What is a hexagon jungler?

611: Playing with operations, a desperate attempt to fail!

The last time Old Thief Sima experienced a similar feeling was the last time...

When Shan Niruo chooses Pan Sen to assist him.

The helpless feeling that the situation was out of his control made him feel irritated.

Kasa also realizes the seriousness of the matter. If Jack continues to develop, RW will face a nightmare-like mid-term team battle!

"I'll come to the bottom lane again... This bowl has flash and R, let's try to kill Kai'Sa to withdraw money!"

The Wolf King did not use his ultimate move in the last team battle, and now it has been delayed to about 12 minutes. He can just use R [Crystal Stinger] in combination with the flash after the cooldown to launch a fatal attack on Jack!

The effect was very successful.

Scorpion drove over with W [Crystal Scorpion Armor] and flashed + R, leaving Kai'Sa, who had no displacement skills, helpless to resist!

Jack simply took his hands off the keyboard, gave up the useless struggle, and allowed the other party to kill him.

The old thief Sima finally calmed down after accepting the head and extracting the bounty from Kasha.

He returned to the city to synthesize a blue-sucking knife and attack speed boots, which greatly increased the economic gap between himself and Jack.

Kasa helped the team open up the situation, and before they had time to take a breath, they received new news.

Gu Xing's hands were frozen on the road, and he also used the flash that he had just converted, and combined it with the meat, egg, onion and chicken to knock out Mouse. Song Jinghao accurately hit the target with two consecutive barrels, and quickly ran up to hang the fire knife on the crow!

Even if Mouse made a lunch box, it would be useless.

VG Ueno's output is nothing short of amazing!

The real damage of electrocution + fiery sword technique can reduce the crow's health in a short time!

Mouse was miserable.

Now he just hates why he handed over his ultimate move when he was ganked by Gu Xing last time.

Now that the R skill has not finished cooling down, he doesn't even have the ability to protect himself. Even if his flash improves, he will still be dead!

In the end, he fell under the tower, and his head was collected by Gu Xing with a rolling barrel.

"My, my, my," Mouse said with great chagrin, quoting the famous saying of his former teammate, "There's something wrong with my thinking."

But if you think about it carefully, it seems to be somewhat of an afterthought.

When he was caught in the last wave, he didn't know that Gu Xing would come again two, two, three, four times. He would definitely try his best to find a way out, and there was nothing wrong with using his ultimate move.

Of course, the result was that Mouse died twice in a row, and his development completely collapsed!

Kasa also looked sad.

He handed over Flash+R and killed Jack at a huge cost, sacrificing the team's rhythm for the next few minutes.

However, Gu Xing immediately returned the favor on the road, and RW didn't make much money at all!

When he thought of this, he gritted his teeth and decided not to stop doing anything else. He summoned the treasured Eye of the Pioneer and tried to bulldoze the next tower of VG!

Anyway, Gu Xing was in the upper half at this time and was unable to defend in the lower lane.

Casa is bound to win this first-blood tower!

Cutting the screen to look at Gu Xing, who was taking a sip of wine on the way to help the captain push the line, the Wolf King couldn't help but curse.

You like to catch it, right?

If you have the ability, don't defend the bottom lane!

Gu Xing really didn't want to go.

After the eight-man melee in the bottom lane, the summoners' skills and ultimate moves on both sides were almost comparable.

Gu Xingneng guessed that Ka'Sa would definitely go to the bottom lane to launch an offensive, trying to contain Ka'Sa who was Tianhu's start.

In this case, Xia Luo combined with a scorpion with flash and R. As soon as he went to the bottom lane, it was like giving away a kill!

Therefore, Gu Xing decided to selectively abandon his duo and go to the top lane to kill Mouse to replace the economy.

As for the Pioneer Eye in Scorpion Lailai's hand, he also had a plan.

Among them, Casa's decision to directly release the vanguard to push the tower after killing Jack was considered by Gu Xing to be the choice with the least loss to VG.

After all, it is an established fact that the opponent has the vanguard, and it will be released sooner or later.

Instead of letting Casa use Purple Garlic to operate and pull the line of troops, torturing VG for 4 minutes, and not releasing it until the Eye of the Vanguard BUFF disappears, it would be better to let him release it quickly!

At first glance, it seems that Pioneer can bring a lot of economic benefits to RW, but in the long run, Gu Xing thinks that it will be a loss for the opponent!

The reason lies within Casa itself.

You must know that Scorpion currently has no dodge or ultimate move, and its equipment level is relatively average. In short, it is in a period of weakness.

If Casa can always hold the vanguard in his hands, Gu Xing will not dare to drive the rhythm arbitrarily.

If he casts Vanguard now, then in the following period, Gu Xing can take advantage of the gap in Scorpion's combat power to cause trouble!

Kasa had no idea.

He was also complacent that the first-blood tower fell into his hands, so he returned to the city and used the money he earned to make a Slag Giant jungle knife.

Just as he was preparing to plan the next attack, he was caught by Gu Xing as he went to clear the jungle in his own Ueno area!

"Brother Xing has been lying in wait here for a long time, and Kasa is waiting for him!" Zeyuan shouted selflessly, "After knocking the enemy unconscious in the grass, he immediately followed up with the big move, without giving the scorpion any chance to react!"

R [Exploding Barrel] blasts the scorpion close to the middle, Kuro flashes across the wall, E kills him with a roar to slow it down, then charges up Q to smash the opponent away!

"The combo control of VG's midfielder is too strong. Karsa doesn't even have the ability to escape!" I remember feeling deeply sad. "After the Slag Jungle Blade was weakened, the tank jungler's tankiness was much weaker than before!"

With the Gu Xing Rune Echo jungle knife in hand, the output of the wine barrel cannot be underestimated!

In the end, Kasa couldn't hold on until his teammates came to help and fell to the ground in anger!

"VG's midfielder moves to the top, and their next target is obviously the RW duo who just changed lanes!"

Zeyuan saw through Gu Xing's plan at a glance.

Doinb also knows this well.

He was furious at the moment and couldn't stop complaining about Casa.

Before the game, it was clearly agreed that they would come to the center line first, and the two of them would deal with the minions before linking up.

Who would have thought that this guy would never come to the middle again after being squatted by Gu Xing in the middle!

This is good, since I am the only partner in the middle and jungle. How can I stop the enemy's two-for-four?

Although Doinb was unhappy in his heart, he did not show it on the field. He also actively communicated with his teammates on voice to confirm whether the duo could retreat in time.

The reply was no.

As a Luo, Baolan has relatively strong mobility, so it is not a problem to rely on W [Grand Appearance] to move away.

But Xia Ke, the old thief of Sima, does not have such a powerful means of escape.

Running all the way depends on one pair of legs, and he can't retreat to a safe area before VG's midfielder arrives!

Now that the exploding cones between the RW red zone and the Dragon Pit have been generated, the VG midfielder can cross the wall and reach the top road without going a long way, leaving little time for the RW duo!

Doinb is helpless.

It was impossible for him to let his assistant betray the old thief and escape alone.

Once Kasumi dies, her development will be delayed for at least 1 minute!

If the head is taken by Jack's Kaisha, the situation will be even more serious.

Casa's previous move of using flash + ultimate to help the old thief withdraw money will be completely useless!

As a last resort, Doinb had no choice but to hand over the teleport and reach the top lane first, hoping to lead the duo to defend the turret and fight 3v4.

It is worth mentioning that Gu Xing had helped Song Jinghao several times before, but he never stayed on the upper road. Smeb's captain alone would not pose an effective threat to the upper tower.

As a result, the turret currently has a lot of HP. Even if RW is at a numerical disadvantage, it can still prevent VG from jumping over the tower to encircle and suppress it!

When Gu Xing saw this, he didn't force it. He waited for Doinb to teleport to the ground, turned around and left with his teammates.

Only this time Kuro was not the only one traveling with him.

There are also duos!

"Beautiful lane switching decision!" Zeyuan looked excited, "The VG duo took the lead in switching to the middle and jungle just now, and successfully obtained the lane rights. Now after pushing the lane, they follow their teammates to the middle!"

When the four of them gathered together, they became like a domineering person, running freely through the enemy's jungle area!

"Now it's RW's turn to worry," I remember expressing deep admiration for VG's lane switching operation. "They have an empty gate in the middle. How will they deal with the four VG players pushing together?"

The old thief Sima frowned.

On the road, there is now a large wave of artillery troops sent into the tower by the VG duo.

If he went to the middle to support him, he would have to give up all his soldiers!

Otherwise, when he takes care of the top troops and then switches to the middle, the turrets will probably be demolished by VG!

It is no exaggeration to say that forced support will cost you at least 200 gold coins and a lot of experience.

Old Thief Sima felt his heart bleed.

But everyone knows the gold content of the first tower. Letting it go is basically giving up the dominance of the mid-term map!

Even though he was extremely dissatisfied, the old thief Sima still wanted to roam back to the middle of the defense and cooperate with his teammates to protect the crucial turret.

"Fuck you!" Jin Taixiang spoke in Tibetan in a straight tone, "Old thief, don't go into the wild area!"

His shooter's nasal voice expressing doubt was ignored by him.

Doinb felt his scalp was numb and cold sweat broke out on his forehead!

Since the green jungle knife has been deleted, there are currently no wards in the game to invest in.

As a result, there are only two eyes in the RW Ueno area, which cannot light up the fog of war in key locations. Most of the area is still in darkness!

Kim Tae-sang was not sure that the four VG players just went straight to the middle without looking back.

If they were ambushed by the enemy on their way back to defend the center, without the protection of Tower Father, they would definitely suffer heavy losses if they hit more with less!

"Give up the Zhongyi Tower!" Jin Taixiang gritted his teeth, but he could only make the decision to abandon the defense.

He gave in!

It seems that I am not in a good position to deal with it and fall into the trap set by VG!

"Really?" Baolan asked softly.

The assistant's words of reconfirmation were like a sharp blade, stabbing Kim Tae-sang in the heart.

Doinb closed his eyes in pain, and became determined when he opened them, "You two go push the first tower on the road, and I, B, will go back to the city to guard the second tower."

This was already the best countermeasure he could think of in the blink of an eye.

Try to replace the economy as much as possible, so as not to make the situation too ugly, and there will be no capital left to connect the group later!

It’s just that Gu Xing’s attacks are endless.

After realizing that RW had no intention of returning to defend the middle tower, he gave up the idea of ​​surrounding the opponent's upper jungle area to provide reinforcements, and led his teammates to the middle step by step to start the demolition work.

There are four people in VG participating in the tower push. With just one short wave, a tower in RW can be worn down to its remaining health!

Seeing that one of the opponent's towers was crumbling, Gu Xing pulled his assistant Duan Deliang away from the center line, leaving Double C to take charge of the remaining demolition work, just in time to eat the bounty of the defense tower.

Nosuke and the two rushed to the bottom lane!

"Again?!" Mouse, who was queuing up with Tower Daddy in the next tower, suddenly panicked.

Qiuqiu, please spare me!

With no tears left, he wanted to retreat into the grass.

At this moment, there was a roar in my ears!

It’s the captain’s R [Canon Barrage]!

Song Jinghao slightly curved the corners of his mouth.

Humph, want to escape?

There are no doors!

Mouse's escape route was blocked, and he waited under the tower with despair for the arrival of VG Nosuke!

Everyone in RW is helpless.

Kasa had just been resurrected, and now it was too late to rush to the bottom lane for rescue, so he had to accompany Doinb to defend in the second tower.

Hearing the cold announcement of Crow's death, the voice in the team fell into dead silence.

After a long time, the old thief with a paralyzed face asked a heart-wrenching question, "How can this be fun?"

The middle and lower twin towers were destroyed, and the lives of Ueno and Ueno were in vain.

It seems that RW's move of replacing resources with the enemy's previous tower is extremely ridiculous!

Kassa fast forwarded to a stage of silence, not answering his teammates' questions.

His mentality has never been very stable, but now he is being crushed by VG led by Gu Xing in terms of operation and team decision-making. If he doesn't have Hong Wen chewing on his hands, how can he give advice to the team if his brain is in chaos?

Kim Tae-sang gave a concise reply after thinking briefly, "Take care of the top lane troops, wait 20 minutes and directly open the baron, and let's force the opponent to come over and fight!"

For RW's early and mid-term lineup, the two-piece set is the final strong period.

If we don't start a battle to establish victory, the team will definitely lose!

The few good news is that due to RW's decision to change towers just now, the top lane is currently under their control.

Next, we only need to stabilize the advantage of the top lane, wait for Baron Nash to refresh, and then team up to push the middle line away, and then we can move to the Dalong Pit.

The plan was executed smoothly.

VG happened to be going to brush the reset earth dragon, and RW went straight to the point. After pushing the center line, they moved closer to the big dragon.

Gu Xing didn't take it seriously at first.

Relying on the advantages accumulated by the team in the early stage, VG's eye positions are currently all around the Dalong Pit, and no disturbance there can escape his eyes.

RW, if you want to move the baron, you have to empty the eye position before you move, right?

However, Gu Xing never expected that his opponent would not play according to the routine!

After the five players headed by Doinb arrived at the Dalong Pit, they regarded the nearby wards as if they were nothing, and began to output directly towards Baron Nash!

"You guys!" Kuro scolded angrily.

He has been living with Duan Deliang day and night for a year and a half, and now he even understands some Shandong inverted sentences.

"Go quickly," Jack said anxiously, "Don't let the dragon go to them!"

"There's no need to rush," Gu Xing calmed down and said slowly, "The dragon on the other side is very slow."

It’s still a common question.

RW's midfielder's output against wild monsters is too low.

They are all counting on Xia, the old thief of Sima, to provide output. If he wants to rush out Baron Nash, he can’t even think about it until he has 20 seconds!

Besides, VG still has a field of vision to clearly see the remaining health of the dragon, so there is no need for Que to be anxious.

Gu Xing signaled his teammates to be calm and calm, "It's perfectly late to rush over on foot... Everyone, keep your formation, the opponent has many skills for charging, don't leave any gaps!"

As a double champion, VG has seen all kinds of storms and waves. At this time, the members calmed down and asked the two front rows of Zhongfu to stand at the front. Gu Xing and Song Jinghao stood in the middle as melee output characters, and Jingli Pikasa stood at the back.

The five people crossed the middle road and headed towards the upper river.

"Luo wants to start a group," Gu Xing marked the grass in the river, "This guy is inside, pay attention."

RW still has a real eye on the areas where military strategists must fight for, such as the river grass.

However, next to the pass from the upper river leading to the VG blue zone, there is also a ward that Duan Deliang laid out earlier!

It was this eye that saw the movement information of Bao Lanluo leaving Dalong Pit and approaching the middle road!

There is also one of VG's eyes in the grass above the middle road. The two eyes work together to block all Luo's positions, narrowing the possibility to the river grass!

"I'll just shoot him, remember to deal damage!"

Without saying a word, Kuro activated R [Brutal Charge] and killed him!

As expected, Baolan was hiding in the grass in the river. When he saw Thain bumping into him, he had to turn to R [Jingxiao Gap] to speed up and run to the side to avoid the old driver's ultimate move.

Then use flash W to cut into the enemy's formation!

However, Luo's intention to start a group was too obvious, and VG had already been alerted by Gu Xing.

Jack turned over E [Extreme Overload] to escape into the void, while Duan Deliang first used R to firm his will to remove the charm control, and then used the horns W [Savage Crash] to knock Luo away!

Doinb's eyes lit up.

Niutou handed over a key control, and he activated his ultimate move without hesitation, driving the timid lizard towards the VG formation!

With Kled's acceleration belt laid out, everyone in RW gains movement speed!

Kassa activates Predator, gaining another increase in movement speed, and then activates W [Crystal Scorpion Armor]. The movement speed goes straight to the 1000 mark, killing the enemy's back row!

"Kuro's ultimate move was finally blocked by Crow's body. Mouse's choice was no problem. He had to let his teammates' rushing skills push into the enemy's back row in order to gain a chance for the team's teamfight!" Ze Yuan on the commentary desk Looks excited.

"Prince Duan also used his body to block Kled's charge, and then used Q [Earth Shatter] to push up the opponent..." He kept talking faster, "But Thain went to the front, and the Niutou's second company was handed over again. Come out, and no one can control Casa’s entry!”

The Wolf King found the right opportunity and rushed in!

At this moment, Gu Xing, who was originally blocking Jack, suddenly took a step sideways, exposing the Void Girl behind him to Scorpion.

Kasa was overjoyed.

Gu Xing, you also have a cowardly day, right?

I don’t have any mercury, so I don’t dare to touch my face!

Without thinking, Karsa flashed into the formation, and R [Crystal Stinger] pulled Jack who had just emerged from the void and walked out!

It was still early in the game, so Yu Wenbo did not choose to play mercury directly in order to make up for the damage.

He couldn't move after being clamped!

Doinb beamed with joy.

The opportunity has come!

As long as I can get A to Kai'Sa, and use my giant nine combined with the burst damage of W [violent temperament], I might be able to kill Jack in seconds!

However, as soon as the ecstasy was written on his face, Kim Tae-sang saw the exploding wine barrel rolling in the air!

It's over.

Doinb knows what this means.

The moment the explosive barrel exploded, Scorpion's body flew out uncontrollably!

Kasa, who had already been handed over by Flash, could not avoid it, and could only watch himself flying further to the back of the VG formation, separated by two places from his teammates!

"My old swan!" I remember speaking out my habitual habit, widening my eyes and suddenly raising my voice, "Brother Xing has been waiting for Scorpion to flash in and pull people in. His big move not only saved his teammates, but even chopped up RW Formation!”

The river is not wide at all.

RW just saw Kasala holding Jack, and they all wanted to come up and deal damage as soon as possible. The team battle that instantly killed VG was the absolute core.

One can imagine the sensational impact Gu Xing Jiugong's big move can have!

Except for Luo who ran away, the other four people in RW were all blown away!

The difference is that Kasa flew into the VG formation, while the other three players were blown far away, making it difficult to return to the battlefield in a short time!

The terrifying exploding wine barrel immediately set off waves of cheers in the venue!

"After Scorpion was alone, he was killed by Jack's plasma explosion." Zeyuan took a breath, "Ka'Sa's damage was too intense!"

Yu Wenbo is full of output equipment, especially the single Q, which Scorpion simply can't handle!

"It's now four versus five, RW has no chance!" Zeyuan shouted loudly.

Sapphire's Luo is a useless person. All control has been handed over, and then he has to huddle back and use basic attacks to provide damage.

In fact, it’s 3 versus 5!

RW didn't even think about it, turned around and wanted to run away.

Song Jinghao's ultimate move is once again deployed!

Amidst the roar of the shells landing, all members of RW were struggling!

Kuro, who had previously used R to rush into the enemy crowd, would not miss the perfect opportunity. He gave full play to the characteristics of the shit stick and controlled Thain to harass back and forth inside!

As soon as the RW team members ran out of Captain Cannon's barrage, they were stuck by Thain with his QE skill!

The VG players at the rear swarmed forward and pounced on him like wolves and tigers. Jack even used the plasma that Kuro had previously attached to the crow to open R and fly behind the old thief Sima, using a set of skills to instantly kill Xia!

"RW was wiped out!" Zeyuan said loudly, "VG took advantage of the situation and won the baron, so they can claim the high ground again!"

"The economic gap between the two sides has expanded to more than 8K, and the balance of victory and defeat has completely tilted!"

The last counterattack failed, and RW's defeat was inevitable!

At 24 minutes into the game, the main crystal shattered under Kai'Sa's missiles!

Now KT's only chance to prove their vision is to be swept by HLE in the lower bracket finals.

That is purely a matter of strength and has nothing to do with vision.

PS: Wadian is really doing it today, and its huge advantage against PRX in the second set will be overturned.

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