What is a hexagon jungler?

635: Canyon version of the Maginot Line!

Perkz looked at Zoe's body, shook his head helplessly and sighed.

This is the shameful thing about Qinggangying.

At level 2, bring a strong attacker to the middle to gank. As long as you boldly hand over your skills, the second wall will hit back and cooperate with the mid laner's kill line to often reach more than 550 health points!

No matter how carefully Perkz took precautions, he couldn't withstand Gu Xing's mindless arrest!

"It's okay," Beryl comforted, "Do you remember what I said? Qinggangying caught two unsavory things in the early stage, so it's not a big problem..."

"As long as it lasts until the mid-term, it will be our stage!"

Perkz now firmly believed in his assistant's words, immediately regrouped, and left the spring without stopping after his resurrection.

Although he carried the [Unsealed Secret Book], since he had already used the double summons, he could not switch out the teleport even if he changed the summoner's skills, so he had to return to the lane on foot.

After the VG midfielder killed him, he quickly pushed all the soldiers into the G2 middle tower, causing Ah P to miss a total of 5 soldiers.

But the only good news is that the line rights are not lost.

Kuro only got 200 gold coins for the first blood assist, so he returned to the city and made Goddess Tears first.

In the current version, Ryze is quite embarrassed. Not only is his combat power severely weakened, but his mana is also not enough.

This is especially because the core item [Archangel’s Staff] will be weakened in patch 8.

Before evolving into Seraph's Embrace, the conversion ratio of this item's mana value to spell power dropped from 3% to 1%!

For Ryze, this is a very serious negative change.

Originally, the blue-skinned bald head could first make a time staff to replenish his immediate combat power, and then use the Tears of the Goddess to slowly cast them - thanks to the end of last season, the Tears of the Goddess could stack up to two layers in 8 seconds instead of 12 in 12 seconds. Three layers. Refreshing the layers in the mid-term is relatively simple and can quickly catch up with the progress.

Even if Seraph's Embrace has not yet evolved when merging large pieces, Ryze can still possess considerable combat power by relying on the mana given by the Time Rod and the numerous layers of Tears of the Goddess to convert his spell power.

However, now that the Archangel's Staff has been chipped, if the original equipment plan is still followed, Ryze's two-piece set without Seraph, his combat effectiveness will plummet!

As a last resort, Ryze can only wear the Tear of the Goddess when he returns to the city for the first time, delaying the synthesis time of the Time Staff.

This resulted in a slight loss of combat effectiveness in the early stage. As a top mid laner, Perkz was naturally very aware of the current difficulties faced by Ryze and took the time to show off Zoe's early suppression power.

At 5 and a half minutes, he obtained a ignition through the spell fragments dropped from the corpses of enemy soldiers.

Without thinking, Perkz immediately pulled out the flying star and at the same time used the minion kill weapon to kill the artillery soldier blocking him.

In this way, the flying star's forward distance will be greatly extended!

The star hit the VG long-range soldier, killing the long-range soldier with 1/3 of his health remaining, and also caused damage to Ryze, who was half a body away from the back row soldier!

Perkz follows up with E [Hypnosis Bubble] after sending the flying stars out.

After the artillery vehicle and the ranged soldier were killed one after another, there was no longer an obstacle between the two heroes.

Without movement speed props, Kuro couldn't avoid the bubbles just by moving around. All he could do was use all his skills before he fell asleep to reduce Zoe's health as much as possible.

But as long as you eat air bubbles, blood loss is doomed with blood transfusion.

Besides, Zoe still holds the ignition in her hand!

Perkz didn't wait until the coma time was about to end before attacking. He was afraid that the cooldown of Ryze's next set of skills would be better, so he directly used passive basic attacks combined with ignition damage to cripple Kuro, and then relied on the extra movement speed provided by his magic-stealing skills. Bonus distance.

At this point, Li Ruixing was forced to give up the central route, and Ah P easily handled all the lines.

"I can swim, Jankos, do you have any good ideas?" Perkz was very excited.

At this time, Xiaoyang began to brush his own wild area in the second round.

Although the two sides started by switching jungle areas, Gu Xing only brushed the red BUFF in the upper half of G2 at first, while Jankos brushed all the way up from the lower jungle area. If you think about it, you will know that the wild monsters in the second round will also be reset from bottom to top.

Now Xiaoyang is at his side's Demon Swamp Frog camp, and he was overjoyed to hear that the mid laner can gain a laning advantage on his own.

"Come to the bottom lane, let's force Sivir away and we can use the dragon!"

Jankos gives advice.

The first dragon in this game has an earth attribute and is quite valuable.

"Okay," Beryl agreed with Xiaoyang's point of view, "I can take a walk in the lower jungle area opposite and try to capture the location of the Qinggang Shadow."

Just as he was told, Ah P turned his head and moved down the lane, trying to put pressure on the VG duo.

Originally, Jack had already pushed his troops past the center line. Seeing Zoe coming to support the bottom lane, he hurriedly led Duan Deliang to retreat to the rear.

Yu Wenbo didn't dare to make a mistake. His mid laner was now in a state of residual health, and had not yet teleported - Kuro's double summons were also cooling down, and there was no way to replace TP when he returned to the city.

Even though Gu Xing was also in the lower half of the area at this time, the Qinggang Shadow who had not flashed had very limited combat power, and the side effects of being cheated at the beginning had not been eliminated. He had cleared four groups of camps in the first round, and even if he got first blood, he could only get 3. class.

With less to fight more and lack of combat power, VG had no choice but to let G2 clear out the bottom lane and then switch to Xiaolong.

During this period, Beryl took advantage of being a thick-skinned tauren and unscrupulously broke into the lower jungle area of ​​​​VG. He captured Gu Xing's movements in the F6 camp. Seeing that the opponent was about to move up the road, he immediately sent a warning mark to Wunder.

"Stand back a little, keep your health high, just hide under the tower and take advantage of what you can't do!"

Wunder obeyed his instructions and his stance immediately became much more stable.

Thain is a big lump of flesh, and after resurrection, he still has a zombie form. As long as he has enough blood, he will have no appetite for anyone!

Beryl has watched countless VG videos since her defeat in the quarterfinals of last year's World Championship. She knows Gu Xing's style very well and knows that the opponent likes to play back-to-back tactics.

He was worried that the opponent would repeat his old tricks, so he stayed in the grass next to the VG Sharpbill camp and stood guard to prevent Gu Xing from going back to the lower half when he saw that there was no chance of ganking on the road!

Gu Xing frowned.

It can only be said that G2 deserves to be the hegemon of the European division. Whether it is the strength of the laning or the meticulousness of tactical execution, it is undoubtedly the best in the world.

Just a successful exchange of blood in the middle allowed G2 to launch a suffocating offensive wave around Zoe!

Seeing that the pass back to the lower road was guarded by the tauren, Gu Xing had no choice but to run to the upper half of the area to collect the remaining two camps, and finally successfully upgraded to level 4.

At this time, the announcement of Xiaolong's death reached his ears, and he locked the precise position of Jankos and chose to cross the upper river and head to the G2 upper jungle area.

Make a jewelry eye in the F6 camp, and then go to the enemy's stone beetle camp.

Gu Xing knew that Jankos had only replenished supplies once after clearing the first round of camps. Now that he had defeated the earth dragon, his economy was not enough to support him in buying props. In addition, the troll itself could steal tributes, so he would definitely defeat the dragon with the help of his teammates. It does not hurt, so it is very possible to brush off the earth dragon and go directly to the upper half of the area to continue brushing and development.

The sharp-beaked bird was too close to the lower half of the map, so Gu Xing didn't dare to resist.

Of course, this has something to do with the fact that Qinggang Shadow itself does not have effective range-clearing skills. Without Tiamat, Gu Xing would have to plunder F6 before the little sheep came to the jungle, which is pure fantasy!

That's why he chose stone beetles as his counter-wild target.

But even though Gu Xing had thought very carefully, the process of this counterattack was not very optimistic.

Wunder was huddled in the upper tower with nothing to do. He came directly from home to patrol in the jungle area, and he happened to catch Gu Xing.

He plays like a thief, and he doesn't bother to harass anyone, he just waits by the side with his skills in hand.

The intention is obvious, that is to wait for Gu Xing to fight out all the little stone beetles, and then use his skills to compete with the Qinggang Shadow!

At the same time, Gu Xing saw Xiaoyang rushing to the F6 camp from the lower half of the area carrying a troll stick, getting closer and closer to his location.

He didn't want to let it go.

Coming here to counterattack and do wards has already taken up a lot of Gu Xing's time.

If you abandon this group of stone beetles, his already poor development will be even worse!

"Maibo, come and help me as soon as you push the army line over." Gu Xing felt that it was a bit difficult and had to shake him off. "If there is a fight later, let's kill Thain first and ignore the troll."

Song Jinghao attacked the point and exploded the gunpowder barrel, sending all the soldiers into the enemy turret, and then came to help without stopping.

Seeing that the little sheep was still some distance away, Gu Xing used punishment to increase the speed of clearing the field. He first killed the medium-sized stone beetle, causing it to split into two small stone beetles.

Wunder's eyes lit up, he stepped forward and hit E [Killer Roar]!

What Gu Xing was waiting for was for the other party to hand over his skills.

Seize the opportunity and use E [Hook Rope] to hit the wall, and then kick Thain in the face after the second wall!

Jankos clicked his tongue. He was still on his way to the battlefield. The exploding cones between the red zone and the dragon pit had been clicked by Gu Xing before, so he could only rush to the battlefield on foot.

The extreme distance of E [Ice Pillar] just now could not reach Gu Xing, and there was no way to interrupt Qinggang Ying's second wall!

"Maibo, use your big guns to stop the troll," Gu Xing gave the command, "Then we focus on Thain!"

Smeb raised his musket above his head and summoned the crew to unleash a barrage of fire.

The cannon barrage blocked the troll's only way to the battlefield. Song Jinghao was very thief and did not use the lamb as the center of the circle to cast the skill, but moved the artillery fire coverage farther forward.

As a result, if Jankos wanted to join the battle, he would have to walk through a cannon barrage with a diameter of 1160 yards!

The little sheep pursed his lips and looked unhappy. It was difficult to reach Thain in a short time, so he could only urge Wunder to retreat quickly.

"In my place, Kasain, can you hit a double barrel?" Gu Xing shouted urgently.

He used a tactical sweep to slow down and retain the opponent, and then pulled up with A to deal real damage. Now Wunder's health is in danger!

"Here we come!" Song Jinghao placed a gunpowder barrel in front of him. He first handed over Q [Gunfire Negotiation] at the right time with A, and then moved forward to lay the second barrel!

As the captain's unique skill, Smeb's powder barrels are arranged very delicately and are connected together in an almost tangential manner.

So much so that the two consecutive barrels can reach Thain's feet!

Wunder knew that he was vulnerable to strong attacks. If he was hit by two consecutive barrels, he would definitely die!

He didn't dare to neglect, and quickly handed over Gu Xing, who had flashed past the blocked position, and then rushed back to his own side's second tower with R [Brutal Charge].

Only then did Gu Xing leave with satisfaction.

"You've made a profit, you've made a profit," he said, his face brightening slightly, "Sion will definitely have to be handed over and sent back to the road later. He is almost like a useless person!"

The troop lines are piled up in the upper tower of G2. Wunder has no ultimate move. If you want to quickly replenish the line, you have to return to the city and hand in TP!

In comparison, Gu Xing only lost a few small stone beetles, which can be called a bloody profit!

Beryl is also very dissatisfied with his top laner.

I didn't look at the road for just a few seconds, and something was going to happen to you?

Why do you say you insist on coveting those two little stone beetles?

This is good. After handing over all our double summons and ultimate moves, how can we launch an offensive in the lower half?

VG will definitely use the TP difference to cause trouble!

Can you have some discipline?

Beryl is most annoyed by players who play casually and laxly, especially when this guy becomes his teammate, the disgust arises even more spontaneously.

Although he didn't say anything disgusting on the spot, Wunder also knew that he was holding back a bit, so he scratched his head in embarrassment, "How about I save the teleportation and lose the soldiers to go online on foot?"

"No," Beryl quickly rejected his teammates' whimsical plan, "Just return to the lane honestly!"

At present, in terms of overall strength in the first half, VG is definitely better.

This means that it is difficult for G2 to compete for Rift Herald.

If Wunder does not hand over the teleportation line, the previous tower will inevitably be worn down by VG Ueno to a large amount of health.

Once the vanguard is obtained by VG, they might be able to knock down the first-blood tower!

"How should we fight next?" Xiaoyang asked Beryl, as if he was following the opponent's lead.

"You go to the center first and help Luka control the center lane," Beryl expressed his point of view, "Then the two of us will do it together..."

Xiaoyang followed the assistant's command, brushed off F6 and went straight to the middle.

Relying on Perkz's already strong line power, Jankos easily helped send the line of troops into the tower.

The two of them once again headed to the bottom lane together.

Because the last time he came, Jack dealt with the advancing troops and retreated in a hurry.

Now the VG duo is facing a wave of pushback lines!

Jack tried his best to clear the line of troops, but Beryl stepped forward and blocked the position, eager to try. Sivir dared to step forward and WQ the second company.

The modification of the spell shield mechanism last season not only affected Nightmare, but Sivir was also affected.

Originally, she could be said to be the most restrained shooter against the Minotaurs and a representative of pure love warriors. Because the spell shield mechanism at that time could withstand all the skills that came at the same time, the second company of the Minotaurs would be eaten by the shield.

But now, the status of both parties has reversed!

Instead, the tauren became Sivir's nemesis. No matter how the opponent casts a spell shield, WQ could knock the enemy away!

Seeing Beryl's tough attitude, Yu Wenbo had no choice but to put away his weapon and walk back with Duan Deliang.

"No need to leave, let's keep pressing forward," Beryl said firmly, "Force Captain TP out!"

He had just laid out a circle of vision in the VG lower jungle area, and the eye position in the grass in the F6 camp accurately captured Gu Xing's position.

With Qinggangying's footsteps, it will take at least 15 seconds to reach the bottom lane!

Based on the current situation, if Smeb does not hand over the teleport, then Jack will definitely not dare to stand under the tower when facing the four G2 people, and he will lose a lot of minions!

Beryl waited for the teleportation light to light up.

As long as the captain TPs to the bottom lane and waits for Song Jinghao to teleport before returning to the city, the round trip will take at least 1 minute!

This means that the resources invested by the other party in Smeb in the early stage are wasted!

Beryl was full of expectations, but after waiting and waiting, she couldn't see any plans to teleport to the bottom lane for support!

Gu Xing was even more amazing. After briefly appearing in VG's Sharpbill camp, he did not come to the bottom lane. Instead, he went to the middle lane to accompany Kuro to push the lane and try to threaten the G2 mid tower!

"WTF, these lunatics..." Ah P cursed in a low voice, "Are they planning to give up on Sivir?"

"I have to go back, otherwise the first tower will fall in the middle of the wait!" Perkz was furious and hurriedly evacuated the bottom lane.

Beryl had no choice but to give up. He followed Zoe towards the middle, hoping to cover Ah P and return to the line safely.

Otherwise, Zoe, who did not flash, would be easily caught and killed by the Qinggang Shadow.

On the way, Perkz also seized the opportunity and used the hypnotic bubble's ability to extend the distance through the wall, successfully hitting Ryze.

Immediately, QRQ pulled out a flying star and smashed it, knocking down half of Ryze's health with one shot!

Fortunately, there was no follow-up, and Beryl was too far away to keep up with the control.

Seeing the return of G2's midfielder, Gu Xing didn't stay much and withdrew with Kuro out of the enemy's sight.

Seeing that there was no chance for the front, and that Gu Shengbin had returned to the city safely, Beryl gave Ah P the shield of the sacred object to use, and also planned to go back to the spring to replenish it.

During his free time heading to the bottom lane with Imp, he was still talking, "In about 10 minutes, the opponent will definitely go to the Dragon Pit to get the vanguard. We don't have to fight hard. It's okay to let go. Luka, you'll be there then." Come directly to the bottom lane, we can be the first to bulldoze the first blood tower!"

After hearing Perkz's promise, Beryl was still very worried and cut the screen to watch the top lane matchup, fearing that Wunder would get sick again.

However, Sion was the only one on the top lane to finish up, and Gangplank was nowhere to be seen.

Beryl couldn't help being stunned, "Where's the captain?"

"I just loaded a cup under my tower, and one of our skills knocked down a minion. He resisted twice and the remaining health of the tower came back home!" Wunder said proudly, probably because he felt that the opponent did not play even after taking advantage of the jungler's tilted resource benefits. The effect is pure Five.

Beryl was suspicious.

He always felt like something wasn't right.

As the captain's unique skill, Song Jinghao could make such a mistake?

When Beryl saw the VG midfielder disappearing from the mini-map, a terrible thought came to his mind.

The opponent is not looking for a lame excuse to return to the city, but is he actually coming to double-team Brother Shengbin and me in the bottom lane?

But after another thought, Beryl lowered her guard again.

Without him, it's just that G2's vision protection for the lower half is too good.

Although the eyes in the grass next to the VG Sharpbill Camp have just disappeared, there are still many artificial eyes in the lower river, which fully guarantees Ju Shengbin’s development environment!

Logically speaking, it is impossible for VG to get past G2's multiple vision blocks and reach the bottom lane!

Beryl comforted herself, maybe it was Song Jinghao who made a mistake in the blood transfusion and was forced to return to the city.

"Wunder, you must report the laning situation at any time," he began to warn the top orderer again, "I have to make sure I understand the captain's movements before I can issue orders..."

Before Beryl could finish her words, she saw a Green Steel Shadow coming out of the sloping ground in the upper jungle area of ​​G2!

Two heroes followed behind.

It's Ryze and the Captain!

Beryl was shocked.

what's going on?

How did you avoid the G2 river view?

Beryl was stunned for a short moment, and then reacted.

It’s Ryze’s R!

The opponent used the winding path to jump and passed through G2's steel vision defense line in the lower river channel!

Since the current version does not have a green jungle knife, the auxiliary cannot quickly replace the salary equipment in the early stage, resulting in the overall lack of eye positions in the team.

Naturally, you have to plan carefully and use your vision wisely.

Previously, VG did not have enough control over the lower half. G2 relied on its players to frequently support the lower lane, so it was natural that they had control over the lower jungle.

In this case, Beryl's ward cannot be placed in his lower jungle area, but will expand out, or at least control his vision in the river to play a greater role.

As a result, at this moment, the vision arrangement that was too forward actually became a flaw in the eyes of the enemy!

VG's upper, middle and junglers relied on the group teleportation of Ryze's ultimate move to bypass G2's vision array in an extremely clever way!

Beryl was horrified.

You must know that the current version of Ryze's level 1 ultimate has a teleportation distance of 1,750 yards, which is not particularly far. It is not comparable to the distance of ultimates like Card Galio.

How brave is the opponent, so confident that he can evade G2's vision detection with Ryze's ultimate move?

He didn't have time to think any more. What was urgent was how to deal with VG's double-teaming in the upper, middle and jungle areas!

"Where are your teammates, help me!" Imp screamed.

"I can't get through it!" When Wunder saw the captain appearing in the bottom lane, he finally panicked and realized how harmful his previous reckless decision was.

"I'm rushing and I'm relying on you!" Ah P wanted to inject strength into his bottom teammates, "We must hold on!"

As for the little sheep, he was in the upper jungle area, raising and lowering his hands on the red BUFF that had just been refreshed.

It's a thousand miles away from the lower road, and it's impossible to get there in a short time!

Beryl's heart plummeted until she fell into the abyss.

"I'll sell it," he took a deep breath and decided, "Brother Shengbin, leave quickly!"

Imp didn't look back and retreated into the second tower.

Li Ruixing sneered coldly.

Humph, want to escape?

There are no doors!

He closed the distance from the side, and EW controlled Kai'Sa in place!

Beryl was eager to save her teammates, and quickly handed over her horns to push away the captain who was approaching Kaisha.

However, a golden light flashed, and the captain moved forward 400 yards, avoiding the horns while still putting himself right in front of Gu Shengbin's face!

"Die!" Kuro said viciously.

The top, middle and jungler of VG worked together to directly kill Kai'Sa with hard damage, and then deal with the Minotaur later.

Beryl trembled all over. He handed over the flash and ran over the wall to the G2 jungle area, but Gu Xing also had the E hook to connect to the wall and return to the wall to close the distance!

"Niutou smashed the Qinggang Shadow into the air with the earth smash. Although he was not stunned, he was still delayed during the escape. VG made a half circle around Beryl," Miller raised his arms and shouted, "You go to Where to run?!”

"0 for 2, when VG's rhythm was stuck in a stalemate, someone stood up again and successfully opened the situation!" Wawa also showed excitement.

"Let's look at how VG launched an offensive against G2 again..." Miller followed the guide camera, "First, Brother Xing used exploding cones in his lower jungle area to shoot over the wall and into the dragon pit, and then inserted the ward to let the spring water The VG teleported from the middle to guide, and then the three of them used Ryze's ultimate move to bypass G2's river vision and go deep behind the enemy to catch the opponent off guard!"

The two consecutive teleportation journeys left Miller with endless memories.

"VG is really brave and careful," Wawa praised. "They just relied on Ryze's ultimate move to create a gank environment for themselves, and the fake eye that Brother Xing inserted in the dragon's pit was the essence. He just hit G2 accurately. I will make eyes in Xiaolong Pit!"

After all, Tulong had been taken care of by G2 earlier. Unless he had nothing to do, he would not set eyes inside Xiaolong Pit, and there was no need to protect the crime scene...

Most of the time, the eye position will be placed near the pass.

VG takes advantage of this to set off in the river, allowing Ryze to open wide and bypass the enemy's sight.

Otherwise, if we set out directly from the VG jungle area, Cricket's 1,750-yard displacement distance is simply not enough to cross the river, and he will definitely be discovered!

There was a lot of discussion and hype in the barrage of the LPL live broadcast room.

[If G2 has this field of view, it is better not to do it. It is just a waste of eye position]

[VG is really ruthless, and their field of vision ability is unmatched in the world... And what about the guy who hacked Kuro before? Come out and speak! Isn’t this wave due to Ryze’s ultimate move? 】

[Look, do these river views look like the Maginot Line? VG is so good! 】

[Don’t tell me, it’s really hey! MSI happens to be held in France, so everything is right! 】

[G2: Don’t hit me, brother, salute the French military salute. Surrender with both hands and beg for mercy! 】

[The case is solved. It turns out that EDG is VG. One of them blitzed Poland and the other bypassed the Maginot Line. Isn't this inappropriate for Germany? 】

"The VG duo brought in the troops, five people joined the team to keep warm, and directly took down the next tower of G2!"

Miller recounted the gains and losses of the battle just now.

"This wave of G2 is very damaging. Their mid-term lineup is very hungry for Kai'Sa's equipment. Now imp has died once and the first-blood tower cannot be obtained. The development period will be seriously delayed!"

He couldn't help but smile when he said this.

"On the contrary, Jack's Sivir made up for it a lot, and through the first-blood tower economy, he regained a lot of the previously lost development!"

The director gave real-time economic data charts of the ten players.

Jack relied on the economy of the first-blood tower to overtake Imp!

And Gu Xing, who had too few wild monsters before, got an assist in the battle just now, officially widening the economic gap between the two!

At first glance, G2’s situation is not optimistic!

House seemingly endless rain.

After the game entered the transition period, Wunder was not to be outdone and sent warmth to the opponent himself.

Gu Xing seized the last moment before Thain's flash improved and launched a surprise attack.

Wunder quickly handed R and ran backwards. Gu Xing decisively flashed the rope and blocked Thain's retreating ultimate move with his body!

Cannon barrages were rolling in from the sky. Without double summons, Thain couldn't escape from VG's grasp!

Gu Xing was calm and collected, and he picked up the opponent and took him away!

Beryl looked at the canyon that had changed in a short period of time, suppressed the excitement and tension in her heart, and stabilized her emotions.

"Don't worry about Qinggang Ying," he tried to keep his voice calm, "Let's play our own game and don't mess up the rhythm!"

"Jankos, control the vanguard, and then release it directly to Brother Shengbin to withdraw funds!" Beryl made arrangements in an orderly manner.

Just after changing lanes, Gu Xing ran to the bottom lane, which was equivalent to handing over all the upper and jungle areas to G2.

Xiaoyang can easily collect the vanguard, go to the top lane to summon the vanguard, force the VG duo back, and then help his teammates level the upper tower!

Beryl breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as one tower falls, he will be freed and can roam offline confidently and boldly.

Gu Xing must let Gu Xing see how powerful he is!

Like to choose Qinggangying?

There will be no room for you to cry later!

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