What is a hexagon jungler?

605: Shocked, a talent can change the whole game

Gu Xing leaned forward slightly, showing an effort, staring at the monitor with all his attention.

"Let's go directly to the upper jungle area at the first level," he commanded, "Kuro, you go to the front, don't be afraid."

Li Ruixing listened to what his own jungler said, and without thinking about it, he took the lead and led his teammates to the RW Ueno area.

Anyway, he is a Thain, not afraid of death in the early stage, and can turn into a zombie to gnaw people hard after resurrection.

VG quickly crossed the upper river, RW detected the enemy's offensive movement through the eye position a few seconds in advance, and immediately decided to retreat and give up the Ueno area.

After all, the first level of the Xialuo combination is not as strong as before, and the explosive ability is too poor. If you really want to fight against each other, you have little chance of winning.

And VG's invasion of the Ueno area is just in line with RW's wishes.

They were originally going to focus on the second half, and Casa didn't like to catch the old cat pie left over from the Flash Wolves period, not to mention that Mouse's strength is not particularly strong, and it is certainly not worth spending too much energy on him.

At this moment, seeing VG coming to invade, Casa simply pushed the boat forward and went to replace the enemy's lower field.

"Brother Duan, in the early stage, try not to allow the opponent to hoard the soldiers in the bottom lane," Gu Xing urged, "As long as there are not many soldiers, they will have no way to cross the tower."

RW's control skills in the field are extremely lacking. If you want to jump the tower, you have to rely on Luo to fight first. The VG duo holds 4 summoner skills, which is not difficult to deal with when the blood volume is sufficient.

Duan Deliang also knew what he should do, so he quickly agreed, and first set his eyes on the triangular grass in the bottom lane, so as to prevent Kasa from making insidious tricks and directly catch him at level 2. Clear as many minions as possible before.

However, RW predicted in advance that the VG duo would try to clear the line to prevent a large number of minions from entering the tower, so the old thief Sima and Baolan didn't help Kasa open the field at all, but directly crouched in the grass on the bottom lane!

Seeing that the VG duo began to clear the troops, Baolan immediately operated Luo to hand over W [Grand Debut], wanting to knock the enemy into the air and complete the face-to-face.

Although Phoenix Legend has been weakened in version 6, the conditions for the two to work together to create burst damage are more stringent. If they really want to be able to A to the opponent, the output ability has not changed in any way.

Baolan's intentions were clearly exposed.

One is to prevent the VG duo from clearing the line, and the other is to try to reduce the enemy's HP.

Everything is preparing for the next tower jump!

Seeing that he was about to fall into an emergency situation, Duan Deliang did not hesitate to learn skills in seconds, swung his arms Q [Earth Smash] and smashed Luo before he reached the landing point of Shanda.

After the aftershock was triggered, the tauren's dual resistance instantly increased by 70 points, successfully breaking through the 100 mark!

In the early stage, 100 points of dual resistance means that the giant meat is incomparable!

And this all comes from the aftershock changes in version 2!

The talent lasts for 5 seconds, and Xia Luo's lethal feather coat lasts only 4 seconds. Duan Deliang can completely retreat after hard damage with the improved dual resistance!

Luo's shooting range is only 300 yards, and the Tauren can walk out with a pair of legs in the one-second control time of knocking up the opponent.

Now Baolan is very embarrassed.

He can't get an A!

Luo's basic attack can't hit it, and Yuyi can't output the tauren if he is killed, and Xayah's W alone can't have a substantial impact on Alistar!

In the end, Duan Deliang retreated calmly, only knocking out a bottle of potion to replenish his blood volume.

On the other hand, Luo's blood volume has been reduced to half!

The reason for the gap in health between supporters is closely related to talents.

Luo couldn't find a suitable cornerstone talent in the current version, and most of them carried [unsealed cheats] to help the team by changing summoner skills.

The disadvantage is that there is not enough meat.

After W came up, he was pushed up by the Tauren first, and Jack's Kai'Sa kept stealing damage from the flanks, and deliberately opened the distance between him and the line of soldiers to ensure that Q [Icacia Torrential Rain] can hit the most missiles on Luo. .

After such a wave, half of Baolan's blood disappeared without a trace!

"Well played, old Duan!" Jack cheered up his support, "the opponent can't beat us!"

"No, no, no," Duan Deliang, who noticed more details, licked his lips, "Luo took two bottles of medicine, and they will come again!"

After taking two bottles of blood medicine, Baolan can still maintain her state!

Even Jack, who has always played violently, was taken aback.

Level 1 Luo directly swallowed so many potions, it was obviously a gamble for his life!

If the tower jump fails, it will be a fatal blow to the support who is not well-off in the economy!

"Then what should we do?" Jack was flustered, "If the wire cannot be pushed out, we are just waiting to die under the tower!"

Both he and Duan Deliang handed over their skills, Kai'Sa and Tauren, two short players, wanting to grab the second place in front of Phoenix Legend is simply a dream!

It is inevitable that the line power will be controlled by the Xialuo Group!

"It's okay," Gu Xing reassured his teammates, "I have a solution, you just match up normally, don't give it a chance."

Baolan's abnormal behavior of drinking blood bottles fully exposed RW's intention to jump the tower.

From this, he determined that Casa would launch an offensive towards the VG duo when the bot lane line entered the tower.

Then there is room to maneuver!

During the process of clearing the camp, Gu Xing kept the punishment in his hands, and increased the attack speed by actively reducing his own blood volume, thereby speeding up the speed of clearing the wild!

Clear the red buffs and stone beetles one by one, and wait until the time to brush F6 before handing over the punishment, and cooperate with Q [throwing against the current] to quickly kill the six members of the Raptor's family.

In just 2 minutes and 22 seconds, Gu Xing successfully rose to level 3 in the open field alone!

Berserker's early wild clearing efficiency is definitely worthy of such a horrible evaluation, even if you look at the entire alliance, it is one of the best existences!

Immediately Gu Xing drove Olaf to hide in the grass next to the camp and read the article back to the city.

"Eh?!" Standing in the perspective of God, remember was stunned for a moment, "Brother Xing Li Zaigan?"

"The wild monsters in the upper half of the map haven't been cleared yet, are you going back to the city?"

He couldn't figure out why.

"Since only three groups of wild monsters have been spawned, and the time is only two and a half minutes, there is not much money for automatic jumping. Brother Xing only needs to buy a pair of straw sandals when he returns to the city. He even has no money to buy real eyes and has to leave!" Ze Yuan said. I was also puzzled, "It doesn't make sense, isn't it good to go back to the city after finishing the first half of the district and upgrade the jungle knife?"

There were rustling discussions in the auditorium.

Even a die-hard VG fan doesn't understand why Gu Xing chose to return to the city for supplies at such a weird time.

Olaf's regular style of play starts with a fast four, turning his own wild clearing speed into a time advantage and then seeking to seize the advantage.

However, Gu Xing did not take the usual path!

But after seeing clearly Gu Xing's course of action after leaving the spring, Ze Yuan suddenly had an epiphany.

"Brother Xing is going down the road!" He blurted out with an excited expression, "This bowl wants to squat back!"

"VG clearly guessed that RW wanted to launch a tower jump attack against their own duo!"

Looking through the fog of war from the perspective of watching the game, RW's offensive plan for the bottom lane is already clearly revealed!

I remember agreeing with my partner's statement, but still frowning, "But is it really in time? No matter how fast Olaf clears the jungle, it seems that he can't make it to the bottom lane in time!"

It was exactly 2 minutes and 30 seconds before Gu Xing left the spring.

The third wave of artillery lanes in the bottom lane collided on the lane at 2 minutes and 37 seconds. Since the RW duo hoarded minions, Xialuo was able to push the artillery lanes into VG in about 2 minutes and 45 seconds with the help of the lanes. Tower inside!

Then the window period left for Gu Xing is only 15 seconds.

In my memory, even if Gu Xing made straw sandals, it would be too late to get from the spring to the next tower in 15 seconds.

Generally speaking, it takes half a minute for the hero to complete the journey!

The difference of 15 seconds between the two is enough for RW to kill and steal!

After Gu Xing arrives, I'm afraid he can only collect the corpse of the VG duo!

Just when he remembered having doubts about Gu Xing's decision, he suddenly heard Ze Yuan hiss softly.

As soon as he cast a suspicious look, his partner's suddenly raised voice echoed in his ears!

"Predator!" Ze Yuan shouted, "Brother Xing has a predator!"

"It seems that he can really arrive in time for support!"

I remember thinking it was funny at first.

I thought it was some new discovery.

Isn't it normal for Olaf to bring predators in the current version?

Besides, although the Predator enchantment on the shoes can increase the hero's movement speed after it is actively turned on, but for the sake of balance—to avoid someone buying a Predator in the first-level regiment and excessively interfering with the battle situation, the Predator is specially set to "automatically After the game starts, it enters the 'cooling' mechanism.

And this cooling time is 180 seconds, which is 3 minutes.

I thought about Gu Xing, but there is no way to use it right away!

However, due to a physiological reaction, I still remember to move my eyes to Olaf's equipment column unconsciously.

The next moment, he was taken aback.

The equipment grid containing the straw sandals has already lit up!

It symbolizes that active props can be used!

Predator turns good!

"How is it possible?!" I remember staring at the forehead lines.

This is not scientific!

Gu Xing, you hacked and modified the built-in cooling of the predator, right?

Between flashes and flints, I remember that I couldn't think of the reason why the predator suddenly cooled down against the common sense.

"RW was kept in the dark, they didn't know that brother Xing was on his way!" Zeyuan said impassionedly, "Xialuo team pushed the line of troops in and opened the tower directly!"

Casa got out from the grass behind the side of the next VG tower, and the duo formed a two-sided sandwich, encircling Jack and Duan Deliang under the tower!

In the eyes of everyone in RW, VG's bottom lane is already two pieces of meat on the chopping block!

Sapphire First W [Grand Debut] A skill that wants to deceive the Tauren first.

Duan Deliang was also unambiguous, and immediately handed over Q Earth Smash to knock it into the air, and by the way triggered the aftershock again to increase the frankness.

But it was exactly what Baolan wanted.

He shifted the fire target immediately, and manipulated Luo to hang the fire on Jack!

It is worth mentioning that in the 6th version of the playoffs, Ignition has been strengthened, and the damage has been increased from the original 70-410 to 80-505 according to the level.

Now the igniting damage given by Luo at level 2 is equal to Xia's two basic attacks, which can greatly reduce Jack's health!

Yu Wenbo quickly handed over the treatment, but the serious injury effect prevented him from recovering too much life.

"Kasa handed over the icicle and firmly stuck Jack in the crack of the wall!" I remember exclaiming, "My old swan, the angle of this pillar is ridiculously tricky, and Karsa has simply played tricks! "

It seems that the upper limit of trolls is not high, but in fact the essence of the whole hero lies in E [Pillar of Ice].

Playing well, can make full use of the terrain and buildings to get stuck so that the opponent is in pain - Gu Xing once tortured Little Peanut to the point of unconsciousness in the S6 World Championship; playing vegetables, icicles can save the opponent's life and help the wounded or get stuck Escape paths for teammates are not out of the question.

There is no doubt that Kasa is one of the top troll users.

He used icicles to form a triangle with the defensive towers and walls in the map, trapping Jack firmly in the middle!

Yu Wenbo had no choice but to quickly hand over the flash to escape over the icicles.

That's what Casa wants.

He turned on W [Frozen Field], stepped forward and swung a big stick!

"Prince Duan clicked on the cannon cart with a general attack, and used the beheading effect of the shield of the holy object to clear it..." Ze Yuan kept staring at the screen, telling the audience what happened in the canyon, " This cannon trooper successfully helped the VG duo reach level 2!"

From the very beginning of the game, RW used Baolan to forcibly knock off the blood bottle to control the lane control. The VG duo didn't even clear 9 soldiers, and they still couldn't upgrade to level 2.

Duan Deliang's choice can be said to be subtle.

Clearing the cannon carts will not only increase the level of one's own bottom lane to enhance combat effectiveness, but also reduce the helpers of RW going to the field.

Otherwise, they will be bombarded by artillery vehicles in the next resistance. This thing is definitely a huge threat in the early stage!

After reaching level 2, Duan Deliang tapped the keyboard with his finger, and quickly tapped out the W skill, intending to use W [Savage Rush] to push Kasa to a position away from Jack.

"Flash so fast!" Zeyuan's voice rose again, "Kasa avoided the bull's head skill by flashing, and it's an AQA towards Jack!"

"Even if Jack is promoted to level 2, he still can't stop the troll's high explosion!"

There's a reason Kasa was able to pick the troll in this game.

Not only to restrain Olaf.

In the 5th version on the eve of the playoffs, some attributes of the previously weakened strong attack have been raised again, and the vulnerable effect after triggering has ushered in a strengthening, which will increase the proportion of damage caused to the enemy from 4%-12% to 8 %-12%.

It is a top-level improvement in the early stage!

Trolls are the beneficiaries of the power attack talent.

Whether it's a one-on-one matchup, or cooperating with teammates during the Gank period, the enhancement of the strong attack can make him even more powerful!

Casa now goes down three sticks, and with the deadly feather coat combined with Zigno and Xia Luo, Jack's blood bar is easily reduced to less than half!

Seeing that Yu Wenbo was about to kill Yu Wenbo, who was about to hand in all the double summons, a wolf head icon suddenly lit up on the heads of the three of RW Shimono!

At the same time, the howling of wolves was transmitted to the ears of the three contestants through the earphones!

Immediately afterwards, a robust figure holding a hatchet came into view, with a scarlet afterimage trailing behind him!

It was Olaf!

Predators can provide 45% movement speed, combined with their [Swift] talent, the movement speed has already exceeded 500 points!

Gu Xing was able to rush to the battlefield quickly!

In an instant, the voices in the RW team were in chaos.

Olaf's unexpected back squat caught them off guard!

After a brief panic, the RW player forced himself to calm down and consider the current situation.

Casa wants to fight to the end - he didn't dodge in the first place, and he is located deep in the next tower of VG, so trying to escape is basically a daydream.

If you can replace a back pad, you will be considered a success!

Baolan wants to retreat, which is understandable.

He has already resisted the defensive tower twice, and his blood volume is not much now, but relying on the flash in his hand, escape seems to be no problem.

However, following Kasa's command to kill Jack hard, Baolan still took more damage from the turret, and after resisting the remaining blood, she used E [Qing Wu Cheng Pair] to return to the old thief Sima.

But RW still underestimated Olaf's damage.

"Brother Xing hit the troll with an ax at the limit distance, and applied a huge slowing effect to Kasa!" Ze Yuan said in a loud voice, "After the predator is triggered, there will be additional damage. Kasa was caught by Jack's Icacia rainstorm." Void Tracker hits a set of small bursts!"

I have to say that Zeyuan has always been able to recite the name of the dish with hero skills, which can be called smooth flow.

The speed of speech was as fast as the speed at which Kasa's blood bar disappeared.

The troll fell to the ground and broke out with blood!

"Jack is not dead yet, he has less than one bar of blood left after knocking on the blood bottle!" remember shouting.

"VG doesn't seem to want to give up, and Nosuke and the two are still chasing after him, and they're targeting Baolan!"

Ze Yuan looked nervous, "The route is too long, leaving enough chasing distance for VG Nosuke!"

Gu Xing was also unambiguous, and after relying on the advantage of moving speed to close the distance, he directly flashed the axe.

Baolan had no choice but to surrender the flash to evade.

But the distance between the two has been shortened, Olaf can't avoid the next Q after picking up the axe!

The old thief Sima also wanted to save his teammate's life, so he flashed backwards to escape, giving Baolan's second-stage E [Qing Wu Cheng Pair] room to move.

However, not long after the two formed their team, the degree of tacit understanding was limited after all.

Baolan was a step late before handing over Qing Wu Cheng Shuang.

As a result, Luo was directly emptied of his blood by the ax of Olaf Q's [throwing against the current] in mid-air!

"It's because I resisted the tower too much!" Zeyuan was heartbroken, "If he didn't insist on killing Jack after seeing Brother Xing squat back, Baolan would have been able to withstand Olaf's Q!"

Kasa stared straight at the black and white screen.

He didn't want to understand, how could Gu Xing have a predator in less than 3 minutes?

I remember also being deeply in doubt and unable to extricate myself.

Gu Xing in the camera chuckled softly, his spirits were high and he was full of complacency.

The secret is simple.

Just because the talent he carries is different from other Olaf players.

Most of the players in the Domination system where the Predator is located prefer to carry [Relentless Hunter] in the fourth row, so as to increase the movement speed in the non-combat state and increase Olaf's mobility.

But Gu Xing did not take the usual path.

He chose [Spiritual Hunter]!

The effect is to provide active equipment cooling reduction, the amount is 10% + 6% of the bounty hunter layer.

From Gu Xing's point of view, this little talent is very suitable for Olaf.

Whether it's the Predator, the Glory of Justice, or other active equipment, they are all Olaf's regular equipment, and can enjoy reduced cooling!

Gu Xing didn't participate in the kill in the early stage, so he only had the initial 10% active equipment CD reduction.

Predators with an initial cooldown of 180 seconds can reduce their cooldown by 18 seconds.

Thus helping Gu Xing to successfully have the first chance to use the predator in 2 minutes and 42 seconds!

With the help of this talent, he successfully caught up with this anti-squatting battle and saved his teammates from the fire!

Congratulations to JD. It's a pity for Li Ning. I feel like I'm one step away from the championship.

The BP of the fifth game still feels a bit problematic.

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