Chapter 628 628: Great news!

Gu Xing couldn't help but raise his eyebrows after reading the reposted content.

He didn't expect that in this final, he would be able to knock down Uzi's reputation on the Internet.

Previously, Uzi was very popular on forums such as Reddit, and many European and American audiences were attracted by his various wonderful action animations.

Moreover, it turns out that Europe and the United States do not pay attention to the LPL. The opportunity to contact domestic players is through various international competitions. However, Uzi has never missed the World Championship except S5 since his debut. He is currently the most popular ADC in the LPL, so he is naturally very popular.

It's a bit like the feeling domestic audiences have when watching Bilson and Ah P.

As a result, by chance, because some foreign netizens wanted to watch Gu Xing's finals, they accidentally discovered Uzi's poor performance!

Gu Xing suddenly felt like he was the culprit, and he was filled with emotions for a moment.

Just as he was about to exit this post and continue looking for other fun, he heard team leader Jin Wenhesei calling the players to the post-match group interview room.

A group of people left the team lounge in a grand manner. On the way, Jack was still excitedly asking the boss Ding Jun who came to watch the game, "What should we have for dinner tonight? We finally won the championship, so we have to give it a reward, right?"

When he said this, he did not forget to pat his belly, as if communicating with his hungry stomach, making a sound like a seal clapping his hands.

"You must try Sichuan food when you come to Chengdu," said Ding Jun, who was also smiling when he saw his team win another championship. "I have booked a seat in Songyunze. I heard that the taste is quite good. I will rush there soon!"

When everyone heard this, they immediately burst into cheers and compliments.

Although VG members all have a little money for food, who doesn't like to have sex for free?

Jack was shocked when he entered the post-game group interview room.

They were all reporters, with hair colors and races, and they were ready with long guns and short cannons.

"Guigui, why does this battle feel so similar to the World Championships?" He muttered in a low voice.

VG is experienced in many battles, and has never seen so many reporters gathered in one LPL final!

Gu Xing thought of the reprinted post he had just watched on the Internet, and had a rough guess in his mind.

As expected, LKS, a Shiquan employee who led them to sit down one by one, spoke to clarify their doubts.

"This year's LPL Spring Finals attracted a lot of attention from external networks. The Mouse Channel alone must have 600,000 simultaneous online viewers..."

Even though 600,000 simultaneous viewers may not seem like much, what you need to know is that the English stream was only launched in the LPL last year, and it started later than the LCK.

To be able to grow to such an extent in just one year is already terrifying!

Rek'Sai and Yourong Yan.

He is one of the planners of the main stage of this year's Spring Finals, and the melodious "Open Sky" at the opening ceremony was written by him.

LKS is naturally very happy to see that the content he is responsible for is so popular.

"Of course, the biggest contributors are you," he said happily, praising VG, "the god of ratings!"

Throughout the spring split, LKS has been monitoring external network viewing data.

In the games VG participated in, even in the regular season, there were about 200,000 people online at the same time.

The statistics of the other teams are quite dismal, at best only 1/3 of them!

It is not an exaggeration to say that VG single-handedly supports LPL’s external game viewing data.

It is enough to see how many foreign fans VG has attracted through its outstanding performance in international competitions in the past two years!

"Well, why don't you look at the two World Championship trophies we won for nothing?" Gu Xing said proudly.

After sitting down, the familiar yet unfamiliar French bearded reporter Olivier took the lead in picking up the microphone.

"Long time no see, Virtue player!" He greeted Gu Xing enthusiastically, "I've interviewed you many times, do you remember?"

Gu Xing nodded, "You were there when we won the World Championship two years ago..."

Oliver's face glowed.

Hey, being remembered by Gu Xing means that he, an iron VC thief, has face!

"By the way, you wished me to go to MSI when we won the trophy at the Bird's Nest. Now that my dream has come true, I have to say thank you for your good wishes," Gu Xing joked, "Don't forget, you owe me a meal. .”

Oliver was so impressed that he interviewed Gu Xing at the time and said that he was going to treat him after entering the mid-season.

"I definitely haven't forgotten it. We are old Parisians. When the time comes, I will find an absolutely authentic French restaurant that will definitely satisfy you!"

He straightened his back and was quite proud of the strength of his motherland's cuisine.

After the pleasantries, Oliver finally brought the topic to the right track.

"Virtue won his fourth LPL championship today, officially tying Faker, Karsa and Doublelift in the number of league championships. Looking at the five major regions, he is second only to Perkz. What do you think?"

The names on the list are all the illusion gods of the civil war. Although Xianggui Jiaoqi is also very good, his time in service is too short. He only has three Silver Dragon Cups and has been left behind by Gu Xing.

Gu Xing thought for a moment before answering with a smile, "It has only taken me nearly two years to be able to work side by side with these outstanding e-sports players. It must be a very happy thing. As for P at the top of the list... I can only say that he I recognize the dominance of the league."

Since Perkz entered the top league in the S6 Spring Split, no other team has been able to get their hands on the league championship trophy!

When it comes to civil war fantasy gods, G Magic Weapon is also the first-tier existence in all competition regions!

Oliver followed the trend and continued, "Speaking of Perkz, in a recent live broadcast, he claimed that if they meet VG in the mid-season, then G2 has at least a 50% chance of winning. How would the Virtue players respond?"

Gu Xing looked at his friend next to him.

Through countless games, he has established a tacit understanding like "a son knows more than his father", and he can read Kuro's eyes: Perkz is a little crazy, so he quickly throws a few trash words to talk back!

Gu Xing shrugged his shoulders and decided to quote a famous quote from a certain Go genius, "Perkz is right. If the total winning rate is 100%, I think G2 will have almost 50%."

Li Ruixing was very happy and immediately slapped his thigh and laughed.

Not only him, but other contestants and even reporters all burst into laughter, making the room burst into laughter.

"In terms of the lethality of trash talk, it has to be sales," Kuro was convinced. At the same time, he didn't want to betray his teammates and quickly followed the output of the wild father, "G2? Just one basket!"

When Jack heard the familiar Tibetan words, his smile became more and more abstract. His skin color was already fair, and excessive excitement made Yu Wenbo's skin become very rosy. He looked similar to Uzi who played a decisive game on the stage half an hour ago. .

It must be said that the winner's post-match interviews always have a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere.

In contrast, the loser's attitude during the interview was much lower.

Gu Xing saw the content of the RNG post-game group interview while waiting for the food to be served in Songyun Zeli.

After clicking on the video, you can feel the decadence of the royal family members through the screen.

It is worth mentioning that Uzi did not come, and only the remaining four players were questioned by reporters.

Gu Xing can understand.

Not to mention whether Uzi has adjusted his mentality to ensure that he will not lose his composure in public.

Even if it returns to normal temperature, as long as Uzi goes to the post-game group interview session, he will inevitably be greeted by many reporters!

When all the reports are released, the impact on Uzi will be even more serious!

In this case, it is better to just cold treat it.

By pretending to be dead and then resurrecting after the start of MSI, everyone will gradually forget about Uzi's critical game failure.

It's just that the fans of the royal family are still angry at the moment, and they are so angry that they are being coaxed by mere passers-by, calling them names in the comment area of ​​the video.

[Where is Jane proud? Come out and apologize! Are you worthy of your teammates’ efforts throughout the season? 】

[If I were Letme, I would have to throw the keyboard over Uzi's head before leaving the field. Labor and management would protect you in the fight, and all the troops would be given away, but there would be no red-warm. What qualifications do you, a protected person, have to be a red-warrant? 】

[Don’t throw away the keyboard. Letme has a habit of shaking hands. Don’t accidentally throw it on the head of the incense pot. You may accidentally injure an innocent person.]

[This ooze monster misses Wu Xin very much. Although his strength is slightly inferior, he doesn’t know Hong Wen. If he drags it on, he may not have a chance! 】

[Are you curious about Uzi suddenly abandoning his base and going on the road to eat ice before the end of the final? Dude found out the real reason! After Uzi completed the top lane, he not only surpassed Jack in CS in this round, but also took the lead in CS in average in the final BO5! 】

【The God of Last Strike! Great, no need to say more]

[So it turns out, Uzi was manipulated by the mysterious power from the east, so he abandoned the crystal and ran outside to clear the line, and Rem killed his family! 】

When Gu Xing saw the comment that the average last shot was calculated, he was really stunned.

Maggot Baby’s main idea is well-founded and he also posts all the data, which is quite convincing.

He immediately saved the data map to his mobile phone.

At the moment, Gu Xing has no feelings for Uzi, including sympathy.

I ruined the finals by myself and wasted the hard work of the entire team. If I were in the shoes of an RNG player, I wouldn’t be named Gu if I didn’t spray Uzi twice backstage!

"Xiao Gu, what are you looking at?" Jin Yibo, who followed VG2 to have a meal, asked with a pleasant look.

"It's nothing, I just saw a funny emoticon..." Gu Xing stopped his smile and quickly exited the post, lest the official boss see something he shouldn't and damage his reputation.

Then he remembered the reason the other party had given him before, "Bobby, didn't you say a few days ago that you had good news waiting for me? Now that I've won the spring championship, I can always tell you straight away, right?"

Jin Yibo turned his head and whispered, "In August this year, Jakarta will host the Asian Games."

Gu Xing looked at him with the same eyes as Shen Jingbing, "Then what? What does it have to do with me?"

Not to mention the Asian Games, he only watches certain popular events in the Olympics. Why are you telling me this?

Jin Yibo sighed helplessly, put his hand on his forehead and said, "Don't you know that e-sports has entered Asia?"

Gu Xing looked confused.

He doesn't have much time every day except for training. He has to deal with various trivial matters and can only watch some important current affairs news. The fact that e-sports has entered the Asian Games has probably been filtered out by his brain.

"You mean... the League of Legends project will enter this year's Asian Games?" Gu Xing followed Jin Yibo's hint and guessed.

"That's right!" Bobby nodded vigorously, "Not long ago, Mr. Huo successfully obtained a quota. E-sports will participate in this year's Asian Games as a performance event. It will be converted into a formal event in the Hangzhou Asian Games four years later. League of Legends will be a One of the leaders in e-sports at the moment will naturally be allocated a quota."

Mr. Huo from Xiangjiang has a well-known identity as the chairman of the Asian E-sports Association. Gu Xing has also been in contact with him. Every year when he wins an international competition, the association will send a congratulatory letter with Mr. Huo's signature on it.

"After you win the Spring Championship, it is absolutely certain that you will be selected as the starting lineup!" Jin Yibo patted Gu Xing on the shoulder, "Not only you, but also Prince Duan and Jack will be selected. I will make special arrangements when the schedule for the summer season is arranged. Keep VG’s games away from the Asian Games!”

This is why Bobby insisted on telling Gu Xing after VG won the Spring Championship.

The selection for the Asian Games must be based on performance in recent games.

If RNG has the last laugh in this Spring Finals, maybe the quota will change!

However, after listening to Jin Yibo's detailed explanation, Gu Xing's heart felt empty.

Being selected for the Asian Games is certainly a beautiful thing, but it’s just an exhibition match, which is a bit...

Not worthy of a surprise.

He wouldn't show his emotions on his face because of his low emotional intelligence, but he was still a little disappointed inside.

Jin Yibo continued.

"Although it's just an exhibition match, it will benefit you a lot, Xiao Gu." His eyes were shining, "After all, you can bring glory to the country!"

"I'll tell you the truth, our country is so powerful that we definitely don't lack Asian Games gold medals, not to mention exhibition gold medals are not included in the medal list, but in the field of e-sports, this is too rare..." Jin Yibo explained the key point.

Gu Xing was convinced.

After all, this is the first time e-sports has entered Asia, which is indeed of great significance.

"Especially you, with this Asian Games gold medal and previous championships, you can completely weld your status to the throne of the League of Legends!" Poppy looked excited, "And isn't your break from school almost over? ?”

"This gold medal will come in handy!"

Gu Xing became interested and asked, "How do you say this?"

According to school regulations, his application for suspension of study for the second academic year will expire in September.

At that time, you can only choose one of two options: go back to class or give up your studies.

Gu Xing's original plan was to discuss with the Academic Affairs Office to see if he could cancel the offline teaching in the first few weeks. Anyway, by the time of the midterm exam, his contract would have ended and he could return to campus.

However, it is still a bit troublesome to apply.

Now listening to Bobby's words, it seems that there is another way!

Jin Yibo told the key, "The school gives you extra credits for winning medals in competitions such as the Asian Games, you know?"

"Besides, what you need is the status of Asian Games champion... You don't need to write it on Weibo for authentication, but with the status endorsement, it will be much simpler and easier to ask for leave from school!"

Gu Xing suddenly realized.

The university's leave-of-study mechanism makes it difficult to complete credits within six years, so taking two years' leave is the normal limit.

But winning the Asian Games championship can make up for a lot of credit pressure!

What are you talking about in the exhibition game? Let me ask you if this gold medal is real!

As long as the issue of suspension of study is resolved, Gu Xing will have no worries at all!

"When will it start?" Gu Xing was eager to give it a try. He couldn't wait to take advantage of the hot feeling to go on the field and fight with his opponent for another 300 rounds, vowing to win the Asian Games championship!

"There's no news about this yet. It's just the days of the Asian Games anyway," Jin Yibo saw that Gu Xing was very excited after being injected with chicken blood, and showed a satisfied smile, "Don't slack off, I'm optimistic about you!"

If the LOL project can win the first e-sports championship in Asia, Jin Yibo will have a lot to write about when he makes a PPT summary report to Tencent senior management at the end of the year.

Promotion and salary increase are not a dream!

Bobby will definitely do his best to promote a win-win situation.

Now whoever dares to cross Gu Xing out of the Asian Games starting list will have trouble with him, Jin Yibo!

After Gu Xing confirmed that he had received the good news, he felt double happiness. For several days in a row, he felt as light as walking on cotton.

During the rest period at his hometown in Zhenhai, Gu Pan was returning home after the May Day holiday. When he saw his arrogant look, he looked disgusted.

"Young man, don't be too crazy. Do you want to be happy even if you win the Cricket League championship? Carefully, you will end up losing the MSI championship!" Gu Pan's face has completely returned to its original fair appearance, and there is no trace of the tan from military training at all. After opening it, she really looks a bit like Zhou Huimin.

Gu Xing sneered, "Do you think I'm happy because I'm the LPL champion? Alas, that's how the frog in the well is. I can only say that I understand everything I know, but there's nothing I can do if I don't understand..."

Gu Pan hardened his fist and said fiercely, "I'm warning you, Biss the Riddler!"

"What Biss? Which kid talks like that?" Gu Muhu put the roasted vegetable rice cake on the table with a face.

"I'm 21, okay?" Gu Pan was on the verge of crying, "Mom, you have to take care of this too?"

"Oh, by the way," Gu Xing gave his sister a task, "You can help me repair my computer later. After I pressed the power button, the fan of the main unit stopped spinning. I don't know what's going on."

"Why are you looking for me?" Gu Pan was confused, "I can't repair computers."

"You don't know how to repair computers if you learn computers, right?" Gu Xing replied.

Gu Pan's flat chest rose and fell violently, showing an extremely angry look, "Are you looking for trouble?!"

"Those who study computer science know how to repair computers, and people from Tianjin know how to talk cross talk. Do students from SYS University also need to know how to double-click?" Gu Pan spoke eloquently and spoke eloquently, "Those who study civil engineering must know how to play. Hui…oh they are really good at this.”

"Where is this?" Gu Xing couldn't laugh or cry, "You see if it works first. If it doesn't work, I'll find someone to come and fix it. I'll have to broadcast it live at night."

Gu Pan was just a smart guy, and after dinner he went to the e-sports room to dismantle the computer.

Because she was responsible for purchasing computers when E+ was founded, she knew something about it, at least better than a layman like Gu Xing.

"It's a contact problem," Gu Pan pulled out the memory stick, wiped it with an eraser, and then said back, "You haven't been back for half a year. It's reasonable for the device to have some minor problems..."

Press the power button again, the host lights up successfully and jumps to the desktop.

"Hey, don't tell me, your skills are quite good!" Gu Xingxi smiled, "How about opening a machine installation shop later? I'll pay for it. I heard that this business is quite profitable now."

"Nike, pull it off, we have to divert traffic to open a store," Gu Pan rolled his eyes, "What will the store be called then, Gu Xing and his family? Isn't that a clear cut of leeks?"

She shook her hands and left the room, going back to her bedroom to have a video conference with her colleagues.

Gu Xing couldn’t wait to update the OBS software and start streaming.

As soon as the live broadcast room opened, countless viewers poured in, and the screen was densely covered with barrage.

【Huh? There is a live broadcast to watch, ho ho ho! 】

[It starts broadcasting less than a week after the Spring Finals, which is rare! 】

[Don’t talk nonsense, Brother Xing’s diligence is obvious to all, okay? 】

[Chief, I don’t know how much better than Jack the lazy dog! 】

[Hey, Brother Xing actually broadcast live? Rare guest! 】

"What do you mean I actually broadcast live?" Gu Xing retorted to the barrage, "Why would I not live broadcast?"

"Also, Jack is also broadcasting tonight," he announced first, "all VG members will be here this time..."

"Because there are official requirements," Gu Xing said with the corners of his mouth raised crazily, "The champion skin will have a preview video tonight, so we must come and promote it!"

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