What is a hexagon jungler?

621: Response from Gu Xing!

"Why do I feel like there is a curse on the bottom shooter position today," Watana said after congratulating RNG for equalizing the score, he said about the blind spot he discovered, "The side that picked Xayah all won, but Verus has been hard-pressed to win so far! "

"This is completely inconsistent with the data and information we had before the game..."

Since the knockout stage of the S7 World Championship, Verus has been more popular than Shan Xia.

The designer of the 16th version also launched the slashing skill on Phoenix Legend, which reduced the linkage ability between Xia Luo. Affected by the change in combination strength, Xia Luo's BP rate dropped further.

In addition, judging from the winning rate in the playoffs so far, Verus is also better.

But in today's decisive battle, the actual performance on the field was completely opposite to what the data showed!

Miller expressed his opinion, "It should have something to do with the lineups and tactical focus of both sides. Today, both teams are attacking around the bottom lane. Verus is still too bulky and often becomes a breakthrough for the enemy during the laning period."

"As everyone can see, Xia ended the game with extremely exaggerated KDA in both sets, and both accumulated huge advantages in the early stage and snowballed. On the other hand, Verus found it extremely difficult to even get a kill..."

Gu Xing took off his headphones and listened to the commentators' discussion. Looking at the scarlet word "failure" displayed on the monitor, he shook his head helplessly and stood up to leave.

"This game is my fault," Jack hurriedly apologized to his teammates. He was no longer as confident as he was at the beginning. "The opponent's play is really disgusting. It's useless for me to bring purification. If a nightmare hits his face, he will definitely die!"

In the current version, after the green jungle knife has been deleted, only red and blue punishments are available for the jungle.

No matter which one, it can enhance combat effectiveness!

For example, Xiangguo chose blue punishment in this game. After opening the big face, put on blue punishment to slow down and start scratching people desperately. With the equipment of the electric knife of the curtain blade, the crispy Verus couldn't bear it at all!

Often when Nightmare rushes forward, Jack has to call double to keep the distance.

However, the summoner's skills were cooled down for too long. Yu Wenbo could avoid the first wave but not the fifteenth. If he was hit in the next wave, he would still die.

What's more, RNG also has two ruthless characters, Thain and Shen, who can play with Nightmare. Together, they can compress Jack's living space to the extreme!

After listening to Jack's words, Gu Xing was thoughtful, and returned to the lounge to report the problem to his head coach.

"Is our lineup too passive?"

He frowned and said, "If you are at a disadvantage in the mid-term, the whole team will be unable to play!"

"There is a command flag on the opposite side, and the wing can pull the front and start a team fight. I have no way to deal with them!"

Hongmi admitted its mistake frankly, "It was my fault. I made a mistake in judging the direction of the version..."

"The correct version of the answer should be Flag of Command + Forced Open."

He finally realized the truth, "It's useless to just make a flag of command. You can take care of the artillery truck by choosing a physical side hero. It must be combined with a forced attack!"

"Take advantage of the enemy's opportunity to deal with the Flag of Command, launch an offensive directly from the front, and send the opponent away happily with more hits and fewer hits!"

Hongmi was watching the game backstage and carefully observed the details of the royal family's use of the flag of command.

The results amazed him.

After the laning period, RNG's Flag of Command was mainly used on the sidelines to create pressure on VG's troops, thus stretching the space.

Shi Senming will take the opportunity to set up wards in the jungle to detect the movements of VG players - with the pressure from the Flag of Command, his wards will be quite safe.

At the same time, Letme immediately went to meet his teammates. As long as someone in VG was exposed on the sideline, Xiangguo would activate R as soon as possible. Thain drove quickly and rushed towards the enemy formation under the cover of the misty night!

This trick has been tried and true. The VG lineup simply does not have enough means to protect the queue. It is difficult to escape RNG's mad dog-like tactics of starting a group just by relying on Kuro Karma's RE group shield!

Hongmi suddenly felt enlightened and couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "Brother Dayong and the others are quite good at hiding!"

RNG spent the entire playoffs playing a mid-to-lower dual-core system that was slowing down in the late game. It wasn't until they lost the first game in the finals that they showed a completely different understanding of the version!

"These gangsters are so insidious!" Yu Wenbo, the biggest victim, felt his teeth itch with hatred. "You really don't intend to expose yourself until they are cornered?"

"So we can't use Varus... I suspect that the opponent released Varus on the board just to lure Jack into choosing. It's particularly easy to target," Gu Xing understood. "In that case, it's better for Kai'Sa and Kasumi’s priority is higher.”

"That's right!" Hongmi thought smoothly, speaking faster and taking the time to explain his views to the team members, "This is completely different from the environment of the S7 World Championship. There is no room for Verus to survive!"

"At that time, everyone was just protecting the queue. We even played a double-guaranteed system. Paired with the incense burner monster soft assistant, it can create an excellent output environment for the shooter, allowing the ADC to continue to cause damage unscrupulously. The dimension with percentage damage Ruth will naturally be more popular, much better than Shan Xia."

He wrote furiously on the tactical whiteboard with a marker, "But the current situation is like this. The Flag of Command + Forced Open play style is very rogue. Compared with the other two shooters, Verus not only has no self-protection ability, he even It’s difficult to hang up alone!”

Like Xayah and Kai'Sa, they can deal with the minions alone and free up supports as much as possible.

Not so with Verus.

If there was no vision around him, he would not even dare to leave the defense tower alone!

Miller's previous conclusion about Verus's poor performance in the finals was correct, but the flaw was not in the laning phase, but in the transition phase and teamfights where he was too weak.

"There is also a gap between strong shooters. I judge that Kai'Sa is the strongest..." Hongmi emphasized, "because she can catch orders."

As mentioned before, Kai'Sa is a mechanical monster.

Especially the ultimate move [Hunter Instinct] can create unimaginable strategic value for the team in the professional arena!

Other ADC's long-range support for teammates is nothing more than Xiao Huangmao and Draven scratching R to supplement some damage. Kai'Sa is better, and can directly stick to the opponent's face with plasma!

By choosing her, even if there is no suitable team-building opportunity, the team can still use Kai'Sa's ultimate to catch the opponent's lone hero who is dealing with the Flag of Command gun truck!

That’s why Hongmi concluded that Kai’Sa’s priority was higher than Xia Luo’s.

Jack's face turned from cloudy to sunny, "That's good, brothers Xia and Kaisha can play!"

Hongmi continued following his own train of thought, "We are on the red side in the next game. I want to release Kai'Sa and get a powerful shooter at the same time. We can also add other versions of heroes in other positions on the second hand. "

If Kai'Sa is banned again, as long as RNG steals Xayah, VG will fall into the same embarrassing situation as the previous game, and it may not be impossible to repeat the same mistake!

As for banning both Xayah and Kai'Sa, this move is too extreme. Normal teams would not give two first-round bans to the shooter in this version.

Therefore, Hongmi decided to go all out, and both teams relied on their abilities.

"What about Nightmare," Duan Deliang asked, "Should we let him fill Kai'Sa's ban vacancy?"

Hongmi turned to look at Gu Xing, "What do you think, Gu Xing?"

He has a pleasant appearance and wants to listen to the core opinions of the team.

Gu Xing thought for a moment and weighed the pros and cons in his mind before speaking, "I want to try again."

To be fair, he didn't find the Incense Pot's nightmare too difficult to deal with.

After seeing through RNG's version of the game, Gu Xing had enough confidence to face Liu Shiyu!

Moreover, as the backbone of the team, he must lead by example and step up to share the team's pressure.

"Okay," Hongmi agreed immediately, "This way I can give the class to Shen."

Shi Senming's Shen performed well in the last game, and Letme was also very proficient. RNG's top support swing gave Redmi a headache.

Now that he saw that Gu Xing was willing to help the team save a class, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Come on, come on..." Gu Xing called the team members together and looked at each team member's face, "Do you remember the last time we lost a small game in BO5?"

After hearing this, everyone fell into memories.

In terms of BO1, they have lost many times in the regular season, but their dominance in BO5 is extremely amazing, and they have not experienced the taste of defeat for a long time.

"It was last year's MSI finals. Xiaohuahua used jungler Cuishen to give us a defeat." Gu Xing still remembers that game vividly. "After that, we never lost even a single game in BO5."

Last year's summer and world championships, including this year's spring semi-finals, VG swept them all 3-0 in the BO5 format!

Kuro looked nostalgic. S7MSI was his first international competition after joining VG. The 30-hour trip to Brazil left a deep impression on him.

It was only after the mid-season championship that he truly realized how strong Gu Xing was, and he began to be willing to be a licking dog - isn't licking Gu Xing better than licking Han Wanghu?

"RNG ended our unbeaten record in BO5 small games. This is no accident. Our opponents are indeed very powerful," Gu Xing cheered for the players, "But I believe everyone is stronger than them!"

"When we go on the court later, we must let the opponent see the strength of the defending champion!"

"That's right," Jack said angrily and started to get angry, "RNG is probably celebrating wildly in the lounge. Do you really think it's a 50-50 draw with us?"

"You must give the opponent some color in the lower plate!"

In the RNG lounge at the other end of the corridor, the overall atmosphere was quite cheerful.

Uzi's face stopped blushing and he stopped biting his nails. He looked at his MVP makeup photo on the TV screen and was happy.

After he transformed into a sunny and cheerful boy, Xiaohu also bared his teeth and grinned, and glanced at Uzi from time to time. Seeing that the other person had been laughing without stopping, he felt relieved and the smile on his lips deepened further.

Xiangguo felt confused. Before he could think about Li Yuanhao's mental activities, he heard Heart muttering a bunch of Korean words to him.

"The coach asked you to be prepared that you won't be able to choose the Nightmare in the next game. If NOC is banned, how about you choose the Prince?"

After listening to the translation, Liu Shiyu immediately responded, "No problem, it's just that the effect of forcing it is a little bit worse...but I don't think VG will ban Nightmare."

Heart looked confused.

"Gu Xing and I are old enemies, and we know his character well!" Xiangguo explained triumphantly, "This guy will probably try to forcefully solve the nightmare system in the next game. If you don't believe me, just wait until the BP starts in the next game to see if I'm right. wrong!"

"Old enemy? Are you worthy?" Shi Senming sneered disdainfully, "More than Meng Huo, he has either been captured or on the way to being captured throughout his career!"

The incense pot instantly turned red and warm, "Shi Senming, you have the nerve to laugh at me? Oh, you are not a prisoner? I don't think you have ever won!"

"You're still laughing there, you're laughing at the hammer..." Liu Shiyu muttered.

Uzi was affected and couldn't laugh anymore.

Even tears were rolling in my stomach.

Who among you here is not a VG prisoner?

Seeing Uzi stop laughing, Xiaohu quickly lowered the corners of his mouth.

Heart didn't have the energy to pay attention to the appearances of all the people in the team. He only focused on thinking about Xiangguo's extremely firm judgment just now.

His BP on the board was very good, taking care of almost every detail, and he completely had the upper hand in lineup selection.

Of course, this has a lot to do with the royal family's sudden cold arrow. Heart calculated mentally and unintentionally, so he was able to take advantage of Hongmi.

In the next game, after VG learns that Nightmare has forced the system, how RNG arranges BP and selects the desired lineup is the key!

Once again taking the stage to the roaring cheers of more than 10,000 spectators, Heart discovered that just as Xiangguo said, VG did not ban Nightmare in the first round!

Except for Ornn and Braum, Kai'Sa was just replaced by Shen!

Heart, who maintained the same three-level score, suddenly felt confident, knowing that the opponent wanted to double up on powerful shooters.

"Get Kai'Sa for me!" Uzi whimpered when he saw his proficient hero outside.

"Take it, take it," Heart said with a smile, "Trust the puppy in this game, he is our pride!"

The moment RNG Kai'Sa locked up, a continuous stream of exclamations rang out in the Rubik's Cube Performing Arts Center!

The response in the live broadcast room was even more enthusiastic.

[My evaluation is: Send it! 】

[Hoo hoho, RNG is getting ready to get match points. I don’t know how Uzi will lose against Kai’Sa! 】

[Red rice, I will burn your dreams! Do you dare to let Kasa go? 】

[The first two games were fine, but in the third game he started to engage in scientific research and became ill? 】

【Red rice? Red crescent! 】

The audience didn't know what kind of analysis the VG coaching staff made. They simply believed that Uzi's Kai'Sa had its own ID bonus, and the teams that dared to release it before all died tragically in the heavy rain of Icathia!

In the RNG player booth, Li Yuanhao thought of another key factor, "By the way, will the opponent steal the nightmare?"

"It's impossible," Xiang Guo said in a decisive tone, "Nightmare is very unpopular. There is no reason for VG to train this hero before the playoffs. How can it be improvised?"

The team's trump cards are all prepared before the series starts.

You can't just say "coach, I want to play XX" when you go on the court without even practicing a game in private, right?

No matter how open-minded the coach is, he will have to carry you down!

To put it bluntly, Nightmare is not a difficult hero. After all, there are no demanding or complicated combos.

The difficulty lies in teamwork and system construction.

Liu Shiyu knew that Gu Xing had chosen Nightmare when he faced SKT in the semi-finals of the S7 World Championship, but more than half a year had passed, and the character strength and details had been adjusted, not to mention that the version environment was changing with each passing day, and it was even more different!

Unless there is special practice before the game, it is absolutely impossible to temporarily select it on the spring finals stage!

Even if Gu Xing can take out Nightmare, the other four players of VG cannot adapt to the rhythm of the current version of NOC!

Facts have proved that Xiangguo's judgment is very accurate.

VG got Xayah first-hand and paired it with Thain. There was no intention of choosing Nightmare at all!

"Take the NOC, let's make another move..." Heart turned to find his top laner, "Junze, how about you play Big Tree?"

"Ah?" Letme was confused. Dashu was not a particularly powerful tank character at the moment. He hesitated for a long time before gritting his teeth and agreed, "Okay, get it for me!"

"You have to sacrifice a little in this game," Heart reassured the team members, "We have to regain control and start the team. Xiaohu can't play Galio, so I have to let you do it."

Xiaohu's current Galio can't talk about vegetables, he can only talk about green.

As a result, RNG's forced opening system lacks one of the important alternatives.

Heart was helpless. Fortunately, he and Sun Dayong understood that many points in the forced opening system had substitutes.

The highest-level method is Ornn + Nightmare. Not only are RNG's unique heroes in the jungle, but the distance between turning off the lights and letting the sheep out is extremely long, which is often hard to guard against!

Secondly, Nightmare can also be paired with Sion or Big Tree, or you can replace the NOC jungler with the prince mentioned before. The main thing is flexibility.

However, now that Orn Sain is either banned or taken away, Heart allows Yan Junze to choose the less popular top laner.

Li Yuanhao smiled in a drake voice, "Junze, lie down, let's watch our C!"

After receiving feedback from his teammates, Letme's hands stopped shaking and the smile on his face became more genuine.

VG locked Galio in the third choice, and the star Thain came up!

Seeing that he was about to fight a tank, Yan Junze breathed a sigh of relief.

He was previously afraid that Smeb would choose a weird solo hero to torture people. If the single lane was penetrated, it would be difficult to communicate with his teammates.

It's a good time now. Dashu fights Thane. I'm good at this pairing!

Letme is radiant.

In the second round of BP, VG took aim at Shi Senming, banning Tahm Kench and Morgana who could prevent forced openings.

The royal family kept an eye on Gu Xing and first sent Galio's good partner Prince to Ban, and then blocked Olaf at Xiangguo's strong suggestion.

Although Gu Xing lost the game with Berserker in the previous game, Olaf's objective attribute of restraining Nightmare still existed.

Don't dare to enlarge the incense pot.

In the fourth choice, VG grabs the Tauren first, which is the only version of support outside.

After thinking briefly, Heart gave Shi Senming his strong support, Leona.

It can be used as a supplementary hand to start a group while also taking into account the tankiness, and there is a linkage with Kai'Sa.

"Xiaohu, are you still using Syndra?" Heart asked his mid laner for his opinion.

Li Yuanhao nodded vigorously, "Okay, I will limit Galio to the middle in the early stage, and when the team fights, I will throw big moves to the opposite back row..."

It's VG's turn to be the Counter. Royal players and coaching staff are eagerly looking at the enemy's hero selection box, hoping to see the entire opponent's lineup as soon as possible.

Xiangguo frowned suddenly.

He smelled something strange.

So far in the BP process, the characters VG has taken out are all normal.

It was so normal that Xiang Guo was suspicious.

Logically speaking, it shouldn’t be!

Is it possible that the opponent wants to use a regular lineup to solve my nightmare?

Even Olaf is gone this time. Gu Xing, what are you going to use to touch me?

Just when Liu Shiyu was full of doubts, a hero showed up on the fifth floor of VG that made him extremely heartbroken!

The soul of holding the son... symbiosis with the son!

The different voices, gentle and hoarse, intertwined and reverberated throughout the venue!


Just like a stone causing thousands of waves, screams were heard one after another in the performing arts center at this moment!

"Really?!" Wawa's eyes widened, "Brother Xing's representative hero will finally appear on the final stage!"

"In my mind, this is the first time Brother Xing has used Kindred in this year's Spring Split," Miller said with great interest. "Today I'm going to use him to pressure the nightmare of the incense pot. I feel like there's something to be said for it!"

"Kindred can deal with strong attacks with his powerful attack, and he can also kite and pull against the bulky Nightmare in the early stage. Considering the attributes of the hero alone, it is a complete victory!"

The barrages in the live broadcast room rushed across the screen like a tsunami.

[Okay, okay, I was ignorant before, Hongmi, you are doing a good job as a BP! 】

[Choosing Qian Jue is a trivial matter. You don’t really think that ID determines everything, do you? This hero has been chipped! 】

[Don’t question, believe first! 】

[Nikola, please pull him down. Brother Qianjue has a 100% winning rate until now. When the equipment is ready, three arrows will be able to send Uzi away! 】

[What a coincidence, isn’t it? Uzikasha hasn’t lost a game either, someone will definitely be defeated today]

[To be honest, I still feel that RNG can win. Kai'Sa's version is too strong, and Kindred is just mediocre! 】

The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

Blue square RNG: top laner Big Tree, jungler Nightmare, mid laner Syndra, bottom laner Kai'Sa + Leona.

Red square VG: top laner Sion, jungler Kindred, mid laner Galio, bottom laner Xia + Tauren.

The coaches from both sides came to the center of the stage to shake hands and ushered in Summoner's Rift again!

It’s Chinese Valentine’s Day, I had dinner and watched a movie with my partner, and the word count was a little short.

But the good news is that these 5,500 words were purely coded at work, and I will just do some minor repairs when I get back.

I feel quite refreshed after being transferred to another position.

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