What is a hexagon jungler?

653: Smash the inner demons and make a comeback!

"Zero for two!" Wawa said proudly, "G2's rash counter-crouching was met with an ambush by VG. Only Imp could cross-dodge to distance themselves and escape, and both Nosuke and Nosuke were killed!"

"Brother Xing helped the team successfully stop the decline through his superb anti-crouching skills!"

"Qianjue and Kai'Sa each have a head, and their growth takes off instantly!"

Miller echoed in a high-spirited voice, "Not only that, Brother Xing has never taken the initiative so far in the beginning, so the passive mark of the sheep spirit has always been on Jankos. This kill will not only extract 300 bounty dollars, but also There is a layer of passive imprint!”

Wawa's eyes were already focused on the mini map, and his eyes were filled with light. "This is not over yet. Kindred's mark is marked on the enemy's Demon Swamp Frog camp. Brother Xing can take advantage of G2 Ye Fu's death to search for it. In this way, Watch a wave of anti-crouching team battles and you can earn a lot of money!"

When Kindred is passive at level 3, the wolf spirit's hunting targets are still river crabs, marsh frogs and F6.

It can only be said that Gu Xing was lucky because the wolf spirit chose to target the closest frog concubine as its prey.

"Oh my god..." the doll exclaimed, "In less than 9 minutes of the game, Qian Jue is about to get the fourth level mark!"

After Kind Jue handed over the punishment and killed the Demon Swamp Frog, the fourth layer of marks was successfully returned to its place. The wolf spirit that satisfied its appetite helped Kind Jue increase the shooting range to 575 yards!

This can be regarded as the most critical improvement for Kindred in the early stage. The 75-yard range increase is undoubtedly a qualitative change for shooters.

At this point, Qian Jue can be regarded as a carp leaping over the dragon's gate, and his combat power has taken shape!

"Hey, brother, have you seen this?" Gu Xing boasted in the team's voice, "This is called God's blessing!"

"There are so many wild monsters, so I chose the group closest to us for my mark!" He encouraged his teammates to try to boost morale, "Everyone, work harder, God is putting food on our lips in this game, we will definitely win it. of!"

Kuro's face finally showed a little more color when he saw that Gu Xing had successfully counter-crouched to help the team regain ground and stabilize the situation, and then took off in a wave.

"I'll try my best to restrain Yasuo and prevent him from running around and causing trouble to everyone... Are you talking about taking the Rift Herald?"

Gu Xing weighed the situation and made a judgment, "I think it's okay to let it go. It's hard for me to protect myself without my ultimate move."

If the opponent tries hard enough to kill him, he can quickly enter the battlefield with the soul fusion skills of Troll + Yasuo, and it will be difficult for him to counterattack.

In the critical game, Gu Xing can be steady and steady. Once something goes wrong, he and VG will be in a desperate situation!

Kuro felt a little relieved when he heard that Gu Xing was going to give up the fight for the purple garlic.

Without the resource group, his task will be much simpler. He only needs to guard Perkz without having to bear too much pressure.

Although Gu Xing had been encouraging him to be brave and confident before, apart from sporadic moments, Kuro was somewhat cowardly for most of the game, fearing that he would make mistakes that would hinder the team.

Psychological problems are difficult to cure with a few words from teammates. If he wants to rebuild his confidence, he has to rely on himself.

But even if the fighting style is relatively timid, it still cannot escape the enemy's attack.

After Jankos led the team to take control of the vanguard, he had full control of the upper river channel. He walked freely on the upper road first, helped Wunder clear the line of troops, and then pulled the top laner together towards the middle lane.

Gu Xing had just finished the resource replacement that Xiaolong used as a vanguard. He sensed the opponent's intention to freeze Kuro's hand, so he rushed to the middle to try a counter-crouch, and urged his mid laner to retreat quickly.

However, the enemy Ornn's range is too far.

Standing in the grass on the upper river, R [Call of the Forged God] goes straight to the middle!

Since the casting distance was close to the limit, the first big move appeared directly at Karma's heel. Kuro didn't even have time to react before being slowed down by the opponent!

Perkz's Yasuo stepped forward and used Q to hit Karma with his basic attack. While lowering Kuro's health bar, he successfully gained wind with his previous Q [Steel Flash] against the enemy line.

Gu Xing quickened his pace, wanting to run to support his teammates.

But Kuro couldn’t hold it in at all!

Aoun's second-stage sheep collided with him, but Li Ruixing, who was slowing down, had to dodge and knock it away.

Upon seeing this, Perkz followed decisively, and EQ blew up a circular wind in two consecutive rounds to knock Kuro away. He used basic attacks and then followed up with a big move!

Yasuo's R [Breathless Slash] allowed Li Ruixing to stay in the air for an extra second. Jankos arrived in time to cast the icicle block, making it difficult for Karma to move!

In the end, just a second before Gu Xing arrived on the battlefield, Kuro was taken away by Yasuo's sword!

Facing Kindred's attack, Perkz took his time and handed over the wind wall to block the arrows, and retreated calmly with the help of the VG soldiers behind him to slide and move.

"Ah..." Li Ruixing scratched his hair in distress, his expression declining.

"It's okay, calm down!" Gu Xing consoled him, "You'll lose your appetite once you die, your heads will be dry, and the other side won't be able to get any resources... After you're resurrected, you can teleport directly to the bottom lane to replenish the lane, Jack. Hurry up and defend with Lao Duan in the middle, they may release Canyon Herald on the opposite side!"

Thanks to Gu Xing's previous takedown of Xiaolong in the lower jungle area, while Jankos focused on Canyon Pioneer, G2 did not dare to push the lane easily in the bottom lane.

The VG duo pushed first and moved first, quickly switching lanes to the middle.

Based on the information provided by his teammates, Jankos learned that VG's bottom lane was moving towards the middle lane, so he immediately gave up the idea of ​​casting Purple Garlic, used the Vanguard BUFF to strengthen his return to the city, and immediately set off for the top lane.

He knew that Gu Xing had been in the lower half for the previous minute, and he must have arranged a lot of eye positions. If he went to the bottom lane to summon the vanguard, at first glance it seemed that he could help Imp, but in fact he was very likely to encounter counter-crouching again!

In order to ensure that the first-blood tower can be leveled, Xiaoyang simply chose to place Purple Garlic on the top lane, which is not the core of the strategy, allowing Wunder to synthesize tank equipment as quickly as possible to support the team's stability.

Although G2 is a chopper team, in fact VG is the same!

Except for Kai'Sa's plasma damage and some of Karma's skill output, the entire team's output is all physical!

In this case, if Ornn, who is naturally excellent in frankness, can capture the advanced economy, he will undoubtedly be able to survive in team battles for a long time!

Jankos's choice was unexpected, making Gu Xing unable to guard against it.

After the vanguard was summoned, G2's top and jungle forces pressed forward to force Song Jinghao back, and successfully demolished the first blood tower on the top lane at 13 minutes into the game!

Of course, when Jankos went to advance on the road, Gu Xing was not idle either.

He ran to find trouble with Ju Shengbin, who had just moved to the middle with the VG duo. He jumped out from the shadow corner and mounted E [Fear], and with three arrows, Verus' health was reduced by half.

"Push the middle lane over, and then, Lao Duan, follow me to the bottom lane. Let's accompany Rui Xing to demolish the next tower!" Gu Xing gave the command.

Imp's health was low and he did not dare to make any mistakes when faced with the push from the three players in VG's field. He could only huddle in the tower and wait for the line to be eaten.

Nosuke was able to move smoothly to the bottom lane and destroyed the next tower of G2, which had lost half of its health after Gu Xing's last counter-crouching battle.

"Guess, you can eat up the army line by the way. I have enough money to buy an Archangel when I get home." Kuro marked a large wave of army lines at the ruins of the enemy turret, hoping to feed more economy to his own jungler. .

After all, he is a semi-auxiliary Karma, and his economic demand is not large. Furthermore, with Li Ruixing's current strength and mental state, it is difficult for him to assume the important role of the absolute core of the team.

In this case, it is better to give up the economy to the jungle!

Gu Xing didn't refuse.

The bloody lesson in the last game proves that the mid laner Karma in this version is really useless in terms of economy.

He chose Qian Jue just to suck blood, focus the economy on himself, and win the game by relying on his personal ability.

Three times, five times and two times to clear the line of troops, Gu Xing returned to the city and took out a handful of net erosion, preparing to combine it with a black cut.

At this time, the two sides have entered the final stage of the transition period. He led Kuro to move up the road, hoping to use the combined efforts of the middle and jungle to flatten the enemy's last tower, and then use some money for development.

But this step was severely attacked by G2.

Perkz's will to guard the top tower was extremely strong, and Jankos would show up on the top lane from time to time, which made Gu Xing take action and had no choice but to give up for the time being.

Just because the two sides are fighting against each other in the middle and jungle, VG cannot take advantage at all.

Yasuo is too fat.

Now Perkz holds the green cross + attack speed boots + critical hit cloak, and uses his passive to achieve full critical hit. Whether it is 1v1 or 2v2, he is the strongest in the canyon!

What's more, Jankos's troll can also help Yasuo achieve the dual wind version of his ultimate move by casting icicles, and his combat capabilities are terrifying!

Gu Xing didn't dare to go head-to-head, fearing that if the opponent made a show of manipulation, the economic lead he had accumulated during the laning period would be instantly wiped out!

He had no choice but to run back and forth around the Ueno area + top lane troops, constantly searching for economy.

The fact that the jungler frequently misses the lane is part of the "Three Steps for Qianjue" plan that VG tailor-made for Gu Xing.

This routine once helped VG win three stars in the S7 World Championship. It can be said that the effect is outstanding!

But at this moment, it is difficult to reproduce it perfectly.

Three steps, one is to push down the tower, the second is to rely on the liberated duo to control the vanguard and then push the mid-tower, and the third is to run around the jungle and the soldier line quickly after the transition period begins. Harvest gold coins.

Now, although VG has bulldozed the enemy's lower tower, the vanguard and the first tower have not been captured.

This results in G2's defensive gate still existing, able to control its vision to the river and even deep into the VG jungle!

As a jungler, the most critical principle is to try not to be exposed to the enemy's sight, otherwise all traces will be invisible!

Qian Jue will inevitably go online to plunder economic resources during his three steps, which will expose his identity to a certain extent.

Originally, if the middle tower could be pulled out, it would be difficult for the enemy to go deep into the VG jungle area to arrange eye positions, and Gu Xing could also hide his position when brushing the jungle.

Good thing now, G2 can extend its tentacles into the jungle. From brushing the jungle to replenishing the line, he is within the enemy's field of vision detection range!

In addition, the combat capabilities of VG's midfielder are also inferior to their opponents.

After each wave of soldiers arrived on the road, Gu Xing did not dare to rush to deal with it and push the soldiers across the river, for fear that the opponent's midfielder would catch the opportunity to start a group and stick it in his face.

He could only huddle back, wait for Yasuo to push the troops over, and then take them all away.

Perkz, who had nothing to do during this period, would go to the VG Ueno area to harass, making Gu Xing miserable.

Despite the punishment and E [Fear] killing, he would mostly win when fighting for wild monsters, but Yasuo would get nauseous from time to time, making Gu Xing feel a little irritable in his originally calm heart.

"It doesn't matter," Gu Xing muttered, comforting his teammates and himself at the same time, "If you continue to delay, the economy will be enough..."

It's just that G2 obviously doesn't want Gu Xing to develop endlessly.

At the 19th minute of the game, Wunder's Ornn found an opportunity to cripple Song Jinghao's Thain and forced him back into the city.

It can only be said that if both sides play tanks, the gap in personal strength of the players will be narrowed as much as possible.

Wunder himself can be considered a first-line top laner. After being familiar with the game of tank heroes, he can handle it with ease.

Moreover, Xiaoyang had previously fed him the vanguard to help get the opponent's economic lead. Coupled with the full level W [Bellows Breath] and the subsequent vulnerable explosion, Smeb simply couldn't bear it!

Just because this thing is a pure percentage of magic damage, and Song Jinghao wore armor early in order to resist the physical damage of the opponent's double C.

Only the Flag of Command can provide some magic resistance, but it is of no use at all!

Smeb's Thane does not have a percentage output method, so it is extremely difficult to face Ornn, and the main output type is AD. Wunder can perfectly restrain it with a suit of armor.

Therefore, Aoun firmly grasps the initiative in the lane!

This is the reason why Ornn is firmly ranked as the single brother in the MSI version!

After Wunder pushed through the army line, he didn't think about taking advantage of Song Jinghao's return to the city to push down the tower - he had only one Ornn, and the speed of demolishing the tower was not worth mentioning. If he wanted to demolish a defensive tower alone, it would probably take up to The year of the monkey and the month of the horse are gone.

He chose to go to the middle to put pressure on the VG duo.

As the game time dragged on and Gu Xing's help, Kai'Sa gradually matched or even surpassed Verus in terms of combat power after making the Sheep Knife.

VG relied on this to have an inseparable battle with the G2 duo on the mid lane right.

But when Ornn arrived, the situation was completely different.

The balance of the battle for line rights has completely tilted towards G2!

Beryl accompanied Imp to push away all the troops. After being liberated by her teammates, she saw through the field of vision previously arranged in the upper jungle area of ​​​​VG that Gu Xing was farming the Shadow Wolf.

"Let's go find him together!" Beryl thought.

"Can it be killed?" Wunder was a little doubtful, "Qian Jue has a big move in his hand, and his position is quite deep."

If Qian Jue cannot be killed in an instant, once the opponent uses his ultimate move and drags the rest of the VG team members to encircle and suppress him, G2 will be in trouble!

"You can, trust me!" Beryl said.

Since taking over the command of G2, Beryl's decision-making results have proven that his intuitive judgment is extremely sharp.

As soon as this statement came out, the G2 members had nothing to say and took action one after another.

Wunder dived into the upper river, saw his teammates in position, and activated R [Call of the Forged God] in the next moment!

The giant molten element passed through Gu Xing's feet, and before he could react, a troll appeared within his field of vision!

Gu Xing hissed lightly, instinctively realizing that something was wrong.

Full of vigilance, he pressed the R key hard, wanting to cast the Sheep Spirit Breath in advance to eliminate possible threats from the enemy.

But it was too late.

E【Ice Pillar】!

The troll roared loudly and lifted Kindred up high!

The next moment, the Japanese swordsman who was still out of Gu Xing's field of vision flew in front of Qian Jue!

R [Breaking Wind Slash]!

Gu Xing had no means to stop the opponent. Forced to extend the knock-up time, he kept tapping the R button, hoping to use his ultimate move as soon as he was freed from control to save his life.

But just as he was about to land from the sky, the molten elements from the distance turned back and charged towards him!

In order to be able to hit the second stage as quickly as possible, Wunder even directly handed over the flash to contact the molten element in advance.

After spending all the money, it was clear that Gu Xing would not be finished until he was killed!

Gu Xing felt a chill in his heart.

He was knocked into the air by Ornn's ultimate move. He couldn't even use the ultimate move, so he was set on fire by Yasuo, and his life was taken away with an AQ!

"Nice!" Beryl clenched her fists and shouted, "How about it? I said it would definitely fall in seconds!"

"Beautiful, cute bro!" Perkz was overjoyed, "This Qianjue's growth will be stagnant for a long time!"

He also got the head of Qian Jue. Under the circumstances, the development of the big brothers in both teams will inevitably be stretched!

All Perkz could do was say, "I have the advantage."

"Let's try to push down the middle tower, and then go get the dragon!" Beryl gave instructions in an orderly manner.

After the death of Kindred, VG completely lost its foothold in the Ueno area, and Kuro on the top road instantly became an isolated island.

Li Ruixing did not dare to leave the protection of the defense tower rashly. At first, he just hid in the grass in front of the second tower and waited for the troops to advance. Later, when he saw that G2 turned to the group and pushed, he quickly handed over the teleport to support his teammates.

After returning to the city to resupply, Song Jinghao saw the enemy army approaching the border, so he simply chose to activate R [Barbaric Crash] to go online.

Hearing the roar of Sion's ultimate move, Beryl knew that the enemy wanted to hold on to the middle tower.

"Don't fight head-on. If they want to defend us, don't force them to break down!" He dissuaded his teammates who were eager to step forward and start a team battle.

Although G2 currently has a numerical advantage, with the support from VG, they are only one person ahead at most, and there is no overwhelming advantage.

Moreover, G2 previously handed over Ornn and Yasuo's ultimate skills in the process of killing Gu Xing, but now their combat capabilities are not that strong.

VG only needs to rely on the middle defense tower to win this tough battle!

Therefore, Beryl decisively gave up the plan of forcibly pushing, "You go and get the dragon, and then push it down the tower!"

"Brother Shengbin, let's just stay in the middle. We only need to clear the lane without going out," he said faster, "The next wave is short-term, and the opponent can't push the middle tower back!"

Verus's range advantage is there, Beryl still has a big move in his gem hand to protect people, so VG has no reason to come to jump the tower.

This line transfer was quite successful.

In the absence of a jungler, VG has no choice but to use G2's flexible operations. They can only let the opponent get the earth dragon + bottom tower one after another!

Even though they are not from God's perspective, the team members know that the situation is not optimistic based on their rich experience, and the economy is expected to be stretched by G2!

"Alas..." Gu Xing sighed helplessly, "My, my, my."

In fact, this death in battle was really out of necessity.

In order to speed up the formation of the plundering economy, he has been going back and forth around the top lane and the upper jungle area. He will definitely be interfered by the opponent's detection pattern, but sooner or later.

I just didn't expect that G2 could connect the control chain so perfectly that he couldn't even use his ultimate move and died instantly!

"Logically, this bowl should be mine," Kuro lamented, "I died too many times in the early stage to allow Yasuo to develop, otherwise..."

Just now, if Yasuo did less damage, Gu Xing could use R [Sheep Spirit Breathing]!

If Yasuo only develops normally, the VG midfielder combination can rely on Gu Xing's excessive economy to complete the counterattack and control all the initiative in the lane, making Yasuo unable to leave the lane to provide roaming support at will!

Kuro thinks he is to blame.

Seeing that Gu Xing, who used to control Qian Jue to no avail, was now in deep trouble, Li Ruixing pursed his lips and felt a lot of self-blame in his heart.

"Song Gu, why don't you become a mercury?" Song Jinghao suggested.

"Yes, being a mercury is pretty good. You will definitely not die in a short time!" Duan Deliang agreed.

Mercury is very restrained against G2's Yasuo-centered system.

As we all know, the knock-up in League of Legends is not a complete control, but consists of two effects.

One is hard control similar to imprisonment that cannot be released by purification, and the other is forced displacement.

Making mercury can remove the former's hard control of imprisonment. In this way, although the hero still stays in the air, he can cast skills - when Bang used EZ to face the blind monk raptor when swinging its tail, he used mercury to instantly release the control. The famous scene of using E [Arcane Leap] to retreat to a safe position, there is almost no sense of stagnation of forced displacement throughout the process.

As long as Gu Xing buys mercury and casts it when Yasuo cooperates with his teammates to launch his ultimate move and rushes in, he can turn in R [Sheep Spirit Breathing] in the air to protect himself and avoid being instantly killed by the enemy's set of control and connection damage!

But after thinking for a moment, he shook his head.

"No, I can't do enough damage to mercury."

Mercury sells for 1,300 gold coins. Facing the enemy's AP-less lineup, the magic resistance it provides has no effect at all. It can only be used to resist Yasuo's brainless entry.

And for these 1,300 gold coins, Gu Xing had to spend 10 waves of soldiers or 15-18 groups of wild monsters to get it together!

If the past favorable conditions were put aside, it would not be a big problem for him to buy one with his spare money.

But in this game, Gu Xing didn't even understand the three steps, and he had just died once, which seriously affected his own development rhythm. How could he have the economy to support himself in buying mercury?

Not to mention that Wunder is still very developed. Ornn with the leading equipment will definitely be able to hold on for a long time against the two shooters of the Choppers!

You must know that Qian Jue is not the unsolvable tank killer that his basic attacks dealt with percentage damage. Now only W [Wolf Frenzy] has a percentage output, and its effect in tank dismantling is not satisfactory!

Killing Aoun was already very laborious, but if Gu Xing spent another 1,300 gold coins to buy mercury, it would probably take a lot of effort to form a group to kill the sheep blacksmith!

Kuro bit his lip.

So far, his teammates have not directly expressed their intention to blame him, but Li Ruixing now has a very low self-esteem and always feels that it is his own problem.

If I could use more heroes to make up for the scarce AP damage for the team, wouldn't I have to end up in this situation?

Gu Xing no longer had the calmness he had at the beginning of the game. He didn't care about Kuro's mental state. Instead, he went to look for teammates who could help him share his worries. He said, "...Jack, you have to stand up. You'll fight later." Don’t be afraid when you’re in a group, be bold and use your output!”

"Once we can't keep up with the damage, it will be difficult to win a team battle!"

"Don't worry!" Yu Wenbo patted his chest and promised with bold words, "Brother, I have never been scared in my life. I will definitely do a lot of damage!"

Then he thought of something again and added weakly, "Of course, the damage must be done so that my friends don't die suddenly."

"If you are fed up with Kaiwu, I can give you a bigger move later." Gu Xing gave him reassurance.

Yu Wenbo immediately felt at ease.

He had a panoramic view of the whole process of Gu Xing's death just now. The opponent's extremely tacit control chain connection and super high damage made Jack speechless.

Qian Jue, who has Net Erosion to provide a health bonus, can be killed instantly. If it were him, would he still be able to eat good juice?

Now that he has received Gu Xing's promise, Yu Wenbo is full of energy and wants to show off his talents in team battles.

Kuro listened to the communication between his teammates and said nothing with a pale face. He just picked up the paper cup and poured some ice cream into his mouth.

To be honest, coffee didn't have much improvement effect on him after a night, it was purely a subconscious and instinctive action.

The familiar sour taste invaded his mouth, and Kuro was given the psychological suggestion that 'you are very energetic now', and he tried hard to concentrate on the field.

After 20 minutes of the game, G2 controlled the field of vision around the baron, trying to capture Baron Nash or forcing VG to pick up the team by pretending to beat the dragon.

Don't blame them for being impatient.

Even though both sides are chopper teams, there is still a gap between them.

G2's lineup has a short range. If Yasuo can't find a suitable opportunity to enter the field, he has to rely on Imp's Varus to deal damage alone.

On the other hand, VG, with the pair of shooters Kindred + Kai'Sa, is obviously better in late-game team battles where one inch is longer and the other is stronger.

Beryl doesn't want to drag the game back. If it gets dragged into VG's territory, G2's chances of winning will get lower and lower!

He wanted to create a gap for his side to squeeze into the Dalong Pit by operating the middle and upper lines of troops.

But Gu Xing obviously also knew that G2 was eager to kill the suspense of the game, and was very cautious about the defense of the upper and middle lines.

The specific measures he took were to first run to the middle to help his duo push the line of troops out, and then cross the jungle area to go to the top lane to help Kuro relieve the pressure on the line of troops.

Since the mid-lane troops in this version will be handed over 10 seconds earlier than the side troops, Gu Xing can use these 10 seconds to rush on his way. With Qian Jue's foot strength and Q [Dance of Arrows]'s wall-penetrating displacement, he can easily Song can reach Kuro before the top minions are completely pushed in by Yasuo!

As long as the mid-to-high line rights are not lost, G2 will not be able to rush into the dragon pit, otherwise the retreat path will easily be blocked at both ends, and the back row will be threatened by enemies on both sides, and one of the towers in the defensive gate will also be in danger!

After two minutes of groping, Beryl roughly figured out Gu Xing's business philosophy, and immediately took advantage of it.

He did not let Jankos rush to the middle to confront Gu Xing, who was clearing the lane. After all, if there was a 3V3 in the jungle, G2 Yasuo would not have much chance of winning without Yasuo on the court.

Instead, he chose to order the lamb to hit the road.

Crouch in the grass in advance and wait for the opportunity to freeze your hands when Gu Xing comes to the road to clear the line!

The strategy was very successful.

Jankos knew that with the damage and control of himself and Yasuo, it would be difficult to kill Gu Xing in an instant like last time. He didn't even use his R skill, he just cast an icicle to lift Kind Jue up. Let Perkz connect with the ultimate move.

As usual, Yasuo first EQs the minions before releasing the icicle, and then immediately follows R to take the damage of his Q [Steel Flash], and then hangs the just-cooled Ignition above Gu Xing's head.

Gu Xing's blood volume was instantly reduced!

Looking at Yasuo with his face close to his, he knew that if he didn't use his ultimate move, Karma, whose economy was not very good at just one level, would definitely not be able to protect himself.

It was not difficult for Feng Nan to chase him all the way to death!

As a last resort, Gu Xing had no choice but to hand over R [Sheep Spirit Breathing] to seek self-protection.

Seeing the blessing of the sheep spirit, Perkz immediately ran away without even thinking about it. With the help of the VG soldiers, he went E all the way to the area in front of the enemy's second tower. He then put the wind wall across the wall to the opponent's Demon Swamp Frog camp to explore the way. It went smoothly. After lighting up Frog Concubine's figure, hand over E [Step forward] to run across the wall!

A set of smooth escape combos aroused waves of low cheers in the Zenith Gym.

Jankos saw this and retreated calmly.

After Gu Xing waited for the Sheep Spirit's Blessing to land, his blood volume was still not good - the ignition that Yasuo had previously used took effect, and Kindred's ultimate move did not produce much milk.

He currently only had about 40% of his health left, and was forced to return to the city to replenish his health.

It is worth mentioning that Perkz occasionally used Steel Flash during the retreat of the E soldiers.

With the endless green cross in his hand, Yasuo was full of critical hits, and his light EQ cleared all three back row troops!

Therefore, the top line of troops is now inevitably advancing in the direction of VG!

Gu Xing frowned.

"Rui Xing, please try your best to clear the line of troops..." He was unable to provide help and had to return to the city as soon as possible, otherwise G2 might take advantage of his poor condition to come out at any time.

Before he finished speaking, he heard Song Jinghao reporting information, "Aoun came in with a wave of lines and then rushed directly to the middle lane!"

"I can't stop him!"

Gu Xing's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly reminded Li Ruixing, "If you clear the line, don't make big moves, the other side may just attack the baron!"

He was forced to use his ultimate move + return to the city, and the top lane right was lost. If Wunder rushed to the middle and quickly helped the duo push the lane...

Then G2 will have lane rights in the middle and upper lanes, and will briefly have the advantage of having more and less in the frontal battlefield!

The intention to open the dragon is obvious!

After hearing Gu Xing's instructions, Li Ruixing had no choice but to save his ultimate move for later use in a group fight, and handed over the normal version of Q [Soul Flame] to clean up the long-range soldiers in the back row, while the front row soldiers with higher frankness were too late to deal with them.

Then he hurried back to the city and used the gold coins he saved through frugality to make up for the incense burner.

As expected by Gu Xing, Wunder reached the middle and pushed forward with his physical body, forcing the VG duo to retreat backwards, allowing imp to stand forward and clear the next wave of artillery troops that rushed to the middle.

Immediately afterwards, the three of them in G2 rushed into the upper river together, and the two brothers in the middle and wild areas had also disappeared!

"Maibo, please take care of the lower route first. I'll tell you to teleport and come back. Rui Xing, you TP directly to the first tower..." Gu Xing, who had just replenished his health and left the spring, commanded, "The rest of us will go to the dragon together first." The pit is crowded, remember to pay attention to the grass, there may be an ambush!"

Every wave of team battles from now on may determine the outcome of the entire round, and determine the outcome of VG in this mid-season tournament.

Gu Xing, who had not been forced into a desperate situation for a long time, silently felt the violent beating of his heart, his heart hanging high.

The muscles all over the body were tense, and the body leaned forward forcefully, showing that it was working extremely hard.

"Clear the eye positions in the grass on the upper river, and then don't rush into it. Wait until I arrive... Jack, use your blue eyes to look at the dragon pit!" Gu Xing gave the order.

Without saying a word, Yu Wenbo put the [Foresight Transformation] remotely into the dragon pit.

As soon as I looked up, I saw G2 raising and lowering his hands towards Baron Nash!

With the presence of Ornn and the shield of gems, the enemy can defeat the dragon almost without damage. Moreover, Yasuo and Verus are both heroes who can kill the dragon very quickly. Baron Nash's health is declining at a high speed. !

After 5 seconds, Gu Xing finally hurried to the upper river.

Fortunately, there are home guards to help speed up the return to the city in 20 minutes, otherwise Gu Xing would definitely not be able to reach the battlefield in time!

"Let's go, let's go," Gu Xing urged, "Old Duan, hold on from the front. First place your wards at the Longkeng Pass and let Maibo teleport over!"

Even in his busy schedule, he did not forget to give signals to mark the specific location.

As soon as Duan Deliang inserted the eye socket, he heard a sheep's cry!

Molten elements emerge from behind the VG formation, running wildly along the flame track, passing through multiple heroes to provide a slowing effect!

Immediately, Wunder walked to the pass of Longkeng and pushed the molten element back to the top with all his strength!

The formation of Ornn's ultimate move is very bluffing, but the effect is very average.

Gu Xing has Q Dance of Arrows, Jack has E [Extreme Overload] to escape into the void, and even Kuro has E [Inspire] to provide acceleration.

The three of them showed off their magical powers and avoided each other. Only Duan Deliang, who was closest to Aoun, was knocked into the air.

However, before being knocked away, Duan Deliang still pushed his eye position to Ornn's feet.

Smeb, who had pushed out the bottom line of troops, was already ready to make a move. When he heard Gu Xing's order, he quickly handed over the teleport and rushed to the Dalongkeng Pass!

"Ornn's ultimate move is used to interfere with us. G2's first target is the dragon," Gu Xing's brain was clear and transparent as never before, calmly analyzing the situation on the scene, "Let's leave the dragon alone and try to keep a few more people!"

He doesn't have a big move, and G2 knows he doesn't have a big move.

If Kindred wants to break into the dragon pit and grab the dragon, he must hand over Flash and escape from the team's formation.

Moreover, after Yu Wenbo's far-sighted transformation was drained by the enemy, VG no longer had a field of vision in the Dragon Pit.

Gu Xing had no idea how much blood Dalong had left.

The only way to dodge in is to rely on gambling and one-handed punishment. When the opponent has Verus [Withering] passive percentage damage to increase the dragon kill line, the probability of succeeding in grabbing the dragon is very slim!

In addition, no matter whether he can capture Baron Nash or not, Gu Xing will definitely die!

He simply gave up on grabbing the dragon and concentrated on fighting in a group to retain people!

Ornn's big move was very effective in interfering. Jankos was finally not snatched away from the baron by Gu Xing like he did in the group stage. Punishment firmly took over Baron Nash!

At this time, Thain was about to land, and the path to escape from the Dalong Pit on foot was completely blocked.

None of the five members of G2 have the ability to move across the wall. If they want to withdraw from the Dalong Pit without fighting, they will have to hand over five flashes!

Beryl didn't want to pay such a heavy price - in the 5 minutes without flash, it would be difficult for G2 to advance even if they had the Baron BUFF, which obviously did not meet their needs!

Thinking of this, Beryl's usually gentle eyes were filled with determination. He asked his teammates to gather around him, hung up R [Glory of the Universe] to bless all members, and planned to push out of the Dragon Pit on foot.

If VG insists on engaging in a battle, G2 members with gem ultimates and in good condition can also pull them to the slightly wider upper river channel to engage in the battle; if they choose to distance themselves and not engage in the battle, G2 can also take the opportunity to move upward as a group. Save flash to escape.

The experienced Gu Xing guessed what the other party was thinking when he saw Gems using his ultimate move and leading his teammates to squeeze out of the dragon pit.

"Brother Duan, you and Maibo push forward, while the rest of us take a few steps back!" He responded.

Retreat, but not completely.

Leave the top and auxiliary two pure tanks to exchange control to delay the enemy's retreat, while the others wait and see what happens. After the gem's ultimate move is over, they can use the control provided by the tauren and Thane to restart the pursuit!

Beryl saw the front and rear rows of VG's formation spread out, and guessed the opponent's plan in just a moment.

He ordered his teammates to start a fight on the spot, and before the gem's ultimate move ended, he tried to start a battle to waste the enemy's health for nothing.

Jankos's icicle stood in the open space between the front and rear rows of VG. Wunder had a clear understanding with him and used E [Fierce Charge] to kill him directly!

Martial soul fusion skills!

If Ornn uses QE to throw and buckle, the opponent will have a long reaction time. Normal people can avoid Sheep Blacksmith's charge towards Q [Volcanic Chasm] just by moving.

But G2 Ueno's two-layer method of ice and fire, which combines icicles and flame charges, achieved an unexpected miraculous effect!

The VG top assistants who were stuck in front of the icicles were all knocked into the air!

Imp's Verus used the ultimate move and control, defeated Song Jinghao, and began to use the passive attack speed increased after killing the dragon to perform a ghostly walking slash, while walking A and pulling out of the dragon pit.

Duan Deliang was not going to let him go. The Minotaur mooed and activated his ultimate move to release the control. Q flashed forward to knock his former teammate away!

Ju Shengbin reacted very quickly, and immediately dodgeed and pulled back, dodging the Q dodge while outputting non-stop!

Instead, Duan Deliang flashed forward and went deep into the G2 formation. After going deep alone, he was struggling, and it was difficult to escape with just one pair of legs.

But he still had W [Savage Crash] to hand.

"Look at the troll!" Duan Deliang shouted, using his horns to slam Jankos behind him into the VG formation!

With the help of brutal collision, he also moved a certain distance towards his teammates to avoid losing contact and being killed instantly.

Gu Xing set up the Wolf Spirit Frenzy Domain, and arrows rained down on the troll!

Even though Gem's ultimate move has not yet ended, every basic attack he has made has an armor-piercing effect.

Not long after, the 30% armor damage effect was fully realized, knocking back the troll who had just activated R [Power Supremacy] and sucked in Thandu back to its original shape!

Jack's Kai'Sa couldn't hold back for a long time. The moment the immunity effect of Cosmic Glory ended, he poured out the output and started focusing on Jankos!

Kuro also provides a RE group shield, putting the incense burner BUFF on all teammates to increase attack speed and increase basic attack output.

Kai'Sa's A exploded with plasma, and the troll's health bar was instantly reduced by one bar!

The lamb was startled.

When he was fighting against the dragon, the baron sprayed him with mucus several times, which reduced his magic resistance a lot.

In addition, Jankos is also a pure armor suit, and its magic resistance is extremely limited. Thain, who uses his ultimate to absorb pure armor, cannot obtain magic resistance, so now part of the magic damage from VG's double C hits him. It’s almost like a real injury!

Jankos quickly handed over flash and W to retreat to his own formation. Perkz, who had previously focused on the tauren, also handed over wind wall to protect his jungler.

It has to be said that the wind wall has extremely obvious restrictions on dual shooters.

Gu Xing and Jack's arrow projectiles were all blocked by the wind wall!

G2 relied on the wind wall for cover, trying to pull all the way up the river to retreat.

But Yu Wenbo is not done yet.

The troll flashed back to a safe position in the back row next to G2, but it still had the plasma he applied on it!

This time Yu Wenbo's target is no longer a thick-skinned troll.

Instead, they were in a safe position together without flashing Imp!

"Look at me, look at me!" Jack said without thinking, "Kill Verus!"

After he finished speaking, he didn't even have time to wait for Gu Xing's permission, so he just fired R and went in!

Yu Wenbo knew that Gu Xing had no big move and no one could help him.

If he flies in and dies suddenly, he will be the main culprit for the defeat of this game!

But Jack, as always, showed no fear.

He didn't even think about what would happen after a sudden death.

All I know is that I can’t let everyone in G2 leave!

Let’s fly first!

Maybe he will make mistakes because of his radicalness, but he will never become mediocre because of his timidity!

A purple phantom flew through the air and cut to the sides and back of Jankos and Gu Shengbin!

This is the only blue hero on the battlefield who cuts into the enemy camp.

It is particularly dazzling among the red legions!

Basic attack followed by Icathia Heavy Rain!

Following Kai'Sa's scolding, purple rain poured down from the sky, lowering Gu Shengbin's health bar by nearly 1/3!

The crispy one-on-one attack highlights a terrible damage, leaving little room for reaction!

Gu Shengbin's heartbeat was beating wildly.

He calls himself the most reckless man among reckless men, but he is not so crazy. All VG members are blocked by my ultimate move. You come in alone and want to kill me?

Oil cake, right?

He quickly called on his teammates in his voice message to focus their firepower on Kai'Sa.

But G2 is facing a dilemma.

No more control.

Just now, Song Jinghao was knocked into the air by Ornn and landed on the ground before charging up Q [Cruel Slam]. Although he was controlled by Verus's ultimate move in the middle, the imprisoned state did not affect his charge.

Even though the upper river channel is a little wider than Longkeng, it is still very limited.

Thain's Q skill covers a wide range, and Beryl had no choice but to throw out E [Dazzle] to stun the veteran driver, preventing the opponent from fully charging up Q and knocking many people away.

Now that the gems, trolls, Ornn, and Verus' own control skills are all handed over, G2 has nothing to do with Kai'Sa!

All Beryl can do is to get close to Gu Shengbin, put on the W shield and give him a mouthful of milk, but other than that, there is no other achievement!

Desperate to die, Jack refreshed his E [Extreme Overload] after two basic attacks. He never expected that the opponent wouldn't even have the slightest control. Overjoyed, he quickly handed over his stealth skills to distance himself from the enemy in close combat, and continued to seal the enemy. Block G2's retreat!

"Follow me!" Jack shouted to his teammates in his voice.

Gu Xing, who was attacking Ornn, saw that Kai'Sa was safe and sound, and also realized that the enemy had full control. He took small steps to avoid the spread of Verus's Corruption Chain, and then decisively dodged forward!

E [Fear] hangs on Imp's head, and uses the high attack speed after casting Q Dance of Arrows to hit three rings very briskly.

The wolf spirit howled and took away Verus' remaining health bar!

"Win!" Yu Wenbo roared angrily.

In this late-stage version of the big core shooter, if the ADC is defeated, it often means that the team battle has been won!

The voice in the VG team instantly cheered and encouraged morale!

"If you fight them slowly, they will definitely lose. The escape route is blocked by me. Don't let anyone go..." Jack gushed.

However, the voices stopped abruptly.

Perkz showed his strength.

He knew that Yasuo's team-fighting ability was relatively average, and if he cut in rashly, he would only be kited by the opponent or left to control and focus fire for an instant kill.

Therefore, it has been attacking nearby targets.

It wasn't until he saw VG's two shooters all looking for imp trouble that Perkz realized the flaws in VG's formation.

In order to kill Gu Shengbin, Gu Xing and Jack got too close.

Upon seeing this, Ah P started to take action decisively.

He repeatedly unleashed his whirlwind sword intent on Thane, and at the same time when E reached the old driver and drew his sword, a golden light shone in the canyon, carrying Yasuo to the VG double shooters near the back row of G2!

The whirlwind showed no mercy and blew Gu Xing and Jack into the sky!

EQ flash!

Perkz presses the R key on the keyboard hard!

The last time it was used was when Gu Xing was forced to retreat on the top lane, but the cooldown of Yasuo's second level ultimate move was only 50 seconds. With the blue BUFF in hand to reduce the CD, it only took 45 seconds to cool down!

After cleaning up the army line, clearing the vision to focus on the fire baron, and the subsequent team battles, Yasuo's ultimate move has just turned around!

Ah P decisively took the ultimate move!

R [Breaking Wind Slash]!

The cheers from the crowd in the Zenith Stadium swept across the entire venue like a tide!

The blood volume of VG double shooter dropped rapidly!

Song Jinghao was eager to save his teammates and quickly used his ultimate move to go to the rescue.

However, Beryl suddenly appeared in the way of Thain's ultimate move. He would rather die than create an output environment for his mid laner!

The troll Jankos swung his big stick, and AQA hit Jack to trigger a strong attack. Together with Yasuo's basic attack after landing, he successfully took his life!

Gu Xing tried to struggle, but he just replaced the remaining health Jankos before he died, and was then taken away by Yasuo with a sword!

"Perkz is about to harvest!" European commentator Caedrel shouted hoarsely, "Now VG's only two output points are all dead, and no one can stop Yasuo!"

There is no suspense, the team battle is devastating!

Song Jinghao knew he was going to die and had no intention of leaving. After transforming into a zombie, with the help of Duan Deliang, he knocked out Wunder's health bar with one punch to keep him company.

In VG, only Kuro's Karma stood at the back and used the cooled-down E [Inspire] to accelerate away from the battlefield.

In G2, the two middle and assistants were left to survive with the Baron BUFF!

"OMG, this is the power of Yasuo!" Vedius's face glowed red, "He almost killed the VG double shooters by himself!"

"After getting the Baron BUFF, G2's mid-support can take advantage of the situation and pull out the VG mid-tower, taking one step closer to victory!"

The entire stadium was filled with the cheers of G2 supporters for the home team.

Countless netizens in the LPL live broadcast room have also experienced the roller coaster from heaven to hell.

The chat channel is filled with discussions.

[Damn this Yasuo, Perkz, you are too harsh! 】

【Bold! Ah P, are you unhappy in life? How dare you win against VG? 】

[Tui Gui uses a big move to send away the two shooters, and it has to be you! 】

[Where is Kuro, what is Kuro doing... How can he run away alone when all his teammates are dead? 】

[Cowardly, this kind of person is just a pure deserter. Look at Maibo, he will have someone to support him before he dies. I don’t even dare to think about how you will deal with the situation when you go to the 38th line for military service in the future]

[Pure mid laner gap, if the gap is too big, it’s ridiculous! 】

[One thing to say, this Kalma is worse than the previous game, please retire as soon as possible, please mess with me]

It was quiet inside the VG team, and one could even hear the noise coming from the outside world.

"...You can't win even with this?" Jack sighed softly, "You really tried your best, my cute little brother!"

"The Yasuo on the other side is really ruthless!"

His shoulders slumped and he took a sip of the iced Coke in the paper cup.

Gu Xing felt empty inside and extremely disappointed with the result of the battle.

But he was still comforting his teammates.

"It's okay, it's okay. There are not many dragon buffs left on the opposite side, and we can't knock down a few towers. We still have a chance to fight again."

After Kuro returned to the spring to replenish supplies, he came out to defend the enemy's intention to advance to the second tower. Seeing Yasuo proudly showing his dog tag before retreating, he was filled with shame.

As a person involved, he knows the "mid lane gap" very clearly.

It can be said that every time Yasuo gets a head, it is a stab in his heart!

Li Ruixing is now in unbearable pain like a thousand swords piercing his heart.

Living alone, he listened to the laments of his teammates and felt the low and negative atmosphere of impending defeat spreading rapidly within the team.

Unwillingness is quietly growing.

Think about it, what did you do in the last team battle?

Just use all the skills and put the incense burner BUFF on your teammates.

Besides he didn't do anything!

Pure edge OB!

Recalling Jack who bravely flew forward in the last team battle, Gu Xing who decisively killed the enemy's C position with a flash, Duan Deliang and Song Jinghao who saw that the team battle was about to be defeated but still didn't think about retreating...

The four teammates were all trying their best to win, but he was the only one who wanted to escape after seeing that Yasuo was so big that he was the absolute core of the team!


Then he recalled Gu Xing’s encouragement to him earlier.

Be brave, be confident...

We can no longer drag down our teammates!

Kuro's breathing became rapid, and his fingers holding the mouse became stronger.

I have to be of some value, right? !

Gu Xing didn't know what Kuro was thinking.

"Mai Bo, tell me if your ultimate move is better," he said, still seeking a comeback, "Let's take the initiative this time."

After the resurrection, VG regrouped and rushed to each line, intending to clear the lines before G2's offensive was organized.

Not long after, all members of G2 followed their mid-support teammate with the Baron BUFF and pressed forward with an army, trying to open a gap in the middle!

VG barely supported itself with its dual shooters and cleared the line of troops.

However, when the artillery carriage supported by the dragon BUFF arrived, they still could not hold on and had to retreat.

Dense lines of enemy troops surged onto the high ground, and a strong sense of oppression hit them.

"My ultimate move is ready!" Smeb reported.

Gu Xing saw that G2 was so powerful and wanted to dismantle the high ground in the middle, so he gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

"Shoot directly, don't hesitate, there's no way for the C position on the other side to dodge!"

After hearing this, Song Jinghao turned Thain into a blue chariot and rushed towards the enemy formation!

Jankos saw the old driver rushing towards him and knew that his core output position was hard to avoid without flashing, so he simply handed over his E [Ice Pillar] and stood in front of Thain!

This road is blocked!

Thane hit an icicle and was forced to release his ultimate form.

At first glance, VG will undoubtedly lose blood if its ultimate move is replaced by the enemy's small skill.

But Gu Xing's eyes lit up.

The main knock-up skills that Yasuo can cooperate with, apart from himself, are Troll E and Ornn's ER!

The latter skills are delayed, so you can try to avoid them.

Only the Troll's icicle can instantly carry Yasuo into the field, which is always hard to guard against!

Now that the key skill was gone, Gu Xing immediately became bolder and jumped up in the dance of arrows to start outputting!

Seeing Gu Xing's arrogant attitude, Wunder quickly activated R to try to knock the opponent away.

"Just hit the one in front and seduce the person on the other side!" Gu Xing shouted loudly.

It's just that the two sides are seriously engaged in battle, and the difference in openness in the front row is really not small.

G2 has just provided group wages after killing the dragon, which makes Wunder even more solid!

Five seconds after the team battle started, Song Jinghao turned into a corpse, stood up and furiously began to beat Ornn, who had 1/3 of his health bar in front of him.

Beryl's gem ultimate skill also improved in time. As soon as R [Cosmic Glory] was activated, the halo effect that made VG members and countless fans despair was applied to the remaining four members of G2!

"Kill Aoun first!" Gu Xing's face was filled with anxiety.

Taking advantage of the moment before the gem's ultimate move officially fell, VG's two shooters focused their fire together and finally sent Ornn back to the spring.

However, Duan Deliang's tauren was also killed by Imp with several consecutive arrows.

The ultimate move that Wunder handed over before his death also forced Jack to flash out the last wave of team battles.

Perkz saw the opportunity. After E Thain's corpse entered the field, he then E Kai'Sa, slashing Jack to a pulp with two sword strikes!

Gu Xing quickly rushed to Yu Wenbo's side with Q and activated R [Sheep Spirit Breathing] to protect his teammates.

But everyone in G2 swarmed forward, wanting to step into the area where the sheep spirit lives and engage in close combat with VG!

If nothing unexpected happens, as long as everyone in G2 rushes in and relies on the large number of people to attack the small number, they will definitely win after the group protection effect of Qian Jue's ultimate move ends!

Kuro, who had been shielding his teammates from the side, looked at the enemy hero who rushed forward aggressively to take away the game. His eyes were bloodshot, either from staying up late or from excessive anger.

Almost done!

You want to rush in and ask me if you have?

Although I am a Karma whose equipment is lagging behind everyone else, I still have a role!

Don't look down on people!

He was filled with courage that came from nowhere, and he suddenly handed over the flash that he had not used in the previous team battle.

The BO5 flashes forward for the first time in this game...

RQ [Soul Flame]!

The ring of fire formed by the giant soul flame covers the high pass in the middle of VG!

G2 Shimono Futong, who wanted to break into the Sheep Spirit Life, was affected!

The huge 50% slowdown makes it difficult for G2 Verus, Gem and Troll to move forward!

More importantly, none of them flashed!

There is no way he can cross the ring of fire and forcefully enter the realm of the sheep spirit!

Gu Xing originally thought that the score in the team victory was declining rapidly, but he didn't expect that his teammates would help him at the critical moment!

"Kill Yasuo first, don't worry about others!!" Gu Xing shouted angrily.

The sheep spirit fell, and the silver-white VG team logo under the champion's skin was extremely eye-catching!

Yasuo, whose health was suppressed by VG's double shooters just now in the field, is extremely fragile even if he recovers some health!

Perkz was shocked.

He originally thought that his teammates could catch up, but who could have imagined that he was actually slowed down by Karma, who had been invisible before!

Where he is now is completely out of touch!

The teammates behind him can't keep up, and even protection becomes very difficult!

It was raining heavily in Icathia. Gu Xing had previously put Yasuo's E [Fear] on him and deliberately only Aed two rings, leaving the third ring to wait for the end of the Sheep Spirit Rebirth before he could A!

The sheep spirit's breath lasts for 4 seconds, during which the gem's ultimate move has already landed and ended.

Feng Nan, who has lost all means of protection, is just a piece of meat on the chopping board!

The mark exploded, and the burst damage with a killing effect instantly killed Yasuo!

"Verus, look at Verus!" Gu Xing was so excited that his face turned red.

Imp still wanted to retreat after seeing Ah P killed in battle.

But I had just stepped into the ring of fire, and when I tried to withdraw, I was still hung up on the slow speed!

What's even worse is that Kuro changed his previous timid attitude and bravely stepped forward to hang a spiritual chain on him!

Imp, whose flash had not yet recovered, knew that he could not leave on foot, and wanted to turn around and deal Kuro, intending to kill him before the spiritual chain took effect to eliminate the threat.

The corners of Li Ruixing's mouth raised slightly.

He activated the active effect provided by [Seraph's Embrace], and a thick shield made Gu Shengbin's scalp numb!

The attack speed special effect of Verus is relatively limited in burst damage. With Ye Fu who lacks damage around him, it is impossible to kill Karma before the spiritual chain takes effect!

There was a click, and Verus was tied to the spot by the dog chain!

Gu Xing jumped forward, followed closely by Jack. The explosive output of the two poured down, and the Imp was happily sent away in the blink of an eye!

"Nice!" Song Jinghao, who acted as the commander of the spring water, clenched his fist and punched the table.

The previously low voice within the VG team instantly boosted morale!

"Kill them all, leave no one alive!" Gu Xing shouted loudly.

The two G2 Yefu who didn't dodge didn't even pose the slightest threat. Jack E with the red BUFF accelerated forward and attacked with general attacks to save the enemy. Gu Xing and others rushed forward like hungry tigers, killing all the enemies easily!


The usually cold and ruthless announcer's voice sounded extremely pleasant at this moment.

"One wave, can one wave?!" Kuro followed his teammates, blushing and yelling.

"Okay, just go through the middle, you'll have enough time!" Gu Xing shouted back with a sonorous and powerful voice.

The remaining three VG midfielders and shooters marched forward with great enthusiasm, leading their troops straight towards Huanglong!

With a resurrection time of up to 55 seconds, VG has two shooters and is able to flatten the enemy base in one wave!

Kuro was afraid that the wave of soldiers following him would be killed by the turret, so he resisted at the front with a shield to attract the hatred of the turret, so as to protect the soldier line as much as possible!

"Demolish, demolish, demolish, and the demolition family will win!" Gu Xing shouted repeatedly.

He no longer cared about the commander's instructions and only repeated them once, and kept repeating them as if to cheer up Qian Jue in the canyon and inject faith.

Finally, at the moment Beryl was resurrected, the G2 main crystal was completely exposed!

Kuro's basic attacks hit the base one after another, reducing the main crystal's health.

The gem rushed out and tried to resist, but Li Ruixing ignored it and only had eyes for the enemy crystal!

The last basic attack point was on the G2 base, and the crystal hub's health bar was emptied, turning into fireworks in the sky!

I had my stitches removed today. I came back a little late in the evening and have been coding until now. Sorry for the late update.

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