What is a hexagon jungler?

589: The charm of changing lines!

Zoom stared straight at the monitor without saying a word. The scarlet word 'failure' on it was extremely eye-catching, always reminding him of what happened just now.

Zhang Xingran's scalp tingles at the thought of the reappearance of the captain's fame!

When playing in qualifying, if the opponent player performs well, he will feel ashamed.

Not to mention being beaten out of matchups in the professional arena, Zoom is even more restless!

After taking off the earphones, I heard Lang Lang's commentary echoing in the venue, "The captain Maibo's performance from the laning to the team battle is simply a textbook level performance, especially the final battle of the Dragon Pit, a record of three consecutive battles. The barrel ends the game!"

Zhang Xingran scratched his head in distress.

Before he could continue to build up his emotions, he heard Rita follow up, "Another player who has to be praised is Brother Xing. He made counter-squats many times in this game, and he successfully saw through Xiaotian's Gank route, which made JD.com's early offensive Seriously hindered!"

Now it was Gao Tianliang's turn to sigh.

Zoom saw that his jungler was named and criticized by the commentator, and the depression in his heart dissipated immediately, and he even gloated, "Oh, Xiaotian, you can't do this. I didn't expect it to work at all!"

Xiaotian retorted unconvinced, "Are you laughing like a hammer? On the road to play Ornn and get caught by the captain Dansha, the dragon group will let the brothers see your father-raising skills, right?"

Zhang Xingran changed his previous dejected expression, turned into a Kirby beast with a thick skin, so that the opponent's yin and yang strange qigong power could not penetrate the defense line, and he turned back and said, "Hehe, if it weren't for your first-level regiment commander being rotten, I would give the captain a piece of glory for nothing." Light, will I be killed alone?"

Gao Tianliang blushed, and was speechless for a while.

From the beginning of the design of the first-level regiment, he fell into a disadvantage in the duel with Gu Xing.

Although in the middle I recovered some scenes by smacking east and west, but the subsequent situation took a sharp turn for the worse.

Gu Xing completely grasped the initiative of the game!

Xiaotian kept reflecting on the way back to the backstage lounge.

Although he learned a lot of knowledge from Gu Xing, there were too many problems during the use stage.

The key is that the usage is too single and rigid, and it is easy for the opponent to see the pattern.

Gu Xing once sent him to a place of eternal doom by squatting back. Gao Tianliang guessed that the opponent had seen through his offensive intentions, so he was able to ambush him one step ahead!

Gao Tianliang fell into a long exam.

Bobby stood in the backstage aisle to welcome the players. He was afraid that there would be problems with the mentality of the players, and he specifically comforted them, "Don't be too active. The main reason is that the first-level team has blown us up. Remember to start the game more steadily."

"If the captain is not so fat at the beginning, the pressure of the game will be much less..."

Although it is said that the solo kill on the surface was not born until 7 minutes, the chain reaction has already appeared.

For example, when Zhuo Ding was at level 3, he was forced to teleport to the road to save the bloody Aoun, and then he used R to try to arrest Song Jinghao but failed, and the price he paid was quite painful.

Not to mention that because the top laner had a bad start, JDG was completely unable to fight against the opponent in the top half, and Xiaotian's range of activities was severely limited as a result!

Poppy was holding the shoulders of the players as he entered the door to elaborate on the strategy for the next round, when he suddenly heard cheerful voices coming from the other side of the corridor.

"Pin Gu, did you see that? Brother, a three-barreled barrel bombed 5 people!"

Most of JD's players have been in VGP, and they knew it was Song Jinghao just by hearing the tone.

The backstage layout of VG’s home stadium is not much different from the venue on the 9th floor of Super Brand Plaza in Shanghai. The team lounges are arranged on both sides of the corridor, and the studio and dressing room are located in the middle area.

However, due to the closed and narrow corridor, sometimes there will be an echo when speaking. As long as the voice is slightly raised, it is not difficult to hear part of the communication.

"Isn't it necessary for me to share in the credit?" Gu Xing said confidently, "If it wasn't for our efforts, you would have blown everyone up?"

He was really right.

If it weren't for the glacier's slowing zone to hinder JDG's movement, the captain would have no chance to blow up the famous scene!

Song Jinghao agreed and echoed, "No problem, let's share 1/3 of the credit with you!"

"It's a pity that we bombed 5 kills but didn't get a penta kill. The shocking level of the scene is still a little bit lower. Hey, hey..." Smeb pretended to sigh, "The next game must be a penta kill!"

When speaking, Song Jinghao's tone was full of complacency.

The chatter of the VG players gradually faded away, probably entering the team lounge.

"This guy is too deceitful!" Gao Tianliang shuddered, "Penta kills can be taken if you want? You really don't think of us as human beings!"

"That's right," Zoom nodded his head vigorously, "If Smeb can get pentakill in the next game, I'll just recognize him as his father!"

When Xiaotian heard this, he glanced at him, with a strange look on his face, apparently reminiscent of the rhythm meme that was once popular on the live broadcast platform.

In the second round of the game, Jingdong, who was ashamed and then brave, tried to show a super high level of competition, and gave the proud and arrogant VG a little color.

After the two sides switched sides, VG's overall BP logic did not change too much, but Jingdong chose to disable the captain Song Jinghao who played well in the previous game.

Poppy was still too afraid of Smeb's fiery touch.

In this way, he put Jack's signature Verus outside.

The final lineup of the two teams is as follows.

Blue side VG: top laner Gnar, jungler Scorpion, mid laner Ryze, bottom lane Verus+Tam.

The red side JDG: top laner Shen, jungler Prince, mid laner Snake Girl, bottom laner Kalista + Bullhead.

"Brother Xing has his eye on the scorpion, and he chose it for two consecutive rounds. It seems that he is still interested in the performance of the last game!" Wang Duoduo said in a high voice.

In the live broadcast room, netizens talked a lot.

[If you continue to choose, I feel that the big knife of the fist will be cut off in a few days! 】

[Gan, Brother Xing, my ball, are you holding back the choice of Scorpion? My buddies have been playing Scorpion for several years, you won't let the designer cut the hero directly to the point where you can't play it? 】

[Hahaha, the Scorpion player was going to give Skarner a grand burial earlier, and you want to run away after being targeted by Brother Xing? There are no doors! 】

[Think about the excited face of the scorpion player an hour ago, it was so cool, can you still laugh now? 】

"Knight's snake girl is worth looking forward to," Rita changed the topic, "It is one of his signature heroes, and it is very effective against Ryze!"

Wang Duoduo made a little extended interpretation, "That's right, Snake Girl is one of the beneficiaries of the changes in the new version of the rune system. Fengqi has been replaced with [Phase Rush], and the trigger conditions have become much simpler, allowing her to quickly trigger additional moves." Speed ​​bonus, and its own strength has also been greatly improved by the patch some time ago, it depends on how the golden left hand works!"

Snake Girl was considered a hot hero in the S6 World Championship, and Hou Ye used her to play the famous scene of R flashing and petrifying many people after the detour. Later, with the weakening of the core prop Ice Staff, Cassiopeia fell silent for a while.

But during the S7 Summer Split, Riot brought Snake back with version patches, and the enhanced values ​​gave her a place in the professional arena!

It's just that as the S7 schedule progressed, Snake Girl faced the disadvantages of single-core shooters at a glance-it was difficult for her to break through the enemy's front row to threaten the ADC, and the range was still too short.

As a result, Snake Girl was in an embarrassing situation in the second half of the World Championship.

Now in the S8 season, the incense burner system has been slashed and abolished by fists, and the three-core lineup has gradually become the mainstream of the arena. Snake finally has a chance to come back!

Of course, in terms of hero strength alone, Cassiopeia is definitely not as popular as the yellow chicken in the arena.

The reason why Jingdong did not choose Azir but locked up Snake Girl is very simple.

The left hand is not very good at yellow chicken, but the proficiency is green.

That being the case, it is better to bring out a more confident snake girl.

"From the perspective of the lineup, VG is going to use 131 split pushes in this round, using the split push ability of Gnar and Ryze to exert influence on the side; No way to create a good team and force the opponent back from the sideline to the front!"

This time, Xiaotian fully learned the lessons of the game at the beginning. Even though he still has the advantage in the fight, he did not choose to force the invasion to open the first-level regiment, but stood in a long snake formation along the river, playing extremely cautiously.

Thanks to the conservative strategy of the first-level regiment, Gao Tianliang was finally able to flex his muscles to the fullest and no longer had to fall into the predicament of having only one path to choose from.

It is worth mentioning that JDG is very cheap in terms of online rights in this bureau.

Shen vs. Gnar in the top lane, Shen was in a strong period before the dinosaur Poppy, and he often ridiculed that if he held three swords, he would lose half a pipe of blood!

Needless to say in the middle lane, the left hand is already strong in laning, and what he gets is a line bully like Snake Girl. In Terriz's case, he should control the line right.

In the bottom lane, Shuanglista must take the initiative, and has been pressing down on the combination of VG Verus + Tamm.

Xiaotian, who has guaranteed two line rights at the bottom, has a wide range of room to play!

Gao Tianliang naturally wanted to cherish it.

The duo hoarded the line and pushed the tower slowly, artificially creating a push back line, Xiaotian and other soldiers pushed the line across the center line, and hurried down the road to try to arrest Jack.

However, the VG duo was quite vigilant. Jack stood relatively forward in order to make up the knife. After Nan Fengjiao flashed WQ two combos and flew, Duan Deliang immediately swallowed it into his mouth.

Gao Tianliang's EQ came over and wanted to knock him into the air, but Duan Deliang ran away without thinking!

Seeing this, Xiaotian didn't chase after Shan.

After all, the prince's EQ flash has no damage. Even if he picks up the opponent, Niutou doesn't have enough control to keep the enemy after surrendering the flash second company. Kalista's output alone is not enough to kill the VG duo.

In the end, the auxiliary swap between the two sides flashed, and Xiaotian was able to force the VG duo to retreat to the defense, unable to push the bottom line of troops to Jingdong's down tower. After careful calculation, JDG made a small profit.

Gu Xing was not idle either. Seeing Xiaotian appearing in the bottom lane, he immediately rushed to the middle lane, coordinating with Kuro's flash EW to force out the flash of his left hand.

But in the next few minutes, he did nothing.

The power gap between the three routes lies here. Gu Xingwan’s scorpion has to reach level 6 as soon as possible to improve his sense of presence. He simply hides in the wild area to speed up his development.

Gao Tianliang seized the opportunity to patronize the bottom lane again, this time Duan Deliang couldn't escape, the JDG duo handed over all the remaining summoner skills, and finally gave Puff a blood!

Gu Xing held back for 7 minutes before his hands froze. After reaching level six, he boldly came to the middle road.

Going forward in sheep's clothing, in fact, you have to deceive the left hand's big move.

Zhuo Ding was still too young too naive, inexperienced, he couldn't bear his temper, facing the eyeing scorpion rushing forward, he directly handed R [Petrochemical Gaze], trying to fix him in place.

But when Gu Xing heard the roar of the snake girl, he immediately clicked on the floor behind him, and manipulated the scorpion to turn around 180°, just to avoid the opponent's petrification!

Immediately, without waiting for the opponent to make a phase rush, he quickly flashed forward, opened R, grabbed his left hand and brought it in front of Kuro!

Zoom quickly handed over his big move [Compassionate Soul Fall], trying to directly launch support for the mid laner from the top lane.

It's just that in last year's patch, the amount of shield provided by Shen's low-level ultimate move was greatly weakened. Now the white shield protruding from the top of his left hand is not thick, and it can be easily shattered by Ryze's two small skills.

Song Jinghao's Gnar saw the opponent and wanted to run to support him, so he simply resisted the tower and went in to stack his anger, and when he got bigger, he slapped Shen far away with his paw!

Then he flashed out of the tower to prevent Zoom from becoming angry and E flash taunting himself under the tower.

Without any suspense, Zhuo Ding, who had flashed into the cooldown, had no power to fight back against the besieged by VG Nakano, and Li Ruixing finally took the head with a smile!

However, VG did not pay a price for catching the golden left hand.

The most intuitive point is the loss of the initiative to compete for the vanguard.

Gu Xing handed over all the big flash moves, and the role of the scorpion in the vanguard team battle is minimal!

What's more, the top laner Gnar's equipment has not yet formed, and his combat effectiveness is also very average.

After thinking about it for a while, Gu Xing simply let go of Pioneer, turned around and went to the lower half area to exchange resources with Fenglong.

Gao Tianliang controlled Pioneer and decided to continue his offensive from the bottom lane, trying to destroy VG's next tower first.

Gu Xing's defense against the vanguard's offensive was still impeccable. Xiaotian's ink was inked for more than three minutes. Seeing that the vanguard's eye was about to expire, he couldn't find any flaws in VG!

In desperation, Gao Tianliang had to put it down in a hurry, using his body to cover the purple-skinned garlic and smashed into the enemy turret.

After staying up for 16 minutes, he used Zoom's ult move to support remotely, forcibly launched a four-pack two, and besieged the VG bottom lane combination in the tower and killed both of them!

In the follow-up episode, the power of four people finally flattened the Tower of One Blood!

"Mai Bo, you stay on the top road and push the tower," Gu Xing directed, his voice calm, "B will go back to the city and go down the road after pushing, Brother Duan, after you revive, take Jack to the middle road."

As for Kuro, he must go on the road to supplement the development of the line.

"Success," Song Jinghao agreed, and went to his family to ask for compliments, "I controlled Bohui to push the line on the top road...Brother Ruixing, did I treat you well?"

"Hehe." Kuro has gradually learned the essence of Chinese, and can express his inner feelings with just two words.

Gu Xing saw that VG began to switch lanes, and entered the state of God's perspective that Domori had given him at the beginning, and planned the three-way army line as a whole.

"Later, Mai Bo, you can push the lane slowly in the bottom lane, stock up on the opposite tower, and I can help you squat back then."

"Jack, let me help you block the pawn line in the middle. After you come over, control the pawn line in front of the tower and fill it up slowly."

In order to keep up with the progress of Kuro's line transition, the left hand also turned and left after Li Ruixing left the middle.

Before he left, he did not forget to push the line of troops across the river.

Originally thought that he could successfully push the minions into the turret and cause VG to lose a wave of pawns, but Gu Xing was well prepared and rushed to the middle from the wild area, blocking the way for JDG's pawns to enter the tower with his body!

Jack rushed over after his resurrection, just in time to make up the knife safely in front of the tower.

The Nanfu team was naturally very awkward when they saw that the position of the pawn line was stuck in front of the VG middle tower.

The two of them didn't dare to push the line alone - if they were arrested by Gu Xing's scorpion, they would undoubtedly suffer heavy losses!

As a last resort, Puff called Xiaotian over, wanting the prince to be his bodyguard.

If the two sides fight against each other for 3v3, the current JDG has a good chance of winning!

However, what Gu Xing wanted was for Xiaotian to rush to the middle road.

The moment he saw the trace of the prince through his vision, he ran down the road!

Song Jinghao just stocked up a large wave of troops to enter the next tower of Jingdong, and Zoom was happily replenishing troops when he saw a crystal scorpion blocking his way back!

R [Crystal Stinger]!

Skarner dragged Shen out of the tower, and cooperated with the enlarged Gnar to form a chain control!

You know, in the early stage, in order to supplement the ability to push the line, Shen must do Tiamat.

Paying 1200 gold coins but not gaining any frankness, the current Shen in front of VG Ueno has nothing to do with "meat" at all!

The head was easily collected by Song Jinghao, and then he initiated the demolition work on the JDG turret under the cover of a large number of soldiers!

Xiaotian didn't expect to be tricked by Gu Xing again. He was extremely annoyed, but he didn't think of a solution.

Together with the JDG duo, he couldn't jump the tower against Jack and Duan Deliang who were hiding in the middle tower!

No way, Gao Tianliang had no choice but to go on the road after dealing with the VG middle lane, trying to find Li Ruixing's flaws.

But Ryze's incomprehension is fully reflected at this time.

Kuro calmly cleared the pushback line on the road, and then relied on the R+ stopwatch's brainless retreat combo to avoid Xiaotian's siege!

After Gu Xing accompanied Song Jinghao to push down the tower, he continued to threaten the second tower!

The rest of JDG's four players are all in the upper half. After the resurrection, Zoom is alone, unable to defend at all, and can only give up the second tower!

Under the command and operation of Gu Xing, VG successively dismantled the two defense towers of JDG's bottom lane, and instantly took control of the lower half of the area as its own!

What's more, Song Jinghao relied on the economy of one kill + dismantling three defensive towers, and simply accumulated an advantage of thousands of gold coins!

Next, Smeb used Gnar's strength in the mid-term to show off frequently and put heavy pressure on JD on the sideline!

Gao Tianliang was numb.

He didn't want to understand what happened, the lower half of his family fell completely!

The defensive towers in the bottom lane were all flattened, and the high ground was exposed. If Gnar was left alone, it would be a matter of time before he was destroyed all the way.

But how does Dalong deal with the trouble with Gnar?

Gao Tianliang faced a dilemma.

The immature him is no match for the old You Tiao Gu Xing at all, his management is a mess, and he gave away all the advantages he had accumulated before!

VG dragged to the late stage, relying on 131 brainless sidebands to constantly pull the space, and finally won the game after 44 minutes of fierce fighting!

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