use the extra time to catch the bottom road once, and there may be unexpected gains!

Duan Deliang succeeded in grabbing the line right by virtue of the advantages he had established in the field fight, and now he is hiding in the line grass ready to move.

When Gu Xing came from behind along the path of the pawn line, he twisted his body.

Undoubtedly it is the forward shaking action of Hextech flash!

This is a newly added talent after the rune revision in the preseason stage, and it can be used as a displacement skill after the flash cooldown.

The disadvantage is that it takes a long time to charge forward, if you cast it in front of the opponent, it is equivalent to a reprint of "Ming Kai does not do secret things", and the intention of freezing hands is too obvious.

It is just right to use it hidden in the grass, and the location is concealed enough.

The director also deliberately gave a close-up close-up of the bull's head in the grass.

Since Duan Deliang is using an April Fool's day cow skin, the twitching pose looks extra funny.

But the scattered RW fans at the scene couldn't laugh, tears were rolling in their stomachs.

They shouted in low voices in the audience, wanting to remind the players to be careful.

At the same time, Baolan also received a reminder from his own jungler.

When he didn't see Gu Xing in the Ueno area, Kasa became alert.

In his opinion, Gu Xing only went back to the city for supplies a minute ago, so it doesn't make sense to just Gank once and go home again.

Since it's not in the upper half, it must be in the lower half of the map!

Casa hurriedly made his duo retreat back.

Unfortunately it was too late.

After a brief delay in reading the article, the Tauren suddenly moved forward 400 yards and broke into the field of vision of the RW bottom laner!

WQ Erlian!

The tauren was full of muscles and rushed towards the jewel knight!

"Prince Duan's surprise attack spanning a thousand yards made it impossible for Baolan to avoid it. After being knocked into the air, Brother Xing also caught up and gave EQ. The gems that didn't flash were unable to evade the control chain. They were simply in the pocket of VG!"

Jack's previous build ideas came in handy.

Yaoguang's damage is so much higher than Goddess Tears!

If it weren't for the blessing of the extra damage, Baolan might be able to resist and escape back to the tower, but now, he can only turn into the 300 gold coins in Jack's wallet!

The old thief Sima was very aggrieved. Facing the continuous approach of the three VG Xiaye, he had no choice but to retreat to the autistic grass in front of the second tower.

"Kasa wants to do the same thing, and Mouse, who just went online, forced Maibo out of the next tower," Ze Yuan said with a smile in his voice, "But Jian Ji is not afraid at all!"

Song Jinghao was stunned for a moment when he saw the movements of RW and Ueno.

Then he laughed out of anger.

Who do you send it to?

As a level 5 sword girl with Tiamat, would I be afraid of the combination of your captain + blind monk?

Come to my tower if you have the ability!

Song Jinghao didn't hesitate at all, instead he brazenly launched an offensive against the enemy. The AE Tiamat combo after Q [Break the Air] smashed the flaws, easily reducing Kasa's blood volume by 1/3!

Seeing that Smeb was not bluffed by him, RW and Ueno had no choice but to leave angrily.

Song Jinghao used Tiamat's splash damage to clean up the minions under the tower in time to avoid being pushed back, so as to ensure that his subsequent development environment is safe enough.

"The current situation RW is facing is not optimistic," Zeyuan said fairly. "Both the upper and lower sides are far behind VG, and there is no sign of turning around at present. The gap will only get bigger and bigger!"

"Casa's proud radar-style perspective play is not effective in front of Brother Xing. So far he has not even made a successful surprise attack!" I remember thinking from the position of a fellow villager and friend, and I was instantly anxious.

Karsa quickly adjusted after a short period of dizziness, and decided to settle down and grow wild.

At seven and a half minutes, he finally succeeded in launching his first attack.

The victim was none other than Kuro, perfectly in line with the jungler's motto of "helping the good and not helping the bad".

With the help of the flash that had just finished cooling down, Casa kicked Li Ruixing into Doinb's arms, and then Jin Taixiang connected to R [Command: Shockwave] to instantly kill the yellow chicken on the spot, winning the first point for RW!

However, although the situation was opened up, the price paid was extremely heavy.

The big moves of Nakano and the wild monk plus the flash of the blind monk all entered the CD, and the combat power fell to the bottom instantly!

Gu Xing saw the needle and immediately started to launch a surprise tower jump attack on the enemy on the road.

Thanks to Smeb's purchase of Tiamat to improve the efficiency of pushing the line, he maximized the advantage of line power and pushed the line of troops to the RW upper tower without any effort.

Gu Xing repeated his old tricks, getting out from the grass behind the enemy's upper tower, mercilessly smashing his head and covering his face with an R [Heaven and Earth Rip]!

Mouse flashed in when Shangbo was jumped over the tower, and now he is framed in a circular building by the prince's big move, with very limited space to move.

Even though he tried his best to dodge, he was still picked up by Gu Xing with EQ!

Song Jinghao didn't even need to use his ultimate move, he sent Mouse back to the spring water for recuperation again!

"If this fight continues, the two sides will use the top lane to replace the middle lane, and each will lose an arm," remembers worried, "The problem is that Kuro dies a few more times, and the VG has a well-developed Jack to help him stand up. The pressure, but who can help Mouse share the pressure of the single-band end?"

"That's right, only the captain can fight with Jian Ji on the wing in RW's game," Zeyuan thought deeply, "Mouse is now starting at 0/2, behind Maibo by nearly 20 CS, and his economic level has almost collapsed!"

Mouse under the camera shook his head again and again.

If it wasn't for Stealing Omen's help in looting a purse and paying out a lot of money, he wouldn't even be able to afford Yaoguang!

Tapping the stat panel repeatedly, the little confidence that Mouse had built up in anger before the game evaporated.

The emotion that replaces it is called fear.

The 2/0 sword girl will undoubtedly take shape very quickly, and what will happen after the follow-up transfer period, Mouse can't even imagine!

However, this is really a helpless move by Casa.

How will he catch Tianhu's sword girl when he goes to help on the road?

If the operation of the captain + the blind monk is a little careless, Song Jinghao may be one against two!

Helping Doinb's clockwork is really a bad idea. Casa can only hope that his mid laner can take on the heavy responsibility of the Carry game.

"Old Duan, prepare to come here to pick up the vanguard," Gu Xing commanded, "Jack, push the line first in the bottom lane, and then come over if the opponent comes to pick you up."

The VG duo has no objection to this. Gu Xing came to the bottom lane to give him great help in the early stage, and he should give back to the team.

Duan Deliang went back to the city to upgrade his salary equipment, and took out the eye stone by the way.

Normally speaking, the auxiliary equipment is definitely not so luxurious in less than 10 minutes.

But I can't stand Duan Deliang's assists in the early stage are too many, and the accumulation is also a lot of money.

The upgraded salary equipment can provide a layer of shield, which can improve the tauren's ability to absorb damage to a higher level!

Duan Deliang didn't hide, and went straight to the middle road, exposed to the enemy's field of vision, and killed the cannon car with his wages, helped Kuro push the line out quickly, and squeezed up the river together.

The RW team members' scalps tingled when they saw the Tauren's equipment.

Casa made a decisive decision and issued an order to give up taking over the vanguard group.

The fattest clockwork in the team has not yet formed their equipment, so they may not be able to kill them if they fight rashly!

Karsa quickly judged that the combat power of the two sides was not at the same level, so he simply let go of the vanguard, and urged Baolan to bring the old thief in the bottom lane to put some pressure on Jack.

But there is a reason why Gu Xing dared to let Yu Wenbo go.

Yin Zerui can be called the strongest single-player shooter!

Jack's long-distance Q skills plus R [Precise Barrage] can handle the pawn line pushed by the RW duo in a mess.

At best, the old thief Sima can only hang E [Explosion Spark] A three times on the lower tower, and the impact on the turret is minimal!

Gu Xing controlled the vanguard, "Jack, after clearing the route, go to the middle lane and meet the old Duan...Ruixing, go down the lane, the opponent dare not do anything to you."

"No problem!" Kuro promised without delay.

He almost regarded Gu Xing's words as the bible, even though he had to face the pressure of the RW duo in the bottom lane from the bright side, he had no hesitation. At this moment, he drove the yellow chicken to go down without even thinking about it!

Seeing that the team's disadvantages are getting worse and worse, Sima's old thief finally became impatient.

He asked Baolan to use the big move Cosmic Radiance, intending to forcibly jump over the tower to try to kill Kuro.

As a result, the yellow chicken used R [Wall of the Forbidden Army] to push the opponent away, and then drifted to escape.

Even if the displacement was interrupted by the old thief with a big move in the middle, Kuro still flashed, so he didn't panic at all!

The RW duo had no choice but to give up, taking advantage of the time when the yellow chicken's skills were all cooling down, further reducing the HP of the bottom lane defense tower, and then returned to the city to follow VG to change lanes.

During the period, Doinb also seized the vacuum period after the yellow chicken left the middle lane, and took the lead in pushing the line of soldiers and reducing the blood volume of the VG middle tower by a small block.

But that's all they get.

After VG made sacrifices, he officially completed the mid-to-bottom line change!

Gu Xing let the team's two strong lines - top laner and duo team all come to the top half!

At this point, he can finally attack as much as he wants.

Because every road in the upper half has the right to line, teammates can come to support as soon as a conflict breaks out!

"I'm not in a hurry to release the vanguard for now, let's talk about it after a while," Gu Xing informed his teammates of his next plan in the voice, "You guys accompany me to invade first."

He took advantage of the upper and middle lines of the pawn line, and buried himself in the RW Ueno area!

Kassa scratched his head irritably.

After changing lanes in the middle and bottom of VG, Wolf King must stay in the Ueno area.

Otherwise, Gu Xing puts the vanguard on the road, and he can cooperate with Song Jinghao to achieve a single-lane breakthrough. It is not difficult to push the mouse all the way to the highland tower after crossing the tower; , RW also cannot bear the consequences of being demolished!

Therefore, in order to defend the opponent's vanguard offensive, Casa had to stay in the upper half and hang out.

Now that Gu Xing is rushing into the wild area, Karsa is facing it head-on, and he is afraid that the enemy teammates will quickly support him. If he doesn't fight well, he will have to give up all the Ueno area!

But where can he go to seek development after dropping the jungle area?

Casa felt like a lump in her throat, and felt extremely uncomfortable.

Gu Xing made full use of the vanguard of the canyon to bring him an advantage, and vowed to make up for all the groups of wild monsters that the opponent defeated him in the early stage!

The Eye of the Pioneer lasts for a full 4 minutes, which is enough for two rounds of wilderness!

Not counting the blue BUFF, but also 4 groups of camps.

According to the idea of ​​​​a zero-sum game, the junglers of both sides will open the gap between 8 groups of wild monsters!

There are hundreds of gold coins in the counterpoint economy!

Gu Xing's mouth was full of oil, seeing that the Pioneer's Eye was about to end, he was satisfied to end the torture, and waited 14 minutes and 30 seconds to summon the purple garlic.

Your resurrection is hot!

Pioneer was eager to try and rushed towards the next tower.

At the same time, the VG duo also pushed the middle lane first, and began to approach the top lane.

It can be said that Gu Xing made the most of the line-field collaboration.

Around 14 minutes and 30 seconds, it was the key node when the cannon cars came to the line to connect.

As we all know, the middle lane will arrive 10 seconds earlier than the top lane.

Duan Deliang relied on the beheading effect of the auxiliary salary equipment, and cooperated with Jack to quickly clear the artillery line in the mid lane. When the two arrived on the road, they happened to be on the road at the same time as the artillery line + canyon pioneer!

RW Ueno saw the dense line of soldiers and the majestic canyon pioneer, both of them took a breath, contributing to global warming.

Let it go!

Casa didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly pulled Mouse back.

Just for fun, if they are surrounded by VG's upper and lower towers in the tower, they will die when the vanguard crashes into the next tower!

Casa had to abandon the defense on the first tower, allowing time to wait for the duo to clear the pawn line in the upper tower and rush to the second tower to seek defense.

After Gu Xing was assigned to the economy of the first blood tower on the road, the cover vanguard hit the first and second towers before he was satisfied and retreated to replenish his own equipment.

"VG's understanding of Pioneer is truly unique today," Zeyuan praised unceasingly, "RW was defeated steadily, and even suffered a total loss of minions, wild monsters and defensive towers, and the economic gap between the two sides was stretched to 5K above!"

He was amazed, "VG's current operation can only be described as airtight. They just don't leave any openings for the opponent. From RW's point of view, it's suffocating!"

You must know that VG can compete with SKT and SSG in the mid-term in the S7 World Championship.

Although the newly formed RW is glued together by Kasa, it is a bulk vehicle after all. It is not yet mature in terms of pawn line operation. Compared with VG, it is purely broken at the first touch!

I remember frowning, "Mai Bo synthesized the three phases after returning to the city, Sword Princess is already in a small form, but the captain only has two phases, the equipment is very shabby, and the level is firmly suppressed!"

"I'm afraid that Mouse won't be able to stand under the tower alone later!"

Facts have proved that words come true.

After Song Jinghao got the economic advantage, he started to talk crazily.

I am not as good as TheShy in single-lane solo, can I beat you Mouse?

Maibo QW stepped forward to poke the flaws with the Laurent Eye Knife, and slowed down the captain by the way.

Seeing that Song Jinghao was chasing after him, Mouse had no choice but to show off a sip of Tangerine, and reset all the attack speed and movement speed that had been reduced.

But Song Jinghao immediately turned on R [Warrior Challenge], increasing his movement speed and preparing to jump over the tower for a strong kill.

In all fairness, Mouse's operation is already very good. He dodges another Q [Breakthrough Slash] from Jian Ji, enters the tower and hides in the corner of the wall, and blocks the opening against the wall to prevent Smeb from smashing it.

However to no avail.

Song Jinghao, who was two levels ahead, didn't need to smash all the flaws, the three flaws in front of him were enough for him to send the captain to the west!

After beheading Mouse, Song Jinghao was also blasted into residual blood by the turret, but the blood recovery array triggered by the ultimate move allowed him to quickly replenish his status, and finally Q+ flashed and calmly withdrew from the range of the defensive tower!

Thunderous applause erupted from the auditorium below the stage, cheering for Song Jinghao's stunning tower jumping kill!

"In the final analysis, there is still no control!" I remember shaking my head and sighing, "Sword Girl can use W as a skill to slow down and keep people unscrupulously, and it is even easier to kill by jumping towers!"

Mouse's face was almost black as King Ning.

I can't even stand under the tower, how can I play this?

Kim Tae-sang murmured "It's a pity", and comforted his teammates with pale words, while he hurriedly swiped Kasa's wild monsters.

The game fell into a huge disadvantage, and Doinb understood that relying on the online minion economy to turn the tide is tantamount to nonsense.

If you want to carry the game, you have to develop ahead of time!

Clearing the wild is the answer sheet given by Kim Tae-sang.

The equipment was really fast, and the two-piece set was taken out in 20 minutes.

The problem is that Kasa is drained.

"The difference in CS between the two sides has broken through the 80 mark. To be honest, this number is scary!" Zeyuan said loudly, "You must know that in the preseason, all camps will turn into 4 standard wild monsters on the scoreboard. If you don't use minions on the lane, 80 knives means 20 groups of wild monsters!"

"Currently, the jungler has a full two levels and most of the equipment. To put it bluntly, Kasa's only role in the team now is to kick the back row with roundabout kicks, betting on the possibility of whitewashing!"

But VG wanted to limit Casa to no contribution at all!

At 26 minutes into the game, facing the increasingly severe sideline single belt situation, Karsa believed that the situation had reached an urgent stage of 'If you think you will lose if you delay, then I will go up and try'.

So he crawled all the way forward, using real eyes and scanning to ensure the safety of his position, and successfully went around to the rear.

Then W flashes out diagonally, and touches the eye across a distance of a thousand yards, through a wall and behind Kuro!

Casa knew that Jack was holding E in his hand, and it was difficult for him to kick it back. The yellow chicken was relatively an easier target to kill.

But the moment his W flashed over, Duan Deliang thumped the ground hard and knocked him into the air!

Immediately, W [Savage Rampage] pushed the blind monk to a position away from the yellow chicken!

"What a quick reaction!" I remember hissing softly, "Prince Duan won't leave Kasa alive!"

Jack resolutely adjusts the output position, and cooperates with his teammates to drain his blood bar with a simple set of damage!

"Casa was immediately caught!" Zeyuan imitated the old man's wow-wah and shouted, "Brother Xing's EQ went up and made up his big move, and directly framed the RW players in front of him!"

Originally, the RW player's pursuit position was at the front, thinking that when Kasa came over with a roundabout kick, he could instantly follow up with his skills and cut him off.

Unexpectedly, it gave Gu Xingqiang an excellent opportunity!

The old thief has a rocket jump to leave, but the remaining two Zhongfu brothers don't have any movement skills!

Faced with the threat of a roundabout push from the yellow chicken drifting, Doinb and Baolan had no choice but to surrender their flashes to escape.

"VG went straight to the Dragon Pit, trying to force RW to make a dilemma," I remember gushing, "The bottom road, Maibo, killed the high ground!"

Song Jinghao hoarded a large wave of soldiers and came in, and two full artillery vehicles bombarded the highland tower on the lower road of RW.

Mouse's blood volume was lowered by the sword girl's two piercing stabs. Knowing that he had entered the killing line, he didn't dare to forcibly defend under the tower, so he had to retreat to the spring to recuperate.

Now if the remaining three of RW dare to come to Dalongkeng to fight, let alone the Highland Tower, the two front teeth may also be smashed and flattened by Sword Fairy!

After discussing for a while, the team decided to stick to the high ground and clean up the pawn line first.

As for the big dragon, it will be given to VG for nothing.

But blindly retreating will not allow RW to find a gap to counterattack, it will just be a slow death while lingering.

After getting Baron Nash, VG expanded its economic advantage to more than 1W, and rushed to the enemy's high ground after replenishing all the equipment!

It was still Jian Ji who was single-leading on the side road, and the four people in front went to the other road and slowly advanced.

The two-pronged VG demolition efficiency is extremely high. With the buff effect provided by the dragon BUFF, the RW three-way highland crystal was flattened in just two minutes, leaving only the main base and two front tooth towers.

Under the blessing of the Baron's hand, the three-way super soldiers rushed in mightily, encircling the RW main crystal tightly!

The RW fans were frustrated, and their minds were blown apart by this desperate scene.

Not only the supporters, but the players were also out of breath by the strong sense of oppression.

Casa wants to go in and kick again, but it is unrealistic for him to threaten the back row of VG by touching his eyes and spinning around without flashing!

Duan Deliang stood by the absolute core conscientiously, and gave control when he saw the blind monk rushing in.

The damage of the VG double C is enough to make Kasa die suddenly in the air!

The subsequent team battle that was forced to start was even more overwhelming.

Jack took four kills, and the VG team took advantage of the trend to flatten the RW main crystal after destroying the opponent!


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