What is a hexagon jungler?

642: The tip of the needle versus the awn of wheat, the collision of top conductors!

"VG started the game very smoothly," Zeyuan said proudly. "Brother Xing got two kills in a row. The game has only been 7 minutes, and he was able to go back and make a warrior jungle knife. It can be called Tianhu's start!"

"Looking at Score, there has not been a single successful raid so far!" I remember grinning from ear to ear. "To be honest, Troll is a hero that is very suitable for the current version. He can often shine in team battles, but it seems that Score's gameplay is not very good. right!"

The director's camera focused on the troll, and everyone discovered that Trundle was still farming!

The Korean live broadcast room on Mouse Channel was also overcrowded.

It is the prime time of the evening in South Korea, and a large number of viewers click on the game to make themselves dinner.

After all, VG was in such a bad state in the second round of the group stage. As the spring champion of the Great Cold Kingdom, it must not be a big problem for KT to win...

As a result, after one hour, from the first game to the early stage of the second game, KT's performance was a disaster!

KR netizens were very dissatisfied and expressed their opinions in the chat channel to vent their emotions.

[What on earth is this bastard Gao Dongbin doing? 】

[I know it’s difficult for trolls to catch people, but you can always counter-crouch twice, right? 】

[18, I wouldn’t have known there was a troll in this round if you didn’t tell me! 】

[Score: I would rather do nothing than make a mistake! 】

[KT can’t even beat VG in this state... I thought tonight was a dinner party, but I didn’t expect that watching this game made me feel like I had a lump in my throat, and I couldn’t even eat a bite of kimchi! 】

Even the twenty-year-old commentator Roaring Emperor couldn't stand it anymore.

"Nocturne, a character with weak ganking ability in the early stage, was able to succeed twice. The pressure on KT's line will only increase in the future. You must know that the damage ability of Nightmare cannot be underestimated after it is equipped. By then, KT players will not have junglers. We don’t even dare to push our troops across the river under the protection of the enemy!”

"If you want to reverse the situation, the trolls have to do something!" Jin Dongjun was anxious, "Dongbin, let's do something!"

When mid laner Ucal died, Score was still cleaning up his second-round camp.

The troll's jungle clearing speed was extremely slow. In addition, he went to the lower jungle area of ​​VG and was driven away without success, which also delayed a lot of time. The junglers of both sides were stunned and missed the gank time twice!

Seeing that his teammates from Shangzhong were killed one after another, Gao Dongbin was very worried.

But at the beginning, he set the goal of clearing the jungle as quickly as possible to buy Tiamat. If he changed it at will and ran to counter-crouch to help his teammates, he might lose more than he gained. In the end, not only did he fail to catch the opponent, but he also slowed down his progress in clearing the jungle!

With no other choice, Score had no choice but to pursue the strategy of "laughing while killing teammates when they were caught" and focused on clearing out the wild monsters.

After clearing out the stone beetle camp, Gao Dongbin finally saved enough gold coins and returned to the city to take out Tiamat.

In the voice, Mata, who had just taken over the main command, was chattering endlessly.

"Brother Dongbin, come to the bottom lane and cover me and He Kui to push out the army line. Then we can go get the dragon..."

God was kind to them in this game. They directly spawned a fire dragon lying in the dragon pit at the beginning. Although not all heroes in KT's 5-core lineup can benefit, the improvement is quite obvious for Kai'Sa, who is dual-trained!

You know, the Daughter of the Void is the absolute core of KT in this game, and fattening her up is one of the important tasks of the jungler!

Score followed Matagawa's instructions and headed down the road as soon as he left the house.

Originally, the lane control of the bottom lane was firmly in the hands of the KT duo. The arrival of the jungler made Mr. Dai even more unscrupulous. He stood forward and forced the opponent backward, and accumulated a small wave of troops to send out the lane by using the tail knife method. Enter the VG defense tower, and then follow Nosuke and the two of them to the Xiaolong Pit.

Due to the lower line of troops under the tower, the VG duo did not have the conditions to come to challenge Xiaolong; not to mention that the midfielder and jungler had just exchanged their ultimate moves, and their combat power was in a period of weakness. Even though Gu Xing was far ahead with two pieces of equipment, there was no way. If he dodges R, he will be ambushed and killed by KT if he is not careful!

Gu Xing simply released the fire dragon to his opponent without even looking at it, and headed to the enemy's jungle area.

The third round of KT's camp has been refreshed. Since it is an open jungle route from top to bottom, the upper jungle area is reset first, and it also has a set of blue BUFFs born in 7 minutes!

Gao Dongbin caught Gu Xing's counterattack movement through the defensive position set up by Kiin, and felt his heart bleed.

There are three camps, and from a zero-sum game perspective, there are six groups of wild monsters!

How economical is this?

The big quail was very optimistic, "Don't worry about it, it's best for Nightmare to go to the upper half, it's just what I want!"

"Brother Dongbin, I know you are in a hurry, but don't be anxious yet... I will definitely try my best to make up for the wild monsters that were lost by Nightmare!"

Matagawa, who has returned to take charge of the overall situation after a year and a half, is now strategizing, with a strong sense of confidence in his tone.

Score was given a reassurance pill and immediately calmed down.

"Hekui, you go back to the bottom lane first," Big Quail commanded his teammates, "You can fight a little more fiercely, as long as you don't die!"

Mr. Dai readily agreed. After helping his teammates kill the fire dragon, he returned to the line, moving forward and constantly pressing the line.

Gu Xing has been away from the lower jungle area for some time, and the duo has never had lane rights, causing the lower river channel to be out of VG's control, and it was pitch dark inside.

Jack was not sure how many enemies were near the bottom lane, but Kai'Sa frightened him into not daring to move forward rashly.

"Brother Dongbin, you and I go to the middle to help," Mata gave the order in an orderly manner, "Nightmare is in the counter jungle, and Galio is the only one in the opposite middle. There is nothing we can do."

Score couldn't keep up with the ideas of his own assistant, and unknowingly he became a puppet, following Mata's arrangements meticulously.

After Nosuke and the two rushed to the middle, Kuro was forced to retreat under the tower to prepare for the connection due to the huge pressure exerted by the enemy.

Seeing that his goal was achieved, Big Quail immediately showed a satisfied smile, "Yu Hyun, follow us and go to the bottom lane to catch EZ together!"

"By the way, brother Dongbin, don't be too anxious. You can slow down a little and wait a little while..." Mata told her jungler.

At this point, his entire plan came to light.

First use the jungler to push the bottom lane, let the duo help control the Fire Dragon, and then use the wild assistant to link up to release the mid laner - Ucal has died once before, and the lane advantage is not very stable. The arrival of the wild assistant can make him Feel free to travel offline.

In the end, the big quail picture was revealed, and he led the middle and jungle to attack the VG duo in a four-pack and two-two attack!

Kuro panicked when he saw everyone in KT moving down the river and disappearing from his sight.

"What should we do, Gu?" He was confused and asked for the jungler's opinion. "Everyone on the other side has run down the lane!"

Gu Xing had just cleaned up the enemy's upper and jungle areas. In the process, he had already seen KT's entire linkage process around the lower half of the area, and knew that the opponent wanted to attack his duo.

Jack had just seen Mr. Dai clearing the lane alone in the bottom lane, and he was too scared to step forward. It was not until KT Nosuke both went to the middle lane that he realized that the opponent was cheating him, and he immediately became angry and stepped forward to fight for blood.

As a result, the location was lured out of the tower. Now it is obviously unrealistic to retreat to the second tower on foot!

The urgent situation made Gu Xing frown.

From the first-person perspective, he could clearly feel the completely different rhythm changes in the two games before and after KT.

To put it simply, more emphasis is placed on the linkage with Nosuke as the core, and the entire team is integrated!

The direct benefit is that the offensive rhythm is sharper.

Gu Xing just took advantage of the enemy's opportunity to use the Fire Dragon to attack several groups of wild monsters in the upper half, and KT used rapid coordination to set up an offensive around the bottom lane!

The sudden change of rhythm is unexpected!

Gu Xing didn't have the energy to think about why the other party made such rapid progress in a short period of time.

An encirclement in the bottom lane is about to take shape, and it must be resolved urgently!

In the blink of an eye, he gave a countermeasure.

"Maibo, you and Rui Xing go down together. Jack, hurry back to the tower and try to hold on for a while..."

VG still has 3 teleports in this game. At first, Gu Xing wanted to let Jack directly teleport away and sell Duan Deliang, who had not yet reached 6 levels.

Only one life of the support is given away, and the team can make up for it elsewhere.

However, after Yu Wenbo bought Tears of the Goddess, he handed over his teleportation in order to quickly reconnect and stack up layers to replenish development. Now it is cooling down.

If you ignore it, it will be equivalent to selling the core of VG's tactics!

Gu Xing naturally couldn't accept it, so he could only organize his teammates to rush to the rescue.

Fortunately, he raided KT's top and middle twice in the past two times, saving teleports for his opponent's players, and now he has the ability to rush to the bottom lane!

"I may have to arrive later," Song Jinghao said urgently, "I can't get rid of Thain for the time being!"

Before KT revealed their intention of four packs and two packs, Smeb had been bullying others in the top lane and putting pressure on others. With Gu Xing in the top half, he pushed his troops very far forward.

Now he has received his retribution.

If Ornn wants to teleport to support the bottom lane, he must return to his distant tower, otherwise the enemy Thain can easily interrupt the TP!

Kiin smiled proudly.

You like to keep suppressing me just because the jungler is around, right?

Backlash, I can only say it is backlash!

It runs away, he chases...

Ornn can't fly without wings!

Song Jinghao conservatively estimated that it would take at least 15 seconds for him to evacuate to a safe position and then teleport to the bottom lane!

On the other hand, the mid laner Kuro, since Ucal has left the lane, can immediately teleport to his duo while standing in the tower.

Gu Xing believes that the situation is still within the acceptable range.

As long as Kuro can teleport down, it can provide a buffer space for the tense situation in the bottom lane.

Coupled with EZ's flexibility and Tahm's protective ability, it's not difficult to hold on until Ornn teleports to the ground!

KT's vanguard force, the Tauren, got out of the grass behind VG's next tower, and were flanked by Kai'Sa in front of them, surrounding EZ and Tahm Kench. Kuro quickly handed over the teleport in his own tower, hoping to protect himself. teammate.

Mata was not surprised at all when he saw the teleportation light coming from the enemy's lower tower. Instead, he smiled confidently, as if everything was under control!

The next moment after Li Ruixing used teleportation, a giant icicle burst out from under Galio's feet!

The forced displacement effect forced the Colossus of Justice to move laterally, and at the same time, the TP guidance was also interrupted!

"Damn it, the troll on the other side didn't go to the bottom lane!" Kuro exclaimed, feeling extremely surprised in his heart.

Trundle disappeared from the map for a while. Although the VG lower jungle area was dark, Li Ruixing still subconsciously thought that Score was going to the bottom lane to cooperate with KT in the middle and lower tower.

After all, if the jungler doesn't go, KT only has 3 heroes. How can it be possible to jump over the tower and kill the VG duo?

As a result, Li Ruixing stepped into the trap set by the enemy.

KT obviously expected that Kuro would choose to teleport to protect his teammates, so he specifically asked Score to stay behind!

Once the icicle wall is erected, Galio can't even think of TPing to the bottom lane!

Score successfully completed the task assigned to him by Big Quail. He immediately brushed off his clothes and hid his achievements and fame. He dove into the lower jungle area of ​​VG, jumped over the wall with the help of the exploding cones outside the blue BUFF camp, and quickly headed down the road. Go and get ready to meet your teammates!

The KT players who trapped the VG duo under the tower were not in a hurry and planned to wait for the jungler to arrive before officially launching the siege.

"I can't make it!" Kuro told his teammates the bad news.

After being blocked by the pillar, Galio was also severely slowed down.

The exploding cones on the shortcut to the bottom lane were clicked by the troll again. Kuro suspected that he reached the bottom lane at about the same speed as Song Jinghao.

In other words, the VG duo will be isolated and helpless in the short term, with no teammates able to provide them with support!

When Gu Xing saw Kuro's teleportation being interrupted by the troll icicle, his heart went cold.

The VG duo trapped under the tower are certain to die!

Do some research and decide not to go.

"Jack, you and Brother Duan try to delay it a little longer!"

Gu Xing decisively changed his strategy and set out on the road.

When Yu Wenbo heard this, he knew that his life would definitely be at stake under the tower.

He was extremely optimistic. Seeing that the fact of his death was irreversible, he simply used the little yellow hair to start dancing under the tower, and calmly accepted the outcome of being raped and killed by jumping over the tower.

After the Score was in place, KT launched an offensive!

During the tower crossing, the basic skills of a top team were clearly demonstrated.

After Mata surrendered all his control, he stood at the edge of the defensive tower's range and resisted the tower. Using the resistance provided by the aftershocks, he took four shots before evacuating with remaining health.

Immediately came Ucal's Crow. His ultimate move had not improved, so he was mainly responsible for taking damage, and occasionally pulling soul shards to follow the control chain of his teammates.

"Kill Hekui!" Mata said in a loud voice, "Don't grab it, everyone!"

"Don't worry, they all belong to Brother Hekui!" Ucal is Mr. Dai's little licking dog. He has long been attracted by the temperament of the e-sports succubus, and he transformed into a reliable boy and called for Deft's head.

Score didn't have the K-head mentality. After the KT players crippled the enemy, they stopped and let Mr. Dai's Kai'Sa explode with plasma one by one!

Double kill!

"More leaks, more leaks!"

Deft happily accepted the additional economy of 600 gold coins for two heads, and led his teammates to calmly withdraw from the attack range of VG's next tower.

"Nice!" Gao Dongbin looked excited, "Shiheng, you commanded a great duck!"

"You can count the opponent's mid laner's TP even if you want it? As expected of you, the first FMVP winner in the World Championship!"

The big quail was praised by Big Brother with a big smile on his face.

Do you see it?

If I had been given the command earlier, would KT not have been able to enter the World Championship last year?

Fart you!

It is impossible to lose the last game!

Of course, Matagawa must not criticize Score for being a poor conductor.

"Ai, it's just a fluke," he said modestly, "I just had the opportunity to use the wild assistant linkage that I'm good at, so I ambushed VG..."

"How about Brother Dongbin? I told you not to be afraid of being rebelled. I will definitely take back all the camps you were defeated in!" Big Quail couldn't hide his pride, "Have you fulfilled your promise now?"

KT's tower-crossing offensive around the lower half took one minute in total from layout to execution, during which they also focused their fire to get a dragon.

The camp refresh route is also from top to bottom. The lower jungle area of ​​​​VG is now full of wild monsters, including blue BUFF!

Gao Dongbin was happy, now he had nothing to lose!

Just spend a little time and get a fire dragon and two assists.

Make a lot of money!

"No cat cake, Shiheng, please continue to command well, I will definitely obey your orders!" Score's trust in his assistant has now reached its highest peak.

"No, no, no, no," the big quail's face broke with laughter, but he still refused, "You are my brother, do we have any exchanges of opinions?"

"Hey!" Gao Dongbin looked unhappy, "I am your brother off the field, and I am your puppet on the field. We both have our own opinions!"

Kiin, who had been silent until now, spoke, "Brother Shiheng, the nightmare over there is coming to me again... I can't leave!"

Gu Xingzhi was running up after realizing the fact that the VG duo was bound to die. Of course, he was not going shopping, but trying to stop the team's losses.

The hunting target is Kiin!

In order to force Aoun to prevent the other party from quickly handing over the teleport, Kiin chased Song Jinghao all the way to the outside of the upper tower of VG.

Gu Xing came from the upper river and blocked Thain!

Kiin did not flash, and the retreat path of his ultimate move was blocked by Gu Xing.

After being implanted with the fear effect by the nightmare, all I can do is take my hands off the keyboard and wait for death. I don't even bother to use the R skill, so I might as well save it for next time!

"It's okay," Big Quail said warmly to reassure his teammates, "It's a waste to have Thain die twice. When you resurrect, try to clear the top lane of troops. We can still make a profit in exchange for this bounty!"

The LCK commentator also saw that KT's counterattack was fruitful, and everyone felt like a spring breeze blowing in their faces.

"The execution of the tactics was very successful!" The Roaring Emperor clenched his fist hard, and his voice became impassioned as he was given a shot in the arm. "Calculated, KT completed 1 for 2, plus gained a small dragon and made Galio's The teleport is on cooldown!"

"Although Nightmare has gained another head, it doesn't matter." He reversed his previous anxiety after seeing Gu Xing succeed in two consecutive raids, and his words were completely reversed. "After all, we gave the economy to Kai'Sa. It’s destined to be worth more than a nightmare!”

Jin Dongjun was delighted and agreed with his partner, "Yes, the advanced nightmare mid-term can certainly put pressure on KT's three lines, but what about the late stage?"

"After all, it's Kaisha's world!"

He said in a loud voice, "After 30 minutes, the entire VG team will rely on EZ to cause damage. The output levels of both lineups are not at the same level at all!"

Gu Xing didn't think so.

In the early ganks, he always got the kill without humility. It was not because he deliberately attacked his teammates to disgust his teammates, but because he had other motives.

The team will fall into a period of weak combat power after the transition period. At that time, Jack's magic cut has not yet taken shape, and the mid-range Ornn + Galio have very mediocre combat capabilities when fighting alone.

Gu Xing received a huge amount of money, which is to shoulder the responsibility of connecting the previous and the next in the VG team's combat power, and use the strong period of the nightmare to make the transition until the baton is handed over to Jack's hand!

While returning to the city for supplies, Kuro's voice of self-blame still lingered in his ears.

"My brother Meng," Li Ruixing felt very guilty, "If the teleporters had been more careful, I guess he wouldn't have died in the bottom lane..."

"Speaking of which, I also have a responsibility. If I realize that the opponent's jungler is guarding me, I won't even let you teleport," Gu Xing took the initiative, "Rui Xing, you don't have to be under too much pressure, it's just a small mistake. It won’t affect the overall situation.”

"That's right! Just lie down and wait until my buddy comes out with a three-piece suit to carry you!" Yu Wenbo was very optimistic. His already full self-confidence after getting EZ was almost overflowing now.

"We can do something about this vanguard," Gu Xing brought the topic back on track, "Let's follow the way the lines were divided in the previous game. Brother Duan, you will come to the middle to help push the line. Jack, stay in the bottom lane and keep pushing. Just pay attention. One o'clock - when Kaisha returns to the city and rushes over, just say something."

"No problem!" Yu Wenbo agreed immediately.

When Gu Xinglin withdrew from the enemy's upper jungle area, he kept a large number of wards inside, not only his own accessory wards, but also the wards that Song Jinghao carried with him were invested in them!

The deepest one was stabbed directly in the narrow passage separated by a wall opposite the KT Three Wolf Camp. It is close to the one-way gate of the enemy's high ground and is the only way for the opponent to enter the Ueno area from the spring.

But few people will pay attention to whether there is an eye position here!

That's what Score is.

He guessed that Gu Xing stayed in the upper half of the map for as long as a minute and must have left a wards in his upper jungle area, so he started scanning when he came to the intersection outside the blue zone.

Sure enough, a total of 3 VG visions, two fake and one real, were found!

Gao Dongbin quickly emptied it and then relaxed his vigilance.

After all, in the current version, a single hero can only deploy three false eyes and one real eye in the canyon at the same time. After the green jungle knife is deleted, the jungle vision depends entirely on the accessory eyes + self-purchased real eyes.

You can only store up to two jewelry eyes, that is, two fake and one real...

Didn’t I sweep this all out?

Of course Score fell into a habitual misunderstanding and was not aware of the artificial eyes in the narrow passage behind him!

The game time came to 9 and a half minutes, and Mr. Dai's Kai'Sa relied on the accumulation of the previous two heads to firmly control the lane control.

Seeing that the Canyon Pioneer was about to be refreshed, he accelerated the progress of pushing the line, pushing all the last wave of short lines before the artillery line into the lower tower of VG, returning to the city to replenish the sheep knife, and his combat power reached a new peak!

"On the other side, the support will disappear and return to the city, leaving EZ alone to clear the bottom lane." Mata quickly analyzed the information on the field and made countermeasures accordingly. "I will accompany Yuxuan to push out the middle lane. He Kui, go directly to the river. If the opponent's top laner is in an aggressive position, you can fly over with Thain. With the Sheep Knife here, it's not difficult to kill Ornn, the Flag of Command!"

"Don't worry, everyone. It's different from the last game. The opponent's mid laner is not Ryze and he can't lead his troops to speed up the progress of the tower. The jungler doesn't have the wine barrel to blow us apart. This time I want both the vanguard and the first-blood tower!"

The big quail stabilizes the morale of the army.

The lineup and situation are indeed different from the previous game.

But Gu Xing has no intention of repeating his old tricks and playing replicas!

After the KT duo returned to the city, he learned this information from Jack.

He turned on the scan throughout the whole process, passed through the grass in the upper river, and fought from the path near the middle to KT's upper jungle area - during the process, he did not find KT's eye position. It was always because Score had just finished ranking the eye positions in the jungle area and had not yet found it. There was time to arrange it.

After the scan was completed, Gu Xing did not move forward, for fear that his whereabouts would be detected by the enemy's eyes placed deeper.

Stay where you are and wait.

Just 10 seconds later, Kai'Sa's figure was caught in the eye position that had been left in the narrow passage outside the one-way door of KT Highlands!

Gu Xing was not in a hurry to take action. Instead, he saw that Mata, who had bought straw sandals, had appeared in the middle. He made sure that Mr. Dai was acting alone and pressed the R button hard after everything was safe!

Lift the curtain!

Nocturne’s eerie voice reaches the ears of every KT member!

Along with this, the field of view decreases, and the color of the entire screen becomes dull!

"Grub?" Ucal was a little confused, "Who is the nightmare going to fly to?"

"Ueno, please be careful!" Mata increased her volume, "The nightmare is probably looking for you!"

One of KT Ueno is grabbing the lane on the top lane, and the other is planning to attack the newly born vanguard at the Dalongkeng Pass.

There is a temporary phenomenon of being alone, and in Mata's opinion, it is very likely that he will become Gu Xing's target!

Mr. Dai thought so too.

He didn't think his life was in danger.

When Score passed through his home jungle area just now, he clearly cleared all the eye positions by turning on the scan.

The nightmare can't even see its specific location, so how can it fly?

It makes no sense!

Mr. Dai also tilted his head to look at his teammate's screen, hoping to see clearly who the nightmare was going to kill immediately.

However, everything is calm over there with my teammates!


Deft frowned in confusion.

When he pays attention to his teammates, his little fan Ucal is also paying attention to him silently.

Suddenly, Ucal's eyes widened and he reminded urgently: "Brother Heque, nightmare, nightmare is on your face!"

Mr. Dai also noticed a strange red light around his screen. When he focused his eyes again, he saw that Nocturne had rushed in front of him!

what's going on?

Why can nightmares fly into my face?

This is unscientific!

Before Mr. Dai could think more, he saw Nocturne's sharp blade swinging around, easily reducing Kai'Sa's health bar by half!

The Nightmare that started at 3/0 still had dirty soldiers, but now it has a warrior jungle knife + a serrated dagger in hand!

Crispy Pikasha simply can't bear the opponent's high damage!

Mr. Dai quickly operated, using his basic attack to hit a layer of plasma on the opponent. He moved his R across the wall to the Three Wolves camp, trying to distance himself from the nightmare.

But Gu Xing is not finished yet.

Flash followed through the wall, and E [Silent Fear] was implanted in Kai'Sa's mind!

VG obviously spent a lot of money. At this time, the whirlwind circle with the nightmare as the center unfolded.

It's Galio's R [Hard Bear Appears]!

The nightmare had just turned off the lights, and Mata didn't dare to move forward. She didn't even dare to look for Galio, who was retreating in front of the first tower in VG.

Now it's too late for Big Quail to interrupt Galio's ultimate move!

As a last resort, Mata urged her teammates on her voice, "Hey, I can't interrupt Galio, run to me!"

Mr. Dai still had a flash, so he quickly handed it over and ran towards the middle, wanting to ask for help from his teammates.

But after landing, Kuro flashed forward and rushed forward with a righteous punch, knocking Deft into the air!

This is followed closely by the Durang Shield Taunt.

Although Mr. Dai took into account that the opponent's lineup had more control in this game, he specially brought Purify, which was used to remove Galio's taunt at this moment, but the damage was really heavy.

Gu Xing pursued all the way, and finally used the improved Q [Nightmare Path] to take away Kai'Sa's head!

"Ah..." Mr. Dai put his hand on his forehead, looking extremely annoyed.

Tianfei Kai'Sa's death means losing her development rhythm.

Moreover, the ending head was given to Nightmare, allowing Gu Xing to continue to dominate the economy!

In addition, after Kai'Sa dies, KT will be in a dilemma of lacking core output from the front!

Since Score synthesized Tiamat, his combat power is insufficient, let alone the economy, which is just average. In terms of one-on-one ability, the trolls are better, but if the economy and level are taken into account, Gu Xing's Nightmare can kill him. Get out of the eight streets!

Because of this, Kim Hyuk Kyu felt extremely guilty.

The team invested all their money in him, but he turned around and sent him away. Deft felt that he had failed to trust his brothers.

After all, I just lost the whole game in the first game, so I won’t have to repeat this game...

"Brother Dongbin, please stop." Seeing that his jungler was still beating Purple Garlic, Mata quickly stopped the troll's big stick, "Get out quickly, so as not to work for the opponent!"

After Kai'Sa died, it was impossible for KT to fight for the vanguard.

You must know that the teleportation in Jack's hand, who has been silently developing farmers and soldiers in the bottom lane, has improved. At any time, TP may come to the front and launch an encirclement and suppression against KT with his teammates!

By then, VG will have the dual advantages of combat power and numbers, and no one can think of a reason to lose!

That's why Mata persuaded Score to quit.

Gao Dongbin looked at the Pioneer and sighed. The situation was so tight that he had no choice but to reluctantly wave goodbye to it while still apologizing to his teammates.

"I'm going to take the blame for Hekui's death this time. It's probably because the field of vision in the jungle wasn't cleared properly and he was discovered by Nightmare..."

Score was not stupid, so he naturally guessed that Gu Xing was able to fly to Deft's side because he had made a mistake.

It's a pity that there is no opportunity to make amends and make corrections.

Gu Xing took mid laner Kuro and rushed to the upper river, successfully taking over and getting the vanguard!

"Hey, Lao Gu, your move is really insidious!" Jack's heart was bubbling with beauty, "Dude, you are really growing up!"

For more than a minute, Yu Wenbo stayed alone in the bottom lane, enjoying the army economy and experience alone.

Now he has even achieved a level overtake!

"Nicole, you have to work harder." Gu Xing was worried that Jack would get carried away and did not forget to pour cold water on him. "We are a veritable single-core lineup in the later stage. It will be useless no matter how well I develop now. I will wait for the three-piece set in the C position." It won’t be of much use. The most you can do is turn off the lights and then hit your face with a burst..."

"Keep it on me, my EZ training in the past few days was not in vain!" Yu Wenbo said to Bo Yuntian, "Old Gu, you are holding back your ink. Come over and release the vanguard to help me get a health tower!"

Gu Xing returned to the city and synthesized the second-level shoes to increase his movement speed, and quickly went to the bottom lane to resurrect the vanguard.

Jack was not idle when he was alone on the line to develop. He pushed the line in and lowered the health bar of KT's next tower by nearly half.

Nowadays, if the Canyon Pioneer hits one, it can crush the turret to residual health!

Gu Xing stood aside and used the pressure provided by Tianhu Mengxiang to force the opponent to abandon the defense and go down the tower.

Amidst the roar, Jack once again extracted the first-blood tower economy. When he returned to the city, he bought the cloth armor shoes + shining light, and he was one step closer to completing the equipment!

"Just wait and see, the next step will be my brother's performance stage!" Yu Wenbo, who has caught up with his growth, made bold words.

DeftWhat kind of hair oil do you like to use?

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