What is a hexagon jungler?

609: Who is the radar?

Gu Xing started from his own red BUFF, then no longer cared about the lower jungle area, but walked straight up.

Zeyuan was very interested, "Brother Xing's route in the wild is a bit strange!"

"He knew that Baolan's first-level mistake resulted in no RW ward position in his own jungle, so he chose to change speed to brush the jungle," remember analyzing Gu Xing's intention, "As a result, he was bound to launch a surprise attack in the early stage!"

Otherwise, there is definitely no need for Gu Xing to make the jungle route so twisted and tortuous that it will delay his own development!

"The RW duo is very scared. Xia Luo, who should have the lane right, is a little scared when pushing the lane!"

"The two of them invested in the triangular grass and the grass at the pass leading to the river respectively to avoid being arrested by Brother Xing..." Zeyuan smiled, "But Brother Xing is clearly in the other half of the area, and these two eyes cannot Get any valuable information!"

“But it’s impossible not to let go,” I remember expressing deeply to Sister Li. “Although Casa’s scorpions are brushed from top to bottom, his main task is to increase his level, so he doesn’t have the energy to take care of them before all the wild monsters are cleared in the first round. Bottom lane teammates!”

Crystal Pioneer is a typical speed six hero, and basically does not have the ability to gank before using his ultimate move.

Even if Kasa uses the attack speed and movement speed bonus of the passive spire, it will still take about 3 minutes and 20 seconds to clear all 6 groups of camps in a single attack.

By that time, the fourth wave of troops in the bottom lane had been handed over!

Normally, the time point when the side with the line power first pushes the line of troops under the enemy tower is the second wave of short lines or the third wave of artillery lines. The different nodes depend on whether to push quickly or slowly.

The Scorpions who cleared all the camps in the first round obviously couldn't catch up with the time for their teammates' troops to advance to the tower, so they couldn't come to cover.

The RW duo had to ward to beware of Gu Xing. After all, the time Sapphire was forced to flash by Beer Man at the beginning was 1 minute and 20 seconds. At that time, there were only 10 seconds left before the wild monsters were refreshed. They did not support the opponent's long journey and then left the jungle area. Run to the top of the map.

Therefore, they concluded that Gu Xing must be starting from the lower jungle area, and maybe he would come to the lower lane to make people sick after reaching level 3!

As a result, the two eyes set up by the Xia Luo combination disappeared after a minute, and the beer man was not seen.

Kasa finished the jungle area in the first round, and then came to the river to finish the Swift Crab. Seeing that the bottom lane was still calm, he followed Doinb's pre-game instructions and went to the middle lane to act as a bodyguard.

At the same time, he did not forget to send a warning signal to top laner Mouse, telling the other party to be more vigilant.

Since Gu Xing is not in the bottom lane yet, he is in the upper jungle area, and he may have to cooperate with Smeb to catch the crow.

The early damage of the electrocution wine barrel is outrageous. The crow before level 6 only has [Corruption Potion], and its tankiness is close to zero. It will definitely not be able to withstand the explosion of VG Ueno!

Mouse was sitting upright, feeling full of danger.

He didn't dare to exchange blood with Song Jinghao anymore, but ran to the upper triangle to make an eye in the grass, and huddled in front of the tower, not wanting to give Gu Xing a chance to gank.

Everyone in RW had been speculating for a long time and made adequate preparations, but little did they know that all their efforts were in vain!

Gu Xing moved all the way down from the upper half of the area. Although the clearing speed was slightly slower than that of Scorpion Lailai, he still managed to deal with the last stone beetle camp in three and a half minutes.

After being promoted to level 4, he rushed to the bottom lane non-stop!

"Here we come!" Zeyuan was excited, "Brother Xing made a comeback, aiming directly at RW's Xialuo combination!"

From God's perspective, Queshi is a subtle detour.

The RW players on the field were completely unaware and are still kept in the dark!

"The old thief and Baolan are still hanging around in front of the VG tower. They pressed the line a little too deep!" I remember being very worried.

RW doesn't think so.

They believed that Gu Xing was either planning to launch an attack in the upper jungle area, or he would return to the city to replenish the wild swords after clearing the jungle. There was absolutely no reason to do it in the lower half of the map!

Under this situation, the old thief Sima naturally wanted to push the line hard. He didn't even push back after the third wave of artillery troops advanced to the tower, and just kept pushing troops to suppress it.

As we all know, the bottom lane combination of VG Kai'Sa + Minotaur is all short-handed. It will be very laborious to deal with the bottom line of the tower. If you are not careful when facing the Phoenix Legend, the tower replenishment knife will be consumed crazily.

This is also the purpose of the RW duo to press the line. If the opponent chooses a long-hand bottom lane with a faster line clearing speed, they will not press forward like this, which is completely meaningless.

The old thief Sima was immersed in the overwhelming pleasure and couldn't extricate himself, when he saw Duan Deliang suddenly taking a step forward, and question marks popped up in his mind.

Something's wrong!

Didn’t you always fight back before?

Baolan also smelled something was wrong, and he quickly wanted to retreat, but it was too late at the moment.

"Prince Duan dodges and pushes Baolan up!" Zeyuan's voice is loud, "Luo can't dodge if he doesn't dodge!"

"Brother Xing swaggered out from behind his tower, and the RW duo were caught off guard!" Remember to speak faster.

"Baolan has a strong desire to survive, and tried to use E [Dance in Pairs] to move to Xia and run away..." Zeyuan watched the battle in the canyon intently, and suddenly raised his voice, "But Niutou reacted quickly and used W [Savage Crash" ] Interrupted Luo’s displacement skills!”

"Prince Duan's hand speed is ridiculous!" He exclaimed repeatedly, "Can you hit this?!"

Luo's E [Lightly Dancing in Pairs] has a displacement speed of 1200 + 80% of his own movement speed. Even though Baolan has no movement speed props on him, he can still fly towards the sky at a speed of nearly 1500 yards.

As you can imagine, the reaction time left for your opponent is fleeting!

But Duan Deliang was stunned to complete the interception at such an exaggerated displacement speed!

Not only did it interrupt Luo's skills, because he had just Q-dodged and came behind Baolan, this horn directly pushed Luo into the direction of Gu Xing!

"Brother Xing seems to be able to threaten Baolan without even flashing!" Remember to shout.

Duan Deliang's Q flashed to W to hold Baolan down for two seconds, and coupled with W [Savage Crash] to force displacement, Luo was packaged as a gift and sent 700 yards away. Gu Xing only handed E, meat, egg, green onion, chicken and easily collided with Baolan. !

Basic attack followed by Q, the rolling barrel exploded, and with the output of electric torture, Crispy Luo's health was in danger!

"Baolan W moved to the second stage of E, and he wanted to return to the old thief Sima... but he couldn't hold on any longer!"

As Ze Yuan yelled, Jack's Kai'Sa detonated plasma and cleared Luo's health bar!

First blood is born!

"The old thief had no choice but to retreat alone," I remember shaking my head and sighing, "but after Jack got the 400-yuan bounty, the last few last hits he had suppressed were all in vain!"

"I have to say that Brother Xing's variable speed jungle brushing is excellent," Zeyuan praised. "RW was caught off guard. They didn't expect that Wine Barrel would come to the bottom lane at this point to gank!"

The old thief Sima's face was paralyzed and a little broken.

Kneading numbness, come again?

Are you just focusing on the bottom lane?

Casa, who was working as a bodyguard in the middle, looked troubled.

He looked at the enemy's jungle clearing number on the scoreboard, and at the game time, he could also see the opponent's jungle clearing route that did not follow the routine.

Karsa sighed endlessly, never expecting that Gu Xing would adopt such a weird trick, sacrificing development efficiency in exchange for a sure-kill surprise!

"Casa, don't let him lead you by the nose," Doinb's Chinese level is about the same as that of a normal Chinese person, and he can speak all kinds of common sayings. "Just develop, upgrade to level 6 first, otherwise our rhythm will collapse again!"

The Wolf King took a deep breath and agreed with Jin Taixiang's statement.

If your own auxiliary dies, it will only give away a few hundred dollars of economy. As long as the rhythm is not lost, the mid-term period will be RW's period of strength!

He also took the upper river crab into his bag, and went deep into the enemy's upper jungle area to make an eye to detect Gu Xing's movements in the second round of jungle farming. Then he returned to the city and made a blue jungle knife, ready to follow the plan. Start the second round of wild brushing.

"First finish all the wild monsters in the second round," Doinb commanded while driving the Cowardly Lizard forward to attack his old Noxian colleague Thane, "Then come to the middle to help me, and we will control the line of troops. Push it over and you can roam together when you reach level 6."

By then, RW's midfielder and jungler will both be promoted to 6, and it will be easy for Kled + Scorpion to grab the sideline with their ultimate moves!

Casa readily agreed.

And he doesn’t think VG can stop him.

This game is about the battle between the middle and the jungle, and Casa is full of confidence!

Regardless of the strength of the lineup, when it comes to leveling up, he will definitely be faster than Gu Xing - he has not imitated the other party's roundabout methods, and the jungle route is much simpler, so the development speed will naturally be more ideal!

If VG dares to repeat its old tricks in this game and work hard on the linkage between the middle and the jungle, Casa must let the opponent know why Hua'er is so popular!

He kept swiping from top to bottom, and during this period, he saw Gu Xing exposed within the ward position of the VG Ueno area he had inserted, and continued to send signals to top laner Mouse.

"Be careful, there are still flashes on the wine barrel... I can't go over and help you!"

As mentioned before, there is a gap in the jungle efficiency between the two junglers.

While Gu Xing was still in the upper half, Casa had cleared out his F6 and was about to head to the lower jungle area.

If you go back and do reverse squatting for the top laner, it will delay his speed six progress!

Mouse bulged his mouth in displeasure, and had to retreat to the rear again, complaining, "If Jiang Zi continues to play, my development will probably be left behind. This captain is too proficient!"

He retreated twice because he was afraid of Gu Xing's gank, and he lost about one wave of troops.

Song Jinghao developed without pressure and even started collecting silver snake coins!

You must know that under normal circumstances, the captain has to wait until he reaches level 7 and shine before he starts stacking Silver Snake Coins. Otherwise, it is easy to end up in an embarrassing situation where the mana is insufficient. Moreover, before the level of Q [Gunfire Negotiation] is raised, The Silver Snake Coins that can be supplied by killing units are also very limited, which overall makes them extremely cost-effective.

In the early stage, the captain basically used Q to shoot heroes, trying to use the money-stealing talent to steal the economy or consumables.

However, at this moment, Smeb's mana is still above 2/3. Youzai Youzai uses basic attacks to lower the overall health of the wave of soldiers, and then uses gunfire negotiation to detonate the gunpowder barrel, and the six soldiers are neatly arranged. He fell down and turned into countless gold coins and put them into the captain's pocket!

Why is your posture so arrogant?

Mouse, like most top laners, felt uncomfortable when he saw the captain stacking silver snake coins without any burden. He always felt that the situation was urgent and he didn't have much time left for him.

Kasa also felt guilty, "Wait a minute, Coin and I will help you after we reach level 6!"

After hearing the jungler's promise, Mouse put on a contagious smile and waited for Binxuan to enter the tower and began to replenish the tower sword honestly.

During this period, the captain got stuck in the defense tower and attacked Q twice. He was not angry, and happily looked forward to his teammates coming to help.

Kasa kept tapping the Q key on the keyboard while clearing the jungle. He had nothing else to do. He simply cut the screen to observe his teammates, "Baolan, please improve your vision in the bottom lane. The wine barrel should be here soon. Qian Don’t give it a chance!”

Baolan was too busy to respond.

In this game, he was in average condition and did not perform as well as he should have. At the beginning, he thought about getting wealth and wealth from danger, but he made a fool of himself and forced Flash out. Later, he was targeted by Gu Xing and became a breakthrough.

He is not satisfied with himself either, and now he just wants to try not to hold his teammates back.

Knowing that his teammates were going to do things in the upper half, Baolan decided to be a little more cowardly, standing slightly back and having a good view in the nearby grass.

Seeing that his support was very obedient, Kasa immediately felt relieved and ran to the middle after clearing the jungle area.

The two people's strategy of pushing the line was very successful. They quickly cleared the artillery line that arrived in the middle in 6 minutes and 57 seconds. Casa successfully reached level 6!

Then he turned on the Predator and gained a 45% movement speed bonus after a short 5-second guidance!

The old thief Sima just finished pushing a wave of bottom lane troops, and planned to go back to the bottom tower to wait for the troops to be pushed back. When he cut the screen, he heard the roar of a wolf head, his fingers couldn't help but tremble, and the mouse point changed.

Baolan next to her was not curious.

Because he had the exact same reaction.

In the last game, Gu Xing's omnipresent wolf-headed Olaf gave them a sudden stress reaction!

The frequent predator opening sound effects are already lingering in my mind!

"Rush, rush, rush!" Doinb was extremely excited. When he came to the river, he activated his R skill, allowing Kled to sprint while helping Kasa also accelerate.

The movement speed of the two instantly approached a thousand yards, and their target was directly at top laner Song Jinghao!

"Die!" Kim Tae-sang shouted ambitiously.

Because RW's midfielder double acceleration moved so fast, it crossed the entire upper river in just four or five seconds. When they reached the upper road, Song Jinghao didn't have time to retreat to a safe position!

It’s done!

"Look at me, look at me!" Kasa was excited in his heart. When he saw the captain handing over the flash and retreating into the tower, he immediately followed the flash and got closer to the opponent. E [Crystal Shatter] hit, first triggering the stun with a pair of pincers.

Even in the playoff version, the stun duration of Scorpion's E skill has been reduced to 25 seconds, but there is still a 25-second control time.

Mouse's crow was still grabbing soul fragments not far away and dragging the captain towards him.

Kim Tae-sang's Kled even came forward with E to tie Q's [Zipline Bear Trap] to Smeb.

As a last resort, Song Jinghao had no choice but to hand over Orange to release himself and regain his freedom.

It's now!

Kasa's eyes lit up.

He just handed over E, just to defraud the captain of the orange!

After all, sugar oranges are equal to mercury to Gangplank, and they can even remove the suppression. If Casa directly hand over R to pull people, the opponent might be able to escape by handing over oranges!

The Wolf King had already made all preparations and figured out how to ensure a stable kill of the captain.

Now that you have eaten an orange, you have nowhere to escape!

Scorpion laughed ferociously, and R [Crystal Stinger] pulled the captain's body to join his teammates!

At the critical moment, a strong man with a proud beer belly suddenly rushed out of the grass behind the first tower on VG.

Who is it if it's not Gragas? !

Kasa's smile froze instantly, and his heart couldn't stop falling.

Are the Beermen on their way to becoming gods and demons?

In his opinion, both junglers brush the jungle from top to bottom in the same direction.

But Casa had never captured anyone before, and he had not taken long detours due to the jungle design. He should have cleared the second-round camp faster than Gu Xing.

When he arrives in the middle to clear the line with Doinb, Gu Xing should play house with Stone Beetle in the lower half.

As for RW's midfielder's ultimate move + Predator, it only takes a few seconds to get to the top. Gu Xing must be too late to come to support!

As a result, the opponent was waiting for me near the top road!

Kasa was dumbfounded.

He had the captain in his grip and wanted to quickly get out of the range of the VG defense tower, but Gu Xing showed no mercy.

Meat, egg, onion and chicken!

The golden light flashed, Gu Xing handed over the flash that he had treasured for a long time, and stunned the scorpion!

Scorpion, who was using his ultimate move, was forced to stop where he was and did not drag the captain out of the range of the defense tower!

"VG's last tower continuously bombarded Kasa, and his HP was not that much!" I remember wanting to beat my chest on the commentary desk, "The captain waited for Scorpion's ultimate move to end, and then threw a cannon barrage to seal Scorpion's retreat!"

After slaying wild monsters in the second round, Scorpion did not return to the city to replenish equipment. He only had a blue jungle knife, and his smoothness was not much better than that of Crispy Skin.

Three shots from the defense tower, coupled with Gu Xing's electrocution output, beat him to the lowest level of health!

Kasa, who did not dodge, was struggling, and in the end he could only watch himself fall under the fire of the turret!

"The captain's ultimate move just now also covered Kled. Not finished yet, Doinb handed over his second E and rushed over to try to kill the captain..." Zeyuan kept talking, "Kled's high stakes The explosion combined with Mouse's Imperial Vision successfully disabled Maibo!"

Doinb was knocked down by a shot from the defense tower. He handed over his pistol, killed Song Jinghao and used the recoil to move out of the tower. It could be said that he killed two birds with one stone.

"The two sides ended up fighting one for one..." I remember just as I was about to summarize the battle, there was a deafening roar in my ears!

"Sain is here!" Zeyuan shouted selflessly.

The pilot shot was given to the veteran driver on the upper river.

After Kuro finished pushing the troops in the middle and jungle of RW, he cleaned up the minions in the middle tower.

Seeing that the enemy was freezing against Song Jinghao, Li Ruixing simply gave up the remaining soldiers, and when he reached the upper river, he activated his ultimate move and rushed to the battlefield!

"It's difficult for RW's remaining top and middle players to escape. Their escape routes are blocked by Thain who comes out of the river!"

Kim Tae-sang originally wanted to retreat under the cover of the top laner, but when he heard the news that Thain R was coming, he immediately decided to sell himself.

Otherwise, if we really want to fight 2v2, RW, who is almost out of skills, will definitely be no match!

Before Mouse could retreat to the center line, he was hit by Thain.

Forced to have no choice, he had no choice but to hand over Flash to evade.

However, Kuro refused to give up and dodged simultaneously. E [Killer's Roar] pushed the opponent and charged up the Q skill!

"After Mouse was slowed down, it was difficult for him to get out of Thain's Q range with just one leg. He used E Never Go Again to try to interrupt Thain's skills... but the pullback speed was too slow, and Thain had already dropped his axe!"

Zeyuan said vigorously, "He doesn't have much blood left now. It will be difficult to escape after being stuck by Thain!"

Gu Xing dealt with Doinb first, then chased him all the way to the tower on RW, asking Kuro to withstand the bombardment of the defense tower, and then went in with his E and rolled the barrel to take away the kill!

"1 for 3!" Zeyuan's face turned red with excitement, "VG's counter-crouching wave directly defeated RW!"

Kasa held his head in his hands, unable to believe what was happening in front of him.

Originally, RW could earn the kill economy and open up a gap, but now the situation has reversed!

Just because of the beer man's crouching!

Why is Gu Xing here?

Casa doubts life.

They say I am a radar that can detect the enemy jungler’s movements at any time...

Who is the real radar now?

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