What is a hexagon jungler?

615: Unsolvable tactics from RNG!

Chapter 615 615: Unsolvable tactics from RNG!

Hearing the familiar ID of his good brother, Jack, who almost collapsed on the sofa, immediately raised his head.

Gu Xing also became curious, and he was all ears to see what his head coach had to say.

Hongmi put up a picture, "This is Ming's hero selection in the playoffs..."

"It's normal." Yu Wenbo tilted his head, not wanting to understand what Hongmi wanted to express, "Luo, Braum, Tauren, and Tam are all version heroes."

"He is a version hero," Hongmi pointed out the blind spot that Jack ignored, "but the talents he carries are not conventional talents!"

"Facing the two BO5s of IG and EDG, Ming brought a total of 6 mini-games [unsealed secrets], accounting for close to 70%!"

As soon as this statement came out, all the team members' eyes were focused on Shi Senming's talent page.

As Hongmi said, the unsealed secret book with the book page icon occupies a large amount of space and is flooded in front of everyone.

"I'll drop a turtle..." Jack looked shocked, "Luo has no other talent options, so just bring the unsealing secret book. Tam and Braon also bring them?"

Except for the tauren who need aftershocks to maintain their stability, Shi Sen Ming and Qing are all unsealed secrets!

According to common sense, Braum basically carries [Guardian] to fulfill his duty to protect his teammates, while Tahm needs [Glacial Amplification] to assist in retaining people.

As a result, Shi Senming went against the norm and gave up these two talents, insisting on bringing the unsealing secret book!

The VG members frowned, obviously sensing something strange.

"This is the key to RNG's lane transfer operation!" Hongmi's eyes were shining when he talked about the rise. "I think everyone knows the role of the unsealed cheat talent. Starting from the 2nd minute of the game, every 6 minutes, you can Replace the summoner's skills in the spring."

"I specifically checked the video and found that Ming has this talent. He usually switches out the teleport after returning to the city for the first time to quickly return to the line, saving time to go online. It is used to help Uzka line or go out to arrange the vision first, and then in the short term There will be no skill changes within the game, and I will choose to wait for the teleportation to improve."

It is worth mentioning that the summoner skills replaced by the current version of unsealed cheats do not change back to the previous initial skills after one-time use.

Instead, it remains until a hero replaces it again.

Therefore, Shi Senming can wait for the replaced teleport to cool down before continuing to use it.

"And the time Ming returned to the city for the first time to replace the teleportation line was 5 minutes and 45 seconds ago..."

As soon as Hongmi finished speaking, an idea flashed in Gu Xing's mind, "RNG wants to use the teleportation that Shi Senming replaced to defeat the vanguard?"

Five minutes and 45 seconds is a very sensitive time point at the moment.

In addition to changing the hero's skills, unsealing the secret book can also provide a 15% reduction in the summoner's skills!

As a result, the transmission that originally took 300 seconds to complete now only takes 255 seconds to complete!

Add 5 minutes and 45 seconds, which is exactly 10 minutes, which is the time for the Rift Pioneer to refresh!

Therefore, Gu Xing will make a judgment.

"Smart!" Hongmi almost said, "You are awesome, I give you a thumbs up." It gave a thumbs up to praise its absolutely core excellent sense of smell. "The operational foundation for RNG's mid-term transition is Rift Pioneer!"

"Didn't we just talk about Royal Family's late-stage double-C system of Vampire + Kai'Sa?" He spoke faster, trying to give Li Zhixun a bit more strength in translating, "RNG often gives up the two lane rights in lineup selection, but I From the team data provided by E+, we found that their vanguard control rate is quite high, at a full 67%!"

"You know, IG, which is the core of tactics in the upper half of this year, only has 57% in this data, which is 10% lower than RNG!"

All the well-founded information was presented in front of the VG team members, and gasps of air-conditioning could be heard one after another in the hotel room.

As professional players, they naturally know that the ownership of Canyon Pioneer is closely related to the line rights.

Without the protection of line rights, it is impossible for the jungler to stay in the upper river channel for a long time, and he will easily be surrounded and suppressed by enemy players!

Don't look at the third round of VG's game against RW. The players also defeated the vanguard team even though they lost the line rights, but that was the result of the right time, place and people coming together. It is something that can only be met but cannot be sought, given the huge sample size. Just like a drop in the ocean, it cannot make any waves.

From this perspective, the RNG Pioneer control rate data is very unscientific!

"The Royal Family knew that the late lineup selection would make them unable to gain advantage in the battle for lane rights during the laning period, so they conceived this routine of supporting the assistant to forcefully carry the unsealed secret book," Hongmi said eloquently, "Using Ming's teleportation to quickly create With the head-to-head numerical difference, I use my body to help the team create an advantage in the upper half, thereby controlling the Canyon Pioneer!"

Line rights affect the ownership of the vanguard, but there are also differences.

Among them, the line rights of the above two lanes are particularly critical. The heroes on the lane can directly enter the upper river to intervene and participate in the vanguard group battle.

Although the duo in the bottom lane can also exert influence, after all, it is far away from Dalongkeng. It takes nearly half a minute to travel on foot. When they arrive, they may be faced with the dilemma of having cold day lilies.

RNG takes a different approach.

Assisted walking is too slow, so why not just let you teleport?

Relying on the [Unsealed Secret Code], you can quickly reach the battlefield one step ahead of your opponent, and you can reverse the line power situation in the first half of the area!

"In fact, for a team like the Royal Family that prefers to win mid-to-late teamfights, it is not so important for them to get the vanguard, but it is more important to prevent the opponent from controlling the vanguard."

Hongmi’s remarks were unanimously recognized by the VG players.

Why is the game pace in S8 faster than in previous seasons?

The root lies in vision.

With the deletion of the green jungle knife and the emergence of the [Zombie Guard] talent, it is difficult for the disadvantaged side to control the eye position. It is easy for the disadvantaged team to fall into a situation where both eyes are black, and they can only let the opponent continue to snowball.

The core of the lack of vision is the defense tower.

Often when the turret is pushed, it is the beginning of the collapse of a branch road or even an entire half area of ​​vision!

In short, as long as the turret is demolished slowly, the defender can slow down the pace and prevent the opponent from quickly snowballing!

In this situation, the vanguard is particularly important.

If the other party cannot get purple-skinned garlic, it will naturally be impossible to speed up the demolition!

In this way, the rhythm of the game can move closer to the direction the royal family wants!

"Interesting," Song Jinghao opened his eyes, "Can RNG still come up with Jiang Zi's novel tactics?"

Not only him, Gu Xing was also amazed.

The auxiliary carry of unsealed cheat routines can allow RNG to make up for its own disadvantages due to lineup selection!

It's perfect!

"This year's Royal coaching staff is not bad," Hongmi explained, "Brother Dayong is here."

To be fair, Hongmi's qualifications are not bad. Edgar, the chief disciple of the three-star meritorious service Miaohong, can call Jin Jingzhu "junior disciple" when he meets Jin Jingzhu.

But in front of the opponent's head coach, you still have to keep your head down and call yourself brother honestly.

Just because the head coach of RNG who controls the entire training department in the name of supervision is called Sun Dayong.

Many domestic viewers’ impressions of him come from a clip in a variety show during the S7 season when they commented on Uzi as a stumbling block for the team. They believed that this guy was a pure boomerang when he came to coach RNG in S8.

However, Sun Dayong is a well-known presence in the coaching circle and his status is quite high.

Born in 1983, he is already 35 years old, one year older than Hongmi's teacher Edgar.

In South Korea, this alone is already an advantage.

Not to mention that Sun Dayong’s qualifications are also ridiculously high!

During the ancient barbaric period of S1, he was the head coach of MiG.

At that time, every club in South Korea had several teams of the same level, and Sun Dayong also had two teams.

The team was renamed Azubu Frost/Blaze a year later.

Yes, among them is AZF, the runner-up who lost to Assassination Star in the S2 Global Finals!

Shy, who has four PDDs in one shot, Fast Star, who used to be the background panel in Abu's Bible, CloudTemplar, who brought his talent to the commentary world, and MadLife, who was dubbed the 'god of support' in the mouths of many ancient players...

As for the other Azubu Blaze team, there are also famous players such as the big princess Flame, the mid laner Anzhang who had not yet mastered the evolution of Mantis under the tower and was happily sent away by Faker Leopard Girl, and the bottom lane Captain Jack.

It’s no exaggeration to say that the stars are shining brightly!

These are two teams composed of all-star players, all under the command of Sun Dayong!

Subsequently, the top conglomerate CJ acquired him, and Sun Dayong moved his butt and became the head coach of the e-sports giant with the largest number of OGN fans in those years.

He had been to the top of the mountain and also entered the trough in CJ. By the end of 2015, the team revealed the idea of ​​getting rid of LOL e-sports, and Sun Dayong set off to come to the LPL to seek development.

At first, I was unfamiliar with the place in the LPL, so I simply started with EDE, the second team of EDG. I formed the coaching staff with Firefox and Gou8, and led EDE to defeat Shi Senming's YM, win the LSPL championship and win tickets to the top league, becoming a pig in the Huangpu River. The culprit.

Later, the team was renamed IM. Although it did not advance to the S competition in the summer split of that year, the overall performance of the team was also remarkable.

S7 Firefox went to RNG. After a year, he resigned due to various reasons. Before leaving, he introduced his former boss Sun Dayong to come over.

At this point, Sun Dayong has successfully managed the top traffic teams in OGN and LPL in his coaching career!

"Everyone should have noticed the changes in RNG this season," Li Zhixun joked with a smile. "The playing style and operation are obviously more organized than before... Of course, this must have nothing to do with Guan Jiong."

There were sounds of laughter in the room, and the serious Hongmi almost lost his temper.

Apart from Sun Dayong, there are two other people on the RNG coaching staff.

They are good friends from Firefox, Gou 8, who fought together in EDE back then, and Heart Li Guanjiong, the blue team assistant who was once one of the ten three-star players.

The members of the VG coaching staff and Heart are all old acquaintances.

Needless to say, Hongmi had a very good relationship with her when we both worked together at Samsung.

Easyhoon is also very close to Lee Kwan Hyung.

The two were teammates in MVP Blue, the predecessor of Samsung Blue, and Mr. Dai was on the same team. Later, the bottom lane combination followed the team to Samsung Blue, and Hou Ye went to SKT.

Even Duan Deliang burst into laughter.

Heart spent some time in VG's second team in 2015, and he even played against them when he was in youth training.

They were all old acquaintances, so Hongmi only teased each other.

It has to be said that Heart was not particularly strong as a player back then, and he did not improve much as a coach.

At present, the RNG coaching staff has a clear division of labor. Gou 8 is responsible for data analysis, Heart is responsible for team BP, and supervisor Sun Dayong is the mastermind behind the scenes. He is mainly in charge of the overall situation and provides guidance to the team in terms of vision and line transition operations.

This is not a secret. VG and RNG can get the above information by having a few training matches.

Although Heart is now officially the coach, his role in the Royals team is definitely not as important as that of Sun Dayong.

In the S6-S7 season, RNG has followed a path, which is to follow the game understanding given by Mata for vision control and lane transfer operations.

After all, Big Quail Matachuan is the founder of Samsung White's modern LOL operation theory, and the various basic concepts and tactics are exquisite.

However, it has been more than a year since Mata left the team, the game environment is constantly changing, and the old methods no longer apply.

In the S7 World Championship, RNG encountered a lot of operational problems and could not handle SSG's real-eye tactics, so its results were not very satisfactory.

It was precisely because Firefox couldn't solve this problem that it was turned into a KTV by the royal management. After all, he was an analyst, more sensitive to data, and not very proficient in operational design.

When Hongmi thinks about it, he knows that it must be Sun Dayong's arrival that brings new ideas to RNG!

What about Vampire Kai'Sa's ultimate late-stage double C, auxiliary and unsealed cheats to control the Rift Pioneer? This year's RNG can even be said to have a good tactical background!

"Let's not talk about those things that are there or not," Jack waved his short hand, "Let's talk about the court, how can we defeat Shi Senming's shocking style of play?"

"Using unconventional runes can't be free of charge, right?"

Hongmi brought the topic back to the right track, "The Queshi paid the price, and that is the RNG duo's laning ability, with the help of unsealed cheats, they will definitely not be able to beat opponents with normal gameplay."

When he saw Yu Wenbo glowing with excitement, he poured a basin of water over him.

"It's unrealistic to rely on laning to suppress us. Uzi is too strong now."

Redmi puts Uzi's playoffs on the projector.

"Even if we eliminate the first round of the playoffs where the quality of the games is low, Uzi can suppress his opponent's 22 reinforcements in 15 minutes per game in two BO5s. This statistic is exaggerated..."

Jack's eyes darkened.

Gu Xing rubbed his chin.

Not only is it an exaggeration, it is simply beyond the pale!

If you really don't pay 30 dollars, it means you are being squeezed, right?

"This is Ming's knife pressure data after selecting the unsealed secret book," Hongmi shrugged. "If he uses normal runes, Uzi's knife pressure data will only be more terrifying."

Again, the execution of all tactics depends on the players.

RNG dares to play this set of tricks to assist in unsealing the secret book, relying on the strong laning strength of its own duo!

To use another metaphor, this is a dig-and-fill game.

First use the auxiliary gameplay of unsealed cheats to fill the pit of lane power, and then use Uzi’s hard power to fill the pit of too weak auxiliary lane!

Gu Xing couldn't help but sigh, RNG really understood this gameplay!

"Does that mean he is invincible?" The more Jack thought about it, the more wrong he became, "There is no flaw at all!"

"How about I also practice the secrets of unsealing?" Duan Deliang came up with a solution, "If you can't beat it, just join!"

"Are you sure?" Kuro looked at him, "This is not your comfort zone."

Duan Deliang was speechless.

What he's best at is laning.

Choosing [the unsealed secret book] is tantamount to cutting off both arms!

"Don't worry," Hongmi reassured the team members, "I have a plan to defeat the powerful enemy..."

He will explain the plan in detail.

Not long after, the hearty laughter of the VG team members echoed in the room.

While Gu Xing and others were preparing for the finals, other teams were not idle either, and the LPL playoffs were still in progress in an orderly manner.

In the battle for third and fourth place, EDG was even better, defeating RW with a score of 3:1 and successfully ending the spring journey as third place.

Kasa was probably beaten by Gu Xing, and he has not yet returned to good condition. In this match, his condition was extremely poor, and he was let go by Xiaohuahua.

Langxing was also merciless when facing Guodian's former top laner, and was very heavy-handed, making Mouse look miserable.

However, the rewards and symbolic significance of winning this battle for third and fourth place are far less than the decisive battles in various major competition areas, and not many viewers paid attention.

Netizens were watching the finals of the LCK division next door that day, and wanted to help LPL study MSI's opponents in advance.

Gu Xing, who was preparing for the game, didn't have time to watch the LCK finals, so he could only browse the highlights and battle reports uploaded in the post forum while going to the toilet.

The duel is between Longzhu and KT.

As mentioned before, the LCK has undergone a major shakeup this year.

The traditional giants SKT and SSG have both fallen off the altar due to version changes.

Both of the two teams that entered the finals were bloody early fighting teams!

The decisive battle has just begun, and the consequences of Longzhu losing his little peanut gradually become apparent.

Renamed KingZone, they are far from KT's opponent in terms of early rhythm!

KZ jungler Cuzz has not yet grown and evolved, and is easily handled by Korean factory Score.

After Score took advantage of the jungle matchup, he then brought up the auxiliary Matagawa for a double game of wild auxiliary, further controlling the map and suppressing KZ's development space!

However, the rookie top laner Kiin suffered from inexperience in his first career playoff trip, and was dominated by Khan to the point of shutting himself down.

With the outstanding performance of the top laner, KZ dragged KT into the BO5 decider!

The tactics of surviving the old man are back in action.

Both sides have two older men on each side. KZ Xuanming and Kuro are both 24 years old, as is KT's Matagawa. Score is even more outrageous. At 26 years old, he is a pure senior.

Four old guys in one game, in the final game of BO5, gave all the audience unparalleled cooking skills!

The four chefs crashed into a wall, got lost and were caught... the audience was delighted.

All the maggot babies in the anti-bar are ridiculing and laughing.

[Good guy, please stop feeding me food, okay? I can’t eat any more! 】

[Is this an operation that humans can perform? Even if I sprinkle a lot of rice on the keyboard, I'm better than four old men]

[10% off LCK finals level? Don't make me laugh! 】

[Can we announce in advance that we have won the LPL mid-season championship? I don’t even know how we lost! 】

[Speaking of which, is it really that effective to boil the old man? I think some older players seem to be fine after playing BO5]

Gu Xing has a lot to say on this point.

He had seen how Li Zhixun was tortured back then.

The most important thing is to do the foreplay well.

Only by raising the BO5 intensity can the old man be endured.

If you can't compete with the old man in all aspects, then the old man will have to teach you a lesson with experience and overall perspective!

Many older players can still compete in the competition, just because the pressure from the opponent is not strong enough.

If they get into the top competition, their shortcomings of lack of energy and lack of concentration will be exposed!

The strength gap between KZ and KT was not that big, and it was not until the BO5 deciding game that the two sides made mistakes such as operational deformation after four fierce battles.

The ending of this chef battle was that KT won the game.

Score's punishment is steady and ruthless. In the team battle of Dalong Pit, he took down Baron Nash with his sword in hand!

After accepting the dragon, KT made rapid progress, rapidly widening the economic gap, and establishing a winning streak in one fell swoop!

When Gu Xing was flipping through the transcripts of the post-game interview session, he saw Score bursting into tears in front of countless viewers at the scene and online, and then he sobbed and recounted his own journey.

This is the first LCK league championship for a Korean company.

The same finals were played, and the same two old men, Xuan Ming, were their opponents. Score was reminded of the hard battle in the summer of 2016 all the time.

If it weren't for Song Jinghao using the captain's ultimate move to snatch away Baron Nash with 2 drops of blood, the 2016 LCK Summer Split championship would have belonged to KT!

Gangplank's cannon barrage killed the baron, almost becoming a nightmare for Score's career.

In today's fifth round, when KT chose to play Baron to force the team, the desperate scene appeared in Han Factory's mind countless times.

But in the end, he crushed his inner demons, punished Wen Wen and accepted Da Long, and atone for his low-level mistakes back then!

Gu Xing was filled with tears after reading Score's interview transcript.

The plot of a veteran pursuing his dream and succeeding is always exciting.

Of course, Score didn’t just focus on marketing to win the entire Spring Split.

Although he is 26 years old, his hero pool is quite perfect and he can adapt to the competition environment and make great contributions to the team.

Just because of this alone, I don’t know how much better than some veterans!

Before Gu Xing went to bed, he habitually checked WeChat, wanting to browse and clear out unread messages that he had not noticed before.

As a result, I saw a video sent by Shen Guanshan.

When he put on his headphones and turned it on, he almost had his eardrums shattered.

The stadium in the video was shaking and filled with endless cheers!

It seems that my girlfriend came to the scene to watch the game again.

There was also an English commentator shouting angrily in the background.

The wording is not very complicated, and Gu Xing can understand it even though he is not very proficient in English.

"G2 continues to write a legend. Their dominance continues with five consecutive championships. This is the longest consecutive championship record in the history of League of Legends esports!"

"They will go to MSI for the third time, and this time we will fight locally. I hope G2 can go further than last year!"

On the big screen at the scene, the results of the game that ended earlier were displayed.

G2 beat FNC three to one.

In the battle between the two giants in the European division, G2 has the upper hand in the end.

FNC's mid laner Caps is too young. Although anyone with a discerning eye can see his talent, who is not a talented boy in the finals?

"Gu Xing, guess who I saw?" Shen Guanshan couldn't help but raise his voice in the noisy venue.

"Basket of Xiba!" A fat mouse jumped into the camera, wearing familiar round glasses, waving its chubby palm at the mobile phone, "Wait for me, Gu Li, this time I have to make a man out of clay!"

Gu Xing burst out laughing while watching the video.

Gu Shengbin is still as crazy as ever.

"Nicole couldn't help but tell me that after studying the MSI opponent for so long, she finally decided not to come..." Imp cheered him up in unstandardized Mandarin, "I'm waiting for you in Paris. You must come!"

Gu Xing pulled out Ju Shengbin’s WeChat account and typed a reply, [Wash your neck and prepare to die]

Imp replies in seconds, [? 】

Seeing the omnipotent question mark, Gu Xing ignored it. After bidding farewell to his girlfriend, he closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

On April 28, Chengdu was cloudless and the weather was perfect.

Finals day has officially arrived!

The RNG tactics discussed in this chapter have not been covered by roaming mid laners. After finishing the previous book, the author looked back at the details discovered by various veterans in reality, and found that it is suitable for use in the hexagonal jungle.

It is estimated that RNG originally wanted to use the unsealed cheats auxiliary routine to deal with IG and restrain the top lane suppression with theshy as the core.

Unexpectedly, theshy's hand was suddenly broken by the ig management, and he could only play Duke in the playoffs. As a result, RNG's move did not fully demonstrate its power at the time.

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