What is a hexagon jungler?

647: The rapid offensive triggered by the Dragon King

Chapter 647 647: The rapid offensive triggered by the Dragon King

"Naturally..." (naturally so)

The rich voice resounded throughout the Zenith Stadium, immediately arousing cheers from the crowd!

"Oh my god, what kind of plane is VG doing?" The doll jumped three feet high, with shock evident on his face, "Dragon King dares to choose?!"

"You are really brave," Miller was equally shocked. "Why should we use such a non-mainstream character on the final stage?"

The LPL live broadcast room was overcrowded at the moment. Since the game was during prime time in China, many passers-by who usually didn’t watch MSI clicked in to join in the fun.

[Hey, darling, are you going to do some hard work in the finals? 】

[If you don’t understand, just ask, what kind of hero is this blue worm? I’ve been playing League of Legends for a year, why have I never seen it before? Squat]

[Kuro, you must hold on. After winning the MSI championship, you can give away whatever you want! 】

[You can give away classics as you want. I said the same thing in the Bird's Nest before, but I think you guys didn't show mercy when Kuro was not in good condition a few days ago]

[The Dragon King has gone too far. Can this hero be used now? 】

It’s no wonder that the commentators and the audience found it unbelievable.

It's really because the Dragon King is too unpopular.

Before its birth, Riot Games had made a lot of noise about the concept of Dragon King. The concept of being the strongest creature in the world of Runeterra and crushing stars with one hand made the domestic players who prefer dragon culture excited.

As a result, as soon as the skill set in the canyon was released, everyone was dumbfounded.

Isn't this a shock wave?

Even though Q [Galactic Surge] can continue to expand in size as it advances, creating a giant galaxy that looks like a super-large jade spiral pill, the damage will not increase.

Moreover, the Dragon King is not a purely magical sect, and the output of the Q skill is not high. He often pushes a big jade rasengan and hits the enemy tank, and the enemy only loses a layer of blood!

Pure lust and inner lust!

The stars all around him are even more hilarious. A hero who makes a living by catching people from the sideline can actually allow his opponents to detect traces outside the grass in advance!

Looking at the entire skill set, the term "stupid" is more appropriate!

As a result, in the years since Dragon King came to the canyon, the popularity of the hero has always been extremely low in the rankings, and there are even fewer players who are proficient in this hero.

Then you, Li Ruixing, will be selected to play in the finals today?

"Kuro is indeed a Dragon King with unique skills, but there's still that problem," Watana said with helpless expression on his face, "Nowadays, the character's strength is too low!"

"No matter how proficient you are, you can't match the strength of a weak hero!" He shook his head repeatedly to show his confusion.

"The director gave a record of Dragon King's use in international competitions... The last time he made his appearance was on October 16, 2016, 582 days ago. That game was the quarterfinal match between ROX and EDG in the S6 World Championship. , the user is also Kuro!" After Miller reported the information to the audience, the memories buried in his heart emerged, taking him back to North America a year and a half ago.

The more well-known meme of that game is 4396. Little Peanut's forehand and backhand were made by Mingkai.

But few people know that Kuro pushed the fledgling elementary school student to the ground and beat him hard.

Selected two consecutive games of Dragon King, one game 7/0/6, one game 4/0/12, roaming the whole court to create killing opportunities for the Tigers, and the team participation rate is far ahead of the other nine players!

Such a brilliant performance forced VG to buy a suite for Dragon King in the ban position in the semi-finals!

In the following year and a half, Kuro did not choose any Dragon King game, which is why the commentator was deeply worried.

If the hero wasn't too weak, there would be no reason for Li Ruixing not to choose it!

In fact, their guess was correct.

In the past year and a half, due to factors such as the weakening of the ice staff and the overall mid lane environment, Dragon King has been unable to play at all. The intensity in professional games is ridiculously low, so Kuro will naturally not choose it.

But now, with a lot of changes in equipment and runes, Li Ruixing believes that the spring of the Dragon King has arrived!

His eyes were extremely determined, staring at the monitor, taking deep breaths to adjust his state.

"Lao Li, you have a lot of room to play in this game," Jack joked with a smile, "It all depends on your performance, buddy, I'm waiting to win!"

"Sure," Kuro agreed, "I have to let the opponent know how powerful my Dragon King is in this round!"

You like the hero pool against me, right?

I'm waiting to die!

Li Ruixing showed unprecedented confidence after getting the Dragon King.

In contrast, after G2 players saw VG using the counter position to select the Dragon King, they started a chaos.

"What's going on?!" Perkz looked confused, "Can the Dragon King also be selected?"

He couldn't even remember how long it had been since he had seen Thor, and for a while he was still recalling the hero's numerical information in his mind.

Professional players have a lot of practice, coupled with careful study, they can be said to know the powerful heroes in their position very well, and can accurately judge the damage amount and skill CD.

But the Dragon King is obviously not within the category of version heroes!

Q: What is the specific cooling rate of the Rasengan, how high is the damage, and what is the specific range?

Ah P thought about it for a long time and realized that he didn’t know anything about it!

E-sports also requires a person who knows himself and his enemy to win every battle. Now Kuro is well aware of the characteristics of the snake girl he operates, but he knows very little about the Dragon King. Perkz is panicking to death when he thinks of this!

"Don't be afraid," Jankos signaled Ah P to calm down, "What Dragon King... is just a small trick, not worth mentioning at all!"

"The Dragon King is just a basket!" Ju Shengbin said wildly.

Perkz couldn't help but sneer, when you were at VG, you played against the Tigers, didn't you beat the Dragon King?

Now it's a basket again?

Head coach Youngbuck paced behind the players' bench and reminded the players, "The Dragon King will definitely play roaming. Luca, remember that as soon as the Dragon King disappears from your sight, you should immediately send a signal to your teammates!"

Perkz calmed down a little after listening to the comfort from his coach and teammates.

When soldiers come to cover up the water and earth, what are you afraid of him doing?

The lineups of both sides have now been determined.

Blue side G2: top laner Sion, jungler Barrel, mid laner Snake, and bottom lane Kai'Sa + Shen.

Red side VG: top laner Ornn, jungler Troll, mid laner Dragon King, bottom laner Verus + Tahm Kench.

"One thing to say, our lineup is a bit lacking in damage," Wawa always felt that the situation was not optimistic. "It depends on Jack's development..."

"The good news is that after Ornn levels up, he can distribute equipment to his teammates, and VG will still have a certain combat effectiveness in the later stages." Miller frowned, "But the double C of G2 Snake + Kai'Sa is not covered, a true six gods. A flexible shooter with a perfect mechanism and built-in percentage damage, even if we fight in a late-stage team battle, we seem to have little chance of winning!"

"It's the same sentence, no matter what, believe first, then question!" Wawa felt that he could not let others' ambitions destroy his prestige on the final stage, so he shouted with a passionate and powerful voice, "Can VG get his second place?" An MSI championship, becoming the club with the most international championships in the history of League of Legends e-sports, just look at today’s BO5!”

Now in terms of club honors, VG and SKT both have double S+1MSI. The difference is that the barbecue stall also has the 2014 All-Star Game champion, the predecessor of the mid-season tournament, and a bunch of miscellaneous runner-up and semi-finalists in international competitions.

If VG wins the championship today, it will make history!

After the coaches of both sides shook hands, the big screen dimmed and a pre-recorded short video of the players before the game was played.

"Many G2 players are my old friends," Gu Xingduan sat in front of the camera with a warm smile. "I think they wouldn't mind giving me the MSI championship."

"It's okay to give, but you have to write an IOU!" Xiao Yang was delighted. I don't know who he learned this domestic joke from.

"I don't think it's possible," Gu Shengbin said with a sullen expression, "VG only entered the finals after defeating KT with Deputi as their teammate. Those are my beloved relatives, friends, brothers and sisters!"

"I must avenge him today!"

Fortunately, Gu Xing in the player booth couldn't hear Imp's pre-match pre-recording, otherwise he would have to reveal that Gu Shengbin told him to beat Mr. Dai violently.

Ah P, who succeeded Imp, said, "I have observed Kuro's performance at this MSI, and I have to say that his condition has declined significantly. I think I only need to use five successes to open a breakthrough in the middle! "

While speaking, Perkz also stretched out five fingers to make two gestures, implying that five fingers were okay.

It was obvious that he learned this trash talk from his teammate Imp. Since the two Cs of Team Snickers met at the beginning of last year, they felt like they had met each other too late.

Both of them are crazy and extremely talented professional players, and they both like to party. They are kind of like bastards - they are in love with each other.

Kuro was very unconvinced by this. He was honest and honest, but he was not as harsh as Ah P. After mumbling for a long time, he finally said like an old scalper, "It's no use just being able to talk, you have to see the truth on the field!"

"In this final, I will win this contest in my own way!" he vowed.

After the pre-recorded video came to an end, Summoner's Rift was presented to all viewers!

Suddenly, the Zenith Stadium resounded with loud cheers!

"Let's go G2!" A die-hard fan led the chant in the stands, inspiring more team fans to echo and roar.

The sound was so loud that even Gu Xing, who was wearing sound-isolating headphones, could hear it clearly!

In a giant stadium with tens of thousands of people, the strong cheers of G2 fans gathered together, which made many people's hearts palpitate!

He didn't feel timid at all. He raised his head and looked at the support banner of himself and Kindred Blind Monk waving by his girlfriend in the stands in front, and his heart quietly calmed down.

"Come on, let's stand guard in the river first," Gu Xing said energetically as he directed his teammates, "Be careful, don't let the other side catch you in the trap of controlling people!"

In terms of the strength of the first-level team, VG is undoubtedly weaker. In the final analysis, it lies in the lack of control.

After the team's entire lineup was established, it was decided that they could only play backhand. None of the five heroes at level 1 had stable hard control, and their hands were not particularly long. If they fought to the end with G2 with real swords and guns, their chances of winning would definitely drop. Go through the center of the earth!

The Snickers team was also very aware of the advantages they had, so they headed into the lower jungle area of ​​VG as a team.

Fortunately, although they had control, their casting range was not very far. When the VG duo standing guard along the river saw a bunch of G2 members emerging from the end of their field of vision, they quickly retreated and gave up the jungle to their opponents.

"Does the opponent plan to switch to the jungle area?" Gu Xing asked his assistant.

When Duan Deliang was about to leave the lower jungle area of ​​​​VG, he looked through the wall to the middle of the two camps of Blue BUFF and Demon Swamp Frog.

It was clearly visible through the eye position that G2 did not stay in the blue zone for long. After wandering around for a while, no enemy players were found, and they left the wild zone together again.

"I probably didn't plan to change the field," Duan Deliang replied, "I just made an eye in the grass in the blue zone."

Gu Xing understood clearly.

There is a high probability that the opponent will be shocked by the presence of the Dragon King in the mid lane. This hero can quickly clear the line of troops and roam offline for support. Ah P will not be able to arrive by then. If G2 forces a counterattack, VG will form a large number of people in the lower jungle area. Poor advantage!

"I'll start from the Ueno area," he planned the route, "Maibo, you don't need to help me, just go online."

After hearing this, Song Jinghao ran up the road carrying a small hammer.

"Lao Gu, isn't this too obvious?" Jack raised a different opinion, "The other side must know that you are coming to arrest him!"

Since G2 has placed a ward next to the VG blue buff camp, it must be able to use the elimination method to determine Gu Xing's opening route.

At this time, if Gu Xing doesn't let the top laner help clear the jungle, isn't that just trying to hide the truth?

A little analysis on the other side will reveal his intentions!

"...But this is what I want." Gu Xing replied.

Yu Wenbo remained silent and continued to focus on his online skills.

"Rui Xing, do you want to start with F6?" Gu Xing asked Kuro again.

"Okay, but you won't mind if I cancel it, right?" Li Ruixing joked.

"That's definitely not possible," Gu Xing enlivened the atmosphere, "I'm still waiting for you to link up the middle and jungle together. The two of us are absolutely invincible in this game!"

Kuro set out for the Sharpbill camp, and turned on W [Star Surge] when the wild monster was born, pushing the stars around the hero to cooperate with basic attacks to continuously scratch the bird's health.

Speaking of which, this was the most commonly used trick by the original Dragon King.

Since W can be activated as long as there is blue, whether it is clearing troops or clearing the jungle, the efficiency is very amazing. Therefore, many Dragon King players like to kill a sharp-beaked bird before going online, so that they can gather a whole wave of troops. Can be promoted to level two in advance!

Although compared to S6, the Sharp Beak family has given birth to two more children, the impact is not significant - after all, the hero is already in a state of close to full experience after clearing the first wave of soldiers. After sharing an eye position and removing it, he will get The experience value can be increased by two, let alone a bird!

As the Dragon King's unique skill brother, Li Ruixing is obviously very familiar with this routine. He pulls the wild monsters with exquisite movement control and kills the bird with almost no loss of blood. After returning to the line, he uses the corruption potion and uses W to wash the troops.

7 astral ejections can kill all the soldiers in the back row, and the melee soldiers are also affected, and their lives are in danger!

After a few more levels of basic attack, it took a total of 10 seconds, and Kuro cleared the first wave of soldiers and successfully reached level 2!

During this period, perkz was unable to do anything, and there was no solution at all.

Snake Girl's range is quite superior compared to Ryze, but compared to Dragon King, it's average.

Moreover, Cassiopeia's first-level combat power relies entirely on her E Twin Fangs, which consumes a lot of mana. She has little deterrence when facing the Dragon King, who also has the ability to continue combat.

Perkz couldn't win after fighting and pushing, and he had to watch the Dragon King move down after reaching level 2!

"Imp, you two should take two steps back quickly," the little sheep also sent out an early warning signal, "the troll should be walking down too!"

No trace of Gu Xing was found in the ward position created by the previous level one invasion. Jankos knew that Gu Xing opened red from the upper half of the area, and the troll brushed down just in time to join the mid laner!

If it is a four-for-two, it will be easy for VG to kill the G2 duo with only one level in the middle and jungle, and even kill them by jumping over the tower!

"You just retreat to the foot of the tower," Xiaoyang suggested, "I can come over and squat down!"

Jankos started by invading VG's lower jungle area and looked around. After returning, he had no time to go to the upper half area, so he simply opened from the lower jungle area. At this moment, seeing that VG revealed his intention to freeze the duo, he immediately went to the bottom lane, preparing to hide behind his teammates and ambush. , catching the opponent off guard!

Nearly 10 seconds later, the Dragon King arrived as expected.

Use WQ to pick up a small Rasengan and rush to the bottom lane to threaten.

The little sheep was secretly happy.

Hurry up and get over the tower. If you dare to take action, you will be destroyed by me squatting back!

However, after the Dragon King pushed the ball to knock out Beryl's Shen, Kuro did not choose to continue the attack, but turned and ran away!

The little sheep had originally planned to show up, but when he saw the Dragon King escaping at the speed of light, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

What do you mean?

Then I heard Wunder's horrified cry from the team's voice, "The troll is here!"

After hearing this, Jankos quickly cut the screen to look at the top lane. When he turned his perspective, he saw the troll beating Thain!

Wunder had listened to the communication between his teammates and believed that Gu Xing would go to the bottom lane to launch a tower-crossing offensive, so he relaxed his vigilance a little.

As a result, as soon as Thain pushed his troops across the river during his strong period, he was attacked by Gu Xing!

Xiaoyang subconsciously pressed the data panel and found that the troll's last hit count was 1!

It is obvious that after the red opening, come directly to the road to gank!

From this point of view, the whole process of Kuro running to the bottom lane was a deliberate smoke bomb. VG's real intention was to arrest the top orderer!

The icicle blocked the position, making Thain difficult to move. Wunder's flash was useless. VG Ueno was determined to kill, so he handed over the double flash to force him to stay!

The troll has a red buff and the double slowdown of Q [Fang Bite], which can be combined with Ornn's damage to easily kill the old driver!

First blood is born!

Immediately, Gu Xing and Song Jinghao quickly disposed of Thain's body, not giving the other party a chance to return to the military line and eliminate the soldiers.

Jankos sighed helplessly.

The Dragon King on the opposite side doesn't seem to have a direct effect, but if it weren't for the pressure it put on the sideline after clearing the line, VG would never have been able to get first blood so smoothly!

"My army line is a bit difficult to deal with," Wunder suddenly felt troubled, "Can someone from you guys help me deal with it?"

Because of his previous push, the top lane was now stuck in front of VG's tower.

Wunder is not sure whether the enemy jungler has disappeared. If he is still crouching nearby, then Thain who has not dodged will be dead when he goes out to clear the line!

As a last resort, he had no choice but to shake people.

Xiaoyang originally planned to go to the lower jungle area of ​​VG to counterattack and try to stop the loss. After hearing Wunder's call for help, he realized that the situation on the top lane was very serious. He quickly gave up the counterattack plan and chose to rush to the top lane to help relieve the line.

But VG's offensive rhythm never stopped.

After Gu Xing got the first blood, he took a look at the enemy's upper and jungle area. After noticing the lamb's movement to the top lane, without saying a word, he pulled Kuro to launch an offensive on the bottom lane!

Li Ruixing was on call, using the minion remover and W to quickly clear the line of soldiers, and set off for the bottom lane!

Imp ran very fast this time, but Beryl was left behind by Duan Deliang's flash triggering the glacier increase.

The Dragon King QE pushed the Rasengan through the wall for the second time, successfully forcing Beryl to flash. Gu Xing followed up, stuck Shen's retreating body with a big stick, and eliminated him with three strikes, five additions, and two moves!

I just had a bowl of noodles today, and I couldn't open my mouth. I ate a bowl of noodles for more than half an hour, and the smell of blood in my mouth was really unbearable.

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